Discussion of Why the Youth Join Gangs

Youth violence can manifest in different forms, including forming or joining a gang. Although there are varying definitions of a youth gang, there are certain baseline features associated with youth gangs that differentiate them from other groups or organizations. The members of a youth street gang are typically between twelve...

The Strategic Procurement Sourcing

Sourcing strategies in procurement involve connecting data collection, market research, spending Analysis, contracting, and negotiation. Even though the sourcing strategy’s main aim is to leverage a single, integrated system that enhances profitability, it is customized to meet the need of consumers. There are various current and upcoming trends in e-procurement...

Management Development and Management Environment

Contemporary Management Theories The first stage in the development of management began in the early twentieth century and is associated with the teachings of Taylor after the publication of his book the Principles of Scientific Management, in which he first considered the scientific approaches and principles of building a management...

The Balanced Budget: Arguments For and Against

The United States is the most developed economy in the world in terms of the gross domestic product. However, the country has one of the highest budget deficits globally, meaning that the overall spending exceeds the total revenue collections. The country has for many years run under an increasing cumulative...

Caring for Individuals Experiencing Common Health Challenges: Death and Dying

The main idea of palliative care is integrating a holistic approach when nurses do everything possible to improve the quality of human life, even if death is inevitable. It is expected to offer comfort and understanding to patients and their families. According to Murray (2020), a dying person should be...

Exploring Interventions for English Language Learners

There are a plethora of studies on the efficiency of various interventions and programs for English language learners (ELLs), yet their real-life applications require a thorough assessment of each specific situation. Exploring such proposals may provide significant insight into their applicability in a teacher’s specific learning environment, making reflections an...

The United States Fashion Industry’s Future Performance

Industry Goods and Services As a commodity of the contemporary era, the fashion industry is the third-largest global enterprise after automobiles and technology (Pelikánová et al., 2021). Fashion is dedicated to the trade of manufacturing and making clothes sales, and it incorporates manufacturing, design, distribution, retailing, marketing, and promotion. Further,...

The Role of Fromm’s Psychoanalysis in Attachment Theory

The attachment theory is a complex idea that implies the long-term relationships and bonds between people, particularly children and parents relationships. The theory developed by John Bowl was lately corrected by Mary Ainsworth, eliminating the point that a mother was solely responsible for her infants’ development (Slater 2007). The idea...

Moral Judgment: The Handmaid’s Tale by Atwood

Introduction I agree that we must be cautious when passing moral judgment when. Reading the novel, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood is accurate in terms of Offred, the Commander, the Commander’s wife and the Angel, when examining the decisions and actions they take. However, universal laws of human morality...

La Ultima Cena del General Sandino by Armando Morales

Introduction The work of the Nicaraguan artist Armando Morales is called La última Cena del General Sandino and belongs to a series of works dedicated to the life, activities, and fate of the famous politician Augusto Cesar Sandino. The painting itself was painted in 1993, and everyone can get acquainted...

The Evolution of Thought on Governance

The issue of governance has always occupied a significant place in philosophy because the former directly affects people’s social life. The most prominent thinkers of different epochs dedicated their attention and effort to explain what governance was, why it existed, and what forms were preferable. This state of affairs has...

Initial Beliefs: Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare

Learning means acquiring new information that broadens people’s horizons and helps them to see details or peculiarities that were previously unnoticed. Turning back to my first paper, I should say that my initial beliefs remain unchanged, although I got extensive knowledge related to the subject. The organizational theory remains a...

Refugee Health-Related Challenges

Strengthening effective preventive services for refugee populations: toward communities of solution The health care system has an unequal distribution of the effectiveness of service delivery mechanisms. One problematic sector is refugee health, which includes various barriers for immigrants to service delivery. It is connected with the bureaucracy and does not...

Music Evolution and Historical Roots

Introduction It is important to note that music as a form of art was constantly changing throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Baroque periods. The given comparative analysis will focus on melody, harmony, form, and rhythm as areas of interest and how each of these musical elements was...

Weaponized Information and Its Impact on Society

Introduction The form of the information presented is equally important as the content because it determines the audience’s attitude to the articulated facts. For instance, it is possible to manipulate the target audience’s feelings to achieve the set goals. Showing the picture of the child standing in front of the...

Ethics Behind Research With Human Participants

Introduction In the study concerning the strange situation, children are separated from their parents and left with a stranger. An ethical consideration for this situation would be the consideration that the child gets upset and distressed. Research participants that involve children with parental ascent should ensure that the levels of...

Non- and Pharmacological Care of Dementia Patients

The aging of the planetary population of human beings is a well-known fact for the public health institutions of most countries. Health professionals expect individuals with age-related diseases such as dementia to increase in the next few decades. Delgado et al. (2020) state that “dementia defines a group of conditions...

Evidence-Based Practice in Speech and Language Pathology

Evidence-Based Practice Utilizing evidence-based practices is vital when it comes to the practical implementation of formal education on speech and language pathology. Namely, by employing an evidence-based approach, risks are minimized while success is maximized. The status of the technique correlates with its benefits. In case a particular method has...

How War of 1812 Shaped the Transatlantic World

In June 1812, hostilities began between America and England, fought with varying success around the U.S.-Canadian border, the Chesapeake, and the Gulf of Mexico. Indians participated in the conflict on both sides. During the Napoleonic Wars, the United States and Great Britain fought in the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815 (Dudley,...

Air Pollution as a Community Issue

Introduction Every year, more Americans are exposed to polluted air due to air pollution. Particulate matter pollution is lethal because of gas-powered automobiles and industrial facilities (Jones). Nonetheless, in recent years, alarming rises in particulate matter measurements have resulted from wildfires burning faster and for more extended periods. Particle pollution...

The Evolution and Achievements of the Western Healthcare System

Introduction The Western healthcare system is a solid interweaving of historical and socio-political factors. Its development has gone through many stages, each of which has added certain essential aspects that have helped to construct a vital structure that helps people today. Slow development in ancient times gradually gave way to...

Insecure Housing, Homelessness, and Health: Event Reflection and Topic Summary

Name, Sponsor, Link to the Event The event “Insecure housing, homelessness, and health” was hosted by the School of public health. The link to the event: https://www.bu.edu/sph/conversations/uncategorized/insecure-housing-homelessness-and-health/ Place, Date, Length of the Event This event was held online on January 31st, 2023 and lasted for about 90 minutes. Names of...

Business Management: Cross-Training Theory

Introduction To optimize productivity benefits, businesses today are cross-training their employees to leap the economies of scale that come with such strategies. Cross-training refers to the coaching of employees in a variety of skills and responsibilities in various tasks so as to improve their effectiveness in the performance of their...

Nutrition: How to Prepare Scrambled Eggs?

Our life consists of millions of actions and processes which we perform every day. Usually, we do them unconsciously, without even thinking about them or taking into account some peculiarities of their behavior. However, each process has its algorithm according to which it carries. Peculiarities of this algorithm determine the...

Public Services Available for Care Leavers: Awareness & Accessibility

Introduction The article “Care leavers and public services peer research” dwells upon care leavers and the way they become a part of the society as well as the role of public services in this process. The article is written by Rachel Lopata and published in 2011. Some of the major...

MensHealth February 2011: Mitsubishi Motors Ad Appeals to Safety Desires

The goal of captivating the readers’ attention was successfully achieved by the designers of an advertisement for Mitsubishi Motors auto which was printed in MensHealth in February, 2011. Appealing to the viewers’ desire to feel safety through protection from the surrounding, on the one hand, and the audience’s fear of...

Women as Property in Literature: Aristophanes, Congreve, and Wilde’s Perspectives

The position of women in society was always determined by the attitude of men to this issue. Women were never considered as the persons with the developed abilities to rule and to have much property. Moreover, the history of the social and personal relations between men and women approves the...

Film Analysis of Bill Monroe’s Legacy as the Father of Bluegrass Music

Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music (1993) is the film directed by Steve Gebhardt which discusses the biography of Bill Monroe with references to many interviews with Monroe himself and with the musicians influenced by his music. The film clearly explains why Bill Monroe is discussed as the ‘father’ of...

“The Atlanta Exposition Address” by Booker T. Washington

The speech given by Booker T. Washington on September 18, 1895 in Atlanta, Georgia, became one of the most influential and meaningful speeches in the history of America (Booker T. Washington Delivers the 1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech, par. 1). Nowadays the speech is seen from many various perspectives, this is...

Legalizing Prostitution: Arguments For and Against

Introduction Prostitution has become an international growing concern owing to its impact to the society and religion. Every government in the world has responded differently to this issue of prostitution with others proposing for legalization while others prefer it to be illegal. All religions in the world do not support...

Water and Its Properties

Abstract Water is the most abundant liquid on the planet that makes up more than 75% of the Earth. In addition, it is the major constituents in the bodies of many organisms. It is important for life because it is a solvent, temperature buffer, metabolite, and a living environment that...

The Identity of Jesus: Exploring the Debate Between Divine and Human Aspects

Religion is a unique phenomenon that unites a certain group of people by presenting them with common values, beliefs, and worldviews. In most cases, it arises from the idea that some almighty creature could impact people’s lives and their destinies, as well as contribute to their spiritual growth. However, the...

City Administration and Human Services: Addressing Key Issues and Solutions

Income Inequality — Reasons For Being Out Of Trend Income inequality has always been considered one of the most urgent problems in society. The federal government, as well as local authorities, realized the need to address the issue of income inequality. Such a tendency was predetermined by the fact that...

Electronic Health Records: Definition and Examples

There is a clamor for greater efficiency in the field of health care. This desire for greater productivity and cost-efficiency is due in large part to rising medical costs. One of the popular strategies utilized by health care institutions to achieve this particular goal is the application of IT-based solutions...

Crime and Health Issues in Flagami Community: Current Status and Solutions

Introduction The community under analysis is Flagami, where mostly emigrants and people with low social status live. The vulnerable population of this community, as a rule, is subject to a rather high mortality rate due to the involvement of local people in crimes. The purpose of this paper is to...

Educational Preparation in Nursing

The ultimate goal of nursing is to ensure more individuals in every corner of the globe get quality care. Nursing education prepares and equips learners with adequate competencies in order to provide the best health support. Every educational level is defined by unique skills and competencies (Russell, 2012). Individuals pursuing...

Ethical Dilemmas and Moral Status of Fetuses with Down Syndrome

Theories The given case offers a sophisticated ethical issue related to the determination of the moral status of a fetus. The fact is that there is a crucial abnormality in the development as the embryo has not developed limbs and will not likely to do it. Additionally, there is a...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Addressing Challenges in School Settings

Introduction The following are observations of Jacob, a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which was made at Cornell Junior Public School. The school is a community-based learning institution whose functions are grounded on the cultural strengths of the surrounding community. The school was started in 1959 and has...

Abortion’s Moral Status in Case of Down Syndrome in a Fetus

Assignment Title During our life, we constantly have to encounter challenging circumstances that create dilemmas and demand difficult choices. Sometimes, our decisions inevitably affect other people’s lives and therefore involve a wide range of moral issues. This is the case with abortion. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to detect...

Pet Food Product Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy for Pet Food Product This paper outlines the marketing strategies that I intend to use for launching my pet food product. The product is titled Nature’s Best and it is unique in that it provides natural ingredients that appeal to pets’ tastes and conforms to emerging market trends....

Reason of Wound Infections

Study Wound infections are extremely common among patients; sometimes, they can have symptoms similar to sepsis or cellulitis. It should also be noted that Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus also becomes more widespread. This infection is extremely resistant to antibiotics and often cannot be cured by them, which leads to complications. Case...

Toyota Company’s Management and International Relations

Provided that I had to represent a multinational corporation such as Toyota in negations over building a factory in a foreign country, I would ask the host government for several concessions. First of all, I would ask for tax concessions that should be offered to Toyota for at least two...

School Bullying and Legal Responsibility

Introduction Nowadays, a plethora of American schools face the issue of bullying, and the students who offend their peers and classmates are not controlled by any governmental organization. The harm that they cause to their teachers, students, and other school attendants is tremendous. Therefore, the following paper will discuss and...

The Nature of Henry George’s Theory

Introduction The problem of economic inequality and the uneven distribution of wealth has been scrutinized by philosophers, economists, and scholars for centuries, spawning numerous theories and assumptions. However, when considering the landmark pieces that have introduced an unexpected and even unprecedented interpretation of the subject matter and the influences that...

Qualitative Threshold: Globalization and Communication Technologies

Introduction Globalization is a long-term phenomenon involving a gradual change of events. This process has occurred in distinct phases with each having unique characteristics. The evolution of modes of communication has contributed significantly to globalization. Through the development of certain communication forms and technologies, people, cultures, and societies have gone...

Mission and Philosophy of a Nursing Program

Introduction Every school and even educational program is based on certain principles and beliefs, which shapes its structure and content. Schools always pay specific attention to the articulation of their philosophy and mission in order to ensure the enrollment of students who share similar beliefs. The detailed and concise philosophy...

Patriots Versus Rebels: Confederates and Colonists

Confederates and Colonists The Confederate States of America consisted of seven states in the Lower South region determined to protect the slave industry through secession from the other states (Lesh, & Finkelman, 2008). Unlike the colonists that were interested in preserving the unity of America and the protection of human...

Leadership Effectiveness and Its Factors

In the past, the study of leadership has mostly been focused on the attributes of people who have the authority to make critical decisions. However, modern researchers argue that much attention should also be paid to the characteristics of followers and various situational factors (Dugan, 2017). This paper will discuss...

Facts About the Culture of Russia and Nepal

Facts About the Culture of Russia In our world, there are hundreds of different countries and cultures with their own rules, traditions, and beliefs. Many people consider Russia as a drab, faraway, and dark country. However, this is not true as Russia is a hospitable country with a rich culture,...

“The Glass Menagerie” the Story by Tennessee Williams

It is important to note that there are significant similarities between Amanda and Jim, and Jim and Tom in various regards. Jim O’Connor is introduced by Tom as a person with a successful past but who undergoes daily struggles in the main timeline of the story. It can be compared...

Health Law: Bill H.R. 2581 on Nursing Staffing

Introduction Bill H.R. 2581 seeks to regulate the nursing staff to patient ratio in hospitals to improve patient safety and the quality of care (“H.R.2392,” 2017). This bill is aimed at modifying the Public Health Service Act to ensure direct federal influence in the ratios between nursing staff and patients...

Motifs in the Incestuous Roman Art

Romans were not shy about sexual exploits and their artists did not hesitate to create artworks depicting the same attitude. Some of the artworks were censored as pornographic due to the explicit sexual nature of the underlying information, specifically to avoid a clash of cultures as the empire continued to...

Changing Public Attitudes Toward Smoking in the United States

Tobacco use is the leading cause of cardiovascular diseases and deaths in the United States. According to the survey from 2016, 37.8 million adults in the USA aged 18 and older currently smoke cigarettes (“Current cigarette smoking,” 2018). Scholars have discovered that 15 of every 100 country residents (15.5% of...

Financial Health of Titus Lake Hospital: Analysis of Financial Statements

Financial statements can provide substantial information regarding a hospital’s operations, including its revenue, assets, and cash flow, which display the ability of an organization to be profitable. The General Practice Affiliates intends to partner with the Titus Lake Hospital, which will provide the former with the ability to take advantage...

Insulin Pump Therapy in Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Diabetes on the whole and type 1 diabetes (T1D) in particular is a burden for American health care. Consequently, its management is one of the major concerns in clinical practice. Since T1D can lead to undesirable complications that result from ineffective care, strict blood glucose control is vital for...

Relational Trust Issues at Schools

Introduction The concept of relational trust within an educational setting has been attributed to positive social interactions within school communities. A growing body of research and case studies shows that social trust established between teachers, school leaders, and students’ parents enhances the quality of routine work and becomes a tool...

The Importance of Being Earnest: Play Movie (2002)

The movie The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) is based on a well-known play by Oscar Wilde. Thus, the director of the movie Oliver Parker proposes viewers an original approach to the plot and a modern vision of the problem of human morality, identity and fair personal relationships. The movie...

McDonalds’ Veggie Burger’s Marketing

The new product, Veggie Burger, is a special proposition to all consumers who value healthy life style and follow dietary patterns. Rational for a product development is a new approach to cooking and new vision of customer’s needs and demands. In general, the proposed marketing strategy will deal with pricing,...

How to Attract the Best Teachers into Teaching

Nowadays, there is an extreme shortage of trained and qualified teachers is a real problem even in the developed countries such as the United Kingdom and Great Britain. Good teachers have been always in demand since they are the basis of the high educational level of their students. They are...

Summer of Hate Events

The year 1968 was called the Summer of Hate. This is perhaps about the series of events that rocked the United States in the year 1968. In January of that year, the US became part of a war that was between northern and southern Vietnam. At first, it was only...

Marketing and Management Strategy of Panera Bread

One of the finest ‘quick casual’ food chains in America is Panera Bread and these stores are really a one stop solution for hunger and a delicious meal at the end of the day. It has 70 shops in 10 states across US. The products available at Panera Bread are...

Affirmative Action Case Study

The term “affirmative action” was first used by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, giving a name to a new method of battling discrimination, which had continued to exist and spread throughout the country in spite of newly enacted civil rights laws and constitutional guarantees. President Kennedy mandated affirmative action...

Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace

Employees should have high concentration levels while in the workplace. Therefore, companies strive to reduce the distractions to employees. Reduction in distractions increases the productivity of the employees. In addition, it increases the safety levels of the workplace. Drug use is one of the major factors that reduces the concentration...

E-Consultation: Enabling Democracy Between Elections

Increasing public involvement in political issues is a major issue in democracy. Most countries in the world are democratic. In essence this implies that the people are involved, directly or indirectly, in decisions by their governments. To participate in decision making, the people must have a platform where they can...

Data Mining, Data Analysis and Data Profiling

Businesses have huge amounts of data (master data) collected over time. These data are historical data. The data would be used for understanding business dynamics that have happened in the past years for future benefits. This paper will focus on data mining, data analysis and data profiling in marketing, in...

Ten Traits of the Best Supply Chains

Every company’s goal is to effectively manage its resources, including products, as they move through the supply chain at the proper time, at a competitive price, and in the best quality. Supply chains bridge the gaps that occur when suppliers are located far from customers and help to eliminate the...

HR Research Methods and Their Effectiveness

Introduction It is impossible to underestimate the importance of strategic compensation plans for present-day companies’ sustainable development. In the case of Starbucks, it covers all aspects related to employee satisfaction and the desire to keep their job. Indeed, monetary awards do not define the presence of the above-mentioned intentions in...

IPR Violations in Software Development

Reasons for IPR violations in software development Many people engage in Intellectual Property Regulation violations for different reasons. One main reason that standout is ignorance. Most organizations are unable to cope with the upward trend in technology and are lagging. However, they have to keep profitability and survival rates high....

“Coming of Age in Mississippi”: Inequality in a Society

Since childhood, Essie (Anne) lived with her mother Toosweet (Mama) Davis, her father Diddly (Di) Moody, younger brother Junior and younger sister Adline in a shack on a plantation. Her father left the family for another woman, which meant that Essie remained with her mother and sister. They were extremely...

The Death of the Department Store: ‘Very Few Are Likely to Survive” by Sapna Maheshwari and Vanessa Friedman

Microeconomics plays a crucial role when it comes to decision-making activities held by the individual units in the economic sector that affect the particular markets. Different principles microeconomist put forward; however, some tenets are highly discussed these days when pandemics changed the entire economic system. The purpose of this paper...

Gender Is a Culturally Prescribed Role, Rather Than a Biological Sex

Introduction The debates concerning the notions of “sex” and “gender” have been going on over the years. The recent point of view is that gender roles are not universal for everyone, whereas some individuals regard them as fundamental and build their lives according to the rules and standards that society...

Egyptian Art: A Form of Entertainment or a Source of Purpose

Introduction It is undoubtedly true that ancient societies have a significant impact on the contemporary world. Millions of people all over the globe are excited about discovering new pieces of art and architecture. Artists receive their inspiration and motivation from their unknown ancestors, intending to refine works created during ancient...

The Namesake’ by Jhumpa Lahiri: Compare and Contrast

Introduction Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel The Namesake expresses a complex combination of the emotions and feelings of the main characters who are trying to understand their places in society and identify themselves. The author shows an immigrant father, Ashoke, and his son, Gogol, who, despite different upbringings and cultural affiliations, go...

Cyber Violence: Structures and Effectiveness

Recently, social media has become a platform for cyber violence. This issue primarily concerns public health and is associated with adverse mental or physical outcomes. As a result, cyberbullying is one of the top contemporary problems that needs to be approached from different angles to be resolved entirely. The purpose...

Institutional Racism Existing in the United States

Right now, the rebellious protests are still strong in the streets across the whole country of the United States. People of all skin colors are infuriated by the murders of African Americans by the racist police officers, their violence and abuse of the innocent people who did nothing wrong but...

Sustainable Development of the Community

Introduction Sustainability can be perceived as ensuring continuity by addressing human beings’ actions and needs in an environmentally friendly and socioeconomically stable manner. It involves the use of natural resources with future spawns in mind. The process addresses the community’s current and future concerns for long-term supportable development without necessarily...

Managing and Appraising Employee Performance

It is impossible to make an organization function correctly if there is no list of the fundamental company values. In the period of the Talent Management changes (2003-2008), provided by the senior director of Maersk Group’s HR department and the head of HR, a significant meaning was attached to implementing...

Finding Strength While Searching for the Truth: Hamlet and Oedipus

Introduction Shakespeare and Sophocles present the audience with two complex main characters who share a particular passion for discovering the truth, which ultimately brings them to their doom. Shakespeare’s tragic hero in Hamlet has an eye-opening encounter with a ghost that leads him to seek vengeance. Oedipus prides himself on...

Emerging Technologies: Intelligence Building

The growing concerns about the emerging threats to security mean that intuitions have to upgrade their security system to include intelligence gathering system based on information technology. In this hospital security as well as information technology officers concerned with security issues do want to upgrade and include intelligent building IT...

The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

The modern healthcare sector can be characterized by the increased complexity and developed infrastructure needed to provide care to patients and meet their diverse needs. Because of the difficulty and the growing requirements to the quality, health workers should be ready to cooperate, share experiences, and constantly improve their skills....

Suggestions for Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance

The practice-based nursing theory was used for this report. It has provided the necessary framework for the process of planning a nursing intervention. It was favored over more abstract theories because it had a more direct effect on nursing practice. For instance, Jean Watson, a nursing theorist, has identified hand-washing...

Henderson Nursing Theory Applied to Care for Adolescent Mothers

Virginia Henderson is one of the most recognized pioneer nurses who developed a nursing theory that, until now, serves as one of the foundations of the nursing practice. It claims that nurses are not only responsible for patients but should also help them to develop self-determination and gain independence as...

The U.S. Correctional System’s Role and Functions

The US correctional system is a complex of special institutions that implement state policy in the field of the execution of punishments for crimes. Jails and community-based confinement facilities for offenders’ rehabilitation and resocialization are under the jurisdiction of municipalities and county governments. Each correctional institution is assigned a security...

Nietzsche’s Ideas: God and True Virtue

Introduction Friedrich Nietzsche, the outstanding German philosopher of the 19th century, left behind a rich academic heritage and became one of the founders of irrationalism as a philosophical doctrine. One of his well-known works is Thus Spake Zarathustra, the story about a wandering preacher who promotes the doctrine of the...

The Social Aspects Affecting Faith Ringgold’s Art

Introduction In the words of a great artist, “You can’t sit around and wait for somebody to say who you are. You need to write it and paint it and do it” (Ringgold). Faith Ringgold is one of the most well-known representatives of the modern African American creative community. Her...

Organism Investigation: Paramecium Aurelia

A paramecium is a singled celled living organism that belongs to the kingdom Protista. The organisms size is about 0.02 inches in length. They have an oval shape and are rounded on the front and tapered at the end. The organism has a pellicle which gives shape to the organism...

“Knowledge … of Sepsis Among Pediatric Nurses” by Jeffery et al.

Introduction Though the title of the article is short, it comprehensively expresses the impact of the study. The introduction affirms that though information regarding pathophysiology, in addition to treatment of sepsis in individuals across the lifetime exists in health and nursing studies, the capability of nurses and other health professionals...

Influence of Regulatory Agencies on Curriculum Development

The national council of state boards of nursing is national organization whose membership includes boards of nursing in 50 U.S states and the recognized territories of United States of America. The US territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marina Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. The state boards of nursing...

Texas Board of Pardons and Parole: History, Role, Governance

Introduction The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles is a government agency that determines the offenders that are fit for parole or mandatory supervision. In addition, it determines the conditions for the release of offenders. The board was officially constituted under a Constitutional Amendment in 1935 (Cole et al., 42)....

Free and Fair Trade: Vietnam-EU Partnership

Free and fair trade between countries is a crucial issue in politics and economics. Free trade includes policies that help to reduce barriers that may serve as an impediment to international commerce. Fair trade aims to support manufacturers in developing countries by providing fair and sustainable commercial relations with developed...

Contemporary Issues in Health Care Delivery

ACA’s Most Notable Provisions The twenty-five provisions of the Affordable Care Act offer an extensive but not full list of health service benefits for the public; however, two of them have major significance. First, the Affordable Care Act has become one of the most important advances for women’s health in...

“The First Words”: Native Canadians’ Creation Story

Even though Canadian historians have now started a widespread revision of the roles that aboriginal people played in the history of the country. However, despite the good intentions, the practice of Canadian history is still mainly unrevised in one crucial aspect, which is that Native people are still treated research...

The History of Dadaists Group in the World War

The Dadaist group was an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the early 20th century in Zurich, Switzerland. Dada movement was founded by Hugo Ball, a German author, in 1916 and continued through 1924. Other leading artists associated with it were Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, and Kurt Schwitters. The...

Housing Crisis of 2007 and Current Economy Response

Introduction The Housing Crisis of 2007 was a massive economic meltdown that occurred when banks oversold mortgages in an attempt to satisfy the high demand for securities. Insurance companies, banks, and hedge funds influenced the subprime mortgage crisis. The financial institutions provided mortgage-backed securities while insurance companies provided credit default...

Shakespear’s Sonnet 18

The power of words negatively or positively impacts people. Languages have a significant impact as people are typically affected by reading the words. The power contained in words can be used to build, create or destroy in equal measure. Encouraging words can be used constructively as well as destructive words...

An Advanced Practice Nurse’s Main Role

Introduction The role of any medical worker is hard to overvalue; these people make an enormous input into the development of clinical organizations and patient treatment. In particular, nurses are a significant link between the patient and the doctor; thus, it is essential to look at how the nurse’s role...

Sleep Deprivation Effects on Adolescents Who Suffer From Obesity

Introduction Good sleep is considered to be one of the keys to maintaining a healthy weight. Multiple studies prove that people who get too little sleep have a higher risk of weight gain and obesity. This is a particularly serious issue for children’s health because they are more vulnerable than...

Global and Local Evidence in Nursing

Evidence is crucial for nursing because evidence-based nursing is an approach to healthcare that incorporates research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient values. When nurses make any decisions regarding their patients’ health and treatment, they should use different types of evidence to support their decisions. However, general evidence and nursing evidence...

Information Technology Application in Nursing

Introduction Medical organizations do not bypass the rapid development of technology. Nurses can access information about a patient and view his medical history and current diagnosis in a convenient database. At a minimum, these measures can increase the chance of a correct diagnosis, and easy accessibility can reduce the time...

Woman’s Identity: “Professions for Women” and “The Unrepentant Whore”

Michael Harris and Virginia Woolf both presented the difficulties and dangers that women faced daily while working with men. The authors describe two different occupation fields: Harris is focused on sex workers and Woolf on writers. Even though the settings in the articles are not identical, the principal purpose of...

Aaron Copland and His Contribution to American Classical Music

The Biography of Aaron Copland Aaron Copland was an outstanding American composer who lived a long and fruitful life and produced many genius musical works, including ballets and symphonies. One of the distinctive features of his work is special attention to emotions and the ability to convey complex mental states....

“Poison Tree” by William Blake: The Poem Analysis

William Blake is one of the renowned English poets who enriched world literature with his rich imagery. He is one of the brightest representatives of English romanticism. The focus of the movement is on imagination, freedom, self-realization, rebellion, isolation, and “noble savage” (Canli 16). The poet paid specific attention to...

Summary of M. L. King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

Introduction A famous leader of the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote the letter called “Letter from Birmingham Jail” as a response to eight clergymen who denounced peaceful protests for equal treatment. This letter was written in the city jail in Birmingham, Alabama state after he was arrested...

Romance in Canterbury Tales and Courtly Love in the Lais of Marie de France

The Canterbury Tales originate from some pilgrims’ contest in story narration as they were navigating to Canterbury Cathedral written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Pilgrims from a wide variety of social classes participated in Canterbury Tales to reflect on the general social tensions and upheavals. The host of the competition promised a...

McDonald’s: Organizational Structure

Introduction The type of organizational structure is an important element of the overall functioning of a company due to the dependence of job design and the achievement of company goals through the structural connections between employees. At McDonald’s, the hierarchical structure of the organization fits the company’s goals and mission...

The 2018 Coca-Cola Super Bowl Commercial Rhetorical Analysis

Coca-Cola is among the world-class companies with tremendous success in their commercials and selling power. Among the memorable advertisements of this firm include the 2018 Super Bowl ad titled The Wonder of Us (The Coca-Cola Company). This ad illuminates a multitude of the canons of rhetoric, including invention, which surfaces...

“How Factory Farms Play Chicken With Antibiotics”: A Response

The debate around the issue of antibiotics and the side effects that they entail, particularly, in regard to the response that viruses develop toward antibiotics, evolving and becoming more difficult to manage. In his 2016 article, “How Factory Farms Play Chicken with Antibiotics,” Philpott explains that the antibiotics-based approach toward...

Review of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” Book by O’Connor

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” is a fiction book and a collection of short stories written by Flannery O’Connor. In the short story with the same title, the author focuses on the story of a family’s vacation to Florida, during which this family meets a criminal named The...

The Impact of Technology on the Police Patrol

Introduction A well-chosen tactic of action is a crucial factor in the success of police officers in preventing or eliminating crimes. Every year, police officers worldwide develop more and more thoughtful courses of action to preserve the safety of citizens and society in general. Naturally, they could not do without...

The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation

The robbery at the U.S. Bank, 1965 Diamond Blvd, requires thorough preliminary investigations to facilitate the identification of the prime suspect, and those may have helped him in his heinous activity. The initial step would involve identifying and effectively securing the crime scene. Although some officers had arrived at the...

Chinese Solar Panels’ Impact on American Solar Panel Producers

Impact on American solar panels manufacturers Chinese solar panels have dominated the market in the current American economy and are available in almost every part threatening American Solar Panel producers. These overseas products provide more choices to consumers since they are cheaper as compared to American solar panels. However, the...

Sources on Mark Zuckerberg’s Speech in Congress

The Image Source This is the image someone named Zack Bornstein posted on Twitter in the midst of the Cambridge Analytica scandal: The text below the picture gives a comprehensive perspective on the Cambridge Analytica scandal and Mark Zuckerberg’s part in it. Although Zack’s opinion might sound somewhat superficial, it...

Waste Management in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Introduction Waste is considered an end product of a particular product that is no longer useful. In the present day, following industrialization and advancements in technology, there has been a rise in the total waste produces by industries and households. The end repercussions of these increases are a massive degeneration...

“Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied”: The Generation Z and Gender Roles

The documentary “Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied” by Debra Chasnoff explores the lives of teens through the lens of gender roles. The author gives students from California high schools an opportunity to openly speak their minds about gender diversity and speak about the sexual orientation pressures they experience...

Genomic Analysis DNA of Bacillus Subtilis

Introduction Determination of the genome of a bacteria culture is one of the complex biotechnological techniques. In this case, there is the genomic DNA of Bacillus Subtilis given to compare the utility of different types of DNA sequencing technologies. Currently, this technique is based on the determination of nucleic acids...

Aspects of Non-Profit Management

Introduction Non-profit organizations are quite widespread in the present world. Multiple social, political, educational, and other entities are considered not-for-profit businesses because if they generate any revenue, it is not taken by private parties but used for the organization’s purposes. That is why management theory draws much attention to this...

The Ideas and Perspectives of Literary Works About Slavery and Racism

African-American literature contributes to the discourse on slavery, racial inequality, and the search for freedom. Activists, abolitionists, poets, writers, and artists such as Frederick Douglass, Robert Hayden, Langston Hughes, Toni Morrison, Martin Luther King Jr., and The Neville Brothers addressed various themes associated with black identity and culture. This essay...

The Concept of Technological Singularity

Over time, the way people think and perceive the world is subjected to constant change. Since ancient Greece, various thinkers and philosophers have been trying to express their understanding of the world and society through different concepts based on the available means of studying them. In this context, modern human...

Employees Management: The Part of Successful Business

Firing People for Legitimate Reasons Managing the employees of the company is always one of the most difficult parts of running a successful business. Working together on a shared vision of success, workers, managers, and leaders all fulfill their own unique roles. In their level of influence, employees are placed...

Courage vs. Recklessness: Morality and Ethics

Introduction Among the many moral virtues commonly appraised by humanity, some have contradictory meanings and imply controversial traits. In particular, the opposition of courage and recklessness has long been under discussion from the perspective of the similarities and differences between these two human characteristics. The rationale for selecting the topic...

Operations Management and Related Ethical Issues

Ethics dictates how to conduct operations in a morally right or just way, as well as acknowledging the dignity of employees in a business. Best practices involve using efficient and effective processes that yield optimum results with minimum risks or harm. They are critical requirements in any business environment; they...

Economic Inequality as the Key Reason for the American Civil War

The Civil War was a brutal American conflict dating back to 1861 – 1865 that revolved around slavery and freedom. The shots of Fort Sumter, a small South Carolina Island, marked the beginning of the Civil War. The bloodiest conflict in American history was inevitable because the differences in human...

Machine Learning: A Catalyst for Enhanced Decision-Making and Business Performance

The fast development of technologies and their integration into the various aspects of human activity is one of the most important features of the modern age. The emergence and development of the Internet, along with the spread of mobile devices, and the increased reliability of cloud services, contributed to the...

Overcoming Writer’s Block and Substance Abuse in Teenagers

For a writer, it is significant to understand how to overcome writer’s block in the writing process. Enhancing the workplace and planning a time are the most important suggestions. (Purdue University Global, 2019). The first helpful habit I use to overcome writer’s block is focusing on the materials, not grammar...

Physiology: Iron, Potassium, Nitrates, and Iodide

Description of Ion Various ions, such as iron, potassium, nitrates, and iodide, are essential to human survival. Potassium, with the atomic number 19, and the chemical symbol K, can be found in group 1 of the periodic table (Silbey et al., 2022). It is a malleable, shining white metal that...

Employee Management: Hierarchy of Controls

Introduction There are several criteria to consider while evaluating a colleague’s workstation in the workplace. There is a necessity to examine workplace-required posture. This depends on the duties or activities of the place of employment. To reduce the incidence of work-related musculoskeletal illnesses, the objective is to design the workplace...

How the Affordable Care Act and Medicare Address Health Disparities

Health disparity is a significant setback in providing accessible, efficient, affordable healthcare. Some social determinants of health, including poverty, illiteracy levels, language barriers, and discrimination, are issues resulting in the dominance of health inequality (Clary, 2018). The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicare provide health equity guidelines that fight health...

Challenges in Graduate Students’ Mental Health: Stress, Stigma, and Self-Care

Introduction The article draws attention to graduate students’ mental health challenges, especially those enrolled in psychology degrees. Students’ mental health may be negatively affected by the high demands of their coursework and the intense rivalry within their chosen sector; this is particularly true for individuals who are already dealing with...

The Great Depression: Causes, Effects, and Path to World War II

Introduction The Great Depression was a severe global economic downturn from 1929 to 1939. It was the most prolonged and severe economic depression in modern history, resulting in many countries’ economies falling and the rise of totalitarian regimes. The Great Depression was a significant economic shock that had far-reaching consequences,...

Economic Challenges in Healthcare: The Impact of Decreasing Hospital Admissions

Introduction In the medical sector, economic problems play an important role, as they shape the overall capabilities of institutions, depending on what requirements are put forward for their qualified work. Thus, addressing and reliably eliminating financial bottlenecks is imperative to ensure clinics’ health. The issue of decreasing hospital admissions could...

Effects of Cell Phone on Society

Research on the negative effects of smartphones on students is often controversial. This essay reveals the pros and cons of cell phone use in society. Impact of Mobile Phones on Society: Essay Introduction The telecommunication industry takes a considerable place in the modern life of society. The purpose of cell...

The Intersection of Psychology, Personality, and Music Preferences: Exploring Connections

Background information Many researchers and neuroscientists concur that brainwaves have the potential to predict the popularity of hit songs. For example various pieces of equipment that record neurometric and biometric responses can be used to monitor the skin temperature, respiration and heart rate of the listeners of a musical piece....

How to Groom Your Pet?

Introduction Dogs need to have good hygienic care. The dog owner can learn how to groom his or her dog (Miller, n.d.). There are professional groomers whose sole responsibility in life is to groom dogs at a fee. Some of the tools that one needs for grooming are the curry...

Racism in America: Discrimination and Legal Bias

Introduction Racism, as Miller and Gerran (2008) state, are attitudes, actions, beliefs, or policies that undermine individuals or groups in relation to their races. In the US, it involves discrimination of the people of color by the white people, supported by the institutions that were established in their favors, thereby...

The Origin of Domestic Violence: Historical Context and Societal Impact

Introduction Domestic violence remains one of the most urgent problems of modern society. Worse still, in some communities maintaining the hierarchy using physical and emotional violence is still regarded as a tradition that should be treated with respect (Grose & Grabe, 2014, p.972). The purpose of the present research is...

Understanding Types of Healthcare Providers and Their Roles in Patient Care

Types of Health Care Providers Primary Care Providers Nursing Care Providers Specialty Care Providers Pharmacotherapy Professionals A primary care provider is a professional who specializes in minor health problems and checkups. Nursing Care Provider is a person who assists a doctor and takes care of the patients in hospitals or...

Aligning Human Resource Management Goals with Corporate Objectives

Build a Better Board Public assessment of company boards has risen to unprecedented levels. Nevertheless, they are mainly centered on short-term gains, not sufficient for lasting planning. The four goals that all corporations ought to consider are diversity, a long-term strategy, executive compensation, and technology. Many companies fail in the...

Understanding the Nursing Shortage: Search Trends and Coding Insights

Introduction There have been numerous concerns over the subject of nursing shortage in the United States of America (Aiken, 2007). Such concerns are based on the fact that the increased rate of nursing shortage in the US has adversely affected the delivery of quality nursing services in the country (Shirey,...

PESTLE Analysis of Waldron Roux Silberstein Xao Agency: Strategic Insights

Introduction This paper is aimed at examining the external environment of the advertising agency Waldron Roux Silberstein Xao or WRSX. It should be mentioned that this company interacts with various manufacturers or service organisations (Learning Dynamics 2011). Therefore, this work of this agency is partly dependent on the performance of...

Effective Leadership in Nursing: Attributes and Practices

In order to provide the best patient care in the increasingly complex healthcare settings, today’s nurses are expected to possess the attributes of leadership and be aware of leadership practices related to their field. It is true for nurses in administrative positions, but it is also true for nurses who...

Insider Trading in 2017: Key Cases and Regulatory Responses

Insider trading as a trade of companies’ stocks by persons who have access to the corporate non-public data is usually discussed as a legal problem that affects corporate finances. However, this issue has many aspects and dimensions because not all types of insider trading are discussed as illegal, and there...

Continuous Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Key to Success

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is an extremely important aspect of the everyday life of any contemporary healthcare organization. Since healthcare is one of the most dynamically developing spheres, growth, change, and the ability to transform in order to follow the latest standards and best practices are the major tasks of...

Ice Bucket Challenge Campaign Evaluation

ALS Bucket Challenge ALS (or Ice) Bucket Challenge campaign had two major objectives: to attract the public’s attention to the problems of people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to raise money for ALS fund which would enable further research of the disease (Woolf, 2016). The project’s strategy was concerned...

The 2022 FIFA World Cup

Introduction In 2010, Qatar won the right to host 2022 World Cup. It became a significant achievement because no Asian country has been hosting this international sporting event since 2002 when the tournament was organized by South Korea and Japan. Such events as FIFA World Cup provide many opportunities for...

The Need for Abortion and the Moral Status of the Fetus

Introduction The case study we are supposed to analyze touches upon one of the topics at the confluence of philosophy and medicine – the moral status of a fetus. Nowadays, the necessity of abortions belongs to the number of the most controversial topics as people who rely on religious postulates...

The Cultural Relevance of Black English and Non-Standard Languages

Introduction The language that people use is multifaceted and unique. With the help of speech, a person can not only convey his or her thoughts and communicate with an interlocutor. Over the past thousand years, human communication has reached a new level, becoming the object of study of many linguists....

Barack Obama’s Campaign: A Rhetorical Analysis

In 2008, Barack Obama ran for a second term in office. He wanted to achieve something that has eluded past presidents of his homeland, and that is to become a two-term President of the United States. To accomplish his goal he decided to produce a TV commercial that would allow...

Defining Personal Leadership Style in Nursing

Introduction In health care and nursing, leadership remains one of the most crucial concepts for discussions. It is not enough to organize people or make them believe in developed leadership skills. It is necessary to know what to do even in the most unpredictable and unplanned situations. Sometimes, people are...

Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Key Stakeholders: Patients, Providers, Employers

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a landmark health legislation signed into law in 2010 by President Barack Obama. The purpose of this policy was to increase the number of citizens who had access to medical insurance cover, lower medical costs, eliminate inappropriate practices in the industry, and maximize efficiency....