Otherness in Anne Sexton’s ‘Her Kind’ Poem

Introduction Social demarcation in the population is portrayed in geographic, tribal, or ideological lines. Identifying these differentiations within us enables individuals to establish themselves based on how they perceive others. A faction may find itself superior, based on its subjective appreciation of other cultures being inferior. Othering has been used...

Personal and Shared Knowledge

Key Words and Terms Knowledge can be described as a tool with which people interpret the world and society around them. Through knowledge, one is able to understand his or her social-cultural, political and geographical environments, and come up with ways of integrating or adapting to achieve life goals. Knowledge...

Social Experiment: Wrong Outfit in a Wedding Event

Introduction It is my cousin’s wedding and the invitation card was specific on the dress code. The reception was to capture an official theme consisting of official dressing code, preferably grey or dark suit/dress. I did not expect everyone to dress as was directed. I opted for a casual trouser...

Affirmative Action by Albert Mosley

Is affirmative action in employment an appropriate way to make restitution for a history of discrimination against minorities and women? Mosely (2015) truly believes that it is a kind of moral obligation for governments to provide minorities and women with restitution and use affirmative action in employment as one of...

“Why Invest in Africa” TED Talk by Euvin Naidoo

In his TED talk, Euvin Naidoo addresses the topic of Africa as a developing continent, its weaknesses, and its strengths. His goal is to discuss the reasons why investing in Africa is a great decision. The rate of inflation is decreasing significantly. In the past two decades, countries that include...

Group Therapy Sessions for Addicts

Compare and contrast the effectiveness of group therapy. What elements are particularly helpful for the group? What elements are potentially detrimental to group dynamics? The type of addicts best suited for the Self-Evaluation Group are learners who have to abuse drugs to perform an array of tasks as individuals or...

Library Services for Community Building

Social services vary from one society to another depending on the mission, vision, core values, and goals of the society. Library services play vital roles in providing access to information, which directly empowers the communities towards development (McCook, 2000, p6). With continuous access to information, the literacy level of a...

Social Classes in the Canadian Society

What is social inequality and—according to the readings—where does it come from? Use specific examples from the readings to guide your analysis. Social inequality refers to a state in which individual groups in a specific society have different social status. This state of inequality is brought about by the ideologies...

Physically Disabled People’s Shopping Experiences

Introduction During the course of my observations of various individuals that suffer from some form of physical disability, I noticed several interesting forms of behavior in the way they acted and the way they were treated by those around them. As it turns, most people who are considered disabled by...

Minority and Dominant Groups in the United States

Social diversity concepts A society cannot be homogenous. No matter what state, city, or any other area is being under analysis, there will always be basic differences in the backgrounds of its dwellers; and, no matter what aspect is used to draw the line between different members of society, there...

James David Vance on American Dream and Poverty

The success of every society is determined by values, cultural practices, and tendencies that can address the hurdles affecting its people. The author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis”, James David Vance, acknowledges that many people in the United States have been...

Exploration of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS in Music: Reflection on Social Issues

The Current State of Addiction in America Addiction is a major problem in American society. The use of various substances like tobacco and illicit substances like cocaine and alcoholic drinks results in a huge financial burden to the American government due to the rising consequences related to the financial, social,...

Trends and Causes of Youth Unemployment in Canada: A Societal Review

The problem under investigation is the fact that “the unemployment rate among people in the 18-25 age group is higher than any other age group in Canadian society.” This issue proves that there is a necessity to consider some ways to make the discussed population work and improve their socioeconomic...

Domestic Violence Forms: Cases Analysis

Domestic abuse of family members, particularly children, adults, and the elderly, should be considered a form of deviant behavior to which researchers give different explanations: biological, psychological, and socio-cultural. The sociological reasoning for domestic violence implies taking into account socio-political, socio-economic, legal, psychological, and socio-cultural factors. In the cases described...

Human Trafficking in Florida Law

Human trafficking is an illegal activity that poses numerous risks to the well-being of vulnerable populations. Despite the significant allocation of resources, the issue cannot be resolved without the contribution of all involved parties. Healthcare providers are among the stakeholders that often encounter potential victims in a professional setting. The...

Factors Driving People to Hate Groups | Jayson (2017)

Key Issues in the Article The key issue in this news article by Jayson (2017) is to investigate factors that drive people to hate groups and other extremists’ organizations. The United States is the leading economy in the world, and it scores favorable on various life indicators. However, racial discrimination...

Poverty in the “LaLee’s Kin” Documentary

Introduction Social issues are conditions that are undesirable to the human society. They are those factors that infringe on the dignity of the human race. For purposes of a dignified living, these problems must be corrected by the individuals and other stakeholders (Leon-Guerrero, 2015). Social problems include contemporary issues affecting...

School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life

Introduction The problem of school bullying has been addressed on different levels, including political, economic, cultural, juridical, educational, and many others. The causes of bullying vary, but they lead to severe issues that can remain unresolved for years. Bullying is aggressive behavior that can be seen in different children, teenagers,...

Women Leadership in UAE: Perspectives and Challenges Faced

Introduction Over the ages, a great number of analysts have spoken about women leadership, their role, how they lead and the challenges they face when leading a company or an organization and how they have achieved good results in their leadership. It is imperative to note that leadership is a...

Understanding Workforce Diversity: Sociopsychological Factors at Play

Abstract Phenomena of diversity and inclusion observed in the workplace can be discussed with references to such social psychological perspective as the social identity theory. The reason is that interactions in the workplace are associated with the social nature of a person, and diversity, as well as the idea of...

Domestic Violence Effects – Psychology

Introduction Domestic abuse or violence involves the expression of certain patterns of behavior that are abusive towards another party in a marriage relationship or any familial affair. Domestic violence is acerbated in a number of ways, including assault, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, economic deprivation, domineering, and intimidation, among other forms...

Support in Significant Life Event

Introduction Life is characterised by diverse changes that can amount to happiness or sorrow. Some of the major life changes include getting married, dealing with death and bereavement, and retirement. These life changes have a significant impact on individuals due to the adjustments required in order to go through the...

Social Problem Analysis: Social Inequality in Education

My current interests encompass the persistent issue of social inequality that we can witness as a routine practice every day. The topic is too multifaceted to study as a whole, thus, I have chosen to commit to the problem of social inequality in education. I have studied two scholarly peer-reviewed...

Naomi Klein on Racism: A Critical Analysis

Introduction One of the issues that have continued to cause major rifts among the earth’s human population is the issue of racism and discrimination. In past years, ills such as apartheid, xenophobia, and intolerance, resulted in social life being disrupted and many lives being lost. In light of the degenerative...

Underage Drinking: Trends, Impacts and Interventions

Introduction: Underage Drinking The issue of underage drinking has been on the social. agenda for a while (Hudson, Wekerle, & Stewart, 2015); however, it has not been up until the past few years that the problem started getting out of control. Moreover, studies show that the rates of teenage drinking...

Institutional Violence in Service-Providing Industries: Understanding Causes and Solutions

The rates of institutional violence are getting higher in the world of nowadays. Employees of various career fields tend to become involved into violence at the workplace. The individuals that suffer from workplace violence the most often are the workers of service providing professions that have to be in contact...

Resilience and Growth in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence

Abstract Resilience is a major determinant of the rate at which people recover from traumatic life experiences. Flexibility is a major factor that victims of different traumatic events, such as domestic violence, should have to lead a normal life in the aftermath of violence. Spirituality is an important aspect in...

Racism and Discrimination towards African-Americans

Introduction Racism and discrimination of the African-Americans in the United States of America have been a major issue that began way back during the colonial and slavery era. One would think that after such a long period of fighting for human rights and the changes made in the constitution to...

Persistent Poverty in African-American Households and Crack Cocaine Prevalence

Introduction The persistent poverty in African-American households became the primary cause of the crack cocaine prevalence, especially in inner cities. During the 1980s-1990s the addiction to crack cocaine involved the majority of the black population of problem neighborhood. The crack obsession controls the life of the drug addicted and influences...

Correlation Between Homelessness and Incarceration: Societal Factors Explored

Introduction Homelessness and incarceration are two experiences with a two-fold correlation. Not only the conditions of homelessness make people vulnerable to the different societal factors that may lead to imprisonment, but also the experience of the incarceration creates a high possibility that the former inmates of the penitentiary institutions will...

Domestic Violence with Disabilities

Introduction It is always good to understand the meaning of what one wants to discus. It will be impossible for one to critically discuss what he or she does not understand. The key word in this discussion is domestic violence but before I get into that I will first explain...

Teen Pregnancy in Fayette County: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Introduction Throughout the United States, teen pregnancy is a major problem and a cause for concern. The United States ranks top among the developed nations in cases of pregnancies before the age of twenty. About 10% of females between 15 and 20 get pregnant every year which is approximately 890000...

Domestic Violence Barriers: Cultural Challenges and Support Gaps

Domestic violence is gaining notoriety each passing day. More and more women are falling victims to this social ill at an alarming rate. Research, by Yehuda, shows that an estimated 1.8 to 3.6 women are suffering under abusive violence from their intimate partners each passing year. Male partners are the...

The Black Lives Matter Movement: A Call for Action

What Is Black Lives Matter (BLM)? Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized social and political movement that protests against instances of racially motivated crime and police brutality targeted at people of color. In the context of the systematic inequality between races that have existed in society for centuries, BLM...

Racism, Racial Profiling and Bias in the War on Drugs

Racial profiling occurs when the law enforcement base their criminal investigations on race, ethnicity, or religion, which in the process undermines human rights and freedom. Although some people consider racial profiling as a means of improving security, it must be stopped at all cost because it is discriminatory. In the...

Smoking Cessation: Causes and Statistics

Different people start smoking because of several reasons. Some of these reasons are the availability of the substance, peer pressure, to release stress, and the influence of the celebrities and popular film stars who are used by the companies to market the products (Iloveindia.com, 2009, par.2). Parents who smoke contribute...

The Use of Medical Cannabis

Introduction Cannabis is a drug that consists of approximately 460 chemicals that are active and about 60 specific cannabinoids (Seamon, Fass, Maria, Maniscalco & Abu-Shraie, 2007, p.1040). Medical cannabis is the use of cannabis that is composed of components like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and other cannabinoids which are proposed...

Effects of Drugs on the State of Consciousness

Introduction Drugs abuse today is one of the most serious health and social concerns. In fact, drug abuse is spreading quickly, in young and old and needs to be controlled else the day is not too far when the drug will soon enter our life styles, our families and our...

Factors Contributing to Juvenile Delinquencies

Purpose of the Study The current study is aimed at employing qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method approaches in accounting for the various risk or protective factors that are behind various delinquencies observed among the youth. This will be achieved through reviewing several studies that have been carried out previously on the...

The U.S. Education: Effect of Poverty

Introduction Poverty: Collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people such that it becomes exceedingly impossible for such a person, family or group of people to provide for the basic human needs. Effect of Economic Limitations Due to Poverty Effect of Poverty on Elementary Schools...

Cleanliness and Godliness Definition in Society

Given the fact that the concept of “multiculturalism” in Western countries has gained a status of officially sponsored policy, and also the fact that the hawks of political correctness in these countries have convinced many citizens that they will be much better off, while applying neutral-sounding euphemisms to signify the...

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the “Mamma Beve Bimbo Beve” Campaign in Italy

Introduction When a mother drinks alcohol while pregnant, she puts her unborn child at risk for a wide range of severe health problems. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have severe consequences for the mother and her growing child since alcohol crosses the placenta (Bazzo et al., 2012). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...

Race and Racism: A Historical Perspective

Introduction Defining the concepts of race and racism is necessary to build effective ways to combat discrimination based on deep societal beliefs. The history of racism is rooted in the development of human civilization, which is why this phenomenon is difficult to eradicate. In today’s world, racism is unacceptable and...

Causes of Income Inequality in the United States

Introduction Inequality in income distribution is one of contemporary society’s critical issues. I was startled and alarmed when I realized that the United States had the most significant income disparity among Western developed countries. However, after more investigation, it became evident to me that several reasons explain this phenomenon. The...

Social Stratification: Ageism and Sexism’s Impact on Older Adults

Introduction Social stratification is an intrinsic part of almost any human society. At the same time, the hierarchical organization of society based on particular features presupposes the existence of social norms, stereotypes, and structural forces that impact people’s behavior. This essay aims to describe social stratification and evaluate how the...

Understanding Black Hair Culture: A Comprehensive Review of Key Literature

Banks, Ingrid. Hair Matters: Beauty, Power, and Black Women’s Consciousness. New York University Press, 2000. Black women’s hair politics are examined by Banks, who shows how they are relevant to their empowerment and awareness. Using this source will make it easier to comprehend how Black hair relates to more general...

Challenges Impacting Child Welfare Workers in Delivering Psychological and Physical Services to Youth

Topic Key Issues Affecting Child Welfare Caseworkers Which Impact the Delivery of Psychological and Physical Medical Services to Teenagers and Young Adults. Thesis Statement The organization of child welfare staff directly affects the quality of services provided. Annotated Bibliography Axelrad-Levy, T., Schwartz Tayri, T. M., Achdut, N., & Sarid, O....

The Link Between Poverty and Tropical Disease Prevalence in Brazil and India

Introduction This paper explores the relationship between poverty and tropical disease prevalence in two tropical developing nations. The countries analyzed in this study will be Brazil and India, where the analysis will be in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Priority will be given to SDG 1, which...

Understanding African American Heritage for Effective Human Service Provision

Cultural Background and Heritage: Importance for Human Services Providers Human service providers must comprehend the racial and ethnic backgrounds and heritage of different populations in order to help the communities they serve. For instance, among the racial groups worth analyzing is the African Americans. The individuals in this group are...

Reforming the US Foster Care System: Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Support

Introduction The US foster care system aims to provide temporary care and protection for children unable to stay with their biological families. However, challenges such as insufficient resources, inadequate support for foster families, placement disruptions, and high social worker caseloads hinder its effectiveness. These issues negatively impact children’s emotional, social,...

Addressing Social and Economic Disparities Among the Elderly

Introduction In today’s culture, social and economic disparities among older people are a serious concern. Older people are disproportionately affected by poverty, inequitable access to healthcare and suitable housing, and disparities in acquiring retirement plans and other essential services. Due to the growing older population, their greater frailty, and their...

Collaboration Between Social Workers and Law Enforcement on Substance Abuse

Introduction Social workers have remained central influencers in the lives of people, including children, youths, people with disabilities, people with low incomes, and drug addicts in society. The professionals usually assess society, examine the specific needs of groups, and create proper avenues to enable such individuals to find the necessary...

The Global Challenge of Elder Abuse: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Introduction Elder people abuse is a global problem of the current time. The study of the scale of this phenomenon has been devoted to the works of many scientists and organizations from different countries. Against the background of the lack of statistical information about the state of this segment in...

Public Welfare Agencies and Their Role in Addressing Neglect

Introduction Although interpersonal difficulties are inevitable, they can harm vulnerable members of the community. Governments have established public welfare agencies to promote human rights by helping people with their interpersonal difficulties. George Hoshino, in his work, “Social Services in a Public Welfare Agency”, explores how a typical child neglect case...

Homelessness and Scavenging: Insights from Lars Eighner’s Essay

Introduction Homelessness is one of the direst conditions in which one can find oneself. Implying the loss of primary resources, being homeless entails numerous challenges. Economic concerns and issues associated with physical well-being are the most obvious. However, in addition to the specified safety considerations, homelessness also involves emotional damage....

Addressing Education Disparities and Social Injustices in the United States

Introduction Although it is a significant problem frequently ignored, inequality has been rising for years. Countries all over the world have developed initiatives and programs targeted at lowering the number of people living in extreme poverty as a result of the issue of social inequality. Still, economic inequities widen as...

The Link Between Oppression and Victimization and Challenges Faced by Marginalized Groups

Introduction Traumatic relationships between people are always relevant and require extensive, in-depth research. Various aspects such as victimization, oppression, discrimination, or inequality must be overcome by society for legitimate development and sustainability, which can be achieved through the timely correction of negative factors affecting people’s lives. The historical marginalization of...

The Importance of New York Older Persons Centers for Social Well-Being

Introduction Social infrastructure for citizens of different ages is significant for the community’s well-being. The NYC Department of Aging supports the development of institutions for older people. One of its recent initiatives has been renaming Seniors Centers to Older Persons Centers. At first glance, the changes are minor, but the...

Exploring Work-Family Dynamics: Recent Advances and Future Directions

Kossek, E. E., Perrigino, M., & Rock, A. G. (2021). From ideal workers to ideal work for all: A 50-year review integrating careers and work-family research with a future research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 126. Web. The article summarizes the literature that looks at the development of work-family study...

Income and Wealth Inequality in the US: Historical Trends, Causes, and Solutions

Introduction Wealth and income inequality are global problems that result from various individual and societal factors. Although income inequality and wealth inequality may seem similar, they are two distinct concepts. While income inequality is the degree to which a population’s wealth is unequally divided, wealth inequality describes the disparity between...

Understanding Opioid Addiction Through Social Learning Theory

Introduction The opioid crisis has been a persistent problem in many countries, including the United States. The social learning theory will be the theoretical basis for this research. The social learning hypothesis is a psychology theory that proposes that people learn from their settings and the people surrounding them (Akpan...

Addressing Adolescent Substance Abuse: Impact, Challenges, and Prevention Strategies

Introduction Substance abuse is a significant healthcare problem in the United States, and adolescent addiction is a paramount concern. More than 30% of teenagers are active drug users, and a similar number of individuals are addicted to alcohol (Lin, 2022). The vital detail is that adolescents belong to the vulnerable...

The Value of Elderly Contributions in Society: Insights from Jared Diamond’s TED Talk

Introduction Jared Diamond’s TED Talk highlights the importance of older people in society. The talk How Societies May Grow Older and Better discusses how they contribute pricelessly in terms of wisdom, experience, and knowledge. According to Diamond, people in traditional societies often regard their elders more because they understand how...

Human Trafficking and Its Impact on Labour Relations and Human Rights

Introduction Respect for natural human rights is central to a conducive working environment and labor relations. Human trafficking is one of the major problems facing the local and global labor forces. Through human trafficking, individuals are coerced to engage in activities without their will. Forced labor, forced criminal activities, sex...

Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Causes and Economic Impact

Introduction The use and abuse of alcohol and other substances by teens have become a very common and dangerous trend. Alcohol alone leads to more than 88,000 deaths in the US annually (Compton et al., 2023). Statistics have shown that 50% of deaths of teens between 15 and 25 years,...

Teenage Prostitution in Canada: Legal and Social Insights

Introduction Prostitution, in general, is a contentious topic in Canada and internationally. Although teenage prostitution has been repressed legally for thousands of years, it remains part of the bigger sexual industry and continues to flourish in various areas in Canada. Teenage prostitution distorts the existing line between the social and...

Pursuit of Happiness in Johnny Cash’s Life

Pursuing happiness is fundamental to human existence, driving individuals to seek fulfillment and satisfaction. It is a quest that often involves navigating the delicate balance between external success and internal fulfillment. The video scene from “Walk the Line” encapsulates the timeless theme of the pursuit of happiness, as portrayed through...

Partner Violence: The Impact on Children and Society

Introduction John Robinson is a fifteen-year-old Black male who lives with his mother, Joan, and her boyfriend in a low-income neighborhood. John goes to school and tries to get good grades while also working part-time at a local tire shop, which is a hard job for a young man due...

Society’s Dynamics from Sociological Perspectives

The structural-functional perspective is a sociological theory that views society as a complicated system where components cooperate to generate solidarity and stability. It posits that social systems, which are generally constant patterns of social conduct, control our lives (Gaur). People’s lives are shaped by social institutions, such as our families,...

Addictions Within Society: Applying a Critical Lens

Introduction Individuals’ addictions can be discussed as a serious problem faced by the population in many countries in the world, including the United States. Addictions can arise from many factors, including psychological, biological, social, and political ones. In this paper, it is important to conduct a critical reflective analysis of...

How Gender Norms and Stereotypes Contribute to Inequality in Society

Over the years, the United States and other countries around the world have faced inequality issues. They arise from different factors, such as race, gender, religion, social status, ethnicity, culture, and other characteristics. According to Keister and Southgate, these attributes often determine one’s access to resources and opportunities in life...

Untraditional Gender Roles Distribution

The Western European marriage pattern is a family and a demographic pattern characterized by relatively late marriage, especially for women, with usually little age difference between spouses a significant proportion of women who remain unmarried. However, there are other approaches to understanding marriage and gender roles. For example, same-sex and...

Exploring the Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity

Introduction The article defines the racial and ethnic classifications applied to data gathering and publishing. American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White are the five minimal classifications for race listed in the document (National Institutes of Health, 2015). The...

Sustainable Development in Indonesia

My motivation to be part of the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals can be reflected in the desire to develop my home country – Indonesia. Various steps are already being implemented to bring the country closer to attaining sustainable development. For example, the enhancement of existing mechanisms and expansion...

The Affirmative Action Practice

Affirmative action is a set of policies aiming to promote race and gender-fair decisions for inclusivity to underrepresented people, mainly in learning centers and employment sectors. Positive discrimination is applied to organizations with minority groups, including high schools and universities. Affirmative action is utilized through outreach efforts, training initiatives, and...

Gender Dynamics in American Slavery

Introduction The time of slavery in the US, especially in the Antebellum period, was characterized by harsh living conditions for slaves who were forced to do hard work and did not have appropriate incentives. Speaking about the gender aspect of slavery, one might notice that the experience of forced labor...

Workplace Violence in the United States

Introduction Workplaces provide mini communities involving different players operating based on some basic social laws and principles. However, the anticipated peaceful coexistence among workers and other stakeholders frequently ceases when specific individuals turn inhumane. Such occurrences lead to workplace violence, defined as the danger of harassment, violence, intimidation, and other...

Response to How Poverty Ends by Bannerjee and Duflo

It is bad news for potential development when inequality soars in economies that are no longer expanding. The political backlash results in the emergence of populist politicians who promote remedies they claim would work like miracles. The effects are already apparent in wealthy nations, as evidenced by the escalating protectionist...

MLB and CBA: Consequences of a Lockout and Strikes

Lockouts and strikes are becoming more common in professional sports. MLB, NFL, NHL, and NBA teams have had eight labor disputes. According to Wen and Tsai (91), the NBA and players’ union have been operating under a CBA since 1998 that will last three more years. From 1998–1999, the NBA...

Liberal View on Sexual Behavior

The liberal view on sexual behavior comes closest to my own perspective. I consider myself a liberal, hence the belief that all people should be treated with respect, with equality being the guiding principle. Different arguments support my view of this issue. First, I opine that people have the freedom...

Shame and Stigma of Substance Use Disorder

As an example of Substance Use Disorder (SUD), chapter 8 of Feminist Perspectives on Social Work Practice contains the case of a girl named Natalie. After identifying all the problems and difficulties in a girl’s life, such as overwork and housekeeping and mistrust of her husband, the author describes her...

The Story Behind Hailey Sinclair Foundation

Summary The story of a 13-year-old girl who resolved to commit suicide after bullies turned her life into a living hell, and many like that, is the reason for establishing a helping foundation, Hailey Sinclair Foundation. Sharon’s (pseudonym) long trail to death started after she requested to join the journalism...

Mexican Americans Getting Stereotyped

Introduction A culture is a belief about a population passed down from one generation to the other. Mexican Americans or Latinos are occasionally stereotyped in the United States of America. The trend has made discrimination part of the everyday life of Latinos. It has developed to be a culture rooted...

Emmett Till’s Incident Video Analysis

The video is about Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy from Chicago who was brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1955. The video highlights the historical context in which the events took place, as well as the impact they had on the civil rights movement. Moreover, it contains the words...

Resource Sharing, Planning, and Conflict Management

In the present-day environment of global connectivity and vast cross-cultural communication opportunities, it is hardly possible to imagine oneself being stranded in a setting with no options for contacting the civilization. However, should the specified situation occur to me, being surrounded only with a small group of strangers, I would...

A Proposal for Eliminating Homelessness in Columbia, Missouri

The phenomenon of homeless represents a major barrier toward proper quality of life for a number of American individuals. According to the official statistical data, a total of more than 500,000 people in the U.S. are presently homeless (Pattillo et al., 2022). By providing cheaper housing options, as well as...

Poverty as a Social Phenomenon

In her speech Dr. Payne discusses the subject of poverty, its relationship to other social concepts such as knowledge, and the differences between different social classes. In order to better understand her perspective, it is necessary to compare it to the class readings on the same subject. First, it should...

Substance Abuse in the New Jersey Community

Substance abuse is a significant problem that affects communities across the United States. The negative impacts of drug and alcohol dependency can be felt in various public health and social concerns. In this essay, we will explore the effects of drugs and alcohol on my community in New Jersey, as...

Benefits of Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Introduction In recent years, the debate over whether or not medicinal marijuana should be legalized has been more heated. Advocates of legalizing bang claim that marijuana has many medicinal advantages and can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions (Anderson et al. 19). Moreover, they claim that...

An Imbalance Between How Females Are Depicted and Their Attributes

Introduction Many executives who ensure gender diversity is precedence are left feeling discouraged despite their best efforts to increase the number of women in leadership positions. When organizations attempt to increase the number of women in positions of power, they often fail to produce the desired results (Hideg & Shen,...

Well-Being of Latina Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Serrata, J. V., Rodriguez, R., Castro, J. E., & Hernandez-Martinez, M. (2020). Well-being of Latina survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault receiving trauma-informed and culturally-specific services. Journal of Family Violence, 35(2), 169–180. Web. This article examined the well-being of Latina survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault...

Social Discrimination Against Illegal Immigrants

Authors produce texts for readers to take in, interpret, and learn from. Perspectives on political, economic, social, and other concerns, as well as the realities of life in society, inform the creation of literature. Social criticism examines how problems in society arise within the context of the current social order...

Behavioral Addictions: Gambling, Eating Disorders, Shopping

Gambling, shopping, and internet addiction are complicated issues that can be difficult to handle owing to a variety of economic and political variables. The financial incentive of firms that encourage addictive behaviors is one economic element that makes it difficult to develop programs to combat behavioral addictions (Van Wormer and...

Marijuana Legalization: Cannabis Use Among US Adolescents

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that has been used for thousands of years. With long-term use of this narcotic, tolerance to the effects of the drug is formed, and a person takes increasingly large doses of marijuana. As soon as tolerance to the drug is achieved, one of the long-term...

African American vs. Other People of Color Experience

The United States population is characterized as diverse and heterogeneous due to its inclusion of nations from various ethnic and racial backgrounds. While people of color include Latinos, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans, BIPOC stands for black, indigenous people of color, relating to all citizens with darker skin shades in...

The Evolution of Perspectives on Indigenous Peoples

Subject of the Paper Savage, primitive and tribal: Labels and the evolution of perspectives on indigenous people. Benefits of Writing About This Topic The events of the past created many systemic barriers and difficulties for indigenous peoples, which are still serious problems. I aspire to live in a society built...

Overwhelming Attraction to Violent Situations

Introduction Soraya Roberts’ main claim is that modern society is full of violence and inequality due to the constant demonstration of these actions. In isolation, aspects such as movies, music, or news cannot influence people’s behavior meaningfully (Roberts, 2019). Another cross-cutting theme of the article is that saying that a...

Advocacy for the End of Gun Violence

Introduction The specific problem that this advocacy seeks to solve is deaths that result from gun-related injuries. There have been rampant murders as well as suicides related to the same. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that more than 45200 people died from injuries associated...

Nutrition, Rules, Government, Religion, and Democracy

Introduction The development of humanity occurred in a specific historical cycle, which changed depending on the emergence of new ideas and innovations that allowed people to adapt to new living conditions. It is worth noting that innovative ideas at each stage have made significant adjustments not only to individuals’ lives...

Alcohol Use Disorder in a 39-Year-Old Male Patient

Reason for the Visit Mr. X, a 39-year-old male, complains of increased alcohol intake (usually more than six bottles of beer) during the last two months, which does not bring him satisfaction but causes fatigue and poor sleep. His wife is concerned that the man gets irritable, forgets some important...

The Causes of Discrimination from a Cultural Perspective

The issues of feminism, equality, and culture are intertwined and, therefore, should be considered when thinking of approaches to improve the social justice system. Many philosophers, writers, and academics made efforts to resolve the dilemma and pinpoint the roots of discrimination. The main causes of discrimination always involve heritage and...

The National Association of Social Workers’ Position

The importance of providing quality sex education for children and adolescents is recognized by public organizations, such as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). The Oregon Department of Education (2022) publishes the Education Standards for Elementary and Secondary Schools. The standards introduce important definitions to develop understanding of gender...

Should Gun Possession Be More Regulated?

Introduction Gun violence has become one of the most persistent problems in many countries. This has led to the unmitigated loss of lives and disruption of society because of trauma. Many debates involving warring parties have been conducted to discuss gun possession issues. Some support the idea, while others strongly...

Marijuana Policy: Analyzing Ideology and Compromise

The policy proposal chosen is the legalization of marijuana. The most ardent advocates of marijuana legalization would want the complete removal of restrictions on the use, possession, and sale of marijuana. They would like marijuana to be treated like any other legal substance, such as alcohol or tobacco. In order...

Gun-Related Violence in the US

Gun-related violence is a serious public health epidemic in the United States. The country has high gun ownership rates, which has thus been attributed as a major cause of gun violence. When many people own guns, they are likely to resort to the use of guns in resolving their issues....

W.E.B. DuBois and the First Scientific Study of Afro-America by Lange

The author of the chapter “W.E.B. DuBois and the First Scientific Study of Afro-America” underlines the significant contribution to ethnographic research of this outstanding scientist. DuBois presents a scientific analysis of black history and culture that damages the white-centric approach of the time. Although DuBois is subjective, “since racism made...

Privilege, Its Forms and Implications

The article’s main argument is that privilege is not something everyone should strive for, as it does not confer moral strength and can lead to dominance over less powerful groups. This argument is supported by the author’s discussion of privilege and its positive and negative effects and the ways in...

Famine and Malnutrition: How to Enhance Security

Famine is a term used to refer to a mass phenomenon expressed in a long-term insufficiency in meeting the nutritional needs of large groups of the population. Famine is most acute in regions with high birth rates – the vast majority of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries,...

“The Beat (Up) Generation” Article by Abby Ellin

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the conflict of generations has long gone beyond the relationship between parents and children. For example, in her 2014 article “The Beat (Up) Generation,” Ellin discusses how in the 2010s, for the first time ever, three generations began to work together in offices....

Feminine Men: Masculine and Feminine Qualities

Modern society is faced with a conflict of typical male and female roles. And there is a modern world in which these roles cease to be relevant. Masculine and feminine qualities were necessary and sufficient for the life of a traditional family. In the articles presented, the reader sees two...

An Incident of Mass Violence in the United States

Introduction One recent incident of mass violence in the United States was the Parkland School Shooting that occurred on February 14th, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida (Schildkraut et al., 2022). The former school student shooter killed 17 people and injured 17 others. The incident lasted...

Government Issues Related to the Elderly Affected by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a crucial issue for governments worldwide since it has revealed the unpreparedness of authorities to address global threats at different levels. Various governments have shown an inability to prevent and control the pandemic due to multiple factors properly. These factors include the lack of organization...

The Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System

Introduction The speaker, Michelle Alexander, in the analyzed TEDxTalk, sheds light on the racial disparities in the American criminal justice system. The speaker argues that the current system operates as a form of racial and social control, with many poor people of color being incarcerated and subjected to inhumane treatment....

Alcoholism Issue: The Minimum Drinking Age

Introduction I believe that raising the minimum drinking age to 21 is the right decision made by the American government. Alcohol consumption is a process that leads to many serious problems, including antisocial and deviant behavior. Discussion Moreover, alcoholism, according to the World Health Organization, is a congenital chronic disease...

Domestic Violence in Prince Edward County

Introduction The news article identified from the web that focuses on violence is from https://globalnews.ca/news/9346256/domestic-assault-prince-edward-county/. The article is titled “Domestic violence reports on the rise in Prince Edward County: OPP, advocacy group” by Fawwaz Muhammad-Yusuf. Muhammad-Yusuf (2022) focuses on the issue of domestic violence which in this case is the...

History of Racialized and Oppressed Groups

Introduction The recent decision by the DeSantis administration and the Florida Department of Education to ban the AP course on African American History is profoundly concerning and not justifiable. By attempting to censor or limit the teaching of critical race theory and content related to race, Florida is denying the...

Environment for Blind People: Exceptional Learners

Access to social life for visually impaired people largely depends on the conditions of the urban environment. Such an example as a lowered curb dramatically facilitates the movement of people with disabilities. In order to give all people equal rights in society, it is essential to study how the environment...

Racial Privilege and Discrimination Nowadays

Introduction Questions about the nature of racism have been pertinent for several centuries. Scholars and public figures are currently trying to understand why racial privilege and discrimination continue to exist in the current cultural context. The work of researchers Allan G. Johnson and Agustin Fuentes allows readers to trace the...

The History of Drug Addiction and Control

Introduction The concern of drug use among young people remains a pressing one in the United States. The way undifferentiated prevention messages about drug use are presented leads to inconsistent perceptions of drug use among young people. Moreover, sharply negative emotional attitudes toward drug users often coincide with an interest...

Police Brutality and Racial Bias

The problem of police brutality has been a cornerstone of a myriad of cultural, racial, social, and political debates. George Floyd’s case paved the way for recognizing police violence based on racial bias. This prejudice is spread in American culture because of the long history of slavery. In recent years,...

The Power of Indigenous Culture and Positive Thinking

Herb Nabigon’s early life reflects the harm caused by the government’s policy of assimilating Native peoples into Western culture through the Indian Act and Residential Schools. This policy took away Native children’s identity and language, resulting in a loss of traditional values and beliefs. Herb also describes his introduction to...

Tobacco Smoking as Substance Abuse

Substance Tobacco smoking is the inhalation of smoke from burning tobacco leaves. The substance is primarily used in the form of cigarettes, but it can also be used in other forms, such as pipes, cigars, and hookahs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), tobacco smoking is the leading...

Alcohol Consumption Crisis and How to Combat It

Alcohol consumption is a widespread and often controversial in many countries, including the United States. Earl Rochester suggests a national system of licensing to combat this public health crisis in his proposal. In this essay, I will evaluate Rochester’s argument and discuss the extent to which I agree or disagree...

Emergent States and Failure of Transnational White Brotherhood

Introduction Reynold’s 2008 book Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men’s Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality details how whiteness impacted the world by inadvertently, creating borders, immigrants, and the global color line. This historical piece stands out because as opposed to giving a blow-by-blow account of proceedings,...

Gun Violence and Intervention Strategies

Kochel, T. R., Nouri, S., & Samadi, S. Y. (2022). Impact of focused deterrence on lived experiences with gangs and gun violence: Extending effects beyond officially recorded crime. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 33(5), 507-535. Web. The research explores communities’ experiences with gangs and gun violence as well as a regionally...

Nicotine Addiction and Tobacco Control

Bush, A., Ferkol, T., Valiulis, A., Mazur, A., Chkhaidze, I., Maglakelidze, T. & Valiulis, A. (2021). Unfriendly fire: how the tobacco industry is destroying the future of our children. Acta Medica Lituanica, 28(1), 6. Web. This article sought to provide a summary of the harms caused by cigarettes. The major...

Alcohol Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The article by Grossman et al. titled “Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Survey of US Adults” raises the topic of increasing adherence to alcoholic beverages during the coronavirus pandemic. This scientific work did not surprise me, as I noted from personal experience that an increasing number of...

Perception of Witches in the Past vs. Today

Introduction Witches are popular creatures from nay legends and histories retrieved from the sixteenth century. There is no clear proof that females could be witches because of their specific powers that could transform people into other living being or cast a curse. However, their actions, like cannibalism, sabbaths, and close...

The Thames Life Organization’s Health Promotion Practices

Introduction Community health promotion is a powerful mission that relies on organizations’ efforts to drive change by directly solving the issues the served population faces. Overall, the effectiveness of such endeavors is impacted by various factors and is shaped by the efficiency of resource usage by decision-makers. Moreover, for an...

Improving Intergenerational Social Mobility in Hong Kong

A thriving society is created in large part by social mobility. It contributes significantly to the development of a strong economy in any country. For instance, Hong Kong, a special administrative region in China, once had an intensively growing GDP, which consequently resulted in increasing quality of life in the...

Adolescent Substance Abuse and Family Dynamics

One of the critical problems of modern adulthood continues to be teens turning to substances in search of easy fun or an escape from reality. The U.S. government lists the main reasons why teens turn to this addiction as an attempt to relieve boredom, to forget their problems and satisfy...

Opinion on Alcohol Consumption

Introduction The destructiveness of alcohol has been proven by multiple studies for the past decades. The damaging effect this substance has on people is immense, and sometimes the outcomes are fatal. Not only is it a devastating impact on one’s physical health, but also mental performance and cognitive skills. Having...

Child Domestic Violence Abuse Documentation

The current estimation of children exposed to domestic violence at home is in the millions. Past studies have investigated the prevalence of child domestic violence abuse, and the results conclude that there is an average fatality rate of 2.2 children for every 1000 (Brown et al., 2022). The stark reality...

Masculine Stereotypes: The Problem of Studying Stereotypes

The central attitude of one’s perception of others and themselves is the division of people into women and men. Many people believe that the psychological differences that exist between men and women are directly related to the biological features of the male and female body. At the same time, the...

The Issue of Racial Equality in Healthcare

Introduction What comes to your mind when you hear the word racism? It is often associated with racial minorities being oppressed on the streets by police workers or in the media by politics. However, racial inequality is one of the most critical issues in the world today and it has...

Alcohol and the Negative Consequences of Consumption

It is no secret that alcoholism is a problem in modern society. Some individuals are used to drinking alcoholic beverages for short-term stress reduction and well-being improvement. Nevertheless, one should remember that alcohol brings devastating effects on a drinker’s body, in no way solving urgent concerns. Thus, temporary relief from...

Pre-Civil War Slavery and Black Women

The pressing issue of enslavement of African-American individuals had been apparent in the United States for a long time. In fact, black people were forced to do different types of work for miserable payments, which did not allow them to buy their freedom eventually. Overall, in the pre-Civil War period...

Inequality Among Other Sociological Problems

Many social problems today have to do with one’s inability to accept and understand the characteristics of other people and society as a whole. I find it strange and unclear why people fundamentally choose to hate other people, seeking to humiliate them in some way. Our particularities are a demonstration...

Racial Inequality in the United States

Introduction Racial inequality in the United States has taken root in the recent past and continues to affect a larger majority of the people. The social movement against racial inequality aims to identify social disparities affecting various races in the United States and provide solutions (Chasin, 2022). His movement has...

The Danger of Racial Profiling

Introduction Often, it tends to be enough to change the perspective in order to achieve a greater understanding. Unfortunately, not every person is skilled in empathy enough to put themselves in the position of others. In this context, racism and discriminative practices are frequent “partners in crime” to this inability....

What Does Poverty Mean?

Introduction Poverty is a lack of money to meet basic needs, including housing, food, and clothing. It deprives people of liberty, physical and mental well-being, and safety (The Economist, 2019). Manifestations of poverty include malnutrition and hunger, inability to obtain education and satisfy other basic needs, social discrimination and exclusion,...

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a Terrorist Group

Introduction One of the two American white supremacists that used terrorism to further their racial objectives was the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Whether a cause is legitimate, individuals have always harbored genuine emotions against something or someone. These groups often focus on a specific race of individuals. One of these...

Solutions to Drug Misuse in the United States

Drug abuse is a major cause of concern in the United States, with a consequential impact on people’s health and societal psychosocial and socioeconomic problems. In particular, people addicted to illicit substances suffer academically, professionally, financially, and socially. Drug misuse in the United States continues to rise, which urges people...

Important Aspects in Douglass’ Fight for Freedom

Introduction When exploring and honoring the complicated and tragic journey of emancipation, one should remember one of the key figures in the abolition of slavery – Frederick Douglass. This selfless, empathetic, determined, brave, and ethically oriented activist played a significant role in encouraging Black Americans on their way to freedom...

The Contradiction of Simultaneous Texting and Driving

Introduction In today’s world, thanks to digitalization and technical globalization, alternative methods of communication to the standard one are available to almost everyone. It includes both communication on the Internet and the verbal and non-verbal use of means of communication, which is actively practiced by many drivers while on the...

Cancel Culture Among Adolescents

Cancel Culture and the Pressures of Being a Teen Online by Thivya Jeyapalan (2022) addresses the issues of cancel culture. She argues that cancel culture can lead to misunderstanding and reduced accountability (Jeyapalan, 2022). The emergence of “cancel culture” and the concept of canceling someone follow a well-known pattern: A...

Reducing Inequality Through Education Reforms

As an influential policymaker, my efforts to reduce inequality would be implementing a free education policy at the primary, secondary, and higher levels. The implementation of this policy is an adherence to the human rights legislation that necessitates that primary education is obligatory and accessible. My policy further makes secondary...