The Agents of Change Documentary Film Review

Introduction For nearly 50 years, people of color received poor educated in the Institution of Education, which is the most critical government entity in the United States. The requirements of black students were utterly unimportant, and they were even assumed to be nonexistent. The documentary Agents of Change puts its...

Ethical Dilemma of Client Privacy Breach

Introduction The case of Hannah and Adara entails an ethical dilemma related to the appropriateness of a therapist’s breach of privacy and confidentiality when deciding the client’s best interest. In this case, the counselor will work with a student from a diverse cultural background who prefers her issues handled with...

Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Types, and Risk Factors

Abstract The term domestic violence refers to violent actions that take place in relationships and take place in circumstances that are considered to be domestic. The abuse may come in many forms, including sexual, physical, psychological, and emotional. Nonetheless, violence is a more inclusive phrase that may apply to physical...

Aspects of Monologic Communication

Monologic communication is a mode of communication where one person speaks while the other listens. However, because communication is just one-way, there is no interaction between individuals. The monologic communicator is only concerned with achieving his or her objectives and shows no genuine interest in or care for the attitudes...

Aging People: Personal Statement

Early Adulthood People have difficulties on their path to maturity, and they need the constant presence of lively and energetic young adults. In my early adulthood, I will concentrate on developing my travel abilities and need to complete this adventure stage. The capacity to adapt to change is crucial, as...

Labeling Theory in Modern Society

There are many theories that discuss how people are perceived in the modern world. Psychologists and sociologists, in their works, rely on previous studies and the philosophical visions of other scholars. The listed concepts relate to theories of deviant behavior that hurt each individual and society. One of the most...

The Yoga Ethics in a Student-Teacher Relationship

Setting Boundaries Between Teachers and Students The yoga ethics in the student/teacher relationship arises from an idea of various boundaries ranging from an array of personal upbringing and regular life experiences. There exists a relationship between teachers and their students who have set boundaries in their coordination and how they...

An Ethical Dilemma of a Pregnant 16-Year-Old Girl

Introduction The current ethical dilemma concerns a pregnant sixteen-year-old girl who is hesitant to tell her parents about her condition. During the counseling session, she stated that she wanted to terminate the pregnancy but asked the working school-based professional to keep it a secret from her parents. This situation is...

Gender Roles in the Boys Don’t Cry Movie

Introduction Topics surrounding human sexuality, for instance, gender roles, have been of interest to screenwriters and directors for a long time. Boys Don’t Cry is a famous movie directed by Kimberly Peirce at the dawn of the twenty-first century. It explores the influence of rigid gender-based behavioral expectations on a...

Marital Rape: Definition, History, and Elimination

Rape is a forceful sexual penetration or having intercourse with a person who does not consent. Marital rape, therefore, is the act of one having sex with the spouse without them agreeing. The act of marital sex is dated to be as old as the institution of marriage itself. In...

Racial Discrimination and Poverty

Introduction Racial discrimination and poverty reinforce contemporary issues, hindering global progress toward equality. With the growing population of African Americans in the United States, severe discrimination and racial inequality heighten. Despite progress in certain areas, evidence from several studies establishes that racial discrimination and poverty are salient risk factors of...

Similarities and Differences Between HIPAA, APA, and Ethics

HIPAA, APA, and Ethics All practicing psychologists are responsible for the healing processes of their clients and their data security. The guidelines on the ethics of practice for psychologies are derived from many sources, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and American Psychology Association (APA) (Jacob et...

Biology and Culture of Gender Color Stereotypes

It seems inadequate to assign a particular gender a stereotypical color in a developed modern society. Nevertheless, historically embedded patterns are quite difficult to eradicate, so carriers still spread them. One such stereotype is the assignment of blue to boys and pink to girls. This is a somewhat ingrained gender...

Deontology vs. Consequentialism

Introduction Different philosophical theories approach questions of morality and mortality from different angles: some evaluate the individual, while others put public goods first. Deontology and consequentialism are in constant confrontation and assess action’s benefits and rationality from different angles. According to deontology, the proper steps are taken for the good...

Police Officers Treatment Towards Civilians Based on Social Class

Introduction Bias is an action or an attitude that is unfair, prejudicial, and narrow-minded. Humans are oftentimes making fast conclusions, judgments, and using the power of their positions as it is in their nature. However, in modern society individuals make an effort to abandon bias ideas and reach an equal...

Informative vs. Persuasive Speeches

While persuasive and informative speeches are related, they are distinct in several ways. The process of preparing and presenting informative and persuasive speeches may have a common element. Principally, the method and process first involved the identification of the goal and purpose of the addresses. Informative speeches are the most...

Ethical Theories and Data Processing

Introduction One of the key principles of ethics can be found in the underlying ideas of ethical theories, which provide a differential and diverse range of perspectives on the notion of morality, ethicality, and goodness. The given assessment of ethical, theoretical frameworks will primarily focus on the ideas of utilitarianism,...

Animals in Zoos as Innocent Prisoners

Unfortunately, many people still believe that animals are well-kept in zoos. Representatives of endangered species spend their lives in cages without any chance to investigate vast territories and eat natural food. They are likely to live much longer than their wild brothers, not facing problems such as fighting for females...

Domestic Violence: Justification Is Unacceptable

Introduction Violent acts committed against society occur for various reasons but are never justified. Finding a problem in a nonviolent way goes a long way toward developing and changing the collective consciousness about issues. More than 10 million people in the U.S. are believed to experience domestic violence –the mistreatment...

Privilege in People’s Daily Lives

Despite an overall intention to live in an equal society, the questions about racial, class, or gender differences remain open. On the one hand, oppressed people cannot get rid of the thought that they are deprived of many things in their lives because of their skin color, gender, or ethnicity....

Canadians’ Reaction to Alcohol as a Newly-Invented Illicit Drug

Introduction The possible reaction of Canadians to alcohol, if it was a newly-invented illicit drug, will differ depending on their personal characteristics and essential external circumstances. The former is mainly presented by age, severe mental health conditions, and the overall attitudes towards substance use (Canadian Center of Substance Use and...

Woman’s Identity: “Professions for Women” and “The Unrepentant Whore”

Michael Harris and Virginia Woolf both presented the difficulties and dangers that women faced daily while working with men. The authors describe two different occupation fields: Harris is focused on sex workers and Woolf on writers. Even though the settings in the articles are not identical, the principal purpose of...

Theoretical Perspectives of Social Work

Theoretical Perspectives There are several different social theories, concepts, and perspectives that denote, in one way or another, moments of social interactions, relationships, and phenomena. Each of these theories implies a certain connection not only with theoretical but also with practical activities. They are constantly in development, changing, correcting, and...

Rhetorical Analysis of “The Disadvantages of an Elite Education” by Deresiewicz

Introduction A rhetorical analysis considers a text as the instrument of communication and persuasion and describes how the text accomplishes those aims. It elucidates the main ideas and claims of the article; then, it explores whether the article managed to convey them to the reader or listener. The analysis introduces...

Study of Aspects of Applied Sociology

Applied sociology is one of the constituent parts of the general body of sociological science. It aims to obtain cognitive data about various social phenomena and processes by studying the causes of their occurrence, the mechanism of functioning, and the direction of further development. Due to applied sociology, the researcher...

Social Construction of Gender and Sexual Dichotomy

Gender is usually divided into two sexes, namely male and female, in modern society. Traditionally, gender is determined by various physiological features, such as genitalia. Being a member of a definite gender implements specific societal roles. These roles may vary in different cultures, but they are precisely determined in most...

Theories of Language and Thinking

Introduction Language and thinking have long been a hot topic for discussion among linguists and philosophers. Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf’s research on language and thought proposed that language affects the way we think (Mihalic, 2017). However, psychologists have since disproved this theory as one rooted in empiricism. The...

Chomsky’s “Media Control” Rhetorical Analysis

In the Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda article, the author Noam Chomsky begins by analyzing two models of democracy. One of the models is in which the public is governed and another in which the public is actively involved. Further, the theme of democracy and other political systems...

Personal and Professional Ethics

Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or activity. The main difference between business ethics and personal ethics is that the former is a code of conduct imposed on an employee or employee of a particular profession. In contrast, personal ethics is a code of ethics that...

The Problems of Gender Inequality

Introduction Males and females are different from both biological and psychological perspectives. Despite numerous exceptions, men are generally physically stronger and more competitive, while women are kinder and more creative. Unfortunately, these highly subjective ideas have led to gender inequality, a critical and complex issue affecting everyone. Without any doubt,...

The Difference Between Human Beings and Other Animal Species

The selected quote from the piece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman reflects on the difference between human beings and other animal species in terms of their relationships. The author claims that the former’s principal characteristic distinguishing them from the latter is the dependent status of females in the economic sense (Edles...

Foucault’s Disciplinary Society and Examples

Today’s society is developed using practices that follow predefined protocols. Professionals follow procedures required for implementing assigned roles and responsibilities. People enhance social interactions by maintaining varying norms as are necessary for a progressive relationship (Segre, 2014). Besides, leaders also ensure strict adherence to regulations that govern the economic and...

Self-Presentation in Online and Real-World Environment

Modern technology provides for various new communicational tools, allowing us to construct an identity from a blank page. While some feel comfortable expressing themselves in real life premises, others choose to avoid such communication, seeking comfort online. Such disparities cause multiple problems and opportunities for people, which is why this...

A Baby Boomer and a Millennial

Conversation The context: a job interview; an interviewer is a millennial, and an interviewee is a baby boomer. Millennial: Welcome to our office, John. I’m Mary Davis. Your look’s really on fleek. Baby boomer: Hello, Miss Mary. It’s nice to meet you. Millennial: You can just call me Mary. Ok,...

Every-Day Polarization Questions

Polarization occurs when two parties fail to agree on an issue leading to an interpersonal or community conflict in which the neutral parties take two opposing sides in the conflict. The parties involved assume extreme positions as the conflict develops, making it increasingly difficult to solve the conflict. As a...

“Exposure to Sexually Explicit Media” Review

Early exposure of adolescents to sexually explicit media is likely to result in the former engaging in risky sexual behavior both now and later in life. Although the developed nations are more affected by sexually explicit media, the developing countries are also influenced negatively due to technological development. Risky sexual...

Role Models in Children as a Social Issue

Roles models chosen by the younger generation to follow, imitate, and emulate are a crucial social issue because they define one’s course in life and potential contribution to society. A role model is supposed to be someone whose behavior or achievement is or can be mimicked by others, particularly by...

Analysis of “This Is Water” by David Foster Wallace

The speech “This Is Water” provided in the paper is an address to the students of Kenyon College made in 2005. In it, David Foster Wallace reviews some particularities of people’s minds and their unconscious attitude to the events and circumstances around them. The author uses the young fish asking...

The History of Montgomery Bus Boycott

Introduction The Montgomery bus boycott was one of the earliest and most high-profile episodes in the history of black civil rights struggles. In the early 1950s, the civil rights movement was still relatively weak to oppose White America’s political and economic institutions. However, the segregation laws that continued to operate...

Types of Shoppers and Their Approaches for Buying

Shopping may seem like a straightforward activity and something that all people do similarly. However, most people have a different approach to buying groceries, clothes, electronics, and household and other items. There are many categories of shoppers, including impulse and need-oriented buyers, bargain hunters, loyal customers, and those who prefer...

“Race in the Schoolyard, Chapter 3” by Lewis Analysis

Understand West City School has many tensions due to the racial composition of its students and staff (Lewis, 2003). Students and teachers of color are put at a disadvantage by a white majority, who do not recognize racial issues. The school discourages discussions of racism, subsequently perpetuating the cycle of...

“Eyes on the Prize” by Bagwell

Introduction African-Americans began fighting for racial equality from early years of the 19th century when the United States banned the slave trade in 1808. Victims of social exclusion in public development encountered significant challenges that needed public address. Eyes on the Prize provides vital information on how the black community...

Socialization Through the Life Course

Socialization is “how individuals, beginning at an early age and continuing throughout their lives, learn about societal norms, values, and beliefs” (Luther et al., 2018, p. 16). It serves as an instrument of accord and unity among the members of society to ensure its survival. An agent of socialization is...

Ida B. Wells-Barnett’s “Mob Rules in New Orleans”

Introduction Ida B. Wells-Barnett was an African American journalist, abolitionist, and leader in a civil rights movement in the late 19th century. One of her notable publications named Mob Rules in New Orleans was issued in 1900 and paid attention to many acute problems so that many readers found it...

Interpersonal Communication: Social Exchange Theory

Introduction Human beings are social and rely on interpersonal communication to share information, ideas, secrets, and goals in life. Different models have emerged that try to describe how such interactions take place. Social exchange theory is one of them and it explains or predicts the right time when someone who...

Marginalization in Modern Advertising

The first advertisement by Tom Ford presents a scene from an every-day life where a woman’s role is limited to household activities. She is ironing the man’s pants while he is reading a newspaper. This piece of advertising is an example of stereotypical gender roles and sexism toward women, who,...

The Fattening Room: Advantages and Disadvantages

I am of the idea that the fattening room is both advantageous as well as disadvantageous to the community based on several observations. To expound, based on Simmons’ ideas, it is evident that the time spent inside the room exposes the teenage initiate to depression. For example, Margaret Bassey Ene...

Bend It Like Beckham and the Postcolonial

Introduction Identifications regarding what comprises concepts of the Other in the post-colonial world are wide-ranging and varied hinged on the current accepted norms within a society. These definitions are typically only selectively applied in a variety of areas such as gender or religious differences, expected social roles, personal sexuality, individual...

Feminist Criticism of Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark”

Hawthorne appears critical about Aylmer’s actions in that the ultimate result of his actions is the death of her wife and not the redemption it was meant for. Men like Aylmer cannot overcome the limitations that nature brings no matter their efforts. On the other hand, the author seems to...

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen: Feminism Studies

Women in the Victorian period lived very different lives from women today.. During this period, women began to question their allotted place in society as more and more opportunities opened for them in the urban centers of the country, providing them with a means of supporting themselves and freeing themselves...

My Sociological Life and Identity

Introduction The course in sociology removed the notion I had that certain issues in my life were completely private. I thought that my will was the determinant of all my actions. Initially, my view on the world and my life was looked at from a tunnel lens. This has changed...

Gender and Cultures in Conflict Resolution

Introduction In many modern societies, conflicts between states and within the states have resulted in many wars or sometimes-severe violence cases. The wars have resulted in immense destruction of lives and millions worth property. In addition, many conflicts have resulted in disruption of many political, social and economic organizations in...

How Poverty Impacts on Life Chances, Experiences and Opportunities for Young People

Introduction Poverty presents many obstacles and impediments in the life of young people lives; these can be analyzed and understood through a series of social work concepts and theories. The paper shall specifically dwell on the social exclusion, class, and labeling theories to place youth poverty in its social context....

The Relationship between Race and Sexuality

In order to understand the relationship between Race and sexuality, we must first have a clear understanding of the two terms and at the same time have a clear understanding of society’s views about the two issues. Sexuality is a complex issue that affects everyone. People of different communities have...

Parasocial Relationships and Purchasing Habits

Introduction Social media advertising programs often use celebrities to endorse certain services and products in order to gain brand exposure, credibility, and marketing advantage. One of the important factors to affect the success or failure of this strategy is the relationships between celebrities and their followers. This type of connection...

Rational Choice Theories in Social Sciences

Abstract Rational choice theories emerged in economics models and were designed to examine human action and behavior in social science. RCT is a set of theories that emphasize the unforced nature of human action and actors’ capability to decide and act according to rational calculations of benefit and cost. Human...

Domestic Violence in the Modern Society

Introduction Domestic violence is an acute and prevalent problem in society which requires research and effective solutions. The incidence of domestic violence is increasing exponentially on a global scale. Some of the causes have been identified as cultural and legal standards that encourage or perpetuate abuse. The primary focus of...

The Concept of Poverty

Introduction The concept of poverty can be interpreted differently from social, economic, and other points of view; however, in each definition, this phenomenon influences all the aspects of people’s lives negatively. Based on academic theories and scholarly findings, it is possible to determine the role that families play in protecting...

“Double Lives on the Down Low” the Article by Denizet-Lewis

Introduction In his article “Double Lives on the Down Low,” Denizet-Lewis gives a clear and vivid description of the prospects for the development of H.I.V. among black gay males. He formulates the importance of the problem logically and cites statistical data – one-third of the country’s HIV-positive black gay male...

Domestic Violence: Causes and Effects

Background The phenomenon of domestic violence is upsettingly common in the present-day setting. Although it varies depending on the area and its unique characteristics, such as individual anger issues, education levels, social prejudices, etc., domestic violence can occur anywhere (Pearlman et al. 49). The persistent nature of the phenomenon alters...

“When May I Shoot a Student?” by Greg Hampikian

America has always been grounded on social groups interests and focused on complying the individual needs. The fulfillment of the citizens’ needs by federal and state structures makes American policy. According to Hrebenar and Scott, “the number of participants in American group policies has significantly expanded” (11). But what if...

Karl Marx and Marx Weber: Suffering in the Society

Many sociologists, including Karl Max and Marx Weber, have tried to explain different contemporary issues in our society. In this paper, I will discuss how Karl Max and Marx Weber have explained the nature and cause of suffering in society. In addition to this, I will discuss Marx Weber regarding...

Cultural Identity and Integration of Immigrants

The concept of cultural identity should not be viewed as a static phenomenon or as a fixed set of values that have to be shared by every person belonging to a certain group. Leading scholars such as Stuart Hall and Homi Bhabha believe that culture exists only in individual experiences...

Directness in Operational Communication

Directness in Operational Communication Operational communication is essential in organizations as it enables undertakings that facilitate productivity. Effective operational communication is therefore required in institutions to allow for respect, politeness, and focus on what is needed. This allows for emphasis on the subject of communication and does not make the...

Same-Sex Marriage as a Moral Controversy

Commonly same-sex marriages were considered to be immoral and were not supported by society. However, recently they became legal in some countries and several states of America. Thus, it can be seen that today people tend to be more loyal than their forbears. Same-sex marriages are mainly not accepted by...

Computer-Mediated Interpersonal Communication

Communication is one of the people’s needs who are eager to share their knowledge and experiences with others. People have developed numerous channels of communication and the beginning of the 21st century is one of the most remarkable periods in this respect. Development of technology-enabled people to squeeze the world...

Domestic Violence: The American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is a set of rules that describe different components of scientific writing. APA presents requirements for the organization, format, and citation in academic papers. The APA style’s purpose is to enhance clarity, reliability, and conformity. In addition, it assists in avoiding plagiarism and promotes...

The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Control

Introduction There exist an overwhelming connection between globalization and immigration. Within the recent past years, there have been numerous studies attempting to exhaust the connections between the two subjects1. These researches indicated extensive effects of globalization on Immigration control. In fact, it is noted that globalization is one of the...

Urban and Rural Communities: Life Differences

Purpose Information about urban and rural communities includes dressing style, food habits, and culture. Urban residents prefer to wear loose clothes such as shirts and dresses while rural residents like to wear warm clothing such as jackets and gumboots. Urban residents also like to put on sandals while the rural...

New York City’s Sociology and Infrastructure

Introduction New York City has the highest population in the world for it has enormous amount of resources that facilitate social growth and development. The city has diverse races, which mainly comprise Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The major challenges in the city are congestion, housing, crime, and racism. Both the...

Rape and Sexual Violence

Today, more than ever before, rape is increasingly becoming a reality for millions of individuals living in the developed and developing world. Although available documentation demonstrates that many rape victims are female and that most executors of rape are male, it is evident that rapists are increasingly targeting men and...

Sexual Identity: Attributions and Meaning-making

Identity forms an integral part of the very human existence. The term is often used in social sciences to refer to an individual’s understanding of himself or herself in relation to other people, ideas and nature. Of late, the sexual identity of an individual has become an increasingly important concept...

Problems of Spanking Children

Introduction Parents should not employ spanking as a disciplinary technique for shaping a child’s behavior. Some studies indicate that spanking is a futile technique for disciplining children. However, none of these studies show its benefits or usefulness. In reality, spanking estranges children from their parents, instead of promoting good behavior....

Gay Marriage Should not be Legal

Introduction While marriage has traditionally been prescribed as a union between heterosexuals, there has been a shift towards giving marriage rights to homosexual couples. This change has been brought about by the prevalence of homosexuality in the society and the widespread acceptance of gay relations. While at the onset of...

Child Exploitation as a Form of Human Trafficking

Introduction and Overview Human trafficking is a modern concern in sociology and social work. Many individuals are affected by the problem. However, the groups that are mostly affected include women and children. Many theories exist as to why they are affected, including the perception that they are the weakest members...

Critique of the Minimalist: “Less Is Now” Documentary

The documentary is about two friends named Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus and their minimalist, less is now ways of living. Many people have recognized minimalism as an extreme way of living because they believe minimalism means not having anything. Living with nothing contributes to the point that it...

Their Finest Hour: Winston Churchill’s Speech

The analysis of the speech of a historically significant figure is of particular value. This is due to the fact that it can provide an understanding of communication methods and approaches that can interest and engage the listener to achieve the most significant effectiveness. When researching this topic, Winston Churchill’s...

Elaborated vs. Restricted Codes in Communication

Elaborated and restricted codes are specific forms of language and speech in particular social contexts, including in different orders of meanings. Basil Bernstein claims that English social classes demonstrate a diverse knowledge of each mode of speech and its social and educational consequences (Neuliep). Even though the codes are often...

Children and Aging Adults as Vulnerable Groups

Introduction Society is one of the most dynamic systems in which people rapidly change their social groups and, in most cases, become more vulnerable. This paper, using groups such as children and aging adults as examples, will reveal existing problems and suggest solutions. The most vulnerable period of a person’s...

The Article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor

The article “This Boat Is My Boat” by Drew Hayden Taylor (2004) majorly highlights the relationship between the native and non-native individuals of Canada. Different types of individuals migrated to the country, which led to the immigrants competing for the available resources with the native citizens. The author portrays how...

Multicultural Differences in Sandwich Generation

The readings inform the readers about the relevance of selflessly offering care. Particularly, the readings provide profound knowledge about making priorities, proper planning for self-care, individuals’ rights at work, sharing feelings, and seeking aid. Learning how to shift personal priorities daily can help make an individual’s tasks more manageable (Parker...

Traditional Communities in Rural Areas

As societies grow, so do their traditions, or, at least, that is what people think. Yet, old habits die hard, as people can discover once they visit one of such places. By traveling through rural areas, one can stumble into small towns, seemingly forgotten at some point in the history...

Internal Communication: Medium and Justification

The face-to-face communication medium is a reliable interaction method that can facilitate the sharing of ideas. As a form of oral communication, this mode of interaction facilitates the transfer of data from the sender to the receiver through verbal and visual aid. The face-to-face medium is the most natural medium...

Racism and Pessimism in Wilson’s Play “Fences”

Racism is considered a collection of beliefs, behaviors, and practices perpetuating an unequal distribution of power among ethnic and racial groups. Racial discrimination is the subjugation of certain ethnic or racial groups in order to preserve the advantages of others, hence developing and sustaining socioeconomic inequities. Discrimination may be detected...

Review of “Try Something New for 30 Days” by Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts provides a new perspective on how to live a life more vividly. His talk is encouraging, for it is full of sense and incorporates life-changing advice – not to be afraid of trying new things. The speech is truly inspiring, even though it lasts only three minutes (Cutts,...

The Importance of Social Norms

Social norms present standards of acceptable behavior set and followed by different groups. Social norms can often be informal, meaning they do not necessarily need to take the form of laws or written rules. However, even informal norms act as a mechanism of social control because they promote the development...

Moral Implications of Eating Meat

Introduction Nowadays, vegetarianism is highly popular and considered morally right by many, yet the moral implications of eating meat remain a heavily disputed topic. There are numerous arguments against and in favor of eating meat, yet many of them contain bias, making these statements less objective. In many such discussions,...

Whether Online Shaming Should Be Considered a Problem

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the rapid development of technologies has allowed people to get access to an extended number of new features and opportunities like distant communication. It is now possible to follow celebrities on Instagram or monitor the lives of old friends from school. At the...

Core Values: Integrity, Authenticity, and Empathy

Introduction Substantial differences in people’s value systems are critical for their productive cooperation and, consequently, successful societal life in general. Hence, the consideration of one’s priorities in this respect might be beneficial for determining their ability to rely on specific strengths when resolving issues, and in my case, these factors...

Unequal Opportunity of Urban Youth

Introduction The social problem affects young people in the U.S. aged 16 to 24 years. The U.S. Department of Labor (2017) estimates that in 2017, “about 1 in 5 people in this age range—6.7 million people—were neither working nor in school” (p. 19). Not only does this mean a looming...

Gender Inequality in Social Inequality

The problem of gender inequality is one of the most acute problems today. Gender discrimination exists, just as there are people who are not ready to cope with the current state of affairs. To protect women from violence, improve their position in society, and place in marriage, a large number...

Changes in Life During the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction The current COVID-19 pandemic brought several significant issues to the lives of the global community, affecting people’s physical and mental health, countries’ economies, and political stability worldwide. Healthcare organizations and clinicians were overwhelmed by the number of patients they could not help. Furthermore, many businesses had to close at...

An Eye for an Eye Principle in Society

In the discussion concerning the “an eye for an eye” principle, I support Jones, who said that this commandment would not leave a blind society, but to a one-eyed society, which is different. To my mind, both sides are right in some aspects because violence leads to even more violence....

Stock-Stories and Counter-Stories Evaluation

Stock-stories are prevalent group stories, passed down through historiographic documents and commemorated through rituals, law, art forms, schooling, and mainstream press. They describe race issues in ways that defend the status quo and validate the white majority racial firm’s point of view. On the other hand, counter-stories in under-represented communities...

Nature-Nurture Debate of Gender Identity

What determines the gender of an individual, nature or nurture, was of interest to people long before the advent of gender studies. The myth of Iphis is a prime example of it. According to Moore (2021), the myth is about “a girl, raised as a boy, who loves another girl...

Rawls’ Social Contract Theory and Software Engineering Ethics

Introduction John Rawls defined the characteristics of a just society through his social contract theory. In his theory, four conditions characterize a stable society: equal and free individuals, justice being open to public scrutiny, just sharing of surplus, and a responsibility to the social contract to ensure continued cooperation. Rawls’...

Leading With Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success

Introduction Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success is a scientific book about the culture’s role in creating optimal leadership strategies. It provides deep insight into the value of diversity in modern society and the opportunity to enforce it via the proper cross-cultural business administration.1 The book’s content...

Exploitation of Women and Sex to Sell a Product

Nowadays, society consists of producers and consumers, an endless cycle of providing and receiving services, selling and buying goods. Due to the high competition, producers use advertising to attract as many consumers as possible. Advertising haunts people everywhere; it can be found on the street, on television, in magazines, and...

Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychology

Introduction Psychologists face many moral dilemmas in law due to the field’s nature. They are responsible for deciding people’s fates, which puts pressure on them. Sometimes lives depend on their fair assessment, such as when a death sentence is available. While ethical codes and regulations may be functional, they do...

Definition of Social Capital Offered by Robert Putnam

Introduction In recent years, community development has become strongly associated with social capital. However, social capital is a broad term, and there are many definitions of the term used in social sciences today. One of the most widely accepted views on social capital was proposed by Robert Putnam (DeFilippis, 2001)....

Racism: A Party Down at the Square

Ellison’s narrative, A party down at the square, depicts public lynching at Southern point. The story is told from the perspective of a white witness from Cincinnati who was visiting his aunt. Throughout the lynching process, there is a violent storm that havocs the town’s residence, making the narrator uneasy....

Researching: Keeping Domestic Animals

Introduction A pet refers to any animal kept by people as a source of pleasure and companionship. Although most individuals believe that keeping animals such as horses, cats, and dogs gives them happiness, the animals enjoy living with families as well (McConnell et al., 2019). The breeding of these animals...