Core Elements of Christian Understanding of Salvation

Every problem in this world is diagnosed depending on its cause. According to Christianity, the main human problem is sin which is known to cause suffering in this life and also in eternal life. Therefore, the only treatment or solution for sin is the salvation which sets someone free from...

Judaism and Christianity Comparison

Introduction There are a lot of religions in modern world and a question which religion was the first, the primary remains the main in modern society. Every religion wants to gain the status of superiority. One of the longest and widest contest continues between Christianity and Judaism. Christian people are...

“The Confusion of Tongues” by William G. Bellshaw: Article Critique

Critique The purpose of this article is to trace whether the gift of tongues is still present today and to understand if the Holy Spirit has really bestowed this gift upon some people nowadays. In order to examine the view of the Bible on this problem, the author presents a...

Early American Religion History

Introduction According to Mark (2007), colonies that formed the U.S had people who were deeply rooted in religion, which resulted in the movement across the Atlantic Ocean where they spread their beliefs freely. However, it was thought that this vigor would last for only a short period and then diminishes...

“Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas” by Lualdi

The book “Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas” reflects the unique ideals and values o women during the Middle Ages and desires to enter martyrdom similar to men who follow this experience for centuries. The uniqueness and impotence of his text are that it is written by a Christian woman...

The Angel of Jehovah

Brief Introduction and Background Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are considered as the three Abrahamic religions and share almost the same traditions, Scriptures, and mythology. The diction, style, and theme of their Scriptures, including Old Testament (Holy Torah), New Testament (Holy Bible), and the Holy Quran and the personalities discussed in...

“Four Views on Hell” by William Crockett

Introduction Life after death has always been of great interest to people. The only question most living human beings are preoccupied with is whether this life exists and if it does, whether there exists a separation between hell and heaven. Hell is traditionally regarded as a place where human souls...

Cosmogony: Catholic and Buddhist Approaches

Introduction Different religions have different standpoints about creation of the world. According to the Catholic Church, Bordwell and Vatican, Catholics revere creation as show of God’s power and believe that the presence of God is exhibited in the works of his creation (718). Catholics also believe that God’s creation is...

“Biblical Inerrancy” Book by Stephen L. Andrew

Critique The main goal of the article is to demonstrate the arguments for and against inerrancy with the invalidity of some of the supporting evidence as to the main thesis. The author reached his purpose by constructively building his article starting from defining terms, historical background, refutation, and support. The...

Deviations in the Perception of the Personality of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

Introduction Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a one of the most important, if not the most important figure in the history of mankind. His name is being mentioned in every corner of the globe. Men, women, and children adore him while others extol his great teachings. Authors, commentators, and researchers...

Zen Buddhism: Main Features

Introduction Zen Buddhism is a peculiar religion because unlike most other religion such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and many others, Zen Buddhism does not have a god to worship. In Zen Buddhism there is no particular spiritualism since any Zen practitioner is expected to meditate in search of enlightenment and...

Religion. Hays’s Article Critique and Personal Reflection

Critique The article’s main purpose is to critique the hermeneutics of the supporters of classical theism in their ongoing debates with the open theism proponents. The author’s critique is mostly achieved in pointing the flaws of classic theism views of immutability and impassibility. The main thesis is seemed to be...

Civilization Concepts: Religion and History

Introduction Civilization refers to where by a society or community is being transformed from its old ways of doing things to modern ways. Civilization comes as change is made in the political social, economic and religious doing. Western civilization was brought about in forms of art literature drama as well...

The Bintel Brief: Jewish Culture in the U.S.

The Bintel Brief is a book of letters from the Jewish daily forward which brings the reality of the life of the Jews immigrant in the United States. It is a renowned advice column that gave fair-minded and practical advice to its readers in addition to giving them an opportunity...

“Christianity and the Class Struggle” by Abraham Kuyper

Introduction Abraham Kuyper usually acknowledged as Abraham Kuyper was a Dutch politician, journalist, statesman, and theologian. He initiated the Anti-Revolutionary party and was the prime minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905. Abraham Kuyper’s opening address to the first Christian social congress in Amsterdam in 1891 had an electrifying...

Religious and Cultural Aspects of Arab Women

Women in the Arab world have had a lot of difficulties in the way they relate with others. This is because discrimination was the order of the day. They have been deprived of their rights and freedoms which had their basis on religious beliefs and more so on cultural aspects....

Religions: Zoroastrianism and Judaism

Introduction The religion Zoroastrianism has been named after the Prophet Zoroaster. He brought the religion in the region and is analogous with Mazdaism. Mazdaism preached and called upon the worship of Ahura Mazda elevate by Zoroaster as the Al Mighty and the biggest divine authority. The religion was deeply integrated...

Components of Abraham’s Legacy and Hinduism

Component One Similarities Monotheistic nature – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam state the existence of the only one God; The holy scripture – the Bible in Christianity, the Torah in Judaism, the Koran in Islam; Presence of a prophet – all the three major Abrahamic religions are based on the teachings...

Christianity Framework: Personal Evaluation

Introduction Studying and comparing religions is a sensitive task that requires a specific approach when doing so. This approach generally implies that a neutral position will be maintained throughout the study in order to exclude bias toward a particular religion. In light of the aforementioned statement, “A Framework for Understanding...

Western Civilization: Christian Heresies

Introduction Establishment of the orthodox Christianity was a result of the emergency of the danger of new converts following teachings that differed from those widely accepted by Christianity. Christian statements like the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed resulted from the churches’ efforts to make statements of faith lined with...

Zen Buddhism: Basic Teachings

Introduction If there has been any puzzle that has disturbed the human mind, then it is the search for truth. Human kind has always put all their effort to get the real meaning of life. In addition, they have tried to know the origin of life and the probable destiny....

Judaism, Christianity, Islam as World Religions

Introduction Judaism, Christianity and Islam all are considered the main religions in the world today. Judaism, Christianity and Islam can be called world religions, which in contrary to specific national religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism have an international character. The occurrence of world religions is a result of prolonged...

Religion and Science. Intelligent Design vs. Evolution

Nothing illustrates better Christianity’s unwillingness to loosen its ideological grip over people’s minds as the emergence of so-called a “scientific creationism”, which refers to the functional complexity of living organisms as such that proves the existence of God, and which in its turn, allows us to conclude that Creationism is...

Promotion Religion in Schools

The history of the case started on February 5, 2004 when Nicholas Rotolo was engaged in a hockey tournament at a skating rink and suffered a cardiac arrest. The skating rink was owned by San Hose Sports and Entertainment. Medical aid was given by two parents witnessing the event who...

French Hijab Ban and Its Effects on Society

Alma and Lila are teenage sisters from the lower-class suburbs of Aubervilliers who were expelled from their school in 2003 after they defied the French law requiring them not to wear headscarves. Their father is a Jew who does not believe in God and a lawyer who works for an...

Issues and Traditions in Western Religion

Abstract Western Religion is composed of Abrahamic Religions with origin in the ancient Middle East including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Even though the Western Religion constitutes more than Abrahamic religions, mostly used is Christianity as the religion which the Westerners like to identify themselves with. Since their foundations, all the...

Theology Concepts Brief Review

The events that first marked the difference between Judaism and Christianity immediately after Jesus’ death in the first century of Christian history first came clearly when the Roman army which was very brutal attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple which was their center of focus. This made them lose hopes...

Religion as a Separate Entity From the Political Aspect of Any Government

Religion is a framework which allows us to lives our lives in an organized manner and according to a certain order. It provides us a certain purpose; the beliefs, doctrine of morals, theologies –enable us to feel that there was a reason for our creation. Religion also encompasses cultural traditions,...

Peculiarities of Saint Augustine’s “The Confessions”

There is a widely held opinion among many literary critics and theologians that Saint Augustine’s “Confessions” is the first autobiographical work in the history of Western European literature. It reflects the main peculiarities of philosophical and theological thought in the Middle Ages. The author gives a full account of his...

European Union and Religion

Since ancient times, religion has played a crucial role in the life of people and their moral values. The 20th century and democratic relations changed these issues and marked a new era in secular relations. Many of a society’s attitudes toward humanity and the environment tend to be embodied in...

Middle Eastern History: The Five Pillars of Islam

Introduction Islam was introduced through Prophet Muhammad who was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 571 AD. He preached the basic belief, the oneness of God to the people of Mecca for ten years until he was forced to leave the city to settle in Medina where he passed the...

Job’s God from the Bible and Greek Gods from Iliad

Introduction Divine intervention or dues ex machina is common in mythical stories and at most favors the lead character. It is often a story of the triumph of the good and the evil. In the Bible’s Old Testament, in the book and story of Job, intervention from God was done...

Philosophical Arguments for God’s Existence

Introduction The existence of God is one of the oldest debates in the history of humanity, and the topic is still extremely popular today. Anselm of Canterbury was among the first philosophers to present arguments that explain why God should exist. The thinker’s ontological argument was provided in his Proslogion...

On the Death of Jesus in Early Christianity

Introduction The book, The Death of Jesus in Early Christianity, is a historical analysis of primary documents and evidence concerning the death of Jesus in the Christian tradition. The authors examine historical evidence about this event and propose a unique approach and interpretation of primary texts. The New Testament finds...

Religion: Definition, History, General Practices

Introduction Religion involves a combination of practices and beliefs that are held by certain people and is often codified as religious law, rituals, and prayers. It may involve cultural or ancestral traditions, mythology, writings, and history, as well as mystic experience and personal faith. Religion can be defined in a...

Death Explanation in Christian Religion

Human death has been explained in many different ways by the different religions existing in this global world. Death explanation has taken a variety of pathways depending based on the founders of the particular religions. The Christian religion is founded on the divine almighty God, who is believed to have...

Harriet Jacobs’ “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl”

Jacobs makes numerous references to “true Christianity” and Christian hypocrisy, to “churchgoers” and “true believers.” Using specific examples from the text (with page citations) define and explain Jacobs’ views on this issue. After you have defined and explained, imagine that Jacobs lived into the 20th century. Again, using specific examples...

Religious Studies & Theology: The Davidic Kingdom

David is one of the most prominent rulers who united many tribes and established a strong monarchy for the people of Judah and Israel. He gained fame and respect of many people at an early age when he defeated Goliath, and he later became one of the closest people to...

Orthodox Puritanism Modifications: Changing Views

Introduction It should be noted that the views of religion and death changed significantly during the time period 1720-1820. Initially, death was regarded as a terrifying event and God’s punishment for one’s sins. People believed that, when someone died, they were sent to hell and there was no hope of...

Baptism in Christianity: History and Meaning of the Rite

Baptism is among the oldest Christian sacraments, as it has been introduced in the Bible and is likely older than the writing. It is usually considered necessary to perform the rite to join the religion. The procedure usually involves immersion into a body of water, preferably a river, but other...

Divinity: Does God Allow Evil?

Introduction While proving the reality of God seems to be counterproductive to the belief, numerous philosophers have attempted to outline various arguments that aim to prove the existence of such a power. Most assertions formulate themselves on the fact that God is un-perceivable and, therefore, must be shown to exist...

A Statement and Defense of Faith in Literature

Everyone has faith – from the irrational religious zealot to the fervent philosopher and the meticulous scientist. We all believe in something and thus we behave in line with these beliefs. Therefore, the underlying question, in this case, is not whether we have faith, but the truth behind the things...

The History of Mummification in Ancient Egypt

Death has always been one of the phenomena that frightened people because of its mysterious and incomprehensible character. Trying to explain it, societies of the past created various religious beliefs that offered their vision of death and suggested rituals on how to act to minimize fear. One of the most...

The Concept of Death and Dying in Religions

Religions teach people to perceive the world around them by certain canons and laws prescribed by higher powers. In different faiths, approaches to the interpretation of human existence during life on earth and after it may differ. The case of George who learns about the terrible diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral...

“The Prince Who Loved Sweetmeats” by Prof Granoff

Introduction The story “The Prince Who Loved Sweetmeats” is an example of the Jain belief in asceticism and the error of worldly possessions and attachments. It is very different from the monotheistic tradition of Western cultures that treat one’s body as a creation in God’s image. Story Explanation The story...

Church in Slaves’ Lives and How They Survived

Most of the enslaved people saw church and God as their only foundations of comfort and employed their religious beliefs as a basis through which they anchored their purpose in life. Methodism was the main religion in the course of the early 1900s. It began in England via the inventive...

I Am the Pope: Defending the Catholic Inquisitions

Introduction One of the notable elements about the history of the Roman Catholic Church is the inquisitions. It refers to a former tribunal of the church that was created to discover and suppress heresy, which was a belief that rejected the orthodox tenets of the religion (Kamen 13). The ecclesiastical...

Covenant Idea Between God and the Jewish People

Introduction Jews in the Bible are a religious-ethnic group of people descending from Abraham and connected with God by several unions (covenants). The beginning of the Jewish people’s formation can be considered the conclusion of an agreement between God and Abraham. God’s Covenant for the Israeli people as a whole...

Zen Buddhism in America

Introduction Zen Buddhism is a separate school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes mindfulness and meditation practices as the path to achieving enlightenment. According to Wienpahl, the basic principle of Zen is that it cannot be transferred through books as “the heart of the matter is a practice” (3). Although meditative...

The History of Witches and Witchcraft

In Europe, witches were considered in terms of theology. It was believed that Satan enters the bodies of women to acquire physical presence. The Inquisition aimed to eradicate witchcraft by torturing and executing them. The purpose of these beliefs was to blame witches for diseases and epidemics as well as...

“Spiritual Wellness: A Journey Toward Wholeness” by Hrabe, Melnyk, and Neale

Assigned Article Summary The object of the review and summarizing is the article “Spiritual Wellness: A Journey Toward Wholeness,” written by Hrabe, Melnyk, and Neale (2018). The key idea of ​​this work is to find an answer to the question of how to achieve the unity of the soul, mind,...

“Martin Luther: A Late Medieval Life” by V. Leppin

Introduction Martin Luther, known as the father of the Reformation, had a remarkable life that is discussed by several authors. In his Martin Luther: A Late Medieval Life book, Volker Leppin offers his vision on the key biographic points of this theologian. By reading and analyzing the lives of prominent...

Spiritual Suicide from the Religious Perspective

Suicide is a highly controversial issue that requires special attention of society. Significant efforts have been put on a global scale into the research of this grave phenomenon and the development of the prevention programs. In this section, suicide and its implications will be regarded from the religious perspective. The...

“The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror” by Lewis

Introduction The book “The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror” narrates the complex history of Islam and how most of its followers continue to reject modernism in favor of conservative ideas that oppose most of the changes experienced in the Middle East and other parts of Asia. The...

Ring & Elsaesser-Valarino’s “Lessons from the Light”

The book Lessons from the Light: What We Can Learn from the Near-Death Experience by Kenneth Ring and Evelyn Elsaesser-Valarino, 2006, presents an extensive study of near-death experiences (NDEs). Some spiritual insights into these life-changing encounters and the lessons that can be learned through NDEs are discussed in the book....

Karl Rahner’s Concept of Anonymous Christians

Religion and faith are two extremely disputable issues as every person has a certain vision of their basic aspects. The Christian Church has passed a long way to formulate certain dogmas that should unite people with the same attitude to God and show them the right way to appraise him....

Calvin’s Reaction to the Council of Trent

The evolution and formation of the Christian Church were complex processes impacted by the appearance of various perspectives on basic dogmas, rituals, cannons. For this reason, there were many attempts to structure all existing ideas and outline a unified vision that should be followed by all adherers. For instance, the...

Spirituality Part in the Worldview Inventory

Spirituality Over the years, several connotations have been developed with regard to the concept of spirituality. The commonly accepted definition of spirituality describes it as a religious process through which human beings seek to reorient their originality in the image of God through the help of the Holy Spirit (Sheldrake,...

The Epistle to the Romans: God and Human Beings

The attempts to justify God’s treatment of human beings play an important role in the Bible. This issue is explored in the Epistle to the Romans, in which Apostle Paul discusses God’s relations with the people of Israel. To some degree, his rhetoric can be regarded as the theodicy aimed...

“On the Soul and the Resurrection: St. Gregory of Nyssa” by Roth

Doctrine of Resurrection The text that is summarized is part of the book On the Soul and the Resurrection: St. Gregory of Nyssa by Roth (1993). The story is about the doctrine of St. Gregory of Nyssa, who considers human resurrection as one of the main divine gifts that allow...

Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument

An ontological argument refers to the type of philosophical exploration in regards to the existence of God. However, when talking about their theories, philosophers also argue about the state of being and existing, beginning with the ideas about how the universe is organized. Despite the complexity of ontological arguments and...

St. Augustin’s Teachings on Grace

The Christian Church has many outstanding figures and saints that contributed to its development in various periods by creating the theological basis for its existence and further evolution. However, St. Augustine of Hippo can be considered one of the most prominent persons whose works, sermons, and writings contributed to the...

Saint Prosper and the Council of Orange

The Christian Church has passed a long way to become one of the most powerful human social institutions. The process of its evolution and especially its initial stages can be associated with the numerous attempts to create a unified theological ground for further rise. However, differences in perspectives on the...

Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Views of Predestination

The question of predestination has always been topical for the Christian Church. Being one of the main dogmas of faith, it triggered multiple debates about factors impacting the divine providence and individuals lives. For decades, theologians argued about the role or prayers in furthering predestination and the ways in which...

“If God, Then What?” by Andrew Wilson

Prologue In this part, the author talks about his law problems in the USA and a debating competition at Yale University (10-12). It is exciting to read about Wilson’s understanding of the importance of asking questions (13). I agree with the author that questions help people perceive the world in...

Human Nature in Luther’s and Wesley’s Views

John Wesley’s (1703-1791) understanding of the relationship between the nature of a man and God directly relates to the concept of salvation. He can be responsible for the ‘revolution’ in the Christian faith. According to him, every human was born with a piece of Christ in himself rather than with...

Appreciating the Natural World

Nowadays all people live in different communities, and various religions are spread among the population. During its history, humanity accumulated and explored a significant amount of knowledge about the world around. The world is changing, and all these changes affect the population in whole and certain human beings in particular....

Christianity in Hirsch’s and Formstecher’s Portrayals

Samuel Hirsch (1815-1889) rejected the contention that in some ways Judaism is inferior to Christianity, on the contrary, he held a view that both religions are equal in their validity. While Judaism as a religion involves the intensive religious belief and implications of a way of living, Christianity, on the...

The St. Patrick Catholic Church

I attended a Roman Catholic Sunday Mass Celebration at the St. Patrick Catholic Church. Parishioners visit the church that is located at Miami Beach, within Miami-Date County, Florida. It was an unforgettable experience – stepping into the church area and getting ready to enter the main building. The profound experience...

Visiting Temple Israel of Greater Miami

I am a practicing Christian, and I have never visited a temple of another religion before. For this assignment, I decided to visit Temple Israel of Greater Miami. Its peculiar facade always caught my eye, so it was an easy choice. In this paper, I will describe my visit, the...

Sacred, Sacrament and Relationship to Christ

The Sacred, the Profane, and Sacrament Sacred is a concept that identifies the association of an object or phenomenon as pertinent to divinity. As such, sanctity is present in the majority of the world religions and is usually characterized by either partial or complete absence of its manifestation from the...

God’s Laws and Gospels Relationship

Introduction In the Old Testament, God gave different laws to guide people on how to lead an acceptable lifestyle under the standards of moral behaviors. Additionally, the laws were meant to point to God’s purity and expose people’s sinful nature. As such, all the 613 commandments in the Old Testament...

Islam in America: History and Present-Day Status

Nowadays, historians do not know exactly when the first Muslims came to the USA. Nevertheless, the earliest migration is believed to take place at the beginning of the 14th century. In particular, these people were Moors who came from one of the African regions. Professionals presuppose that they made their...

Christianity History from Various Viewpoints

Introduction Views on Christianity as one of the world’s major religions are largely shaped by the experience of generations and those laws that are considered inviolable and eternal. Nevertheless, some opinions can be considered settled due to the fact that they are influenced by people’s certain worldviews, and particular ideas...

Christianity and Feminism: Differences in Beliefs

Although nowadays, the role of religion in the world is lowering, Christianity remains one of the dominant and most influential systems of beliefs. It is not only a religious conception but also a philosophy that impacts the minds of many, though some of them may not even know about this....

“Christian Anti-Semitism” Article by Pawlikowski

Summary of the Source The article “Christian Anti-Semitism: Past History, Present Challenges: Reflections in Light of Mel Gibson’s the Passion of the Christ” by Pawlikowski focuses on the problem of anti-Semitism among Christians in modern society (2). The biblical account, especially in the New Testament, explains the birth, activities, and...

Economic Justice: LGBTQ Individuals

Describe the basic principles of Catholic social teaching on work The basic principles of Catholic social teachings contain a rich source of wisdom that allows constructing a society based on equality and justice; furthermore, these principles show us how to deal with challenges of the modern world keeping our thoughts...

Assessment of Spiritual Needs and Life Philosophy

Interview Q.1. Who or what provides you with strength and hope? Well, I suppose that my greatest support is my family. My husband makes me stronger, children make me feel needed, and a tiny granddaughter is my inspiration. I want them to be happy, so I try not to focus...

Buddhism and Life: Living the Principles of the Buddhist Religion

Explain the following quote using Buddhist terms and beliefs “Do not think about the past. Do not worry about the future. Things of the past have died. The future has not arrived. What is happening in the present should be observed deeply. The Wise Ones live according to this and...

Confucianism in Chinese Culture and Traditions

The concept of Confucianism has had a diverse impact on the social and cultural identity of Chinese people. Hence, it appears that its integration in the Chinese mentality has gone wide beyond the religious beliefs but has transformed into “an emotional attitude as well as a body of rational teaching”...

Buddhist Religion and Western Psychologies

Principles The principles and rules used in this school are derived from the Buddhist religion. There are two main divisions of Buddhism: Mahayana and Theravada. Each of them also includes a number of schools which differ in their principles. However, all Buddhists use meditation practices to reach their goals. Values...

Romans and Church History: Exegetical Assessment

Introduction My thesis consists of two major parts and a conclusion. The first part would cover the previous interpretations of Romans 7 by famous analysts found in church history. This will help us to focus on how the traditional interpretation has affected the church’s point of view concerning this section....

“Practicing Greatness” by McNeal Reggie

Abstract In the minds of many people, Christianity is associated with the word “mediocrity,” which is often confused with humbleness. Such notions as, for example, do not stand out, do not seek the spotlight, do not aspire to greatness, be like everyone else are mistakenly associated with humility. While the...

Living Religions: Religion, Politics, and Society

In the present age, many people of different faiths are trying to define the relationship between the sacred and the secular or religion and politics. Please answer the following questions Is it wrong for those who believe a law or regulation is contrary to God’s will to oppose it? The...

Religious Website “Faith Communities Today”

Introduction Religion can be defined as a particular essential set of beliefs and practices which are usually agreed upon by a group of people or sect, for instance, the Islamic or Christian religion. People generally believe in religion and follow it devotedly. There are various faith groups that are aimed...

Hamartiology: The Problem of Evil (Theodicy)

The issue of whether an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God exists amidst all the evil that is being experienced in the world has remained to be one of the highly debatable issues among various stakeholders of religious based education. Some people may argue that such a God would logically be...

Christians and Going to Church

What is the purpose of the church? A church has a huge purpose; Slick presented the purpose of the church as thus: To worship God (John 4:23), study the word of God (2 Tim. 2:15), pray (Acts 2:42), love one another(Phil. 1:1-4), help each other (Gal. 6:2), partake of baptism...

Religious Pluralism and Distinctive Features

Hinduism The major difference between Hinduism and Christianity is that Hinduism encompasses many religious trends with a multitude of deities while Christianity is a religion based on a single doctrine. The various schools in the Hindu religion all hold that the universe originated from Brahman. The Brahman is an impersonal...

The Old and New Testament Books

Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books Exodus The book of Exodus is a narrative. Exodus means “departure”. The book revolves around the deliverance of the people of Israel after 400 years of slavery under the then Pharaoh of Egypt. It begins with the cry of the Israelites...

Wedding Session in Christian Religious Tradition

Introduction Upon requesting the church leader to attend one of the services, he welcomed me to the wedding session that was going to take place the following week. The church is Anglican and it differs in several ways from the Catholic tradition, even though the two share many things. I...

Nicaragua Catholics and the Pope

What did some reform-minded Catholics in Nicaragua hope the pope might do during his visit to that country? When the Pope made his highly publicized visit to Nicaragua, the reform-minded Catholics in the region hoped that he would give a message of peace to the people. This is because they...

Beliefs in Buddhism and Classical Hinduism

Abstract The following text reviews the similarities and differences between Buddhism and Hinduism to understand the relationship between the two unique religions. The study findings show that Buddhism and Hinduism are the two most dominant and thoughtful religions worldwide, which might have similarities, but are very different in terms of...

The World’s Religions: Worldviews and Contemporary Issues

What is Young’s Definition of Religion? Various individuals and groups have defined religion basing on what they believe or through the influence of forces surrounding their faith. William Young, in his book, The World’s Religions: World Views and Contemporary Issues, he argues that, religion is a form of human transformation,...

Divergence of Opinion between Science and Religion

Annotated Bibliography Monroe, Kristen, Ronald B. Miller, and Jerome S. Tobis. Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate: The Scientific, Religious, Ethical, and Political Issues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. Print. Monroe, K., Miller, R. B., & Tobis, J. (2008). Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate: The Scientific, Religious, Ethical,...

Theravada and Mahayana Buddhist Teachings

Theravada and Mahayana are both schools of Buddhism that arose out of the basic teachings of Buddha. Both of the teachings are complementary but they are made up of different expressions of Buddhist teachings. The primary differences that exist between the two came into existence after Buddha’s death. Theravada Theravada,...

Religion in Personal, Cultural, Historical Dimensions

Personal Dimension of Religion Streng defines the personal dimension of religion as the element of religion that is applicable in the life of the person practicing the particular religion (5). The personal dimension points to how a religion influences the life of the individual. These influences emerge from the interpretation...

Religious Traditions in Various Dimensions

Aesthetic dimension in religious traditions Aesthetic dimension is the notion, which comprises a lot of smaller notions and considerations. Generally, the aesthetic dimension is everything. Defining this notion, it should be mentioned that combining two words, this notion takes something from the definition of each. Thus, aesthetics is related to...

Unification Church Founded by Sun Myung Moon

Sun Myung Moon is the founder and head of the Unification Church. He was born on February 25, 1920, as the second son in a family of 13 children to Kyung –yoo Moon and Kyung-Hye Kim. Sun Myung undertook the Confucian-style education but later converted to Christianity as a Presbyterian...

Religious Capital and Conversion to Other Religions

Personal Religious Capital and Impacts on It Religious capital entails the fundamental investment that individuals tend to make in their respective religious faiths. It incorporates the mutual time as well as the physical work devoted towards maintaining both religious faith along with private and special investments in the doctrines, practices,...

Theology in the Enlightenment Age

Introduction Enlightenment was an intellectual movement. It is commonly held that the influence of enlightenment was paramount in the 18th century (Adorno, 2002). Some literary sources, however, indicate that it began way back in the 13th century. Generally, the enlightenment age started gaining momentum in the 13th when Thomas Aquinas...

Muhsin al-Hakim as a Religious Leader in Los Angeles

Southern California is home to several Islamic religious factions with major Muslim populations in three cities. Sayyid Muhsin Al-Hakim is a Shia leader in Dawoodi Bohra Jamaat of Los Angeles situated at Serapis Avenue, Pico Rivera, California. He leads the Dawoodi Bohra community, which constitutes the Shi’ah, family, and Tayyib....

Religion: “A Crusade for Compassion” by Douglas Todd

In my opinion, “crusade for compassion” is an article whose main aim is to feel the pain felt by other religions when attacked, by those who consider them as enemies. The word compassion, in this article, which is supposed to mean feeling sorry for others, is considered as making one...

Roman Catholic Theology of Rahner and Kung

Introduction Roman Catholic Theology is comprised of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Decisions on the Scripture and the Sacred Tradition are interpreted by the “Magisterium,” and these form the basis of the Catholic teachings (McGrat, 2006). This article evaluates the theology of Rahner and Kung in terms of...

Process and Secular Theology: Tillich and Bonhoeffer

Introduction It is not precise when the process of theology began, but it is generally held that it must have started way back in the 500 B.C., the era of Heraclitus, the Philosopher, and the Greeks (John & David, 2001). It is also postulated that Process theology was rejuvenated by...

Reverend Jim Jones as Peoples Temple’s Founder

The People’s Temple, also known as the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, was a religious movement of the 1950s. However, the movement is known primarily for the mass suicide, which its members committed on November 18, 1978, in Guyana (Moore 47). The doctrine of the movement was based...

Christian Doctrines and Church Attendance

Christianity as a religion has many faith groups and denominations which subscribe to various specific set of doctrines, based on various interpretations of the Bible. Quarles (2011) explains that there are fundamental Christian beliefs which are recognized and observed by almost all Christian faiths. The six main Christian doctrines that...

Gnosticism as the Dualist Concept of Religion

Introduction Modern mainstream religions such as Christianity cannot be clearly understood without examining their historical past. Gnosticism is an ancient religious faith that is believed to have influenced people’s beliefs for many years. Many scholars of theology and historians acknowledge that Gnosticism has led to numerous philosophical concepts, religious ideologies,...

Thom Rainer’ Views on Religion

What myth about the Unchurched surprised you the most? How will your new knowledge about characteristics of the Unchurched affect your ministry? The author introduces nine powerful myths about the unchurched people and their attitudes to churches, leaders, and insights offered. Each myth is a unique approach to the understanding...

Far East Asian Perception of Reality

Introduction People’s beliefs have been formed for centuries and each region has specific perception of reality. Clearly, people share some universal beliefs but all nations and cultures have certain peculiarities. For instance, Far East is the region where people believe in spirits, harmony and the rule of nature. Notably, it...

Genesis 28:10-22 and Its Ideological Aspects

Introduction This paper focuses on the passage presented in Genesis 28 verses 10 to 22. It is crucial to examine the literary, ideological, and communal aspects presented in this passage with the view of revealing the theological message intended by this author, Moses. In particular, these verses convey vital ideological...

Christian Salvation as One of the Main Paradigms of Christianity

Information About the Text The author of the text about salvation as one of the main paradigms of Christianity is Thomas Humphries (2017), and his book is called “Who is Chosen?: Four Theories About Christian Salvation.” At the heart of the plot, there is the description of some of the...

Catholic Church: Religious and Imperial Expansion Impact

Because in the early modern period, the forces of globalization put a variety of historical personalities in contact, challenges and conflicts were inevitable since they were and remained parts of human nature. Furthermore, globalization was associated with a rapid pace of social change, which, in the historical context, was very...

Holy Terrors: Religion and Terrorism in the US

What/who caused God to “lift the veil of protection” which allowed the attacks on September 11, 2001? It seems that Falwell and Robinson lay the blame for what happened on September, 11 completely on Bill Clinton. Falwell and Robinson tended to think that the ex-president’s political moves were not wise...

Islam and Politics’ Relations

Introduction The topic of interrelations between Islam and politics has been subjected to extensive research in the past few decades due to the complications in the processes of external relationships between Western institutions and those following the Islamic rule. In the very beginning, it is crucial to mention that the...

Genesis 28:22 Passage from the Bible

The passage of the Bible titled Genesis 28:22-10 narrates about Jacob who was traveling to Haran. When the sun sets, he takes the stone, puts his head on it, and falls asleep. Jacob sees a dream about the stairway and the Lord who talks to him about descendants. Waking up,...

Biblical Christianity: God and Evil

Introduction Biblical Christianity represents God as a figure who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and inherently benevolent. However, people also cannot deny that evil is a part of this world, and harmful events happen every day to millions of children and adults. Thus, atheists and believers continue to debate the reality of...

Buddhism and Classical Hinduism Concept and Values

Introduction Buddhism and classical Hinduism are the oldest religions in the world. It is worth to note that both religions originated from India (Kaewchaiya, Photisan & Purisuttamo, 2011). This has made many scholars debate whether they have major differences. Buddhism is believed to split from classical Hinduism, something Buddhists have...

Faithful Citizenship: Catholic Social Thought

Personal Reflection The Church has always played a great role in the politics of Christian states. However, while the Middle Ages were the time of its full power, the Church’s influence in the modern world is not as significant. In the times of the crisis of faith, it is extremely...

Music Ministry by Roberts and Wilson-Dickson

Roberts’ Music and Vital Congregations Contradicting the traditional view of children as the future of the church, Roberts views them as the immediate present and the integral part of any congregation (Roberts, 2009, 65). Children make the congregation complete with their vitality and full-bodied enjoyment of life. Therefore, they should...

Greg Faulls and Gregory Gilbert’s Religious Writings

“From Dust to Destiny” by and “What is the Gospel?” are pieces of writing that empower in that they roll out on paper what is hidden in the deepest recesses of the human soul1,2. Each text attempts at finding the answers to the questions that sometimes plague the mind of...

Biblical Texts: John 12:32

The original Bible was written in classical Hebrew, and thus as the gospel spread across nations, the texts had to be translated into different languages. Specifically, the gospels were originally written in Koine Greek and later translated into other languages. One of the contentious issues about Bible translation is the...

Spirituality and Personal Worldview Inventory

Introduction It is crucial for every person to develop a single exhaustive and consistent worldview that is positive and which a person endeavors to stand by on a daily basis (Boylan, 2014). Scholars distinguish between two divisions of the personal worldview imperative: theoretical and practical. The theoretical one requires the...

“Why Politics Need Religion” by Sweetman

Author Brendan Sweetman delineates the difference between form and content in the arguments that arise between church and state, particularly in the area of traditionally controversial religious and moral issues such as abortion, gay rights, capital punishment, and euthanasia (Sweetman 232). Form, Sweetman contends, refers exclusively to the quality of...

Islam in Zaid Shakir’s and Reza Aslan’s Views

Introduction In an interview with Bill Moyers, Imam Zaid Shakir, a renowned American-bred Muslim religious leader tried his best to defend the religion of Islam a year after 9/11 changed world history. Shakir was skillful in his defense, saying that Islam’s core values are similar to that of America and...

Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology

Purpose of the Book The authors of the book “Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology” wanted to analyze the significance of Paul’s life to Christians. The book delivers powerful messages to the reader. Christians can imitate Paul’s life in order to achieve their religious goals (Longenecker...

Islam and the Rise of the Islamic Community in the US

Islamophobia in the US has risen significantly since 9/11. People are fearful of Islamic extremism that has caused panic and speculation. Even in this environment of uncertainty, a small yet potent group of Muslims is living in America, struggling to balance their faith and the country’s dominant social culture. This...

Concept of God and Philosophy of Religion

What characterizes good? The concept of good, by definition, has two defining characteristics. The first one is the presence of perceivable benefits to either the person (personal good) or the community at large (community good) (Howing, 2016). The second characteristic of good typically involves the absence of harm to either...

Contemporary Democratic Ideals and Christian Tradition

Introduction Nowadays, democracy as a form of political organization is of great interest to researchers in multiple fields of knowledge due to its potential to establish and maintain just social order. Democracy has a long and ancient history. It can be regarded as a result of the development of Western...

Religious Sights and Traditions

New Temple of the Vedanta The first sight for the visit is the New Temple of the Vedanta Society of Northern California located at 2323 Vallejo Street, San Francisco. The building of the temple is of light-brown color with long and narrow windows. Inside it is spacious and light so...

The Religion of African Americans during the 20th Century

Introduction There are approximately 4200 religions in the world today. Most of these groupings are characterised by organised behaviours, membership rules, and adherence criteria. The main aim of this essay is to take an in-depth look into the issue of how literature helps to illustrate the theme of religion in...

Small Groups Philosophy in Disciple-Making Efforts

Introduction Small groups form the basis for any interactions that occur not only in the church, but also in all other aspects of life. For instance, subtle interrelationships in homes and at the workplace offer individuals the necessary intimacy for them to build one another. The same dynamic applies to...

Pre-tribulationist Theory and Approaches

Introduction Theological science operates diverse concepts that are used to determine relationships between a man and the highest powers. In Christian theory, the discussion around the issue of the end-times has been popular for centuries. People believe that Jesus Christ will return according to his promise (Matt. 24:30; 26:64; John...

Haitian Vodou Traditions and Western Perception

Introduction Haitian Vodou has a long and proud history that incorporates discoveries and insights into human nature and the place of a man within the realm of the environment. However, Haitian Vodou as a set of practices, traditions, and observations has been affected by the dominant culture for a while....

Religions of the World and Their Analysis

Introduction Religious beliefs are an intrinsic part of a vast number of cultures and therefore need to be recognized as crucial phenomena that deserve close attention. Religions shape societal standards, morals, ethics, and behaviors worldwide, often affecting not only individual development but also the evolution of an entire nation. Therefore,...

The Path to Salvation: Faith, Grace and Spirit over Flesh

Paul’s Writing: Faith and Grace; Spirit vs. Flesh The question of how one may be purified and allowed into the realm of heaven haunts many Christians. The answer, however, becomes quite clear once one considers some of the passages from St. Paul’s writing. According to the latter, the act of...

Judaism and Christianity as Revelational Religions

Ascher’s and Formstecher’s Views on Judaism and Christianity The characteristic of Judaism and Christianity as revelational religions is attributed to the German writer and translator Saul Ascher. Ascher viewed Judaism and Christianity as religions of revelation. In his opinion, Judaism is a religion that is made up of the belief...

The Chinese Lesson of Religious Pluralism

Religion is one of the most important constitutes of any culture. The coexistence of many beliefs generates interest, and China is a perfect illustration of this phenomenon. The book by Yang sheds light on various aspects of religion in the country and explains the present-day situation (180). Chapter 8 and...

Mendelssohn’s Truths and Jewish Emancipation

Mendelssohn brings to the three truths, which are universal, contingent, and historical. Universal truths “exist in this and no other way”, and they are associated with “pure mathematics” (Greenberg 46). The eternal truths refer to religious doctrines. Importantly, Mendelssohn stresses that all people share some values that make them humans....

How Does Religion Affect the African Community?

Introduction When examining any particular culture, a variety of indicators can be used to describe people from that particular culture. In traditional African life, the sense of community is highly valued. Within the African-American culture, religion is the center of all things. For this community, religion affects each person in...

The Manifestation of Christianity and Rastafarian

Introduction Human beings across the world tend to develop certain beliefs and practices. Some of these faiths are passed from generation A to B. This development has led to the establishment of different religious groups such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Taoism (Elton-Chalcraft, 2015). Evidence reveals that most of these...

Pope Francis Views on the Environment

Introduction In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis addresses the danger of polluting our planet and urges people to be more environmentally cautious. He provides a Catholic perspective on these issues and outlines different arguments against pollution. The talking points of Pope Francis In the first 19 paragraphs of his encyclical letter,...

“Religion in Chinese Society” by Ch’ing-k’un Yang

Religion has always been an ongoing issue for human society. For centuries people have been trying to define the role it plays in their lives and the extent to which this phenomenon impacts their being. Yet, the attitude to religion in Eastern and Western societies differed greatly. Yang states that...

Medical Ethics: Christianity and Buddhism Perspectives

Ethical concerns are present in any working conditions. However, ethics in medicine is particularly important, and it has many complicated issues. Taking into consideration that more and more patients with chronic or severe diseases choose to perform euthanasia, it is necessary to contemplate on this problem. Ethics should be combined...

Homonationalism and Gender Identity in Catholicism

Introduction There can be only a few doubts that as of today, the LGBT-related issues continue being considered highly controversial – especially when discussed in conjunction with the discursively relevant provisions of all three monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). Therefore, nothing is surprising about the fact that the public...

Effective Church Models: The Apostolic Harvest Church and the Team Planting

Ed Stetzer is a famous Baptist leader whose contributions are impressive and influential indeed. In his book, Planting Missional Churches, the author introduces several effective church models (Stetzer 2006). Each of them has its strong and weak points. In this discussion, two models, the apostolic harvest church and the team...

Religion in Chinese Society: Confucianism

Confucianism has been proven to be one of the key contributors to the development of the Chinese society. It established the basic principles that guided the operational values for family life, social endeavors, as well as governmental affairs. The Confucianists (scholars trained in the doctrine of Confucianism) were considered the...

Creole Religions of the Caribbean by Olmos et al.

Introduction The book under consideration, written by Margarite Fernandez Olmos and Lizabeth Parvisini-Gebert, represents a comprehensive investigation of the diversity of religious practices, beliefs, and traditions that originated in the Caribbean region as well as the current state of these religions. The introduction to the book begins with the description...

Ignatian Spirituality: Origin, Concepts, Attitude

Introduction The dynamic changes in the present-day society and a great number of international conflicts make many people realize the necessity of the social structure transformation. A lot of researchers in the social studies recognize the importance of spirituality in the life of individuals and collectives. The recent research investigates...

“The Bible Among Myths” a Book by John Oswalt

Introduction The God that is seen in the Bible is described as the only true God and the only one that should be worshipped. This is beside the fact that the Israelite religion is not the only one that existed during the Old Testament period. Other religions were practiced by...