Social Classes in 19th Century British Literature

During 19th century, social class played an important role in lives of people and determined their destiny and life opportunities. In their novels, Austen and Gaskell depict the role and importance of class, and describe attitudes and values of different social classes. Persuasion and North and South are based on...

“The Birth of Nation” Film by David Griffith

The film The Birth of Nation is one of the most ambitious projects of the first half of the 20th century. David Griffith created this silent movie in 1915 and used as a base for the plot the books of Thomas Dixon. This film is a significant representation of the...

Biomechanics of an External Fracture Fixation Device

Introduction The quality and quantity of callus formed is dependent on Inter-fragmentary motions. The directions of these movements are dictated by the mounting plane contained in the external fixators. This study indulges in determining the role played by external fixators in the fracture healing process which is closely influenced by...

Statistics: Analysis of Multivariate Data

Introduction There is no doubt that statistics is a multifaceted concept with a myriad of applications; currently, everything ranging from sociology, science, business to mention but a few in one way or another incorporate statistics in their day-to-day activities. With this in mind, it is worth noting that several statistical...

Lean Production as a Management Technique

The Toyota Company drew attention to itself in the 1980s. Back then, it was starting to become evident that Japanese-made cars could last longer than their American counterparts. By the beginning of the 1990s, Toyota, in particular, gained considerable acclaim compared to other Japanese car manufacturers: Toyota designed and produced...

Marketing Research for Wine Industry

Introduction The wine market is an extremely promising industry in the United States. However, the industry has faced some challenges lately as it transitions from personal to online sales. In particular, there will be a need to keep the seasonal surge in demand for wine sold online shortly. Besides, the...

The Future of Religion in Canada

Introduction Canada has many different religions, but none of them is official in the country because of the great significance of religious pluralism in Canadian political culture. Canada does not establish a single national religion, and, on the contrary, its government supports the existing multitude of religious movements. Today, the...

Health Costs and Insurance in Healthcare

Article Summary on Health Costs Every month, U.S. citizens are required to pay Medicare premiums that go towards their medical expenses. Medicare has aided the access to health services to eligible U.S. citizens. Based on the income and prevailing situations, the government calculates an amount of premium for each employee....

Family-Owned Enterprises and Their Peculiarities

Small and medium-sized family businesses, in most cases, become the basis of economic development. These forms of entrepreneurial activity are characterized by a high ability to adapt to changing market conditions. The growth in the number of family-owned enterprises, such as Ocean Group, carries antitrust potential and contributes to reducing...

Middle Eastern Women’s Place in Islam

Long-standing controversy surrounds the place of women in Islam. Muslims have frequently been seen as oppressed and inferior by non-Muslims. Additionally, while most practicing Muslim women appeared secure in their clearly defined responsibilities of being engaged and showing perfect obedience, rearing morally upright children, and caring for the family, other...

Managerial Skills: Communication & Problem Solving

Commonly Cited Skills Management is a precise process that an individual can be taught in various educational centres, but certain important skills should be acquired to facilitate easier fulfilment of tasks. For this to happen, an individual has to dedicate adequate time to the process and high level of discipline...

Sales Management in the Hair and Beauty Sector

The retail strategies of the market for consumers of services and products of the beauty industry in different regions are largely dependent on the characteristics of each particular area. It is highly determined by the structure of consumer demand and behavior. The given hypothesis to a large extent determines the...

Celebrity Commercials: Pure Business Perspective

Abstract This paper takes the article in the New York Times “Nothing Sells Like Celebrity” by JULIE CRESWELL as a starting point to discuss the appearance of the celebrities in ads as a business, which is a pure commercial junction. The paper addresses many aspects of this business in terms...

The Financial Awareness of Overseas Students

Abstract The high number of foreign students studying abroad implies that these students are introduced to large sums of money without having any knowledge of personal financial management. This paper investigates the overseas students’ awareness of money management in Glasgow International College (GIC) or English as a Foreign Language Unit...

Homeschooling: Way to Provide Knowledge to Learners

Introduction The paper is devoted to the investigation of homeschooling as one of the ways to provide knowledge to learners in a specific environment. Because of the increased sophistication of modern society, there are new disputes regarding the ability of this option to suffice new conditions. The work offers the...

Financial Reporting for Cadbury plc

Fair and true view The idea of a true and fair view means that the financial statement shows the true economic position of a company. The accounts are said to a true and fair view position when the opinion of the auditor is positive. The auditor considers the materiality of...

Le Corbusier and Luis Barragan: Colours’ Choices

Introduction Architecture is one of the most fascinating and difficult types of art because it usually touches upon numerous spheres of life like politics, economics, and sociology and also takes into consideration numerous psychological and philosophical aspects. Le Corbusier was one of the brightest figures in Swiss architecture at the...

Individuals Should Not Be Allowed to Sell Their Body Organs

Introduction Organ donation encompasses an individual’s deliberate choice allowing their body part(s) to be removed and transplanted to another person. It is a legal process whose legitimacy is obtained through such means as the donor’s consent given when alive or dead or by the assent of their next of kin....

Improvement Plan Tool Kit

Introduction Communication and collaboration in the healthcare sector are indispensable practices that promote relevant information sharing, improve professionals’ knowledge, and contribute to care quality. In this respect, a resource tool kit is a valuable instrument that arms front-line staff with authoritative, helpful resources and allows them to examine specific issues...

Ethics of Interrogation

Introduction Research has recently resulted in an emerging scientific agreement about best practices to be applied in interrogation. Different government agencies and countries have started training their personnel in scientific interrogation methods that can be applied practically, and improvements in morality are made on old approaches that try to avoid...

Plato’s, Aristotle’s, and Machiavelli’s Perspectives on the Ideal Form of Government

Introduction The phenomenon of human nature has long been a source of continuous and quite heated philosophical discussions due to its multifaceted and remarkably complex structure and the necessity to approach it from several different perspectives. Additionally, numerous philosophers have pondered the concept of an ideal governmental structure, linking it...

English Enlightenment Through the Perspectives of Defoe and Swift

The Age of Enlightenment occurring in the 17th and 18th century England and Europe remains one of the most prominent periods of history and development in human civilization. This period was chosen along with the respective works and their authors because of the changes that occurred in the literary space...

How American Education System Prepares Students to Thrive

Introduction The contemporary education system in the United States includes many different levels and methods of education. Learning begins in early childhood and continues through all stages of growing up. However, there is an essential question as to whether a school or even higher education graduate is fully prepared for...

Know Your Employment Status and Rights

The labor market is an extremely large and flexible area that needs state control and regulation. This is explained by the fact that workers are often in a vulnerable and unprotected position. This is partly due to the impossibility or inability to correctly understand one’s status of employment of individuals,...

“The Closing of the American Mind” Book by Bloom

Introduction In 1987, Allan Bloom published a book that would stir up a great deal of controversy. The Closing of the American Mind examined the state of higher education in the United States and painted a bleak picture. Bloom argued that American universities had abandoned their mission to educate students...

Employee Engagement and Its Role in Performance

Introduction Many companies implement various strategies that are geared towards boosting their success. For instance, some engage in establishing a culture or an atmosphere that is in tandem with their mission and vision while others emphasize the need for engaging their workers who are regarded as crucial assets that have...

Strategies for Tarrot Ltd. to Maintain Competitiveness in the Market

Tarroc LTD Points to note: Tarroc is making normal profits. The industry is at its ‘long-run’ equilibrium. The scenario is given of the industry in which Tarrot LTD operates implies a purely competitive market. It is characterized by a large number of relatively small firms. These firms are considered price...

Counseling Theories and Theorists

Introduction Psychotherapy is a process of engagement between two persons, both of whom are bound to change through the therapeutic venture (Corey, 2009, p.6). This collaborative process always requires the participation of both the therapist and the client in co-constructing solutions to concerns. In these relationships, counselors facilitate healing through...

CB&I Supply Chain Management: Challenges and Strategies

Introduction CB&I is an American construction and building company that also supplies raw materials to various small and medium-sized firms. The problems of the development of CB&I’s logistics structures and, in particular, supply systems for manufactured products have been analyzed in sufficient detail. However, the question of creating highly integrated...

Ethical Principles as Applied to an Ethical Dilemma (Medication Compliance)

Introduction In the practice of nursing or any field in medicine, it is very difficult to follow a single principle due to the involvement of multiple variables that need to be considered. Through the practice of the nursing profession, four major principles serve as a guide that applies to most...

St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians

Historical Background of the text of 1 Corinthians The First Epistle to the Corinthians, or 1 Corinthians was written in Greek by St. Paul of Tarsus to the fledgling Christian Community of Corinth. In the Bible, It is the seventh book of the New Testament and the second of the...

Prostitution Legalization in Canada

Introduction Even though legalizing prostitution will protect women by allowing them to conduct business indoors in safer, healthier conditions, prostitution should remain as it is under the Criminal Code of Canada and should not be legalized because current laws prevent the commercialization of prostitution and protect women involved from violence...

Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”: Review the Song

Introduction Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” is a song that mostly anyone knows because of its catchy tune and easy-to-understand lyrics. What is hard about getting that the song is about dreams being broken, right? However, what many do not understand is that the song speaks about estrangement and...

Organizational Systems & Quality Leadership

Root cause analysis (RCA) Root cause analysis refers to a method meant to determine the conditions that lead to an individual to experience feelings of emotional exhaustion, low feelings of accomplishment and depersonalization (Reason, 1997). Emotional exhaustion can be defined as the feeling of dullness that is experienced by an...

Evolution of Skyscraper Design Since 1920

Introduction Concrete, in contrast with subsequent structural edifice substance, permeates an architect as well as engineers to select not only its approach of fabrication, but its material characteristics in addition. Myriad factors are put into consideration especially when architects and engineers call for a corporeal structural configuration, this constitute, strength,...

Therapeutic Model at Healing Clients That Have Experienced Emotional Abuse

Introduction According to the trait theory, people exhibit different personalities depending on the nature of upbringing, social environment and genetic predisposition. Individuals who possess a strong personality in life exhibit confidence and a resilient self esteem which enables them to overcome bad influence and wrong judgment. The trait theory therefore...

Transactional Model of Stress and Coping and the Effect of the Pandemic on Nurses’ Well-being

Health care workers have experienced increasing stress because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The transactional model of stress and coping can be an effective instrument of stress relief for them. Several studies confirm the severity of the issue in relation to the medical workers’ psychological well-being. Simultaneously, there is scientific evidence...

How Nurses Can Create Healthy Communities

Introduction Nurses play a critical role in improving societal health outcomes. They possess the knowledge and skills to deal with illnesses and eradicate factors leading to poor health outcomes. Nurses can also empower individuals and societies with knowledge and skills to preserve their health and well-being, reduce disease burden, and...

The Story “The Good Earth” by Pearl S. Buck

Pearl S. Buck’s story The Good Earth raised several significant problems in China. Exploitation, a desire for riches, family troubles, and contempt for elder Chinese culture are among the conflicts that the protagonists confront throughout the novel (Gupta 90). Wang Lung faces several challenges as he attempts to escape poverty....

European Territorial Planning Analysis

Introduction Territorial planning is the planning of the development of territories with the establishment of boundaries for zones of different functionality and the definition of objects in a given territory, but nevertheless, this term in a political context means precisely development. In the European spatial planning field, in the context...

The COVID-19 Influence on Health Workers’ Mental Health

Summary The issues related to workers mental health attracted the attention of psychological practitioners and theorists’ attention right after the COVID-19 pandemic began. Certainly, the unknown disease was frightening initially, with mortality and severe complications. Factories and offices were shut, setting lockdown and isolation mode. Subsequently, the indirect consequences of...

Why Education Requires Political Intervention?

The influence of politics on education is fundamental. Politicians are the policymakers in any jurisdiction. For this reason, they are the driving force behind any reforms, including those that affect education. Consequently, it is critical that they have the public’s interests at heart whenever they are formulating such policies. This...

Dissociative Disorders, Their Types and Diagnostics

Abstract Dissociative disorders deal with one’s cognition and perception of self and others. The definition of these disorders outlines the word disruption as the main concept of these conditions. The three types of dissociative disorders are dissociative identity disorder, dissociative amnesia, and depersonalization disorder. The primary cause of these disorders...

The Future of Cloud Computing

The phenomenon of cloud computing Although the phenomenon of cloud computing is rather recent, it has become one of the most extensively discussed topics in the IT sphere. Despite a number of related challenges and vulnerabilities, cloud computing is now considered to be the most promising among next-generation technologies. A...

Managerial Accounting Practices and Insights from FastBikes Incorporated

Introduction FastBikesInc is a company that specializes in the assembling and repair of motorcycles. The company is located in Portland, Oregon. The company is currently facing financial challenges. Managing cash flows at FastBikesInc is paramount to ensure the company does not fall into too little money to sustain the business...

US Gun Ownership: 88.8 Guns per 100 Persons

The United States has the highest per capita number of guns with 88.8 guns per every 100 persons (Anderson, 2017). Currently, over 270 million guns are in the hands of civilians. Additionally, in 2016, there were 16,459 murders in the United States, and 73 percent of them were committed with...

Analysis of Orem’s Nursing Theory Under Concept

Concept analysis remains a powerful strategy for ensuring that readers and users of a specified theory understand and apply it accordingly. This practice is usually designed to ensure that researchers and students have a clear understanding of the intended variable. This approach conveys the desired meaning and eventually supports the...

Leadership in Organization: Theories and Practices

Introduction Leadership is a process of persuasion. Leaders persuade others to pursue objectives held by the leader. Thus, the primary focus of leadership is on human interaction. Leadership is ethically neutral. There are good leaders and bad ones. Great leaders have the gift for inspiring and motivating people; they have...

Economic Crisis and Its Impact on People

Introduction There is hardly any person on this Earth whose life was not affected by the economic crisis which hit the entire world in 2008. The economy of every single country was greatly influenced by the crisis which resulted in high unemployment rates, increased prices for food, a subprime mortgage...

Eating Healthy and Its Link to Obesity

Introduction It is common knowledge that Americans are struggling to maintain a healthier lifestyle. According to one study, “…the US has experienced a steady and steep increase in the prevalence of obesity” (Crawford & Jeffery, 2005). This may also be true in many parts of the world but America always...

Significance of Computer Forensics to Law Enforcement

Introduction The following essay will evaluate the emerging significance of computer forensics to law enforcement. It will also discuss the reasons as to why the developing field of computer forensics is essential to modern-day law enforcement. Computer forensics is also referred to as “digital forensics, computer forensic analysis, electronic discovery,...

Associated Risks and Control Measures in Cleaning

Introduction The aim of this study is to analyze the site of a cleaning company in terms of the risks the environment presents to it. Over the course of studying risks and control measures, three objectives will be covered: understanding the general risks cleaning workers experience, understanding occupation-specific hazards, studying...

Technology and Instruction in Education

Introduction Behaviorism, constructivism, connectivity, and cognitivism lay the groundwork for learner-centered approaches. Teachers are expected to acknowledge learner differences and implement the appropriate learning strategies to meet their unique needs. This paper compares and contrasts blended learning, virtual learning, and modern classroom models. It also collates each of these models...

Free Will as Controversial Concept

Introduction Free will has been a controversial concept for many centuries, as there is no way to prove or disprove its existence. However, different philosophical approaches at different times sought to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon and explain its origin. Determinism and libertarianism represent two opposing beliefs about a...

The Theme of “Female Agency” in Literature

Introduction Female agency refers to women’s capacity to ultimately effect change that has a ripple effect across society. This involves altering society’s opinion of a lady and constructing an image that previously did not exist (Timko & Maria, 2020). The concept of female agency is exemplified in three novels: Wieland,...

Patient-Centered Healthcare Coordination Plan

Introduction The ultimate phase of the development of care coordination planning is creating a final care coordination plan. This program will facilitate an essential part of the care coordination process. As defined in assessment 1, care coordination is the way of converting several operations and interdisciplinary teams to solve a...

Punjab National Bank Housing Finance Company: Case Analysis

Punjab Nation Bank Housing Finance Limited has experienced stagnant growth since its incorporation with other partners in 1988. It has been experiencing different challenges that led to the low rates of market share. The company had a small loan portfolio which resulted in its low performance. The bank also had...

Satire and Deception in Literature

Satire In literature, content creators use a lot of art to present their ideas in a specific way they desire. The ideas vary, thus necessitating more than one style to present their information to a targeted audience. Many themes can be depicted in the presentation, with many of them meant...

Prohibition and Bootlegging in the American West

The Causes of Prohibition, Its Unintended Consequences and the Eventual Result Governments worldwide try to ensure their citizens are safe from crime and other social vices. The efforts are manifested through investigating the causes of the delinquencies and bringing them to an end. Alcohol sales in the US has a...

The Local School System: Changing the Organization

Introduction To recruit and keep the best people in the market, businesses are under growing pressure to provide competitive, overall incentive programs. The full bundle of benefits workers receive in exchange for their efforts is a comprehensive rewards scheme. The objectives and values of the business should be reflected in...