Controversies Related to Technology: Newborn Screening

Introduction It is noteworthy that technology is applied in almost all fields as pertains to professional careers. Thus, its introduction has come with advantages and disadvantages based on an individual’s understanding and critique. Most importantly, it has come with numerous controversies which are either ethical or outcome-based. In the medical...

Nursing Practice in the Context of Personal Ethics

Introduction Amid the existed books about nursing, it is not always easy to find out the truth and realize that it is closely connected to many personal principles and norms. However, the source where the ideas of Florence Nightingale about the definition of nursing as art that “requires as exclusive...

Nurses About the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers

This quantitative research report will critique research done by Smith and Waugh (2009) on the assessment of registered nurses’ knowledge on treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers. The critique will major on the study’s problem statement, the purpose of the study as in whether the study is significant to nursing,...

Decline With Aging in the Production and Surviveability of Spermatozoa

Introduction “The male reproductive system is composed of the penis, scrotum and the testicles which make the external structure of the system”. The main function of the male reproductive system is to synthesize, maintain and transfer reproductive cells known as the sperm within the semen fluid to the female equivalent...

Management Issues and Practices in Nursing

Introduction As with most other professions, all nursing profession practitioners are bound by rules and regulations that govern how they go about their duties. These rules and regulations are sometimes legally enforceable. Nurses also face numerous ethical issues in the line of duty. While some of these ethical issues are...

The Prevalence of Osteoporosis in the Elderly From 2000 to 2009

Osteoporosis is a relic disorder, yet it’s finding more prevalence in the developed countries due to the contemporary trends gradually finding their place in the modern world. Owing to the change in working trend where people have embraced less active jobs preferring the passive lifestyle; there is increased inactivity and...

Prevalence Study of HIV Infection Analysis

Background In 2007, the World Health Organization estimated 33.2 million individuals as being infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Statistics also showed that approximately 2.5 million individuals are newly infected annually (Guss, 1994). The HIV epidemic in the United States involved urban heterosexual adults, specifical women in ethnic minority...

Nursing Utilization Project on Educational Program on VTE for Nurses

Research Support First of all, it is necessary to mention that VTE (Venous thromboembolism) is an essential public health problem with the incidence rates similar to stroke and fatality rates greater than acute myocardial infarction (Baccarelli, Zanobetti, Martinelli, 2007 ). The incidence of VTE may be markedly reduced with appropriate...

The Adoption of the Affordable Care Act in the State of Florida

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as “Obamacare,” was adopted in 2010 by President Barack Obama. Its enactment could affect the future state of the health care system in the USA. This federal statute aims to impose health insurance costs on states and provide a larger share of residents...

Compulsory Vaccination for Staff of Nursing Homes

Background of the issue The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of more than one and a half million people, and the death is only expected to rise if no appropriate measures will be taken. One of such measures is vaccination, yet it is still impossible to ensure that citizens...

Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy: Aspect of Care

Examining cases from different areas of medicine is a rewarding and beneficial practice for healthcare professionals of all levels. Particularly, Operating Department Practitioners (ODP) should reflect on and review practice as required by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standard 11 of proficiency. It allows us as future practitioners...

Priority-Nursing Diagnoses in Miami

The initial risk that has to be addressed by nurses is the lack of educational information aimed at the reduction of the occurrence of substance abuse. Despite the fact that the cases of alcohol intake have been regarded as infrequent, it should be noted that the lack of education in...

Fall Prevention in Elderly Homes

Introduction Falls among the elderly population staying in nursing homes are common though preventable adverse incidents. According to the Joint Commission (2015), the number of people aged 65 and older is growing at a rapid pace, which corresponds to an increased risk of this group getting injuries from falling. For...

Interview of Nurse of the Intensive Care Unit

Introduction As the subject of the interview, the senior nurse of the intensive care unit (ICU) of a Miami hospital, Mrs. S., is engaged. Mrs. S. is a registered nurse with a BSN degree. She has been working in this hospital in her current position in the intensive care unit...

Healthcare Industry: The Quality Management Program

The Industry of Health Care is one of the most significant industries around the world. The demand for measures to improve quality and safety is frequently present in health care. In this field, sometimes it is even more difficult than anywhere else due to constant challenges related to the well-being...

The Article: “Parental Perception of Child Weight: a Concept Analysis”

The article was published in March 2013 in the Journal of Advanced Nursing The author is Nicole Mareno, PhD RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing at WellStar School of Nursing, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA The concept selected is a parental perception of child weight Personal reason for choosing the concept...

H.R. 6201: Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Summary of the First COVID 19 Response Bill COVID 19 has hit the global community. America has responded by enacting. This Bill was enacted on March 6th, 2020. Precisely, $ 8.3 billion was set for response (Olson et al, 2020). Has improved COVID 19 service delivery. Aim of the Bill...

Concepts: Accountability and Advocacy

A diabetic foot ulcer is a complex condition that requires systematic treatment and attention on the part of the healthcare team. The role of the nurse is associated with the continuous oversight and the evaluation of the patient’s condition to develop an appropriate treatment strategy, which can include wound offloading,...

Leadership Style in Medical Career

The situational leadership for the three realities of healthcare organizations: A pperspective view The purpose of the article is to discuss the benefits of the situational leadership approach under the realities of healthcare organizations (HCO). First, the author describes situational leadership, especially from the view of the path-goal theory. The...

The Theory of Caring Project

Self-care is an evidence-based approach that health professionals should take seriously if they are to become successful care providers. The selected personal activity that results in relaxation and gratification is that of taking long walks. This initiative can promote stress reduction and uplift one’s spirits. Such a practice can make...

Mandatory HIV Testing for All Pregnant Women

Ensuring health of the nation required component activities to ensure universal access to prevention and treatment of HIV significant reduction in HIV-related morbidity and mortality maximizing the ability of people with HIV to access treatment preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV (Bulled, 2016) support the concept of “universal access” to knowledge...

A Smoker Patient’s Medical History Evaluation

Case Study: Mrs. J. When a person smokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be diagnosed. Smoking cessation is required, but smokers are not always ready to quit this habit, and serious health complications are observed. In this paper, evaluating the patient’s history and medical information will help discuss available...

A Family Nurse Practitioner’s Role

Introduction The modern healthcare system is constantly evolving, which leads to the need to develop new methods of providing medical care to the population. Today, it is important for patients to monitor their health, maintain it, and prevent various diseases throughout their lives. According to the American Association of Nurse...

Fay Abdella’s Twenty-One Nursing Problems Theory

A nursing theory used in this paper is Fay Abdella’s Twenty One Nursing Problems, which contains 21 statements about the tasks and responsibilities of a nurse. Twenty-One Nursing Problems theory is based on the typical issues that patients face during a hospital stay, including maintaining proper body functions and their...

Infection Control Concerning Nephrostomy

Introduction Nursing care for patients with a nephrostomy is a highly demanding activity accompanied by many complicated medical procedures and various problems with a tube, including misplacement or occlusion. In this regard, nurses should possess the necessary knowledge and skills concerning the appropriate management of patients with a nephrostomy to...

Enablers and Barriers to Effective Pain Assessment and Management

Introduction Pain can be defined as unpleasant sensory and poignant experience related to definite or possible tissue damage (American Pain Society, 2008, P.2). Pain can be classified as nociceptive, acute or chronic pain. Nociceptive pain results from the arousal of specialized receptors or neuropathic caused by impairment of the peripheral...

Legislators in Policy Development and Dissemination

There are multiple legislators and governmental sections, directly and indirectly, involved in the policy development to regulate the usage of alternatives for decreasing opioids misuse. The U.S. Congress has established and disseminated the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act that provides the available approaches and treatment options to overcome the crisis...

Pressure Ulcers: Issue Bullet Points

Definition of the Problem Patient’s immobility results in strain ulcers The treatment eliminates health and financial complications Need to consider ulcers improvement cases Elaboration of methods to help individuals Strain ulcers in the critical department Note: Ulcers result from patients’ immobility and lead to specific complications. Scientific and Mathematical Analytical...

Health Promotion and Community Resource Teaching

American Heart Association (briefly AHA) – is an American non-profit organization and voluntary agency founded in 1924. Its area of activity includes sponsoring medical research and creating projects to inform the population about a healthy lifestyle. The association set itself to contribute to the prevention of deaths and diseases arising...

Complementary Alternative Therapy for Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism is a generic term for multiple conditions, which are collaboratively called Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are three main sub-categories of autism: Autistic Disorder (classic autism), Asperger disorder, and Pervasive developmental disorder (National Institute of Health, 2010). People living with the disorder have trouble with social interactions...

Motivational Interviewing as a Smoking Cessation Method

What are the Clinical Interventions for Patients Unwilling to Quit Cigarette Smoking? Upon arriving at the clinics, all health practitioners advise patients to quit using tobacco and assess their level of willingness to give up smoking. For patients who are identified as unwilling to cooperate at the time, specialized interventions...

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are the spectrum of conditions caused by parental alcohol use during pregnancy that affects the world population’s health (Lange et al., 2017). Meanwhile, FASDs are the number one cause of preventable developmental disabilities globally and, at the same time, they are the leading cause of...

The Role of Effective Communication in Nursing

Executive Summary Purpose: The purpose of this project was to discover a way to facilitate effective communications between nurses, patients, and their family members, leading to better outcomes. To that end, it was decided to implement an educational program that would improve nurses’ communication skills through role modeling and simulation...

Beneficence & Autonomy: Ethical Challenges in Nursing

Nurses all over the world face ethical challenges when it comes to patient care. Today’s healthcare system is characterized by the critical staff shortage and the lack of time to meet all the patients needs. The nature of nurse care becomes increasingly exhausting and stressful through the prism of ethical...

Personal Nursing Philosophy: Bold, Centered, Upper and Lower Case

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Reflection Paper Modern nurses have many duties to their patients and society as a whole, and we need to fulfill these duties in accordance with our values and beliefs regarding health and nursing. Various nursing theories seek to support nurses by offering frameworks that could facilitate...

Conflict in Nursing: Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Conflicts that occur within professional settings are commonplace, including the sphere of nursing. While there is a broad range of definitions of a conflict, it is characterized by either perceived or actual objection or contradiction in views, values, interests, or needs between two or several parties, which results in...

Tobacco Product Use Issues

On the first search, I used the phrase “tobacco product use.” To facilitate the relevance of search results, I ticked the boxes for “full-text” and “peer-reviewed” and indicated that my language of choice was English. From the publication date dropdown, I chose “Last 12 months” so that only articles that...

An Effective Communication With Adult Patients

Introduction Patient satisfaction with the quality of services provided and the degree of care taken by the medical staff towards the patient is cited as a problem that was selected for analysis. Improving patient satisfaction with medical care is the most important task of the modern healthcare system in general...

Professional Development of Nursing Professionals

Introduction Nursing, as one of the most important professions in human society, requires a large number of skills and dedication to learning. The intricacies of providing care demand a wide variety of knowledge including both physical and mental training. The report made by the Institute of Medicine outlines the ways...

IOM Future of Nursing Report and Its Importance to Nursing

Introduction The existing challenges and gaps in nursing practice are addressed by relevant documents and regulated by the introduction of suitable initiatives designed to optimize the work of nursing staff. In particular, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), as an organization that is involved in the transformation of the nursing industry...

Master’s Education for American Nurses

Nursing is a complicated field of study covering various healthcare-related issues. Due to the complexity of the discipline, it is necessary to define the main principles of education in nursing and identify its major directions. While baccalaureate studies are aimed at providing students with basic skills and knowledge, graduate education...

Florida Administration’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

Over the past few months, the whole world has been in a quarantine state due to the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19. Every day, humanity is witnessing an increase in mortality among patients carrying the infection. Measures proposed by several countries have proven effective, and as a result, governments have begun to...

Correlation of “Climate Change” and Public Health

How “Climate Change” affects the population of the United States has been a point of concern for a considerable amount of time now, sparking numerous debates on the topic. Combating the possible effects of the changing environment stands at the forefront of many organizations, including the American Public Health Organization...

Enhancing Nurses’ Skills for Palliative Care in Long-Term Care

Background Research has demonstrated that palliative care is beneficial to both patients and families. However, it is not systematically utilized in many cases (Aslakson et al., 2014). Palliative care refers to a multidisciplinary medical care giving approach aimed at optimizing the quality of life and mitigating suffering among people with...

Board Leadership in Nursing, Personal Experience

Nursing organizations play a significant in revolutionizing the quality of care available to different patients. They collaborate with like-minded institutions and non-governmental agencies to engage in advocacy and present new concepts to transform practice. Practitioners should make appropriate preparations before being involved in such civic organizations. This paper describes how...

The Herniated Disk Disease: Causes and Treatment

The herniated disk disease is a dangerous disease that can occur due to injury or heavy load on the spine. In its process, the integrity of the outer membrane of the intervertebral disc is violated. The herniated disk disease is most common in men between 30 and 50 and all...

Nursing’s Metaparadigm and Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Introduction Each person has his or her own vision of things and events taking place in the world, which may coincide with the opinion of others or differ significantly. The personal philosophy of nursing is also different for each person; however, it includes a metaparadigm consisting of four fundamental concepts...

Care Standards in Healthcare Institutions: Case Study

Introduction Healthcare institutions’ primary goal is to provide high-quality medical services to sustain or ameliorate patients’ well-being. Therefore, standards of care are established for each direction of healthcare systems. Notably, these standards of practice essentially concern the nurses as they work in clinical patient care settings and are the providers...

Shared Leadership in a Surgical Setting

Introduction In the environment of an Operating Room (operating theater – OT), the threat of making a fatal error increases exponentially due to the tension, the rise in stress, and the need to coordinate an interdisciplinary team of staff. Therefore, introducing shared leadership (SL) as the means of addressing patients’...

COVID-19: Overweight as Risk Factor

Potential Hypothesis Body mass index directly correlates with human survival in infectious and chronic diseases, including infection with a new coronavirus type. The higher the index, there are more chances of getting cardiovascular pathologies or type 2 diabetes. As a result, obese people will be less tolerant of COVID-19, as...

Health Behavior Theories

The role of a competent nurse practitioner not only implies health care delivery, but it additionally includes specific interventions that coach, teach, inform, and mentor patients in order to achieve their health goals. It goes without saying that the in-depth examination of human behaviors related to health that are connected...

The Process of Public Policy Formulation’ Article by Freed et al.

The Process of Public Policy Formulation: The Case of Thimerosal in Vaccines is a Journal article written by Freed et al. The article discusses the emergence of Thimerosal as a concern in vaccination programs in the US. Successful immunization programs have significantly reduced cases of vaccine-preventable ailments. Thus, the article...

Potential Threat of Coronavirus as a Social Problem in Haines City, Florida

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus is an emerging health threat in the 21st century. Although it is mainly associated with the latest outbreak in Wuhan, China, it raises concerns across the world, including Haines City, Florida. While there have been no confirmed cases, the potential threat of an epidemic...

Expanding Awareness in the Perspective of Culture Care Theory

The principles of the theory of expanding consciousness resulted in the appearance of the ideas referring to multicultural issues in healthcare. Madeleine M. Leininger’s culture care theory (CCT) addresses the question of nursing in multicultural societies and states that nurses should consider the cultural background of patients (Wehbe-Alamah, 2014). Thus,...

Philosophy of Care as a Nurse

For many people, nursing is a field that represents the very essence of caring and compassion. In such a challenging profession, it is vital to have empathy, and a desire to help those who cannot take care of themselves. However, nursing philosophy is much more complicated than this; it includes...

Autistic Children as Vulnerable Population in Maryland

Introduction It is not always the case that children will develop in an expected way. There are times when their mental and physical development results in difficult behavior. Autism is one of these difficult behaviors that result from disturbing development. At first sight, it is very easy to distinguish an...

Needs of a Growing Population

The modern healthcare faces multiple problems starting from the decreased effectiveness of the existing insurance problems and ending with the gradual deterioration of the health of the nation caused by the environmental factors and diseases that have a detrimental impact on individuals. For this reason, functioning under complicated conditions, the...

Data Integrity and Standardized Nursing Languages

Information gathered by a healthcare team has a significant impact on a client’s care, and the integrity and accuracy of this data are obligatory. Software and hardware enable the workers to check, manage and store the electronic records. Standardized nursing languages prevent possible misinterpretations of data collected using different methods...

Diagnosis of Chronic Pain Essay Example

Chronic pain is a widespread health problem with a global prevalence of around 37.3 percent and 41.1 percent in developed and developing countries respectively. By definition, chronic pain is that persists for more than three months since its onset. One of the major problems with the treatment and management of...

Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing in Severe and Chronic Wounds

Pressure ulcers are prevalent among patients with mobility issues in long-term care settings. Understanding the risk factors can help nurses respond to complications and prevent the development of these wounds. Improving patient outcomes and reducing hospitalization costs can result from adopting best practices in this area. Therefore, prevention and treatment...

The Status of a Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse

Information about Certification The status of a Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse(CHPN) serves as a guarantee of the competence of a registered nurse (RN) regarding the care of patients who are at the end of their lives. In order to obtain this certification, a registered nurse needs to meet several...

The Opioid Crisis: Education Initiatives

The term “opioid crisis” is used to refer to the sharp rise in the number of Americans addicted to opioids in the 2010s. It started with the development and launch of new painkiller drugs in the 1990s that, despite pharmaceutical companies’ claims, proved to be highly addictive, leading to fast-growing...

Assessment of the Health Status of an Individual Family

Questionnaire What are your priorities in ensuring a healthy lifestyle? What kind of values do you hold and share? How would you describe the overall health and wellbeing of all family members? What does your daily diet consist of? How often do you cook at home and eat out? What...

Presentation on Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse

PRE-Survey # Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%) 0 2 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 1 (10%) 3 4 (40%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 2 (20%) 0 4 4 (40%) 1 (10%) 3 (30%)...

Lisbet Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

Introduction Evidence-based practice allows a nurse or another medical worker to revolve an issue by applying recent studies in the relevant field. One such problem is the decreasing rate of nursing turnover. There are various reasons for it, but all lead to the patients being affected as well. This paper...

Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Low-Income Communities

Introduction Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases in the USA, which has a high prevalence and leads to serious health complications. In the USA alone, more than 30 million people have diabetes (“National diabetes statistics report, 2017,” n.d.). What makes the situation more aggravating is the fact...

Cultural Considerations in Public Health

Introduction Consanguinity is the kinship of two individuals defined by the sharing of biological ancestors. In other words, it refers to a reproductive relationship or marriage between two closely kindred persons (Koellner et al., 2018). In many countries, this phenomenon is a typical feature, and marriages, especially between first cousins,...

Nursing Profession Ethics: Decision Making Issues

Introduction Being rooted in ethical values, the nursing profession remains a highly stressful one. The challenges the nurses face require quick decision-making ability and extensive knowledge in the field. End-of-life decision-making is a steep predicament. To deliver the best patient care in such cases, the nurse engages in demanding ethical...

Development of Nursing in Israel

Process of Creating a Nursing Practice in Israel The process of creating a nursing practice in a medical organization in Israel involves 8 systematic steps. These steps are derived from Kotler’s 8 step change model. These steps begin with the creation of urgency where discussions are held across all divisions...

Treating and Preventing Adolescent Mental Health Disorders

Introduction Chemical abuse has been increase among the youth. Substances such as nicotine, alcohol, tobacco and marijuana have become accessible to young people in schools making it a great risk to adolescents. These chemicals are very harmful to their health, because they affect them psychologically, socially and physically. This essay...

Americcan College of Radiology Protocol and Cancer Therapy Response to Antiangiogenetic Drug

Introduction Assessment of the disease and a correct diagnosis are parts of the treatment process which presuppose accuracy of performance and correct data. The clinical data should be collected properly in full measure. As there are different centers on research of different abnormalities in the human organism, it is necessary...

Ethics of Nursing Informatics

Currently, health care has embraced the use of computers in its operations. Computers are used mainly to speed up processes and procedures, and they ease communication and access. In addition, they are used in the monitoring and evaluation of patient data. However, growing concerns have been raised about the use...

Community Health: Prescription Drug Abuse

The rising access of frequently abused prescription drugs via the internet has created public anxieties within the healthcare system in the United States. Prescription drug abuse refers to the deliberate use of a drug without a prescription from a doctor; or for a different purpose other than prescribed purpose (National...

Impact of COVID-19 on Nova Scotia, Canada

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all the countries and their economies in various ways. Deaths, quarantine, social instability are just some of its factors. The Canadian case is definitely not the words compared to what happened in the United States, Italy, or, for instance, Russia. Nevertheless, it is essential to...

A Patient’s Guide Through www.: Surfing Through the Internet

Introduction: Browsing Online One of the most recent concerns for the modern world is the trustworthiness of the online information. The issue seems especially crucial when it comes to dealing with the information concerning health. Since the health of the patient depends on the result that his/her search on the...

Healing Hospital: Components and Challenges

Introduction The human body, like those of other living things is prone to instabilities in biological functionality and structural well being. These often lead to disruptions of body functions in form of sicknesses or injuries. The restoration of such states to normal body condition is what defines healing. A healing...

Adaptive Leadership in Health Care

Adaptive leadership centers on the adaptations that enable nurses to use their experience in a way that improves progress during change management. Adaptive leaders are able to close the organizational gap and meet both the short-term and long-standing objectives of an organization. Adaptive leadership is part of the complexity leadership...

Obesity Prevention Due to Education

Introduction Obesity is a serious condition that undermines the health and wellbeing of the population. In the U.S. the disease affects 17% of children younger than 20 and almost 35% of adults (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, & Flegal, 2014). In addition, it has been found to influence the risk of death...

Nurse Staffing Standards for Patient Safety

Introduction It can be said that the scope of the professional activity of medical workers is not limited only to hospital practice. Present legislation directly affects the safety, quality, and accessibility of services provided by medical specialists. It is why healthcare workers should study the laws in force and those...

The Prevalence of Fiber-Implicated Diseases

This short essay examines the evidence for diseases in which lack of fiber in the diet is implicated and what these imply for health education. Both the National Academy of Sciences(NAS) Institute of Medicine and the British Nutrition Foundation have issued guidelines recommending from 12 to 18 grams intake of...

Issue of Stress in Nursing Practice

The issues of stress caused by workplace violence in nursing practice require special consideration because of their direct relation to the effectiveness of employees’ efforts and the quality of health care services. The main sources of nurses’ professional hazards include both internal (patients and co-workers) and external (robbers or terrorists)...

Lupus Disease: The Causes, Symptoms, and Types

Introduction Immune system illnesses are a category of diseases that cause hyperactivity or dormancy to the system. In case it becomes excessively active, the body targets its own tissues and destroys them. Lupus is defined as a lifelong inflammatory disorder with a wide variety of clinical symptoms which impact different...

Longevity and Life Expansion

Diaconu, V., Ouellette, N., Camarda, C. G., & Bourbeau, R. (2016). Insight on ‘typical’ longevity: An analysis of the modal lifespan by leading causes of death in Canada. Demographic Research, 35, 471-504. The article develops a comprehension that Canada is one of the countries experiencing the highest degrees of life...

Predicting Future Healthcare Management Information Systems Trends

Introduction Improvement in technology has worked to ease data processing and health care services in most health care centers. Such improvements include the introduction of CIO surveys, information processing methodology (IPM), and information and communication technology (ICT), among others. These have improved care giving in healthcare centers. This paper will...

HIV and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

HIV is a virus that infects and destroys T-helper cells. These cells coordinate T-cell and B-cell activity in the body. HIV/AIDS patients have increased chances of developing a wide range of microbial infections. This outcome is possible since the destroyed cells are unable to fight microorganisms. The body immunity reduces...

Multiple Sclerosis: Risk Factors and Pathophysiology

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disabling neurological condition that considerably diminishes life quality and expectation. This inflammatory disease concerns the central neural system, and its signs largely depend on the extent to which the brain and spinal cord have been affected. Thus, MS’s clinical manifestations tend to vary significantly –...

Inflammatory Process and Wound Healing

Introduction The inflammatory process is a mechanism in which the body defends itself from any injury while hyperemia is the instant presence of an abnormally large blood supply from a dilated blood vessel with slow blood flow (, 2011). This vessel later becomes more permeable allowing macro and micro molecules...

Empowerment Measures in Health Promotion

Health is the basic value for the modern human society as far as health assures people’s living and personal development. Therefore, the modern activists and social organizations like International Union for Health Promotion and Education take their time to promote health, healthy way of life, and the ways in which...

Case on Preserving Genetic Mutations in IVF

In this case, a couple of a man and women want to be referred to an infertility specialist to have a procedure of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Both of them have short statures, and their home is accommodated to their height. The issue is that the couple wants to preserve...

The Multi-Specialty Center in Southern California

Introduction The multi-specialty center located in southern California is a big hospital devoted to offering state-of-the-art medical care. The center boasts an efficient, easily accessible, effective and convenient medical staff. It is certified by AAAHC and Medicare to carry out special treatment and varied surgical operations. The hospital has superior...

Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA)

Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) is one of America’s principal membership organizations for managers and executives working in the field of healthcare financial management. In excess of 35,000 affiliates comprising of a range of leaders, from CFOs to managers to accountants, hold HFMA as a much appreciated thought leader with...

An Approach to Studying Patient Safety by Stichler

An accurate theoretical and practical approach to studying patient safety is necessary to save hundreds of people’s lives. This approach Stichler (2016) uses in her article by examining patient safety and methods to its improvement. The main idea and thesis of Sticher’s article: “Patient safety: A priority for healthcare and...

Physical Activity and Obesity in Children by Hills et al.

Obesity has become one of the most significant health issues for high-income countries. Living standards in these countries are rising; people can afford to buy more while working less. Only this can lead to serious physical and even mental issues. In addition, the lifestyle of these people has changed under...

Top Five Healthcare Fraud Billing Cases

Fraud is widespread in most sectors including the U.S. healthcare system where medical extortions, scams, and health insurance deceit continue to be reported. The office of the Inspector General usually undertakes inquiries of such incidents for trial. For any successful conviction to occur, the presented evidence must be convincing. This...

Decision-Making. The Informed Decision Toolbox

Introduction Most organizations have embraced evidence based strategy in making informed decision. This approach to decision making has gained prominence among managers in the past two decades. This is as a result of the growing need to provide high quality health care. It is also enormously ascribable to increasing efficiency...

The Effect of Opioids on the Body: Dependence and the Consequences of It

The effect of opioids on the body is associated with analgesic and sedative effects, depression of the respiratory and cough centers, and weakening intestinal motility. This narcotic is widely used in medicine as a powerful painkiller, so-called opioid analgesics. The ability to induce euphoria leads to the recreational use of...

Implications of Personalized Medicine

According to Heger (2010, p.5), personalized medicine refers to a relatively new scientific method that favors to give the treatment the hat is depended on an individual’s genetic profile. In this method of treating individuals suffering from the same illness are given different medications depending on their genetic makeup. In...

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

The modern healthcare sector can be characterized by the increased complexity and developed infrastructure needed to provide care to patients and meet their diverse needs. Because of the difficulty and the growing requirements to the quality, health workers should be ready to cooperate, share experiences, and constantly improve their skills....

Pros and Cons of Universal Healthcare in the US

Introduction Medicare and Medicaid are healthcare programs that were established in the 1960s in the United States of America making medical services affordable for defined categories of the population including the elderly and the poor. The financing of Medicare in the United States has come a long way and has...

Yaryshev’s Family: Health Assessment

A family health assessment is a vital tool for identifying weak areas that family members should work on to sustain their general well-being. Typically, the health is monitored using functional health patterns, however, they do not provide full information (Fettig et al., 2015). As a result, it is essential to...

‘The Future of Nursing’ Book by Robert Wood

Introduction In the book ‘Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health’, a report published by Robert Wood in collaboration with the Institute of Medicine has been given much priority. The book was published by the National Academic Press in 2011. It addresses major milestones in the United States health care...

Two Acts on Drug Law Comparison

Introduction The 2009 Health reform legislation was passed with the aim of Medicare saving for the patients in America. In 2009 the House H.R. 3962 approved the Affordable Health Care for America. This bill contains several provisions that are expected to affect Medicare program expenditures for the people of America....

Universal Health Care Under Free-Market Capitalism

Introduction The promotion of good health is one of the major governmental contributions to society’s development. During the last centuries, certain attempts were made to stabilize healthcare services and choose between universal and single-payer care types. Governments worldwide find it necessary to spend billions of dollars annually to ensure their...

Management Issues in the NHS

The National Health Service is a collective name given to the four publicly funded health care systems of the United Kingdom. The health service in England commonly uses the name “National Health Service” without further qualification while the publicly -funded health care organization in Northern Ireland does not use the...

Patient Engagement and Public Data Gathering

The rapid growth of electronic communication and expanding access to the Internet have empowered providers and consumers of healthcare information. The variety of sources has changed the relationship between a doctor and a patient. Healthcare organizations use a variety of patient engagement tools that a big step forward in technological...

Arterial Dysfunction: The Nursing Practice

Introduction The problem of arterial dysfunction was analyzed by a great number of researchers that tried to introduce discussion of the issues relevant to the treatment, care, and importance of the nursing practice. The current paper suggests a literature review on the topic of arterial dysfunction and health care with...

Cholera: Overview of the Affected Population and Description of the Disease

Introduction In 2020, cholera is not as dangerous as it was a hundred or two hundred years ago. Much more people have access to clean water; sewage is rarely discharged into the same bodies of water from which people drink. Wastewater treatment plants and water supply are on a completely...

The Etiology of Hepatitis A, B, C, D

Hepatitis A The etiology of hepatitis A includes poor sanitation, male homosexuality, parental drug use, foreign travel, and household contact. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, jaundice, malaise, dark urine, and anorexia (Gilroy, 2019). Treatment is mainly supportive, and there is no specific antiviral treatment. Nausea and vomiting are managed with...

Plan of Care: Communication and Care of Patient with Multisystem Failure

Introduction It is apparent that nursing care for a patient in multisystem failure requires more than physiological care tools. That is, it involves working with the family of the patient, particularly when it is evident that the patient is in an end-of-life situation. In such a scenario, communication becomes the...

Issues That Affect Health Care Delivery

Introduction The health care reform agenda has been a political issue in the United States for decades. Politicians and special interest groups alike have attempted to improve access to care through lowering costs. They have also called for improving the quality and safety of care delivery. After many years of...

Telemedicine and Patient Centered Home

The need for comprehensive patient care influenced the development of various health delivery models. One of the examples is Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), which is aimed at improving primary care by taking a whole-person orientation and coordinating all health activities through a patient’s primary care physician. Healthcare providers have been...

Health Issues That Triggered Community Health: Nursing Role

Community health nursing entails a synthesis of conventional nursing practice, public health practice, and primary health care. The practice of community health nursing often expands into critical areas of disease deterrence, health enrichment, community and social development, empowerment, advocacy, and health research. The evolution of community health nursing’s role has...

Assess of the Health Status of the Society

Introduction A community’s health is assessed by some predetermined factors which give the description of the various facets of the society. The following factors form the basis for judgment whether a community fulfils the health standards or not (Joyce, 2005). Health Management This is also known as health perception and...

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

The term inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, refers to a type of disorder when the digestive tract is chronically inflamed. There are two types of IBD, including Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a condition when the large intestine and rectum are inflamed. It should be noted...

Role of Medical Facilities Leaders

Introduction Medical facilities need leaders to mentor, control, manage, implement, and make strategic decisions that facilitate delivery of quality, timely, and affordable medical care services. Leadership is an art of managing and developing strategies to be followed in an organization: the delivery of quality medical services depends on the quality...

The Effects of Alcohol on Human Body and Mental State

Knapp’s work tells about the period when the author had an unhealthy drinking habit for about 20 years. It introduces many aspects of being an alcoholic and its consequences. What is more critical, Knapp talks about her experience and recovery path in so many details that the book is helpful...

Community Resources: Hospitals and Facilities That Deal With Mental Disorders

Introduction Health issues are always given much attention and many countries are today grappling with the challenge of providing adequate medical services to their citizens. Diseases have also been noted to be on the increase especially in the developing countries. Medical services have always been expensive even in the developed...

The USA and Singapore Health Care Addressing COVID-19

Introduction All the countries around the globe are trying to combat COVID-19 by financing health care. The United States and Singapore are the states with different models and expenditures to health care. The situation in two countries and their performance during the pandemic is evaluated by using three metrics from...

Huntington’s Chorea Disease: Genetics, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction By any standards, the Huntington’s chorea disease, also known as the Huntington Disorder (HD), is one of the worst neurodegenerative genetic disorders of the 21st century. Other irreversible dementias in its league include Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Frontotemporal dementia, and Creutzfeldt-Jacobson disease (Rabins, 2009). The word ‘chorea’...

Anemia Is a Malady of the Blood

Anemia is a malady of the blood that has varied etiology. Treatment of different types of anemia depends on identification of the etiology. Because different forms of anemia share common symptoms including feeling of weakness, cold, dizziness, and irritability (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011), further laboratory test...

Health Promotion: Community, Nation, and the World

Medical specialists have always called for maintaining and improving health. This process is referred to as health promotion and is a priority in many countries and regions. Its major benefit is obvious: it helps an individual eliminate the risks of diseases and positively influences the overall well-being of the nation....

Information Technology Utilization in Nursing

Introduction The use of innovative technologies is inevitable in the modern world. At the same time, it is practically impossible to state that they are harmful if used properly. Being the Director of Nursing for an outpatient (ambulatory) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center, we use Macpractice software for keeping and...

Technology in Health Care

The healthcare industry has always been one of the most crucial aspects of citizens’ well-being both at the governmental and local levels. Without allocating sufficient resources to health care, countries’ leaders cannot expect positive dynamics in the quality of life. Recently, much attention has been gained by the issue of...

Evaluation and Care of Women in General Practice

Introduction The research conducted by Hegarty et al. (2010) is titled “women’s evaluation of abuse and violence care in general practice: a cluster randomized controlled trial (weave).” The researchers begin the article by providing detailed background information on the problem under investigation. They provide an extensive definition of intimate partner...

Health Science: Improving the Quality of Care

A health science major learns to improve the lives of the patients, disease prevention, and health care and promotion. Students in this major have to be prepared to work in different health-related settings and careers. After graduation, many of them dedicate their lives to improving the health of the whole...

Infection Control Related Sentinel Events

Health is a critical issue. There are various ways through which individuals get infected with various illness and diseases. Some of them could be prevented while others could only be controlled. Being healthy is extremely important since illness is associated with a lot of negative attributes for instance un-productivity due...

Health and Medicine: Vicodin

Vicodin Vicodin is a pain control substance that is often given to patients who have undergone surgery and suffering from serious injuries. The drug is highly addictive and can cause serious problems when a large number of doses are given to the client. Mr. K is supposed to take up...

Defining the Health-Illness Continuum and Its Relation to Patient Care

Despite being ubiquitous, the notion of health is not straightforward to describe. Healthcare providers view health as an absence of any illnesses and unfavorable conditions. However, this approach omits the dynamic nature of human well-being and the fact that feeling healthy is subjective. Different people may have diverse thoughts on...

Health Care Contracts and Their Types

Introduction Contracts play a rather important role in the system of health care, especially in its private sector (Boyle et al., 2001, p. 12). Such contracts as managed care, suppliers (equipment), personnel, and unions present the core of the health care system as they provide the patient with everything necessary...

Diabetes: Danger Factors Analysis

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases that older people are most affected by it. However, this does not mean that youth are not at risk. Danger factors include many points, such as family history and lifestyle (“Diabetes basics,” n.d.). It is necessary to understand how diabetes shows itself...

New Orientation in Health Care

Until recently, the primary focus of the U.S. health care system has been treatment, which is why the country is known for its innovation and technological advances in the medical field. After all, America has some of the most high-tech medical equipment, even though it remains far behind other nations...

Cooper Green Hospital: Community Care Plan Implementation

Overview statement The case study discusses the question of necessity and existing opportunities for introducing new strategies and health care reforms in order to keep the Cooper Green Hospital open. However, the clinic faced numerous problems with providing services and diligent treatment to their patients. First of all, the healthcare...

Quality Patient Care: Drug Errors and Nurses

Introduction Drug errors are the mistakes that occur in the administration of drugs to patients. It is possible to assume that only nurses are involved in this occurrence but the truth is that numerous medical professionals are involved in drug administration and therefore it is not professionally sound to blame...

Nursing Diabetes and Obesity Patients

Introduction Nursing diabetes and obesity patients is regarded as one of the most serious problems of the contemporary nursing practices. High rates of diabetes and obesity in Weslaco community stimulated the intervention of innovative nursing practices and strategies within the nursing community, therefore, the evidence based researches of these innovations...

The Evidence-Based Practice Importance in Health Care Services

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is of crucial importance for improving the quality of health care services and the patients’ outcomes. The health care practitioners should use only the most accurate information for choosing appropriate intervention measures and developing effective health care plans. The EBP is one of key elements of the...

Lung Cancer: Causes and Treatment

It should be admitted that there are many diseases related to environmental conditions, health habits, and work routines. However, lung cancer seems to be among the most severe ones in this regard. A plethora of chemical substrates provides carcinogenic effects on lung tissues – starting from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon...

Benchmarking and Effective Teams in Healthcare Organizations

Benchmarking is crucial for promoting a culture of safety in healthcare, as it helps to compare current practices with the best ones. There are several types of benchmarking, including internal, competitive, functional, and generic benchmarking. Internal benchmarking helps to compare practices in different branches of one organization and identify safety...

Psychosocial Perspective of Traumatic Amputation

Introduction Traumatic amputation refers to a non-surgical severance of a limb or part of a limb from the trunk of the body. By and large, an amputation can be categorised as either being incomplete, or complete. In complete amputation, the severed ligament is totally detached from the muscle, tissue, or...

Visualization of the DsRed1 Protein Tool

Introduction and Question Visualization of the DsRed1 protein is enabled because of its relatively longer wavelength of its red-emitting fluorescent protein that presents fewer challenges during in vivo labeling because of the reduced light scattering effect (Rodrigues, Hemert, Steensema and Leao, 2001). The importance of application of the DsRed1 protein...

Simulation and Students’ Involvement in Mobile Clinics

The Curriculum Gap The identified needs gap in the curriculum was students’ lack of understanding of mental health outreach and crisis intervention. The literature confirms this gap since it was identified that students are often not prepared to provide mental health care to patients with alcohol withdrawal symptoms or suicidal...

Obesity Problem Description and Analysis

Obesity and consequent health deterioration have become a serious problem for the whole population; therefore, this topic can be considered relevant and important. Methods of treatment usually include physical exercise and the modification of the lifestyle. However, less has been said about the effects of a low-calorie diet. In the...

Practical Nursing Skills: Guided Dialogue

Introduction Writing a Guided dialogue is quite challenging and does not only require realism but proper intent towards the characters in that dialogue. Dialogue is a way of telling stories in a more comical manner that acts to depict the characters. In writing dialogue, one should ensure that he/she is...

Maintaining Confidentiality and Protecting Clinical Information in Counseling

Introduction Protecting clinical information and maintaining the client’s confidentiality is one of the most important elements of counselors’ ethical conduct. As Berton (2014) points out, violating confidentiality will not only ruin the client’s trust in the counselor but also damage the reputation of the entire counseling profession. Generally, to maintain...

A List of Blood Diseases and Their Overview

Porphyrias Porphyrias are a rare group of hereditary illnesses caused by defects in 7 different enzymes in heme synthesis pathway and in which the heme, an important part of haemoglobin, does not develop properly (Porphyria, Medline Plus). Different forms of the illness have different symptoms. Some have the abdominal pain,...

The Intergovernmental Relationship Among Public Health Care Agencies

Introduction The level of influence and participation of inter-governmental agencies in the collective efforts of public health care varies profoundly with the level of the agency in question. The amount of liability and responsibility assumed by each of the agencies depends heavily on the per-capita expenditures as well as the...

Summary of the Article “Overview of the Immune Response”

The immune system plays a critical role, as it protects the host from a multitude of pathogenic microbes. It is incredibly complex and involves numerous elements that eliminate a variety of microorganisms and substances threatening to harm the host. In “Overview of the immune response,” Chaplin analyzes different aspects of...

The Quiz of Cardiovascular System

The heart is the central organ of the cardiovascular system. It is essential for carrying out the blood circulation process vital for maintaining normal homeostasis as per the body’s requirements. In this regard, it is essential to know the various functions of the cardiovascular system. The various mechanisms that regulate...

Approach to Care. Human Cancer

Overall, cancer can be defined as a group of diseases which are caused by the uncontrolled division of cells (Brown, Issacs & Krinke, 2007, p 438). There is great variety of cancers, and they are classified according to the type of sell, which the tumor imitates. There is no universal...

The Issues of the Effectiveness of CPUs

No research can be considered as completed before its findings have been shared with the professionals who can be interested in the results of the study. It is important to consider the target audience and the prioritized communication outlet before disseminating the evidence. The issues of the effectiveness of CPUs...

Treatment of Major Depression

Depression is a whole-body illness-it involves the body, nervous system, moods, thoughts, and behavior. The purpose of the paper is to identify the etiology and the treatment of major depression from a psychoanalytic and cognitive perspective. Depression is a very complex and dark disease in which a patient gets into...