Major Philosophical Concept: Existentialism

This lecture is the primary source that focuses on existentialism, where the author argues how it is synonymous with humanism. According to the author of this article, everyone tries very hard to become what they wish to be. From the onset, Sartre has a conflict with his public image, which...

The Role and Impact of Gertrude in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Gertrude is the mother of the protagonist of the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. She is the widow of King Hamlet of Denmark, the protagonist’s father, and the new wife of Claudius, the new king, brother, and murderer of the protagonist’s father. Her role in the work is significant...

Spinoza’s vs. Descartes’ Philosophy of Substance

Introduction The initial problem of the philosophical worldview is the doctrine of being. In modern times, the search for unity and stability in the world has transformed into a solution to the problem of substance. Various philosophers recognized as such either one substance, two consciousness and matter, or many. Thus,...

Amtrak’s Struggles and Role of Leadership in Solving Them

Introduction Amtrak, a high-speed passenger rail service provider in the United States, has struggled to remain profitable in a highly competitive market. The company has recently faced challenges such as declining ridership, increasing operating costs, and a lack of government funding. Despite these challenges, Amtrak remains committed to providing reliable...

Immigrants in the Healthcare Settings

Summary During the president Trump administration, immigration enforcement intensified significantly, and there had also been an uptick in antimigration discourse and attitude. In such a setting, there were inaccurate representations of immigrants as drug traffickers and lawbreakers as an avenue of a deliberate narrative aimed at reducing aggregate immigration. That...

John Henry Newman, an English Philosopher

Introduction John Henry Newman was born in 1801 and died in 1890; and was an English philosopher, intellectual, academic, theologian, poet, scholar, writer, and historian, among many other titles or accomplishments. In addition, Newman happened to be the first Anglican priest who later became a Catholic cardinal. Newman was also...

System of Medical Order Communication

Input An examination of the proposed system of medical order communication as well as the presentations on input technologies revealed a viable attempt at replacing an archaic and inefficient system however I believe that what they are attempting to accomplish has to room for improvement. More and more companies are...

The Role of Cultural Competence in Nursing

Introduction Nurses and other professionals working in the contemporary health care industry have greater demands compared to the situation several years ago (Kelly, 2009). The main factor behind this phenomenon is the high rate of globalization. Studies have established that populations in various countries across the world are increasingly becoming...

Technology and Communication in Today’s World

Introduction Technology is making communication easier in today’s world, but at the expense of personal contact. More and more people choose to interact from home in front of a computer screen as this type of communication allows them deal with their own business, stay at home, and talk to people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Catholic, Church of Christ and Jewish Religions Comparison

Catholics, Protestants, and Jews are three major denominations of Christianity among many others. While the pope is the head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism and Judaism refer to Christianity that is not a subject to Papal authority (Neusner, 2001). The Catholic Church and the Church of Christ are the two...

Evidence-Based Practice, Motivation and Barriers

Introduction Healthcare is one of the most rapidly-changing spheres of human activity which depend on innovations greatly. Being focused on the provision of care to people in need and improvement of the quality of their lives, it tends to use innovations to guarantee the increased efficiency of treatment, its reduced...

Seasonal Influenza, AIDS, Zika Fever in Miami

Introduction The location analyzed within the frame of the given assignment is Miami, Florida. There is a range of diseases that are currently affecting the community, but the given paper pays close attention to three of them: seasonal influenza, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and Zika fever. The ZIP code of...

Apple’s Broken Promises: BBC Documentary

Introduction The documentary Apple’s Broken Promises dwells upon operations of Apple’s suppliers and violations of people’s rights. The main issue is Apple’s attitude towards these violations and the gap between things proclaimed by the company’s top management and the actual conditions some people have to work in (BBC Panorama –...

Transitional Employment of Intellectually Disabled

Activities Several specific activities should be performed to enable transitional employment for adults with intellectual disabilities. First, the organisation should take care of developing a special set of rules that would allow the company to hire these adults with no limitations (Frye & Hemmer, 2012). Second, the management of the...

Chronic Bronchitis, Heart Failure, Hypertension

Introduction Chronic bronchitis (CB) is one of the usual occurrences during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It presents divergent clinical complications such as a risk of acquiring of airflow obstruction in people who smoke, and increased lung function decline, an inclination to infections in the lower respiratory tract, and higher...

The Work “Punished by Rewards” by Alfie Kohn

The practice of using bonuses and praise to motivate students is directly associated with the principles of behaviorism. However, in his work Punished by Rewards, Alfie Kohn claims that rewards can have adverse effects on students, and the author provides many arguments against the core ideas of behaviorism in this...

“Impact of a Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention Program on the Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure in a District Hospital of Greece”: Article Critique

There is no doubt that practices applied by nurses have a significant influence on the quality of lives of patients. In his article, Stavrianopoulos (2016) evaluates the effectiveness of one of the methods utilized by nurses working with patients who suffer from heart failure – regular telephone conversations between patients...

The Efficacy of Medication in Depression’ Treatment

Abstract This paper attempts to provide a substantial material for the participation in an argument concerning the clinical effectiveness of antidepressant medications. The paper presents a summary of the perspective reflected in the article by Sharon Begley that explores whether or not the drugs prescribed for depression produce any significant...

Nurse Practitioners Core Competencies Comparison

In order to be a qualified specialist, a nurse is required to possess certain knowledge base, experience, and specific skills. When all of the above combines, the outcome is a competent expert in nursing, able to provide quality service to the patients. In order to be a knowledgeable specialist, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets

National Strategy for Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets National strategies are meant to assist the government and other parties to deal with the implementation of the plan to combat terrorism. The national strategies were formed to assist U.S in combating and preventing terrorism. After September 11, attack several...

Developing a Teaching Plan for Immunizations

Introduction The question of getting children immunized has always produced a lot of concern among parents. Many of them consider vaccination a dangerous practice that may put their child’s life under threat. Therefore, it is a duty of a healthcare provider to supply parents with necessary information about immunization and...

Vulnerable Population’s Health and Illnesses

Abstract Bias and prejudice are inevitable when working with people. Even though it is believed that some areas of human interactions cannot be influenced by inequalities, it is not true in real life, and the health care industry is not an exception. In this paper, the health of vulnerable populations...

Community Windshield Survey in Miami and Its Issues

Introduction to the Community The Miami community is rarely viewed as the one with problems. However, a closer look at some of the aspects of its life will show that the economic and infrastructure-related issues demand immediate resolution. Thus, the foundation for a healthier environment and, therefore, a drop in...

Fad Diets and Their Long Term Effects on the Health

Fad diets comprise of a single regimen or product; this implies that there is no variation and the user relies on limited source of energy. Fad diets have become a common option for people who want to manage their weights and for some diabetic patients willing to control their insulin...

Relations Between Women Equality, Cultural Prerequisites and Feminism

Thesis Statement Although the development of feminist movement contributed to the reduction of gender inequality in some states and communities, the disparities plaguing women are maintained and supported by traditions, social norms, and cultural values in a large number of regions across the globe. Introduction For centuries, women suffered from...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Its Prevention

Background and context During the literature review phase, it was established that pelvic inflammatory disease is a serious chronic disorder affecting female patients regardless of their age, marital status, level of income, or any other factors. The symptoms of the disease diversify, although most studies agree upon abnormal vaginal discharge...

Levine’s Conservation Theory in Healthcare Research

The theoretical framework is used as a basis for many modern research studies. It provides structure and theoretical backing for a study and allows tying in facts and theories gathered from supporting sources and literature into a cohesive system (Green, 2014). Although not explicitly stated in every research, most of...

Keurig Coffee Machine Product Pricing

The evaluation of Keurig’s coffee machine must start from its estimated pricing range and product qualities as perceived by the market. When it comes to household appliances, customers are often looking for the fair price versus performance as a primary criterion of judgment (Kotler, Keller, Sivaramakrishnan, & Cunningham, 2013). Other...

Liberal Media in Herman and Chomsky’s Model

Introduction The video “The Myth of the Liberal Media” has faced a clash of opinions from the side of the general public; it has been both – criticized and highly evaluated since it has raised such controversial issues that could not be ignored. Overall, the video discusses the notion of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Improvement of Depression Management

Introduction The present paper summarizes the context analysis that was prepared for a change project aimed at the improvement of depression management. In particular, the project will seek to provide a health center with efficient, evidence-based guidelines on the use of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with patients with mild depression. The...

Medication Administration Errors and Patient Safety Risks

Introduction The importance of studying medication administration errors (MAE) has been highlighted by many researchers, as it is recognized that such errors occur across countries and types of medical facilities bringing considerable risks to the safety of patients (Hughes & Blegen, 2008). Much academic effort has been applied to exploring...

Health Disparity and Promotion in Afro-Americans

Introduction According to the U.S Census Bureau (2017), non-Hispanic African-Americans comprise more than 14% of the total population of the United States. The estimated size of this ethnic minority is over 42 million people, making it one of the largest population groups in the country. At the same time, the...

Gray Construction Company’s Business Communication

Current Status of Organization Gray Construction is a family-owned construction company that has offices in multiple American and Canadian cities as well as a branch in Tokyo, Japan. This company offers services in engineering, construction, and architecture to its customers (Gray Construction, 2017a). The company has a developed approach to...

The Email Impact: Benefits and Biases

Copywriting Rules to Optimize the Email Impact You know that email is only one of the ways you should be communicating with your audience. That said, it is an important one, with powerful potential. However, as with any marketing effort, it needs to be handled with finesse and insight. Here...

“Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee: Attitudes to Rape

Introduction Disgrace is a 1999 novel by J. M. Coetzee, written from the perspective of a middle-aged white South African professor living in Cape Town, who loses his job and, consequently, his usual life after his black student files sexual harassment charges upon him. David relocates to his daughter’s farm...

Edwin Sandys’ Role in Jamestown’s Development

Introduction European settlers who came to the New World in search of a better life ended up enduring many challenges and hardships. After its founding in 1607, Jamestown eventually became home to thousands of people who tried to create a new society in a new land (Corbett et al. 56)....

Organizational Change: Stakeholders and Principles

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation I have always realized that any complex process presupposes the existence of multiple stakeholders and contexts that precondition its further evolution. The same idea can be applied to the functioning of organizations. Traditionally, I am the person who prefers to consider all existing actors that...

Advanced Nursing Practice: Marketing Fact Sheet

Advanced nursing practice (APN) is relevant in the context of different aspects of care in various healthcare institutions and has particular expressions and influences. The peculiarities of these employees’ work may be assessed in terms of such aspects as the outcomes of interventions, medical aid quality, and cost-effectiveness. As a...

“Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canada” the Article by Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, and Su

Introduction Varying healthcare systems between countries may create different work conditions for staff. The article examines the relationships between the demographic attributes and secondary traumatic stress, burnout, or satisfaction in a sample of American versus Canadian nurses in the oncology unit (Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, & Su, 2016). From the...

The Coca-Cola Production Cost per Bottle

Coca Cola System: Costs of Production Costs of production have a crucial effect on the company’s profitability and development. The main types of expenditures Coca-Cola faces include the cost of materials, production, distribution, and promotion. Each of these can alter in time, which inevitably influences the company’s profitability. While costs...

Bexley College’ Project Evaluation and Design

Introduction Business is the sphere of human activity in which preciseness and proper structure of all operations are required for the success of any enterprise or project. The current project brief concerns the developmental project initiated by Bexley College, which plans to relocate its facilities to another campus and sell...

International Markets: Term Definition

Introduction Types of financial institutions The international financial structure has undergone rampant development in the recent past. There has been emergence of different alternative types of financial structures. These are categorised into two main groups which include the banks and non-bank financial institutions. Non bank financial institutions consist of firms...

Healthcare Economics: How Private Insurance Works

Introduction Healthcare and economics can be defined as issues related to the allocation of healthcare services to human being. In economics, health is evaluated in accordance with needs for medication and its consequences through economic evaluation. This article is designed to explain different issues related to healthcare and economic as...

Hip-Hop Influence on American Popular Culture

The sphere of hip-hop influence on American popular culture is constantly extending, involving new forces and new interpretations. Previously hip hop was considered to be exclusively the culture of the oppressed and marginalized Afro-Americans, but at the present moment the racial and social boundaries are defied and such prominent hip...

How to Lose Your Weight

Introduction The problem of obesity and excessive weight is one of the most actual now. Unfortunately, there are so many different products that cause much more harm than good. It is extremely important for every person to have only healthy products in his ration, as well as to organize the...

Steve Jobs’ Commencement: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction The speech by Steve Jobs titled “Commencement” was a part of Stanford University’s graduation ceremony. A commencement ceremony is a traditional part of graduation, where the students get a chance to listen to advice from others, which should help them make better life choices. In his speech, Jobs described...

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

“Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds” is a masterpiece book, originally written in French by Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle in 1686. This book revolutionized the way the general population interacted with and consumed scientific information. During this time, scientists such as Isaac Newton used technical language to explain scientific...

Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras: The Theme of Vendetta

Hamlet is an outstanding tragedy by William Shakespeare, which is considered an example of skillful language and complicated plot. The play has always drawn the attention of researchers, and even today, litterateurs still analyze its peculiarities. Through his vivid characters, Shakespeare speaks about eternal issues: the problems of doubts, love,...

Cher’s Live Performance “Dressed to Kill Tour” at the BB&T Center

Introduction Lately, live music events have become very popular and almost every artist is striving to give their audience value for their money. The current demand for live music events seems to overwhelming the industry players. All the same, it is evident that live music gives the audience more thrill...

McCormack and McCance’s Person-Centred Care Nursing Framework

In the present day, the concept of person-centered care is becoming immeasurably significant within nursing on a worldwide basis. It is frequently used to describe the standards of health care delivery that are characterized by the significance of the patients’ needs regardless of their cultural, religious, and individual peculiarities. As...

Nature vs. Nurture in the Television Series “Dexter”

Introduction The nature vs. nurture debate has been an ongoing issue in different fields of study, including psychology, sociology, and genetics, among other related areas. At the center of this debate is whether human genes are pre-determined or wired in a specific way that cannot be altered or they can...

Defining and Measuring Biodiversity

Over the past 50 years, the functions of zoos have changed significantly. Initially, they were intended to maintain wild animals in the areas where they had not spread and demonstrate them to the urban population and the city tourists. In addition, the construction of zoos implied a scientific function, as...

Climate Change as a Public Health Issue

Introduction The correlation between one’s environment and health conditions has become more vivid than previously due to an increasing variety of social issues that tackle one’s state over the past decades. To conduct a proper assessment of national health as a notion, the concept of public health was introduced, being...

Social Media Crisis Communication for Business

With the fast growth of social media promotion and the place which companies and organizations assign to it in their market strategies expanding, a crisis is habitually reflected in social networks. They have reshaped communication practices by changing how the information is transferred from one party to another. These contemporary...

Cesarean Section and Immune Function Disease

Introduction Childbirth is an extremely complicated and essential procedure that can determine the future development and health of any child. It has always been considered that natural birth is the best and the least dangerous way to deliver a baby; however, many women have to go through a cesarean section...

HeLa Cells Discoveries in Medicine. Polio Treatment

The Discovery of the Vaccine for Polio The HeLa cells were cervical cancer cells which were obtained from a woman cervix, Henrietta Lacks, back in 1951 at the Hopkins Hospital. On culturing the cells, they proved beneficial for the growth of an indefinite cell line from a human source. This...

Patient Falls Considering a Hospital Setting

Most of the past empirical studies reveal that both old and young patients are equally affected by falls in hospitals. However, patients who find themselves in this situation are often not assisted. This hospital situation also entails elimination-related activities (Tzeng & Yin, 2008). It is also crucial to mention that...

Position Paper About the Play “Fences”

Introduction In the current research paper, the main aim is to answer the question of which conflict does August Wilson uses most to drive all the other elements of the story in his play “Fences.” To address the problem adequately, the following plan is followed. First of all, a brief...

National Dietary Guidelines: Japan, The Netherlands, and The United States

Introduction Many countries develop food-based dietary guidelines as a part of their national health policies. These recommendations are usually based on scientific research on food and nutrient intake, cultural habits, and country-specific health issues. While the general messages of such guidelines appear very similar worldwide, the detailed analysis reveals significant...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Drug Abuse in Correction Facilities

Introduction The federal government has established correction facilities in various parts of the United States. These facilities are used for correcting convicted individuals. “Criminal justice refers to the system of justice and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws...

Gender Discrimination as an Ethical Issue

Today’s society is inevitably related to the notions of discrimination, inequality, and ethical injustice due to the increasing rates of incompetence incidence based on racial, gender, or ethnic affiliation. While the modern world should pool its efforts to even slightly modify the existing tendency, the already existing achievements in the...

Moral Hazard: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

A moral hazard is simply defined as a risk that a financial institution or a party to a contract enters into a contract not in good faith. A party to a transaction can decide to provide false information regarding its assets, liabilities or financial status in order to earn a...

Sexuality Reflection Forum

Personal Growth Reflection Reflecting upon sexual activity among adults, one has to understand what sexuality means. The author of the article about sexy seniors, Vicki Mabrey (2006) defined it as a long-life activity. The author underlined that having sex in any age is equal in significance to taking food. Besides,...

Rolls Royce in the UK Economy: Market Analysis

Introduction The UK automotive industry has been playing a vital role in the economic growth of the state and its business development, and Rolls Royce is an essential part of the UK car manufacturing legacy. After Rolls Royce had garnered enough public praise and attention as a luxurious brand, the...

Slavery Institution as a Source for Victimization

Slavery has been a topic of hot debate throughout most of American history. The process, considered brutal and corrupt by many people, attained even more supporters who considered it the course of nature. It is essential to understand how could this unethical practice survive and thrive for decades. Slavery institution...

Innovation in International Business

International business is the highest form of entrepreneurial activity, and innovation plays a vital role in the conceptual idea of gaining a competitive advantage. The latter is conducted through elaborate modifications in the business model, knowledge connectivity, research and development, and organizational innovation. For example, in the hospitality and tourism...

Ecological Model in Environmental Public Health

Problem and Model The problem of water scarcity has been actively discussed by the public for the last several decades. However, due to the issues that the global climate change has provoked, water scarcity and drought have become a serious problem for some of the states in the US. Changes...

The Theme of Loneliness in “Hamlet” and “Odysseus”

The theme of loneliness has been explored countless times in numerous works of literature, yet the ones that address the specified issue most authentically are “Hamlet” and “Odysseus.” Although each of the specified pieces of literature approaches the concept of loneliness from a different perspective, the overall sense of loneliness...

Dubai Small & Medium Enterprises and Nine Pillars of Corporate Governance

The corporate governance code for regulating the activities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was developed by Dubai SMEs in 2011 (Shehata 2015). Dubai SME in association with the Department of Economic Development formulated nine pillars as the main corporate governance principles in...

Ethical Principles: Parents’ Vaccination Concerns

Introduction Vaccinations play a crucial role in the prevention of many diseases, and it is essential to do them early in life. However, some parents refuse to vaccinate their children based on various factors, such as religious beliefs, safety concerns, or specialists’ advice. Jenna and Chris Smith present a problematic...

Baptist Christians Versus Deism

Introduction At present, there is a large number of religions, philosophies, and beliefs that constitute the people’s worldviews. In general, the worldview is a complicated system that includes the individual’s understanding of their origin, identity, place in the world, and society (Brandt & Crawford, 2020). James Sire (2004) explains the...

Socioeconomic Environment in South Africa

The socioeconomic environment is how individuals and communities produce resources required to meet their human and basic needs. The socioeconomic environment includes education among people, access to medical services, and occupational status. South Africa is the chosen Geographical area because it has a diverse culture. Despite the diverse African culture,...

Communication Skills in Healthcare Workers

Windsor Westbrook Sherrill and Rachel M. Mayo’s article “Medical and nursing student communication skills: Preparing to treat Latino patients” focuses on communication in healthcare settings. The authors’ main objective was to evaluate the previous experience of nursing and medical students with Latino patients and the effectiveness of their communication skills...

Obama and Bush Administration

The Obama and Bush administrations used various techniques to ensure that their respective agendas and pledges to the people of the United States were carried out. Although many people assume that Congress, the legislative arm of government, has the most significant authority in the country, the president, the executive branch...

The Cider House Rules Directed by Lasse Hallström

The Cider House Rules is a novel by John Irving published in 1985 with a consequent movie adaptation that saw the light in 1999. While the two artistic works differ slightly in the plot development and motivation of the characters, the primary themes concerning human relationships and abortions persist. The...

The Influence of Social Media on Teenagers

Introduction Social media has a significant impact on the lives of all those who use it, but children and teenagers seem to be the most impacted by the medium. As a consequence of their social media usage, many youngsters begin to encounter difficulties in their social development. According to a...

Willy Loman in Arthur Miller’s “The Death of a Salesman”

In the distant 1949, Arthur Miller wrote one of the essential tragedies in American literature named The Death of a Salesman. However, while describing Willy Loman, the main hero, the author illustrated the essential obstacle of the whole middle class. The tragedy is presented ambiguously due to the refutation from...

Identity in McBride’s “The Color of Water”

Introduction Looking for a place to fit in and have an identity is a ubiquitous quest. Self-identity correlates with the individual or self: essentially what makes us human. Most people find belonging and comprehension of the self within societies of culture, race, or religion while others find it hard to...

Advocacy in Mental Health Counseling

Introduction In many cases, mental health conditions may impede productive communication with others. It may be complicated to stand up for personal rights and express concerns. Individual advocacy for people with mental health issues may resolve the abovementioned problems. There is a wide variety of advocacy techniques with distinct implementations,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Migration Crisis & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

The migration crisis associated with the US-Mexico border in 2019 was a significant dramatic event in United States history. The Trump administration was concerned with the negative consequences of migration and tried to reduce the number of migrants. The economic and political conditions caused severe conflict between Mexico and US....

My Family’s Social Class and Mine

The concept of social class does not have a clear definition due to a large amount of factors that may change it. However, sociologists like Weber have implied that it is generally determined by similarity in income, influence and rank. Dennis Gilbert and Joseph Kahl have expanded on this concept...

The Concept and Aspects of Remarriage

Introduction Remarriage is when individuals get married for a second or subsequent time. When a marriage does not work, couples often end up divorcing, and some of them end up remarrying. Remarriage, however, rigs up adjustment questions, especially when two existing families are combined. This paper aims to describe remarriage...

“Remaking Hiroshima and Nagasaki” Book by Nemoto

Subject & Thesis Statement This article is devoted to the most popular misconceptions about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It describes the attitude of Europeans to the catastrophe and popular points of view about this strategic decision of Truman (Nemoto, 2019). The author’s opinion on this issue boils...

“Pandemics Are Not War” by Wilkinson: Article Review

In her article “Pandemics are not war,” Alyssa Wilkinson writes about the use of war as a metaphor for pandemics. The author argues that it is unfair to view pandemics as a force of terror rather than a disease that spreads rapidly and affects the lives of many citizens (Wilkinson,...

Reasons of Heroin Epidemic in United States

The heroin epidemic in the United States is a considerable problem for the medical sphere, criminal justice, and population in general. Every year the number of people taking drugs, recovering in correctional facilities, and dying from overdose increases. Substances have become more spread and are perceived as a way to...

The Effects of Social Media on People

Introduction It is important to note that with the rise of the Internet and globalization, social media platforms have exploded in their popularity and use across all nations, ages, and other demographics. Social media is designed to mimic and enhance human connectivity by making communication instantaneous as well as enabling...

Existentialism in “The Metamorphosis” and “Donnie Darko”

Existentialism is the philosophical theory identifying a man as the only responsible person for his development. Many pieces of literature and cinematography masterpieces depict a man who dictates his life purpose and decisions by himself, highlighting man’s freedom in actions. Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and Kelly’s Donnie Darko are two examples...

The Mumbai Attack of November 26, 2008

Introduction The Mumbai Attack of November 26, 2008, is a national tragedy for India. As a result of the attack, from 160 to 166 people died, and another 350 people were seriously injured (Joshi, 2019). The police and public security systems have demonstrated catastrophic unpreparedness to meet the threat. Subsequently,...

The Documentary “The Redeem Team”

Introduction The Redeem Team is a documentary film about the story of the 2008 USA Olympic Basketball team, which one can view on the streaming service Netflix. The movie’s plot is the narrative focusing on uniting the greatest players to restore the country’s reputation after extended disappointments. Consequently, an exciting...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Civil Commitment and Ethical Issues Journal

Ethical issues associated with involuntary hospitalization do create a dilemma in dealing with patients with cognitive issues. In hospital settings there are qualified physicians are expected to conduct their duties as per the principles of medical ethics, these are nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy (Varkey, 2021). Out of the...

Service Project Experience and Leadership Skills

Service project Participation in service projects provides a valuable experience for the individual. Hence, it gives an opportunity to improve leadership skills and understand which ones require improvement. Thus, this presentation aims to narrate the passage of the service project in the Community Church donation event. While taking part in...

Multicultural Educational Approaches

Teachers should recognize the importance of culture in the classroom and use instructional strategies that are adaptive to students from various cultural backgrounds as the diversity of American schools increases. Little is known about the methods that in-service teachers support and the variables that shape their ideas about such practices,...

Importance to Business Law & Ethical Implications

Introduction E.ON Climate & Renewables (E.ON)hired MT Hjgaard (MTH) in December 2006 to design, fabricate, and install the foundations for 60 wind turbine generators at the Robin Rigg offshore wind farm in the Solway Firth. The foundations were installed in February 2009, and shortly afterward, serious failures in the grouted...

Lord Elgin: Saving the Parthenon Marbles

Lord Thomas Elgin, the British negotiator, had his emissaries take bucketloads of antique art from Athens. A significant number of sculptures from the Parthenon, the sanctuary of the divine Athena, which perched on the Acropolis peak in the center of the city, were the crown jewels of this collection. Lord...

Education: Qualitative Research Study Roles

Steps Involved in Conducting a Qualitative Research Study The first step is to identify the topic of interest. This is then followed by developing a research problem that will be investigated through the research and to state the purpose of investigating that particular problem. In order to carry out the...

Communications: Facebook Social Media Platform

Introduction Facebook refers to a social network that allows people to share information online. One becomes a user after he or she signs up and adds a personal profile, which shows an individual’s gender, photo, and contacts. One can choose to belong to a group of persons, such as colleagues...

Rape and Sexual Violence

Today, more than ever before, rape is increasingly becoming a reality for millions of individuals living in the developed and developing world. Although available documentation demonstrates that many rape victims are female and that most executors of rape are male, it is evident that rapists are increasingly targeting men and...

Supply Chain Management Theory

Want to know more about the fundamentals of the supply chain management theory or materials logistics management theory? Then keep reading! Get some inspiration for your essay on supply chain management theories.  Supply Chain Management Theories: Essay Introduction A supply chain is a system of information and resources that involves...

World Trade Organization and Doha Declaration

The landmark multilateral agreement at the Bali conference in Indonesia under the umbrella of the WTO remains a major achievement of the Doha Declaration. The ministers had agreed to adopt about 50 decisions on different issues such as agriculture, investment measures, textile and clothing, technical red tapes to trade, and...

The Dynamic of Suicide

The understanding of the dynamics of suicide play a critical role in helping troubled individuals in coping with ideation and behaviors that are likely to cause suicide. Any person should make a concerted effort to help people who are likely to commit suicide by offering diagnostic services. Assessment of a...

Historical Literary Survey on Modern Theatre and Drama

Introduction Historical literary surveys about modern theatre and drama are mainly based on the arguments relating to author, the masterpiece, or the period in consideration. Studies on literary surveys about modern theatre are aimed at offering concise explanation and critical consideration of important aspects of literary discussion terms such as...

All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy Literature Analysis

Introduction John Grady Cole is a young person with a set of values and morals who is eager to find his place in this world. The young man has to face a lot of obstacles, and he learns that the world is different from what he expected. The author reveals...

Energy Independence in the USA

Energy independence and energy security are two of the most important objectives of the United States government. Energy independence affects America’s national security. At the present time, the United States is dependent on oil imports coming from politically unstable regions in the world, especially producers that are located in the...

BrandMaker Company Building and Using Power

What are the key challenges to be addressed by CEO Tom Morris and his management team at BrandMaker? There are quite several challenges facing the operations of BrandMaker. Some of these challenges are emanating from the internal operations of the company, although most of them are external. It is vital...

Fall of Humanity as a Religion Issue

Introduction The fall of humanity can be considered one of the major, and, by far, the most complicated topics addressed in the Christian religion. Incorporating a range of concepts such as sin, the Exile, the Divine Promise, death, etc., the fall of humanity can be viewed as an integral part...

Phyletic Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium

Concepts Phyletic gradualism is one of the theories that try to stress more on the genetic mutation and how one species can change to another totally different species through a combination of its better genetic features. The change seems to be slow and take quite some time before a total...

“The Shawshank Redemption” Film by Darabont

Era and Setting The Shawshank Redemption is a movie revolving around the life of a banker by the name Andy Dufresne. The plot of this film begins in 1947. This is a clear indication that the film describes the issues and events experienced in America’s postwar era (Marvin & Darabont,...

Electronic Health Records: Expensive but Efficient

Healthcare professionals, as well as patients, are concerned that the information related to the patient’s health is used in the most convenient and efficient manner. The aim of information systems is to provide convenient access to patient data, ensure privacy and protection of all the information. Despite the fact that...

United Kingdom National Workforce Development

Introduction Several years ago, the UK generated a national “skill strategy” that emphasizes the urgent need for upgrading professional skills in the national workforce (Chalofsky 2014). In the meantime, more and more debates appear concerning the quality of the supply of education and the capacity of British graduates to meet...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advanced Nursing Education and Barriers to It

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” focuses on a number of initiatives that can be implemented to ensure nurse practitioners (NPs) meet the needs of more underserved populations. The report was informed by the major gaps that were making it impossible for...

The Market Research Findings

Introduction The real option, as per the case study, is a well-established firm. This assertion is supported by the fact that it is currently at the peak of expansion a factor brought about by increased demand. However, expansion, as observed in other markets and business organizations, presents several dilemmas. A...

Understanding Advanced Statistical Methods

Identification and Description of Variables Used In our selected data set (Hawaii Dataset ss05phi), we find that many variables are used to explain the housing dynamics in Hawaii. Among them are age, sex, citizenship, class of worker, educational level, annual wages, poverty status, age of respondents and age groups (Hawaii,...

Kotter’s Change Management Theory in Nursing Practice

This essay example analyses Kotter’s change management theory: its background, assumptions, characteristics, and other essential aspects. Learn more about Kotter’s change model with the help of our sample! Introduction To achieve long-term quality improvement, it is critical to create an appropriate theoretical foundation for change implementation. In professional nursing, a...

Women’s Healthcare: Breast Cancer Prevention & Treatment

Breast cancer is considered to be the second most common type of cancer in the US women. According to the National Cancer Institute (2018), most women diagnosed with this disease are over 50, but younger women can also have it. Signs of breast cancer include a lump or thickening in...

Shortage-Related Stress in Nursing Workforce

The problem of shortages in nursing and among nurse practitioners has been discussed by the public, the media, policymakers, and nurse practitioners for more than ten years now. Although particular solutions were suggested, it does not seem that they have influenced the issue positively or brought improvements into it. Therefore,...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Family Counseling Services

Problem and Purpose Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has become one of the leading death causes according to a recent report (Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2016). AD affects people on a cognitive level, causing them to lose their memory skills and reasoning abilities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). To provide proper palliative care, it...

Colorectal Cancer: Factors and Prevention

Introduction Cancer is a serious healthcare concern both in the US and across the world. It is crucial to understand the specific prevention measures that can help individuals mitigate the risks of developing this condition. This approach is difficult to execute because most cancers do not present apparent symptoms in...

Sampling Strategies for Social Sciences Study

The Organizational Assessment Study leader should implement sampling strategies which Iwamoto, Crews, & Coe Company could use to collect the data they require. The data sampling strategies include the following: Probability Based Sampling Strategies Simple Random Sampling Methods In simple random sampling techniques, each component of the population is given...

Abel & Cole Company’s Marketing and Consumer Behavior

What characteristics affecting consumer buying behavior are at play when customers intend to buy from Abel & Cole? The cultural characteristics which affect consumer buying behavior are mainly changes in people’s preferences and tastes. Consumption habits have changed and they are mainly defined by sub-cultures of different populations. Customers in...

Science Development in Popper’s and Kuhn’s Views

Introduction Thomas Kuhn and Sir Karl Popper are particularly famous for their opposing views on science and its development. Thomas Kuhn was a philosopher and a historian of science. He focused on the conception, development, and acceptance of scientific ideas and specifically attempted to investigate the context of justification, wondering...

Parking Improvement on College Campus

Introduction The number of vehicles on the campus ground has been increasing at an alarming speed. This has created a high demand for a parking space on the campus ground. Notably, the campus requires spacious parking for the ever-increasing number of automobiles on the compound. In addition, the existing parking...

Social Psychology: Prejudice and Stereotypes

Define prejudice. How is it explained through the ubiquitous social phenomenon? Prejudice is a disposition towards a specific gathering, sorted with various components, for example, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious convictions, and political perspectives (Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers, 2016). A misguided judgment is that prejudice originates from the superior...

Critical Thinking for Homeland Security

People’s interactions with each other and the world are founded on their ability to think. Critical reasoning is another unique skill of living beings that allows them to form and present their opinions and converse with others to make decisions. Thus, it is vital to understand what factors contribute to...

Fall Prevention Program for UHealth Tower

Introduction Patient falls are one factor posing a threat to an individual’s health due to the high likelihood of injury from the effects of falling. Although it may seem that patients in hospitals are under constant observation and they should not be at risk of falling, such incidents occur frequently...

Decision-Making Process in School Settings

Introduction Professionals in education are responsible for children’s opportunities to acquire knowledge. With that in mind, leaders are to do their best to deal with challenges surrounding decision-making processes. This synthesis statement describes critical ideas related to the topic and links the found themes to issues and problems in everyday...

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

Introduction In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck portrays human dreams and inability to fulfill them, psychological problems experienced by one of the characters and life grievances. Steinbeck’s knowledge of the natural world becomes evident in a number of ways: through his landscape; through his description of the power of nature...

Information Technology Impact on the Environment

Introduction “Information is power.” That familiar saying is true. Have you ever taken time to consider how the world will be without faster technologies of processing information? Information technology in itself refers to all systems of software along with hardware used in data collection, storage, analysis, processing and easy access...

Job Description for Project Manager

Every team needs a good leader. The reason is not to grant an individual with superiority and authority but to have someone who the team can report to, complain to and get motivation from. Such a leader needs to have the skills and intelligence to handle such a task. In...

Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguard: Bournwood Case Study

Introductions The bournewood case was initiated in July 1997 and it concerned a 49 years old man known as HL suffering from autism, who was admitted to a Bournewood Psychiatric Hospital after a stressful day at a daycare center. Mr. and Mrs. E the man’s guardians had brought him to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Project Management Implementation Assignment: Beta Distribution

Overview The assignment involves a description of three approximating approaches, namely analogous, bottom-up, and parametric techniques. It also gives a detailed discourse of the individual method and a highlight of the circumstances which may necessitate their preference for use. Additionally, there is an introduction of the triangular distribution and the...

The Philosopher’s Way: Philosophical Concepts

The Concept of Free Will: Determinism, Compatibilism, and Libertarianism The theories of determinism, compatibilism, and libertarianism center around the notion of free will and the question of whether individuals can make free choices or their freedom are restricted by forces beyond their control. Determinism claims that all events and actions...

Paraeducator Qualifications and Responsibilities

Introduction Paraeducator, also known as para-pro, instructional assistant, educational assistant, classroom assistant, or teacher’s aide, is a person who assists students under the supervision of a certified teacher (Douglas et al., 2019). Qualifications Qualifications necessary to be employed as a paraeducator are very heavily based on educational institutions and state...

An Ideal Society. Key Components

People belong to specific cultures, societies, and nations. The field of sociology allows individuals and researchers to learn more about societies, how they develop, and the attributes governing members’ behaviors. Sociological perspectives offer superior ideas for supporting the establishment of an ideal society. However, the realities recorded in different communities...

Justified Reasons for Vetoing Critical House Bills by Governor Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott has been objective in signing significant bills into law in Texas. The Republican leader has also vetoed various bills attributed to dynamic reasons entailing efficiency and effectiveness in time and financial resource management. This discussion aims at analyzing bills vetoed by the governor of Texas on June...

Knowledge Sharing in Organizations

Introduction Knowledge Sharing goes beyond sharing; it’s about helping one another, working together and collaborating. Knowledge sharing takes place when people are truthfully interested in helping each other in initiating new abilities for action; thus forming learning processes. Different organizations have different methods of sharing knowledge; knowledge sharing is important...

Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostics: Mr. M.’s Case Evaluation

Alzheimer’s disease is a dangerous condition of the brain most common among older people. Scientists note that the disease is the third leading cause of death in the United States after cardiovascular disease and cancer (Bredesen et al., 2016). The treatment is usually aimed at alleviating the symptoms, as nowadays,...

“The Fires of Jubilee” by Stephen Oates

The four-day slave rebellion organized by Nat Turner in Virginia is among the most remembered events in African-American history. In his book titled The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion, Stephen Oates, who is an expert in 19th century America, explores the biography of “the most famous slave” (p....

World War II Was a Continuation of World War I

The Treaty of Versailles was the fundamental agreement which marked the end of World War 1 (WWI). However, it destabilized the German economy throughout the 1920s, and intense animosity between European powers resulted. Ordinary citizens of Germany believed that the country was betrayed by the politicians who signed what they...

Implementation of Technology System with Change Theory

Leading process change in the medical organization requires substantial time, resources, and efforts due to the complex structure of healthcare institutions and dependencies within hospitals. Nevertheless, the new trends and technology that evolve nowadays present significant opportunities in the implementation of medical practice and enhancement of the high-quality provision of...

The “Hills Like White Elephants” Short Story by Ernest Hemingway

The given analysis will primarily focus on Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants.” It is a short story about a man and a woman who are having a conversation at a Spanish train station and waiting for their train to Madrid. The key theme abortion, where a male character wants...

The Social Movement’s Success or Failure

Introduction Social movements refer to organized groups, which are purposeful and determined to achieve common goals. The main objective of social movements is to create social transformation through the generation or resistance of change. Social movements can be local, regional, or international, depending on the issue they are advocating for...

Using Big Data and Predictive Analytics to Modernize Government Operations

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, the development and global spread of Internet communication technologies in modern states led to the emergence of an independent virtual political communication space with its principles of functioning. The introduction of new types of political communication influences the processes of interaction between...

American National Security Response to COVID-19

Introduction The government of the United States faced a significant number of national security issues and challenges, considering the current unstable and life-threatening environment. As such, candidates and representatives elected in 2020 are exposed to critical questions on national security and foreign policy issues, to which they must respond as...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Triggers, Clinical Manifestations, and Therapy

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that originates from experiencing terrifying events and getting haunted by them long after they happened (Kinchin, 2005). It is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks, and recurrent thoughts about the event (Kato, Kawata, &Pitman, 2006). The disorder...

Is Recycling Worth the Cost?

Introduction Human beings’ lives and health depend on the diversity of life on the Earth. A healthy planet provides air and water, gives food for people and other species. However, pollutions, cutting down the woods, global warming with the greenhouse effect threaten the world and its biodiversity leading to the...

The Role of Proteins in the Structure and Functioning of the Human Body

Introduction Proteins are known to be blocks that build our bodies. They are made up of amino acids. There are essential and non-essential amino acids”. Just as the word suggests, essential amino acids are required more than non-essential amino acids because they cannot be made by our bodies. However, the...

Daly’s Predictive Cluttering Inventory

The Predictive Cluttering Inventory is an assessment tool that is used to diagnose cluttering. The Predictive Cluttering Inventory was developed by David Daly and Robert Cantrell, and the variant of their assessment protocol appeared in 2006 (Van Zaalen-op’t Hof, Wijnen, & Dejonckere, 2009). Still, the assessment became known as Daly’s...

Analysis of “The Hastings Center” Report by DeGrazia

Introduction Like many other systems in the world, the American healthcare system is in a mess. It exposes people to high level health risks with close to 46% of the population lacking health insurance while millions are underinsured (DeGrazia, 2008). This is according to DeGrazia in his 2008 article, The...

Theories in Ethics and Criminal Justice

Introduction Ethics is designed to help a person behave correctly with other people and follow the standards of morality. It can be applied at the workplace, at home, or in social structure. Ethical theories elaborate on how to improve an organization by integrating moral concepts into a situation. An ethical...