Family Practitioner’s Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography Medicine has been my profession since my early age. I graduated from Medical Science University of Cuba, as in General Medicine 24 years ago, but my specialty has always been Internal Medicine. In 2008 I came to this country looking for new opportunities to continue contributing my knowledge...

Fitness Workout Structure for Women

Phase of Warm-Up Picture of Activity Type of Activity Reps; Hold Duration; Intensity; Total Time Purpose; Rationale P1- Core Temp Raise Skipping 1 min Preparing the body for exercise. As the body temperature increases, a person loosens joints and improves blood flow to muscles. P1 –Core Temp Raise Jumping Jacks...

Medical Anthropology: Culture and Medicine

Introduction Anthropologists have demonstrated that all human cultures embrace a system of beliefs relating to the maintenance of health and illness causation, and concomitant therapeutic and preventive practices relating to these beliefs. In fact, most cultures have numerous and diverse therapeutic options. In this medical plurality, which option or options...

Utilitarianism in the Ebola Controversy of 2014

The greatest thinkers have made numerous attempts to give comprehensive definitions to the terms “good” and “bad.” In their works on moral principles and the essence of proper actions, John Mill and Jeremy Bentham defend the ideas of classical utilitarianism and focus on outcomes as the measure of appropriateness. This...

Reconciliation, Australian Aborigines, and Social Justice

Introduction Attaining national unity among citizens of a country is a very noble issue although it may prove difficult to achieve. Divisions among citizens are normally a result of factors such as tribalism, racism, corruption, social injustice. With such kinds of prevailing issues, it may be impossible for a country...

The Old and the New Economy Characteristics

Introduction The old and the new economies have different meanings to different people. The old economy can be defined as the form of economy aimed at mass production of products and consumption of the same by people. It was represented by big and well-established companies. The new economy on the...

Child Endangerment Policy: Overview

Introduction Generally, child endangerment can present in four different forms, namely emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse. To begin with, physical abuse entails spanking a child using improper objects such as a paddle or a belt; intense pinching that leaves a mark; burning a child, for instance using...

The Lady with the Pet Dog: Comparison of Settings between Chekhov and Oates

Short stories are a valuable form of literature, as they reveal their authors’ ability to transmit powerful messages and topical themes through a concise medium. This paper addresses the works by Anton Chekhov and Joyce Carol Oates. These authors are divided by a half-century of artistic evolution with a profound...

Generational Disagreements & Fake News

Introduction Considerable attention has been paid to such a phenomenon as fake news relatively recently. This issue was popularized during the elections in 2016 when even politicians everywhere began to draw the attention of voters to such news feeds (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017). The problem of hoaxes or misleading in...

Business Ethics: The Case Study

Executive Summary The discussion focuses on the moral dilemma of staying or leaving an environmentally unfriendly company. It was found that Kant’s categorical imperative and ACS Code of Ethics imply that the former option is ethical. The decision-making model of Beemsterboer and Velasquez identified seven steps to come up with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Restorative Justice in Preventing Juvenile Recidivism

Introduction The American criminal justice system (CJS) is retribution-oriented and is defined by its overreliance on punishing offenders, with imprisonment as the primary mechanism of sanctioning criminals. The sentencing philosophy drove the justice policy to its most punishing point and resulted in the country becoming the global leader in the...

Fentanyl Overdose: Dangers and Solutions

Introduction People have been overdosing on the powerful opioid Fentanyl recently. Finding practical answers requires understanding the issue and how it presents itself within the community. All facets of the criminal justice system should be included in the solutions. It might be useful to look at solutions from different jurisdictions....

The Impact of Popular Culture on Body Image

Introduction Body image has historically referred to the overlap between the objective form of the human body and its subjective perception in society, culture, and, frequently, the arts. It is a notion that represents a person’s overall attitudes toward their body, including both outwardly expressed sentiments and internalized attitudes. Body...

New York and California Immigration Policies Comparison

Immigration policy is the regulations and statutes governing are allowed to enter a country, including determinations of citizenship and visa issuance. New York and California have taken different approaches to the immigration, while both states have some of the most liberal policies in the nation. There are also key differences...

Hurricane Katrina and the US Emergency Management

Hurricane Katrina was a storm that struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005, and that caused massive damages that affected the social and economic lifestyles of the affected areas extensively. Government statistics indicate that the Hurricane caused more than 1,836 deaths, displacement of hundreds of thousands of...

Emirates Airlines: Story of Success and Failure

Introduction Emirates Airlines is one of the largest airline companies in the world. Operating highly advanced Airbus A380 carriers as well as Boeing 777 models, it possesses the most modernized commercial air fleet in the world (Alcacer and Clayton). The total number of planes owned and operated by Emirates Airlines...

Labor Relations Systems Questions

Distributive and interrogative bargain The Interrogative Approach is a system where agreements satisfy the interests of both parties. It aims at creating options that are good enough to serve both parties to their satisfaction. It involves brainstorming that leads to the discovery of common grounds and mutual benefits. On the...

From a Villain to a Victim and Back: Othello and Iago

Introduction: Among Villains and Victims Of all the complex and thought-provoking Shakespearean plays, Othello must be the most complicated and enticing one. Offering a plethora of three-dimensional characters and developing an intriguing plot, the play conveys the author’s idea of the battle between good and evil and offers specific, unclichéd...

Business Model Development: Vegan Subscription Box

Nowadays, many people make purchases through the Internet, and according to Chen et al. (2018), nearly 15% of online shoppers are subscribed to receive certain products regularly. The subscription e-commerce market “has grown by more than 100 percent a year over the past five years” and allowed retailers generate billions...

Relationship Between Social Location and Health Status

Introduction A person’s social circumstance significantly impacts their emotional and physical health. This conclusion is derived from many sociological researchers and theorists who have long studied the general health status of individuals and factions of society from a social perspective. Exploring the psychosocial mechanisms that link social location and health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Does School Teach Children to Think?

It is said that thinking is a skill. It is learned and developed but is mostly just taken for granted especially when it comes to children (Zonnios, 2007). Children are activated in their thinking based on what they see the adults in their lives do. Definitely, thinking is a tool...

United States History Significance

The USA’s history is rich in significant events being discussed in current media. The Article “A Civil Rights Victory Party on the Mall” published in the New York Times is devoted to a brief historical overview of race matters to memory the contribution of civil rights pioneers. The article discloses...

Youth as a Social Class and Phenomenon Review

The given selection of the articles has been chosen based on two criteria: they deal with the youth and they explain different aspects and issues connected with media education. There is no denying the fact, that technological progress and the changes in political, economic and cultural spheres of society affect...

Jonathan Edwards and His Ethical Reasoning

Introduction Among those who have played an important role in the development of American thought in the XVIII century we should mention Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). The man, who removed far from social and political storms era (he died too early to participate in debates on national self-determination), he finished his...

HRM Importance for a New Healthcare Organization

Introduction As in any other sector, healthcare significantly depends on the people who constitute the team within an organization. The competency of the professionals within every branch of the facility’s operations ultimately defines the quality of medical services delivered by the hospital. Therefore, the more qualified, educated, and experienced specialists...

“The Overstory”: Analysis of the Characters

Eco-activism is a popular and necessary direction in society’s life when industry and people destroy nature. Richard Powers’ novel The Overstory is a gripping story about people who care about nature, precisely trees. All characters have their reasons to fight against the felling of trees, but they unite with a...

Sodium Borohydride Reduction of 2, 6-Dimethylcyclohexanone

Introduction The aim of this experiment was to prepare a stereoisomeric mixture of secondary alcohols from the reaction of cis and trans 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone with sodium borohydride. 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone is a mixture of cis and trans isomers each containing a ketone functional group. The cis:trans ratio of 2,6-dimethylcyclohexanone used in...

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing research gained momentum within the last half of the 20th century. Currently, there is too much emphasis on evidence-based practice; hence, nursing research is imperative. Research can either be quantitative or qualitative, but critics of qualitative research associate it with epistemological issues. This paper aims at reviewing one part...

Comparing and Contrasting Sheryl Crow and Hootie and the Blowfish

No matter what genres are used to express an artistic intent, at its core, all music seems to appeal to the same emotions and experiences. Therefore, the artists that could seem barely comparable at first appear to have a lot in common at second glance, as the overview of music...

The Fourth Wave of Terrorism and Religion

Introduction The diverse religious ethnicities and the prehistoric societies have primeval ancestry evidence in a terror campaign. In fact, the French Revolution of fiscal 1789 brought about the recent expansion of terrorism notion. The discrete epoch of aggression accruing due to terrorism washed over the global arena each with its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Middle Range Nursing Theories

Introduction Nursing theories describe the nursing profession and provide a basis for distinguishing it from other disciplines. Nursing seeks to establish itself as a composition of a scientific knowledge base that enables it to increase its healthcare practice visibility. These theories guide the care provision in the professional practice, and...

Balanced Scorecards, Their Types and Functions

Introduction Balanced scorecards are tactic performance management tools that help administrators track how employees execute their duties and monitor the consequences of the workers’ activities. According to Giau (2018), administrators use balanced scorecards to supervise how firms implement both strategies and operational activities. Sometimes, people use balanced scorecards in tracking...

Gender Inequality in Social Inequality

The problem of gender inequality is one of the most acute problems today. Gender discrimination exists, just as there are people who are not ready to cope with the current state of affairs. To protect women from violence, improve their position in society, and place in marriage, a large number...

The Problems of Substance Abuse in Homeless Veterans

The problem of homelessness often affects the most vulnerable segments of society, among them veterans. This group also experiences significant issues concerning excessive alcohol consumption and drug addiction, which entail detrimental consequences for their health and ability to return to everyday life. Several researchers have studied substance abuse among homeless...

The Scottsboro Boys and the Central Park Five Cases

Race has always been one of the most controversial issues in the United States. All types of racism and slavery shaped how Americans operated in American society. Extremely high levels of unawareness and ignorance led to the unintended utterance of racist remarks that opened the door to racial discrimination. Violent...

Othello and Paradise Lost Literary Analysis

Love gives me the power and strength to face anythingthe. This was probably the quote Desdemona stood by as she faced her father’s wrath, and her husband’s maltreatments, but in the end, love was also the one which led her to her demise. Desdemona left her father, without his knowing,...

Electronic Health Records in Urinary Infections Control

Introduction There is an enhanced need for healthcare coupled with nurse staff shortages leads to poor documentation and maintenance of patient health records. In recent years, several hospitals have implemented electronic health records (EHRs) as a part of quality improvement efforts to enhance care quality (Rojas & Seckman, 2014). The...

Piaget’s vs. Vygotsky’s Cognitive Development Theories

Are you about to write a Vygotsky vs. Piaget essay? Then, check out our essay sample to get some ideas and inspiration! Here, you’ll find differences and similarities between Piaget vs. Vygotsky cognitive development theories.  Abstract Numerous theories explain the process of cognitive development from childhood to adulthood. However, the...

Risk Management Model and Disaster Recovery Plan

The meaning of risk to an organization When evaluating the risks based on the criterion of their origins, political and economic risks can be distinguished. Political risks are defined by the situations in the political environment influencing operation activities. For instance, the high level of corruption or autocratic forms of...

The Issue of Obesity in Youth in the U.S.

Childhood obesity is a serious public health problem in the US that is associated with significant health complications, including elevated cardiovascular risk, pediatric hypertension, and diabetes. Since children spend most of their daytime at school, school food programs are touted as effective interventions for reversing this epidemic. In this section,...

Passage from “Mundus et Infans” Morality Play

The passage chosen for the textual analysis in this assignment is the one from Mundus et Infans. This play is one of the brightest examples of the Medieval morality plays (Lester 2002). The drama doctrine of this period is characterised by the ability not only to depict the heroes with...

Death from Christian and Buddist Perspectives

Introduction Healthcare providers should possess culturally competent skills in order to support the diverse health needs of persons from diverse backgrounds. Patients from different faiths and religious affiliations will tend to possess specific values (Meehan, 2012). That being the case, caregivers should acknowledge this diversity and provide adequate care based...

Nursing Career Choice and Refusal

Background and Article Introduction Being a nurse might seem a fairly simple task, yet numerous roles and responsibilities that one must assume require not only high proficiency levels but also impressive emotional resilience and the ability to handle considerable stress. In their study, Eley, Eley, and Rogers-Clark (2010) explore the...

Cormac McCarthy’s The Road: Essay Example

The Road Essay Introduction The Road is a chef-d’oeuvre novel by Cormac McCarthy talking about the dangers of human activities to the environment. The main characters are an unnamed boy and his father as they walk on a long road looking for food and shelter after an apocalyptic event has...

Human Factors in Car Development and Production

Abstract Addressing the issue of the human factor in producing and developing cars is crucial. Since the quality of a vehicle defines the safety of its owner, it is essential to ensure the absence of errors during the development and production processes. For this purpose, an in-depth overview and analysis...

Middle Child Syndrome: Impact on Personality

US psychologist Alfred Adler developed a theory that linked a child’s personality to its order of birth. Adler’s theory postulates that a middle child in the family may feel squeezed out of a position of privilege and significance. It may even be tempered and have a take it or leave...

Christian Foundations and Cultural Engagement

All human beings live with a certain set of beliefs or beliefs and the belief, which shows reality and creates a meaning to our view, is a worldview. It is a belief about what is fundamental in our lives and in our relationship towards the others in our society and...

Drug Abuse in Homeless Community

Homelessness is one of the most critical issues aroused in the United States of America. The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being. Mosites et al. claim that The year 2017 became a turning point in the USA’s history because the...

Financial Planning: You Cannot Plan Looking Back

Introduction I support the statement “you cannot plan to look back”. When one plans for a business or self after retirement, it is all aimed to look forward without ever looking back. The focus is on advancement and preparation for future encounters, especially in the dynamic business world. Economics and...

Patient Identification Errors. National Quality Strategy

Patient identification is regarded as an essential process in healthcare facilities, directed at ensuring the correspondence between patients and respective medical procedures via accurate communication of patients’ information. Patient identification errors (PIEs) can result in significant physical and mental harm and additional care cost, thereby complicating the treatment and nursing...

“How I Met My Husband” Narrative by Alice Munro

Introduction How I Met My Husband is a short story by Alice Munro published in her collection Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You in 1974. The short story was written to show various contemporary issues that happen in marriage, relationships, and common points of interaction such as work (Kumar...

An Overall Wellness Improvement Plan for Officers

Introduction A soldier’s job is demanding and stressful and is associated with higher mental and physical health risks than many other occupations. Multiple studies have demonstrated that when law enforcement officers’ health issues are neglected, their decision-making abilities, job performance, and general effectiveness are severely impaired. From this perspective, an...

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

Summary The purpose of this work is to give an idea of ​​the main aspects that ensure the economic stability of PepsiCo. The impact of globalization and industrial progress is considered in relation to the activities of PepsiCo. Evaluation models will be applied: industrial organization and resource-based, each of which...

Philosophy: The Nature of Knowledge and Reality

Philosophy is a science that studies the most profound aspects of knowledge, reality, and understanding. The scholarship seeks to acquire significantly finite elements regarding reason, existence, values, and knowledge. As per philosophy, a truth in one perspective can become an opinion when viewed differently. The absence of a standard view...

Philosophical Views of Confucius vs. Seneca

Introduction Human beings have formulated moral principles that guide their actions and the manner in which they relate to each other. Confucius was an ancient Chinese thinker who acknowledges that the presence of a gentleman among barbarians helps them overcome their uncouthness. Seneca believes that a virtuous life is only...

Social Identity Theory and Social Learning Theory

Introduction Formation of one’s sense of self is an individual and a societal process. The cognitive maturation that occurs throughout adolescence is widely believed to be the time when a person’s sense of self is shaped by their experiences with various identities and the role models they see. Many theories...

Tidal Power’s Impact on Atlantic Canadians

Introduction Energy use created from the movement of tides is an interesting and promising renewable energy source that has attracted attention from industry experts in recent years. Atlantic Canada is home to the highest tides globally; therefore, tidal power exploration in the region should be considered a viable method of...

Concept of Geriatric Dehydration

Abstract Dehydration is a common health care problem in geriatric patients. The complexity of socio-medical problems and the interaction of risk factors add to the problem. An understanding of the problem volume, pathophysiology, and diagnosis, should enable the geriatric nurse to design and implement an individualized intervention plan. The aim...

Bally Total Fitness: Promotion Strategy

One of the strategies was to see members attending the training/fitness lessons for more than 100 times a year.There were growing desire by the Americans to join health clubs in the country. There are many factors, which have gone to contribute to the need by people to join the fitness...

Inguinal Hernia: Medical History

Patient’s Information Age: 50 years. Sex: Male. Subjective Chief Complaint “Pain in the left groin radiating to testicles after moving a refrigerator 6 hours ago. The pain is severe, constant, and feels like something is tearing inside.” History of the Present Illness Mr. Baldwin experienced a sudden severe pain in...

The United States of America: Recession and Economic Stimulus

Introduction This research paper will begin by defining recession in the context of macroeconomic and thus leading to the analysis of consumption, investment, savings, and balance of payment of the United States of America. Factors that led to recession will also be examined against the situation on the ground. A...

The Miami Community Needs

Overview Description of the Community History The city of Miami was founded in 1870; previously, this area was inhabited by the Tequesta Indians who, however, were almost completely exterminated by Spanish and British missions. At the end of the 19th century, Florida’s railroad was extended so that it could reach...

Teacher Merit-Pay System: Critique of Florida Case

The scene in the political cartoon shows a representation of the current state legislature in the form of a fat, geeky-looking individual with a receding hairline and glasses offering an apple core to what appears to be a woman representing the entirety of the teaching profession. There are three distinct...

Gender Differences in Mate Selection

Abstract I have studied gender differences in mate selection from advertisements from the personals columns of the newspaper. They contain advertisements of ‘men seeking women’ and ‘women seeking men’ adverts. In this case, questionnaires were used as a method of data collection in the field. I generated and created random...

Classroom Observation: Children with IEPs

Classroom Description and Observation Focus The object of my observation was a self-contained classroom-based on 8 boys and 1 girl mixed with grades 3rd,4th, and 5th graders. The class included 8 boys and 1 girl; all the students are taught based on the Individualized Education Program (IEP). The ground for...

The Estee Lauder Summer Internship Program

Introduction This first week we got introduced to the Estee Lauder Summer Internship program and went through their internship orientation. We got introduced to the Estee Lauder companies as the leading prestige beauty company in the world and had the chance to learn about the company’s history. According to Tim...

Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

Different countries and societies are made up of people with diverse cultural or even linguistic backgrounds. This makes them plural societies. However, because of this plural nature certain issues with regards to race and ethnicity are bound to arise. According to Knight, (1996) race and ethnicity are essentially historical and...

Banking Bail-Outs and the Housing Market

The world is just recovering from an economic crisis that saw some of the world’s largest economies struggle to forestall looming crashes. Financial, and other, institutions were crumbling under the weight of one of the worst economic crises since the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the United States, automakers,...

Wal-Mart’s Efforts in Global Expansion

Introduction Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world, was founded in 1962 by an American Sam Walton in Arkansas State in the US. It did not start international expansion until 1991 when it opened Sam’s club in Mexico City. Since then it has expanded its international business to 13 countries...

Motivation at Workplace: Achieving Organizational Goals

Introduction Leadership is a very important skill which is not possessed by all; hardly very few people are blessed with this skill. Being a leader is not easy; it poses many challenges and the person who overcomes these challenges make a successful leader. A leader instills confidence and provides motivation...

“The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19 1809 in Boston Massachusetts. He was an American poet, writer, literary critic and editor. He was orphaned at an early age before he was even three years. He was raised as a foster child by John and Frances Allan in Richmond Virginia....

Artaud and Brecht Comparison. Woyzeck by Buchner

Undoubtedly, theater is great art serving vital purposes; however, these purposes can vary. In order to explain them, it is necessary to resort to the recognized authorities in the field. The analysis of the concepts of theater by Artaud and Brecht promises nontrivial results due to their different philosophical grounds...

The American Revolution and the Russian Revolution

Introduction The American Revolution (1765–1783) was a political revolution against the rule of the British Empire that resulted in the independence of the Thirteen Colonies and the establishment of the United States of America. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a period of political and social protests across the territory...

Niger: When Children Mortality Rates Go Up

Introduction: Niger and Its Mortality Rates Niger has been known among the residents of Europe and America for its unique culture and original traditions for quite a while; however, since the 21st century, Niger’s reputation has changed drastically. Over the past decade, the very word “Niger” has become a staple...

Finland: Country Review

Introduction Finland has a long history, with its people having rich cultural heritage, strong economic background, and a relatively stable political environment. The country enjoys a close relationship with the United States, particularly because of its geographical location and history. The country is endowed with numerous natural resources, which have...

Patient Engagement in Type 2 Diabetes

Project Completion The patient and family engagement approach by Smith et al. (2017) was applied to a group of 30 people with diabetes. Upon their recruitment and the relevant ethical procedures, blood glucose was measured for them before the intervention; then, the intervention was carried out with the help of...

Hypocrisy and Its Manifestation in Moliere’s Tartuffe

Jean Baptiste Moliere’s comedies have been called the “mirror of the mores” of the time. One of Moliere’s favorite techniques was hyperbolization as a technique for creating images-types. Characters were typified in the minds of viewers and readers and became common nouns. The situation prevailing in the country at that...

The Trauma of the Vietnam War

Introduction The Vietnam War, which took place from 1955 to 1957, has been the subject of many artworks of different forms, ranging from movies to paintings and literary works. While many of them focus on the experiences and heroism of soldiers, a Vietnamese-American writer Le Thi Diem Thuy focused on...

Demographics, Psychographics, and Geographics in Corporate Communication Strategy

In today’s globalized word, the corporate environment becomes increasingly complex. In fact, the success of contemporary business operations has become highly dependent on the organization’s ability to form strong, trusting relations with its stakeholders. The social aspect of business holds special significance in the 21st century, as important players across...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Entrepreneurship: Case of Oprah Winfrey

Introduction Entrepreneurship has been a key mechanism for bringing progress to society throughout centuries of history. The great Industrial Revolution between the 1780s and 1849 in Europe showed the unprecedented potential for change brought by industrialists. Nowadays, the concept of entrepreneurship strikingly changed because of the development of technologies and...

A Corporate Leader’s Duties to Employees

Introduction The positive environment for nurse staffing forms an excellent topic for a research project. Quality nursing care and nurse-to-patient ratios are more challenging now than they were a few years ago. A wide range of circumstances influences nurse-to-patient ratios. Concerns about healthcare spending, the aging population of both patients...

Nationalist Ideology on Women’s Reproductive Rights in Ireland and Iran

Irish literature entails oral and published literature of the inhabitants of Ireland, which is geographically part of the UK. In current history, the concept of Irish writing has been expanded to include works by Irish authors residing outside of Ireland, as well as works by artists of Irish heritage whose...

Hydrological Cycle, Clouds Types and Weather Types

Introduction This essay details various topics, including the water cycle, a series of physical stages involving processes. Moreover, these procedures pertain to where water is changed from liquid to gas. However, the essay enlightens the ten cloud systems and, ultimately, sheds light on the weather, which is a fundamental aspect...

Gun-Based Violence in the United States

Introduction The weight of gun violence mainly on a country is as great as any other existing pandemic, and indeed the pain it causes to its victims is no different. According to reports, the death toll from gun violence is expected to rise by about 20,000 this year (Muir, 2021)....

Technology Changes and Influence on Society

Introduction Throughout its history, humanity has gone through three industrial revolutions. Each time people adapted better to the changes in the environment, but at the same time, they were less and less ready to endure these changes without technology. The first industrial revolution – the transition from manual to machine...

The Strengths of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Introduction Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) was started in 1955 by the person-centered therapist Albert Ellis. It was a pioneering cognitive-behavioral system of psychotherapy based on both cognitive and philosophical approaches. The main idea of REBT is that people suffer from self-defeating emotions and feelings because of their own irrational...

A Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management

To achieve maximum efficiency of the organization, management needs to use human resources evenly and competently. The fact is that individuals are the key tool of corporations. Based on this, the leader must, first of all, form a strategic approach to personnel. It is important to analyze in detail what...

Comparative Analysis of Rhetoric by Different Authors

Introduction Rhetoric, the art of effectively persuading or impressing the audience using different techniques, is an ancient art of discourse. Depending on the target audience, different speakers or writers use different techniques to achieve this objective, even when the topic is common, similar, or related (Ponton 46). In the essay...

Organization Conflicts and Bullying

A Study Of The Individual Who Bully’s In The Work Place Bullying at workplaces has received increased attention from the media (Beckford, 2008; Parker-Pope, 2008; Klein, 2008; Said, 2007). A recent survey in the UK showed that 56 percent of employees believe that they face serious problems in the workplace...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Talent Trends in Financial Services Industry

Many reports, documented and anecdotal, have shown the issue of skills gap across many industries (Lasonde, 2016; Dewan, 2015). Hence, employers scramble to recruit the best available talents to meet shortages and execute their strategic growth objectives. However, a new workforce, millennials, presents varying dynamics to companies. Globally, the financial...

2020 Presidential Elections in the United States

The next US presidential election will be held on November 3, 2020. As usual, the Americans will choose the president of the country along with his candidacy for the position of vice president. Traditionally, candidates from two parties – the Democratic and the Republican – are fighting for victory. In...

The Gun Control Controversy in the Constitutional Context

Introduction Gun Control is a controversial subject. The issues surrounding the debate usually provoke an emotional response. The debate generally centers on contradictory understandings of the Constitution. Some argue that U.S. citizens do not need firearms today in the way they did at the time of the country’s founding. No...

Single Sex Education: Benefits and Advantages

According to Hammer, (1996), single sex education is a form of education where the girls and boys attend different lessons or are put in different schools or buildings. In the beginning parents used to take their children to co- education schools where boys and girls were educated together. However, by...

History of Jack the Ripper

The history of Jack the ripper can be traced back to the 19th century in England. During this period, the population in England was very high in the cities. There were problems of overcrowding and general work conditions due to the population pressures especially in the East End and Civil...

Jamaicans’ Suffrage Prior to Immigrating to America

Early Jamaican History Columbus Claimed the Island for Spain Native American Tainos Tainos colonized Jamaica Island long before Columbus’s arrival. They compose one of the largest ethnic groups of Jamaica. They were the major part of the Jamaican population before the arrival of Europeans and still are a prominent ethnocultural...

Shepard’s Pie Recipe: A Traditional American Dish

Shepard’s Pie is a traditional American dish, perfect for a family dinner. Many people love this meal for its ease of preparation and pleasant memories associated with it, for example, about the holidays spent in the countryside. Shepard’s Pie is a classic potato casserole with ground beef or lamb and...

Professional Roles and Values of Nurses

Introduction The choice of profession is one of the most significant steps in the life of every person. And if a person decided to connect own life with nursing, it says much about personal traits, interests, and goals in life. Being a nurse cannot be compared to being a driver...

Genetic Diseases: Hemophilia

Introduction Animal bodies contain chromosomes that carry DNA segments called genes. Genes are important, in that, in human beings, genes determine characterization. For example, genes determine the hair color, loftiness, and heaviness of human beings. Moreover, genes are paramount in establishing behavior patterns and personalities in human beings. Nevertheless, genes...

Article Synthesis: “Stress” by Simon

Synthesis of salient contents of the article The impact of stress could be experienced by people in different ways: The body experiences quick changes during occurrences of stress. Perhaps the entire body system perks up to confront the challenges caused by stress. Persistent and long-drawn stress could cause real health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Promotion Among HIV, AIDS Patients

Background Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection is one of the greatest health concerns of the initiative behind Healthy People 2020. The latter has sought to create awareness, provide strategies of preventing the scourge and devise long term plans which stakeholders can put into action. Healthy People 2020 seeks to improve...

Judiciary Independence and Random Jury Selection in England and Wales

The principle of power separation is a universally accepted tool, ensuring that democratic values are preserved within a nation. Judiciary serves as an indispensable element of this system, as its objective is to confirm the legitimacy of all actions taken by other branches of the government. Accordingly, it plays a...

Negotiations Between National Football League and NFL Players Association

Introduction The National Football League (NFL) and NFL Players Association (NFLPA) agreed to sign a new NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) deal for 2020 to 2030. The NFL players approved the NFL CBA deal by a slight vote margin. There were significant issues that would affect the players’ careers until...

Power, Politics, and Culture in Business Environment

Introduction The term politics can be used to describe a variety of practices, including, but not limited to those that are used by the government. In the case of organizations and companies, however, politics as a concept are mostly understood in a negative light. The practice is used to maintain...

How Do Terrorists Conduct Cyber Warfare?

Abstract Terrorism activities are a global concern since they can occur in any part of the world depending on the perpetrators’ target. The ever-increasing digitization of all aspects of modern life positions individuals, organizations, and governments as primary targets for cyber warfare by terrorist groups. Evaluating how terrorists conduct cyber...

Oil and Natural Gas Industry and Its Effect on the European Economy

Abstract For European nations’ economies to expand consistently and steadily, access to energy resources is essential. Power consumption is continuously increasing; hence a long-term strategy for unified European policy is required. However, European countries now rely significantly on imported natural gas and oil while gradually converting to renewable energy sources....

Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory

Imogene Martina King created the Theory of Goal Attainment in the early 1960s and was one of the foremost and most sought-after nursing theorists. Her work is used in several service contexts and taught to thousands of nursing students worldwide. King, a respected worldwide leader, had a substantial influence on...

Latino Community and Culturally Competent Care

Introduction Cultural competence in health care refers to the ability of the health care system to deliver quality cross-cultural healthcare services to all patients, irrespective of diverse beliefs, values, and behaviors. The goal of cultural competence in healthcare provision is to reduce disparity in health care and provide optimal healthcare...

Behavioral and Ethical Concepts

Introduction The fundamentals of people’s behavior in society have always been of interest to sociologists and philosophers, and different approaches to the study of certain motives have been developed. Thus, as a comparative analysis, two teleological philosophies – egoism and utilitarianism, as well as two moral concepts – teleology and...

Evaluation in Nursing Education and Healthcare Organization

Research peer-reviewed sources that discuss the importance of assessment and evaluation in nursing education and health care organizations as a whole Nursing education and healthcare practice are crucial and need constant quality improvement. Evaluation and assessment are key components of nursing education and healthcare practice since they are concerned with...

The Bartow Regional Medical Center: Fall Prevention Plan

Accident Description The crisis that began in Flint, Michigan in 2014 brought many problems to the area and affected its current population and environment. The timeline of the crisis shows that the problem is not entirely resolved to this day, although the authorities state that the central issue is solved...

Problem of Germany from 1945 to 1951

Many factors have resulted in making Germany the essence of the East-West conflict. it can be attributed to the fact that the deterioration in collaboration amongst allies at the Yalta conferences, which can also be tracked to the early 1900’s when the Bolshevik Russian Revolution lead to the birth of...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Introduction The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is a test that is utilized in the measurement of various abilities and personality dispositions of the test takers. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used for civilian cases as well as the armed services. Below is a look at the test. Minnesota Multiphasic...

“When the Levees Broke” by Spike Lee

Introduction YouTube global network is t hone that makes people addicted and willing to keep up to this participatory culture. Undoubtedly, people are getting more and more dependent on this culture since it gained recognition among the larger part of the planet for its diversity, information awareness, and the new...

Health Disparities as a Challenge for Healthy People 2020

Introduction Health disparity is a priority challenge for the 21st-century world. It implies uneven access to healthcare services among different populations. One can observe this phenomenon from a cross-national perspective, depending on the level of economic development, as well as within a particular state among specific population groups. In other...

Physician-Assisted Suicide: Legalization or Not

Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is a type of euthanasia, which, in turn, is divided into several categories. Euthanasia can be classified as active or passive, as well as voluntary or involuntary, which determines ethical or legal dilemmas regarding different types (Jordan, 2017). Thus, PAS refers to voluntary active euthanasia, when “a...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Description of Pathology Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a medical condition characterized by a frequent flow of stomach acid back into the esophagus. The backwash is known as acid reflux or acid indigestion irritates the lining of the esophagus and can cause a number of physiological issues as well as...

Distribution of Fake Drugs: Analysis of a Criminal Case

Introduction People tend to come up with the most unusual ways of perceiving their desires, which in some cases may not be legal. Others pursue criminal life willingly, putting innocent individuals and their well-being in danger. Certain conditions allow to negate some elements of the crime, intent, for instance, however,...

Childhood Obesity Teaching Experience and Observations

Introduction Topical issues related to public health have been actively discussed within the professional community. It is common knowledge that prevention is an instrument of paramount importance in terms of maintaining one’s well-being. Indeed, such an approach proves to be more effective than the cure, as it has the potential...

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Idealism and Realism in Classical Athenian Society

Introduction Athens was considered one of the most significant sources of western values during the 5th century B.C. Europeans and Americans would later emulate it as the originators of democracy, philosophy, presentation, and realistic art, science, history, and drama. This raises the fundamental question of whether their writings were accurate...

Nike Inc.’s Marketing and Promotion Mix

Introduction Nike, Inc., previously Blue Ribbon Sports is a Beaverton, Oregon-based sportswear corporation. It was created in 1964 as Blue Ribbon Athletics by Bill Bowerman, a University of Oregon sports instructor, and Phil Knight, Bill’s student (Kim, 2020). By the early twenty-first century, Nike had store outlets and suppliers in...

Psychopathology Through the Lenses of Distress and Disability

Introduction Psychopaths, as per prevalent ideas, are defective in their interpretation of social cues related to fear and anxiety. As a result, psychopathic individuals ignore indications that would normally prompt them to refrain from an offensive stance. The examination of the mental disease may incorporate a variety of characteristics, including...

Analysis of the Movie “Thank You for Smoking”: The Propaganda

Introduction The movie Thank You for Smoking is about the work and activities of the main character, Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart). Nick is an infielder working for The Academy of Tobacco Studies. He is meant to acknowledge researchers’ work about the effects of cigarettes. The organization is funded mainly by...

Professional Liability and Accountability Issues at Lehman Brothers

Introduction Financial accountability is a control aspect in a transactional process. This case study explores Lehman Brothers, focusing on the faults that precipitated the 2008 global financial crisis. The primary focus is the infractions of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Professional...

The Concept of Modeling Behavior in Psychology

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The Dandelion Magazine’s Business Plan

Presentation Brief Individual Presentation I am a creator of Dandelion will manage the UAE-based Magazine. As a graphic designer, I usually create magazines for customers to help them become publicans, but I want to develop my own. This is a passionate endeavour because my neighbourhood has a genuine need, and...

The National Football League Culture Analysis

Identifying and Researching the Organization Background Research The National Football League (NFL) has instituted anti-racism training for all employees and a confidential reporting line, Protect the Shield, for any problems that may arise in a diverse workplace. Approximately 37% of the NFL’s staff is women, and 30% are individuals of...

Domestic Violence in Nursing

Introduction Domestic violence is a significant issue affecting many women and children in the United States. Despite legal repercussions and the established support systems, a large share of victims avoids reporting incidents of domestic violence. Nurses can help to alleviate the issue by addressing early signs of domestic violence and...

Individualized Education Program for Student Needs

Introduction All preschool and school-age children have the right to free education in a non-restrictive environment. This right extends to disabled students within the age bracket of three to twenty-one years. Various acts have been enacted in the United States to cater to exceptional children including the Education of All...

The Company Aviva: Managing Operations and Supply Chain

The development of technologies can lead to the era of technological unemployment. Today, automation plays a key role in managing operations and supply chains, and these concepts are associated with the future of work (Berger & Frey 2016; Brotchie et al. 2017). The purpose of this report is to demonstrate...

The Personal Journey: “The Wiz” and “The Alchemist”

It has been said so many times that in any given journey, the destination is not the most important aspect of the trip or the quest. The most important aspect of the quest or journey is in the act itself, the process of journeying from Point A to Point B...

SQL Statements and Queries

SQL Statements Statements for Proposed Database Below are the statements for the database (DB) designed for substance management on hospital grounds. — Student Name — Course Number — Date — This is my own work. .open HospitalDB .header on .mode column CREATE TABLE groups ( gr_id INT NOT NULL, gr_name...

Abortion: Analysis of the Main Causes

Research Topic The topic of abortion has long been the subject of heated debate. However, studies investigating the causes of abortion did not appear immediately due to confidentiality and the lack of such discussions (Biggs et al., 2013). Chae et al. (2017) utilized seven categories for investigating the causes of...

Roles of a Financial Manager in Healthcare

Introduction The hospital sector management is a very dynamic and at most ever-changing occupation that has the opportunity to undertake a varied number of duties and responsibilities. As a manager in the sector one is supposed to be flexible enough and ready to handle whatever duties he is allocated without...

Haruki Murakami’s “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”

As a writer, Haruki Murakami’s 2009 book, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, has been an eye-opener for me. Reading this book in this setting has given me a deeper appreciation of the power that comes from experience, even if I have always been strong at telling...

New Poor Law System Established in 1834 in Britain

Introduction In Great Britain, the history of the relationship between the state, society, and social classes that need state and public support was full of bold decisions, successful and failed experiments, and dramatic twists and turns. Most of these have been associated with a long and, in many ways, unique...

Descartes’ and Locke’s Views on Self-Identity and Consciousness

Introduction In this paper, I will summarize and compare the views of Descartes and Locke on self-identity and consciousness. Descartes presents a soul-based view of identity, while Locke advocates for a psychological view of the same. The views of David Hume which support a cautious understanding of the self-identity, based...

Affixation Difficulties in EFL Learners

Research Methodology The current study explores the topic of errors that Egyptian EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners make. The research focuses on morphological errors in applying affixes and a separate group of population – senior secondary students. The research problem is an understanding of the morphological aspect of...

Leadership Concept in Business Environment

Introduction The success of a business depends on the type of leadership employed by the management. An effective leadership model motivates the employees and creates a conducive environment to develop their abilities and become competent. Additionally, constructive leadership fosters friendly relations between the management and the workforce, promoting employee engagement...

Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?

Introduction Capital punishment remains one of the most controversial topics in the United States. According to Palmer, there are many reasons why death sentence was introduced as the best way of addressing some form of crime. However, there are those who are strongly against capital punishment. In this research paper,...

The Relationship Between Gender and GPA

Introduction The impact of students’ socio-demographic characteristics on their overall academic performance has been the subject of much scholarly literature, and it is a debated issue in contemporary academic discourse. Understanding how a student’s ethnicity affects their overall educational performance helps identify the key predictors that determine systemic learning outcomes,...

Leadership in Health Administration

People often asked whether leaders are born or made has been frequently asked. Research shows one out of three leaders is born a leader. Leadership is defined as the effective direction, leadership, or influence of an organization or a group of people (Rabiul et al., 2021). Effective leadership relies on...

Power, Leadership, and Machiavellian Theory

Introduction Machiavellianism is a personality trait that supports manipulating to gain power. Business leaders and political administrators mostly used Niccolo Machiavelli’s writings in the first half of the 21st century. Scholars have used these guidelines to understand political dynamics and as guidelines for administrators, politicians, and managers. The main objective...

Concept of Juvenile Crime

Introduction There has been a considerable rise in juvenile crime arrest and this is causing alarm to parents and the society at large. Sadly, parents no longer have control over their own children who continue to disappoint them. In the world we are living today, many juvenile have completely deviated...

Greek Economic Crisis: Causes and Control Measures

Introduction Between the last quarter of 2007 and early 2009, the world went through a serious economic crisis that left several economies vulnerable. Greece was no exception. In 2010, following the aftermath of the 2009/2009 global crisis, Eurozone fell to the effects of the remedial measures tabled against the global...

Dementia Symptoms and Awareness in Nurses

Introduction The present paper discusses a study which intends to improve the awareness of the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in nurses and correctional officers working at a correctional institution. Modern research indicates that medical and other personnel tends to demonstrate an insufficient understanding of BPSD and its...

Auteurism in Film-Making and Art Film Features

Auteurism in Film-Making Many directors prefer to demonstrate their styles and approaches in the production of the chosen work. Such attempts lead to positive results, and creators are defined as auteurs within a large system. The term auteurism was frequently used in the 1960-the 70s to underline the uniqueness of...

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

Introduction The improvement of nursing aid and the quality of care has always been one of the priorities in the development of medicine. The use of modern approaches allows strengthening the current health system and achieving positive patient outcomes. Reforms and changes that have occurred in this area over the...