What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a way of thinking in which the critical thinkers arrive at conclusion through logical means. It can be viewed as a logical way of arriving at a conclusion. A critical thinker uses reasoning and logic in order to understand the truth as opposed to mere opinions. Skills...

Children’s Socio-Emotional Development and Factors Influencing It

Trust versus mistrust According to Erikson, between 0 and 18 months, the child has to acquire the feeling of trust without fully eliminating the feeling of mistrust (Erikson, 1950). The feeling of trust will develop in the child if they receive a positive response from the parents. He or she...

Andreas Lubitz’s Suicide from Psychological Aspect

Case Description On March 24, 2015, Andreas Lubitz was said to have committed suicide by crashing Flight 4U9525 into the French Alps consequently killing all those on board (Huggler, 2015). The plane was flying from Spain to Germany, and Andreas allegedly locked his co-pilot out of the cockpit before deliberately...

Cognitive Development from Modern Theoretical Perspective

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the domain of human cognitive development and the way in which it is portrayed by the modern theory in the field. Cognitive development involves the “growth and change in the intellectual processing functions of children as they age and mentally develop” (Brubaker, 2016,...

Alertness, Relaxation, and Stress Correlation

Abstract This essay explores the correlation between high alpha levels in individuals and their states of relaxedness and alertness. It also establishes the development of low alpha levels when the individuals are subjected to stressful conditions. The alpha brain waves are easily detectable when a person is in a state...

Psychological Assessment: Psychology and Testing

Three Types of Decisions Important for Psychology or/and Education There are three types of decisions important for psychology or/and education. These are college admission decisions, diagnostic or hiring decisions, and vocational decisions. Various psychological tests aimed to assist in making such decisions were designed. It is important to highlight the...

Folkway Violation Experience and Social Reaction

One of the most controversial folkways is that a young person is required to give up a seat during a commute on public transportation to a person that is a child, elderly, disabled, or pregnant. It is considered social etiquette and a person can be severely judged if they fail...

The Five-Factor Theory, Personality, and Gender

Abstract Personality is an attribute that everyone has that reveals their true identity. It helps to define a person. The behaviors that one portrays can lead to some characterization about the conduct. There have been various theorists who have come up with studies on personality and its development. Freud developed...

Memory Retention and Improvement Strategies

Introduction Many people suffer from various disorders that limit their ability to effectively retrieve information from their memory. While some cases are caused by complications in cognitive development, others may be caused by some acquired illnesses or physical damage of some parts of the brain. Memory loss can a short-term...

Strategies for Managing Misbehavior

Managing Misbehavior The classroom is a social environment, and teacher-student and peer interactions within any academic context largely impact the course of children’s development (Ratcliff et al., 2011). Students’ misbehavior in this micro-social environment represents a great problem because it may create barriers to the establishment of trustful relations between...

The Psychology of Physical Attraction

Introduction Psychologists have demonstrated increased interest in understanding the factors that come into play for people to admire and like others. The general consensus is that people have different conceptualizations of what they find attractive, hence the need to understand how they arrive at decisions on what is admirable or...

Rationality in Anticipated Regret Approach

Making important life decisions is difficult because the consequences of the choice can dramatically influence a person’s life. Furthermore, there is no possibility of going back in time and making an alternative decision. Moreover, it is impossible to know what would have happened if a person had made a different...

Animal Behavior and Psychology

The task of choosing only two of the nine types of fighters and defending against the other seven is an example of an exciting topic for discussion. At the same time, however, it demonstrates the narrowness of perception of most reasoners, who are led to the conditions set without elaboration...

The Computational Theory of Mind

Introduction Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) is widely assumed to be the primary working hypothesis in cognitive science. CTM is frequently understood as a subset of the Representational Theory of Mind, which holds that cognition is the manipulation of representation. The most widely accepted version of CTM, classical CTM, otherwise...

Counseling: The Role of Leadership and Advocacy

Areas of Interest My long-term research goal is to develop and implement a stigma-free advocacy support model for all first aid agencies, including individuals and their families across the country. The application of the understanding that the first respondent is experiencing physical and emotional stress at work and his family...

Apathy, the Silent Killer – True or False?

Introduction In light of the plague of the 21st century – stress – apathy deserves special attention. Frequently being only a temporal state, it skillfully disguises the actual dangers that come with a chronic apathetic condition. Firstly, it attacks the sense of personal identity and affects the person’s mental health....

The Counseling Process in the Adlerian Approach

Introduction Adlerian therapy emphasizes the ability of an individual to bring up a positive impact on their own life. In the Adlerian approach, there are several stages of the counseling process, consisting of the engagement stage, assessment, insight stage, and reorientation stage. For this Adlerian approach of counseling, individuals work...

A Person-Centered Case Conceptualization

Chad presents with the symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety. The parents’ frequent fighting and discussion of separation align with the son’s onset of changes in his mood and activity. Chad expresses hopelessness about the future; he does not have a good sleeping schedule and experiences both insomnia and excessive...

Family Systems Therapy by Virginia Satir

For a long time, the approach to the treatment of psychological problems has focused on consideration of the characteristics of the behavior, emotions and feelings of the individual. However, in the middle of the twentieth century, this view began to change and more attention was paid to family therapy. Virginia...

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Everyone in the world has thoughts, and it is in human nature. Most people’s thinking is not informed but warped and partial. However, everyone’s life depends on how they think and what they think about. Critical thinking is a rich concept and an essential skill for everyone who wants to...

Parental Involvement in Schools

Need and Problem for The Study Lack of parental involvement in a child’s education is an existing problem that teachers and guardians face. When parents are not invested in their children’s future and education, their offspring may experience poor student achievements and growth in various ways (Boonk et al., 2018)....

Understanding of Motivation: Motivation and Personality Psychology

Personality psychology focuses on the differences and similarities in various patterns of personality. A personality is a combination of traits, feelings, and thoughts that define a person as unique and dissimilar to others. Personality consists of motivation, behavior, and emotions, and each of these patterns influences how people view themselves...

The Role of Fromm’s Psychoanalysis in Attachment Theory

The attachment theory is a complex idea that implies the long-term relationships and bonds between people, particularly children and parents relationships. The theory developed by John Bowl was lately corrected by Mary Ainsworth, eliminating the point that a mother was solely responsible for her infants’ development (Slater 2007). The idea...

School Refusal as a Psychological Problem

School refusal is a common psychological problem that causes a lot of stress for a child. At the same time, the entire environment, including family, friends and school staff, is under a certain pressure. Reduced attendance and refusal to return to school can cause both short and long-term effects on...

Challenges of Family Education: Counselling on Family Life

Nowadays, when the number of pressing social problems is on the rise, it is essential to conduct research into how these problems can be solved, through what means, and based on what organizations. Family Life Education Institute is one of the fundamental organizations in the USA that helps families to...

The “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Book by Dale Carnegie

About 75 years after its publication, How to Win Friends and Influence People was named Time magazine’s 19th most influential book in 2011. It is one of the best-selling novels of all time, with over 30 million copies sold globally (“‎How to win friends & influence people,” 2022). In this...

The Study of Sex as a Study of Power

Power has been recognized as a significant variable in the study of sex and sexual behavior. These behaviors include social, relational, and individual variables. Power is considered a substantial variable in aspects of social relationships and romantic relationships. Women tend to have a more negative attitude towards premarital sex, unlike...

Psychological Program Evaluation and Assessment

Program assessment is a unique type of psychological research, and whether or not it counts as research may be a point of contention. A systematic examination, comprising research formulation, testing, and assessment, to develop or contribute to generalizable information is referred to as research. Program assessment is limited to a...

Fostering Ego Integrity Among the Elderly

Introduction Psychology explains various stages of life and activities that bring fulfillment. Erikson’s theory focuses on psychosocial development and argues that a person who has mastered themselves has strong ego integrity during old age (van der Kaap-Deeder et al., 2020). Conversely, individuals with poor ego integrity feel inadequate later in...

Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Middle and Late Adulthood

Middle adulthood is accompanied by several physiological changes. Although this is unavoidable, the value of physical activity in this age group cannot be overstated. After 30, the body loses 3-8 percent of its muscular mass per decade, and after 60 years, the loss increases (Toh et al., 2020). Rheumatoid arthritis...

Child’s Development: The Case Study

M. is an appropriately developed girl with specific skills and interests that should be discussed. First of all, she has good locomotor skills as she can interact with multiple objects, care for herself, and perform daily activities without any assistance. It can be seen from her behavior and how she...

The Brain and Its Abilities: Lara Boyd’s TED Talk

We live in the 21st century, in the age of high technologies and regular scientific discoveries. Scientific progress affects all areas of human life. A person studies the whole world around him and, most importantly-himself. We are looking for the hidden capabilities of our bodies and the potential that we...

“Perception Is the Root of All Evil”: Video Reaction

Awareness and perception have a great impact on human behavior. Awareness is one’s knowledge of a fact or situation or concern about the situation while perception is the way through which a person understands or regards something. These two nouns are similar because they represent human flaws, being not the...

Midlife Crisis and Its Effect on Women’s Stress

Women in their middle years are at a crossroads in their developmental histories and psychological dispensations not only due to lack of an image that represents their position in the society, but also as a result of their own vulnerability to a whole range of unique stressors associated with the...

Cognitive Dissonance in Abusive Relationships

The concept of cognitive dissonance can help explain a victim of an abusive relationship’s emotional state and psychological motivation. The term suggests that a person is in that severe situation when their actions contradict their beliefs and views. An extended stay in this state ultimately leads to a feeling of...

Stress: Causes and Possible Consequences

Outline Stress is something many individuals believe is a normal part of their life. Unfortunately, many of them also believe that it is inevitable and they can do nothing to avoid it. Stress can also be caused by mental health-related anomalies and disorders. Here, a major role is played from...

Child Identity: Grandparenting Role

Modern researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy are unanimous that the role of grandparents is extremely important for children. Emotional warmth and unconditional love are the most necessary components of the relationship between adults and children. They give children faith in themselves and a sense of belonging. Parents...

Social Facilitation and Social Loafing

Social facilitation and social loafing are closely-related terms that explain the changes in performance based on the presence of others. Both of the terms are a part of group behavior. While facilitation occurs when the presence of others affects the performance of individuals in either a good or bad way,...

Human Development: Key Aspects

The ecological, psychoanalytic, and biological perspective of development The ecological perspective studies humans from an environmental standpoint, which includes social, emotional, and biological influences. They aim to explain how human interaction affects people in the setting they have been born and raised in. Spencer Rathus states that ecological systems theory...

Childhood Trauma and Crisis Intervention

Children may be affected by “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”. This is “a long lasting distressful emotional disorder that is triggered by a harsh threat that produces feelings of helplessness, and extreme fear” (Hall, 2011, p.1). A person affected by the “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” may experience hallucinations, recurrent thoughts, dreams...

Portrayal of Children in Media

In this task dedicated to the portrayal of individuals from different developmental periods in advertising/media, we shall focus on the early childhood. The archetype of a child is among the basic ones; it is one of the most tradable images and is often used in advertising of the different product...

Public Administration: Trait Approach to Leadership

Introduction A trait approach to leadership provides more weight to the qualities that people are born with, instead of what they develop or the associations they develop with their employees or followers. Leadership trait theory considers that some people are born with particular character traits that support them in their...

The Big Five Personality Inventory

Introduction Personality is a thing that defines each individual’s approach to life and determines how they perform in various spheres of life, including education and work. It is valid to say that people are often not completely aware of certain personality traits they have and do not comprehend how those...

Premise and Origins of Business Psychology

Introduction and Premise of Business Psychology The study of business psychology provides valuable knowledge and insights that assist business managers in understanding people’s behavior in business. Such knowledge, therefore, equips a business manager with relevant information in regard to human behavior when faced with challenges in business and management contexts....

Child’s Play in Neighborhood and Community

Back in the day, play activities were mainly physical with parents and teachers insisting on more outdoor activities. This does not mean that there were fewer indoor activities even though there were higher levels of creativity involved that are identified in modern societies. It was common for us to participate...

Psychology: Professional and Personal Development

Introduction It is generally believed that an individual or a professional is what he thinks. Whatever he is doing, whatever he feels, and whatever thing he wants to get out of life, will be determined by the quality of his thought process. If he thinks in an unrealistic manner, he...

The Effects of Battered Women Syndrome

Overview A battered woman’s syndrome is a mixture of feelings alongside other temperamental patterns which are as a result of the consequences of trauma, lack of assistance and a round of violence which makes the affected female victim to blindly acknowledge that it is impossible to evade the abusive relationship...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Effectiveness for the Treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Abstract According to the United States National Institute of Mental Health (2009), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) has been defined as “an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry, and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.” The prevalence of GAD, along with the associated incidence...

Emotional Factors in Conflict Management

Introduction Many perennial conflicts have failed to be settled due to failure of the mediators to come up with the appropriate strategies which would put all the aspects of the conflict into consideration and hence translate into positive results. In addition, some factors have proved to be difficult to deal...

Motivations of Human Behavior

Human behavior is a rather interesting area of study as far as human beings try to study themselves and it is always a complicated task. The motivations that drive people to acting in a certain way have always interested scholars and ordinary people in the light of the fact that...

Case Study: Constant Stress

The working environment is considered to be the principal cause of depression and stress. The case study analysis depicts Michael’s stress sufferings at work; being a 40-year-old experienced airline pilot, the man completely devoted himself to his work. The analysis of possible causes leading to stress and depression is based...

An Artifact of Childhood Activity

Introduction Psychology refers to childhood as the time between birth and puberty, just before the human being enters adolescence (Gowers, 2005). However for sociologists, childhood is considered as the period after infancy, wherein the human being begins to actively participate in his or her immediate social environment and make conscious...

Depression and Depressive Disorders

Introduction Depression is quite widespread and one of the leading causes of disability in the world. Commonly recognized symptoms of all types of depressive disorders are recurring feelings of sadness and guilt, changes in sleeping patterns such as insomnia or oversleeping, changes in appetite, decreased mental and physical energy, unusual...

Organisational Behaviour in Teams and Groups

Introduction For human beings it is typical to unite in various groups, teams and organisations. For the sake of order and avoiding anarchy certain rules and laws are established in these organisations that regulate the principles of organisational behaviour. Accordingly, organisational behaviour is the basis of the successful performance of...

Self-Concept Model: Brief Description

Psychology is a rather difficult topic to write about because it involves lots of personal attitudes and opinions, and what is right for one person can turn out to be absolutely wrong for another. But, at the same time, this is quite an interesting topic because of several reasons. Firstly,...

Causes and Management of Stress

Abstract Stress can be classified in three categories namely; Mechanical stress which is the average amount of force exerted per unit area, biological which can either be psychological or physiological and music stress. The paper I am writing will entirely deal with the biological stress. First the paper, defines what...

Fear of Flying: Phobia Definition

The Fear of Flying (FOF) has psychological and physiological symptoms. It makes people avoid boarding planes. According to Clark and Rock (2016), this highly common phobia affects about 2.5-40 percent of the global population. These authors associate the misconceptions raised regarding aviophobia with inadequate research in the area of cognitive-behavioral...

Psychology: Anxiety Coping Strategies

Burger (2015) singles out three types of strategies that can be useful in coping with anxiety such as problem-focused, emotion-focused, and avoidance strategies. Problem-focused strategies are aimed at managing the problem and thus overcoming anxiety. These strategies usually include careful study of the problem, making a plan of action, considering...

Learning Types Through the Lens of Psychology

Introduction The process of learning is essential for any person. People may learn how to perform physical activities, social skills, emotional understanding of themselves and others, the inner workings of societies, science, and almost any other skill. However, approaches to learning may be varied and have their own benefits and...

Motivating Adolescents at Home and School

Many different reasons can be given to explain why teenagers are in need of additional motivation and support in their personal and professional growth. Compared to children, adolescents are more independent with high demands and expectations. Therefore, it is important for them to stay motivated and understand the worth of...

Psychology: Teenage Sexual Behavior and Education

Introduction Teenage sex is a topic relevant to both parents and kids, likewise. When teens approach puberty, they experience numerous changes in their bodies, ranging from an overflow of emotions resulting from developing hormonal activity to peer pressure from older members of their age group (Bukatko, 2008). Some feel the...

Psychology Branches and Future Career Perspectives

Abstract The paper discusses such branches of psychological science as biopsychology, cognitive neuropsychology, clinical psychology, counseling psychology, geropsychology, industrial-organizational psychology, social psychology, experimental psychology, and forensic psychology. The paper covers the main concepts, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of each branch. The prospects for the future career in each of these...

Working With Mandated Ordered Client in Group Counseling

The Most Difficult Type of Client (s) To Work With In Treatment Group counseling is important for character transformation and psychological treatment. Professional counselors act as stewards during group counseling sessions (Harel, Shectman & Cutrona, 2012). Ideally, a standard group counseling session is normally composed of persons from different backgrounds....

B. F. Skinner’s Behaviorism and Biography

Abstract B. F. Skinner was a distinguished psychologist renowned for advancing various theories on human behavior. His works received critical reviews from numerous scholars. This paper analyses three journals, each providing a different point of view on behaviorism as suggested by Skinner. Delprato and Midgley’s “Some Fundamentals of B. F....

Developmental Model by Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget is widely recognized as one of the most well-known and impactful developmental psychologists in the history of the field (Slavin, 2015). Initially, Piaget majored in biology and then shifted to psychology. As a result, his focus was on the application of the principles and knowledge of biology to...

Moral and Religious Development in Adolescents

Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory Critics pointed out that Kohlberg’s moral stages appeared later in life and not as what Kohlberg envisioned it to be. For instance, most adolescents were discovered to reason at Stage 3, but at the same time, some of them are already capable of Stage 2 and...

Compulsive Buying Disorder

People living in the contemporary world have to cope with various issues, and they often choose different ways that can sometimes be rather destructive. Compulsive buying disorder is often an issue of women trying to cope with depression, but this psychological state is not the only reason for the development...

Pregnant Women’s Mental Health Difficulties

Pregnant women, as well as females during a postpartum period, are vulnerable and might experience many mental health difficulties ranging from mild anxiety to depression. Mental health conditions affect the physical health which is crucial for a woman who is preparing to give birth to a child. According to research,...

Internet-Based Psychotherapy as an Innovative Tool

Introduction The use of evidence-based innovations in the healthcare sector has significantly improved patients’ access to quality and safe health services (Pedersen & Johansen, 2012). Based on the effects of innovation on the healthcare practice, it is essential for nurse leaders to evaluate them and promote innovations that have a...

African-American Mothers’ and Their Sons Relationship

Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise and accurate synopsis of key elements of your dissertation. Include the following information (suggested length: 400 words or less): Research topic summary (1-5 sentences) Provide a concise summary of your dissertation research topic. Explain the rationale for your study...

Organizational Behavior in the “Troy” Film

Film Analysis Organizational behavior is a rapidly growing field of study. Many books and academic researches give critical assessment to various organizational behavior theories. Explorations in the sphere of motivation and leadership within organizations help building efficient collaboration schemes for workers in all kinds of companies. The importance of research...

Evolution Psychology: “Is Anatomy Destiny?”

Although evolution psychology underscores the importance of sex differences in sexuality, it is increasingly becoming clear that some social psychologists view this allegation as an exaggeration that is not rooted in science (Stewart-Williams & Thomas, 2013). Indeed, the binary classification of categorizing species is being put to question due to...

The McMartin Preschool and Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology Judy Johnson reported to the police about her child’s sexual molestation. It led to the arrest of Ray Buckey. There was a need to involve forensic experts in child psychology to determine the severity of the allegations (Bertel, 2012). The prosecutor, the defense, and the jury would rely...

Identity Role in Mentality Development

Identity vs. Role Confusion Development of a person is an incredibly sophisticated process that depends on numerous factors impacting the psyche and resulting in the appearance of particular behavioral patterns, desires, values, and interests. A set of these aspects form the mentality of an individual. Psychologists state that the period...

Child Abuse Problem and Perspectives on Child Abuse

Child abuse is the maltreatment of children in the world. The abuse can be emotional, physical, or sexual. It can be an act of omission or commission that results in harm, potential for harm or threat of harm to a child (Lowry, 2006). Children have a right to be cared...

Anxiety Disorders Theory and Research

Prospectus Anxiety is a common feeling and every person happens to experience it multiple times of the course of their life. Having anxiety is normal, but when this feeling is especially intense and frequent, it may create a negative impact on social and professional life of an individual; in this...

Developmental Theories’ Comparative Analysis

Introduction Studying people’s behavior has been a central focus for various scholars and scientists over the centuries. This has led to the development of various theories that aim at explaining why people behave and develop the way they do. Arguably, a human being’s behavior and development is a lifelong process...

Teaching Empathy to Pre School Children

The study of children, though less than 200 years old, has been a fascinating one for developmental psychologists. This is because of the many psychological changes that occur in this stage of life, extending towards the onset of adolescence. Researchers believe that these psychological changes culminate in the optimum psychological...

Bilingualism Effects on Cognitive Development

The 21st Century has been characterised by a multicultural and diverse society (Cavaluzzi, 2010). The proportion of children taking English as a second language is also increasing tremendously. A survey carried out on London schools in 2000 showed that the children spoke more than 300 languages (Edwards, 2004). Statistics show...

Barack Obama: A Leader’s Psychological Portrait

Barack Obama Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, in the United States of America, on August 4, 1961. His full name is Barack Hussein Obama II. From 2009 to 2017, Barack Obama served as the 44th president of the United States (Barker, 2018). Additionally, he was the first African American...

Erikson’s and Piaget’s Developmental Theories

Introduction Both Erickson’s and Piaget’s developmental theories agree that a child’s development occurs through a sequential transition. Erickson gives eight stages that explain the transition of a child’s development; on the other hand, Piaget gives four. The two theories may be different, but they both show that each stage has...

Nursing Burnout: Causes and Solutions

Introduction The complicated and demanding nature of the nursing profession makes burnout among nurses a risk. Burnout is a state of extended stress and a lack of support, resulting in emotional, bodily, and mental tiredness. Patient safety, the standard of nursing care, and burnout are all impacted. Emotional weariness, depersonalization,...

Shaping Singing Behavior with Applied Behavior Analysis

Shaping is a method teachers or therapists use in applied behavior analysis (ABA) to achieve a desired behavior or skill by gradually teaching and reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior. This means the demonstrated approximate desired behavior is reinforced while the other behaviors are not. Analysts may use the...

Classical Conditioning: Basic Behavioral Processes Involved in Procrastination

Human behavior has various features associated with people’s emotional reactions. One of these features is procrastination, which is a hesitance to the beginning of a particular action, despite the delay worsening the situation (Zentall, 2021). An individual can apply methods of behavioral modifications to combat procrastination. In particular, positive reinforcement...

Intelligence Assessment: Raven Progressive Matrices

The Raven Progressive Matrices is a test of intelligence that was developed in the 1950s. The test measures spatial ability, working memory, and reasoning ability by having the examinee complete a series of tasks that require them to draw shapes, arrange cards in numerical order, and perform other cognitive tasks....

Nature vs. Nurture Influence on Development

It is important to note that many complexities of human development and growth can be attributed to the mix of influence of nature and nurture. The latter refers to the environmental and social forces shaping how an individual becomes the way he or she is, which means that there is...

Theories of Development: Piaget, Freud, and Erikson

Introduction The process of human development is complex and quite intricate. However, several theories can be distilled as the foundational premise for understanding the subject matter. These are Piaget’s, Freud’s, and Erikson’s ideas of cognitive and social development. Although the three theories seemingly have very few characteristics in common, further...

The Grit TED Talk by Duckworth: Critical Analysis

The subject of this critical essay is a lecture by Angela Lee Duckworth, that they gave during their Ted Talk titled Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. They explained, how the IQ of her students was not the main predictor of academic performance in the math class they taught....

Causes and Management of Stress at Work

Stress is a condition that arises when an individual’s resources are inadequate to deal with the responsibilities and pressures of the situation, and it can jeopardize goal achievement for both people and organizations. Situations that are unplanned, unmanageable, unclear, imprecise, or strange or involve dispute, damage, or performance standards are...

Ethical Principles in Psychology

The ethical dilemma described in the case study is a frequent consequence of the relationship between the psychologist and the patient. Some of the issues in the scenario concern the neglection of the APA standard “Avoiding Harm, 3.04” and the potential violation of “Multiple Relationships, 3.05” (American Psychological Association, 2017)....

Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth

The main purpose of the research Mary Ainsworth aimed at exploring the development of feelings associated with love in infants toward their caregivers. This information was then purposefully used to understand the effect of the first emotional relationship on the following loving connections. Ainsworth explored the similarities between the first...

Social Influence on Beliefs and Behavior

Introduction Social influence refers to how people adjust their behavior to meet specific requirements in a social environment. It involves a person’s unintentional and intentional effort to change another individual’s behavior, attitude, or even beliefs. Unlike persuasion, which is often intentional and has an extent to which the target is...

Biological, Social, and Psychological Variables of Mental Health

Biological Biological variables include the gender of the patient, namely female, the age of the patient, which is forty years old, as well as the absence of children. Previously, the girl was successful, led a healthy lifestyle, contacted people, and had a boyfriend. After the breakup, she began to feel...

Impact of the Personality Tests Results

Personality tests are psychological tools to understand personal traits and draw a stable pattern from his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. A person who completes the personality tests can evaluate their behavior more critically to work on them so that his personality benefits him in particular environments and conditions. Many personality...

Adolescent Psychosocial Development

Background Psychosocial and psychological developments in adolescent years are crucial for individual’s future development. It is highly affected by physical brain development and social environment. Erikson suggests that people progress through a series of stages as they grow and develop through their life. Each stage is linked to an essential...

Theories of LeBron James’ and Beyoncé’s Success

LeBron James The legendary basketball player LeBron James is regarded as one of the sport’s all-time greats. James achieved a great deal of achievement both on and off the field. Many factors have contributed to his success; two theories can help explain it: social learning theory and cognitive development theory....

Selling for Customer-360, Inc.: Cas Study

Laura is a communicative person who is particularly interested in other people’s hobbies and their interest in building trust and positive relationships. She is a good listener and knows how to avoid conflicting situations. When Laura agreed to meet Chris, she was late for lunch, and this is the main...

The Change Process in Psychological Counseling

Regressions and other types of effective research must be supplemented by change process research, which examines the mechanisms through which change happens in psychotherapy. The many sorts of psychological therapies that are now being used have long dominated the area of psychotherapy. An explanation of the continuous improvement idea is...

The Two Major Approaches to Personality: Key Principles

Evaluation of the main approaches to personalities is essential in the context of understanding human nature and psychology. It includes reviewing existing theories and creating a personality profile that includes key behavioral and psychological traits. In addition, one should consider the chosen approaches from the perspective of a theoretical basis,...

Stress and Cognitive Appraisal

I have recently had a stressful experience related to my essay, which had to contain three thousand words and was due in three days. Even though I was familiar with the topic of the essay, I had much work to do, including reading many scholarly articles and analyzing and summarizing...

“Metacognitive Processes” Article by Marulis and Nelson

Purpose of The Research The aim of the study was to explore early metacognition through two developmental measures – declarative and procedural. Another goal of the study was to explore associations between executive function and motivation. Research Methods Used Metacognition was estimated using a metacognitive knowledge interview and a metacognitive...

Observing Behavior in a Local Shopping Center

The location of the psychological experiment is a local shopping center; the evening time; the date is 11 July 2022, Sunday. There were several ethnic subgroups, and individuals behaved in a number of different ways. There were a lot of people in groups on the monitoring day. People often just...

The Interconnection of Perception, Consciousness, and Attention

Introduction to Perception Perception is “experiences resulting from stimulation of the senses” (Goldstein, 2019) Humans evolved with detailed visual perception Third of the human brain devoted to it Perception = physical energy from outside world ? electrochemical message ? stimulating receptor cells ? received by the brain Perception may be...

Analysis of Social Psychology Concepts

Introduction Social psychology is the science of how people’s ideas, attitudes, beliefs, desires, and aspirations are formed in a social setting due to their actual or perceived encounters with others. Thus, it examines human conduct concerning people and the contexts in which interaction and feelings occur. People are frequently influenced...

The Role of Nature and Nurture in Behavior

Introduction Different approaches to the study of human behavior, often conflicting but convincing, have made it difficult for a student to arrive at a definite understanding of the subject. Some researches show that instinct or nature decides the behavioral pattern, but there are other views stating that human mind comes...

Domestic Abuse Problem Analysis

In the context of present-day developments, domestic abuse appears to be a pressing concern. According to Alshammari et al. (2018), “intimate partner violence (IPV) or domestic violence and abuse refer to the victimization of an individual by an intimate companion” (para. 9). However, domestic abuse may also regard not only...

Demi Lovato’s Story of Recovery

The following essay gives an overview of Demi Lovato’s recovery story from her mental issues, which involved substance addiction, depression, bulimia, and bipolar disorder. Her treatment was a life-long journey at different qualified rehabilitation centers, which had a personalized approach to their patients. Analyzing her history of relapses, it would...

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Behavior Analysis

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a type of intellectual development disorder (IDD) characterized by three main signs, i.e. impaired communication and social interaction, repetitive stereotypical behavior, and a restricted interest in early childhood acts. Genetics has a key role in the etiology of autism. Environmental factors are also interacting...

Group Dynamics Impact on the Organization’s Productivity

Abstract The study will explore the impacts of Group Dynamics on the productivity of an organization. A survey will be used as the method of study where random sampling will be used as the technique for data collection. The sample size will be 100 out of which half will be...

Causes and Results of Child Abuse

Child abuse can be emotional, sexual, and physical, but all its forms may lead to severe psychological problems. The effects vary from social discomfort to dangerous pathologies, making it difficult for clinicians to treat the problem. The more information specialists learn about the complex factors that influence abused children’s psychological...

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety and Substance Abuse

Conceptualization Mark is a student who suffers from social anxiety and alcohol abuse problems. As a person who grew up in a conservative, non-drinking, and socially secluded environment, he did not develop social competencies and interpersonal skills to successfully integrate into a highly psychologically demanding college community. Mark’s inadequate social-emotional...

Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development

Sigmund Freud argued that children develop psychologically through five distinct stages. Each phase is characterized by different erotogenic zones and personal conflicts (Desai, 2018). During infancy (birth to 1 year), the child draws much pleasure by placing things in the mouth. Oral stimulation makes the baby trustful and comfortable due...

Applying Psychology to One’s Life: Memory and Behavior

Memory Memory is the ability to recall information that a person has remembered. According to the Atkinson-Schiffrin model, the process of memorizing things goes through three distinct phases (Coon, et al., 2018). Incoming information is first encoded in sensory memory, which holds it for a few seconds, before being encoded...

Utilitarian Ethical Approach: Review

The utilitarian ethical approach addresses any given action in terms of consequences or potential outcomes. This ethical approach strives to achieve the best outcome for the majority while presenting the least amount of harm or negative consequences. Every entity that will be impacted by the decision is considered equally, which...

The Phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance

Introduction The cognition of a person is a unique and complex process that involves multiple systems and affects the whole body. In the process of evolution, humanity managed to improve its ability to cognize the surrounding world and explain the majority of phenomena that are important for it. The desire...

Theoretical Approach: Family Systems Therapy

Strategic Family Therapy There are many theoretical approaches in psychotherapy; every method is effective in its way and can be applied to different cases. The choice of a technique is determined by the values and needs of a client, including improving interpersonal relationships, solving family problems, or dealing with identity...

The Undeniable Importance of Accountability

Personal responsibility, compliance, and awareness play an essential role in any human activity. A responsible attitude has always been highly valued since it means making conscious decisions and applying behaviors that provide trustful and sincere communication. Except for the ability to communicate, the ability to respect colleagues is also a...

Why Some People Are Happier Than Others

The question of why some people are happier than others is of a great significance to both practical situational applications in the society, as well as for the theoretical and philosophical reasons of gaining knowledge. The answers and the response from the question of why given people seem to be...

Examining Biases, Complexity, and Reasoning

Despite the seemingly harmless and simple intentions, people are likely to fall victim to organizational and cognitive biases. Those decisions that are made without proper consideration of potential difficulties are more prone to turn out to be erroneous. This paper will analyze the case of a girl, who started studying...

Diversity and Individual Differences in Child’s Play Behavior

Several indicators may be used to predict how a preschool child plays in randomly selected situations that are quite helpful in predicting a child’s play behavior. These include cognition abilities, physical abilities, social abilities, and the child’s emotional attachments. A child’s play behavior is heavily influenced by his or her...

The Impact of Attentional Focus on the Swimming Speed of Professional Swimmers

The Goal of the Research The objective of the study was to examine the impact of attentional focus on the swimming speed of professional swimmers (Stoate & Wulf, 2011). How the Goal Relates to My Research The authors report that an external focus targeted at the movement augments automaticity compared...

Forensic Psychology: Subspecialties and Roles

Forensic psychology involves the use of science as well as the psychology profession in questions and concerns associated with the legal system. Presently, forensic involves the use of empirical knowledge and practices to an adversary process in which particularly scientists with advanced knowledge have a role. The profession of forensic...

Forms of Sex Abuse and Its Causes

Introduction Any action leading to sexual contact without the consent of one partner can be referred to as sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is therefore any act of non-consensual sexual intercourse. In the recent past, this kind of harassment has been more often reported than it was a few years ago....

Statistical Significance and Effect Size in Forensic Psychology

The relationship between statistical significance and effect size in the sphere of forensic psychology is extremely important because results can be discussed as psychologically significant and applied to a wide range of population only when the effect size is high (Little, 2013, p. 9). Thus, if the statistical significance is...

Stress and Emotional Management

Managing Emotions-Strategy to Control Depression and Stress By GS Virk This article begins by acknowledging that conflicting emotions, just like thoughts, are a strong limitation in our mind. It goes on to say that stress and emotional management can be achieved through a habitual practice of the awareness of positive and...

How the Brain Learns to Read

Abstract The brain constitutes the central nervous system among all the animals with backbones popularly known as the vertebrates. Also, most invertebrates have a working brain system. Small animals like starfish have nervous systems which are not central to their body functioning. The nervous system substitutes the functions of the...

We See and Understand Things Not as They Are but as We Are

Human minds shape the world where an experience of the reality is limited or enhanced by human’s cultural beliefs. In this case, we see and understand our world from what can be formed in our minds. Based on this ‘ways of knowing’ generally we refer to the deductive way of...

American Psychological Association Code of Ethics

America Psychological Association’s ethical code has four main which are the introduction, the preamble, the general principles, and the standards of ethics. The main issue that the author of this document addresses in this text is the ethical standards that psychologists are supposed to uphold. The introduction has a detailed...

Psychology in the Study of Physical Security

About the Article The article ‘Psychology in the study of Physical Security’ is very realistic. It considers the major elements of physical security. These aspects are technology and people. Many issues have not been researched in the field of physical security. The article lacks some physical security considerations such as...

Handling Adolescents With Oppositional Defiant Disorders

Introduction Children undergo a series of developmental stages as they grow towards maturity and it is important that parents understand the difference between the normal adolescence behaviors to attempt to disobey rules and authority and the full-blown Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder that mostly...

The Psychology of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts by Pettinelli

The workings of the human mind are perhaps the last frontiers that are yet to be unraveled by science. Despite the advances in neurobiology and better technology, the cognitive aspects of the brain defy satisfactory explanation. Mark Pettinelli, through his book The Psychology of Emotions, Feelings and Thoughts attempts to...

Caregivers Day Care for Children

Introduction In our society, children are considered the most inquisitive and fast growing members. Attention and care for children has been considered of importance as they are vulnerable to injury and/or adopting socially unfit behavior. At the childhood stage, much is seen and heard by the child. These experiences can...

Cognitive Psychology and Addiction

Introduction Addiction is one of the cognitive mechanisms characterized as a psychological disorder. In defining behavior as the domain of psychology, a serious problem arises in distinguishing between behavior and physiological events. In restricting the domain of psychology to behavior and its relationship to the environment, molar behaviorism does not...

Collaborative Relationships within Child Protection Work

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze collaborative relationships with regard to child protection. In particular, the discussion will be dedicated to the cooperation of professionals, support workers, governmental and non-governmental agencies, children, families, and communities. Moreover, the paper analyzes some implications of this policy to information sharing...

Identity and Self in Counseling Psychology

Abstract The purpose of this discussion is to look at identity and self in counselling psychology. It will look at how the contemporary issues of identity, diversity, and self impact the couselling. This is because society has been going through many changes in its practices from the traditional, modern, and...

My Social World and Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is an important variable that is characterized by a significant value in contemporary psychological research, and its definition may be easily explained with the help of the children’s story under the title “Little Engine That Could”. The little engine from the story was “smaller and weaker than the others”,...

Child Psychology Peculiarities and Erickson’s Perspective of Psychosocial Development

In personality development, childhood is considered to be very significant. Therefore in an attempt to analyze appropriate moves about children breaking away stand by me or hope, I will consider Erickson’s perspective of psychosocial development, as far as childhood is concerned. According to Erickson as the child develops ego identity...

Mind-Body Connection in Learning

The mind is a complicated body machine that can not be imagined. Research has shown that it weighs about 1.5-kilo grams and that it has more than 50 billion connections to the body through nerve endings and nerve cells. The brain is not independent but it works together with other...

Return to Work After Mental Illness: Intervention Strategies

Introduction Though illness makes the employees discomfort at the work and may stop them to work for quite a some time, most of the times, employees return to work after a short while with recovery. Recovery from physical or mental illness takes time allowing the employee taking time to resume...

Psychiatric Diagnosis of McKay on Stargate Atlantis Show

The character of Rodney McKay on the television show “Stargate Atlantis” proves to be most interesting. His behavior makes for an interesting blend of comedy and cynicism especially when he displays a blatant disregard for the feelings and needs of others. In one episode of Stargate Atlantis, he is given...

Personality as Response to External Factors

Introduction A person lives in the space of culture, which accompanies life in all its manifestations. Culture programs the life activities of people and defines its socialized ways. Each individual lives and acts by building his or her life path according to programs that are determined by social conditions and...

Developmentally Appropriate Malaysian Toys

Introduction Noticing the dynamics in early childhood development and utilizing appropriate tools for boosting it are central strategies for assisting children in building the required skill set for further critical and creative thinking for various purposes. Malaysian toys, in turn, introduce a vast range of possibilities for encouraging development in...

Personality and Intelligence Theories

Introduction Research into spheres of intelligence, personality and their interplay is often built on discussing various traits or capabilities that unite people. For example, theories regarding personality traits separate people into groups according to their relatability to certain behaviours and feelings (Pérez-González & Sanchez-Ruiz 2014). Similarly, the information processing approach...

Emotions and the Perception of Freedom

The relationship between man and women has always evoked interest and received attention in numerous literary works. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is an emotional piece full of metaphors that I find thought-provoking. First Published in 1894, it dwells on questions of psychological stability and suppressed realization...

Positive and Negative Punishment Definition

The goal of punishment is not to allow certain types of behavior to happen or make them weaker. When defining punishment, it is vital to consider the three elements. First of all, the particular behavior occurs, then consequences follow it, and, finally, the behavior is weakened (Miltenberger, 2016). When an...

“Children Need to Play, Not Compete” the Article by Statsky

Summary As the object of the review, the article “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” by Statsky will be used. In her work, the author argues that for children between the ages of six and twelve, games in which competition is a key aspect are inappropriate (Statsky). As an alternative,...

The Role of Family Therapy on Resolving the Problems

Family-based interventions include parent training, family therapy, and multisystemic therapy (Carr 130). Family therapy aims at resolving the problems of young people by using a family-based intervention that involves family members. Family therapy is the treatment of mental disorders with the potential to solve the issues and minimize stress by...

Difficult Childhood and Personal Development

It is universally accepted that the childhood environment influences the development of cognitive functions. Mainstream research has shown that early socioeconomic status plays a huge role in shaping the future performance of individuals. Generally, children growing within a harsh environment characterized by a low cultural level, scarce economic resources, and...

Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Differences

Cultural and emotional intelligence have a certain similarity in the way they work because both require the person to examine the situation before acting upon it. Rash decisions are often incorrect and lack understanding of the subtle intricacies of human behavior. However, while emotional intelligence deals with more universal aspects...

Emotional Contagion in Facebook: Psychological Research

The experiment described in the article was intended to research the ability of individuals to change their emotional state depending on the indicators used by their peers. The researchers modified the participants’ Facebook news feed by removing content with positive or negative expressions. As a result, the participants produced posts...