King Menes Historical Analysis

Introduction King Menes as a historical figure in western civilization participated immensely in Egyptian civilization. Egypt consisted of two kingdoms, which were the Upper Egypt, in addition to Lower Egypt. Lower Egypt was symbolized by a cobra, while a lotus signified Upper Egypt. The paper tries to analyze the success...

Open Government in Florida

On the 12th of March, 2016, a forum on the importance of open government was hosted by the News-Press Media Group and the League of Women Voters. Held under the name “Open Government & YOU,” it was a part of the Sunshine Week, a nationwide movement, initiated by the American...

The British Petroleum Company: Target Markets

BP plc (formerly known as The British Petroleum Company plc) is a UK-based gas and oil company. It has been around for 100 years and is still expanding into new markets (“#24 BP”, 2019). BP plc operates in every part of its home country, the United Kingdom. It sells fuel...

The Importance of Family in “Mi Familia” by Gregory Nava

“Mi Familia” is a drama written and directed by Gregory Nava, which may make you wish that you were a part of Jose and Maria’s family. All three generations described by Nava are ready to put up with physical and emotional suffering for the family. Even though every family has...

Freedom of Assembly: The First Amendment Act

The 1st amendment of the United States Constitution accords any US citizen the right to freedom of Religion, Expression, Press, and Assembly. The initial objective of the amendment was to prohibit any system of control with regard to political expression. However, this platform has been abused by people pretending to...

Reasons for Banning Marijuana Use

The utilization of cannabis has expanded in all layers of society globally, with an intermittent utilization of marijuana presently being a widespread practice. At present, there is a disparity in the field’s comprehension of the connection between successive marijuana use and other substance use, psychological wellness, and crime rate among...

On the Role of Morphine in the Modern World

Morphine is a drug made from opium and used by millions of people worldwide to stop their pain and feel calmer. However, it plays a critical role in the modern world, affecting politics, economy, international relations, the environment, and, of course, health care. Devereaux et al. note that it is...

Power and Powerlessness in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

The Marxist theory plays a critical role in displaying how the nobles gain control of the social, economic, and political aspects of society and its impact on the lower class. Besides, Marxism suggests that human beings’ motivation stems from the social struggle between the upper and lower class. William Shakespeare’s...

My Journey in Biology

I am a passionate, young, and ambitious neuroscience and molecular biology learner. Since middle school, I have been actively studying these topics and working on small projects independently during my free time. As a freshman, I was admitted into a 4-week Research in the Biological Sciences (RIBS) program at the...

Being Human Definition in Artistic Expressions

Introduction Pieter Bruegel the Elder is an example of how art can allegorically depict an unstable society and the fundamental essence of people at the same time. His oil-on-panel “The Fall of the Rebel Angels” was painted in 1562 and is now on display in the Royal Museums of Fine...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The War Powers Resolution: Intent and Controversy

The distribution of war power in the U.S. has been debatable since severe hostilities across different countries that were initiated by Presidents of the U.S. came out to light. The examination of the constitutional division of authority regarding war powers has provided information on the essence of power that should...

The Problem of Cultural Appropriation Phenomenon

Cultural appropriation refers to the practice when a dominant culture or identity adopts authentic artifacts or practices of other non-dominant identities or cultures in a way that highlights uneven power relations between them. In that case, intent does not matter because appropriation is usually viewed as a negative and disrespectful...

Radiation Dose Reduction Strategies and Their Effectiveness

Introduction The advent of computed tomography (CT) diagnostic radiology in the 1970s was a welcome milestone in the history of medical x-ray imaging. Its use in the medical field has increased dramatically. It is reported that more than 62 million CT scans per year are presently done in the United...

Gender Differences in Delinquency

Research shows that gender is the most influential correlate for juvenile delinquency. In other words, males tend to commit more crimes than women; furthermore the intensity of crimes is often associated with one’s gender. Reasons behind these patterns shall be examined below Whether girls become delinquent for different reasons than...

Enzymes and Digestion: Review

Do Now: On your handout list the different parts of the digestive system. If you know their functions, list that as well. mouth (speaking and eating) esophagus (directing food and fluids from the mouth to the stomach) liver (production of bile, particular proteins for blood plasma, cholesterol, and certain proteins...

Article Summaries of Leadership as an Advanced Nursing Role

Extant nursing literature demonstrates that the availability of high-quality health services to patients can never be attained in the absence of skilled health professionals and a work setting that emphasizes performance excellence (Salanova, Lorente Chambel, & Martinez, 2011). Owing to the fact that effective nurse leadership has been positioned as...

The DeVry Educational Group.: Corporate Financial Analysis

Abstract DeVry Educational Group Inc. is a publicly held company that is based in North America. The company provides higher education services across the world (DeVry Education Group Inc., 2014). Carrying out financial analysis using ratios is necessary because it provides a better view of the financial position of a...

DeVry Educational Group: Corporate Financial Analysis

Abstract DeVry Educational Group Inc. is a publicly held company that is based in North America. The company provides higher education services across the world (DeVry Education Group Inc., 2014). Carrying out financial analysis using ratios is necessary because it provides a better view of the financial position of a...

Breastfeeding Space for York County School

Problem Summary The lack of designated space where breastfeeding employees of the York County School Division could pump their milk without any threats to health and privacy can become a legal issue for the organization, while also causing significant disadvantages for employees that have recently given birth and wish to...

Marketing Recommendations: Nike Air Jordans

Nike Air Jordans has 35-years of experience being in the sports footwear market and formed consumers’ brand perception as providers of luxury sneakers. The basis of its marketing strategy is Michael Jordan’s name and authority, however, relation to the celebrity is not enough in the current fashion industry (Childs and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Suffrage Movement in “Iron-Jawed Angels”

HBO’s Iron-Jawed Angels offers a vivid, if fictionalized, look at the history of the American suffrage movement in the early 20th century. The struggle for the constitutional amendment guaranteeing female enfranchisement faced considerable opposition from within the suffrage movement as well as without. White and black activists from different social...

ASCA Ethical Standards and Virtual Standards

Introduction The ASCA is a code of ethics for school counselors because it comprises the responsibilities, principles, and morals that people must adhere to be successful. The liability of each staff member is to support students regardless of origin, race, previous educational level, and other reasons for discrimination (American school...

The Coca-Cola Company Unifying Culture

Global Company Overview The Coca-Cola Company specializes in producing and selling non-alcoholic beverages. The signature drink originated from Atlanta in the late 19th century, and an organization was established to sell it (The Coca-Cola Company, 1). In addition to Coca-Cola and its variations, the company distributed approximately 200 brands, including...

Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs’ Speech

Introduction Steve Jobs, the legendary innovator and founder of the Apple Corporation, spoke at Stanford University in 2005, and this was one of the businessman’s landmark speeches. Jobs addressed the graduating class with parting words and used non-standard methods of oratory by drawing on personal experiences and referring to individual...

The Lost World of the Suffragettes

The suffrage movement was all about women’s right to vote. The struggle to be allowed to vote was hard for adult women. The people were denied their rights to participate in elections based on their salaries, age, and gender, and all this led to protests and people advocating for their...

Political Ideas and Ideologies by Heywood

Ideology is one of the most controversial concepts in political analysis. This term was created in 1796 by the French philosopher Destut de Tracy (1754-1836) and meant “the science of ideas.” In the 19th century, Karl Marx and Engels ([1846] 1970) gave this concept a new meaning, which boiled down...

Sociology: Aspects of Reference Group

Sociologists often use the term reference group to mean any cohort of people who possess certain reference traits. For example, if any study examines the effects of alcohol on a person’s behavioral patterns, the people to whom the intervention is compared are used as a reference group: those who do...

Evaluation as a Significant Part of People’s Lives

Evaluation is a significant part of most aspects of people’s lives. Evaluation provides people with opportunities to assess past events along with their effectiveness and estimate possibilities of future events along with probabilities of their success. Evaluation is also crucial in doing research or conducting a study to assess various...

Lynn Nottage’s “Sweat” Play Production

‘Sweat’ is a magnificent attempt to express the feelings of unionized workers in a Pennsylvania steel town in 2010, whose wages are slowly being cut by the company, falling for the savings promised by NAFTA. It was exciting how the brutal bosses and their inhuman system of capitalist competition forced...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Etiology

Decreased insulin sensitivity in the muscle, tissue, and liver leads to increased insulin production by beta cells of the pancreas. When beta cells can no longer secrete enough insulin to maintain blood sugar levels, hyperglycemia occurs. Left untreated, hyperglycemia may lead to coma and death (Silva et al., 2018). Epidemiology...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Exploration of the Non-Binary: Challenging the System or Supporting Conformity

The concept of being non-binary Over the past decade, the concept of being non-binary has gained particular visibility in media and among general audiences, causing quite a controversy and stirring further discussion. A range of celebrities has disclosed their non-binary status lately, therefore, contributing to the increase in the impact...

COVID-19 Pandemic and Valuable Cargo

The COVID-19 pandemic has played a significant role in changing logistics, with the supply chain playing a more critical role than ever before. Companies must ensure the fast, safe and uninterrupted supply of goods and services to those at risk of infection and those working in the medical field, i.e.,...

Obesity From Sociological Perspectives

Introduction The social problem under focus is obesity originating from Latino food norms. Much of the Latin cuisine has nostalgic value to Hispanic cultures. Consumption of traditional Latino food inspires the feeling of comfort to Latino people. Yet, at the same time, much of the food is saturated in fats,...

Aspects of Error Culture

At present, the company’s willingness to change quickly and adapt to the market requirements has become crucial in corporate culture. There are several critical points in building an effective organizational structure that can quickly adapt to the market situation. One of them is error culture, which affects the company’s performance....

How an Effective Supply Chain Promotes Competitive Advantage

The robust supply chain can enable companies to outperform their competitors by obtaining their products faster, safer, and lower costs in a highly competitive business world. BASF, a global chemical company, emphasizes several aspects as critical drivers of their successful supply chain. Namely, they stress the importance of digitization, business...

Haitian Arts and Their Impact on the World

The Republic of Haiti is a small country in the Caribbean Sea and lies next to Jamaica and Cuba. Despite its comparably small size, many significant artists were born here. A large number of names known in the world of painting originates from Haiti; however, not many people know this...

Investigation of Sustainability of Chocolate

Cocoa is promoted as an essential healthy ingredient for everyone regardless of their condition and diet. Chocolate is one of the most favored snacks globally purchased in gigantic amounts, taking a significant part in the Foodservice industry. However, the sustainability of the production is questionable since cocoa farming harms the...

“Patients’ Satisfaction With the Social Work…” by Roberts et al.

A study by Roberts et al. in the article A survey evaluating patients’ satisfaction with the social work service provided at a rehabilitation centre talks about social workers and the importance of researching the level of patient satisfaction with the service provided. The authors provide many high-quality recommendations and the...

The Culture of Civilizations: A Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Art

Introduction Today it is difficult to answer unequivocally the question of why man needs art. Some argue that art exists to beautify life: these people aim to discover beauty as an eternal law of being. Others believe that art should educate; they search for works for the good, the benefit,...

Black Lives Matter: Tamika Catchings’ Biography

Humble Beginnings Tamika Catchings grew up in suburban Chicago. She used a hearing aid, but in the 1980s, hearing aids were so bulky that it was challenging to communicate with friends. She was teased and wanted to be like everyone else. She often wanted to quit school, but her mother...

Universal Worker Under Acker’s Theory

Acker builds his theory on the aspect of gender roles in the workforce. The theory was developed in 1990 when males dominated the labor market (Acker 144). It suggests that the organizational structure was not as neutral as it seemed. The organizations were male-dominated, and men fully occupy the most...

Bangladesh: Stimulating Economic Growth

Introduction Bangladesh is located in southeast Asia and covers an area of about 148 km². The country’s rich history implies a diversity of traditions and cultures, which is exceptional for such a small state, making it appealing for the project. The government’s official website is the most reliable source of...

Eat Healthy – MyPlate Kitchen

MyPlate Kitchen: Description of the Content Area In this section of the site, at the very top of the page, the user is greeted by a greeting inscription, under which the “view recipes” button is located. Below is the search bar with which a user can find a specific recipe....

English as a Lingua Franca and the Idea of a Foreign Language

The paper focuses on the topic of English as a lingua franca (ELF) and the idea of its replacement of English as a Foreign Language (EFF) in the curriculum. It was written in 2016 by Tünde Nagy from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Humanities. The author is...

Servant Leadership and Personal Values

Influence of Personal Values and Servant Leadership on Individual and Group Behavior Personal values are significant in one’s life because they form the foundation of one’s beliefs and interaction with other people. Personal values tend to determine one’s perception of life and their reaction to various situations that one experience...

Patriarchal Domination and Aggressive Misogyny in Advertising

The 50s in the Western World were almost the apogee of misogyny and masculine domination. According to Jean Kilbourne, the focus of previous female advertising was a fabricated patriarchal caricature (TED 03:15–05:21). A woman is trapped in a world of masculine dreams in the natural sense, in addition to having...

Organizations Helping Families (AFDC & TANF)

Overview and Background The Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was created in 1935 by the Social Security Act. It regulated the payment process for dependent and destitute children. Among the disadvantages of this program was its blatant sexism toward women since it encouraged fertility and limited women’s opportunities...

Managing Conflict: Understanding Interpersonal Communication

Conflicts are something that all people encounter in their life, that is why understanding different ways of handling them is important to ensure successful and effective conflict resolution. Bevan (2020) defines conflict as a disagreement or argument, providing certain criteria that should be met for a situation to be considered...

Connection of HRM and Legal Environment

Introduction HRM is highly affected by the legal environment in which it operates. HRM follows the rules and regulations of its organization. The most significant laws and regulations affecting HRM are those related to equal employment opportunity (EEO). Various laws were passed; however, only in 1964, with the passage of...

Jacksonian Democracy: Who Benefitted?

Jacksonian Democracy refers to the historical times in the United States during the rule of Andrew Jackson. The U.S. has retained its democratic governing system, whereby lawmakers and leaders make changes to enhance the welfare of its citizens. Andrew Jackson established a democratic movement petitioning for the rights of all...

Police Officers’ Excessive Use of Force

Introduction The police have authorization and training to use force in specific instances due to the nature of their work. However, there are incidences like the shooting of Michael Brown by officer Wilson, that have attracted the attention of the public, media, and legislators due to alleged use of more...

Health and Health Promotion

Creating premises for improving public health and preventing health issues in community members are some of the core goals that a health expert must pursue. Furthermore, a proper understanding of the very concept of health is required to ensure consistent support for patients. As a mental health worker, I have...

The Mixed-Method Research: Strengths and Weaknesses

Research methodology is the key to the high quality of study and one of the determinants of its validity. In a way, methodology is the bridge between the aims and the outcome of the project. If this bridge does not correspond with the requirements imposed by the objectives, it will...

Gender: The Social Roles of Men and Women

Introduction Gender refers to the cultural distinctions between men and women, such as those made by society and culture based on sex. As a result, a person’s sex never changes, but their gender occasionally does. The society in which people live largely shapes how men and women are perceived and...

Arson Investigation Process: Stages and Actions

The identification, analysis, and documentation of the evidence discovered at a fire scene are all essential steps in the intricate and thorough arson investigation process. Finding the source and cause of the fire, as well as any potential criminal behavior, are the main objectives of an arson investigation (Sodhi &...

The Wanderer’s Thoughts in “Rhapsody on a Windy Night” by T.S. Eliot

The poem of Tomas Eliot, “Rhapsody on a Windy Night,” represents such phenomena as mind, memory, and time experienced by the main character of a wanderer going down the streets. The context is full of frightfulness and hopelessness because the time continues to go on desperately. Life and its sense...

Term Project: Creating a Pet Business

Introduction The present project is creating a pet business offering walking, sitting, training, and grooming services. The idea appeared due to the tendency of a growing number of households to have pets, including dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, and so further. In addition to the mentioned services, there will be customer...

Custody Memorandum in Case of Unequal Financial Status

Memorandum Comes John Bright, by counsel, and for his memorandum states as follows: Facts Both Sally and John have actively been proper parents to Chastity, taking equal parts in all her daily concerns. John has better pay than Sally, and Chastity prefers to live with her dad to avoid changing...

Exploring Moral and Ethical Themes in “Hills Like White Elephants” by Hemingway

Introduction The stories of Ernest Hemingway can rightly be called the valuable heritage of humanity, bearing in itself moral and spiritual purity. The work, Hills Like White Elephants, is no exception and is a complex work with deep meaning that covers various moral and ethical themes. The author talks about...

Communications: Online Dating and Its Perspectives

Introduction Dating is an art that is as old as human-being. Man is a social animal always looking for companionship. In the old days, the available form of communication was the snail mail that took long before getting to the recipient. It also involved walking over long distances searching for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Engineering Professionalism and Ethics

Introduction As stated in the preamble to the National Society of professional engineers, engineering is an important and learned profession, and so engineers should uphold the highest levels of integrity and honesty. It, therefore, spells out the importance of ethics as a system of principles governing morality and acceptable behavior....

Learning Disabilities: Speech and Language Disorders

When is a child’s communication considered delayed? When a child has trouble in the generation of speech, it amounts to a serious communication problem in the end. In addition, a child should be fluent in communication after attaining five years. However, there are cases when a learner may lag behind...

Pros and Cons of Fluorite as a Gemstone

Though diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds are traditionally associated with jewelry, the use of less costly yet beautiful minerals as gemstones seems a good idea. As a rule, fluorite is often used to create truly gorgeous jewelry; however, the use of fluorite as a gemstone has its positive and negative...

Humility’s Impact in Leadership

Introduction Leadership in contemporary society entails several things that involve individual traits. Every leader has a desire to show that they have the essential elements and competencies to be effective in attracting people to follow them (Kraemer 30). Effective leadership is all about being charismatic. According to the Harvard Business...

Sexism in “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

Sexism is the discriminative behavior towards a person of the opposite sex especially towards women. In Trifles, Glaspell explores the theme of sexism particularly the oppression of women in the society. The distinction of the gender roles between men and women leads to the description of women characters. The feeble...

Import Substitution and Specialization

Import substitution is a strategy that is normally applied by the developing countries in controlling imports. The government replaces its foreign imports with domestic production. Import substitution is important because it helps the country reduce its foreign dependency. Specialization, on the other hand, refers to a situation where a country...

Providing Social Services to Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.

With increased globalization, people are able to move from one region and relocate to other regions. Immigration has also been enhanced by the fact that mobility of labor is increasingly becoming perfect, compared to ancient years. The United States has received many immigrants being the largest economy in the world,...

Ethical, Legal, and Moral Dilemmas in Nursing

Available nursing scholarship demonstrates that it is not uncommon for patients with terminal illnesses to express a desire to hasten their death (Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, 2011), and that such expressions present nurses with a multiplicity of ethical, legal, and moral dilemmas in large part due to the sensitivity...

The Independent Living Center Services

The Independent Living Center, a care center in Missouri, acts as a technology demonstration center and gives resources and assistance to the disabled. In addition, the care center is mandated with the role of providing important information to researchers about the health of the patients admitted as well as any...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Evidence-Based Practice

The quality of healthcare services and the possibility to reach positive health outcomes depend greatly on various dimensions, and pressure ulcer rates are among them. They are defined as “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure alone or in...

Door-to-Balloon Time Project and Dissemination Plan

Introduction To develop a successful plan featuring the best dissemination strategies, it is necessary to identify the goal of the project, its target audience and stakeholders, and the required resources (Barksdale, Newhouse, & Miller, 2014). The activities are to be organized to expand the dissemination plan in two major directions:...

Lewy Body Dementia, Its Symptoms and Treatment

Definition Lewy body dementia (LBD) is ranked as the second most frequently observed type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. LBD occurs as the so-called Lewi bodies, i.e. alpha-synuclein aggregates of protein, start developing in nerve cells in the substantia nigra or cortex of the brain (Walker et al. 519). As...

New Foreign Direct Investment in the US in 2016

Introduction The article begins with a breakdown of expenditures by foreign direct investors over the last few years. In 2016, they totaled $373.4 billion, which is lower than the $439.6 billion that was recorded in 2015 by $66.1 billion. The author notes that these numbers are above the annual average...

Social Media Counterclaims: Benefits over Disadvantages

If you’re writing an essay about the benefits of online communication, check out this sample! Here, we present to you a rebuttal of arguments claiming that social media is bad. Check out our examples of a claim and counterclaim about social media below. Social Media Counterclaims and Arguments Argument premise...

Technological Advancements in the Health Sector

Introduction Social media platforms have affected different aspects of health care service provision, data management, and patient-nurse relationships (Aathi, 2014). Consequently, many researchers have written extensive articles about its impact on the sector to provide more insight about how health practitioners could adopt it in their practice (Gunson & Chawngthu,...

Clinical Systems Informatics Solutions

The three clinical systems I did not know existed in our organization are the computer-based online patient record (CPR), telemedicine system (TMS), and the health information system (HIS). CPR: Computer-Based Online Patient Record Description The system makes health records of both the outpatient and inpatient clients available online in a...

Patrick Finn’s Book “Literacy with an Attitude”

The problem of educating children from working or low-class families is actively discussed today. However, it is important to note that current debates were provoked by Patrick Finn’s book Literacy with an Attitude: Educating Working-Class Children in Their Own Self-Interest published in 1999. In his book, Finn discusses the complex...

Low-Income Children’s Health Literacy Program

Why Is Information on Health Literacy Essential for This Group? Health literacy programs are essential for children in low-income urban areas. It can be explained by several factors. First and foremost, this group of the population belongs to the vulnerable ones. It means that they do not have adequate access...

Mental Health Concerns in the Older Adult

Introduction of the Older Adult The patient interviewed is a 70-year old African-American man, Robert. At the time of examination, Robert felt and looked well. He was eager to communicate and discuss possible problems and concerns he thought to have. One of the evident challenges Robert had was the pain...

Relationship with Father in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel’s book, Night, recalls about his experiences as a young Jewish boy; throughout the events and occurrences, Eliezer develops new relationships with his father as they surpass challenges they faced on their journey towards freedom. This paper addresses how Eliezer’s relations with his father change throughout the novel. Wiesel’s...

Nano Robotics in Hospitals

Nanotechnology refers to the study of tiny structures that have a size of less than 0.1 nm. This technology is believed to be extremely useful in health care to deliver medication through blood or treat various types of tumors. Therefore, it is important to research the capabilities of the application...

Hospital Falls and Related Injuries

Introduction to the Problem The twin topics of hospital fall and fall-related injuries continue to be the mainstream focus of many scholars and nursing theorists interested in understanding the risk factors involved. However, despite the abundance of research studies focused on investigating the risk factors associated with hospital falls and...

Tequila in the Mexican Culture

Introduction of Tequila Tequila is a regional specific name for a distilled beverage. The main ingredient for making this drink is the Blue Agave plant. It primarily comes from Tequila city in the Mexican state of Jalisco. It has a regional specificity. It flourishes well in the red volcanic soils....

The Sikorsky Aircraft: Quality Changes

Theories Based on the iSixSigma framework, the phenomenon of changes in the quality of products released by Sikorsky Aircraft can be explained by considering the array of factors affecting the quality assessment (QA) process through the prism of the following equation: , where “Y” is the phenomenon analyzed and “x(s)”...

Sociological Imagination Theory

Sociological Imagination and Its Importance The sociological imagination is a theory that links the behavior of an individual at the micro level to the society in which he/she lives, at the macro level. The concept was introduced by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 and was defined as...

The American Nation as an Imagined Political Community

Introduction The concept of the nation as an imaginary construct that binds people together using tangible beliefs, values, and history was introduced by Benedict Andersen in his book titled “Imagined Communities.” In the USA, the idea of a nation is very strong, as many people associate themselves with the ideals...

Sedentary Behavior and Health Outcomes

Sedentary Behavior as an Independent Factor Physical activity plays an important role in the overall health of an individual. It has been established that physical activity is beneficial for eliminating the risk of death related to the sedentary time (Ekelund et al., 2016). However, the lifestyle of modern people involves...

Moral and Religious Development in Adolescents

Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory Critics pointed out that Kohlberg’s moral stages appeared later in life and not as what Kohlberg envisioned it to be. For instance, most adolescents were discovered to reason at Stage 3, but at the same time, some of them are already capable of Stage 2 and...

Thai Students’ Problems with English Grammar

Thai students often have problems with using the English grammar constructions and tenses because they do not use inflected forms of the verb in their language. Thus, much attention should be paid to the additional practice in using Past Simple constructions and verb inflections by Thai students (Swan & Smith,...

Mission Analysis: An Operational Approach

Introduction A mission statement is a broad statement, which precisely states and defines what the organization wants to achieve. It defines the greater intent of the organization and it gives the overall goals of the firm that provide a sense of direction and guidance in decision making to managers at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Speed vs. Depth Learning and Tradeoffs

Speed Learning When it comes to learners that require speed over depth, it is usually the case that this particular type of learning encompasses repetitive tasks that do not require any advanced form of analytical thinking. Instead, it is expected that learners are supposed to perform tasks as illustrated and...

Using Blogs in Teaching and Learning

Introduction The term Blog was coined from the two words “Web Log”. A blog is normally an independent website or even a section of another website. The main feature that distinguishes blogs from other websites is their interactive nature. In a blog, entries are made of events, graphics, video, commentary...

Best Electronics Website’s Search Engine Optimization

In an increasingly interconnected world, a company’s website serves as the face it exhibits to its consumers, business associates, and the wider public. Website design and usability are of immense importance if companies are to achieve effectiveness in using websites to express what they do, what they stand for, and...

Central Los Angeles Community Assessment

Elimination Patterns of the Community Traffic: traffic jams, noise, exhaust gas Tourism: a lot of visitors High costs of living: food, accommodation, public transport Urban ecology: dirty streets and water and air pollution Homeless: crime and health problems Los Angeles Traffic is considered as the worst in the world. Even...

Child Maltreatment Detection and Care Plan

The case of a 7-year-old boy is not purely physical. His condition probably has psychological roots. Such attachment to a mother is not common for this age. The case is not simple since the situation has lasted for a year. Moreover, it is complicated by the fact of repeated nightmares....

Critical Thinking and Ethics Today

Aristotle and the Question of Virtue: Why Bother Being Good? According to Aristotle, virtue is a center point located between two extremes. For example, virtue would be in the middle of an abundance of something and its deficiency (Roca & Schuh, 2017). This concept can describe not only the number...

Axon Enterprise Analysis: Mission and Vision of the Company

Mission and vision of a company are one of the essential concepts that define the reason for its existence. Without specifying the purpose, all decisions in an organization would be made only based on the individual values of managers. The mission and vision determine the status of the company and...

Nursing Care Plan and Nursing Diagnosis Development

History and Physical Examination Jessica has come to the emergency room with a complaint about the decrease of vision in the left eye. She qualifies the decrease as sudden; it started in the morning of the day of her visit, and the vision continued to decrease for several hours; Jessica...

Abortion: Pros and Cons

Abortion should be illegal because unborn babies are considered human beings by the US Government, making abortion murder. Many religions believe that life begins at conception. By terminating the pregnancy, one defies the word of God. From the very second, an embryo has its unique genetic identity, so if nothing...

New Beginning Program Procedures and Methodology

Statement Any adult aged 22 or older is eligible to apply for the New Beginnings Program, which offers opportunities for counseling, education, teaching life skills, and vocational training for adults with ASD. They are asked to fill out an intake form to gather basic information (Appendix A). The New Beginnings...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Left Realism Theory Analysis

Roots of the left realism theory Left realist theory originated from critical criminology in reaction against the perception that, left failed to have a practical concern in day-to-day crime. It was argued that this failure left-right realist with the monopoly of political agenda concerning the law. According to this realism,...

Overpopulation and Environmental Protection in China

Introduction Today, China is facing harsh environmental degradation mainly due to population explosion and economic development. The country was not concerned about the protection and development of the environment while it was forging ahead with rapid economic growth. Main body China’s economic miracle has bloomed tremendously in the last two...

“Sadie When She Died” by Ed McBain

Ed McBain’s “Sadie When She Died” is one of the stories from the 87th Precinct series which he started writing in the mid-1950s. It presents the story about the officer, Steve Carella, who knew from the beginning the identity of the real murderer but lacked proof to accuse him of...

Camden County College: Condom Dispensers in Rest Rooms

While encompassing myself within the fold of my college routine during the time that I had been enrolled as a student of Camden County College since last year, it never occurred in my wildest dreams that one day the college will suddenly implement its decision to install condom dispensers in...

Emergency: Responding to an Explosive Attack

Terrorism is a methodical use of terror particularly as a method of compulsion. No unanimously approved, lawfully binding, criminal laws of the explanation of terrorism exist at present. Terrorism is commonly defined according to the violent actions done with the intention of creating fear/terror. These are committed for religious reasons,...

Proletariat and Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Marx puts to question the victory claimed by the Bourgeoisie in the midst of a struggle of classes (Marx 72). The emergence of a new class of industrial workers (proletariat) emerges as a threat to the members of the bourgeoisie. He further predicts a possible overthrow of the bourgeoisie masters...

Corporate Ethics in Work Environment

Introduction Corporate ethics has different meanings to different people; it is generally the awareness of what is right and wrong and the willingness and ability to choose to do right. (McNamara, 1997, par. 2). The corporate world is faced with many ethical problems. It is how these situations are handled...

Environmental Policy and Sustainability

Environmental sustainability and policy formulation are two main branches of the environment which are concerned with finding solutions to the problems that are affecting the environment. There are so many environmental problems that are facing the globe today due to a number of reasons including the rapid process of urbanization...

General Motors – Outsourcing and Success Metrics

Outsourcing a business function is common these days. It involves contracting out to an external provider a business function previously performed in-house. More and more businesses are increasingly outsourcing to suppliers outside their nation. Over the years General Motors has been pushing into multi-sourcing (contracting out to multiple companies), according...

The American Dream in “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan

Introduction Literature is one of the greatest ways through which important messages are passed to millions of people all over the world. The audience may be fascinated by the title of a story or novel and decide to buy it while another may be interested in reading anything that will...

Recruiting Foreign Nurses in the United States

The USA has been experiencing a nursing shortage over the last decade. The numerical relationship between the the number of nurses and patients increased so much that hundreds of nursing positions remained unfilled. Given this fact, the government decided to import a qualified workforce from other countries to decrease the...

Letter About Whether Prime Minister Harper Justified in Proroguing Parliament, or Not

Following the ongoing debate behind the prorogation of parliament by Stephen Harper, the prime minister of Canada, I wish to offer reasons as to why the prorogation witnessed on December 30 of 2009 was not justified. Constitutionally, it is the prime minister’s duty to suspend the parliament after permission from...

The Democrat and the Dictator: Roosevelt’s and Hitler’s Speech

Roosevelt’s Speech Roosevelt’s inaugural address (1933) reveals that the difficulties he considers to be the reason of hardships “concern, thank God, only material things” (para. 2). Roosevelt (1933) thinks the cause of the problems of his nation is that “Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court...

Car Washing Techniques: Like a Pro

Introduction Nowadays, many people use cars daily, be it for getting to work, delivering the food bought from supermarkets, or taking your children to school. Extensive use of your car certainly does not make it look any better. That being said, taking care of your car is not only necessary...

The Role of Negotiation in Patients’ Education

Introduction Negotiation is viewed as the process by which several parties with different interests attempt to find agreement. Regarding the patients’ education, negotiation helps doctors and clients to reach an understanding. It assists in changing the misconceptions of a client and improves treatment compliance with healthcare standards (Goldman et al.,...

Physical Realism and the Mind

Simone de Beauvoir was a rather famous author of feminist literature, as well as some existential works. Her book “The Second Sex” inspired the whole generation of women to fight for their rights worldwide. Her ideas were considered ‘too progressive’ in the past, which is why some men hated her....

Marriage and Inequalities With Gender

The issue of bridging gender equality has been the center of debate in the 21 century. The role of women in society could no longer be underestimated. In the United States and other nations around the world women have equal opportunities to stand for their rights and engage in a...

Responsibility as the Foundation of Society

People often compare human beings to animals, making the point that humans possess certain moral values, unlike other biological creatures. One of these values is a responsibility, which is a particularly interesting topic to consider because people tend to have different points of view on the matter of responsibility. I...

Horror Movies: Cause of the Craving

Human nature remains an understudied notion; sometimes, it is difficult to explain why an individual enjoys things or actions that cause fear and anxiety. One of such issues is that people are ready to spend money to watch horror movies, and consequently, experience fear. According to Stephen King, the most...

Laura Pergolizzi Live Concert Review

Introduction What is one thing that Rihanna, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, Cher, Leona Lewis, and Celine Dion have in common? It is a piece of the heart of a music phenomenon Laura Pergolizzi, also known as LP, who wrote their hits. A successful, prolific songwriter, she took over the world...

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Electronic Health Record Overview

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Ergonomic Review of Workstations

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SWOT Analysis and Its Significance

Introduction Strategic planning requires the analysis of an entity’s external and internal environments using the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis approach. This technique involves evaluating the threats, strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses impacting a company’s operations.1 SWOT analysis’s primary objective is distinguishing the most beneficial fit between a given...

Researching of Marketing Strategies

Summary Incorporating appropriate product life cycle (PLC) strategies in the marketing plan of a brand are critical for its success. The demand for such products is increasingly high as compared to the commercialization of goods with little emphasis on tactful advertising techniques. As such, this paper explains the role of...

Medical Assistance Programs and Their Stakeholders

Medication assistance programs are an integral element in providing quality healthcare services to the community. Every member should have access to healthcare; it is unthinkable and unfair that financial constraints can deny access to different forms of healthcare. Medication assistance programs serve as a safety net for those in communities...

Delegate vs. Trustee Representation Models

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Cold War in Everyday Life of Americans

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Physical Disability in the United States

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Discussion of Life-Span Theory Exploration

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Homosexuality Perceptions in Mexican Culture

Modern society has drastically changed over the centuries, and compared to the old times, it is now much more liberated, democratic, and accepting. However, there are still issues that require special attention and cause many debates over their existence, such as homosexuality. The attitude towards people belonging to the LGBTQ...

Blended Family Structure and Statistics

Blended families, also known as remarriages or stepfamilies, are among the modern types of families in the world. Data collection methods on blended families are limited since the US government has never collected data on stepfamilies. There is inadequate information on these types of families since only some small groups...

Health and Beauty Co.: Rebranding

Background With increased competition and stagnant growth, the skincare company needs a rebrand. This event consists of changing the packaging to a more convenient, fresh, relevant, and profitable production. It is estimated that in four years, the company will not only catch up with the percentage of growth lost over...

Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”: Analysis of the Plot

A plot is a series of events in a story. The plot in the short story “A Rose for Emily ” is well–developed. A plot must be chronological or non-chronological; chronological means the events happened in order of their occurrence. Non-Chronological implies that there were regressions into the past from...

Earth Day Symposium 2021 Presentation by LaDuke

Amber Rose Gonzalez organized the presentation, and she is a professional and the chairperson of Ethnic Studies. Amber Rose Gonzalez also coordinates the American Indiana Studies degree. The keynote speaker of the Earth Day Symposium is Winona LaDuke. Winona LaDuke is an internationally recognized author and an environmental activist (LaDuke,...

Why Pharmaceutical Industry Is High-Tech and Knowledge-Intensive

It seems reasonable to advocate for the pharmaceutical industry due to the following. Pharmaceuticals is one of the most high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries in the global economy, which is determined by three groups of interrelated factors. First, it is the rapid development of human sciences and a number of important...

The Data Collection Approaches for Protea Hotel

Large companies often face several challenges in monitoring all of their assets and associated businesses. Similarly, there is a mismatch between resources and final products in the proposed case with Protea Hotel by Marriott Lusaka. This problem can be solved in many ways, but the most effective is collecting data...

Leadership Behaviors, Honesty and Ambition

Introduction It is important to note that effective leadership requires a specific set of behaviors and actions, which are rooted in foundational qualities of honesty and ambition. Although there is a wide range of different leadership styles with a correspondingly divergent emphasis on some points of focus, they all rely...

Nazi Germany: Race and Space Policy

During the Second World War, millions of people of different nationalities, including Poles, died at the hands of the Nazis and their accomplices. All races in the Nazis’ view were arranged depending on the proximity of blood to the Aryans, to which, in addition to the Germans, some Western European...

Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Case Study

Introduction The management control of a health care department is a challenging task. It includes planning and programming, budgeting as creating a financial plan based on the estimation of revenues and costs, and accounting as the process of documenting any financial decisions (Cleverley & Cleverley, 2018). A cardiac intensive care...