The Attitude of Individuals Towards Other Religions

In the everyday world, while communicating, people use nonverbal language to help express themselves better. However, intercultural differences might lead to disagreements and misinterpretations as various traditions form special beliefs and explanations of nonverbal language. People from different countries can struggle to comprehend a foreigner. Gestures, as one of the...

Religion and Cult Relations

People have always needed a system of specific beliefs to explain events unknown to them. Since the emergence of the first organized groups of people and civilized societies, mythologies, religions, and cults became integral elements of the human world. Moreover, some worship systems transformed into dominant paradigms or religions peculiar...

Sermon on the Mount, Buddha’s Sermon at Benares, and Buddha’s Sermon on Abuse

Both Buddha and Christianity figures can be analyzed to determine their assertions compared to Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean. Ethics has been encouraged by many religions and philosophers to enable people to interact with ease. For example, Christians focus on the experiences of Jesus, where he taught his followers the...

“Changed Into His Image” by Jim Berg

The Main Concepts and Ideas of the Book The book Changed into His Image, by Jim Berg, discusses sanctification. Sanctification is a process through which people are made holy according to the Biblical teachings. Therefore, Berg endeavors to illustrate how Biblical teachings contribute to the sanctification of believers. Berg reminds...

The Concept of God in Christian, Islamic and Hindu Religions

Muslim concept of God Muslims are monotheistic, they believe in one God whom they refer to as Allah. Allah is an Arabic name for God; he is One and unique in everything he had created. Allah has no gender. He is self-sufficient as His existence is not determined by anything....

Mystical Experience in Real Life Analysis

The main characteristics of mystical experience highlighted in St. Teresa of Aliva’s statement Mystical experience is the process when the believer reunites with the transcendent casting away all material things and problems. The feeling of the whole unification of the cosmos, the deity or other reality, and a real-life penetrates...

Is the Great White Throne the Same Judgment of Matthew 25

Introduction Many scriptures in the bible have predicted the coming of judgment which will be executed by God on all people on earth. For instance, the book of Psalms 98:13 in the Good News Bible (p. 514) clearly describes the period when those on earth will be judged, “for he...

Religion Freedom and Its Limitation

Introduction Freedom is one of the major values of people living in western democracies that have evolved for centuries. However, the very notion of freedom can be rather blurred, especially when it comes to certain aspects of human life. Religion has been a sensitive matter associated with diverse perspectives, conflicting...

Hinduism and Buddhism: Similarities and Differences

Many religions take similar paths and steps to help their followers or believers reach enlightenment. Other religions require their followers or believers to accept one idea or creed. Some believe in God and others do not. Whether they believe in gods or not, each religion has its followers who believe...

The Catholic Church and Western Classical Music

The middle ages were characterized by the dominance of the Roman Catholic Church in many religious and social aspects of the community and society. Therefore, many secular elements of culture like the creation and composition of music had their origins in the Roman Catholic Church or were at least influenced...

Buddhism and the Life Teaching of Siddhartha

Buddhism Essay Introduction Buddhism is believed to have been in existence, way before Siddhartha existed (United Press International, 2007, p. 1). Most scholars observe that the roots of Buddhism are very deep, and though Siddhartha contributed a lot to the development of the religion, many Buddhists believe that he was...

Impact of Religion on Individuals, Society, and the World

Religion plays an essential role in the growth of an individual, society, and the whole world. Religion acts as a guidebook on how people should live, driven by their faith and principles of life (Primal Religions, n.d.). Moreover, religious leaders are expected to teach people the virtue of love and...

The Great Commission and Business as Missions

Introduction The Great Commission refers to instructions that Jesus gave to his disciples after he rose. He asked them to preach the gospel to people across the world. These instructions are found in many passages in the book of Mathew. In fulfilling this work commissioned by Jesus, the disciples were...

The Galatians 4:1-7 Passage Analysis

For my exegetical paper, I chose a passage from Galatians 4:1-7, which focuses on explaining why Galatians do not necessarily need to follow the Law of Moses as God’s children. The passage presents a specific interest in dissection and understanding because Paul uses a complex allegory in the text. The...

Christianity and Postmodernism: a Comprehensive Comparison

The society of today is at a stage that is ultimately defined by a structure so complex that it is no more perceivable by traditional means. Crucial changes to the fabric of human societies entail a mental paradigm shift that is first recognized by the cultural figures and later on...

The Book of Exodus: Brief Analysis

Introduction The Book of Exodus is one of the defining narratives of Western culture. It recounts the story of ancient Israelites being chosen by Yahweh to escape slavery at the hands of Egyptians and attain the Promised Land. It features many of the most famous characters and episodes from biblical...

The Story About Joseph: God Always Has a Plan

Joseph was one of Jacob’s twelve sons and the most loved ones, so his father gave him a beautiful colorful coat. Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him and decided to sell him as a slave. He was taken to Egypt and started to serve the Potiphar, who was a Pharaoh’s...

The Relationship Between Human Sinfulness and the Doctrine of Salvation

Introduction According to the principles of the Christian faith, every person born into this world has been sinful since childhood. The limits of this sinfulness lie not in the guilt of the individual for actions committed or imperfectly performed, but in the fact that he or she is the ancestor...

The Torah: Story, Law, and Poetry

In the tradition of Judaism, Torah, in the broad sense, refers to the substance of God’s divine revelation to Israel, thus offering divine teaching and guidance to His followers. The meaning of Torah has been mainly restricted in order to denote the first give books of the Hebrew Bible, or...

Premarital Sex and Religious Perception

Over the years, the notions of sex education, sexuality, and culture have been closely interrelated, with the latter aspect obtaining a major influence on the human perception of sex as a process. According to the researchers, the socio-cultural background of a community plays one of the most significant roles in...

The Equality of Men and Women in the Bible

Nowadays, the questions often arise as to whether men and women are equal in rights. There are even specific movements that defend women’s rights, trying to prove that they have the same rights in society as men. The interpretation of biblical texts regarding this equality is also controversial. This essay...

Why a Christian Environment Appeals to Me

Introduction The world today is full of different types of faiths. Christianity happens to be one of them. Others include Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. Debating on which of these is better than the other is a continuing issue with each side determined to win. I have however taken a...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

Old & New Testaments: Exegesis of Jeremiah 31 in Hebrews 10

Introduction Hebrews is about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ about the sacrifices enforced in the Mosaic Law. As mandated by this Law, the priests, the Levites, sacrificed animals for the atonement of their sins, but there is one superior to the animal sacrifices and this is Jesus Christ. “His sacrifice...

Early Church History: Persecution of Christianity

The early Christians endured persecution not only from non-believers but also from believers who sought to change their faith. The reasons for these persecutions were mainly due to the fear of Christianity by the Romans, as they dubbed it a mere superstition rather than a belief. It is imperative to...

Rastafarianism Belief System, Sacredness, Rituals

Introduction Religion manifests certain basic elements that include a belief system, community, central myths, emotional experiences, rituals, an ethical system, sacredness, and material expressions of religion. Certain elements are stronger and more valued than others. This paper will examine the extent to which my religious beliefs manifest the aforementioned elements....

Religion Role in the Society

Introduction God is the originator of religion. He created the world and the people in it and established some general principles and laws which they were instructed to follow. God spoke through selected prophets who heard him speak and recorded his words (Johnstone 21). He revealed to the people through...

Narrative Theology: Biblical Metanarrative

Introduction The essence of narrative theology lies in the idea that the use of the Bible in Christian theology should focus on the narrative presentation of faith. This is an approach that opposes developing a set of teachings derived from Scripture itself – what is commonly referred to as “systematic...

Steward Versus Servant Leadership in Christianity

Introduction Leadership style is the method or approach employed by a person while managing or heading a team. The leadership style is determined by factors such as an individual’s personal characteristics or traits, behaviors, and goals. Christian leadership styles have been in existence for a long time, and different people...

The Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas

Introduction Due to his advances in terms of nearly every field of philosophy and religion, St. Thomas Aquinas was a remarkable catholic theorist and a prolific author. Thomas Aquinas was an outstanding scholastic thinker, theologian, and political philosopher who served as a Dominican bishop and priest in Italy (Ilodigwe 19)....

Respect and Tolerance for New Religions

I think that the age of religion is the characteristic of a person’s beliefs from which it should be decided if their faith should be respected. The primary principle to give respect to the beliefs, actions, and words of others is if they are disrespecting or hurting someone or not....

Review of “Little Buddha” by Bernardo Bertolucci

Little Buddha is a 1993 film by Bernardo Bertolucci that tells the story of choosing the rebirth of Lama Dorje, a great Buddhist teacher. Lama Norbu and a group of monks from Butane go to the US to find an American boy Jesse Conrad. The monks announce that the child...

Religious Discrimination in Different Countries

Introduction Discrimination is a negative attitude, bias, injustice, or deprivation of certain rights of people due to their national, racial and religious affiliation. Religious discrimination restricts people’s rights based on their religious affiliation. Discrimination is usually accompanied by religious stratification in several countries where several religious communities are represented. That...

The Deity of Jesus Christ in New Testament

Introduction God calls himself the “I Am” in various parts of the bible. God reveals himself to people as a person who comes to redeem them from exile and revert them into a new form of life with eternity. The outlook of God’s name reveals him and what he looks...

The Flood in Genesis and Lessons Learnt

Introduction Genesis is among the most famous stories and teachings. The particular interest in the story arises from the overall thinking about Genesis. In recent decades, Evangelical theologists have returned to exploring the questions of human origins. Even though the mentions of the Flood in Genesis 6-9, it begins earlier...

Concerns in Saint Luke’s Gospel and Their Analysis

Jesus’ disciples were left to emulate the good work that He had begun before ascending to heaven. Perhaps the disciples fearlessly worked out on their purpose as followers of Christ to enlighten the world about God’s intimate plan for all humankind. Thus, after His departure, Jesus’ disciples, who became apostles...

The Role of Gothic Cathedrals in the Popularization of the Catholic Church

When Gothic architecture first emerged in the 12th century, it made an immense impact on the popularization of faith and the attraction of new followers. Derived from the religious buildings of the Romanesque era, Gothic cathedrals were constructed specifically to represent the divine nature of God (Zhekova p. 18). For...

Rapture of the Church of God

Rapture of God’s church is one of the most contentious elements in Christian eschatology, specifically its timing with relation to other events, such as Christ’s return and the great tribulations. It is a significant eschatological event that has a considerable impact on an individual’s viewpoint about life and subsequent hope...

The Tale of Kieu: The Value of Confucianism

Introduction The Tale of Kieu by Nguyen Du is one of the most prominent Vietnamese poems, depicting the life of a woman who had to save her family by sacrificing her own life. This poem presents the social and political challenges of the 18th century, when two dynasties, Nguyen and...

“Viderunt Omnes” by Leonin

Viderunt Omnes is an old Georgian chant based on a biblical Psalm XCVII. It is sung as a gradual, which is a liturgical celebration of the Eucharist, mostly in the Catholic religion. The hymn is usually performed at the masses on such catholic and Christian holidays as Christmas and, historically,...

The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism

Introduction The question of the existence of a divine, omnipotent, and omniscient being interests and even worries many thinkers from ancient times, probably since the birth of philosophical thought. In this regard, philosophers are mainly divided into two philosophical camps, namely, theists, those who believe in divinity, and atheists, those...

Difference Between 3 Abrahamic Religion

Introduction The term “Abrahamic Religions” refers to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, which derive their spiritual source from common ancestry. According to Lovat and Crotty (2015), the cultural, geographical, ethnic, and historical backgrounds of these belief systems emanates from the Near East. The three are monotheistic and rely on some discrete...

Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John

Synoptic gospels refer to biblical doctrines which were documented as part of good news during the New Testament times. These gospels have several similarities (Perkins, p. 19). As such, there are myriad of common features which characterize them. These include content, style, paragraphs, chronology and timing of events. In a...

Evolution vs. Religious Dogma

Introduction The theory of evolution was challenged by religion when first publicly demonstrated by Charles Darwin in the mid-Nineteenth Century. The religiously fervent still rejects the idea of man evolving from ape but over the past 150 years opinions have certainly evolved and most religious persons today accept evolution to...

“Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament” by Christopher J.H. Wright

Introduction Dr. Christopher J.H. Wright’s Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament is a complete analysis of the roles of prophets and law had in Jesus’ experiences with self-reflection, and thus enable the reader to gain an enhanced understanding of Jesus Christ. Dr. Wright himself is an esteemed scholar who has...

A Statement and Defense of Faith in Literature

Everyone has faith – from the irrational religious zealot to the fervent philosopher and the meticulous scientist. We all believe in something and thus we behave in line with these beliefs. Therefore, the underlying question, in this case, is not whether we have faith, but the truth behind the things...

Developing a Personal Philosophy of Ministry

What I Believe About God What people believe about God can both be universal and personal since at the end of the day it is upon a particular believer to make his or her personal choice whether to believe in God or not to believe in Him. As to the...

Jesus’ Teaching About the Kingdom and About Himself

Introduction Faith and religion are very personal concerns that could be treated in different ways depending on what a person wants to see, understand, and believe in. That is why there have always been vigorous debates related to the understanding of the basics of faith. The ground for these discussions...

Religious Impact on Children’s Future Success

Introduction Religion is integral to the socialization and development of children. It shapes their conception of the future and determines their willingness to work toward achieving specific goals. Religion can help children believe they have a future, as will be demonstrated in the presented argument. Religion can influence a child’s...

The History of Bethlehem and Its Significance

Bethlehem The West Bank of Bethlehem, also known by the Arabic names Bayt Lam (“House of Meat”) and Bet Leem, is located in the Judaean Hills five miles (eight kilometers) south of Jerusalem (“House of Bread”). According to Luke and Mathew’s gospels, Jesus was instinctive in Bethlehem, which relates to...

Aspects of Promoting Evangelism

Evangelism could be described as adopting and distributing the gospel, which is widely known as the salvation of humankind. This notion may also be described as the ultimate appreciation of Jesus Christ for his deeds toward humanity. The flow of evangelism is communicating God’s will, involving the person as a...

Understanding and Speaking About the Human Condition Theologically

Introduction One of the primary purposes of religion is to achieve salvation and create equal conditions for all people in relation to God. However, as many canons exist, more questions about the holiness of human beliefs emerge. The conception of conceived and born in sin provokes multiple discussions, and people...

Showing Importance Towards Non-Material Things

Introduction New studies have shown that materialistic communities view wealth as a source of happiness. An excess of material wealth is thought to be a measure of contentment in these communities. However, excess material wealth does not bring a genuine feeling of peace and satisfaction. Like the rich, poor people...

The Protestant Reformation and Its Impact on the English New World

The Protestant Reformation that took place in Europe in the sixteenth century shattered to the core the basis of Christianity, dividing Christians into two groups and leading to the creation of many religious sects. Christianity’s political and religious power was challenged as The Protestant Reformation eventually brought about the design...

Atonement: Theories and Interpretations

Introduction About two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died for all humanity’s sins. It is called the crucifixion of Jesus, by which he produces the atonement for the whole of humankind. Despite the fact of this event and the clarity of its consequences, there are many theories and interpretations of...

Chapter 1 of “The Story of the Quran” by Mattson

Introduction Ingrid Mattson’s Story of the Quran analyzes the holiest source of Muslims’ faith and knowledge across the globe. The key points the author is trying to highlight in the story include the origin of the Muslim cultural, personal, and historical details. It also illustrates how the Quranic revelation is...

The Sources and Causes of Suffering in Judaism

Different religions have a distinct way of perceiving the sources and causes of suffering. In Judaism, the view of sorrow is that it is merely a characteristic of physical existence (Fitzpatrick et al., 2016). This means that misery does not necessarily have to be a result of punishment for misdeeds....

Presentation of Religion in the Passion of the Christ

Religious beliefs are based on historical accounts of the occurrences recorded in available books, such as the Bible and the Quran. The Christian religion is entirely dependent on biblical information concerning the nature of God and how He relates to humanity. Central to the Christian faith is the story of...

Patient Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis

The principle of autonomy respects the patient’s rights to make an informed medical decision. However, this case falls under the Confucian society, where the head of the family decides for people under his care (Tai & Tsai, 2003). The physician should inform the parents about all possible measures and leave...

The Interconnection Between Goddess Mythology and Ecofeminism

Introduction Most contemporary religions represent a man as the only deity. However, Goddess mythology serves as knowledge of how goddesses and, specifically, the Great Goddess were worshipped in ancient times. The evidence found all over the world lets the humanity suppose that there were times when the Goddess was the...

“A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini

Introduction During the course of the recent decade, it used to be particularly fashionable among political scientists to discuss the present confrontation between the supposedly Christian West and Muslim Middle East/South in terms of ‘clash of civilizations’. Nevertheless, as time goes by, more and more people in Western countries come...

Critical Analysis of Judaism From an Interview With a Jew

Outline Introduction The Beth-el Temple in Birmingham Alabama Judaism Religion A comparison between Judaism and Christianity Conclusion Introduction Judaism is the oldest monotheist religion in the world whose followers also called Jewish have their believes and way of life geared towards fulfillment of the teachings of the Hebrew bible also...

The Significance of the Ethical Pillars of Jainism

The non-Vedic native Jainism religion has an origination in India and Mahavira is the most prominent tutor of the doctrine of this religion. The main belief of the religion is that Universe is forever it is not affected by time, there is no commencement or an end and it is...

Core Elements of Christian Understanding of Salvation

Every problem in this world is diagnosed depending on its cause. According to Christianity, the main human problem is sin which is known to cause suffering in this life and also in eternal life. Therefore, the only treatment or solution for sin is the salvation which sets someone free from...

Guidance in Krishna’s “Bhagavad-Gita” and Siduri’s The Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction Most religious teachings go into detail on the multifaceted relationships between gods and humans in which the latter are sometimes able to find solace and peace of mind and sometimes are scorned and neglected. At that, the union of a god and a human is usually not one of...

Christianity and Feminism: Differences in Beliefs

Although nowadays, the role of religion in the world is lowering, Christianity remains one of the dominant and most influential systems of beliefs. It is not only a religious conception but also a philosophy that impacts the minds of many, though some of them may not even know about this....

The Concept of Death in Islam

Introduction The perception of death largely depends on the religious characteristics of a particular nation and is determined by people’s inner beliefs. Cultural characteristics of different countries predetermine how people relate to the afterlife and what is considered to be dead in any religion, that is, the total absence of...

The Transfiguration of Jesus – Literary Criticism

Literary criticism Context The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-13) is often being regarded as one of the most important miracles that took place during the course of the Savior’s earthly service (second only to the Resurrection). This miracle was meant to prove to the most loyal disciples of Jesus (Peter,...

The “Patron Saints of Nothing” Novel by Randy Ribay

Introduction Religion and a church influence many aspects of human life and are integral to it. Faith helps people cope with social and psychological stress, calms them, and brings relief. The definition of spirituality is a controversial and complex issue that cannot be answered precisely. Religion ensures the fellowship of...

God and Connection With Nature and Reality

The distinction between God’s natural and supernatural knowledge and between grace and nature has been the subject of intense debate among Catholic theologians. Many believe that where God is, there is no place for wildlife and scientific knowledge; it can be known only through faith. However, after analyzing the literature...

Islam and Christianity: Comparison

Introduction Islam and Christianity are the world’s two main religions. Many people in the universe belong to either of the two religions, mainly by birth. Christianity is a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in the 1st century CE, who the believers hold dear as...

The Holy Spirit as Part of the Trinity

Introduction The Holy Ghost is the infinitesimally understood person of the Trinity. In fact, many believers share many misconceptions about the Holy Spirit. Some view Him as a force, as a ghost, and a second class replacement god. He is mistaken with the manifestations themselves and has even been presented...

The Bible as a Source of Wisdom and Knowledge

The Bible is justly considered a source of eternal wisdom and knowledge about every meaningful aspect of daily life. As Bickel and Jantz (1998) note, the Books of Wisdom offer a perspective on the righteous ways to enjoy life and strategies to overcome suffering and accept challenges without diminishing one’s...

Religion in The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano

Introduction The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Brycchan Carey is the first slave autobiography that tells the story of Olaudah Equiano. Born in a village in Africa, Equiano was kidnapped when he was eleven. Equiano underwent several travels as a slave as he was transported to...

The Limits of Language in Theology

The Christian apophatic mysticism, also known as “via negative,” teaches to approach the divine using a negation, indicating what God is believed not to be. This form of religious practice and thinking contrasts with the cataphatic approach that requires affirmations when referring to or describing God (Lane, 1998). There is...

Explaining James’s Statement “Faith Without Works Is Dead”

The Book of James and the epistle to the Galatians are two writings that represent the New Testament Law. In the first one, James wrote: “Faith Without Works is Dead,” claiming that believers need to support their faith with good actions made as a result of changed lives. In the...

The Christian Faith and Its Advantages

Religion plays a critical role in the life of millions of people. Individuals all over the world have their rituals and visions. Christianity is one of the most ancient and influential teachings popular in different parts of the globe. It has some fundamental beliefs, such as the necessity to save...

The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam

Introduction The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam serve as the foundations of the Islamic and Christian religions. In general, they consist of predetermined norms that lay the groundwork for how Muslims and Christians should conduct themselves in their interactions with the Almighty and those with whom they interact....

Socio-Historical Context of the Book of Romans

Paul wrote to the church in Rome when Jews were coming back to the city after their expulsion. A new emperor had assumed control of the empire, replacing the one who had dismissed the Jewish leaders. Besides, the Gentiles became in charge of the church’s leadership and changed the practices,...

Gregory the Great Life and Teachings

Introduction Pope Gregory the Great became a pope when the Italian province was in crisis, and the state appeared lawless, crumbling, and semi-abandoned by visitors to Rome. A statement by the future pope had indicated that barbarians had full control of the religion. The city’s state had made the Romans...

Wise Men’s Leadership in the Old Testament

Introduction The Old Testament is a great book of universal human significance. Apart from its religious value, it can be analyzed by its political and legal aspects, since it carries information about the state and power structure. The Old Testament can be called a treatise on the government and order...

Ritual in Religion: Their Role and Meaning

A ritual is an activity performed by a person or persons with a belief in supernatural effects. This activity symbolizes faith in supernatural strength. The activity becomes symbolic when the spirit and physicality are abstract. The object of belief may be terrestrial or physical. Terrestrial objects are invisible but exist....

The Idea of Leadership: “Servants of the Servant” by Don N. Howell, Jr.

Introduction «Servants of the Servant: A biblical theology of leadership» is a 2003 book by Don N. Howell, Jr. that tries to evaluate the titular concept from an unusual perspective. The trait is seen as essential for any manager and is useful for a variety of other professions, and therefore,...

Four Views on the Apostle Paul

Summary of the Book Apostle Paul was an outstanding follower of Jesus Christ. The book “Four Views on the Apostle Paul” is a religious masterpiece. The book describes the achievements of Apostle Paul. Many theologians strongly believe that apostle Paul was a major force in the development and establishment of...

“Islamic History as Global History” by R. Eaton

Introduction Eaton’s goal was made evident in the introductory portion of his article. He wanted his readers to realize the failure of Western scholars in particular, and the Western world in general, when it comes to an accurate understanding of the Muslim world and the religion of Islam. He immediately...

Religious Parable of “The Three Rings” by Gotthold Lessing

G.E. Lessing created a powerful poem that talks about a father’s love for his sons. The father’s love for his three sons was illustrated through the importance of the ring of power. He will bequeath the ring to his favorite child (Lessing 1). However, he realized that he equally loved...

Judah’s Life from a Biblical Perspective

Judah is one of the 12 sons of Joseph who founded the Israelite tribe of Judah. He was the fourth son of Leah, Jacob’s first wife whom Jacob loved least. The Bible portrays Judah as the son who proposed to sell Joseph to the Egyptians so that Joseph’s blood could...

The Two Conceptions of Brahman in Hinduism

Introduction Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest and largest religions. Its teachings are based on the premise that the human mind is incapable of fully conceiving the being that is Brahman, who is the representation of absolute reality. The religious doctrines provide two conceptions of the deity. The first...

Existence of God: The Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas

Introduction When studying philosophy, one will inevitably come across Thomas Aquinas and his five arguments for the existence of a higher being, such as God. His justifications for the existence of a higher being were developed to offer a firm basis for the conviction that a God does, in fact,...

Life Stages: Old Age, Dying, and Death

Death is perceived as natural and an inevitable part of life. We may not be sure about the outcomes of our lives, but one thing we are confident of is that we are all going to die. Although funerals help the living by giving them a chance to understand the...

The Purpose of Missions in the Church

The nature and the purpose of the mission may change depending on the historical circumstances. The Christian mission underwent the path from eradication and imposition to acculturation. Nowadays, the Protestant mission and Church follow the ‘acculturation’ approach; thereby, the institution actively adapts to the changing cultural landscape. For instance, the...

Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects

Introduction Leadership in church, as well as change, are two things that require individuals who are committed to serving others. The two depend on one another in the sense that in order for change to happen, good leaders need to be present. A good leader is characterized by the ability...

Aspects of Christianity and Suffering

Introduction Every system of religious belief seeks to explain and justify the role of pain in human lives. One of the common factors that unite all people regardless of race or creed is our subjective experience of both physical and psychological suffering. We all feel the aches of illness, hunger,...

Theory and Theology of Helping People

Introduction The theoretical approach of helping the people is found in biblical, Christian, and Church values different from the psychology of helping people. Helping behavior in social psychology entails assisting others voluntarily without expecting a reward in return. Some psychologists also use the social exchange theory to explain the concept...

Church Discipline: Process and Necessity

Introduction Church discipline is the act of calling upon people to change their wayward ways through repentance and asking for forgiveness. It is performed when an individual has disobeyed the church rules provided by God1. The intention is to restore people into a reconciled state with God. The aspect of...

Rites of Passage: From Childhood to Adulthood

The Rites of Passage have long been a subject of discussion since, in many ways, they are not in line with the modern perception of adolescence as a continuous process that lasts well into a person’s twenties. However, the Rights of Passage, established long before the modern system of education...

The Gospel of John vs. Other Synoptic Gospels

The Gospel of John uniquely differs from the three Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke) in terms of its literary style, setting and time sequence, portrayal of Jesus, dualistic imagery, and theological concepts. A deviation is observed between John’s Gospel and the Synoptic Gospel because John takes readers back to Genesis...

The Day-Age Theory as Applied to Genesis

Abstract In the Christian tradition, the dominant perspective on creation follows a commonly shared position that the world was created by God in seven days. However, this dogma remains a matter of heated debate, as conditioned by the alternative, non-traditional view. There are many different theories that surround the creation...

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity

Introduction The 1: 18-32 section forms much of the material at 1:18-3:20 (see the study outline at the beginning of the book). The function of this research is to affirm that, as mentioned in 1:18, faith alone is the only means of achieving the righteousness outlined in Gospel 1:17. All...

Relation Between the Transcendentalism and God

Transcendentalists believed in knowing God on a personal level, watering down the idea that there was no need for an intermediary in understanding God and the spiritual world. To cement their beliefs, transcendentalists embraced idealism, where they focused on nature and opposed materialism. Transcendentalists were inspired by many sources, including...

Catholic Church as Social and Spiritual Organization

The Catholic Church is a worldwide religious organization with a large number of believers. The number of Catholic Christians constantly rises worldwide: the reason for that is the prevalence of psychological and spiritual problems around the globe, and the Christian belief system helps people cope with them. Many people encounter...

The Salvation Element in Christianity

Introduction Salvation refers to the deliverance from the consequences of sin and its influential power. Christianity was founded under the construct of the laws found in the Bible. In Isaiah 49:6, redemption is earned through the provision of service in the ministering of the word of God (King James Bible,...