Police Selection Process: Metropolitan and New York Police Departments

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the New York Police Department (NYPD) are two of America’s well known, effective and efficient police departments and a person wishing to be recruited into the above departments has to pass through a thorough and competitive selection process. The minimum requirement and selection criteria...

Liberalism in Anthony Kennedy’s Judicial Decisions

Introduction The paper refers to liberalism in the judicial decision-making process. Judge Anthony Kennedy who is a liberalist distinguishes it from conservative Judgments. Liberalists believe that liberty is the right of an individual to define his own concept of existing and the mystery of human life. The fundamental idea of...

Application of Insanity Defense in Los Angeles

Introduction Insanity defense refers to a strategy that is rarely utilized in the courts as a defense. In many states in the US, the defense is usually unsuccessful in many courts. States are grouped into three major categories as regards the use of the insanity defense. One of the categories...

Random Drug Testing: Pros and Cons

Random drug testing (RDT) is becoming a common practice in many industries. This type of testing involves the analysis of urine or blood samples of existing employees randomly (with no prior notification of the date of such procedures). All the employees are informed that they can be assigned to such...

Victimology: Spousal Abuse and Its Impact

Crime involved Jane is a victim of spousal abuse for the past 5 years. Spousal abuse is the primary abuse that has negatively affected her life. Criminal law describes spousal abuse as a form of domestic violence characterized by verbal, emotional, or physical abuse (Malley-Morrison and Hines 3). Acts of...

Discrimination Are on the Foundation of Sexual Orientation

Introduction The constitution guarantees that no individual or group of people shall be deprived of the same safeguard of the law as compared to the benefits enjoyed by other individuals or groups in comparable circumstances in their existence, freedom, or pursuit of pleasure. According to constitutional provisions, it is clear...

Emergency Plans for Assisted Living Facilities

Residents of Assisted Living Facilities rely on their caregivers for their daily needs and can be especially vulnerable during natural disasters and emergencies. Times of crisis can lead to stock depletion, staff shortages, and stress on caregivers. When planning unforeseen events, Assisted Living Facilities of any size must assess the...

Mandatory Retirement Age for Federal Judges

Introduction The problem of mandatory retirement age (MRA) for judges in the United States has been discussed for years. On the surface, there is little to no controversy in the very concept of retirement age; on the contrary, the very notion was created in order to ease the tension of...

Duty and Standard of Care Concepts

Introduction The legal framework of business is the structure by which commercial decision is made. Basic knowledge is that legal issues are important in forming a solid foundation for the study of business (Pentony, 2011). There are different aspects of business law, they include the law of agency contract law,...

HRM Software for Business and the Affordable Care Act

Signing into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 was a significant step, which considerably influenced health care in the United States. The idea of making health care more affordable was appealing to millions of Americans. However, different issues arose in the process of the implementation of the ACA....

Licensed Professional Counsellors’ Scope of Practice

Abstract Licensed professional counselors (LPC) are recognized as mental health clinicians that are skilled in the examination, treatment, and prevention of various mental health issues, including addiction and clinical disorders. The requirements for becoming an LPC include the successful completion of a Board-approved academic program and passing the National Counselor...

Distracted Driving as a Dangerous Practice

Introduction Distracted driving is one of the most serious problems which becomes more and more relevant in recent years. This driving is an activity that distracts the driver from the road and the safety of all passengers. These practices include talking or texting on the phone, listening to loud music,...

The Copyright Act of 1968 Overview and Analysis

Introduction Work of art, music, writing, film making, symbols, names and slogans among many others categories all have a creator behind them (Giannakas 82); for this reason, individual’s creative expressions and innovations are very valuable and therefore there is need to protect this kind of work in order to prevent...

Justification on Treating Criminals With Mental Disorder Over Imprisonment

The imprisonment of people with mental illnesses presents significant controversy. Globally, criminal justice systems neglect the mentally ill offenders by imprisoning them without providing substantial treatment. Besides, due to overcrowding in prisons, the possibility of identifying convicted criminals with mental illness reduces. The result is the loss of government revenue...

Health Information Privacy Law and Policy

Today’s sphere of healthcare is closely related to the process of technological advancement, as the community’s concern about health cannot be imagined in isolation from the social background. For this reason, the administrative part of healthcare, along with preventative medicine, has recently become digitalized. Such a process implies creating an...

Criminal Law: The Franks Case

Resisting an arrest is often regarded as a crime in the USA. However, there are many cases when resistance to an unlawful arrest was found possible and lawful. For instance, United States v. Heliezer is the case that illustrates that sometimes the law permits an individual to use force to...

Digital Forensics and Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Introduction The science of forensics encompasses a variety of other sub fields within itself. The field of forensics has a number of disciplines such as computer forensics, forensic DNA, forensic pathology, digital forensics and others. This paper seeks to address the relation between digital forensics and DNA in the prevention...

Whistle-Blowing and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Introduction A whistle-blower is an individual who takes the required initiative in providing information to the government or law enforcement bodies about businesses or organizations involved in alleged illegal actions. These actions are considered to be a form of prosocial behavior by some scientists (Lavena, 2014). To safeguard the interests...

Breed-specific Legislation in the USA

Introduction Breed-Specific Legislation (BSL) is the group of laws, which regulate the permissions to keep certain dog breeds. These laws are common worldwide and are typically associated with bans of breeds, which are perceived as overly aggressive. However, many scholars and animal advocates criticize current legislation, as little scientific evidence...

The Crime of Homicide: History and Laws

Introduction Homicide, which can be described as the act of a human being killing another, is a crime that is recognized all over the world. The crime is a common one since many people fall victim every day. Homicide can be of different types depending on the circumstances surrounding the...

The Brady Act: A Critique. Analyzing the Problem

Executive Summary Gun related violence and crime is a plague of modernity where death becomes as instant as noodles. While the US democracy allows freedoms that are unparalleled in many modern states and liberal countries today, it has also deprived its citizens who are victims of gun-related crimes who are...

Family Law: Parent’s Right to Travel

Introduction In the US, each state has different child custodial laws that stipulate the requirements that have to be met by parents who wish to relocate or travel outside their states. When solving these cases, courts have to be cautious not to infringe on individual’s constitutional rights to travel. Similarly,...

The Justice System and the Importance of Understanding

Several sources distort information relayed to the citizens on how the justice system ought to be. What is perceived “to be” is not necessarily, “what happens” as indicated in the subsequent paragraphs. “The term fair exemplifies freedom from self-interest, prejudice or favouritism” (Mudd & Govern, ND). It is a belief...

Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Care Act

Overview Since its establishment, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has played significant roles in the arbitration of justice and offering an opinion on contentious matters affecting the country. In 2012, for example, the Supreme Court of the United States made a decision in the National Federation...

Has Criminal Profiling “Begun to Shape Chance?”

Criminal profiling is a process in the field of criminology that takes a keen interest in the available data on crimes to devise a psychological portrait of the culprits (Ambrose, 2002). The beginning of the twenty-first century brought forth tremendous revolutions to not only criminal law, but also criminology in...

Police Reforms Implementation: The Los Angeles Police Department

Police reforms implementation is a part of change management. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) set in motion reforms by means of experiments ever since the police crises sequel to Rodney King episode in 1991 and Rampart police corruption scandal in 1999 though the measures were not voluntary but court...

Programs to Reduce Recidivism: Literature Review

Introduction The consequences of crimes committed within the society bear impact on the entire society. These consequences range from medical costs to loss of income due to disabilities that may arise from the act. Some of these consequences last for a lifetime, thus increasing costs of living for the victim...

Ethics of Smoke-Free Legislation and Abortion Laws

These days, there are laws that are clear for the population, and their importance and usefulness are undeniable. An illustrative example of such an occasion is smoke-free legislation, which is crucial for the health of non-smokers. However, there are numerous topics, which cause multiple debates, especially concerning legislative incentives connected...

Guilty Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Interpretation and Practical Use

‘CSI effect’ reaches into real courtrooms Legal experts worry that crime shows raise juror expectations This paper looks at how modern crime and legal TV shows affect the jurors’ perception of reasonable doubt. Most TV shows portray cases where the accused are usually convicted by well-researched and carried out forensic...

Recidivism Rate for Inmates

Introduction Criminal justice system has been grappling with high rates of recidivism among inmates because, approximately, half of the released inmates will commit new crimes and find their way back into prison. Since correction systems aim at rehabilitating inmates so that they can fit into the community, a high rate...

Validity, Reliability, and Triangulated Strategies

The book chapter explores the subject of measurement, with a specific interest in operations procedures for analyzing validity and reliability challenges in research. The author uses the opportunity to outline the triangulation process of analysis in the first section of the paper. Secondly, in qualitative testing paradigms, the researcher explores...

Contract Elements and Remedies for Non-Performance

Summary Every contract has terms, which are agreed upon by the parties to the contract, and the violation of which is followed by remedies awarded by the court to the offended party. A contract is an enforceable agreement made by two persons or entities in which there is a promise...

Crime Trends in London and Manchester: 2005 to 2009

The latest annual recap by the Home Office suggests that burglaries and violence around the nation may have at least held steady against the prior 2007/08 financial year, even shrunk slightly. Since the situation doubtless varies markedly across communities and over time, it is worthwhile investigating how the situation ‘on...

Ethan Lester’s Fraud in Financial Statements

Financial misconduct is a combination of the criminal trying to meet their needs match with their ability to steal money. Ethan Lester is a model CPA that deserves a promotion, according to a CEO. However, the man committed a theft of $50,000 to impress a woman. The crime was concealed...

Technology Impact Criminal Justice Administration

Introduction The United States has witnessed an increasing proportion of high-tech crimes in recent years. These crimes have become possible, as a result in rapid progress in information and communication technology. Thus, computer systems have provided a platform where high-tech crimes are easily committed. High- tech Computer Crimes in United...

Criminal Trial Process from Jury Selection to Sentencing

The criminal trial process is a dynamic and involving activity that involves direct and indirect association from different parties. The process can go for a period of one month or less, to several months. The process of the criminal trial involves parties such as the lawyers, the judge, the jury,...

Juvenile and Adult Correction Facilities Management

A correction facility refers to a residential amenity aimed at restricting the movement and activities of those individuals convicted of having committed an offense. The correction facilities are essential for keeping criminals out of society and are crucial centers for rehabilitating them so that they can become safe and resourceful...

1st and 14th Amendments of Constitution in Historical Context

The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the First Amendment during the Civil Rights Movement was the greatest contribution to the success of the movement The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s-1960s was fighting for equal rights among blacks. Representatives of various groups, organizations, and free citizens have called for social changes,...

Common Law in Hong Kong and UK

Introduction Common law in England and other English speaking nations like Canada and Brunei constitute the foundations of civil conflicts resolutions. The nations where common law is applicable are principally those that were British colonies. One can trace the origin of common law from three courts in UK: King’s Bench,...

Why Does Juvenile Delinquency Occur

Introduction Democracy is a process that ensures all citizens of a country get fair treatment from the judicial system. This means that there are no double standards when it comes to punishing individuals who have broken laws and thus committed crimes. The law is a double-edged sword that ensures justice...

Variables That Impact Sentencing Decision of Judges in Drug Offender Cases

In criminal justice, consistency is an essential element as it reflects fairness and dependability of the justice system. In contrast, lack of uniformity in judicial sentencing decisions undermines the credibility of the judicial system and the legal process. The lack of a higher legal authority to scrutinize the sentencing decisions...

Juvenile Violence Sanctions: Boot Camps and How They Affect Children

Introduction The following paper will discuss the problem of sending juveniles, who commit minor violence crimes, to serve at least one month in boot camps. Unfortunately, politicians are obliged to deal with this problem as the crime rate among adolescents and children is increasing rapidly in particular states. Therefore, the...

Cybercriminals and How Government Addresses Them

Cybercrime activities have been on the rise following emergent technologies. From the analysis of “5 Most Dangerous Hackers of all Time” by Top trending, cybercrime appears to be an organized activity with adequate knowledge on the target (Top Trending, 2015). World governments seem to be the prime targets of cybercrime...

All-Hazards Approach to Emergency Management

Emergency management is one of the most important spheres of human life, especially nowadays. The events of September 11, 2001, have changed the world drastically in all respects, and emergency management was one of them (Bullock et al., 2006, p. 142). The level of preparedness for the terrorist attacks as...

Damaging Fountains: Summary Offences Act 1998

Introduction The Summary Offences Act 1998 (NSW), was ratified by the legislative assembly and reviewed to address various less serious crimes. According to Quilter and McNamara (2013), the law addresses the crimes meant for the local adult and children’s courts. However, despite the law focusing on the less-serious crimes, some...

The Renewal of the Indian Power Plant: Legal Issues

Introduction For slightly over forty years now, the Entergy operated Indian Point nuclear reactor has been accused of damaging the ecological resources of the Hudson River estuary. The plant is the largest consumer of water resources in the state. For instance, the reactors at units 2 and 3 consume up...

Loving vs. Virginia: The Supreme Court Case

Loving vs. Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967) – a historic decision of the U.S. Supreme Court establishing freedom of interracial marriage. All members of the court unanimously supported the decision. Despite the supreme court’s decision, the old law was still in effect in several states, even though the ruling made...

The Importance of a Scientific Component in Choosing a Future Career

At the beginning of the 21st century, the factor of science was successfully introduced into all aspects of the daily lives of human beings. This did not bypass the sphere of careers and work, especially the most intelligent parts such as Crime Scene Investigation (CSI). The learning from the sciential...

Criminal Justice System for Public Safety

The criminal justice system is made up of three major components which work together to promote public safety. The role played by the police in the criminal justice system goes beyond just providing protection and safety to the public. One of the significant functions of the police is to conduct...

The Legally Binding Contract: Intention From the Involved Parties

The law states that for any contract to be valid, there must be an intention from the involved parties to be legally bound. Thus, for any contract to be enforceable, the following three requirements must be fulfilled. They are intention, agreement and consideration. In this case, the existence of intention...

Fundamental Aspects of Canadian Criminal Law

Introduction Violating the law is criminal and regardless of the degree of criminality or indecency of an action, the regard of its being criminal only comes following its prohibition by the criminal law. The criminal laws are a set of rules determining the conduct of people defined through the powers...

American Criminal Justice System: Prison Reform

Working Thesis Statement Prison reform should be implemented through ensuring public safety, improve the circumstances of incarceration to create a constructive culture, and develop a model to incentivize behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles conducive to personal self-control and responsibility. Working Draft The topic of prison reform has been highly debated as...

Understanding of Contract Law

Introduction The law of contract is a fundamental concept enabling the freedom of individuals in the civilian society to help them structure the mutual relations in various legislative aspects regarding one’s goals, preferences, and motives. The contract law establishes the framework wherein parties can determine their rights, responsibilities, and powers...

Fourth Amendment Most Important Parts

Introduction The fourth amendment guarantees the rights of American citizens to enjoy their property without any disturbance by the state unless there is probable cause or a warrant to search a premise. The fourth amendment is part of the United States (US) Bill of rights and it was developed as...

Common-Law in the Healthcare Sphere: The Case of Mr. Andy

Introduction Defined forces for peaceful coexistence regulate interactions among individuals in a society. Such forces manifests through legal or moral obligations and duties in each particular society. Moral obligations are established through customary practices and enforced through conscience and goodwill while legal obligations and duties are defined by systematic legislative...

Justice System and Criminal Justice Agencies

The managerial grid was first introduced in 1962 by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in the journal of American society of training directors. There are two sides to the grid where one deals with production while the other deals with people. The sides, axis, or dimension are delineated on a...

Role of Compstat and Organizational Change in Policing

Compstat as a computer-aided statistics was meant to reduce crime when it was introduced in the police department in New York. The program uses statistics and effective information sharing in enhancing the accountability of the police supervisors on the crime reduction strategies which they have adopted within their system. In...

Accepted Functions of the US Criminal Justice System

Introduction The exponents of plea bargaining assert that it is an innate component of the criminal justice system. However, this assumption is misleading. Plea bargaining has continuously received a hostile reception because people postulate that it handles the accused too indulgently. Scholars often argue that it handles defendants too casually...

Legal and Ethical Issues Concerning Abortion in the United Kingdom

Legal Issues Samantha can legally have an abortion if she meets the legal requirements stipulated in the United Kingdom abortion Act of 1967. According to this Act, a certified medical doctor can legally conduct an abortion. In addition, two doctors will be needed to examine Samantha and certify that she...

Products Liability: SUV Wrongful Death Case

Introduction (Brief History) Mitsubishi Motors Corporation is a global (multinational) manufactures of automobiles. It has its headquarters in Minato, Tokyo. Mitsubishi is part of the formerly biggest industrial group in Japan Mitsubishi keiretsu. Mitsubishi was formed in the year 1970 from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Case Study The jury of a...

Parallel Prosecution: Review

Parallel prosecution implies similar structures and procedures in two legal agencies. For this very reason, parallel procession would not be possible for the US government and state government. It is important to note that the bulk of criminal cases are for minor offences and they are dealt with in the...

Health Law: Howell v. Hamilton Meats and Provisions

According to Schwinghamer (2011), the California Supreme Court (CSC) ruled that plaintiffs who have injured themselves personally are not warranted full receipt of the entire amount if the insurers paid a small amount of the medical expenses. This decision was held on August 18, 2011. Rebecca Howell was the plaintiff,...

Private Prisons: Review

Nowadays, the problem of immigration both legal and illegal has led to many more significant problems in the American society. Among these problems is the problem of housing detainees. According to Berestein (2008), the amount of detainees registered in 2004 was over 30,000 people. This requires developing new solutions, and...

Dilemmas in the Application of Law

This work is a depiction and in support of the views claimed by the advocates of legal positivism who believe that laws (including criminal laws) are simply the wishes of those in possession of power within society. Legal positivism is an abstract theory emphasizing the usual character of law. Laws...

Medical Liability Speech

Have you ever feared being sued for malpractice? Are you afraid that your patients will one day punish you for a small error? No matter what the answers to these questions are, every care provider needs to be aware of how to minimize the possibility of medical liability. First, it...

Criminal Justice System: Juvenile Correction

Introduction Within the realms of American laws, the criminal justice system comprises of the law creators (legislative), courts (adjudication), and correctional facilities such as probation, parole, prisons, and jails. American criminal justice system comprises of the jurisdictional, normative, functional, and institutional components. These components work simultaneously in defining the goals...

Criminal Justice System in America

Criminal Justice System and Police The article under consideration is called New York Times Linked to a Violent Robbery Ring and is dedicated to the case study of the crime committed by the police officer, Emmanuel Tavarez (Sulzberger, 2010, n. p). In particular, the officer was accused of conspiracy to...

Unilever and European Law Relations

Introduction The European Union (EU) has strict product liability regulations. The product liability laws entail regulations, which seek to protect the clientele from substandard products. In this act, the word ‘product’ denotes a tangible item. Therefore, the law does not cater for provision of services. The product liability legislation enacted...

Privileges of the Executive Power and the Possibilities of Its Application

Introduction Executive privilege is the right that is claimed by the American presidents as well as the other officials of the executive arm of the government to suspend or withhold from Congress or individuals or the court’s information that has been subpoenaed or, which has been requested. The invoking of...

Workers’ Compensation Program in the US

Introduction Workers’ compensation is a program that provides benefits such as treatment, rehabilitation and other benefits to employees who encounter work-related injuries. This compensation saves the employers from being sued by their employees who experience injuries or diseases – some of the injuries may lead to permanent disabilities. The provisions...

Female Genital Cutting and Social Justice

Female genital cutting (FGC) or female genital mutilation (FGM) is a form of female circumcision. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the practice is extremely detrimental to the natural function of female body because it significantly damages normal tissues of genitalia (as cited in Roux, 2012). WHO defines FGC as...

White-Collar Crime Description

White-collar crime is among the subtlest, most non-evident, and most impactful types of crime, which affects the population on a scale of millions. An observant person might notice that this type of behavior is prominent in both governmental and corporate structures. It is also important to note that the cases,...

Crashes by Time of Day and Day of Week

Vehicle insurance is an irreplaceable phenomenon in the modern world since it helps people cope with car accidents’ financial consequences. The insurance industry is extended and includes multiple companies that compete to attract more customers. Under such circumstances, a single innovative idea can become a significant advantage that will provide...

Prejudice and Discrimination in the Judicial System

Introduction Every country believes that the United States has a robust democratic system where the rule f law prevails over personal, political and racial issues. However, the recent events that occurred in the political and judicial system expose a different part of this admired country. Cases of racial discrimination have...

Reforms Examination: Rape and Sexual Assault

Introduction The paper is a critical examination of reforms that need to be done in regards to rape and sexual assault. This is accomplished by explaining the eight areas of rape law that reformers seek to change as well as an examination of whether these reforms have been adopted by...

TANF Policy Problems and the Importance of Social Workers

I select the recently approved social policy TANF Extension Act of 2019. The reason for this policy’s implementation was the end of low-income families’ support in 2018, due to the budget negotiations. The TANF Extension Act of 2019 is a public bill, which is the “one that affects the public...

The Dutch Business Law: The Performance of a Contract

Introduction Performance of the contract is defined as the discharge of parties from the obligations they assume during the formation of the contract. Performance of the contract has numerous types. It may be part performance or substantial performance. In Dutch, the law of the contract is contained in the New...

Caseload in the Criminal Courts of the United States

The increased caseload of the criminal courts in the United States is a source of concern for many legislators and policy-makers. The problem is that these institutions have become too overburdened and it may be difficult for them to cope with their duties effectively. This paper is aimed at discussing...

The Dodd-Frank Act. Avoiding Financial Crisis

Introduction For a long time, there has not been answerability for Wall Street and activities of gigantic financial institutions brought the USA the most horrible financial meltdown since the Great Depression, with a reported loss of eight million jobs, botched businesses, a slump in housing costs, and drained individual savings....

The Role of Cultural Background of Suspect in Unraveling the Modern Crimes

Due to globalization, crime rates have been increasing in many countries. In particular, there has been an increase in organized crimes, especially between various countries. Technology, with which crimes are committed nowadays, has highly changed over time from what it used to be several years back. Besides, criminals have been...

Multifactor Test vs. the Bright-Line Rule

The multifactor test and the bright-line rule are two legal terminologies that have managed to stir up a lot of debate, as far as effective and lawful police interrogation is concerned. The two rules differ in their application since the former seeks to apply the use of several legal interpretations...

Juvenile Weapon Crimes and Strategies to Address

Although juvenile delinquency is a common problem, the prevalence and participation of minors in violent crimes involving various types of weaponry is a major social concern. Previous nationwide studies revealed that 16% of students had carried a weapon to school at least one day within the last 30 days (Emmert...

The Order of Success Within the Department of Transport

This order, which was written by George W. Bush on January 9, 2009, was meant to improve the transport sector. It was written in various sections. For instance, section one provided a list of officials supposed to execute office duties. In this order, the person in charge of the Federal...

Workplace Discrimination Laws: Court Case

Case/Parties: Altitude Express v. Zarda (2020) Facts: An Altitude Express employee, Donald Zarda, warned female customers that he is gay to minimize possible sexual harassment complaints due to his work’s specificities that required him to be in close proximity to clients. However, one of the customers complained about the inappropriate...

Diaz v. Carcamo: Employer Liability for Employees

Employers are normally responsible for the misconduct of their employees at the workplace, and the case of Diaz v. Carcamo is yet another evidence of such liability. The reason for the incident was a car accident involving a third party who initiated the lawsuit. The essay will analyze the legal...

Juvenile Justice: Case of Jim Butler

If I was a juvenile court judge, I would sentence Jim Butler for up to three years in incarceration facility. The following, is the set of considerations that had brought me to such a decision: Jim did not only commit a particularly violent crime (armed robbery), but he committed it...

Criminal Behavior in Juveniles: Psychological Factors

Introduction The article by Harris-McKoy and Cui (2013) that is going to be summarized in the paper at hand investigates the connection of adolescent delinquency with the level of parental control. The authors assume that during transition periods, parents are often unable to exercise due control over their adolescent children–this...

Golden Land on Le Duan Street: Controversial Case

The 2013 Land Law has recently become the topic of numerous heated debates due to a number of situations where investors managed to rent the land and use it at their discretion. The law has been beneficial in general, as it ensures the specification of the type of project that...

Texas Board of Pardons and Parole: History, Role, Governance

Introduction The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles is a government agency that determines the offenders that are fit for parole or mandatory supervision. In addition, it determines the conditions for the release of offenders. The board was officially constituted under a Constitutional Amendment in 1935 (Cole et al., 42)....

Victimization Rates and Characteristics Assessment

Victimization Rates Outline The victimization rates vary considerably depending on region, nationality, and various social and ethnic factors. Region Metropolitan areas have more crime victims and violent death risks than rural countries inhabitants; The country’s sections analysis demonstrated that the highest risk rate was observed in the South (6,6% –...

Women Serving Time With Their Children: The Challenge of Prison Mothers

The prison population has been experiencing a peculiar demographic shape. The numbers of women prisoners have continued to increase and this has drawn the attention of those concerned. Crimes that do not involve violence, substance abuse, mental health issues, single motherhood and homelessness are some of the reasons why women...

Colombian and Mexican Drug Cartels and Their Impact in the U.S.

The majority of Americans are not well informed on the illicit drug problem (Lyman & Potter, 2007, p. 1) which is giving the federal and state government a run for their money. The United States has been spending a lot of money on this issue for decades in an attempt...

Women Coming Home: Long‐Term Patterns of Recidivism

Problem in the corrections system addressed in the research According to different studies, most women released from prison tend to fail parole and recidivate more quickly during the follow up period. Most women who succumb to recidivism are those with less schooling, dependant on drugs or possess far-reaching criminal histories....

Criminal Profiling: Is It Science?

Criminal profiling is an investigative technique used to identify the personality and behavioral characteristics of unidentified criminals. It is thus concerned with helping investigators know the kind of person who has committed a crime and, in this way, mitigate the effect of the crime or be able to suspect certain...

Crime Explanation Using Biology and Psychology

Comprehensive explanations on the theory of Cesare Lombroso’s have been discussed indicating that criminals could be picked out and determined by their physique, attributes and appearance. Another theory covered that supports this explanation is the theory of Bowlby’s that portrays maternal deprivation and violence coupled with trauma during childhood affects...

Case Involved in the United States Versus Blewett

The criminal case involved was the United States versus Blewett in which there was a need to reexamine the fair sentencing act that was being used to sentence criminals found in possession of drugs, especially cocaine and crack. The law applied a given ratio in the sentencing of 100:1 but...

Submission a Derivative Claim

Question Allan, David and Richard are directors of Springfield Chocolate Ltd which was incorporated in 2008. They hold 60%, 20% and 10% of the company’s shares respectively. John holds the remaining 10%. Allan has been the company’s managing director for three years. In May 2011, Springfield Chocolate Ltd was invited...

Corporations and Environment: Pollution Management in the European Union

Introduction “Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere” 1. Extreme climatic changes and degraded air quality is clear evidence of just how...

Vancouver Downtown East Side

Vancouver’s Downtown East Side is famous in Canada for having the worst postal policies characterized by high crime rates, high HIV and AIDS infection rates, drug abuse. The streets of this town are mostly under the surveillance of police officers who, harass people who reside in its corners. There are...

Status Crime: White Collar Crime in Organizations

Detail of the crime In the recent past, several cases have been reported of employees using the complex nature of the financial statements and the weaknesses in the accounting standards to manipulate the financial records. White-collar crime is characterized by inflating the asset values, overstating the reported income and cash...

Criminal Law Relation to Compstat

Compstat is a management and technological program, which is the most viable means of restructuring America’s police domain to such levels of organized bureaucratic structures as would be effective to fight crime. It basically encompasses an elaborate system of integrating cutting–edge crime analysis and harnessing both demographic and geographic data...

Crime Trends: Drug Abuse in Adults and Juveniles

Analysing crime trends in the US, one notes a mixed trends in the different crimes over the years. Drug abuse for example increased steadily from the 1970s in both the adult and juvenile populations. While drug related arrest made in 1970 were at 322,300 adults and 93,300 in juveniles, the...

Payne v. Tennessee (1991) Brief Case

Introduction Title and Citation Payne v. Tennessee, 501 U.S. 808, 111 S. Ct. 2597, 115 L. Ed. 2d 720, 1991 U.S. 3821. The votes- were: 6 votes for Tennessee and 3 vote(s) against. Facts In 1997 Pervis Tyrone Payne went to see his girlfriend in Millington. Bobbie Thomas, his girlfriend,...

Dohn Milton, Dr., v IIT Research Institute

In this instance, Dohn Milton (the plaintiff) was hired by IIT Research Institute (defendant) to discover the potentials of the contract with the federal government. Then, his duties expanded, and he was promoted to vice president of IITRI’s Advanced Technology Group (Halbert & Ingulli, 2012). In turn, the plaintiff spotted...

Americans With Disabilities Act for Small Business

A Restaurant Business The research paper uses a restaurant business as a case example of a small business. The business will deal with the provision of services to all kinds of customers. It will offer a variety of services to customers ranging from drinks and beverages, meals, and entertainment among...

Debate on the Abolishment of Grand Jury

The judicial system in USA has been entrusted with the role of handling criminal cases. The trial of criminal cases is always governed by judicial procedures and rules. The grand jury is one of the crucial stages during the trial of a criminal offence and it is always preceded by...

Legislative System in the United States

The overall US legislative structure presupposes the existence of various types of courts and institutions that tend to deal with different kinds of law cases and legal disputes. Hence, when considering the legal responsibilities of the courts within one state, the difference in terms of both financial aspects and the...

The Second Amendment: District of Columbia v. Heller

This highly controversial Second Amendment has been viewed as potentially harmful numerous times over the past couple of decades, although the Second Amendment right remains still. According to Stevens (2019), the ruling of the Supreme Court to recognize the right to possess a firearm was “the most clearly incorrect decision.”...

The Development of Juvenile Justice

Introduction The Supreme Court has always been struggling with treating young criminals since it was considered that each person must be equal before the law regardless of age, status, and other aspects. Nonetheless, the courts argued that children are different from adults; thus, they should receive other kinds of punishment...

The Importance of the Statute of Limitation

The United States of America law has an endorsement that sets the limit within which a legal lawsuit ought to start. The law has a statute that disqualifies prosecution for crimes or debt, which took place over two years. The statute of limitation does not allow prosecution for an offense...

Profiling Procedures in the Los Angeles Police Department

The law enforcers and most commonly the police, have profiling procedures that separate certain groups of people from the majority. These could be set up according to race, age, minority groups or a number of other elements. In order to avoid such discriminating behavior, there are policies in place that...

Malpractice and Disciplinary Action Issues: Bayless’ Case

Malpractice and Disciplinary Action Malpractice can be defined as an action where a professional fails to perform his or her duty causing serious injury or death to a patient (Iyer, 2001). It is done out of negligence or when a person in charge of the situation fails to deliver what...

Impact of Crime on Civil Liability and Risk: FTCA

The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) of 1946 waived the doctrine of sovereign immunity of the United States government. After its enactment, all federal workers lack defense of their employment and become liable for their wrongdoing to the same extent as natural persons according to the local laws of a...

Application of a Design in Turkey

Application of a design in Turkey involves preparation of a design application petition on an A4 size plain white paper by the use of a typewriter to the institute of Patent in Turkey. In case the first applicant in a different country is not similar to the applicant in Turkey,...

Environmental Law Application in the Contemporary World

In chapter 7 of Environmental Law, Godden at al. (2019) discusses global dimensions and international application of environmental law in the contemporary world. The authors cover both vertical and horizontal integration of environmental law – that is, integration of national legal norms with international agreements and cooperation between the sovereign...

Takeover Defenses in International Practice

Introduction The unique and defining feature of a hostile takeover is that the management and board of directors of the target company resist the proposed transaction. In order to overcome their opposition, the bidder wishing to gain control over the target company directly approaches and appeals to the target’s shareholders1....

Case Brief on Grutter v. Bollinger

Facts The Plaintiff in this litigation was Barbara Grutter and the defendant is Lee Bollinger. Grutter, a white woman, had graduated from Michigan State University with a Grade Point Average of 3.81. She had been an entrepreneur and offered services as a Health Care Information Technology Consultant before she decided...

Antitrust Laws, Their History and Current Status

Introduction Early in the 1800s, there existed some giant businessmen that took control of all business transactions. These famous businessmen were the monopolies in terms of production and sale of products; they gave no room for competition in the market. These monopolies gave no choice to small cropping businessmen on...

International Terrorism in the United States Analysis

Introduction This is a review of the Congressional Research Service report on International Terrorism, the focus being on threat, policy, and response issues. The report was completed on January 3, 2007. Terrorism refers to the organized use of fear or fright, in particular as a way of compulsion. The practice...

Inefficiency and Unreliable of Eyewitness Evidence

Introduction In criminal law, the evidence that is received from a person who is a witness declared to have seen the actual occurrence of a crime and is ready to give evidence in such a case is referred to as an eyewitness (Merriamwebster.com, 2011). Usually, in the US and the...

Hull vs. Bank Case Study

Introduction This case reflects the issue occurred between the property tenants and the North Adams Hoosac Savings Bank. Harry Hull acquired a number of real estate investments from the North Adams Bank in 1985 and 1986. After the marriage to Kathleen, Hull decided to convey his ownership interest to himself...

Corrections and Punishment Analysis

Punishment for a crime is a logical consequence of wrongful deeds, which is applied in all countries of the world. However, the reasons for punishment and its forms are different depending on the situation, the severity of the crime, and the judge’s view of its circumstances, and the possibility of...

Consumer Law Enforcement in the United States

Summary Consumer laws are set up in order to see to it that consumers benefit from the competition through low prices, better products and services in a freely competitive market where each business involved in the competition will try as much as it can, to attract consumers in various ways....

The State of Confusion Discussion

Introduction The State of Confusion has decided to enact a ruling aiming at restricting the usage of any type of hitch for the trucks. The enactment has directed all the trailers and towering trucks to use a B-type truck hitch. As evident in the case, only one manufacturer situated at...

Health Law: The Confidentiality Issues

Introduction The medical profession in the United Kingdom is a sensitive field because of the matters it tackles. It is therefore under strict vetting to ensure that the practitioners treat patients with the due duty of care and within the framework of the stipulated practice guidelines. In the UK, the...

Tort Law in the Robert Ray Courtney Legal Case

Introduction One of the major sub-branches found in law is that of the law of Tort. Unlike the other branches, the law of Tort entails civil wrongs that have been committed to an individual thereby causing harm (Showlter, 2007, p. 73). The law of tort has found its way commonly...

Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration: HIPAA Act

Introduction HIPAA or Health Insurance Portability Act cushions the US citizens against any discriminatory insurance activities. Also this Act establishes how diverse medical experts share any form of information concerning their clients (patients). It is broadly known that the groups that are expected to adhere to HIPAA mandates covers doctors...

Police Shooting and Issue of Discrimination

The increased number of police patrols in low-income communities is justified by the more complex criminal environment. However, a higher number of patrols means more crimes are reported, which does not always correspond to reality. Less police focus on wealthier neighborhoods may mean that they do not notice the proportion...

The Law on Hazardous Waste Management System

Comment The law on hazardous waste management systems was published in the Federal Register on July 24, 2012. Besides, it was majorly designed to make some vital changes to the hazardous waste identification rules. These unsafe rules were put in place by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). According...

Patent System in Sustaining R&D in the Private Sector

Patents play a vital role in innovation and economic performance. Between 1992 and 2002, the average number of patent submissions filed in Europe, Japan, and the United States increased by close to 41% (Arora et al. 147). The escalating use of patents to protect inventions by private research organizations is...

Sex Offenders and Rehabilitation

Background of the study Sex offenders may be unwelcome in most parts of society, but their treatment and subsequent rehabilitation is critical. Sex offenders have been on the rise over the past years. Attempts to classify these offenders into particular categories where each case can be viewed in isolation have...

Theories That Explain Criminal Activities and Criminology

Unlike the past when we experienced military wars among Nations, wars have changed with time from the Military action in the Second World War to the Cold war of the late 1980s and 90s and now attention has shifted to cyber security as competition for technology becomes intense. Cyber attacks...

Contract Elements: Offer and Acceptance

Offer An offer and acceptance are a part of the requisites for legal contract formation. Denotatively, a bid is a promise, the actual terms, forbearance, conditional upon an act, or the return promise that a party makes in exchange for a performance (Smits 7). Offer is a willingness demonstration to...

Sexual Offences, Rehabilitation, and Recidivism

Increased sexual offences is an issue that increasingly raises concerns across many spheres of the society form law enforcement to parents, schools, the government, scholars and many others. This paper looks into this issue in an attempt to answer questions pertaining to the law on sex offenders, their rehabilitation, recidivism...

Elements of a Contract: Commercial Law for Employees

There are five salient elements of a contract. The elements are a requisite for a contract to be enforced. Failure to prove any of the elements renders the contract voidable, thus it cannot be enforced. Acceptance is one of the elements that validate a contract. Secondly, consensus ad idem is...

History of Yellow Dog Contracts

Introduction The employers of the past centuries would enforce the yellow-dog contracts and labor injunctions (interventions against labor protest) in an attempt to set boundaries as to how employees could respond to dissatisfaction in their work environment. The resistance to the formation of labor unions by employers only led to...

Law: Preston v. Ferrer, 128 S.Ct. 978 (2008)

Preston, v. Ferrer, was a dispute between him as a “talent agent” and his client Ferrer. “In his argument, Preston was claiming for a fee from Ferrer, thus invoking this proviso accruing under the contract, however, Ferrer argued that the contract was null and it was not determinable under the...

Legal Considerations in Field Education

Social work is one of the most important care-related services that operate in society. By protecting vulnerable individuals, providing assistance to others, and ensuring that each individual can meet a comfortable standard of living, social workers contribute to the general development and prosperity of any community. Social services entail a...

Robbery and Effectiveness of Uniform Crimes Reporting

Introduction Robbery is described as the act of forcefully taking possession of another person’s property. Robbery can be divided into different categories, which include aggravated robbery, highway robbery, bank robbery, carjacking, and extortion. Under the National Incident-Based Reporting System, robbery is classified as a Group ‘A’ offense, and it is...

Police Force Diversifying Strategies

Introduction Workplace diversity has become an essential characteristic of contemporary companies and organizations. It is crucial to view the process not as a tendency brought by political correctness but as a necessary mechanism to bring more perspective into work and thus enhance its results overall. One of the spheres that,...

Human Sex Trafficking and Police Technology: An Issue of the Past or Present?

Abstract High chances are that human sex traffickers widely understand technology as a propagator of criminal activities. In an attempt to discover this truth, the paper provides an introduction that describes human sex trafficking before taking a specific approach of understanding the vice in Houston, Texas. The paper also discovers...

A Controversial Issue About Using the Marijuana

The issue connected with the use of marijuana has passed through many generations and has been discussed in many cultures from different points of view. Today the attitude of the public to the use of marijuana has changed greatly. A lot of people in the world use marijuana as medicine...

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

In the U.S there have been various attempts in the promotion of the reforms in the health care sector over many years. This year 2010, the Obama administration has been able to enact the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act even after a raucous republican opposition an exercise that is...

US Government Policies on Torture

The United Nations conventions against torture recognize torture as an act that inflicts intense physical or psychological suffering pain and suffering. Torture is commonly used by state authorities around the world as a form of punishment to people who have committed crimes; people suspected to have committed crimes or as...

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission: Case Brief Summary and Analysis

Citizens United (plaintiff) released the documentary about Hillary Clinton, which portrayed her from the negative perspective (Halbert & Ingulli, 2012). Furthermore, the plaintiff wanted to increase the law availability in the video-on-demand, but it will violate the principles, which are established by the Federal Election Commission (defendant). The principles imply...

“Outgrowing Juvenile Justice” by Michael Jonas

The problem of juvenile justice became a real problem for society. The young generation became very hostile, cruel, severe, and inhuman. More and more crimes are committed by juveniles for the last 10 – 15 years. The reasons for the crimes are different but the consequence is common – court...

Recent Developments and New Direction in Sentencing Research

Although many developments have been realized in non capital sentencing studies since 1990s, the article critically addresses various problems in the correctional sentencing systems. Ulmer while reviewing sentencing research from early 1990s onwards points out several issues which majorly revolves around data availability collected in the judicial systems. Despite data...

The Importance of Consultation and Advocacy

To advocate is to act as a voice of someone or a particular group and mostly in their defense or for a certain course. This is commonly done in groups or individuals who are not able to speak for themselves. Advocacy is therefore a form of consultation since it involves...

Judiciary Independence and Random Jury Selection in England and Wales

The principle of power separation is a universally accepted tool, ensuring that democratic values are preserved within a nation. Judiciary serves as an indispensable element of this system, as its objective is to confirm the legitimacy of all actions taken by other branches of the government. Accordingly, it plays a...