Role Models in Children as a Social Issue

Roles models chosen by the younger generation to follow, imitate, and emulate are a crucial social issue because they define one’s course in life and potential contribution to society. A role model is supposed to be someone whose behavior or achievement is or can be mimicked by others, particularly by...

Patrick’s Final Decision in Gone Baby Gone Film

Introduction Directed by Ben Affleck, Gone Baby Gone tells a story of two investigators looking to solve a mystery behind a girl’s abduction from her single mother. While attaining positive reviews, the final decision of Patrick, who is one of the investigators, caused many controversies. Some people perceived Patrick’s action...

Human Behavior and Social Environment Relationship

The relationship between human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) is usually complex. Social workers should be able to apply various theories and knowledge and use conceptual frameworks and models. The HBSE idea is that people’s actions are more predetermined and defined by external factors than internal changes, and attention...

Critique of “We Should all be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

In April 2012, a Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gave a speech entitled “We should all be feminists” at the TedxEuston event in London. TEDx talks are regular events across the world that invite speakers of various backgrounds, from philosophy to medicine, to share their experience and expertise. By 2012,...

Conflict Resolution Case: Details and Stages

Although the main task of nurses and doctors is to treat people, they also need advanced communication skills. Medicine is always about working with people, so it is vital to find the right approach to patients. However, this is not easy, since each person and each situation are unique. Unfortunately,...

The Literature of African American Diaspora

In the second half and at the end of the 20th century, African American literature revisited some topics that are classic in the African American literary tradition, and also discovered new issues related to the changed status of African Americans in US society at the end of the century. In...

Rape as a Social Vice: Factors and Prevention

Introduction: The Definition of Rape Rape is one of the most common forms of sexual crime in the society. This sexual crime involves at least two people. Some of the acts that characterize rape include inappropriate touching, attempts to engage in sexual intercourse without mutual consent, and child molestation. In...

Biometric System Modules: Implementation and Operation

Because ID theft occurs in 1 out of 20 individuals with an estimated 54 billion in fraud, biometrics is the future for security that should be implemented by businesses and the government to reduce Identity fraud. Biometrics addresses the recognition of people grounded on their genetic or behavioral traits. It...

Immigrants in Canada: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Immigration is the process by which people move from their native land to another land and some become citizens of that land. However, people migrate to Canada from various countries in the world. Canada immigrants can be classified into three groups. For example, there are those who migrated to...

Legal Issues Analysis: Sexual Harassment

Introduction The issue of sexual harassment has of late become thorny in society. Recent newspaper articles have focused mainly on the subject and the corresponding effect it has on society at large. Workplaces have been dogged by claims of sexual harassment to female employees. The issue has become so common...

Personal Awareness: Gender Identity

Personal awareness is an important aspect of life because it empowers a person on how to make cognizant decisions in life. Friends, family, education and the society at large have a profound impact on personality. These aspects have been responsible for shaping my personality and personal awareness. My gender identity...

Peer Pressure as a Factor for Behavior Change

Whether one recognizes it or not, peers have a lot of influence on one’s life. When the influence is exerted continuously, it leads to peer pressure. Members of Peer groups encourage a person to change his/her behavior, morals, and thoughts to conform to set norms and standards. Peer pressure can...

Organs Donation: Positive and Negative Sides

Introduction Increased cases of organ donation and transplantation have been witnessed in the last few decades. This has been due to upsurge in chronic and debilitating conditions that affect the body organs. Organ donation is generally referred to as the removal of some organs in the human body with the...

Dangerous Driving: Many Drivers Have Dangerous Habits

Introduction Accidents happening on our roads have been a major cause of deaths and injuries in the country. Many unnecessary costs of medication; loss of livelihood and of lives are incurred. This paper seeks to identify some of these habits and some of the steps that can be taken to...

Age Discrimination in the Work Place

Abstract In the recent days the phenomenon of discrimination should be considered to be a peril of the employment. In this age of cultural diversity, economic development and modernization the age discrimination in labour market is a stigma to the corporate world. It is found in every corner of this...

Genetic and Social Behavioral Learning Theories

Genetic theory of learning Learning and behavioral habits in human beings can be influenced by social, environmental and genetic factors. Genetic theory describes how genes help in shaping human behaviors. Human genetic influences are usually complicated and are among many other factors affecting behavior. Although genes on their own can...

“The Handicapped” By Randolph Bourne

Disability is in most social circles perceived as a hindrance to achievement. Disabled people are therefore from the onset viewed with prejudice and bias. This condition colors the way in which the handicapped person perceives his life mostly to his disadvantage. The false perception that disability is actually inability makes...

Bend It Like Beckham and the Postcolonial

Introduction Identifications regarding what comprises concepts of the Other in the post-colonial world are wide-ranging and varied hinged on the current accepted norms within a society. These definitions are typically only selectively applied in a variety of areas such as gender or religious differences, expected social roles, personal sexuality, individual...

Teen Promiscuity: Understanding the Issues

Teen promiscuity is a term which no one really talks about in the media until something has already happened and is news worthy. I believe if the media was more proactive on giving information to their society to help in preventing teen promiscuity and the issues that come with it....

Animal’s Point of View

Most of us own pets and at some point in time have tried to train them in certain ways. But we have never thought how it would be if the animals tried to train their human masters according to their own needs. Say, a cat, for example, may want its...

“How It Feels to Be Colored Me” by Zora Neale Hurston

The article “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” by Zora Neale Hurston vividly portrays the personal experience of the author and her attitude towards racism and ethical differences. The article which helps to explain the main issues in Hurston’s work is “Poverty and Racism in America” by Kevin Agnese....

Judith Butler’s “Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of Postmodernism”

Judith Butler’s essay has far reaching implications that tend to pose infinite interpretations and questions to the readers. Nevertheless, it is the product of the feminine reaction to globalization and post-modernism and the concepts that she has outlined are obviously chapters to critiques and quests into the diverse levels of...

Substance Abuse Counselling: Current Trends

According to the author, substance abuse is one of the major problems which have seized most individuals in the United States. It is a problem for all sets of the population. I think that author was correct according to his statement. This is because many people of all sorts of...

Individual Cultural Communication of Arabs Analysis

Introduction Arabs trace their descent, traditions, and origin to the nomadic ethnic groups in the arid regions of the Arabian Peninsula. Their universal language is Arabic, and Islam, which is the world’s fastest-growing religion, unites them. The majority of Arabs are Muslims with Arabism and Islam being intrinsically interwoven and...

Refugee Mental Health Issue

Introduction Many obstacles and barriers are faced by refugees who have to leave their countries to save their lives. One of the most frequent refugees health issues is mental health disorders. They may occur due to numerous factors, such as long-term stress, the experience of violence, social and economic barriers...

Interpersonal Communication in the “One Day” Film

The specifics of communication between a man and a woman who are in relations that they define as friendship, but that can actually be described as love, are interesting to be examined in detail. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of interpersonal communication observed between the characters...

‘Being Canadian’ by Chong and ‘Why My Mother Can’t Speak English’ by Engkent

Introduction Canada is known for its democratic attitude towards immigrants who make the bulk of its population. However, here the cultures clash and affect even those who were born in Canada but whose ancestors were of different origin (Watkins, Ho, & Butler, 2017). ‘Being Canadian’ by Denise Chong and ‘Why...

The Process of Socialization

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that socialization is one of the essential and very complex processes that define the personality of an individual. From the sociological perspective, a person is not born as a fully developed and functioning social actor, but he or she has to go through a...

Stop Googling. Let’s Talk – Sherry Turkle Summary & Analysis

Today, it is impossible to imagine the world without the technological advancements that provide comfort and a rich experience. Smartphones became a common gadget for any person as a means of communication, playing, and spending time. Not only adults, but also children, adolescents, and older adults use this device every...

Qualitative Threshold: Globalization and Communication Technologies

Introduction Globalization is a long-term phenomenon involving a gradual change of events. This process has occurred in distinct phases with each having unique characteristics. The evolution of modes of communication has contributed significantly to globalization. Through the development of certain communication forms and technologies, people, cultures, and societies have gone...

Migrating Parents’ Motives and Impact on Children

Introduction The issue of immigration in the U.S. has been a topic of debate for many years. However, one aspect that often lacks proper attention from the authorities and the general public is the children of immigrants who are left in their home countries. This paper aims to evaluate the...

“A Teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark Side” by Brookshire

Introduction In her article entitled “A Teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark Side”, Bethany Brookshire describes the so-called trolley problem and the research conducted by Tiffany Sun in 2015 revealing some of the biases that people have. She also analyzes the results of this research, which revealed significant changes...

“Opinions and Social Pressure” by Solomon Asch

According to Asch, attitudes, and opinions held by individuals are often constrained by various social forces. However, the magnitude of this constraint is still the major issue of concern that demands to be addressed (655). To begin with, the author notes that the reason why this phenomenon occurs has been...

Racism in Nivea’s “White Is Purity” Ad Campaign

In its recent international marketing campaign, Nivea used an advertisement to promote an antiperspirant that provoked a discussion in the media (Figure 1). Even though the advertisement’s image did not provoke any questions, the slogan “White is purity” was regarded by the public as rather racist, as mentioned in social...

The Bogardus Social Distance Scale

The use of the Bogardus social distance scale in social research The Bogardus social distance scale could be used by social scientists to understand some important phenomena in life. Babbie (2014) asserts that the scale is used to estimate how people can maintain social contacts with people from different social...

Drug Addiction among Nurses

The United States of America has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Some of the local hospitals such as Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins Hospital are ranked among the top hospitals globally (Hiremath, 2015). People fly from all over the world to get specialized medication in the...

Google Inc.’s Male and Female Employees’ Conflicts

Background In all contexts that involve interactions between different people, communication skills are necessary to ensure passage of intended message. One of such skills is interpersonal communication. The skill encompasses a process in which different players in the communication process exchange their feelings, meanings, and information via non-verbal and verbal...

The Gender Dysphoria Concept

Abstract Formerly known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), gender dysphoria is a discrepancy between gender and sex, which is characterized by feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one’s biological sex. People with this medical condition desire to live as the opposite sex. Therefore, their behaviors, attitudes,...

Animal Testing in the Modern World

Abstract Studies that appear in various medical journals repeatedly demonstrate that animal testing amounts to wasting human and animal lives. Medicines and vaccines that are successfully developed and proven effective in animals such as mice and many primates fail when used in human beings. Medicines and chemicals that are effective...

Domestic Violence and Feminism in Bell Hooks’ Theory

Introduction Domestic violence is a complicated issue to which people do not always pay adequate attention. However, the feminist movement has revealed and explained several important aspects of this problem. They are profoundly discussed in the book called Feminism is for Everybody that presents hooks’ theory (Hooks 61). The main...

First Lady Michelle Obama Commencement Speech

Tuskegee University was founded in 1881 by Booker Washington. The University has a rich history and a great legacy. 9 May 2015, the First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a Commencement Speech to the 2015 Tuskegee graduates. By her speech, Michelle Obama honors the distinguished Tuskegee alumni and encourages the students...

The Government of Bangladesh: Corruption and Poverty

Poverty is a major economic challenge in many underdeveloped countries. According to Bardhan (2008, p. 5), ‘absolute poverty occurs when individuals are unable to secure their basic needs such as shelter, healthcare, and food’. The other common challenge experienced in the developed world is corruption. This malpractice takes different forms...

The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Control

Introduction There exist an overwhelming connection between globalization and immigration. Within the recent past years, there have been numerous studies attempting to exhaust the connections between the two subjects1. These researches indicated extensive effects of globalization on Immigration control. In fact, it is noted that globalization is one of the...

The Significance of Work in Sociological Theory

The concept of work has drawn attention of many scholars over the years who are trying to determine its relevance in the society. Although many scholars have been analyzing work from the works of early scholars such as Max Weber, many prominent people had analyzed this concept several hundreds of...

Communication in Negotiation: Process and Barriers

Communication is an integral part of everyday life. Even more, communication and ability to think is a phenomenon that makes the humankind unique. Persuasive and efficient communication guarantees a success in all types of negotiations. The capacity of making other people behave and act in a particular way is a...

External World Philosophy: Realism, Idealism and Phenomenalism

Introduction – Theories and debate on human perception of the external world According to empiricism theorists, only what a person experience is real, which means that there is a problem with the way on which humans can check the truthfulness of their perception. Therefore, all knowledge humans obtained is based on...

The Meaning of Responsibility

The meaning of responsibility Different people have a lot of responsibilities which can be various according to their age, peculiarities of life, personal and social status. Many persons understand that while becoming adults, they acquire not only many rights but also a great number of responsibilities. However, from this point...

The Ever-Changing Nature of Reality in Ancient Philosophy

Introducing fire as a basic element of the Universe, Heraclitus pointed to the ever-changing nature of reality. The philosopher stated that their permanence is impossible; however, he saw a certain order in the changing reality. This order, so-called “logos,” lies in an organization of opposites’ existence and their collaboration, as...

Organizational Psychology: Definition, Evolution, and Comparison With Related Disciplines

Introduction Organizational psychology is as old as time. It is primarily concerned with how best organizations can work under specific conditions. It is obvious to assume that the success of an organization leads to the psychological satisfaction of employees and even volunteers. It emphasizes group-type settings especially in offices and...

Abraham Maslow Theory of Motivation & Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow: Essay Introduction Abraham Harold Maslow was an American psychologist born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He died in 1970 in Menlo Park, California (Poston, 2009). Maslow is still one of the most influential people in the field of psychology. He was a professor in four major institutions...

Saddam Hussein’s Regime and Orwell’s “1984” Societies Comparison

Introduction The novel “1984” is a classic text in style, plot, and content. It mainly speaks of dystopian science and political fiction (Bowker 56). The novel is set in Airstrip One, a province of the superstate of Oceania (Bowker 56). Individualism and independent thinking are highly persecuted by the government....

Positive & Negative Role Models in Sports

Introduction The recent focus of the American media on role models, especially in sports has raised eyebrows with many role models being caught on the wrong. Under these circumstances, it is imperative that people who are positive role models are identified (McClellan par. 1-10). In this paper, I explore two...

Communications: Online Dating and Its Perspectives

Introduction Dating is an art that is as old as human-being. Man is a social animal always looking for companionship. In the old days, the available form of communication was the snail mail that took long before getting to the recipient. It also involved walking over long distances searching for...

Perception of Blackness in “The Struggle” by Issa Rae

Issa Rae’s The Struggle presents a black person’s point of view in modern society. Rae experiences stereotypes by being pressured to imitate what individuals perceive as the social standards of black people. The racism she often endures cautions her on things black people are not supposed to do. Rae wrote...

The Role of Security Managers in Preventing Workplace and School Violence

The tragic shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, demonstrates school and workplace safety and security significance. Security managers are essential in protecting employees and students from potential threats. They must identify potential threats, provide adequate training, and implement post-incident measures. This post reviews the role...

Teenagers Impacted by Increased Screen Time

Introduction Smartphones and computers are an integral part of teenagers’ lives nowadays. Nevertheless, scientists have concluded that excessive fascination with it harms the health and well-being of the younger generation. Increased screen time affects the psychosomatic, cognitive and physical health of teenagers. Overuse of electronic devices has previously been linked...

Unveiling the Gender Gap: Feminist Theory in Sociology

Feminist theory in sociology shifts the emphasis from men to women and from social structure to the lived experiences of individuals. Feminist philosophy provides insight into issues frequently overlooked within the prism of modern society. It advocates for equality and justice by analyzing society and revealing the social mechanisms that...

Violent Revolution in Response to Political Oppression

Introduction Culturally and economically marginalized groups endure constant injustice and inequality that stem from limited access to basic health services, education, food, and job opportunities. As such, oppression persists in constructing new realities in a world where the complexities and dynamics of socioeconomic and political change have been interwoven throughout...

LGBTQ (Queer) in English Language Learning Classrooms

Introduction In the present day, cultural competence in multiple spheres of life attracts society’s particular attention. A considerable number of studies emphasize its significance and the importance of the inclusion of ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic identities in various processes, including education and language learning. The LGBTQ community may be regarded...

Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations

Introduction Despite the fact that a man and a woman, according to mythology, are created as two equal principles that make up a single whole, in practice the ancient woman was completely subordinate to a man. The male spirit of rivalry has pushed women out of public life, and in...

Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research

Introduction Qualitative researchers encounter various ethical issues due to the closeness and trust developed between them and the participants in their studies. These dilemmas include maintaining confidentiality, fostering open and honest communication, and guarding against misrepresentation. Ethically challenging circumstances may arise whenever investigators have to handle opposing concerns and consider...

Sociological Analysis of One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Film

Introduction Sociology focuses on the bond created between various institutions, including schools, religious centers, health facilities, and the community, with individual beneficiaries of the institutions. Many theories that have assisted in understanding the sociocultural characteristics of people have studied sociological elements. These paradigms include; conflict, structural-functionalism, and symbolic interactionism theories...

Courage vs. Recklessness: Morality and Ethics

Introduction Among the many moral virtues commonly appraised by humanity, some have contradictory meanings and imply controversial traits. In particular, the opposition of courage and recklessness has long been under discussion from the perspective of the similarities and differences between these two human characteristics. The rationale for selecting the topic...

Communication: The Transmission of Information

Communication has always been an integral part of human lives, to the point that society, as it is, would not exist without it. As a fish that does not perceive water, people often forget the meaning and importance of communication. It is a symbolic process whereby the information is transmitted...

Aspects of Monologic Communication

Monologic communication is a mode of communication where one person speaks while the other listens. However, because communication is just one-way, there is no interaction between individuals. The monologic communicator is only concerned with achieving his or her objectives and shows no genuine interest in or care for the attitudes...

Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity

The perception of weed smoking as a creativity amplifier is popularized in western cultures because substance abuse is frequently mentioned and even praised among famous artists. Moreover, the bias that masterpieces and exceptional works cannot be crafted without enhancing abstract thinking with drugs forces young people to underestimate their natural...

Labeling Theory in Modern Society

There are many theories that discuss how people are perceived in the modern world. Psychologists and sociologists, in their works, rely on previous studies and the philosophical visions of other scholars. The listed concepts relate to theories of deviant behavior that hurt each individual and society. One of the most...

Modern Social Problems Through the Sociological Imagination Prism

Introduction The definition and understanding of contemporary social problems since the 1950s are not complete without understanding the concept of the sociological imagination. For a proper discernment of this term, it is necessary to support it with other theoretical ideas that best reveal the causes and consequences of both personal...

Human Responsibility: Social and Personal

Human responsibility is a subject of analysis in many fields, from the legal to the social. This concept can have entirely different meanings and scope of influence depending on the context. From my perspective, however, one of the most important variations of this term is personal responsibility, which I have...

Social Interaction Among University Students

Human beings are different and unique, affecting how individuals relate to each other. However, broad classifications of people’s personalities are based on how well they can express themselves. These categories affect how these people can interact; they include extroverts, introverts, and ambiverts. Extroverts love to express themselves, and their personality...

The Gendered Psychology of Gratuity: A Case Study of Tipping Behaviors Between Men and Women

Introduction Men and women share characteristics that distinguish each sex from the other. These differences have been profound to the extent that comparisons have been made to imply that men and women come from different planets (Deaner et al., 2022). In scholarly research, the physical differences between both genders are...

Human Nature Is a Barrier to a Perfect Utopia

Introduction Utopists see man as a product of his social surroundings rather than an independent being. The term utopia was coined by Thomas Moore in 1516, and it refers to an imaginable society where everything is perfect (Bertolami 1). Utopian philosophy provides a guiding concept for humanity, a worldwide element...

Is Society Biased Toward Extroverts?

In all societies throughout history, including today’s, certain groups have faced discrimination. These groups’ access to social and community institutions is limited by various factors such as religion, gender, or ethnicity. Such discrimination was sometimes official and overt (through laws and regulations) but was usually more subtle. These days, most...

Vincent Parillo “Causes of Prejudice”: Key Ideas

Throughout the world, human equality has always been a problem. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice have become intergenerational, and society has accepted these forms of behaviors as satisfactory and usual. Based on the article Causes of Prejudice, Vincent N. Parrillo argues that prejudice appears in two forms, either sociological or psychological....

Treating Addictions from a Christian Perspective

Introduction Christians follow the Bible for guidance and ideas on addressing their problems and leading high-quality lives. Individuals suffering from addiction can rely on the same approach to get the relevant help. Believers in the Christian faith acknowledge that alcohol and other forms of drug abuse amount to a crime...

The Work and Identity Formation Relationship

Introduction Work is one of the vast parts of human lives. Occupation contributes to the moral development of the people and is closely connected with the process of personality forming. The constant focus of people’s lives on work is undeniable. Particular work direction forms the understanding of who they are....

Nagel’s Argument on Consciousness

In Nagel’s “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” the author explores the nature of consciousness and offers several arguments to support his ideas. Nagel criticizes the reductionist approach to viewing consciousness and argues that this phenomenon is more complex by using the comparison with bats. This paper will...

Deontology vs. Consequentialism

Introduction Different philosophical theories approach questions of morality and mortality from different angles: some evaluate the individual, while others put public goods first. Deontology and consequentialism are in constant confrontation and assess action’s benefits and rationality from different angles. According to deontology, the proper steps are taken for the good...

An Analysis of Updike’s “A&P” From a Feminist Perspective

“A&P” is a short story written by John Updike in 1961. It narrates one episode from the life of the “A&P” grocery store. Sammy, a 19-year-old cashier clerk, notices three girls who enter the store wearing “nothing but bathing suits” (Updike 140). The girls walk along the aisles, drawing other...

School Dress Codes vs. Dressing Diversity

School Dress Codes and Uniform Policies The first article was written by Wendell Anderson in 2002 and published in a policy report regarding dress codes and uniform policies. The article investigates different aspects of the issue and uses opposing opinions as examples. It is pointed out that there are people...

“Plata O Plomo: Silver or Lead” Article by Javdani

In “Plata O Plomo: Silver or Lead,” Marie Javdani aims to address the ways of dealing with the persistent problem of drug use and selling in Colombia. The main objective of the article was to urge the US government to look for alternative ways of dealing with the problem because...

Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory and Alienation

Karl Marx is famous for proposing the idea of social conflict, which is based on the presumption that a class struggle is the central driving force of society. The critical point in understanding Marx’s ideas is that the structural relationships of the community are based on the outcomes of the...

The Essay “There Is No Unmarked Woman” by Deborah Tannen

Deborah Tannen’s work, “There Is No Unmarked Woman,” begins with her thoughts and observations of a four-woman and eight-man academic discussion. Tannen realized she was passing judgment on women while entirely ignoring men. Tannen ads that women’s styles and wardrobe choices elicited a plethora of inferences and assumptions about their...

“Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation” by Davis

In the paper “Final Note on a Case of Extreme Isolation,” the author Davis argues that socialization is a process that is central to people’s lives because through it, we learn about our place in society, and it is based on one’s contact with other human beings. In the paper,...

Core Values: Integrity, Authenticity, and Empathy

Introduction Substantial differences in people’s value systems are critical for their productive cooperation and, consequently, successful societal life in general. Hence, the consideration of one’s priorities in this respect might be beneficial for determining their ability to rely on specific strengths when resolving issues, and in my case, these factors...

Should the Powerful Have a Right to Rule Over the Weak?

The Peloponnesian War is among the most contentious topics in history. The opponents might claim that there is no justice in conquering weaker people. Therefore, great leaders should act like philosophers and govern with a high level of maturity and virtues. Conversely, the proponents may argue that it is the...

Significance of Forgiveness and Its Importance

Introduction All people at least once in their lives faced the choice of forgiving or not forgiving someone who made a mistake or offended them. It can often be very difficult to overcome oneself and forgive, but in fact, there are several reasons why this act is necessary. First, mental...

Oppression of Women in Education, Workplace, and Politics

Introduction Women are the essence of society; nonetheless, prejudice and oppression have constricted their potentials. Factors such as culture, religion, marital status, and patriarchy contribute significantly to the oppression of women (Hentschel et al., 2019). In the socioeconomic environment, there appears to be a great transformation between men and women...

Megacities and Sustainable Living

There exist 28 megacities in the world, and their numbers are expected to rise (Khanna, 2016). According to Dr. Parag Khanna, megacities are changing the map of the world. He argues that the world’s current view has humans being the inhabitants of a living system whereby the skeleton consists of...

Immigration in Daniel Alarcon’s “Absence”

This paper reflects Daniel Alarcon’s Absence, a work that concerns the topic of immigration and how immigrants feel while settling down in a new country. Given that the book, which is reflected upon, examines an artist’s life, writing this paper helped me better understand one of the essential aspects of...

Gender Bias During the Hiring Process

Introduction Gender bias is a problem that plagues the hiring process, especially during recruitment and selection. It refers to the discriminatory treatment of individuals during the hiring and selection processes because of their gender. Hiring decisions could be influenced by preconceived stereotypes about a certain gender group. Gender bias is...

“A Vindication of the Rights of Woman” by Wollstonecraft

The equality of social status of men and women has always been a question of great interest for many sociologists. One of the authors addressing this issue is Mary Wollstonecraft. She is famous for her work A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, in which she argues that women are...

Why Bullying Is Wrong and Methods of Resolving Disputes Without Violence

Bullying creates a harmful and toxic environment, with the impact of this behavior manifesting later in both parties’ lives. Students who are under constant bullying experience physical, emotional, academic, social, and psychological deterioration. As a result, victims of bullying lack confidence, have few friends and become reserved. Those who bully...

The Planned Happenstance Theory

The moments that define an individual’s future adherence to one of the career paths do not always happen as a part of a plan. John Krumboltz developed the Planned Happenstance theory at the beginning of the 2000s based on the same principle of taking an unexpected chance and new opportunities...

The Significance of Social Learning Theories

The social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura, a social cognitive psychologist, is considered a contrasting perspective on understanding social learning as the process of observation, imitation, and modeling that shape human behavior. Bandura’s social learning theory argues that observational learning might pose a powerful impact enhanced when the observers...

Diversity from the Historical Perspective

Diversity is becoming an increasingly important topic worldwide, encompassing various spheres of life, ranging from government and business to popular culture. Looking through the history lens can enhance our understanding of diversity since it helps individuals comprehend the importance of being inclusive and diverse. For instance, the historical path of...

Sexism and Gender Inequality in Sport

Sports are unique because they serve an essential role in today’s society. They unite society and have helped break down the historical barriers of prejudice and racism since the 1940s. In addition, lack of gender diversity and sexism have continued to plague the sports world. Women are underpaid, whereas their...

Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

The essential concept from this module is the idea that the way we view age and aging is flawed, and we should reconsider what a person in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s can do. The concept of old age and the idea of what an old person looks like...

Study of Aspects of Applied Sociology

Applied sociology is one of the constituent parts of the general body of sociological science. It aims to obtain cognitive data about various social phenomena and processes by studying the causes of their occurrence, the mechanism of functioning, and the direction of further development. Due to applied sociology, the researcher...

Invisible Inequality: Childrearing in Black Families and White Families

Summary Many studies aim to examine the living conditions of families with different social and racial backgrounds. Although some people could think that racial inequality could be a reason for choosing different childrearing methods, the author of the article about invisible inequality, Annette Lareau, believes that sociological images should not...

Perkin-Gilman’s Feminist Theory and View on Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is an issue that has been going on for millennia, influencing all societies. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Feminist Theory suggests that historically women’s isolation limited their potential to position themselves in the world. They had drastically different issues in comparison to men who could relax and entertain themselves in...

The Article “South Africa is Falling Apart” by William Shoki

Article Information The New York Times is rightfully considered one of the most credible media sources not only in the United States but across the globe due to the newspaper’s intention to cover the globally significant stories from various points of view. One of the most interesting and, perhaps, complicated...

Paradoxical Thinking and Cause and Effect Thinking

Introduction Thinking and analysis are an integral part of academic inquiry. People grow, learn and develop during the process of discussion, particularly when being engaged in learning institutions. Universities, schools, colleges, and various courses can all become a source of academic development, teaching people new concepts and explaining the old...

Racism: A Party Down at the Square

Ellison’s narrative, A party down at the square, depicts public lynching at Southern point. The story is told from the perspective of a white witness from Cincinnati who was visiting his aunt. Throughout the lynching process, there is a violent storm that havocs the town’s residence, making the narrator uneasy....

A Form of Discrimination and Human Rights Violations

This filer describes the models of care that have evolved in caring for victims of intentional violence. You can also discover the impact of substance abuse and addiction on individual people and their families, communities, and nations. Domestic violence is a cycle that is repeated with increasing frequency which involves...

Rhetorical Effects of Grammatical Choices in “Only Disconnect”

Language is a phenomenon that has a huge impact on human consciousness, although often, people themselves do not notice it. The use of different phrases, verb tenses, and noun lines can make a strong impression on readers. These techniques can make a piece interesting or boring, dynamic or calm, neutral...

Hamlet’s Monologue: A Rhetorical Analysis

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is one of the most famous fictional characters in the world who lent his name to the whole play by William Shakespeare. Though written in 1623, due to the tense plot and sharp political and love conflicts, the tragedy has remained popular for several centuries (Joughin,...

Immoral Actions and Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism is one of the directions in ethics, the leading position of which is the usefulness of actions, which determines the moral value of a particular act or an entire behavior model. Besides, the benefit of measures refers to those actions that maximize happiness and pleasure for all affected parties....

Stella Young’s Speech: “I Am Not Your Inspiration”

Do we not all expect motivation from a disabled person if at all he or she stepped on a platform? Stella Young answers this question in her speech, “I am not your inspiration, thank you very much.” She gives detailed information on the topic of handicap people as a source...

Societal and Gender Construction Affecting Incidents of Domestic Violence

Introduction The recent surge in incidences of domestic violence has continued to baffle policymakers and scholars alike. However, some theories have been advanced by scholars to attempt to explain this latest scenario. A feminist perspective, however, offers a bottomless understanding of domestic violence by examining how social and gender constructions...

Suicide Prevention in Teen Gays After They Come Out

Abstract Suicide has been identified as the third leading cause of death among youths between 10 to 24 years of age. Gay teens’ contemplation of suicide is three times higher than that of heterosexual youths. The disparities in suicide rates and attempts between heterosexuals and LGBT youths have been a...

Significance and Changes of Communities in Modern Society

Abstract This paper dwells upon the way communities change and the way individual can affect the change. Such communities as church, work, soccer game are considered. The change involving implementation (or rather support of) of the program aimed at informing young people on STD is provided as an example. Introduction...

Concepts of Socialization and Self-Identity

Personal Status It is primarily necessary to mention that every individual is assigned with a specific social status from their birth as well as achieves other statuses during their lifetime. The term status refers to the measurement of a person’s value that gives a chance to experience certain privileges and...

Foucault’s Disciplinary Society and Examples

Today’s society is developed using practices that follow predefined protocols. Professionals follow procedures required for implementing assigned roles and responsibilities. People enhance social interactions by maintaining varying norms as are necessary for a progressive relationship (Segre, 2014). Besides, leaders also ensure strict adherence to regulations that govern the economic and...

Loe’s “Working at Bazooms”: Qualitative Sociological Analysis

Summarizing The article presents an investigation into the power of dynamics of the Bazoom Girls restaurant chain. In the beginning, the author gives the background of the research and implies how it was conducted. Then the article goes in-depth regarding the job powers, the gender roles, and the sexualization aspect...

The Animal Testing Problem

Introduction The animal testing problem raises the question of whether it is ethical and necessary. It has been done for years by scientists and physicians. From testing cosmetics to biomedical studies, they claim that animal testing provides people with opportunities to save lives or satisfy their needs for specific products....

Haratins: Slavery in Mauritania Yesterday and Today

Historical Background of the Issue The toponym “Mauritania” dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, when the Phoenician seafarers gave the name Mauharim – “Western Territory” to the territory lying in the extreme West of Africa. During the colonial period, the name “Mauritania” was applied for one of the territories...

The Aspects of Conflict in “The Road to El Dorado” by Bergeron

The Definition of a Conflict Conflict is a clash of interests of various groups, communities of people, and individuals. Both sides of the conflict must recognize this clash of interests (Ryan 43). The most common cause of social conflict is the unequal position that people occupy in a system of...

Human Rights as an Essential Part of the Societal Structure

Today, it is impossible to imagine a society without fundamental human rights. However, such a statement has only become true not so long ago. The history of humankind faced numerous incidents of violence, cruelty, and abuse that would seem intolerable today but were usually a few centuries ago. Society nowadays...

Embracing Diversity in Modern Workplaces

Abstract This essay provides an insight into the significance of appreciating cultural, ethnic, and gender dissimilarities in contemporary workplaces. Recruitment of employees has been a sensitive exercise since prospective candidates come from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. The constant movement of labour across continents has worsened the situation since diverse...

Drug Abuse Relation to the Violent Behavior

The drug abuse and violence-connected series present itself in several distinct and distinguishable different aspects: drugs of abuse may work on brain systems that cause an unsound individual to engage in aggressive and violent deeds. However, any person with heavy drug habits may act negatively and involve in violent acts...

Sociological Imagination in Mill’s and Berger & Luckmann’s Works

The purpose of the paper is to analyze two excerpts from C. Wright Mill’s The Sociological Imagination and Peter L. Berger’s and Thomas Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. To do this, the concepts found in the readings will be identified and described....

Cultural Pluralism as System in Society

Cultural pluralism is a system where there is a full participation of the minority groups in a society that is not active in the issues that lead to society building. As per the participation of the minority groups, those involved are able to maintain their ethnic differences in their cultures....

Homelessness Crisis in Canada

Introduction Homelessness is becoming a major concern across Canada, especially in the lower mainland. According to a recent government survey, it is estimated that over 250,000 people are homeless in the country (Kouyoumdjian et al., 2019). The number could be twice or three times higher than this estimate because of...

The Phenomenon of Interpersonal Communication

The phenomenon of interpersonal communication is a process of exchanging information, knowledge, experience, emotions, and beliefs between people. In other words, interpersonal communication happens when two people talk or use non-verbal means to exchange data. According to Lane (2016), interpersonal communication is influenced by the perception of the world, self-concept,...

The Importance of Me Too Movement

There is an extended number of severe and challenging social issues that people try to but cannot eliminate. One such problem is abuse and harassment, and the Me Too movement aims to reduce the rate of assaulting people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The article “Me Too Founder...

“In Search of a Discourse and Critique That Center the Art of Black Women Artists” by Tesfagiorgis

In her article, Wasikhongo Tesfagiorgis examined the scientific and cultural discourse of Black feminist art. The author has outlined the cornerstones on which this discourse should be based. According to her, this includes focusing on the artist’s identity and contrasting one’s vision with existing Euro-patriarchal, Afro-patriarchal, and Euro-feministic approaches. This...

Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

Introduction Contemporary society rests on the critical importance of fundamental human rights. Every individual is born to be free and enjoy all benefits that are available in the modern world. This statement can be considered a motto of our time impacting the functioning of states and their governments. The constitution,...

“The Price their Pound of Flesh” by Diana Ramey Berry

Introduction The book The Price for Their Pound of Flesh: The value of the enslaved, from womb to grave, in the building of a nation by Diana Ramey Berry is an excellent example of historical research concerning the theme of slavery. It presents the facts about the appraisal enslaved people...

Antigone and Creon’s Use of Rhetoric

Introduction Sophocles’ Antigone is one of the most famous plays in the world. This tragedy is a part of the three Theban plays that also include Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. The drama under consideration focuses on the conflict between Antigone and Creon. This argument appears since the...

Juvenile Drug Abuse Problems Analysis

Introduction The adolescence stage is known to be a period where behaviors and conditions develop that affect the health of the individuals at the time and their adulthoods. Juvenile drug use remains a huge societal problem that needs to be addressed promptly and viable interventions developed. Several therapies and programs...

Social Workers’ Advocacy for Queer Population

Today, people use a number of reasons for discrimination, but, at the same time, they want to live in a free and democratic society. Alone with racial, gender, and social inequalities, the question of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) rights remains open. Social workers, as well as some...

Why Obeying the Speed Limit Is Essential

Violating speed limits is a common practice for drivers in most countries. With the increased quality and safety of modern vehicles, there is a high demand for raising speed limits. While many people argue against a speed limit, some believe it is better to follow general roadway guidelines to reduce...

Gender Roles and Culture in Different Ages

Gender roles accepted in society shape the lives of males and females according to different patterns. Since childhood, girls are expected to wear dresses and help their mothers with household chores, while boys are taught to be brave and get ready for their future careers. Although this traditional model, with...

Overpopulation Problems of Urban Areas: Articles’ Study

Introduction Overpopulation implies the situation when the number of people residing in an area surpasses the number of resources needed for survival. The articles of Madaan (2016) and Worldwatch Institute (2012) discuss the peculiarities of this problem and suggest how to tackle it. The current essay contains the main points...

Identity: Personal and Social

Curiosity is a basic and natural drive in human behavior. The desire for self-knowledge is highly common among people. Defining and understanding the self is an intricate subject and has been a ponderous research topic in social psychology. From childhood, people start to differentiate themselves from the outside world and...

Racism: Black Lives Matter Central Idea

Introduction The murder of George Floyd has brought attention to the issues of social injustices and broader societal biases that affect African-Americans. The research question that will be examined in this paper is the social justice movement titled Black Lives Matter (BLM), its origins, and the main issues that the...

Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence is an urgent and significant problem that is addressed not only by social workers but also by official state boards. The importance of this issue is explained by severe implications on the physical and mental health of people who have been abused by family members. In addition,...

The Concept of Respect as the Foundation of the Social System

Respect is one of the basic concepts that serve as the foundation of our world’s social framework. It is an essential element of personal and professional relationships because it builds mutual trust and affection. There are different ways in which it is possible to express respect, such as being attentive...

Ida B. Wells-Barnett’s “Mob Rules in New Orleans”

Introduction Ida B. Wells-Barnett was an African American journalist, abolitionist, and leader in a civil rights movement in the late 19th century. One of her notable publications named Mob Rules in New Orleans was issued in 1900 and paid attention to many acute problems so that many readers found it...

Juvenile Delinquency as Social Problem of Vulnerable Populations

Introduction Vulnerable populations are the groups of people who are disadvantaged in some way. Examples of such communities are people of low income, mental disorders, racially, culturally, and religiously diverse, homeless, HIV positive, etc. Due to these challenges, they need more social protection and support. Among the social problems of...

Workplace Sexual Harassment: Problem Solutions

Definition of the Problem The ethical decision model is among the most used ethical strategies that aid in creating the most efficient solutions to any ethical issue. The model purposely lacks the financial aspect so the person assessing it would pay close attention to values instead of profit. Weak corporate...

Racism in the Poem “Black Judgment” by Giovanni, Nikki

The main theme of the poem is how conventionality cannot relate to the issues of minorities. Nikki Giovanni was an African American revolutionist writer who illustrated that the surrounding environment plays a critical role in the creative aspect of a writer. The given piece wants to show that one cannot...

Addressing the Issue of Gender Equality

Introduction Gender or sexual equality is one of the most critical issues that we face in today’s society. This century is no longer the time when one can say that men come from Mars, and women come from Venus. Today, sexual equality is one of the basic human rights, but...

Women. “The Beauty Myth” by Naomi Wolf

In contradiction to the theory that feministic movement was successful and, therefore, is not needed anymore, the Third Wave of feminism appeared at the beginning of the 1990s, in the era of post-industrialism (Ampofo et al. 907). Naomi Wolf is an American writer, journalist, and representative of third-wave feminism. She...

Racial and Cultural Descrimination

Race and culture have always been sensitive topics given the rise in racial discrimination in the recent past. This prompted me to carry out a study on various aspects of culture and levels of discrimination that are common in the society today. In addition to the above, I highly anticipate...

The Forums for the Youths

Youthtopias refers to both customary and non customary forums such as the leadership excellence and youth radio in Oakland, Youth speaks in San Francisco, and MEJODA in Colombia, South America among others. These forums enable the youths to obtain knowledge from each other and then use that knowledge to develop...

Bell’s Post-industrial Society Theory and Braverman’s Deskilling Theory

Introduction The change in social stratification was present during the agrarian and all through to the industrial revolution. These past revolutions brought changes that socialists had to theoretically examine their consequences in the future. Bell and Braverman contributed to theories of the labor process but their ideologies were different and...

Jacqueline Blake Forensic Fraud

Introduction Jacqueline Blake studied at Benedict College, Columbia in South Carolina where she earned a Bachelor’s of science degree in Biology. After she completed her studies at the college, she got employment with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the DNAUI unit on 8 August 1988. She joined the...