Totalitarianism in Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale

Totalitarian leadership leads to the oppression of the weak and minorities. Totalitarianism is a government and political system that forbids all opposition parties (Congleton 112). In addition, it criminalizes individual and group opposition to the state and its claims and exercises an extremely high level of control and regulation over...

“Why You Should Take a Break” by Hardcastle

The TED Talk “Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools” was given by Hailey Hardcastle on February 2, 2020 at the Salem Convention Center. The speaker’s primary message is that states and schools should institute provisions to help students who are struggling with their mental health...

Rehabilitation of Criminal Offender

Rehabilitation entails the process of restoring an individual’s character and reputation (criminal offender) be it a juvenile delinquent or a youth or adult offender, with the main aim of making him or her acceptable in the society as well as being transformed to a productive member of the society. Rehabilitation...

Simmel’s Stranger vs. DuBois’ Double Consciousness

George Simmel and William DuBois have played a significant role in developing the theories of social science. Their double concepts are among the most known approaches to addressing the idea of consciousness and the stranger. The stranger represents a particular social kind, which is shaped by the inherent traits of...

Importance and Definition of Socialization

People are highly social creatures who need to live in communities to survive and develop properly. Although genetic factors are critical, socialization is equally important and is defined in many ways. This process sets people’s social identity, teaches them to take roles, controls their behavior, and transmits culture, which is...

Discrimination in the Workplace: A Case Study

Case Elements of a Hostile Work Environment It is evident that any employee of the company wants their workplace to be distinguished not only by its benefits and privileges but also by a friendly corporate culture in which it is pleasant to develop professionally. On the contrary, if verbal humiliation,...

Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue

Internet addiction (IA) is one of the leading contemporary issues affecting teenagers in modern settings despite heightened assessment, screening, and testing to solve it. The Internet is continuously evolving to enhance life, and it is gradually becoming an aspect of human progress. However, teenagers suffer the adverse effects of spending...

Community Analysis and Assessment

Introduction The community selected for the analysis is located in Miami, Florida, in the southern United States. It contains 440,000 individuals with an average age of 39.7 years (“Miami, Florida population 2018,”2018). At first glance, the area seems prosperous. The streets are clean, with positive people moving across them. The...

The Issue of Affordable Housing in the US

In the modern world, the issues of segregation and inequity remain acute, even though much effort has been put into fighting them. The conflict of interests exists in many fields, and the use of land is one of them. In the US, zoning laws were implemented at the beginning of...

Feminism and Social Phallocentrism: Psychoanalytic Approach

Language is a unique feature typical of representatives of the human race; it is natural for people to talk because language is the means of communication. We transmit some messages through language and speech; we learn something new with the help of common rules established in various languages. It is...

“Why Humans Have Sex” Article by Meston and Buss

“Why humans have sex” is the article that discusses the reasons people become engaged in sexual relations, including the most frequent and infrequent ones. It is written by professionals in sexual psychophysiology, Cindy Meston and David Buss. The authors claim that the common belief that people have sex only “to...

Racism in Nivea’s “White Is Purity” Ad Campaign

In its recent international marketing campaign, Nivea used an advertisement to promote an antiperspirant that provoked a discussion in the media (Figure 1). Even though the advertisement’s image did not provoke any questions, the slogan “White is purity” was regarded by the public as rather racist, as mentioned in social...

Role of Gender in Society

Introduction Gender is a set of unique character traits which create a clear distinction between male and female notions; in most cases, these two concepts are differentiated as man or woman, and boy or girl (Gender roles, 2011). Gender roles refer to a set of socially shared and behavioral patterns...

Effects of Poverty on Education in the USA Colleges

Introduction Poverty entails a collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people that lead to impossibility for such a person, family or group of people to afford the basic human needs. Prolongation of such a state for at least three generations leads to a cycle...

The Scottsboro Boys and the Central Park Five Cases

Race has always been one of the most controversial issues in the United States. All types of racism and slavery shaped how Americans operated in American society. Extremely high levels of unawareness and ignorance led to the unintended utterance of racist remarks that opened the door to racial discrimination. Violent...

Application of Vygotsky’s Theory in Education

Introduction In Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, children gain their cultural identities, perceptions, and problem-solving techniques through cooperative conversations with more experienced members of society (Crafter & Maunder, 2012). The zone of proximal development, private communication, and culture-specific tools are only a few of the ideas found in Vygotsky’s theory. Since Vygotsky...

Intercultural Relationships and Communication

Intercultural relationships are the association between people with different customs and traditions. Geographical, national, and cultural boundaries influence different societies with distinct values, languages, stereotypes, and prejudices. Intercultural communications facilitate relationship building by people with different cultural backgrounds. The reading by Tom Grothe on intercultural relationships gave me a new...

Crossing Language Barriers in the Society

Society relies on communication between people to evolve, but many language barriers rise when different cultures interact. International communication becomes difficult with hundreds of different languages existing all around the world. Despite Internet’s accessibility and versatility, many struggle to learn more than their native language. While some languages gain international...

Qualitative Article Critique

Article citation Walker-Williams, H. J., & Fouché, A. (2017). A strengths-based group intervention for women who experienced child sexual abuse. Research on Social Work Practice, 27(2), 194–205. The purpose of this assignment is to locate a qualitative research article on social work practice and offer a critique based on a...

Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” as Feminist Manifesto

Judy Brady’s I Want a Wife is a feminist manifesto that dissects the early 1970s’ social stereotypes about the role of women in marriage and motherhood. Using rhetorical language, she paints a rather impressive new perspective of the seemingly familiar and clichéd picture of a married woman. Her essay is...

Prison System Issues: Mistreatment and Abuse

Introduction Criminal justice is a variety of processes and agencies which aim at understanding, controlling, and minimizing crime and providing moral support for victims. Research on criminal justice has been developing for decades, and, during this time, it produced many theories. These opinions generally attempted to contribute to the prevention...

Representations of Disability, the Example of “Forrest Gump” Film

The world is not ideal and there is always much grief and injustice in it, this is why some people have turned out to be deprived of certain benefits that ordinary people have because of the dysfunction of their bodies. Handicapped people have had different names and labels in the...

Ethnicity, Class and Social Stratification in China and Japan

Introduction The Chinese ethnic, social and class stratification have been reflected n the different fifty-six ethnic groups with Han being the majority group and the other fifty-five being the inferior clusters in the population of China. These groups account for only ten percent of the country’s population, and most of...

What Is Meant By Social Science Paradigms?

Social science paradigms can be defined as the frames and models according to which researchers can observe the world and make conclusions about the certain institutions, processes, and interactions within the society. As a result, social science paradigms are used in order to organize the researchers’ observation and reasoning and...

Underage Drinking: Trends, Impacts and Interventions

Introduction: Underage Drinking The issue of underage drinking has been on the social. agenda for a while (Hudson, Wekerle, & Stewart, 2015); however, it has not been up until the past few years that the problem started getting out of control. Moreover, studies show that the rates of teenage drinking...

Vincent Parillo “Causes of Prejudice”: Key Ideas

Throughout the world, human equality has always been a problem. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice have become intergenerational, and society has accepted these forms of behaviors as satisfactory and usual. Based on the article Causes of Prejudice, Vincent N. Parrillo argues that prejudice appears in two forms, either sociological or psychological....

Dishonoring the Dead and Hitting Them Hardest When They’re Small by Kozol

The racial issue has always been especially acute given the historical past of this problem. Today, politics has chosen the direction of equality and the elimination of racial discrimination or any of its manifestations. However, there are still some facts about racial separation, and one of the most prominent examples...

Immigration Effects on the United Kingdom

Introduction As globalization progresses, the world economy has developed significantly through the exchange of people across national borders. Through the expansion of people exchanges and their accumulation in cities, various kinds of knowledge have been collected, and by exerting synergistic effects, benefits such as the creation of innovation and improvement...

Drug Addiction in America: Effects and Solutions

The consumption of illegal substances and the development of addiction to them remains one of the primary health-related concerns in the American healthcare setting. The problem has grown particularly noticeably among high-school students, as the recent report by the National Institute of Health (2020) has indicated. Apart from the traditional...

Suicide and the Moral Dilemma

Introduction Suicide is a major cause of death that has severe emotional and physical consequences on victims and their families. According to statistics, more than 1 million people kill themselves every year (James & Gilliland, 2012). In the last five decades, cases of suicide have increased by approximately 60%. It...

Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s Model of Social Class

Most sociologists agree with Weber’s social class ideas defining it as a group of people with similar power, wealth, and prestige. Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s model of social class stratifies the U.S. population into six different groups. The underclass is the lowest one that consists of low-income households characterized...

Why Obeying the Speed Limit Is Essential

Violating speed limits is a common practice for drivers in most countries. With the increased quality and safety of modern vehicles, there is a high demand for raising speed limits. While many people argue against a speed limit, some believe it is better to follow general roadway guidelines to reduce...

Persuasive Communication in Different Contexts

Personal Context Communication is a fundamental aspect of people’s lives as it guarantees successful cooperation and the ability to achieve particular goals. For this reason, it is vital to be able to select an appropriate strategy that depends on the context and use it to guarantee that people will understand...

Media Violence and Children

Abstract Studies, surveys, and common sense dictate the obvious, exposure to violent media forms by impressionable children beget violent behaviors. Television violence has evolved well beyond the Roadrunner/Coyote cartoon that many parents of today watched. Popular video games such as Mortal Kombat and Doom aren’t your father’s pong and space...

Ice Bucket Challenge Campaign Evaluation

ALS Bucket Challenge ALS (or Ice) Bucket Challenge campaign had two major objectives: to attract the public’s attention to the problems of people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to raise money for ALS fund which would enable further research of the disease (Woolf, 2016). The project’s strategy was concerned...

Philosophy of Socrates: Essay Example

Socrates Essay Introduction Socrates was a philosopher from Athens. His moral and intellectual integrity is reflected in all aspects of his life. This is evident even in the face of betrayal and execution by his fellow Athenians. Socrates way of thinking and of life is presented in four well-known works....

The Crisis of Drug Addiction

Introduction Drug use is an act that has been seen among citizens, especially the youthful generation in many countries. It is a problem that is caused by a number of factors, among them being sociocultural factors, as well as the economic factors surrounding the drug users. Heavy use of drugs...

Dramatism Theory in Communication

Introduction Drama theory is a communication theory for analyzing human relationships and exploring the nature of motivation. The theory proposes to look at relationships as part of the non-materialistic nature and to use the sensual aspects of the personality as the primary tools for studying communication mechanisms. According to the...

Affirmative Action: Advantages and Disadvantages

The purpose of affirmative action is to equalize opportunities for people regarded as minorities or those who are denied positions based on their gender, race, religion, or any other form of discrimination. It provides particular preference to groups of people in areas like enrolment in education and employment to avail...

Social Learning and Gender Schema Theories

Social learning and gender schema theories study the origins of differences related to gender. They present various theoretical constructions, explaining how sex-related cognitive development and social behavior influence people’s understandings of gender roles and apply different terminology. However, social learning theory and gender schema theory also share similar features showing...

Professional Judgement and Decision-Making in Social Work

Decision making is one of the most important aspects of social work. It can affect not only one element in the life of a person but immediately have an effect on all its further course for a group of people or an individual. The article Professional judgment and decision-making in...

Summary of “The War for Kindness” Book by Jamil Zaki

Background The book “The war for kindness” (TWFK) is written by Jamil Zaki (2019), and the author uses stories, observations, and research findings to show how people turn to hate rather than empathy in their daily lives. Zaki (2019) defines empathy as “an umbrella term that describes multiple ways people...

Economic and Emotional Challenges Single Mothers Face

Abstract Single mothers who live in poverty deal with various mental health problems. Thus, they are more likely to suffer from stress, anxiety, depressions, and alcohol and drug abuse than single mothers who live in better economic conditions. Moreover, their children face mental challenges and have problems with behavior more...

The Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns” by Nicholas Kristof

In his New York Times Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns,” Nicholas Kristof (2014) addresses a pivotal social issue, which gun ownership, outcomes, and responsibility related to it. The author introduces his topic by drawing a similarity between fatalities induced by cars and those caused by guns. Kristof (2014) states...

Durkheim and Marx: The Division of Labor

The division of labor can be described as the process of separating tasks in an economic system so that individuals can specialize based on their specific competencies. The concept was popularized by Adam Smith when he noted that productivity increases when workers are divided and assigned different roles. Emile Durkheim...

Loe’s “Working at Bazooms”: Qualitative Sociological Analysis

Summarizing The article presents an investigation into the power of dynamics of the Bazoom Girls restaurant chain. In the beginning, the author gives the background of the research and implies how it was conducted. Then the article goes in-depth regarding the job powers, the gender roles, and the sexualization aspect...

Sustainable Development of the Community

Introduction Sustainability can be perceived as ensuring continuity by addressing human beings’ actions and needs in an environmentally friendly and socioeconomically stable manner. It involves the use of natural resources with future spawns in mind. The process addresses the community’s current and future concerns for long-term supportable development without necessarily...

The Poverty as an Ethical Issue

Introduction There have been arguments that politicians prefer their constituents to remain poor in order to manipulate them easily. Although an unfortunate explanation, one can argue that the premise is true due to the fact that vulnerable people are easily manipulated due to their desperation. They will literally do anything...

Women and Their Roles in the Family and Workplace

The modern society focuses on success and self-expression. Today’s world had become more tolerant to different cultures, nationalities, and gender roles shifting. There are many reasons why men and women are changing their social roles more often. It is promoted by changing in economics and structure of society. There is...

Age Discrimination in the Work Place

Abstract In the recent days the phenomenon of discrimination should be considered to be a peril of the employment. In this age of cultural diversity, economic development and modernization the age discrimination in labour market is a stigma to the corporate world. It is found in every corner of this...

“Simulacra and Simulation” by Jean Baudrillard

The due are terms known for their elusive depiction of the contemporary use of signs as symbols. For a long time, society has developed a tendency of conveying what ought to be a reality with signs as ways and arts of symbolism that make the whole thing become meaningless. Actually,...

Jules Ferry’s Speech on French Colonial Expansion

Jules Ferry, a politician of the early Third Republic, is famous for his strategy of secular education and the fruitful extension of France as a colonial empire. He served as the Prime Minister of France for two terms. At that time the French imperial expansion started. Although criticized, he had...

Female Beauty Definition

Introduction In any society, there was a specific attitude towards women and their beauty. Female beauty was a source of inspiration for poets, sometimes it was a reason for wars. There are many examples in history when women have used their beauty in achieving political goals. Nevertheless, the standard of...

Communities and Their Importance for a Person

Humans, by nature, are social creatures, which is very important in understanding human behavior and society. Unification into various groups has, for thousands of years, helped people in the process of survival. The notion and essence of communities, so widely used today, have constantly been changing, forming communities, states, and...

Matthew McConaughey’s 2014 Best Actor Acceptance Speech

Abstract The thesis aims to investigate verbal and nonverbal clues and how they influence individuals’ perceptions. The artifact chosen for the analysis is Matthew McConaughey’s 2014 Best Actor award speech for two reasons. First and foremost, Matthew McConaughey is one of the most charming and intriguing persons to watch and...

Teenage Pregnancy in Modern Society

The current problem of teenage pregnancy is associated with poverty, low levels of education, and substance use. This problem is marginalized, and young mothers suffer severe stigmatization and their children. It is essential to understand the causes and circumstances of teen pregnancy and how to make this problem even less...

Interpersonal Conflict and Worldview

Interpersonal conflict can be defined as the form of struggle that involves two or more people. This type of conflict differs from intrapersonal conflict, which only involves a struggle within yourself. Sometimes, intrapersonal conflict is called internal conflict, and it can be classified as mild or severe (Shen et al.)....

Socialization and Resocialization

Socialization as a process is the assimilation by an individual of socio-historical experience, culture, rules, norms of behavior, value orientations, and their transfer by society. The socialization of a person begins in the first years of life and ends during the period of civil maturity of a person (Jin et...

The Theme of “Female Agency” in Literature

Introduction Female agency refers to women’s capacity to ultimately effect change that has a ripple effect across society. This involves altering society’s opinion of a lady and constructing an image that previously did not exist (Timko & Maria, 2020). The concept of female agency is exemplified in three novels: Wieland,...

Self-Expression in the Modern Days

Everyone strives for self-expression because it is a source of positive emotions, inspiration, a desire to improve themselves, and a way to eliminate negative energy. One of the most effective ways of self-expression is creativity. A person devotes their time to what they like, for example, composing music or poetry,...

Sexuality and Sex Positivity

Introduction While sexual expression is a natural part of human beings, many still struggle to express themselves openly, not until the bedroom lights are low and the curtains are drawn. One primary reason is because of the rampant stigmas and taboos around sexuality and sex. Sexual positivity is an ideology...

The Machiavellianism Theory’s Application to Slavery

The discipline of social sciences is widely used to denote the way individuals behave within a society, differentiating the morally accepted behaviors that are mostly referred to as immoral. Those individuals occupying certain leadership positions are prone to being dictators and thus many of them would be vulnerable to leading...

Usage of Rhetorical Appeals in “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” as a response to a statement published in a newspaper by clergymen, accusing King’s peaceful resistance to racism in promoting violence. King was blamed for causing multiple disorders in the city, and being imprisoned he wrote a letter,...

Trends in Contemporary British Society

Introduction Contemporary British society is considered to be the result of major changes in the spheres of politics, economics and private issues of the population. To understand the modern situation and position of the society of the UK it is necessary to underline the basic changes experienced by the population...

The Role of Psychology in Othering of Disability

The distinction of people as those related to a dominating group and others has been a subject of an ongoing discussion of sociology and psychology. As the contemporary world becomes more inclusive in terms of eliminating discrimination, the discussion of othering as a concept becomes particularly relevant. This phenomenon exists...

Antigone and Creon’s Use of Rhetoric

Introduction Sophocles’ Antigone is one of the most famous plays in the world. This tragedy is a part of the three Theban plays that also include Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus. The drama under consideration focuses on the conflict between Antigone and Creon. This argument appears since the...

“Civilize Them With a Stick” Article by Dog and Erdoes

The topic of this week is education, and it includes an analysis of the history, purpose, formats, trends, and sociological perspectives on this subject. Dog and Erdoes’ (1999) article “Civilize them with a stick”, deals directly and theoretically with this week’s topic. This article concerns the research which Dog and...

Stages of Development Adulthood

Adults undergo several developmental stages including early, middle, and later adulthood. As they develop through these phases, they experience different health concerns and are forced to adjust to several changes in their bodies and personality (Bourisly, 2016). Some of the changes include how people relate and whom they relate to...

Socialization: Definition and Theories

Introduction Socialization serves as a kind of connecting bridge between two such dissimilar phenomena – personality and society. There is an extraordinary variety of theoretical approaches to socialization in social sciences, and each scientific school offers its approach. This paper analyzes the concepts of socialization and resocialization and particularly focuses...

The Behaviors of a Person in the Society

Introduction Macro-Level One of the social norms that were observed was greetings between different nations. It was observed while standing in a queue. An Arab man saw another Arab man who apparently was his friend. They had extended greetings that included kisses on the cheeks and holding their hands for...

Biometric System Modules: Implementation and Operation

Because ID theft occurs in 1 out of 20 individuals with an estimated 54 billion in fraud, biometrics is the future for security that should be implemented by businesses and the government to reduce Identity fraud. Biometrics addresses the recognition of people grounded on their genetic or behavioral traits. It...

Computer Ethics and Privacy

Introduction Currently, many people depend on computers to undertake their homework, create and store important information. It is consequently necessary that the information is accurately and safely kept. It is equally important to safeguard computers from the loss of data, abuse as well as other forms of manipulation. For instance,...

South African: Apartheid in South Africa and Other Themes

Apartheid in South Africa was a legal system of racial segregation that was implemented in between the year 1948 and 1994 by the National Party. In South Africa, racial discrimination started in the colonial times. New rules categorized residents into racial grouping (colored, black, Indian and white) and dwelling areas...

The Processes of Building Connection and Relationships

Introduction People are social creatures who require communication with others, and it has to be positive. For this purpose, a person needs to understand the processes of building connection and relationships, the feelings of others, and their perception of his or her personality. In this essay, examples of videos from...

Poverty from Functionalist and Rational Choice Perspectives

Within several contemporary perspectives and modern social topics, functionalism and rational choice theory were chosen together with their sociological approach to analyze the issue of poverty. The discussion is supported by Gans’ (1972) research on the positive functions of poverty and Luebker’s (2014) analysis of redistribution and poverty in terms...

Tim Kreider’s “The “Busy Trap”” Article Critique

Tim Kreider writes the article “The “Busy Trap”,” and it deals with modern people’s attitude towards life. The author stresses that people take up responsibilities to feel important rather than do particular tasks. Kreider also emphasizes that being too busy makes people less creative and productive, so it is necessary...

Persuasive Communicators in the Workplace and Life

Introduction Communication is an imperative aspect of humanity. Without communication, people cannot lock their potential for financial wealth, nor would they be able to develop loving relationships at home or professional relationships in the workplace. Interestingly, communication is an aspect of human behavior that many people fail to understand, notwithstanding...

Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” Speech Analysis

Sojourner Truth addresses the discrimination black women endured in the 1800s in her lecture Ain’t I a Woman. The speech became iconic because it influenced the movement for women’s suffrage at the time. This analysis of the speech will determine the literacy she employs. By incorporating literary devices such as...

Violence on TV: Impact on Children

In modern society, the media is one of the leading channels of socialization of children and adolescents that serves as an alternative to school and family. The impact of the media on the personal and intellectual development of the child, his or her psychological and mental health and emotional status...

Racism in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie”

Preconceptions based on racial origin are exceedingly unjust and hurtful because one cannot select their ethnicity. Hearing disparaging statements from strangers is different from suffering emotional disrespect from those closest to an individual. The pain of discrimination is portrayed within a blended background in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie.” The...

The Homelessness Issue in the World

Introduction Homelessness, which sometimes is known as houselessness, is a condition that is characterized by a lack of stable, safer and adequate housing. Homeless people live under trees, in the streets, and sometimes under bridges. Moreover, people who live in private boarding houses with no valid security of tenure and...

William James on “The Self” Paper

William James came up with a theory of self that is considered modern, if not post-modern. The Chapter X of “The Consciousness of Self,” James explains how self-treating is of great significance in its native complexity. The chapter unfolds by discussing the most common empirical sense of self. He begins...

Ethical and Unethical Behaviors

The scenario of the video focuses on the conflict of interest and proposes means to encourage moral behavior. The video provides plenty of examples that center around the conflicting incentives, which always leads to a poor outcome at some point (McCombs School of Business, 2019). Most vivid cases include episodes...

The Article “Blue-Collar Brilliance” by Mike Rose

Introduction In the article, Blue-Collar Brilliance, Mike Rose examines the assumptions about intelligence, vocation, and socioeconomic status. The author uses his family to illustrate how hard-working, intelligent people with skills that match those found in white-collar jobs. He stresses that the blue-collar workers are the unsung foot soldiers driving the...

Athena as an Important Symbol for Women

Introduction Mythology is one of the richest sources of knowledge left by ancient people. It contains information about all spheres of human activity, objects of worship, mysteries, and values peculiar to society at a certain period of time. Creating various gods and giving them superpowers, people tried to explain phenomena...

Managing Diversity Within Public Administration

Introduction In recent decades, there has been a meaningful change in the diversity composition within public administrations. The election of President Obama in 2008 showed that minorities can hold public office and have a tremendous impact. Factors such as globalization, immigration, biracial and interracial family unions demonstrate that demographics and...

Feminism: “Made in Patriarchy” Article by Buckley

Introduction The role of women in history, as well as in other aspects of life, cannot be neglected. People like to understand the worth of a feminist approach in different spheres of life, and in this paper, the evaluation of the article about women in design written by Cheryl Buckley...

Lawyer’s Social Class Position in Weber’s Views

Introduction This paper discusses how the social class position in the society is attained. The paper explains how a lawyer as a professional person attains a social class in the society. This is based on Weber’s attributes of social class and stratification that encompass power, prestige, and wealth. The paper...

Race and Gender Stereotypes in Literature

Introduction Literature is an avenue through which life experiences in society are portrayed from the perspective of the author. To achieve this reflection of encounters, the writer uses a number of stylistic features and techniques. Most of these literary devices are used to improve the quality of the message passed...

Courage vs. Recklessness: Morality and Ethics

Introduction Among the many moral virtues commonly appraised by humanity, some have contradictory meanings and imply controversial traits. In particular, the opposition of courage and recklessness has long been under discussion from the perspective of the similarities and differences between these two human characteristics. The rationale for selecting the topic...

Workplace Harassment and Retaliation

This paper discusses the topic of workplace harassment and its different aspects. In particular, the definition of harassment as a whole is discussed, pertaining to both employee and non-employee led harassment against individuals. Furthermore, particulars of verbal, physical, and online harassment are discussed. The paper aims at enhancing the awareness...

Perception, Equality, and Curiosity in Cross-Cultural Communication

Introduction Effective communication is significant when passing a message from one person to another and may be influenced by various factors. Culture plays a significant role in communication since it affects how people see things and communicate them. Consequently, people from different cultures may misinterpret each other’s communication. Perception, equality,...

Pronatalism in Functionalist and Conflict Theory Views

Introduction With the ever-changing social demographics around the globe, families are facing extinction. On the one hand, some want to continue parenthood, while on the other, people are opting not to have kids. Seccombe (2017) defines marriage as a legally recognized relationship consisting of economic, social, and sexual responsibilities between...

Self-Reflection and Moral Character

Introduction The ability and willingness to recognize and analyze one’s own thoughts, words, and actions have always been an indicator of a well-developed moral character in an individual. People call it self-reflection, whereas psychologists use the word “introspection” (Cherry). According to Cherry, “introspection is a process that involves looking inward...

Improving Intercultural Communication Skills

Intercultural communication is important in the modern world due to the close relations between countries and cultures and their influence on each other. However, not everyone has the skills and knowledge necessary for effective intercultural communication. These skills can be developed with the help of a person experienced in communication...

Gossip: The Issue of Interpersonal Communication

People are flawed creatures who are prone to be biased and rude, who could betray and lie remorselessly. One of the most complicated ethical problems that appear in any group of people working or studying together is gossip. From one point of view, harmless gossip might improve interpersonal relations between...

Characteristics of Feminism: Inequality in the Aging Experience

Introduction Feminism as a social movement that arose to achieve equal rights for women with men has affected not only the social sphere but also other areas. In particular, many supporters of feminism expressed their ideas in creativity, and the world literature knows many examples of works in which the...

Ethnographic Interview Project

Summary Unfortunately, many people are so busy with the daily activities that they forget about the value, experiences, and wisdom of older generations. Grandparents pass away, and their children and grandchildren never learn in detail what worried them in their youth, how their childhood went, and what was their sweetest...

Class in America by Gregory Mantsios: Source Text Interpretation

In his article Class in America, Gregory Mantsios raises the acute question of a person’s social success dependence on class in modern America. Although the division into social classes is very arbitrary, nevertheless, in reality, there is a significant stratification of the U.S. population into various class categories. There are...

“What Is Poverty” by Dalrymple

Theodore Dalrymple is a critic and psychiatrist who has written articles on various controversial topics. In one of his many essays, What Is Poverty, which was published in 1999, he argues about the definition of poor. The author states that the perception of poverty has changed in recent years; however,...

The Animal Testing Problem

Introduction The animal testing problem raises the question of whether it is ethical and necessary. It has been done for years by scientists and physicians. From testing cosmetics to biomedical studies, they claim that animal testing provides people with opportunities to save lives or satisfy their needs for specific products....

The Beauty Pageant Industry From the Liberal and Marxist Feminist Perspectives

Introduction The beauty pageant industry roots back to the 19th century, but the origins of such a practice can be found much earlier. Greek mythology often revolved around women’s beauty, an example of that is the legend about Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, whose fairness was judged by Paris (“Beauty pageant...

Psychology Behind the Movie “Trading Places” by Landis

Introduction The psychological trends of society are usually described with the help of various concepts and theories. However, other sources reflect the situation, and they are related to literary works and movies. From this perspective, any work created to demonstrate the societal life correlates with psychological theories, and the movie...

“A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf

The work A Room of One’s Own vividly portrays hardship and inequalities faced by many women during the 19th century. Virginia Woolf A Room of One’s Own rests squarely on the distinction: one must have the means of 500 and a room of one’s own, she says more than once,...

Impact of Influencers on American Society

Social media life has become a vivid and an essential part of everyday experience. Many people have their accounts on several networks and platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, to name a few. This stream has produced people who make their social media activity to be their occupation and main...

Douglass’ Rhetorical Strategy: Biblical Allusions

Introduction Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas published in 1845 is a classical autobiographical piece. In the book, Douglas described multiple injustices that American slaves faced on a regular basis and provided arguments against the practice of slavery. He extensively utilized Biblical references and allusions to support his messages....

Urban Sociology in an Urbanized Society

Sociology Essays What is meant by the concept of multinucleated metropolitan regions and how is it different from urban development of the past? Explain the socio-spatial approach to urban Sociology and the links with global capitalism, the real estate industry, government policies, pull factors, the social organization of settlement space,...

Physiological Psychology as a Branch of Psychology

Introduction Psychology is relatively one of the oldest disciplines that have ever been studied by mankind. It strives to understand the behavior patterns exhibited by human beings and their relationships with various mental processes (Wundt, 2005). Due to the broadness of the subject, it has been subdivided into numerous branches...

Bullying in Schools: Addressing and Preventing

Introduction Bullying in schools is a complex and difficult topic, which, however, requires addressing as a sensitive issue affecting not only children but also adults. Bullying is targeted, first of all, at those who cannot fight back, who are physically weaker or who do not fit into the general system....

“Why It Worked” by Clark: An Article Analysis

The article “Why It Worked: A Rhetorical Analysis of Obama’s Speech on Race” touches upon Barack Obama’s March 18 speech on race, focusing on the rhetorical strategies employed by the former president. The author emphasizes that the speech is more powerful in its audio format rather than in the script....

Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?

Bad things refer to anything ethically unacceptable in society due to already set norms or believers. In this regard, it is important to realize that what is deemed wrong in one society can be ratified by another depending on the social agreement. We are all born with an innate quality...

An Analysis of Updike’s “A&P” From a Feminist Perspective

“A&P” is a short story written by John Updike in 1961. It narrates one episode from the life of the “A&P” grocery store. Sammy, a 19-year-old cashier clerk, notices three girls who enter the store wearing “nothing but bathing suits” (Updike 140). The girls walk along the aisles, drawing other...

At the Midst of Chaos There Is Always Opportunity

In chaos, there is opportunity; a chance to rebuild the broken pieces and to find oneself in a better situation once the circumstances become calmer. Most individuals encounter chaos on a regular basis since its unexpected nature makes it nearly hard to escape totally. Some are faced with the existence...

An Ideal Society: Justice, Peace, and Security

Summary The concept of an ideal society has been extensively discussed, for it is every man’s dream. The subject, however, lacks a perfect explanation, and there exist numerous perceptions from various individuals in the modern world. In this article, I present my model of an ideal society which possesses key...

Challenges Facing Science in Modern Society

Science is an area that has faced a lot of controversy in modern society. Science is worth understanding and pursuing as it involves evidence and intensive research and findings. Basic knowledge of distribution, production, and processing borrows the knowledge of science heavily. Most people view science as a complicated issue,...

Social Behavior Comparison

Social behavior is defined as conduct between two or more creatures of the same type, and it includes any activity in which one component influences the other. This is because those members interact with one another. Consequently, social behavior emerges as a result of a two-way engagement between the organism...

Discussion of Meaning of Visual Aids

Introduction Visual aids are things that are of a visual form and used on top of spoken information. These help many to understand the world through reading images. They help to enhance presentations by improving the understanding of listeners on a particular topic, making an impact and creating enthusiasm. Its...

The Legalization of Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana policy changes over the last few decades across many states point to greater societal awareness of this drug’s decriminalization process and medical use. However, despite the intentions to create a solid understanding of legalization, there are still many factors driving the prohibitionist approach to the cannabis issue, at...

Overcoming the Stigma of Addiction

Addiction is a disease that is recognized as a major public health concern but is generally regarded by society as the result of an individual’s personal choice or a moral failure. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of drug overdoses has significantly increased (Mendell). Having responded to...

Speech Defending the Construction of Bicycle Lanes

Introduction City officials should be convinced of the necessity of building bicycle lanes and other facilities like bicycle parking and rental. An immediate solution is required, because, even though the bicycle is an eco-friendly and convenient transport, there are few bicycle routes in the area, and cyclists often endanger their...

Pros and Cons of Selective Attention and Multitasking

Introduction Selective attention and multitasking play a critical role in people’s daily lives. Divided attention is a technique of selecting certain stimuli to process while ignoring the perceived distracting parts. On the other hand, multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task at a given time. The technique...

Protestant Work Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

Introduction Protestant work ethic In the realms of religious philosophy that governs motivations for wealth creation and distribution, is Protestant Work Ethic or otherwise termed as Puritan Work Ethic which stemmed from ancient classical doctrines from Catholicism. Conventionally, the mainstream church doctrines promoted good works; business with ethics and avoiding...

Physical Punishment for Children

Introduction This paper summarizes the systematic learning about the different aspects in regard to aggression and violence towards children. Physical assault as a means of punishment to children in the family and in other circumstances is now looked down as being a practice that is very harmful for the long-term...

Dangers of Being Judgmental

Introduction It is the nature of a human being to judge a person based on the impression they develop of them over a given period. When an individual classifies another as being good or bad, they may not necessarily be judgmental. According to Burns, one only passes the test of...

Online Bullying Takes Over the World

In the context of a rapidly and highly digitized global environment, online bullying, otherwise known as cyberbullying, has become a prevalent issue. Using electronic means and online platforms to engage in harassment often under cover of anonymity, the problem is especially affecting younger populations. Cyberbullying can have significant consequences on...

The Art of Negotiation and Suicide Prevention

Introduction Longing for problem resolution is normal for all spheres of life. Negotiation is a tool for non-violent conflict settlement. The term “negotiation” is mostly used concerning business or politics, but its application is not limited to these spheres. Thus, crisis negotiation is considered to be one of the most...

“If Poor Get Richer, Does World See Progress?” by Knickerbocker

Brad Knickerbocker in the article “If poor get richer, does world see progress?” dwells upon the problem of poverty in the world. The author expresses several ideas related to the increase of the richer population having related it to the higher number of customers. Brad Knickerbocker expresses personal concern about...

Multiculturalism as a Threat to Gender Equality

Introduction: Women’s Rights in the XXI Century. An Overview Gender equality has always been an issue within any society. Whether the problem can be openly discussed as it is in the present-day society, or silenced, as it was before the feminist movement was born, it persists and managed to invade...

Personal Isolation and Technology in Communication

Introduction Certainly, advanced technology has brought enhanced power and strength to communicate effectively and faster and has provided an instant and easier way to contact and interact with families and friends. Web application or Internet has become the most significant tool for our day-to-day activities since it serves as a...

Characteristics of Social Awareness

Introduction The phenomenon of social awareness addressed the importance of acknowledging the fact that every human, being a part of society, bears the responsibility to meaningfully interact with others in order not to cause harm. Life coaches, whose primary task is to help clients to move on with their life...

Social Inequality, Discrimination, and Solution

Social Inequality Perpetuates Racism Social inequality is one of the primary drivers of racial discrimination. At the micro-level, unequal distribution of wealth contributes to racial segregation in housing, education, employment, and medical care (Hanks, Solomon & Weller, 2018). African Americans have relatively lower income levels than non-Hispanic Whites (Assari, 2018)....

The Protestors Cartoon by Clay Bennett: Visual Analysis

Introduction The analysis of acute social, political, and other topics through the assessment of current media resources can allow considering a specific issue from a new perspective. The cartoon by Clay Bennett, a famous columnist and cartoonist, will be used as the object of analysis (Figure 1). This image is...

Person With an Addiction: Mr. Smith Case Study

Introduction Addiction is a term that refers to the area of practice that embraces the interests of the individuals who handle alcohol, cocaine, other drugs and gambling-associated predicaments. In addition, addiction refers to a general reference of a certain form of behavioral problem pattern or predicaments encountered. In this case,...

Substance Abuse Prevention in Adolescence

Each year, at an alarming rate, social developments affect people individually as well as families, groups, cities, or nations. Adolescents give in to substance abuse to acclimatize to the pressure emanating from social reforms. Ideally, the stage at which adolescents are supposed to concentrate on their studies and engage in...

The Importance of Job Satisfaction

Introduction Work pleasure is a necessity in every work place. More experienced employees are said to be more satisfied with their work than the junior ones. According to Levy (2009 p. 112), job evaluation is important for every worker as it enables one to choose the job that most satisfies...

Japanese vs. American Male Gender Roles

Being a comparatively isolated island country of Asia, Japan has been finely sheltered from external incursions. Even though its past includes a few domestic conflicts, the populace of Japan has by and large preserved and benefited from a nonviolent country for more than two thousand years. The populace of Japan...

The Empowered Woman and the Skirt

Topic Introduction and Thesis Although the fashion industry is often viewed as a rather superfluous area, the clothes that people approve for wearing in public can be considered as a direct representation of societal attitudes and philosophies. The specified phenomenon becomes especially clear when considering as simple an item of...

Sociological Imagination Theory

Sociological Imagination and Its Importance The sociological imagination is a theory that links the behavior of an individual at the micro level to the society in which he/she lives, at the macro level. The concept was introduced by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 and was defined as...

Renton’s Addiction in the “Trainspotting” Movie

Introduction Drug addiction remains one of the major problems that affect modern-day youths. According to Perfas (2003), youths never realize that they are getting addicted until such a time when it is too late to fight the addiction. In most of the cases, they get into drugs to get accepted...

The Significance of Work in Sociological Theory

The concept of work has drawn attention of many scholars over the years who are trying to determine its relevance in the society. Although many scholars have been analyzing work from the works of early scholars such as Max Weber, many prominent people had analyzed this concept several hundreds of...

Oppression as a Social Problem

The uniqueness of every human being, which is evident when he/she compares himself/herself with other people, makes him/her stand an excellent chance to understand the various things that make him or her different from others. Such exclusivity also exists between identical twins (Considine, 2010, p. 286). Despite the differences, biological,...

Communication Differences Between Men and Women

The purpose of the paper is to indicate the differences between male and female communication styles. The results showed that men seem to have more initiative in their language use, whereas women seem more relationship-oriented. They also tend to smile less than the women, and women use much more euphemisms,...

Social Stratification and Inequality

Every society has categories and classes that determine how people live. Social stratification is a term that describes the social standing system. Factors like race, money, power, and education form the social status that people see, which differs one group of people from others. Even though countries mostly do not...

Drug and Substance Abuse: Sociological Causes and Explanations

Drug and substance abuse refers to the use of drugs for functions other than the intended purposes. It is normal to think that drug and substance abuse affects only consumers; however, it also affects various aspects of the society. For example, substance abusers harm themselves, their families, and communities by...

Importance of Social Forces in Life Course

Introduction The human as a social being cannot live outside of society and those norms and values ​​that shape interpersonal relationships. Various factors related to personal demographic and other characteristics largely determine the status of an individual, his or her behavior, as well as attitudes on the part of other...

Importance of Crisis Communication

A crisis is any situation that affects the smooth operation of an organization or its reputation. All organizations need to have a plan in the event of an emergency that may affect the organization. Organizations, therefore, should put a team in place to anticipate a crisis and act on the...

Social Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Social conflicts play a significant role in the structure of society and have a decisive effect on all spheres of life of an individual and society as a whole. Achievements of scientific and technological progress, primarily the development and globalization of communication systems, turn the world into a single complex...

Diversity and Identity in Global Environment

Diversity and identity are usually placed together, and diversity is the existence of variances in thought, behavior, identity, origin, and lifestyle. The portrayal of identities over a range is regarded as diversity. On the other hand, defining our identity is commonly how we characterize ourselves in terms of age, sex,...

Researching: Keeping Domestic Animals

Introduction A pet refers to any animal kept by people as a source of pleasure and companionship. Although most individuals believe that keeping animals such as horses, cats, and dogs gives them happiness, the animals enjoy living with families as well (McConnell et al., 2019). The breeding of these animals...

A Review of “Understanding Intercultural Communication”

Introduction Today, hundreds of unique cultures exist on the planet, and they are espoused by millions of people who promote and develop them further. Thus, cultural diversity is an essential part of the modern world which constitutes a challenge for those who have chosen to fulfill the Great Commission. In...