Introduction It is important to note that one of the core objectives of kinesiology is to promote health. Therefore, it is in current and future kinesiologists’ best interest to engage in the battle against the obesity epidemic plaguing Americans and even the world. The documentary titled ‘Fed Up’ by Stephanie...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Introduction Nurse burnout is a serious issue in today’s healthcare system, and nurse leaders must take steps to mitigate its effects. The issue of nurse burnout is multifaceted, with many contributing factors and potential solutions. In the literature, there is a growing consensus that nurse leaders can take an active...
Topic: Burnout
Words: 833
Pages: 3
The meeting under consideration was held on February 7, 2023, in a semi-public format in the City of Flagstaff. The city council meeting was broadcast live on the city’s official website, and public discussions of politicians were available for all to view (Live & upcoming events, 2023). The type of...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 833
Pages: 3
The role of a human resource department manager reaches beyond mere handling of employee issues. It deals with high-rank decision-making due to the cooperation with the leadership on the proper organizational policy aimed at employee management. One of the pivotal aspects of enhancing company performance is the use of up-to-date,...
Topic: Management
Words: 833
Pages: 2
Introduction The article by Wagner et al. (2015) entitled “Nursing Ethics and Disaster Triage: Applying Utilitarian Ethical Theory” has been chosen for discussion. The text was published by the Emergency Nurses Association, a reputable source, and the article is peer-reviewed, making it credible. The authors investigate the notion of the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Smoking is one of the most preventable causatives of death in the world since smoking is just an acquired behavior that many people have the authority to avoid. Smoking is either directly or indirectly responsible for causing the death of one out of five people who die in the United...
Topic: Ban Smoking
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Introduction The stories by Phillip K. Dick have a philosophical background. An imposter is one of Dick’s works. Although it is written in the genre of fiction and narrates about the imaginary future, its plot shares the common themes with the philosophical teachings of Plato, the Ancient Greek philosopher. The...
Topic: Literature
Words: 834
Pages: 4
In the contemporary world, sport has become the source and the target for a variety of social issues of different characters. The popularity of sports in contemporary society, their financial and political aspects triggered a number of conflicts and scandals in different fields of sports. The scholars today explore sports...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Exposition analysis Acquiring much stuff for pleasure and prestige does not amount to happiness. Anna Quindlen’s “Why Stuff is not Salvation” highlights how consumerism has taken precedence in the American society. The need to acquire more stuff as a sign of wealth has been emulated by the American citizens without...
Topic: Business
Words: 834
Pages: 4
When the patient is diagnosed with tonic-clonic seizure, the most important step take is to determine the best form of treatment (Gil-Nagel, 2012). The main objectives or goals of the treatment is to prevent further seizures, avoid progress of the condition and adverse effects and ensure that the patient leads...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Marcovitz (2010) defines suicide simply as the act of killing oneself. It is considered a mental condition because it is usually mired with a lot of despair and depression. According to Health Guide (2012), there are several characteristics that a person contemplating suicide exhibits. One such characteristic is the giving...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Though it is usually referred to as social animals and having the tendency to live in communities, people need personal privacy. Thus, according to the U.S. Constitution, every single citizen of the state is entitled to privacy based on the irrefutable rights that are provided to each U.S. resident since...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Introduction Across the global village, the introduction of communication via the internet has liberated contact and made it efficient and cost-effective. At present, by a click of the button, an individual is in a position to communicate with the entire world. Social media has become very common among activists across...
Topic: Activism
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Let’s explain the basics. What’s a bill? It’s somebody’s proposal for a future law that is brought to the responsible party (aka a legislative body) for a review. Before being accepted, such a proposal goes through an extensive list of processes and reviews, and only after that, it may become...
Topic: Law
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Pages: 3
Introduction Theoretical frameworks in nursing provide guidance to nurses in various settings and situations. Theories and models are developed on the basis of extensive experience and research. One of these paradigms is transcultural nursing. It has been acknowledged that the process of healing depends on numerous factors, and it is...
Topic: Culture
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Introduction There is no doubt that music can be regarded as one of the greatest inventions of humanity. The phenomenon of music is difficult to be described in words as it touches upon the sphere of human feelings that present quite a poorly studied side of our nature. Because of...
Topic: Music
Words: 834
Pages: 4
In and Out of Africa is a documentary film that engages the viewers into an intelligent and perceptive overview of African art and culture. The documentary explores authenticity, racial politics with humor and irony, as well as emphasizes the role of transnational trade in shaping African art. The movie intertwines...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Financial Problem Analysis The conducted literature review and interview reveal a range of financial problems that are primarily associated with patients’ views and expectations. The first problem is the erroneous perception of the value-for-money factor. The majority of patients are unaware of the cost and treatment options that are delivered...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Introduction The vulnerable population that will be examined throughout this paper is homeless people. The geographic scope is limited to the USA to facilitate data mining and analysis. This population has been selected since a recent study has determined “a drastic surge” in the number of entire families that have...
Topic: Population
Words: 834
Pages: 4
One of the biggest challenges faced by nurses in the public and private health care sectors is the development of work-life balance. The main challenge in this process is that the nursing profession is a caregiving field that operates under ethical guidelines that compel the nurses to embrace the needs...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Introduction Family nurse practitioners (FNP) are registered nurses whose special education allows him or her to engage in family practice. Usually, FNP specialists have a higher degree of training applied to clinical and classroom settings and can work with both children and adults. The major duty of a family nurse...
Topic: Family
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Description Manual therapy can be defined as a broad range of techniques primarily focused on treatment and relief of musculoskeletal pain, and may also be utilized to address associated disabilities. Most of the procedures are performed with the use of hands. One of the factors that should not be overlooked...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Democracy, though seemingly omnipresent in today’s world, is not a system that is easy to transition to for a nation with a totalitarian past. The members of the existing political elite in non-democratic states, in many cases, hold on to power and either decline the notion of the transit of...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Technology can be regarded as one of the major forces contributing to the evolvement of business. When it comes to computing, five major waves have been identified. The first four waves include the introduction of computers in the 1960s, the development of small computers in the 1970s, the creation of...
Topic: Technology
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Experimental Research The article by Shackelford, Weyhenmeyer, and Mabus (2014) is based on the study of 586 participants of different ages and ethnicity from nine counties of Illinois. The research confirms the fact that women, belonging to different racial and ethnic groups can have a diverse risk of developing certain...
Topic: Health
Words: 834
Pages: 4
Introduction Angst (2013) defines bipolar disorder as “a brain condition that results in usual mood, activity, and energy shifts” (p. 2). The disorder (also given the name Manic-Depressive Illness) makes it impossible for the affected patient to perform his or her day-to-day activities. Psychologists believe that bipolar disorder is a...
Topic: Bipolar Disorder
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Asthma is one of the highly prevalent diseases with about 25.7 million people suffering from it in the United States (Tietze, 2017). It is a cause of almost half a million annual hospitalizations and kills nine people every day. Asthma is defined as “a heterogeneous chronic inflammatory medical condition...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Summary of the main points discussed in the article The author of this article looks at the debate surrounding the US common core curriculum about the common core curriculum standards. The author narrates the concerns raised about the pace at which the new common core curriculum is being implemented. The...
Topic: Curriculum
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The internet has altered the traditional distribution channel. Where companies depended on catalogs to inform customers about products, they can now access them easily on websites. Purchases do not have to be made on site. Customers purchase and pay for merchandise online. Thereafter, the company organizes to deliver the...
Topic: Business
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Over the last 30 years in the US, the real price of a college education has increased by almost 70 percent. Over the same period, an increasing number of high school graduates have sought a college education. While faculty salaries have barely kept pace with inflation, administrative staffing (and expenditures)...
Topic: Managerial Economics
Words: 834
Pages: 2
Amazon, Inc. is a global company that has developed particularly as a result of acquisitions. For instance, Amazon, Inc. purchased Whole Foods Marketplace in 2017, and the company’s revenues are now part of Amazon’s consolidated financial statements. Amazon’s corporate structure allows for consolidation by using a hierarchal framework, with varying...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...
Topic: Trade
Words: 834
Pages: 3
In the third paragraph of the article “Weight watchers”, the author highlights the ineffectiveness of imposing high taxes on cigarettes to discourage consumption. The author indicates that the response by smokers to hiked cigarette prices mainly depends on their purpose for smoking. The view of the detrimental effects of high...
Topic: Smoking
Words: 834
Pages: 3
What is scientific management and why it was important in the Fordist Era? Scientific management was a practical application of scientific management theory, which was concerned with workflow analyses, synthesis, and specialization of work to stimulate workforce productivity. Scientific methods emphasized mechanization, specialization, and simplified repetitive tasks (Vallas, Finlay, and...
Topic: Management
Words: 834
Pages: 3
“V for Vendetta” is a comic book that features scenes that were imagined in the 1980s. The book was written by Allan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd. It was set in the futuristic United Kingdom. The book chronicles the actions of a masked revolutionary who calls himself “V.” This...
Topic: Art
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction I thought a lot about stress and happiness during the past week. Currently, I am running three companies including a car dealership, a rental company, and an automotive shipping firm each of which requires the transition to a new stage. For example, they need superior business planning and thorough...
Topic: Happiness
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Aquinas is a famous philosopher whose work has offered an interesting point of view on human existence. In the third article of On the Voluntary and the Involuntary, the author presents his outlook on the actions people take. Most notably, he examines whether all activities are performed through a...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction World art includes many examples of works by great masters who are known to descendants. One of these artists is the Mexican Frida Kahlo. Most of her work is devoted to herself since she spent a long time alone. In the works of Kahlo, not only the influence of...
Topic: Frida Kahlo
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The following analysis of Wilson Corporation’s equity cost and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is aimed at determining whether the CEO of the company made a reasonable suggestion to increase the long-term debt and balance debt by 60% and equity by 40%. In the beginning, it is important to...
Topic: Economics
Words: 834
Pages: 3
This free essay on poverty as a social problem looks at a grave problem that exists in America and in the world. It provides reasons why people are experiencing poverty as well as some solutions. Introduction Society often perceives poverty as an individualistic issue, believing it is a consequence of...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The selection of learning strategies is a significant step in the process of education because it is decisive for the success of the learning process as well as students’ performance. People have diverse learning preferences and demonstrate different performance with the use of preferred strategies. Some individuals need to...
Topic: Education
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The field of healthcare and, in particular, nursing practice, provide for the application of various theoretical approaches and concepts aimed at studying the principles of helping people and analyzing potentially successful interventions. These procedures require calculations and making correlations, and in this case, statistics are a valuable method for...
Topic: Health
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Topic Work-life balance is a critical factor that has an impact on employees’ motivation, job satisfaction, and performance. However, for nurses working in hospitals, achieving work-life balance can be challenging. This problem causes nurses to experience other job-related issues, such as burnout, stress, deterioration of personal relationships, and exhaustion,...
Topic: Work-Life Balance
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Faith in the existence of the impalpable and infallible divine being was a common theme among Roman artists during the time of the empire. During this time, people did not have sacred texts, and thus they relied on art to express their thoughts concerning religious matters. As such, sculptures and...
Topic: Art
Words: 834
Pages: 3
A Doll House is a three-act play that is set in Norway in the nineteenth century. It tells a story about a married couple living in a Norwegian town. At the beginning of the play, the marriage of the main characters is shown in a positive light, but it is...
Topic: Literature
Words: 834
Pages: 3
An increasing amount of applications are designed out-of-house or complied using open-sourced and off-the-shelf codes. Organizations utilize a multitude of third-party applications, such as those for VPN connections and email management. Moreover, some of them even outsource the whole of part of their security operations centers to third-party service providers....
Topic: Management
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The legal issue at hand in the current case scenario relates to the diversion of drugs, which is defined as “the unlawful channeling of regulated pharmaceuticals, including the misuse of prescription medications” (Tanga, 2011, p. 14). If a nursing professional is reported to be chemically impaired and is suspected to...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction This paper “Web-based shopping: Consumers’ attitudes towards online shopping in New Zealand” details an exploratory study conducted by Gurvinder S Shergill and Zhaobin Chen, who attempted to investigate the online buying behavior of people from New Zealand. It was part of a larger study, and the central theme which...
Topic: Online Shopping
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Throughout the history of American conservation, few artists have worked as effectively and as hard to communicate the ‘wilderness idea’ as Ansel Adams. For the photographers, the wilderness has always been an intangible and non-materialistic experience. Through his works, Adams has managed to tough numerous people with a sense of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Voltaires philosophical and literary works are now believed to be prominent examples of French literature of Enlightenment. The author subjected to heavy criticism shortcomings of the then Western-European society as, religious fanaticism, despotism, military aggressiveness, feuds that engulfed Europe, etc (Rolland, 155). However, it is hardly possible to say that...
Topic: Candide
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The cases Chapman v. Hearse and Voli v IngleWoodshire Council are both legal cases that were tried in the High Court of Australia in the years 1961 and 1963 respectively. The Judges for the Chapman v. Hearse case was Dixon C.J.; Kitto J.; Taylor J.; Menzies J.; Windeyer J;...
Topic: Construction
Words: 834
Pages: 2
The analysis of the world philosophical approach props up against the rationale and grounding of a definite idea. In this respect the fundamentals of philosophy and its implementation in the world of business affairs are viable. The situation of today constitutes that there are more points on making achievements in...
Topic: Product Development
Words: 834
Pages: 3
International Trade The development of the modern human society is associated with the processes of globalization and trade liberalization (Mankiw, 2004). Although widely claimed to be positive, integrative processes, both globalization and liberalization of international trade affect the economies of developing countries negatively making the poor even poorer and giving...
Topic: Trade
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The story A Good Man is Hard to Find written by Flannery O’Connor is considered to be rather tragic through the author’s breakage of traditional “happy ends”. The short story is rich in literary devices and expressive means; O’Connor managed to create a symbolic and imaginative work provoking and stimulating...
Topic: A Good Man is Hard to Find
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Nowadays, there is the growing popularity of international business activities between both the developing economies and the emerging economies. Therefore, each company is searching for the appropriate strategies to interfere with the world market, as it opens new opportunities for development. Initially, there was an assumption that the industry-based approach...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Production is defined as the creation of goods and services to satisfy human wants. Successful production can only take place when there are adequate factors of production. These factors include land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. These factors must be rewarded accordingly if a meaningful business is to be achieved....
Topic: Business
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Following a decline in the recession period of the beginning of the 1990s, public transportation use in the United States increased rapidly from 1996 to 2009. Unlinked traveler trips grew by 22 percent, increasing whole ridership to the highest level in 50 years. The New York City region contributed...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction There has been a cultural disconnect in learning environments, in both basic and higher education (Romaine, 2009). Language has emerged as the most significant contributor to cultural disconnect within the educational centers (Gollnick, & Chinn, 2002). The introduction of virtual learning environments worsened the situation in institutions of higher...
Topic: Culture
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Dating back to the colonial years of settlement, stereotypes have been part of America especially after inheriting slavery. Stereotypes of African Americans can be traced back to as early as in the first films and were modernized throughout film history. African Americans are citizens or residents of the United...
Topic: African American
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The novel Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee is a fascinating snapshot of post-apartheid South Africa. The main character is David Lurie, an aging scholar of literature and languages, who has passed his prime, and lives in Cape Town, busying himself with earning a living and satisfying his sexual appetites. One...
Topic: Literature
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The use of internet has created a huge chance for the population using it within the last decade. It is a prime tool of success in the recent era. Thus, it becomes important to analyze and focus on the subject of responsibilities that a technical professional must indulge while walking...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 834
Pages: 2
Personal responsibility, compliance, and awareness play an essential role in any human activity. A responsible attitude has always been highly valued since it means making conscious decisions and applying behaviors that provide trustful and sincere communication. Except for the ability to communicate, the ability to respect colleagues is also a...
Topic: Accountability
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Abstract Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating progressive neurodegenerative condition that causes a decline in cognitive skills. While the condition is not yet fully understood, scientists believe that it is caused by age-related neurological changes and genetic factors. Its symptoms include the impairment of memory, learning, social, and motion skills, and...
Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Summary In the article, “Does Conducting a Risk Assessment Facilitate Better Care for Patients at Risk of Pressure Injuries?”, Hödl, Eglseer, and Lohrmann (2019) sought to evaluate whether the use of PI risk assessment is correlated to increased application of international evidence-based guidelines when dealing with patients at risk of...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction York Region expands and should reduce the volume of food waste by involving each resident in the process. The Region established the SM4RT LIVING Plan – the framework for local waste management. The Food Waste Reduction Strategy is a part of the Plan, as the quantity of food waste...
Topic: Food
Words: 834
Pages: 5
In contemporary society, single parenthood has become common. Marriages between two couples are no longer popular. In this case, several children are born and brought up by single parents. When a child is brought up by a single parent, they often lack parenting values and traits from the other gender...
Topic: Gender
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The author of this paper lives in Miami, FL, which has several local newspapers that discuss policy issues. For this assignment, they have chosen an article that was posted on the Miami Herald website on May 8. It discusses the continued failure of numerous nursing homes to comply with the...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The power of language is a unique ability peculiar to human beings. Although some animals can communicate in non-verbal ways, making different sounds can hardly be called a speech. The language became the primary tool for communication between people, with which thoughts were transmitted from one person to another, from...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Researching organizational behavior helps employers obtain an insight into covert patterns of their employees’ performance at work. As organizations are in continual exploration of new methods to enhance efficiency, competitiveness, and increase in revenue, the issue focuses attention from researchers in the domain. Organizational structure and communication are the aspects...
Topic: Organizational Behavior
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The House of the Seven Gables is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in the middle of the nineteenth century. The story revolves around a gloomy mansion in New England, which is believed to be haunted since its construction – this aspect has even made Hawthorne’s work “the father of...
Topic: Literature
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Business model innovation is associated with the development of an essentially new approach to building business processes and commercializing a company’s products. Thus, in the context of this concept, a business model itself but not a “product or service becomes subject to innovation” (Spieth & Schneider, 2016, p. 672). Still,...
Topic: Fashion
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The issue of staffing has been an ongoing challenge for the United States healthcare system. Nursing homes are facilities that provide long-term care for their residents, the majority of whom are older people. Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are employed in these healthcare establishments. This paper will explore the problem...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Many scholars have investigated the portrayal of the LGBTQ+ population in the media, noting that it does not always reflect reality. Seif (2017) provides an analysis of several characteristics of gay and lesbian characters in the media. They include gendered stereotypes, victimization, representation as villains, a sexual depiction, or a...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 834
Pages: 3
As Texas Democrats acquired control of Congress in 1873, they saw the opportunity to draft a new constitution for the state. It was expected that the new document would restrict the state government’s power and give power back to the citizens of Texas. The Constitution of 1876 is the sixth...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The utilization of bioelectromagnetics has been a topic of discussion within and outside of the medical community. Due to the latest scientific findings, there has been a surge in the popularity of electromagnetic therapy integration to treat arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, various types of cancer, and diabetic neuropathy. The practical...
Topic: Biomedicine
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Event Background Today’s society and media context, in general, are replete with events that tend to interfere with the fundamentals of ethics and sociological issues. In fact, every single endeavor that takes place in the world has the ability to be assessed from a sociological perspective. However, one of the...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Regulatory laws refer to the criminal regulations that reject socially unacceptable conducts, such as possession, use, and sale of drugs, traffic violation, and gambling. Criminal Justice System (CJS) is a string of federal and local government institutions and agencies that directly regulates these laws. Its main responsibility is the...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Technologies can be viewed as a dominating force in the modern world. Contemporary society benefits from the extensive use of diverse devices, software, and applications in different spheres of activity. They guarantee a significant increase in effectiveness, accuracy, and performance levels, along with the minimization of mistakes rate and effort...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The provision of high-quality care is often associated with certain risks and the use of potentially hazardous measures. Patients and healthcare professionals have to evaluate a myriad of possible benefits and hazards when choosing the most appropriate treatment. Radiation exposure is one of the risks people have to consider when...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 834
Pages: 3
In the last 25 years, consumer bankruptcy filings have increased from 225,000 to 1.5 million forcing many experts to examine what could be the reason behind this worrying trend. Interestingly, the experts have concluded that the attitude of the society towards those who file for bankruptcy is to blame (Zywicki,...
Topic: Economics
Words: 834
Pages: 3
An individual’s cultural background has a significant impact on the ways the world is perceived and how one acts in it – this orientating role of culture could be essential to function adequately in society. Nevertheless, in some cases, it may surpass a particular culture’s boundaries and be applied to...
Topic: Culture
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The communicative approach, also referred to as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), has occupied the central part of language teaching discussions since the late 1960s. This concept emphasizes problem solving and interactions as the means and final goal of learning a second language (Educopedia Aulas Inglês, 2020). Hence, it stresses essential...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The core differences between adaptive sampling and network sampling rest on their applications. Adaptive sampling in an entirely new sampling design in which regions, defined in its context as “units” are selected based on the values of variables that are of interest during the observation process in the sampling survey...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The case of OJ Simpson is one of the most complex and confusing cases that happened to the US courts. The arrest and consecutive trial of the former NFL star generated a mass media frenzy. All of the participants of the case received high publicity and even people outside the...
Topic: Law
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Have you ever asked yourself about how life appeared on Earth? This question has always been at the center of attention. For many years, there have been debates about whether life was created by God, as described in the Bible, or if it has a more scientific explanation, according to...
Topic: Charles Darwin
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction As the company under consideration by Andres, the organization will be reviewed through relevant assessment indicators. In particular, the focus will be on its progress and performance to date. Based on the data on the production process, market segmentation, and financial performance, key conclusions will be drawn regarding the...
Topic: Performance
Words: 834
Pages: 5
Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, which was published back in 1953, remains one of the most notable plays of English literature because it is full of themes that transcend time and are still relevant today. For readers to understand the intentions behind the story, it is imperative to dig deeper into...
Topic: The Crucible
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The twenty-first century poses a number of new societal challenges, which may contradict some of the resolutions the public has agreed on in the past. Thus, as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet receive euphoric praise for starting foundations and giving away billions of dollars, some people decide to take a...
Topic: Philanthropy
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Diabetes mellitus is a rather severe group of diseases that may occur in both children and adults. This condition affects the way one’s body uses glucose and may lead to excess sugar in the blood, which typically results in serious health problems (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2020). Due to the fact...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 834
Pages: 3
In this article, the authors offer convincing arguments regarding the use of social media to influence social movements. Such technological innovations provide the best environment for participation and encourage people to focus on issues that affect them directly. Individuals who rely on social media platforms will have higher chances of...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 834
Pages: 2
Drug addiction is a psychological and physical disorder that affects the brain of an individual. It is caused by dependence on drugs, alcohol, and specific behaviors. Addiction alters the brain of the person from liking something to wanting it. After developing addiction, the victim continues with the compulsive behavior regardless...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 834
Pages: 3
With the continuous course of history, the forms of leadership, the level of effectiveness, and the methods and values of governance have constantly been changing. A similar trend has emerged in international cooperation and governance, where the once imperialist area has been replaced by the image of the United Nations...
Topic: International Organizations
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Reliance on clear language and direct visual images separated the works of the Imagists and Emily Dickinson from the late Victorian poetry. Instead of the elaborate verse where images served as decorations illustrating the text’s main idea, the exacting visual image articulated with painstaking clarity became the poem’s essence –...
Topic: Hope
Words: 834
Pages: 3
A review of the existing literature echoing the issues of mentorship in Senior Executive Services, the representation of women in politics, in particular African-American women, showed a lack of research. Among the sources of value for the study, several main directions stand out. Some studies combine these areas, but there...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Response 1 Any essay must consider its audience since its purpose is to deliver the author’s message. For second language learners, the writer’s skill to present information in a suitable format is more crucial than others. Even if a learner is able to connect the meaning of a word or...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Beowulf is a well-known work of Anglo-Saxon literature that depicts the reverence of heroism. Despite the fact that the writing is based on a single manuscript, the epic manages to sustain the Anglo-Saxon people’s strong values. Here, Beowulf is regarded as a great hero and rescuer of the people. This...
Topic: Beowulf
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Mental health includes the emotional, psychological, and social condition of an individual. It influences people’s behavior, interpersonal connections, decision-making ability, and physical well-being. People’s traumatic life experience, lifestyle, and biological factors affect their mental health by causing stress, anxiety, and other disruptive conditions. Supporting mental health is crucial to preserve...
Topic: Health
Words: 834
Pages: 3
What is Tsunami A tsunami is a sequence of long and high waves generated when there is water disruption in the ocean. The disturbance can originate from different sources such as meteorites, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and earthquakes in the sea (“How a tsunami wave works,” para 1). However, the common...
Topic: Environment
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Robert Kane, a famous philosopher, formulated the concept of free will, which is a relevant topic for discussion even nowadays. Free will is one of the most debatable problems of philosophy; many people still examine human will as an object of freedom. This topic is highly relevant to philosophers and...
Topic: Free Will
Words: 834
Pages: 3
“Safety Climate and Firefighting” This literary work makes a significant contribution to research on the topic of public safety related to fire services. Therefore, the need for changes in the approach of security organizations in this field of activity of the general public is emphasized (DeJoy et al., 2017). This...
Topic: Fire Safety
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The 18th century had great significance in American history; it incorporated concepts that rhymed with the awakening period. The era covers the stages undertaken in the American Constitution’s development and the Bill of Rights impacts. The patriots adhered to ethics that emphasized suitable approaches in agitating for the rights and...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The Alamo, called initially Misión San Antonio de Valero, is a monument located in present-day San Antonio, Texas. It was originally a Franciscan Mission constructed by Roman Catholic missionaries in 1718 and later abandoned. The 1936 Battle of the Alamo between Mexicans and Texians was fought at this location. Today,...
Topic: Texas
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The perception of historical events and the overall historical development of peoples and nations significantly depend on the discourse that prevails in the field of research and history as a subject. The approaches to analyzing particular causes and outcomes of events predetermine the overall idea about a historical period....
Topic: History
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Pages: 3
Introduction Early philosophical discussions presented by the scholars of Ancient Greece are still essential for the scientific community of the current age. The knowledge and beliefs manifested in the writings of well-recognized philosophers of that time offer the researchers an opportunity to establish the characteristics of philosophical thought. Furthermore, it...
Topic: Allegory of the Cave
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Pages: 3
Introduction It is important to note that the performance ratios of a company play a critical role in assessing and monitoring the overall validity of the organization as a business enterprise. The given analysis will primarily focus on evaluating the financial condition of Costco Wholesale Corporation on the basis of...
Topic: Costco
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Pages: 3
The American Bankers Association (ABA) is a trade association that consists of elites and groups representing banks of all sizes in the banking industry. The ABA does not offer basic baking services or operations aligned to bank systems. This association was established in 1875 and has expanded to the most...
Topic: Economics
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Pages: 3
Introduction A heart seeking love and burdened by traditions can open a doorway into madness. The given analysis focuses on a short story, “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, written in 1930. The plot revolves around a town in the state of Mississippi with central characters Emily Grierson and...
Topic: A Rose for Emily
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Pages: 3
Introduction The article “The articles of 21st-century faith” by Julian Baggini is the author’s attempt to reimagine the definition of religion to fit realistic expectations set by a society that is increasingly atheistic. Updating the Religion The article is a proposition that the author makes for religious people. It consists...
Topic: Belief
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Pages: 3
Before the start of westernization in the XIX century, Japan remained an exceptionally closed country for two hundred and fifty years. A rapid influx of foreigners and the new customs that they beheld caused the Japanese people to experience a certain state of chaos when they had to adjust to...
Topic: Cinematography
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Pages: 3
It has been more than five decades since the start of The Rocky Horror Show’s massive success, yet homophobia is still very much alive in the United States. Richard O’Brien’s play has gained global prominence and the status of a cult classic since its release in the early 1970s. In...
Topic: Cinematography
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Pages: 3
It is known that cats helped rid the island of Cyprus of a huge number of poisonous snakes. And they did it not with the help of magical power but thanks to their hunting skills and instincts. Cats help restore female energy and transmit grace, seductiveness, and sexuality to their...
Topic: Religion
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Pages: 3
Even though modern American society is officially equal for men and women, gender inequalities still exist. The spread of inequalities results from imposing traditional gender roles on people, which is an integral part of socialization. It is possible to find numerous examples of promoting gender roles in American popular culture,...
Topic: Advertising
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Pages: 3
Objectivity in the media revolves around highlighting and criticizing important information and facts that are relevant to the audience. Therefore, acknowledging the need to use neutral language and avoiding writing stories that characterize institutions or people as positive or negative is critical in the presented content. As a transgender and...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
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Pages: 3
Tin Pan Alley is a part of Manhattan that was the center of the music industry from the end of the 19th century till the middle of the 20th century. It started to grow approximately in the second part of the 1880th due to the popularity of piano music and...
Topic: Music
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Pages: 3
Introduction Capitalism represents the dominant economic concept in modern reality, based on private property, the competence of actors, and the principle of supply and demand. The role of the state in the capitalist economy is reduced to protecting the rights of citizens and creating a safe and comfortable environment in...
Topic: Capitalism
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Pages: 3
Introduction The moral status of the embryo and fetus is the primary ethical question in the abortion debate. From the notion that a fetus is a human person with full moral standing and rights and to the conception to the belief that a fetus has no rights, even if it...
Topic: Abortion
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Pages: 4
Introduction The transportation industry is going through the revolutionary substitution of standard vehicles to the seemingly more sustainable and certainly more technologically advanced electric models. The shift is exemplified by the expansive attention of the public to Tesla, an electric vehicle company offering the most nuanced features that do not...
Topic: Air Pollution
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Pages: 3
Introduction Affirmation action plays a crucial role in medicine and should be fostered. According to the Legal Information Institute (n.d.)., affirmation action is a collection of processes aimed at eliminating illegal discrimination among candidates, rectifying the consequences of such earlier prejudice, and avoiding future discriminatory actions. Ly et al. (2022)...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction In cartography, it is essential to properly structure the details incorporated into the drawing of maps. Any mislabeling, erroneous segmentation and data entry may ruin the perception of one’s reality and lead to bad decision-making or confusion among those who utilize the maps. Therefore, a good map should carefully...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The author’s tools for creating a full-fledged atmosphere are diverse and consist of the selection of words and rhetorical style. The authors try to include as many emotions as possible in the narrative so that readers can identify with the characters, agree with them and empathize with them. Examples of...
Topic: Literature
Words: 834
Pages: 2
Introduction The operation codenamed Anaconda is a military operation that was conducted by the US-led international coalition against the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. This operation was planned to use the classic tactical scheme of the hammer and anvil. This idea was not new, but in the second half of...
Topic: Terrorism
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Pages: 3
Introduction Despite meticulously created curricula aimed at developing skills and teaching all necessary knowledge essential for a young professional in a work setting, there are issues that cannot be properly trained in the classroom. Indeed, when it comes to practice and proper completion of job tasks, an individual does not...
Topic: Caregiver
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Pages: 3
SDOH: Impact on Communities Social determinants of health (SDOH) are the environmental conditions that directly affect personal and group differences in terms of health statuses. Hence, among the most essential and significant determinants influencing communities, economic stability, education, as well as social and community context can be distinguished (“Social determinants...
Topic: Health
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Pages: 3
More than 150 years ago, inventors began to develop something that would significantly affect the way energy is used throughout people’s lives. The desire of the people to be able to illuminate their surroundings, especially at night, was there forever. This invention increased the working day’s length, changed the way...
Topic: Invention
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The last few decades have seen an upsurge in the amount of media information available to the general audience. Some of this material is violent, and concerns have been expressed about the impact of children exposed to violent media. As a result, Gerard Jones argues in his piece “Violent...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction The family belongs to the cohort of complex and constantly developing social institutions. In this regard, various sociological theories can be applied to studying processes occurring within the family and evaluating their impact on society. For example, Landor and Barr (2018) studied the role of skin tone as a...
Topic: Family
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Pages: 3
Dominic Tierney’s article “Why Are Americans So Ideologically United?” is primarily concerned with the national ideology of the United States, which the author explores. Namely, Tierney claims that Americans have a common ideology, which is Lockean liberalism. By such an argument, Tierney implies that Americans embrace a set of values...
Topic: Liberalism
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Pages: 3
Notably, Homer’s Iliad is the oldest extant work of Greek literature. Schein (2022) emphasizes that the artifact is most likely the outcome of extraordinarily sophisticated procedures that involved both orality and writing, resulting in the creation of a fixed manuscript in the late eighth century. In historical terms, the heroic...
Topic: Homer
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Pages: 3
Introduction Twilight Zone (2019) Episode 4 is a Native American TV series directed by Ana Lily Amirpour and written by Glen Morgan. A police officer, Yuka, selected her brother as the candidate for ceremonial pardon during the Christmas party. The prison has a culture of pardoning an offender during the...
Topic: Television
Words: 834
Pages: 3
The recommendations of the annual report include a detailed description of the requirements for the activities of the various nursing organizations. The most important tenet promoted in this document is the provision of equitable conditions for the use of health care services. Moreover, great attention is paid in these guidelines...
Topic: Nursing
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Pages: 3
Introduction Cultural diversity is a community in which the team has its own identity, and the organization respects the values and differences of people from different cultures. Organizations that want to create unique communities that are non-discriminatory and accommodating of diverse cultures must pay attention to diversity management. Diversity management...
Topic: Workplace Diversity
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Pages: 3
The novel written by Mary Shelley represents a unique example of a book that raises numerous philosophical issues and covers a variety of themes extensively. The writer draws attention to the concepts of alienation, isolation, ambition, responsibility, and injustice, among others. Nevertheless, most themes are used primarily to cover the...
Topic: Frankenstein
Words: 834
Pages: 3
If you’re about to write a “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay, make sure to check out our sample below! Here, you’ll get some ideas for your “benefits of a healthy lifestyle” essay. Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle: Essay Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ‘A complete...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Population addressed This paper addresses middle-aged women: the women who are from 35 to 65 years old. During this period of their lives, women often encounter health problems, which makes health teaching particularly important in this respect. Importance During their middle age women go through natural aging processes along with...
Topic: Diet
Words: 835
Pages: 4
377 people burn alive in a horrible arson at the Rex Cinema in Abadan The night of August 19 in Abadan started almost as usual. The unusual and quite disturbing thing was the fact that the controversial film Gavaznha was on at Rex Cinema. “I wanted to watch the film...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Nursing theories provide very important principles to nursing practice. This paper presents a discussion of the environmental theory developed by Florence Nightingale. Environmental theory was the first in the modern nursing history (Masters, 2012). The theory states that unhygienic conditions affect the health of people living in that environment. This...
Topic: Environment
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Introduction The purpose of my PSAs was to answer the question on how the car emissions affect the global warming. It has been noted that in the UK, the environmental problems, such as these emissions, cause various health problems to the people. The emission by the cars is seen to...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 835
Pages: 4
John Maxwell Coetzee is a famous South African novelist and recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature (“J. M. Coetzee – Biographical” para. 5). He is famous for his interest to South Africa. Very often he was trying to reveal problems, still existing there. His works are mostly devoted to...
Topic: Literature
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Introduction In 2010, one of the most memorable events took place in the US healthcare system. President Obama approved the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare, in order to provide all Americans with appropriate health insurance coverage. Many Americans accepted this idea as one of the most generous governmental...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
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Pages: 4
Introduction When the reader comes across Petrus, there is the development of the assumption that one is reading concerning a delegate of the countryside. In a given instance, David instantly recognizes his physical features as having a wrinkled, worn face and astute eyes, and estimated his age to be between...
Topic: Literature
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Introduction After reading the short story ‘A & P’, one will be forgiven for believing that Sammy quit his job as a result of his immature, childlike behavior (Uphaus 23). However, a critical analysis of the character will reveal that Sammy did not quit his job on principle grounds. On...
Topic: Literature
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Game Zone is a company that offers a unique opportunity for video game enthusiasts to frequent a place of a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere. Game lovers will enjoy a possibility to play any video game prior to its purchase. Moreover, Game Zone provides an excellent opportunity to find other video...
Topic: Business
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Pages: 4
In Japan, the supply of money is mainly controlled by the Bank of Japan with the help of monetary policy that is focused on inflation and interest rates. Still, during the past two decades when interest rates were extremely low, unconventional monetary policies were implemented in order to improve the...
Topic: Banking
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Introduction The reduction of the risk of patient harm resulting from falls was always on the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations’ agenda (Cooper & Nolt, 2007). Following the National Patient Safety Goals, Cooper and Nolt (2007) define patient falls as “sudden unexpected descent from a standing, sitting or...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Immokalee is a city in Florida with population of more than 24 thousand people. According to United States Census Bureau, the population of the city is constituted by the following race categories: white alone (43.2%), black alone (18.9%), American Indian (1%), Hispanic people (75.6%) (Immokalee CDP, 2014). At that, 42.6%...
Topic: Farming
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the burdens facing the global healthcare sector. This paper proposes a research aimed at understanding the nature of congestive heart failure and why affected persons tend to be readmitted in their respective hospitals. The discussion explains why the topic has been selected for...
Topic: Heart Disease
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Problem Statement The qualitative study by Singal et al. (2016) focuses on a rather important problem of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy resulted in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in children. The title of the article clearly identifies the key variables, including the target audience of women living in Manitoba,...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Red Ferrosols are ancient Australian soils which formed from the weathering of basalt volcanic rock millions of years ago (Cotching 2015, p. 1). While the flora and fauna of that time are long extinct, Red Ferrosols outlasted many of the challenges, including meteors and climate changes, until the biggest challenge,...
Topic: Management
Words: 835
Pages: 4
International expansion is a process of creation of a single world market, based on the exchange of goods and capital, broader access to foreign goods; active development of trade and industrial relations, widening the cultural exchange, the increase of information flows between geographically remote regions. It goes without saying that...
Topic: Banking
Words: 835
Pages: 4
Introduction The nursing area presents plenty of professional opportunities. Nowadays nursing environment focuses on continuous development to ensure that a nurse possesses appropriate skills and knowledge related to his or her work. The participation in various programs and projects is likely to keep a nurse interested in and aware of...
Topic: Career
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Pages: 4