“Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority” by Stanley Milgram

Having read the article titled Some Conditions of Obedience and Disobedience to Authority written by Stanley Milgram (1965), one is forced to contemplate on the intensity with which people have to undergo mental pressures in adhering to orders and instructions. Such tendencies are experienced by all in real-life situations whereby...

The Author’s Personal Experience

Tanya Maria Barrientos starts her essay with an anecdote to make her writing more credible, emotional, and appealing. Clearly, the use of the first-hand experience always makes it seem more credible as people tend to believe personal accounts rather than anonymous stories. Apart from making people believe her, Barrientos uses...

The Theory of Sexual Essentialism

The theory of sexual essentialism implies that sex is a raw natural process that has existed outside and before any social implications surrounding it. Despite the inherent biological nature of sexuality, the concept has been profoundly institutionalized and shaped by society through history and the formation of cultural values. Sex...

Happiness, Positive Psychology and Counselling

Happiness is perceived differently by people. Its basis is not the same for all. There are also different factors that make people experience their own kind of happiness. The degree of happiness also differs given the same instance thus making happiness very subjective to the person who is given the...

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Rorschach Inkblot Test was created by Hermann Rorschach, a prominent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and the follower of Freud and Jung. The date of the test creation is 1921 (Schachtel, 2013). The original Rorschach Inkblot Test was set of 40 bisymettrical inkblots that seemed formless. However, later, to reduce the...

Organizational Behavior in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” Movie

Movie Selection Willy Wonka, the key character of the movie, can fulfill the dreams of any child. As a commercial reception, he hides five gold tickets in chocolate bars and decides to test the honesty of the winners. During the tour in the country of delicacies, the participants are expected...

Experimental Psychology and Forensic Psychology

Abstract Psychology is a powerful field of study aimed at addressing a wide range of human problems. The field can be divided into two specialties. These include experimental and forensic psychology. This essay gives a detailed analysis of the ideas gained after completing the class exercise. The exercise outlines the...

Children Cognitive Development

Introduction Jean Piaget is one of the first psychologists who contributed to the study of children cognitive development (Shayer, & Adhami, 2010). In his theory, Piaget observed some characteristics exhibited by children as they developed their cognitive abilities. According to him, children and adults think differently; however, children are usually...

Group Dynamics’ Impact on the Organization Productivity

Abstract The study proposes a research on the impact of group dynamics on the efficiency of employees. Survey will be used as the method of study, where a convenience sample will be selected and the units of analysis arrived at using the stratified sampling method. The sample size will be...

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Concept

Body Dysmorphic Disorder or BDD is a disorder that involves patient’s distorted perception of his or her appearance. Patients suffering from this disorder tend to see a certain aspect of their appearance as a strong imperfection and it makes their life unbearable. They believe that it is impossible to live...

Introversion and Extraversion Biological Basis

The terms “introvert” and “extrovert” have become household words in the XXI century owing to Eysenck’s theory and the development of a three-factor model. Traditionally, it is believed that introversion and extroversion are defined by biological factors and that environmental factors play little to no role in defining the given...

Grieving Process and Its Stages

Introduction Elizabeth Kubler-Ross argues that human beings go through five systematic stages of grieving. These stages are not static in their occurrence (Klass & Walter, 2001). Sometimes they do not occur in the order she arranges them. She arrived at her conclusion after working with individuals suffering from different terminal...

Perception: Impact on Everyday Life

One of the most striking and significant examples of the influence of perception on everyday life is the depth, comprehensiveness, objectivity, and speed of cognition of another person due to certain objective and subjective characteristics. Most often, the perception of other people is based only on assumed qualities, impressions, interpretation,...

Adolescence: Developmental Theories

Introduction Adolescence is a transition period, and these changes may be so drastic that parents question whether they are witnessing normal adolescent behavior or reason for alarm. Sometimes, adolescents do not wholly comprehend the repercussions of their behaviors. Parents need to realize that many adolescent habits that are strange to...

The Importance of Self-Care in Modern Society

Introduction Fear for one’s health and the well-being of loved ones, financial stress, economic instability, and social isolation creates an ideal habitat for triggers that threaten mental health. Psychologists are asked to devote time to physical and psychological states in such a difficult time. Today it is important to remember...

Video Game Addiction: History and Future Implications

Introduction Video games are arguably the most popular form of entertainment among the youth today. Generally, males play more than females, although this trend has been shifting in the last decade (Lopez-Fernandez et al., 2019). The video game industry is an interesting topic to study since it is filled with...

Psychology of Leadership Theories

Introduction Systems of opinion that describe how particular people emerge as leaders are known as leadership theories. While many of these theories concentrate on the qualities of effective leaders, others look for the actions that individuals may do to enhance their individual leadership skills in various contexts. Historical research on...

Sigmund Freud’s Book the Future of an Illusion

Sigmund Freud’s book The Future of an Illusion is a psychoanalytical work discussing the tenets of civilization and the impact of religious ideas on society. Success in any community is dependent on controlling people’s desires and harnessing their collective ability to create wealth. However, wealth congregates around the minority upper...

Fromm’s Humanistic Psychoanalysis and Attachment Theories

Eric Fromm was significantly impacted by Sigmund Freud and his ideas of conflict, defense, and the critical role unconscious play in people’s lives (Bacciagaluppi, 2014). At the same time, he had other visions of the role of culture in the evolution of individuals. He believed that society and its customs...

Freud’s Emphasis on Using a Coach in Psychoanalysis

Since Freud, the couch has been regarded as an essential component of psychoanalysis. Freud’s emphasis on using a coach in psychoanalysis could be interpreted in two ways (Skolnick, 2019). Firstly, the couch is a relic of hypnosis, once used to treat psychological disorders. Secondly, the couch is a ceremonial object,...

The Development of the Preschool Child

Introduction The summary description entails the video, pretend washing, where the main protagonists are two girls donning yellow and lime dresses. The girls are three and appear to have normal physical development based on size and stature (Pretend Washing, 2013). The girls are happy and attentive as they engage in...

Narrative Therapy and Career Counselling

The field of psychology has an extensive selection of approaches to therapy, many of which have shown positive results. One of the most highly-recognized approaches to therapy is the narrative one, the main feature of which is the separation between the person and their problems (Afary & Fritz, 2020). Narrative...

Intelligence: Are We Smarter Than Our Parents?

The Flynn effect states that the levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) have been rising over time and increasing among the consequent generations. The change may be attributed to several factors like the changes in technology, lifestyles, learning methods and the increasing number of scientists and inventions of our time among...

Breaking Free From an Abusive Relationship

According to statistical data provided by the American Bar Association of Commission on Domestic violence, approximately 1.3 million women are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States (American Bar Association). This problem has grown so acute that many American writers and screenwriters of the XXth century...

The Psychology of Consciousness

Conscious Definition Conscious is a word that has been adapted from the Latin word conscius which is translated to mean self-knowledge. Consciousness can be said to be a state of alertness and awareness. A conscious person will be one that is at a wakeful state and one that is able...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery

Introduction The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Armed Services Vocational Battery are tests that are utilized in the measurement of various abilities and personality dispositions of the test takers. Whereas the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used for civilian cases as well, the armed services vocational battery is specifically...

The Middle Adulthood: Developmental Theories

Middle adulthood is the stage of development between my 35 to 45 years and is normally exited between the ages of 55 and 65. Between the ages of 35-65, people experience a great deal of changes in their lifestyle; their careers, finances, marriage and leisure activities (Wrightsman, 2002, p 178)....

Serial Killers: Patient Groups Investigated by Psychology and Psychiatry

Serial killers belong to one of the patient groups investigated by psychology and psychiatry. Psychologically, serial killers are characterized as people with psychosis and dissocial personality disorders. The murder of a stranger is not seen as mainly motivated by prior interpersonal frictions in the killer-victim relationship, but rather as the...

Children’s Social and Moral Development

Children grow and develop so rapidly that parents often cannot keep up. These children imbibe a lot from the people and environment around them that helps them develop their personalities. It is an accepted belief that no man is an island, and it is with other people that children learn...

“Lifespan Human Development” by Sigelman, Carol, and Elizabeth Rider

Introduction Piaget (1896-1980) was a Swiss philosopher who contributed immensely to developmental psychology. He challenged earlier propositions about child development mage by earlier psychologists and philosophers to come up with his own. In his theory, jean argues that we absorb information and knowledge according to our brain constructs that are...

The Concept of Brain Plasticity

Introduction Brain plasticity, also referred to as neuroplasticity or neural plasticity, has been researched for many decades and various discoveries have led to the development of effective methods and strategies to treat numerous disorders. Interest in this phenomenon was sparked at the end of the 19th century and scientists promoted...

Child Development in Rogoff’s “Thinking With the Tools and Institutions of Culture”

Introduction Barbara Rogoff’s book The Cultural Nature of Human Development makes numerous topical points on how cultural conceptions influence people and society. The chapter “Thinking with Tools and Institutions of Culture” deals with how people, more specifically children, apperceive mental and social skills from sociocultural intercommunication and how these interactions...

Emotional Intelligence, Its Merits and Importance

Potential Benefits The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) is an integral part of all areas of human development. However, as with many other scientific ideas, scientists still cannot agree on what emotional intelligence is. There are many definitions of emotional intelligence. Some define emotional intelligence as a set of non-cognitive...

Doubt and Certainty in Psychology

It is thought that all people’s achievements depend on the level of their certainty about their capability to succeed from this perspective, when in doubt; one cannot perform well enough to be productive or successful. However, the question of the relationship between doubt and certainty has long been at the...

Human Trafficking and Psychological Impacts

Human trafficking refers to the sale of people for the intention of prostitution, forced labor, or profitable sexual abuse. Hernandez and Rudolph (2015) aver that human trafficking may encompass “providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage or extraction of organs or tissues including for surrogacy and ova removal”...

Psychodynamic Approach: Creativity and Bipolar Disorder

Should the board of trustees fire Samuel because of his poor decisions? Are there other options available? Analyzing the given case, we could state that first of all, Samuel is a good worker and leader. He can function in stress and make necessary decisions when he is in remission. It...

Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 3rd Edition

​Introduction The language-free measure of reasoning, aptitude, and intelligence is referred to as the test of nonverbal intelligence (TONI Test). The test is intended to be used by people from the age of six years up to ninety years. The TONI-3 test takes less than twenty minutes. Toni-3 is a...

Self-Disclosure in Psychological Therapy

Self-disclosure is revealing personal information to others. In the context of counseling, the implementation of this principle may significantly assist the client. As mentioned by Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann, and Ivey (2016), it is used to “facilitate clients’ understanding of their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors” (p. 187). The technique may...

Research Methods in Psychology

Describe a famous case study in the history of psychology. Then explain what did the field of psychology learn from this case study? How does the scientific community view the results of case studies like these? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method? Such a research method as...

Psychology of Feeling and Thinking

Motivation, Emotion, and Behavior Motivation refers to a desire or driving force that compels or prompts someone to perform a task or take action. It could be a belief, a need, an instinct, or a habit. Motivation is the inner drive and provides the reason and direction to someone’s behavior....

Integrity’s Extended Definition

Introduction Integrity is one of the most complex terms among those used to describe a human character and ability to cooperate with others. It belongs to such notions that encourage to think of righteousness and community spirit. A person who realizes the need for integrity is the one who is...

Joy Definition: Psychological Issue

Introduction There are many aspects of people’s lives that have a significant influence on their feelings, emotions, and behavior. Some individuals require psychological help to become happy and enjoy every day of their existence on Earth. The following paper is intended to provide a definition of joy in a broad...

Reflection: Critical Thinking and New Habits’ Development

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that performing some kind of activity a person develops his/her own personal and professional skills. Moreover, the more difficult this activity is, the better the results are. With this in mind, it is also possible to suggest that each teaching course or...

The Concept of Attachment Theory

Introduction The postulates of attachment theory were developed by and John Bowlby. The author created a comprehensive approach to perceiving individual development based on concepts from numerous fields of research, including second-order cybernetics, psychoanalysis, developmental psychology, ethology, etc. (Blakely and Dziadosz 284). Due to incorporating different theoretical frameworks, attachment theory...

Yerkes-Dodson Law: Motivation and Performance

Introduction Yerkes-Dodson law covers the concept of motivation in its relation to performance. It links the feeling of arousal with the actual conduct of a person or another living being. According to this law, intensive motivation and stimulation negatively affect human effectiveness while moderate psychological arousal is considered the most...

Sitting Meditation: Mental and Physical Benefits

Introduction Meditation involves becoming aware of the experiences in life facilitated by taming one’s mind to focus on the significant tasks. The practice of meditation enhances the capability of an individual to achieve centeredness in spite of the surrounding circumstances. Sitting meditation is regarded as the core of formal meditation...

Feelings Identification and Empathic Responses

Distrust “When I was in court, the defense attorney really pounded me. You know, like he thought I was lying or didn’t believe me or thought I was exaggerating.” Empathic Response That must have been really discouraging to see the lack of trust in the person who is responsible for...

Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development

The cognitive development of children determines their ability to understand certain concepts. Adults often experience situations where they try to describe something to a child, but the child does not understand something that seems obvious. Children may lack understanding of what adults say to them, which is determined by what...

The Power of Being Proactive in Various Contexts

Introduction Being proactive is essentially willingly starting a behavior or setting up conditions that address issues before they develop. People that develop this habit frequently foresee requirements, developments, or prospective outcomes related to situations and occurrences. As a result, they frequently accept challenges or put themselves in advantageous positions. There...

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Higher Education

Concerns about how to guarantee that students learn effectively in class and attain academic excellence in their academic pursuits have emerged all over the world in the field of education. This has been related to issues including bad study habits, laziness, inefficient instructional teaching, insufficient course content, and a lack...

Personality Theory by Kelly, Rotter, Bandura, and Rogers

Introduction Many theorists have come up with different ideologies regarding human behavior in social interaction. But the main four well-known theorists who have proposed different ways in which people behave in social interactions are: George Kelly Julian Rotter Albert Bandura Carl Rogers George Kelly’s Behavioral Concepts George Kelly’s four concepts...

Practical Ways to Use Existential Therapy

Introduction: Existential Therapy Existential therapy refers to a therapeutic style that emphasizes on the holistic nature of the human condition. Such therapy aims at a positive approach that recognizes human abilities, but also takes into account the limitations of human resources. Over the years, many philosophers such as Soren Kierkegaard...

Non-Verbal Communication in Child Development

Introduction Non-verbal is the first type of communication a child can exhibit. Expressions, gestures, eye contact, and body movement are the aspects of non-verbal communication that a child can employ to express emotions, feelings, desires, or thoughts. Thus, educators are to understand such cues and respond to them accordingly. Working...

Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory

The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory, also referred to as the SASSI, was created by Dr. Glenn A. Miller in 1985, revised in 1994 and is now in its third edition. The instrument is a screening questionnaire used on people who depend on substances. It is a brief self-report, easily...

Attachment Theory and Personality Development

Insecure attachment styles develop in childhood due to dysfunctional relationships between caregivers and children. Secure attachment develops when a child receives proper attention from parents, causing the formation of a healthy personality type that is not afraid of rejection or intimacy (Fuchshuber et al., 2019). Infants with a secure attachment...

Correctional Officer Stress: A Phenomenological Study

Abstract Stress at work is a significant problem and a prerequisite for worsening personal well-being and working performance. The responsibilities of correctional officers monitoring offenders involve substantial stress, and the consequences include a deterioration in mental and physical health to a decrease in life expectancy. The researchers’ attention to the...

Personal Development and Communication Skills

Background In the quest to better one’s self and accomplish goals, many people improve their personal development abilities and communication skills over time. They achieve this through education, mentorship, experiences, and self-help. These aspects are crucial in enabling people to design strategic planning for their career and personal advancement. This...

Emerging Adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities

In history, rites of passage, rituals, or social practices that signified the transition from adolescence to adulthood, marked this transition exceptionally clearly. Unfortunately, many of these initiation rites are no longer practiced or are not as significant in modern-day and age as they previously were. Additionally, adolescents must navigate emerging...

Intelligence Testing in Professional Psychology

Introduction Professional psychology implements tools to assess individuals’ attitudes and intelligence. Psychological tests can be traced back to the Han dynasty in ancient China, where public officials were given competency assessment tasks (Reynolds et al., 2021). Later, psychiatrists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries introduced various types of evaluation to...

Bill O’Hanlon’s Solution-Focused Therapy

In the practice of psychotherapy, there are a large number of significant figures who have made personal contributions to a deeper understanding of the cognitive functions and capacities of human consciousness. This is also true of the American psychotherapist Bill O’Hanlon. As of this writing, O’Hanlon is a living contemporary...

Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology

Scholars have been debating for many centuries which of the two factors, namely genetic inheritance, and the environmental surroundings, affect a person’s development, behavior, and character more. Some scientists have argued that ‘nature’ determines most of the individual physical features and mental abilities; others assert that most human traits are...

Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methods In Psychology

Introduction Psychologists use different research methods to study sex and relationships. These methods can be either quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative research may consist of surveys, self-report questionnaires, measurements, experimental studies, correlational designs, laboratory and ethological studies, psychometric scales, etc. Qualitative research gathers data through interviews, document and text analyses, observations,...

Fundamental Attribution Error

Introduction It is human nature to never stop observing and analyzing others. Whenever an individual is confronted with something that is not easily explainable, he or she resorts to either internal (personal) or external attribution (Martinko & Mackey, 2019). A simple example would be the situation in the picture above....

Cognitive Psychology: Processes of the Brain

Introduction The three main components of memory are sensory, short-term, and long-term memory. In this essay, I shall concentrate on how the information travels in the three components and on how the brain process this information. I will as well discuss the prototype theory of categorization analyze some of the...

Conceptual Blocks in Solving Complex Issues

It should be noted that conceptual blocks limit a person from the point of view of his or her thinking process. They encourage individuals to look at the problem more narrowly and do not give them the opportunity to reveal their creative potential when searching for a solution. Apart from...

Interpersonal & Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Conflicts are integral parts of our lives, and knowing how to resolve them is one of the essential skills to learn. While contemporary books provide many insights into how conflicts emerge and how to address them, literature classics can often provide invaluable information on the topic. For instance, Shakespeare’s...

The Concept of Intelligence: Main Aspects

Intelligence is one of the most discussed subjects in psychology and other cognitive disciplines. It has been studied and conceptualized since ancient times. However, there is neither a standard definition of this notion nor a consensus on its types. This essay aims to consider the concept of intelligence and dwell...

Brain Development in Early Adulthood

Although many people believe that a human brain stops to develop after childhood, it continues to evolve throughout one’s lifespan. The constant process of brain development is a primary reason for many researchers to believe that early adulthood should be considered another life-stage of “prolonged adolescence” (Hochberg & Konner, 2020,...

Parsing the Becoming an Adult Process

Introduction The term adult can be variously defined. From a biological perspective, an adult is that person who has matured and reached the age of reproduction. As such, teenagers, since they can reproduce, are referred to as young adults. In law, adulthood is regarded as attainment of a certain age...

The Therapeutic Principles of Group Counseling

Introduction People learn about themselves much faster when they interact and share experiences, worries, and feelings. The therapeutic principles of the group counseling conversion stage have characteristics such as struggle with group control, resistance, anxiety, the establishment of trust within the group, challenges posed to the group leader, and emergence...

Suicide-Related Research in Clinical Forensic Settings

Suicide-related research is important to be conducted in the area of forensic psychology to determine the risks associated with suicidal behaviors in patients with mental disabilities. Thus, suicide-related research is significant to provide the grounds for developing the prevention strategies by specialists working in clinical settings (Stangor, 2013, p. 138)....

Lifespan Development and Personality

Introduction Generally, the life span development is categorized into five stages as Infancy from birth to 1 year, childhood from 3 to12 years, adolescence from 12 to 20 years, adulthood from 20 to 65 years, and seniors who belong to the category of 65+ years. This paper is focused on...

Psychological Perspectives of Behaviorism

Psychological perspectives have been changing as the psychological field progresses, however, few perspectives are integral to the field of psychology and they have therefore remained relevant even in modern psychological theory. John Watson, B.F. Skinner and Edward Tolman are psychological theorists whose theories continue to provide foundations for the development...

Brohfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development

Abstract The Brohfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development is a context that explains the role of ecology on our growth and development. The theory projects how resiliency and other factors prompting our development mentally. The incorporation of resiliency as a subject in learning theories based on societal contexts is an important...

Language Does Shape the Way People Think

Introduction In human perception and reflection of reality, there is an issue which has been the focal point of research for psychologists and linguists: whether it is the language or the thought that develops first, which of them determines the course of the other, and what exactly is the nature...

Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning

Educational Theories Formal and informal learning takes place in guided frameworks or structures commonly referred to as educational theories. According to educationalists, these are theories that outline the purpose of education, its application as well as the interpretation of educational learning. These theories provide a guide through which Knowledge, skills,...

Development in Middle-Age Children

Introduction The age group of 7 to12 comprises of school going children who are in their middle childhood years. They are trying to balance the change in their lives where they are spending more time away from their parents compared to their early childhood years. They are learning to interact...

Motivation in Spencer Johnson’s “Who Moved My Cheese?”

Introduction Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and Your Life is a book about motivation enhancement by the author Spencer Johnson published in 1998. According to the New York Times, it has been a best seller ever since. The general message of...

Biblical Terms Used in Christian Counseling

Introduction Ever since the practice of translating the Bible into secular languages had attained a theological legitimacy in the 16th century (the rise of Protestantism), the Holy Book has been increasingly resorted to by people experiencing mental anxieties, as such that supposedly contained answers as to how these anxieties could...

Improving My Interpersonal Relations

Introduction Most of the duties in life require one to have a good interpersonal relationship with others to do them better. Effective performance of the tasks we are accountable for requires an excellent understanding of others and even our interpersonal skills. There are situations in social life that need one...

Health Psychology: Influence of Thought on Body

Abstract Mind’s thought has been found to control most of the body’s behavior regarding health issues in human life. The argument is, if an individual can focus on a certain control of his/her mind and imagine that he/she is already being subjected to the physical conditions he/she would desire to...

When Should We Trust Our Senses to Give Us Truth?

“All we have to believe with is our senses, the tools we use to perceive the world: our sight, our touch, our memory. If they lie to us, then nothing can be trusted. And even if we do not believe, then still we cannot travel in any other way than...

Individual Assessment Characteristics: FIRO-B Assessment and Recommendations for Future Therapy

Personal history and experiences gained throughout childhood and adolescence can significantly influence one’s personality, behaviors, and tendencies in developing relationships with other people. This paper analyzes the client’s results of the FIRO-B assessment instrument and links the findings to the events that occurred throughout her life until today. Death of...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Treatment

Introduction Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychological issue that is typified by extreme apprehension about events and actions. This excessive worry negatively impacts daily functioning, and individuals are concerned about health matters, destiny, family issues, monetary and work problems, and friendship outcomes. In this context, patients may present with...

The Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse on the Behavioral Patterns in Adulthood

Introduction Most people who were sexually abused in childhood develop severe personality disturbances in adulthood. Such a psychological myth implies that child sexual abuse (CSA) has acute trauma outcomes within the behavioral patterns in one’s adulthood. It is a significant governmental concern that affects any family and country and should...

Smartphone Addiction Among American Youth

In 2019, smartphone use reached record levels. It is expected that by 2021, the United States will have a 72.7% penetration rate, meaning that 3 out of 4 people will own and consistently use a smartphone device. People in developed countries use technology for everything ranging from communication to entertainment,...

Social Media as a Cause of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction Anxiety and depression are considerable problems for US society and the international community. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA, n.d.), anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses affecting almost 40 million adults in the US. These conditions also affect 25% of children from 12...

Premature Ejaculation Disorder: Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Premature ejaculation can be listed among the most common sexual problems experienced by men. When it comes to the key definition of the disorder, it needs to be noted that having a “premature” ejaculation involves the release of semen a few minutes after the start of sexual activity, which...

Human Thinking and the Processes Involved

This week’s reading allowed me to develop my understanding of the human mind and the concept of free will. I have learned more about various scientific and philosophical notions of human thought, as well as of the mechanisms involved in our thinking processes. The perception of the human mind as...

Object Relations Theory and Nature-Nurture Debate

Object relations theory, although having some variations, focuses on the significance of early childhood experiences in a person’s adult life. It concentrates on the relations of a child with the most important people, mainly parents. Moreover, object relations theorists claim that “the child develops an unconscious representation of significant objects...

Freud’s and Erickson’s Personality Theories

Freud and the Neo-Freudians According to Freud, childhood experiences have a significant impact on the behavior and personalities that people develop in adulthood (Burger, 2018). In his theory of the psychosexual stages of development, he describes various developmental phases that people often go through, from infancy to adulthood. The theory...

Peer Relationships Impact on Adulthood Development

The article by Marion, Laursen, Zettergren, and Bergman (2013) reflects the impact of past peer relationships on adulthood. The research includes the examination of the mentioned issue in a long-term perspective focusing on a buffered-effects model and a direct-effects model. In particular, the authors state that adult life satisfaction directly...

Psychology and Personality: Jung Typology Test

Introduction Jung Typology Test is an instrument that was built on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ theory (Humanmetrics Inc., 2016b). It helps to discover a type of one’s personality that is characterized by certain strengths and inclinations. It also allows establishing individual’s learning and communication styles (Humanmetrics Inc., 2016b)....

Interpersonal Qualities for Good Relationships

Introduction Having strong interpersonal qualities is essential for creating healthy relationships with others, particularly at the organizational level. Sound interpersonal relationships imply that individual and collective productivity is achieved since the “we feeling” is developed to attain common interests (Canevello & Crocker, 2011). Interpersonal skills like respect, friendliness, sympathetic joy...

Social Psychology: Developing an Aggression Questionnaire

Social psychology is the scientific study of how human behavior is influenced by external factors such as the environment (Baumeister and Bushman 29). It investigates how others influence human thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Social psychology argues that the actual or implied presence of other people determines how we behave (Smith...

Affirmative Psychotherapy for American Jews

Summary of the Article Reconstructionist. The Jews belonging to this denomination are rather progressive in their visions, and they focus on such important concepts as God, the Torah, and the People of Israel. They accept the principles of modern culture, share traditional rituals, but concentrate on modern ideological views while...

Attribution Theories and Accuracy of First Impressions

First Impressions Under the context of Correspondent inference theory, it is observed that people tend to make certain inferences about observed situations resulting in their “image” about a particular individual (Settle, 1972). This means that on average people tend to inference the personal characteristics of the people they meet daily...

Therapeutic Group for Children and Adolescents

Group therapy has been used to help people of different ages to solve their issues. Children and adolescents also benefit from the participation in therapeutic groups as they develop skills necessary for their effective integration into society (Lin & Bratton, 2015). The choice of the topics or activities utilized during...

Father Absenteeism and Child Development

The development of people’s ability to form intimate, as well as parent-child, relationships occurs at different stages of their lives. It has been acknowledged that the basis of this capability is formed during the early stages of human development, but it is also shaped throughout the person’s life (Makusha, Richter,...

Stress in the Military

Anand, Nagle, Misra, and Dangi (2013) argue that “military jobs rank extremely high among the most stressful occupations in the world” (p. 1). For instance, a study conducted by the Careercast.com in 2013 indicated that the military working environment was characterized by numerous stressors (Toscano & Roberts, 2014). The major...

Transtheoretical Stages of Change Across Cultures

Prochaska and DiClemente’s model examines the process of behavioral change by dividing it into stages. It is based on the understanding that people do not change behaviors rapidly but rather progress through the change gradually and dynamically (Summers, 2016). The model has been used in various studies to assess the...

Counseling, Its Ethical Standards and Principles

The Significance of Ethics in Counseling In the practice of psychology, ethics of conduct constitute a crucial part of professional competence. Counselors and other specialists in psychology interact with diverse individuals on the everyday basis, and the universal ethical values, as well as the specifically formulated professional standards introduced by...

Major Types of Depression

Introduction Having a continuous sense of exhaustion, feeling of sadness, and hopelessness are the key signs of clinical or major depression. This mood disorder is an illness; it makes one feel frustrated, angry, miserable, and apathetic. Such mood changes alter the daily life an individual quite a long and may...

Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book “Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention” and is the latest book by the professor. In this book, creativity is closely examined by the author and clearly brought out in the chapters though some people believe...

“The Power of Coincidence” by Jill Neimark

The Power of Coincidence, written by J. Neimark, emphasizes how the ambivalent concept of coincidence can influence lives and alter situations. After reading it, I can, without a doubt, concur that coincidences exist and are very important. As we read the narrative, we can see how the author recounts Elisabeth...

Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development

Introduction It is important to note that adolescence is a complex and intricate stage of human development, which makes a person vulnerable to the social environment and its constituents. The given comprehensive analysis will utilize Erikson’s theory in order to understand the key forces and dynamics behind E. W., an...

Takeaways from “Helping People Change” by Boyatzis et al.

Helping People Change, written by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten offers a unique personal and professional development approach. Based on decades of research in neuroscience and psychology, the authors explore ways to facilitate lasting change through coaching and self-directed learning. The book covers creating practical goals, building...

Adolescence: Developmental Changes

Adolescence is associated with significant changes determining the person’s overall development. During this period of life, there are physiological and psychological transformations that influence adulthood. Adolescents are inclined to extremes in behavior, the demonstration of specific conduct patterns, and variability in character changes. Brain development, self-identity, and hormonal changes are...

Theoretical Explanation of Personality

Introduction It is important to note that personality is a term referring to differences between individuals when it comes to their behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. The given assessment is concerned with my personality viewed under the lenses of Freudian and Adlerian psychodynamic frameworks, the social learning theory, and Maslow’s personality...

Development: Middle Childhood

Introduction The observation took place in the house of my friend’s family. We sat in the kitchen and had a session after some quick lunch and coffee. The child who was interviewed is the younger brother of my close friend. During the process, the child, their mother, and my friend...

Psychology of Gratitude and Appreciation

Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness, which involves being appreciative and thankful towards specific individuals or the world. The feeling of gratitude enables someone to express warmth, kindness, and generosity to other people. In psychology, gratitude has been associated with various physical and mental health advantages (Jans-Beken, 2021, pg....

Cognitive & Emotional Development in Children

In their study, Frick et al. (2018) empirically determine that maternal sensitivity and sustained attention are important predictors of emotional development in newborns. Along with the infant’s temperament, the care environment is a significant aspect that determines the strengthening of cognitive skills at the initial stage of life. This suggests...

Child Development on Harry Potter’s Example

Introduction A thorough analysis of a child’s gradual behavior in different contexts of their life allows for determining the normativity of their development. Furthermore, comparison and evaluation based on the child development theories lead to a wider understanding of specifications related to a child’s actions and details of their developing...

Descartes and the Mind-Body Relationship

In the 17th century, one of the most prominent philosophers of all time, René Descartes, put forward his view of the relationship between the mind and the body. Urban (2018) states that, in Descartes’s view, matter is spatial, and it possesses attributes confirming it, while mental entities have no such...

Autobiography Based on Piaget’s Theory

Many theorists have developed various developmental theories to explain the cognitive developmental stages. One of the famous theorists is Jean Piaget, a Swiss national born to Rebecca Jackson and Arthur Piaget. At age ten, he was interested in animals and wrote a scientific paper on an albino sparrow. He studied...

Professional Issues in Group Work Counselling

Alignment With the Literature from the Unit and Wider Reading Group work counseling a psychological assistance when a client discusses his life difficulties not only alone with a psychologist, but also with other people (Schönberger, 2019). Resorting to wider reading, it can be revealed that the group itself is the...

Solution Focused Brief Therapy or Narrative Therapy

When it comes to solution-focused brief therapy, the core concept relies on exploration and search for solutions. The role of a therapist is to shift the focus from the problem of a client towards solutions through a positive mindset and hopeful attitude. A therapist helps a client to identify the...

Perceptions, Biases, and Misheard Song Lyrics

A mishearing of song lyrics is one fun aspect of perception. Scientists associate such deviations with humans’ attitudes, ideas, and ways of thinking, which constitute an individual perceptual set. Thinking of times when I witnessed such misperception, I recall the song “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus, which became popular at...

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Major Tenets of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) comprises a short-term psychotherapeutic treatment that is oriented towards changing patterns of destructive thinking or behavior behind a person’s difficulties and thereby changing how they feel. By definition, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the intentional implementation of methodological rigor, applied...

Adult Development and Social Theory: A Paradigmatic Reappraisal

The author of the above article is of the view that the study of adult behavior demands theoretical reformulations. Whenever a social scientist intends to understand human actions and the reasons for such actions, theories are always employed. However, theories must be interpreted to suit the existing environment because the...

Who Am I? American Psychologist Profile

Modern psychology is a scientific discipline system, among which a special place is occupied by developmental psychology. Lifespan development deals with physical growth, cognitive, emotional, and social transformations from birth to dying days. It analyzes psychological problems from the perspective of conditions and mechanisms of “changes and constancies” (Clegg-Kraynok et...

How the Main Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology Explain Human Behavior

Introduction So far, there are several main theoretical perspectives that dominate in the field of psychology and that are being studied by scholars. In various ways, they all explain human behavior in particular conditions and situations, although this same behavior may be interpreted differently in these theories. The assignment aims...

Child Growth and Development

The subject of the observation is a seven-year-old boy who has reached second grade at school and becomes less dependent on his parents. He is a clever and active child who knows how to ride a bicycle, roller skates, plays badminton and table tennis. The boy is attentive and can...

Attitude Towards Aging, Death, and Dying

The notion of immortality has driven cultural and scientific innovation for hundreds of years. Both medicine and religion began to touch upon the topics of death and the possibility of eternal life, whether spiritual or physical. However, people still tend to suffer from aging, even in the contemporary advanced healthcare...

Ethnocentrism and Racism in Child Development

In the final project, the case of Dalia will be analyzed to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism and racism in child development, especially during the adolescent period. Teens usually experience overwhelming emotions and several changes in their relationships with parents, peers, and community members. In addition to certain physiological changes,...

The Concept of Respect as the Foundation of the Social System

Respect is one of the basic concepts that serve as the foundation of our world’s social framework. It is an essential element of personal and professional relationships because it builds mutual trust and affection. There are different ways in which it is possible to express respect, such as being attentive...

Cognitive Stages of Infant Development

Introduction Child development is one of the most important topics for any parent and for researchers who focus on studying the human psyche. Cognitive development is the evolution of all the mental processes by which the individual receives information about the world around him (Cavanaugh & Kail, 2015). These processes...

Early Childhood Trauma and Treatment

Abstract Young children are particularly vulnerable to different forms of trauma. Abuse and neglect of kids continue to increase at an overwhelming rate. The literature and research findings presented in this paper discuss early childhood susceptibility to trauma, symptoms, diagnostic legitimacy of early childhood trauma, and treatment approaches for youngsters....

Stabbing in the UK and the After-Effects: Case Study

Introduction Although stabbing appears to be a major crime across the world, there is no evidence that research discuses this issue exclusively. A lot of research generalizes stabbing as an assault crime (SpotCrime, 2011), and studies the effects of stabbing on victims in this respect. Different assault crimes have different...

Déjà Vu Experience: Definition and Explanation

Introduction The experience of déjà vu is a truly extraordinary phenomenon that has been studied by scholars of various disciplines. Before it became a subject of scientific research, the occurrences of déjà vu were frequently mentioned throughout history by such figures as Pythagoras, St Augustine, Sir Walter Scott, and Charles...

A Lot of Impact by Leadership Style on Early Childhood

Introduction Leadership is a fundamental part of growth that is required at every stage. The character than an individual displays when they have attained maturity will be a clear reflection of the kind of authority that they submitted to. Proper impartation is mostly experienced during the early stages of life...

Existential Egoism in Modern Western Culture

Show how the various aspects of ‘egoic’ consciousness During the course of recent decade, it became a gesture of good taste, on the part of many politicians in Western countries, to praise the collectivist values of “spirituality” and “closeness to earth”, while actively opposing them against the individualist/euro-centric values of...

Components of the Treatment of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder and is generally accompanied by feelings of intense sadness and hopelessness. Anyone, irrespective of age, race, or gender can be afflicted with depression and it is one of the most common illnesses afflicting people around the world. According to WHO, about 121 million are affected...

Most Productive Part of the Day

Humans have a varied productivity cycle depending upon their bodily constitution, environment and cultural factors. This essay explains the most productive period of the day as applicable to the writer of this essay. The author feels most fresh and productive early in the morning after a good night’s sleep. The...

The Problem of Playing Poker Among Teenagers in the United States

The contemporary world of high technical and technological support provides many opportunities for making business online. In this respect, gambling stays in the first position among other entertainments on the Internet. Being a sphere of solely adult concernment, the situation shifts toward rejuvenation. More and more teenagers are getting involved...

Visual Perception: Muller-Lyer Optical Illusion

Abstract The studies of visual illusions provide a wide scope of rational approaches toward the way of proper optimization of such distortions in everyday life. The area of the research props up against the Muller-Lyer illusion and its correlation with the normal conditions for an individual. This study provides a...

The Many Faces of Psychology

Psychology has proven to be highly relevant in today’s world. It is a multi-faceted social science that finds itself useful in all human situations. It involves the study of the mind and behavior and covers many aspects worthy of study. Its broad scope encompasses all areas of human behaviors in...

Psychotherapy and Counseling for Drug Abuse Treatment

Introduction Society is the many-sided form of existence for people. It is represented in many different ways through the life of every member of society. Political system and its conditions is the issue due to which any society of any state exists. Then comes the social obligations put both on...

Family Therapy: Bowns’ Theory

This paper is to give the description and illustration of various concepts of the Bowen theory on differentiation of self, through which his terms such as emotionality, individuality and togetherness will be brought to light. Introduction A Family as unit is the primary source for educating and developing an individuals’...

Adult – Child Relationships in American Movies

Introduction The following research paper is about the relationship bond of an Adult and a child shown in American movies. The paper would explore the meaning of a relationship between an adult and a child and would emphasize its importance as well. The relationship between that particular adult and the...

Empirically Supported Relationships and Therapist Factors

Abstract The paper is dedicated to a discussion of the links between the relational factors in therapy on patient outcomes. Empathy and goal consensus between, the core elements of the client-therapist alliance, are the strongest predictors of favorable intervention outcomes. However, such patient-specific factors as severity and chronicity of mental...

Action Research in Treating Depression With Physical Exercise

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Without timely treatment, this condition can have a devastating effect on an individual, impairing his or her abilities to carry out their usual life activities. The latest statistics showed that depression does not discriminate against age....

Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV

Description of the Commercial The Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV is a short television commercial that promotes a satellite television company known as Direct TV. As it starts, we see a man who is trying to watch news, but there is a problem with the television. The...

The Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Community Teaching Plan

The present paper will offer a reflection on a lesson with a focus on the evaluation of related teaching experience, community response, and the aspects that could be improved. The lesson was dedicated to the topic of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and took place in Miami, Florida....

Functionalist Physicalism in Philosophy of Mind

There is no doubt in modern science that there is a definite relationship between the psyche and the brain: the brain is, as it were, a vessel containing our soul. However, a problem was known since the late nineteenth century as a psychophysiological problem that continues to be discussed today....

Single African American Parents: Literature Review

Parenting among single African American women poses serious challenges. Scholars have developed an interest in investigating the challenges to find ways of helping these parents and reducing juvenile delinquency in the country. A study by Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015) shows that almost 50% of all marriages in the United...

Teenage Brain and Thinking Processes

Having read and viewed the resources on the adolescent brain and the adolescent transition years, what ideas and theories leapt out at you? Did some ideas and theories connect with your own teenage experience? Were you surprised by others? Why did those particular concepts stand out? The first idea about...

Personality: Psychoanalytic and Biological Approaches

There are six different perspectives of personality. The major difference between them is that they approach personality by means of focusing on one of its major aspects (Burger, 2014). Specifically, the first approach is psychoanalytic whose followers maintain that unconscious minds drive differences in people’s personalities. The second is trait...

Cultural Differences Influencing Child Development

The interview with an acquaintance from a different cultural background revealed certain interesting characteristics. Having been raised in a Jewish family as an only child, she was influenced by traditional values and beliefs, as well as cultural conventions a great deal. Education was a primary focus throughout her childhood, to...