How Twitter Uses Google Analytics for Marketing Success

The selected company is Twitter, which is a social networking platform that was launched in 2006 (“About,” 2019). The venue currently boasts of over 100 million active users posting at least 340 tweets every day (“About,” 2019). The success of the platform has been pinned on several factors. For example, Lakhiwal and Kar (2016) explain that it enhanced the use of fast communication through hashtags.

The concept of the hashtag was developed for the platform to ensure that messages reached a large number of people at the same time and in the fastest way possible (Aswani, Kar & Vigneswara, 2018). Additionally, the innovation highly targeted people interested in a specific hashtag, only making it an effective marketing tool. A second factor that has been associated with the success of Twitter is the use of Google Analytics for marketing purposes. This essay highlights findings of an investigation on how Twitter has incorporated Google Analytics in the social platform.

One interesting finding of how Twitter uses Google Analytics is that the Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking Code is mandatory for websites that are linked to Twitter. Due to the large number of users, Twitter has been widely used for marketing purposes that tend to drive traffic to websites and webshops. This connection can only be made possible with the installation of the mentioned Google Analytics Asynchronous Tracking Code. Lakhiwal and Kar (2016) note that the code is often changed in order to keep up with new advances in the marketing field. This necessitates a need for companies that use Twitter for marketing to also keep updating their codes.

Tied to this is the fact that Twitter for business heavily relies on Google Analytics to make the correct assumptions in regards to advertising. Aswani, Kar, and Vigneswara (2018) argue that Google Analytics works by combining individual browsing history and interests to come up with the ideal marketing messages and advertisements. The incorporation of the same on Twitter allows the platform to rightfully predict the right notes to reach the correct user. Aswani, Kar, Vigneswara, and Dwivedi (2018) confirm that the reliability of the hashtag as a marketing tool on the platform has further enhanced the use of Google Analytics on Twitter.

Additionally, the platform has incorporated Google Analytics into the dashboards, which are found in the profiles section of user accounts. These dashboards highlight different things such as activities, the most prominent tweet, and new followers.

Notably, the dashboards are helpful in the identification of crucial data, which is organized by level of prominence. For marketers, this is a critical way of making fast decisions regarding their strategies. The Google Analytics tab on the platform also allows users to track down all their activities online. At an individual level, such information can be used to change the type of advertising and marketing products received online.

Weber (2015) emphasizes that the use of Google Analytics on Twitter is enhanced by search engine optimization. Indeed, a search for a product or service will likely also bring up the involved company’s Twitter handle. However, this can only be done intentionally through the application of SEO.

In conclusion, Google Analytics has become an essential part of digital advertising and marketing. Twitter has taken advantage of the necessity of this online tool to capture marketers and advertisers around the world. The social platform has incorporated Google Analytics into their Twitter for business comprehensively. Additionally, the ease of use for users through the Twitter dashboard makes it more appealing.


About. (2019). Web.

Aswani, R., Kar, A.K., & Vigneswara, I. (2018). Detection of Spammers in Twitter marketing: A hybrid approach using social media analytics and bio-inspired computing. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(3), 515-530.

Aswani, R., Kar, A.K., Vigneswara, I., & Dwivedi, K. Y. (2018). Search engine marketing is not all gold: Insights from Twitter and SEOClerks. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), 107-116.

Lakhiwal A., & Kar A. K. (2016). Insights from Twitter analytics: Modeling social media personality dimensions and impact of breakthrough events. In Y. Dwivedi et al. (Eds), Social Media: The good, the bad, and the ugly (pp. 533-544). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Weber J. (2015). Basic Google Analytics measurement. In J. Weber, Practical Google Analytics and Google tag manager for developers (pp. 11-14). Berkeley, CA: Apress.

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