The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sibling Violence

Literature Review The problem of domestic abuse has been extensively studied by researchers worldwide, and one of the main forms of the phenomenon is sibling violence. There are many definitions for the notion of sibling violence, yet, generally, it can be referred to as an intention to inflict harm on...

Amy Tan’s “A Pair of Tickets” Review

Family is among the most important elements of a person’s life. From one’s birth to the time a person chooses to have their own children, family support and connection help one get through difficulties. However, in some cases, dysfunctional relationships or problems of one family member can burden the others....

Gerontological Policy Analysis

Gerontology is the science of age-related changes and persons throughout their lives. It includes the research of people’s body, cognitive, and social developments as they age and societal changes caused by elderly society. This understanding is then applied to policies and interventions. Gerontologists increase people’s standard of living and well-being...

Impact of the Personality Tests Results

Personality tests are psychological tools to understand personal traits and draw a stable pattern from his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. A person who completes the personality tests can evaluate their behavior more critically to work on them so that his personality benefits him in particular environments and conditions. Many personality...

The Nokia Firm’s Strategic (SWOT) Analysis

Strength The first letter of the SWOT analysis stands for strengths. Strengths are defined by attributes or operations in which an organization excels and makes a firm stand out from the competition. These can include a recognizable brand, loyal customers, unique technology, and many other features. The strength that is...

James Baldwin’s Idea that Language Is a Key to Identity

A person’s identity seems to be found in several elements, such as sex, religion, and culture. Of all these language play a significant in delineate a unique nature of a person. In most cases, language occurs in various spoken, written, and unwritten forms. Regardless of their unique characters, language not...

Developmental Transitions in Young Adulthood

Introduction An individual’s mental health is one of the major determinants of his/her well-being. The recent years, there has been a tendency toward the emergence of numerous problems in the given sphere. Stress, high speed of life, and social pressure impact people and their quality of life. Under these conditions,...

Sporting Activities: Correlation Analysis

Sample Data Variable A Variable B Correlation: Positive, negative, minimal? Number of indoor basketball leagues in demographic area Three college basketball teams and one NBA team in region to spark interest. Positive High demographic of younger target market. Lack of any indoor sporting facilities. Negative High number of indoor sporting...

The Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring Film Analysis

The lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is an adventure, adaptation, action or a fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson and released in the year two thousand and one. It is an epic adventure in prehistoric times that contrasts the moral vs. malicious forces and role of...

Leadership Styles: Garry Kelly in Southwest Airlines

Introduction Existing scholarship shows that leaders, through their leadership styles, approaches and practices, have the capacity to positively or negatively influence outcomes for their respective business organizations, employees, customers and stakeholders. Indeed, in the turbulent business environment of the 21st century, many organizations have managed to remain competitive courtesy of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Historical Figures: The Book “Two Lives of Charlemagne“

Introduction The book Two lives of Charlemagne gives account of Charlemagne’s life through the eyes of two authors Einhard and Nokter the Stammerer. Lewis Thorpe further edited the book. Charlemagne was a medieval ruler and is considered one of the most dynamic and powerful kings in the history. He ruled...

Financial Viability in Healthcare

Introduction If a nurse manager wants to become a significant part of the decision-making process in their organization, it is important to learn the financial status and other financial aspects of the work. A nurse manager has to investigate the key financial statements, interpretive techniques, ratio analysis, management reports, and...

Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offered an opportunity to improve healthcare for people with mental illnesses. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, introduced in 2008, were the long-awaited results of the efforts to enhance insurance coverage for mental health and addiction treatment. This federal law was amended by...

Self-Censorship in Literature Classes

The issue of self-censorship is a relevant one because, in our rapidly changing world, the literature that is seen as “fitting” into the curricula often does not adequately reflect the processes and events that happened. This happens because of the self-censorship of teachers or whole institutions that believe adolescents need...

Innovation and Marketing: Main Aspects

Introduction Creativity and innovation are essential for the enhancement of organizational performance and is a vital ingredient for long-term sustenance. The process of generation of a new and innovative idea is a way of creation of competitive advantage for people within the organization. Studies in the area of creativity and...

Immigrants as Vulnerable Population in the US

According to AJMC (2006), the vulnerable populations in the United States include multiple groups of individuals; in particular these populations involve the disadvantaged communities such as people, who live below the poverty line, homeless population, the individuals with severe health conditions and disabilities, children from low-income families, the elderly, people...

Health Promotion Among Hispanic Population

The Hispanic population is becoming the largest minority group in the USA. The Latino population makes up over 16% of the US population, and it is growing at a considerable pace. Thus, it has been estimated that Hispanic people will constitute 30% of the American population by 2050 (Edelman, Mandle...

Universal Care: Advantages over Disadvantages

Introduction: Universal Health Care as the Global, All-Embracing Concept Healthcare is one of the services that are vital for any member of the global population. However, at present, not all members of the U.S. society, let alone the global one, are capable of using the options provided by the corresponding...

Nursing Development During Education and Practice

Nowadays, many factors drive healthcare improvements at different levels. It is not enough to promote change in nursing education. Nurses, as well as other medical staff, should be aware of how to solve current problems, accept and support innovations, and deal with sustainable and unsustainable costs and disparities (Salmond &...

Functionalism: Simple Lights and Decorative Chandelier

Introduction Functionalism reflects the desire of people to use something simpler though more functional. Changes brought into design with the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movements can be still found in the dwellings of ordinary people, while individuals who value comfort and style select functionalist objects opposed to decorated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Percentage of Medical Errors: Assessing and Minimizing

Analysis of the Article For this assessment, I have selected the publication What Patient Characteristics Guide Nurses’ Clinical Judgement on Pressure Ulcer Risk? A Mixed-Method Study by Balzer et al. (2014), and it focuses on defining diverse aspects that nurses tend to use when determining risks of pressure ulcers’ occurrence....

Government Regulations for the Ridesharing Industry

Issue The current state of the ridesharing industry, represented by such companies as Lyft and Uber, does not have any legal regulations that would protect both drivers and consumers and their rights. Thus, government intervention is needed to prevent companies from exploiting the industry and putting both sides of the...

Autism in Adults: Daily Challenges

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental and neurological condition typically diagnosed in childhood; the affected individuals experience challenges with social interactions, present repetitive behaviors, known as stimming, and maybe nonverbal or have restricted speech patterns known as prosody. Their poor social skills lead to problems in securing employment and...

B. F. Skinner’s Behaviorism and Biography

Abstract B. F. Skinner was a distinguished psychologist renowned for advancing various theories on human behavior. His works received critical reviews from numerous scholars. This paper analyses three journals, each providing a different point of view on behaviorism as suggested by Skinner. Delprato and Midgley’s “Some Fundamentals of B. F....

Social Marketing and Media in Public Health Programs

Similarities between Social Media and Social Marketing Although social media and social marketing have different meanings, they share some commonalities. One of them is that they are both centered on communication between two or more people. Social marketing aims to communicate a message, while social media strives to promote communication...

The Story of Wildflower

Introduction All that travelers knew, was that the Emerald Forest was about 350 kilometers north of Prague. Pilgrims from all across the world, who were lucky enough to hear of that magical place made sure to invest all their efforts and pay that forest a visit. Many folks would hear...

Conflict Resolution: The Nursing Context

In the healthcare setting, conflict resolution is necessary to consider as confrontational situations occur on a regular basis. Strategies necessary for addressing conflicts between nursing practitioners or professionals of any other specialization imply the application of different approaches to communication management. In this paper, the Twelve-Skill Summary will be applied...

Shakespeare’s “Othello” Play Exploration

The current essay deals with a difficult but quite important topic tied with the role of race in Shakespeare’s Othello. As Alvin Kernan remarked Othello is probably the most perfect plays by Shakespeare in terms of the formal and structural design of its composition. Structural elements are organized in a...

Health Warning and Personal Action Plan

People often cannot adequately look at their lifestyle and detect problems that may be apparent to others. Some of the habits and choices that seem reasonable to a person may be dangerous in the long-term, leading to significant health problems. Analyzing my life, I can identify a lifestyle that puts...

“Maigret Goes to School” Novel by George Simenon

Introduction George Simenon is French born novelist. He is the deft handler of the detective fiction. He has been acclaimed as its literate writer as well. His name reverberates with the creation of Paris police detective inspector named Maigret. He has brought about dozens of the mysteries of this inspector...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Deep Ecology: Principles and Movements

Deep Ecology The term “ecology” emerges from the science of biology, where it is applied to portray the various ways in which living things interrelate with each other and their environment. Thus, deep ecology is an environmental faction that seeks to emphasize the importance of human relationship with nature. The...

Remington Peckinpah Davis Inc.’s Problem Solution

Problem Solution: Remington Peckinpaw Davis Inc. To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the RPD company experiences essential problems, which create serious obstacles for implementing the potential project. Originally, the main problem is covered in communication among the teams and team members, nevertheless, these problems may be easily...

Conducting a Research on Hybrid Classes and Its Impact in the Classroom

Introduction The classes combining the traditional face-to-face activities with the online computer-based assignments are named hybrid. The two common types of the hybrid classes are HYD (Distance Learning Hybrids) – when the greater part of the course work is offered via the Internet and HYC (Classroom Hybrids) when 50% of...

Connie in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Oates J. Carol

Introduction The family has remained as the only functional unit of the society where children can get love, guidance and acceptance. However, parents who are supposed to give guidance to children have neglected this role leaving young people with the only option of learning from their peers. In fact, many...

Negative Effects of Stress on a College Student

Discussion A college student has many problems to overcome to succeed academically. A student takes a lot more than just studying to be successful in college. He is confronted with several stressors, such as; time management, financial difficulties, deprived sleep, social activities, and others can pose danger to the academic...

Marginalization in Modern Advertising

The first advertisement by Tom Ford presents a scene from an every-day life where a woman’s role is limited to household activities. She is ironing the man’s pants while he is reading a newspaper. This piece of advertising is an example of stereotypical gender roles and sexism toward women, who,...

Traditional European Society in Voltaire’s Candide

Introduction Candide, ou l’Optimisme is an 18th-century novel written by Voltaire, the French philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. Focused on the story of a young man named Candide who was taught by his tutor, Professor Pangloss, in the spirit of Leibnizian optimism, it satirizes religion, the optimistic beliefs of...

Definitions of a Good Life

At all times, philosophers and thinkers have been pondering what the Good Life is. This concept is subjective and can differ for every person because everyone views the world through the lens of their own values, beliefs, and experiences. As for me, the Good Life is the one where you...

About Police Chaplaincy Program

Introduction At present, the public sees the police as forceful representatives of law enforcement. They deliver a prompt response in situations of crisis to citizens. However, the scope of the police’s helping methods is limited. At the same time, chaplaincy volunteers working alongside some police departments can comfort people and...

Research Article Report About Sports and Creatine

Introduction Sport and physical activity play an important role in the lives of many people around the world. While many exhibit casual interest in various physical practices, some choose to dedicate their time to professional sport. Having a variety of health risks and benefits, the field is heavily contested on...

Developments in Global Tobacco and Alcohol Policy

The health of the nation is one of the major concerns of any state. Healthy populations guarantee the ability of a country to evolve and move towards the achievement of new goals. However, today the situation remains complex because of multiple problems and health issues linked to the environmental or...

“Race and Revolution” by Gary Nash

Introduction America has undergone a revolution that has helped to give a direction to world history. The perception that people around the globe had about freedom has changed and democracy has increased not forgetting, the human values that have also improved. Slavery took place for a long time before a...

Comparison of the Pharmacy Laws

Hundreds of pharmacies operating in the country have clearly regulated conditions for the provision of services to the population and comply with specific standards dictated by the relevant legislation. With consumers free to access most drugs, control over pharmacy operations is an essential aspect of policies that are developed to...

Benefits of E-Commerce

Introduction E-commerce refers to an electronic system that allows businesses, consumers, manufacturers, and suppliers to buy or sell goods and services via the Internet. Technological advancement has made it possible for firms to interact virtually with customers and gather essential information. As Kurnia, Choudrie, Md Mahbubur, and Alzougool (2015) put...

GE Healthcare: Innovating for Emerging Markets

Abstract GE Healthcare is a division of GE that has headquarters in Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom. Initially, the firm was known as GE Medical Systems, but it changed its name in 2004. The firm specialises in unique medical technologies and services that help patients to improve their health care outcomes across...

Nursing Research Article on Level of Education

Abstract The level of education has been forming a critical determination of the likelihood of a person’s professional qualification. In today’s competitive world, the level of education is becoming a sieve in determining who will hold a certain public office. Higher expectations from the public on the quality of the...

Patients’ Rights under Managed Care

Introduction The healthcare sector is rife with patients’ complaints about the poor quality of services according to them. This is evidenced by the incidences of medical errors reported such as misdiagnosis, administration of wrong treatment, negligence by the health care providers, all of which have adverse effects on the patients...

To Right the Wrongs: Reparations for Slavery

The question of reparations is by no means new, but a new impetus to the discussion of this topic was given by the activation of the Black Lives Matter movement. All of the Democratic presidential candidates in the upcoming US presidential elections have addressed this issue in their speeches. Several...

Group Counseling Termination

Termination of group counseling requires many of the same skills used in ending individual counseling relationships. Group counseling typically have a set number of sessions, which makes it easier to anticipate the ending, but it is still a difficult process for group members. Group leaders must remain aware of the...

Transaction Processing Systems: Simple Order Entry System

General description The General Purpose of the basic order entry system is to help support firms transact online, their clients to query items details in a catalog, order the item, and ship the item to customers. For a client to order the item, the ordering system confirms the database for...

Geriatric Windshield Survey Analysis

The previous analysis revealed a scope of services available to the older community members. As can be seen from it, this population group’s essential needs are covered through various facilities (see Appendix A). Moreover, living in the neighborhood is optimal for them due to low crime rates, with 0.12 cases...

A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy

Synopsis In the 21st century, the issue of teen pregnancy remains one of the key points of concern (Azevedo, Haddock & Muller, 2013). Despite massive awareness campaigns, the rates of teen pregnancy remain dangerously high among certain demographics. National and ethnic minorities still remain in the risk group, the rates...

Importance of Information Systems

Introduction Environmental sustainability is the process by which an organisation maintains the practices and factors that affect the quality of its environment. For an organisation to achieve a sustainable environment, it must combine its social, economic and environmental factors and integrate them so that they are all geared towards achieving...

Pollution as a Global Challenge

Pollution is a global environmental problem that diminishes the quality of life of communities across the world. Whereas several initiatives have been made toward environmental contamination management, the limited political will has slowed down the administration processes. Pollution affects the ecosystem by interfering with ecological biodiversity and jeopardizes communities’ health...

Fundamentals of Army Leadership

Effective leadership is an integral part of managing any system to establish operational processes and optimize the performance of subordinates. Leadership is especially relevant to uniformed services, where discipline, a hierarchy of authority, and rigid, strict management are key factors. Consequently, military leadership is one of the most relevant areas...

The Moral Strength and Failure of Relationships in “Young Goodman Brown”

Introduction Morality does not exist in a vacuum; moral beliefs, judgments, and acts are only possible within the context of interpersonal relationships. The various forms of human relations can at once reflect and influence morals. Throughout his writing career, Nathaniel Hawthorne pays close attention to the questions of morality. Hawthorne’s...

Violence Against Women Articles Analysis

“Six women murdered each day as femicide in Mexico nears a pandemic” The article in question discusses some of the pressing problems regarding femicides in Mexico, as it is one of the worst countries in this regard. In particular, it brings up the struggles of José Diego Suárez Padilla and...

Changes in Air Cargo and Passenger Transportation Industries

Introduction Since the beginning of the 20th-century, air cargo and passenger transportation have become an integral part of the global economy. The alternative route for shipping, in some cases, has replaced sea and surface transportation. Nonetheless, the growth of the air freight business has experienced a decline in the 21st...

Climate Change Impacts on Oceans

Introduction Climate change changes climatic patterns linked to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect. Man undertakes the activities after using fossil fuels, resulting in the emission of gases; therefore, the ocean has been impacted. This has resulted in the fluctuation of temperatures, acidity, and...

Swan Lake: How Matthew Bourne Made Love Absolute

Introduction Swan Lake is a work that has become a world classic. It has resonated in the hearts of many people and has become a benchmark for them among ballets. The ballet’s musical accompaniment is striking: the composer was the Russian classical composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. He gave each note...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Settler Colonialism in the United States’ History

Settler colonialism occupies an essential role in the history of the United States because this phenomenon explains the process of how the nation emerged and developed. This issue’s nature refers to the fact that foreigners, not Indigenous people, created the country. Settler colonialism consists of many components, including white supremacy,...

Conflict in “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” by Márquez

Introduction The concept of conflict in literature denotes the ideological confrontation of the sublime and the low, good and evil. In general terms, a conflict in a literary work is a struggle of opposing forces: multiple heroes, the central character of the work and nature, or the hero with oneself....

Discussion of Expat Assignment in Barcelona

Introduction The experience of people who decide to take on international assignments seems more advantageous than that of citizens who are unwilling to change their place of residence for this purpose. However, it is not only accompanied by benefits for future professional successes but also incorporates specific challenges and tasks...

Transformation of Texas into an American State

Introduction Texas is now one of the 50 states of the USA; however, this province changed its belonging to certain countries. For example, Texas is well-known for previously being a province in New Spain, a frontier state of Mexico. Such a transformation of Texas into an American state occurred in...

The Bottom-Up and Top-Down Models of Literacy

One of the most critical aspects of early childhood education is reading. From letter recognition to focusing on speech patterns, language acquisition in young children is focused on helping them comprehend how spoken sounds and written words are related to one another and cultivating reading comprehension. Reading research has been...

Start of Studies of American Uniqueness

The United States is known for its promotion of the idea of American exceptionalism. The premise that this society combines morals and practices unprecedented in history is an extremely appealing political platform. Although the question of America’s uniqueness is very debated today, it is not new. This ideology can be...

The Use of Digital Devices Among Children

Flewitt, R., Messer, D., & Kucirkova, N. (2015). New directions for early literacy in a digital age: The iPad. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 15(3), 289–310. In this article, Flewitt et al. (2015) evaluate the efficiency of modern technology for education and aim to evaluate the potential of iPads for...

Pandas as a Symbol of Endangered Species

Introduction Of all animals affected by human activities, pandas draw the most attention to themselves. Be it for their looks or the extent of the damage done to them, this species symbolizes the danger humans pose to the safe existence of animal life on Earth. Although the human impact has...

Human Memories and Social Interactions

The human brain has the power to keep and erase memories, modify or supplement them, and block some memories for a certain time. However, people did not learn to use this power fully, and they did not know how to control their memories. Research shows that humans remember negative traumatic...

The HubSpot Company’s Collaborative Culture

Introduction Collaboration occurs in almost every company, yet, not every company has a collaborative culture. A firm could be said to have such a philosophy if cooperation occurs there on a regular and purposeful basis. Teamwork determines the procedures of how individuals do their jobs every day and the attitudes...

Antisocial Personality Disorder in “The Lion King”

Scar is considered one of the evilest Disney villains in the history of the franchise. His major atrocities include the murder of his brother, the attempted murder of his nephew, authoritarian leadership over the Pride Lands, and the manipulation and exploitation of the hyenas. The analysis of his character has...

Leadership Challenge and Quantitative Evidence

Summary Political factors pose a fundamental challenge to leadership functions. The inherent factors associated with political influences make organizational leadership lack corporate vision, ineffective leadership, and uninspired employee functionality in developing and developed countries. According to various researchers, factors such as weak political policies, political corruption, and poor funding of...

Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Case of Acute Kidney Injury

Introduction Acute kidney injury is characterized by increased serum creatinine and oliguria, a quantifiable indicator of urine output. AKI is at least seven days long and only occurs once. Acute kidney disease (AKD) is a group of operational kidney diseases that can be mild or severe. AKD can occur even...

The Lack of Diversity and Inclusion in the Gaming Industry

Introduction The specific scholarly article that was selected for the analysis and research is called “Deviant Bodies, Stigmatized Identities, and racist acts: Examining the Experiences of African-American Gamers in Xbox Live.” The study was issued by Taylor & Francis and subsequently published in the scientific journal New Review of Hypermedia...

Implicit Bias and the Crime Net in the Criminal Justice System

An unequal distribution of cases against members of different ethnic groups characterizes the use of force by police officers against citizens in Canada. For instance, in Peel municipality, regional police use of force against Black people is 3.2 times higher than for other population groups (Balintec, 2022, p. 1). This...

Unethical Behavior: Abuse of Cell Phones and Internet

Unethical working behaviors have always been harmful to a company’s corporate culture. According to a survey from the Ethics Resource Center (ERC) in the United States, over 120 million individuals come into a workplace in the United States every day, with nearly half of them directly witnessing some ethical misbehavior...

Education Reform in the United States

Introduction Education reform is a strategic process aimed at altering approaches to delivering learning instruction to suit society’s changing needs. Reforming education systems creates room for tackling issues and addressing limitations to enhance quality. However, changes depend on research and expert analysis of factors associated with students’ outcomes. Therefore, the...

Health Promotion Plan: HIV & AIDS Trends and U.S. Statistics Overview

In general, one of the most concerning healthcare problems in the US and the world is the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The stable number of people with HIV infection in the US will be the unit of the analysis. In general, the number of new infections decreased...

Jane Martin’s “Beauty” Drama

Introduction Beauty is an important aspect in many societies. Many people are conscious of how they look. The reality is evident even in medieval communities, where people used to put marks on their bodies to enhance their physical appearances. In contemporary society, obsession with beauty and physical appearance is manifested...

Plato’s “Republic” – What Is Democracy?

Poverty, inequality, and rising crime rates are some of the social problems that plague countries all over the world. Brilliant people argue that the only way to develop a cost efficient solution to these problems is to establish an effective system of governance. After a careful analysis of Plato’s ideas,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Joel Morales Suicide Case

Suicide is a fatal incident that is unwarranted in an attempt to solve a problem. Due to the high rate of suicide cases, especially in the developed Western states, Schneidman had to come up with ‘suicidology’, a study that holds that the victims of suicide experience a psychological issue prior...

“Moving to U.S. and Amassing a Fortune, No English Needed”

This essay discusses Kirk Semple’s article, Moving to U.S. and Amassing a Fortune, No English Needed. The article discusses the increase in the number of wealthy “Americans” who, ironically, cannot speak English. Precisely, the writer uses Felix Sanchez, a Mexican, who crossed to America in 1970 and amassed lots of...

“Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism” a Book by Bell Hooks

Introduction Ain’t I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism is a book that was written in 1982 by Bell Hooks and was titled after the Sojourners Truth’s speech, Ain’t I a Woman. The writer is a feminist theorist, a cultural critic as well as a writer. Her work is a...

Contemporary Artists in Culture

Introduction Contemporary art can be considered intriguing and provocative. To support this idea, it is possible to refer to the works of such famous contemporary artists as Anne Collier, Walead Beshty, Janice Kerbel, Valentina Liernur, and Yuki Kimura are presented in Creamier: Contemporary Art in Culture. On the one hand,...

The Electronic Health Record

Introduction Within the framework of this paper, the researcher will concentrate on the review of one of the key aspects of health IT. This technology is called the electronic health record and is used to store and generate the data regarding the patients’ state, safety, care quality evaluation, and possible...

Facebook App Under Experiential Contextual Inquiry

Abstract In this paper, we analyze the application of the method of experiential contextual inquiry in the expert evaluation and provide the results and summary of evaluating the mobile application (Facebook) in the context of a broader perspective of the usability evaluation. General Terms Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Design, Experimentation, Human...

Leadership Theory and Adaptability in Nursing

Introduction The choice of an appropriate leadership framework defines the efficacy of nurses’ performance and, therefore, contributes to a change in patient recovery rates. Furthermore, the adoption of an appropriate leadership approach will help promote the importance of continuous learning among nurses. Creating the environment in which nurses will strive...

The Toulmin’s vs. the Rogerian Arguments

Introduction Managing dilemmas and addressing conflicts as well as getting involved in any sort of analysis means being able to navigate among the existing options and analyze the arguments provided by each party to define the solution that suits the identified problem best. Traditionally, two types of arguments are used...

Social Media Platforms and the Nature of Healthcare

Articles Discussion The first article explains how tutors can create videos for different nursing courses. The practice can address multiple needs in the learning process. Videos can be used for pretest studying and pre-class listening (Bristol, 2011). The video can act as a tutor for the learners. Faculties can use...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Clinical Roles

Introduction The advanced nursing role chosen for this project is that of a family nurse practitioner (FNP). These professionals occupy a crucial place in the sphere of healthcare since they take care of people across their lifespan (“Role and scope,” 2017). FNPs need to be graduate-educated and have a certificate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation

Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management: Clinical Prevention Intervention and Evaluation Physical changes associated with aging include loss of muscle tissue and an increase in body fat, dehydration, and alteration of metabolism and absorption of particular nutrients. As older adults struggle to manage their aging process and stay healthy, economically vulnerable seniors...

SmarTrans Product’s Quality and Performance

Value Proposition The primary value of SmarTrans as a company product is to create an efficient and optimized parking service within an urban environment. It addresses one of the critical issues of finding parking in a city setting which may be caused due to inefficiency, poor urban planning, or overcrowding....

Visiting Temple Israel of Greater Miami

I am a practicing Christian, and I have never visited a temple of another religion before. For this assignment, I decided to visit Temple Israel of Greater Miami. Its peculiar facade always caught my eye, so it was an easy choice. In this paper, I will describe my visit, the...

Willy Loman in “Death of a Salesman” by A. Miller

Introduction “Death of a Salesman” is one of the brightest works of Arthur Miller, and the problems enlightened in it remain actual long after the work was first published (Scheibe 26). The play describes the beauty of a dream and the impossibility of following the standards of our society regarding...

Urban Sociology: City and Place

The Role of Time and Location in the Sociological Study of Cities The sociological study of the urban environment is a broad discipline that evolves and acquires new approaches. However, the role of history and geography in the investigation of urban sociology is one of the dominant issues. Indeed, the...

Adolescent Obesity Treatment in Primary Care

Adolescent obesity is regarded as a serious health concern that has to be addressed in both school-based and clinical settings. The rate of overweight school-aged children and youth has reached approximately 30% in the past 30 years (Wright, Giger, Norris, & Suro, 2013). Although the growth was not significant in...

Battle of Plataea in Greco-Persian Wars History

Introduction Greco-Persian Wars are defined as a series of collisions between the Persian Empire and Greek city-states. Starting from the conquest of the Greek-inhabited regions by the Persians who regarded them as appealing, this collision changed its course due to several battles that played a highly essential role in the...

Primary Hyperthyroidism: Therapy and Lifestyle Changes

Specific goals of primary hyperthyroidism therapy The patient, M. S, suffers from excessive secretion of thyroid hormone. In most cases, the condition is caused by a tumor in the parathyroid tissues of the gland, which results in elevated levels of calcium in the blood (Oppenheimer, Braverman & Toft, 2005). The...

End of Life Care: Practice, Education, Research and Administration

The duties of an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) vary in hospitals, but the major focus is to make sure that effective care is offered to patients. In this essay, attention will be paid to the quality and management of care that is required at the end of life. According...

Descartes’ View: Why Cogito Ergo Sum Is Foundational?

Descartes started with defining knowledge in terms of doubt. He made a clear distinction between rigorous knowledge and lesser degrees of conviction by stating “ I distinguish the two as follows: there is conviction where there remains some reason which might lead to doubt , but knowledge is conviction based...

“Hiding Humanity: Verbal and Visual Ethics in Accident Reports” by Sam Dragga and Dan Voss

Summary of the Article The article “Hiding Humanity: Verbal and Visual Ethics in Accident Reports” written by Sam Dragga and Dan Voss is devoted to the problem of technical communication and its effectiveness. According to it, modern technical communication is completely responsible for the possible consequences of accidents. Providing publicity...

Diversity in the Workplace: Analysis and Evaluation

Abstract Over the past few years, the issue of diversity has gained considerable significance. According to recent researches, workplace diversity contributes to the improvement of the relationships between the staff, knowledge management, and, therefore, the production process. In the late XX century, workplaces became rather diverse all over the country....

America Express Charity Food Overview

America Express (Amex) is an American international business Services organization headquartered in New York City, 200 Vesey Street. The corporation was founded in 1850 and is one of the constituents of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (“100 best companies to work for”, 2020). Amex is widely acknowledged for its travelers...

Opioids Abuse and Public Policy Change

Opioids are a form of drug often used medically to manage moderate to severe pain in patients. It can also be used to treat diarrhea and coughing. According to Spehr et al. (2017), when using this drug for medical purposes, one has to follow strict guidelines from the doctor. One...

“Basic Christianity” Book by John Stott

Throughout centuries, the infinite world stands upon the rules, regulations created by humans, and, most importantly, religion. The latter offered the medieval man an opportunity to reconsider life and its purpose. At its core, faith illuminates being with light and hope. Among diverse directions of faith, Christianity constitutes one of...

Pyramid Building: Communication to the Pharaoh

The lead architect communicates to the Pharaoh: In life, prosperity and health! This is a missive to inform you my good lord of his goodly plans for his pyramid. The height of the pyramid, according to the plan, is 480 feet. We expect to finish the construction in 23 years...

DBR Technology: Data Networks

One of the important aspects that Information technology has brought forward is telecommunications. Communication networks play an increasing important role in an ever shrinking business world. Organizations, big or small, used these networks to exchange information even beyond geographical boundaries. Through research, new communication standards are developed on regular basis...

Charity: A Donation to the Knight Pantry Organization

The current story is a report on the Knight Pantry that is currently active in the role of a service intended to help the University of Central Florida (UCF) students with food and clothes. The story of this organization shows that the Knight Pantry service turned out to be a...

Disease Management and Effects Regulation

Introduction Managing diseases is extremely significant, to an individual’s health or well being. Disease management entails the excellent healthcare interventions that aim at regulating the effects of a disease. It is, therefore, imperative for patients or individuals to manage their diseases to maintain their well being or wellness. Body In...

The Pros and Cons of Smoking Ban

Cigarette smoking is an individual’s behavior, which is addictive when not controlled. Most smokers start the action during their adolescence during their leisure time. The law does not prohibit individuals from smoking cigarettes even though some regulations forbid it in public places. Cigarettes are one product of tobacco and are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Grief: Comparison of the Two Approaches to Healthy Grief

Grief is one of the strongest and overwhelming emotions inherent to people as a result of some kind of loss, misunderstanding, or sorrow. Many people admit that grief is a natural reaction of people, and this is why it is always interesting and educative to investigate this emotion and define...

Appendicitis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Appendicitis is an intestinal disease characterized by a painful, irritating, and inflamed appendix. The appendix is the narrow and hollow tube that stretches from the large intestines. According to Rush University Medical Center (2008), during the formative stages of life, the appendix functions as part of the immune system...

The Stories of Mental Illness: “A Rose for Emily” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”

The topic of mental health is not only studied by psychologists but is also widely used by authors in fiction. Psychological problems and mental disorders are complicated and understood differently by various authors. The following essay will examine and explain the differences and similarities in “A Rose for Emily” by...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Reflection Paper

Introduction The establishment of a nursing philosophy plays a crucial role in nursing practice and career growth. Even though all nurses study the same principles, theories, and regulations, each person shares specific beliefs and attitudes toward the environment, which provokes the promotion of unique approaches to care and treatment. The...

The Role of Delegation a Family Nurse Practitioner

In health care service institution, there is a lot of work for nurses. In some cases, the work has been overwhelming and nurses have not been able to handle it well. The case of Ms. W, a Family Nursing Practitioner (FNP) is such an example. This paper discusses the role...

Transformational Engagement Practices for Workforce

Introduction Corporate strategy is the plan of the organization that assists in defining the company’s overall goals that are intended to achieve in the future, based on current and potential management activities. It can also be seen as a unique vision of an enterprise that shapes the directions it moves...

Therapeutic Diets Used in the Hospital

A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the ingestion of particular nutrients or foods, and it forms part of the management of a health condition. Therapeutic diets are planned for maintaining or restoring good nutrition among patients (Dodd, 2020.). In most cases, the therapeutic diet is used to...

Administrative Policy on Homelessness

Introduction Policy-based interventions are the most effective measures to address systematic issues. A wide range of administrative policies directly or indirectly tied to homelessness affect the homeless population to the extent that there can be artificial barriers to receiving benefits in the United States. Therefore, understanding and analyzing these administrative...

Discussion of Maternal Mortality Crisis

Amankwaa, L. C., Records, K., Kenner, C., Roux, G., Stone, S. E., & Walker, D. S. (2018). African-American mothers’ persistent excessive maternal death rates. Nursing Outlook, 66(3), 316-318. Web. The article describes maternal mortality, ethical considerations, policy, and causes among African American women. The authors give brief background information on...

Articles About Childhood Obesity

Introduction Obesity in children above the age of two is defined as the presence of excessive fat in the body. While there are no exact means of knowing if a person has extra fat in their body, their BMI defines whether or not they are obese. The BMI is founded...

Single Mothers’ Challenges During COVID-19

Article Review The issue of working solo-parent women has always been urgent, and its significance only increased with the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, many articles and researches concentrate on the analysis and deep consideration of the problem. The chosen articles give an understanding of the issue from various perspectives. They proceed...

Candidiasis: Pathophysiology and Treatment

Summary Candidiasis is a wide word that refers to infections of the skin, mucosa, and deep-seated organs caused by a fungus of the Candida type. These infections can occur at any age and are frequently associated with plainly recognizable risk factors for infection. Invasive Candidiasis includes Candida spp. bloodstream infections...

Quality Management and Its Importance in Business

Introduction One of the peculiarities of the modern world is the unprecedentedly rapid development of production as well as the sphere of services, which calls for especially thorough quality control. The latter requirement, in turn, is worth mentioning among the most powerful drivers of innovation; businesses have to adopt new...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Intimate Partner Violence in the US

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on all aspects of human life. In order to curb the spread of the virus, state governments in the United States put strict mobility restrictions on their citizenry. Although these measures were found to be reasonably efficient in regard to combating the...

The Los Angeles Police Department’s Overview

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) was formed in 1853 after a murder that occurred in the city. It started as a volunteer force that was formulated to assist the existing within the county (“History of the LAPD,” 2021). The police department is found in California state. LAPD is one of...

The Midnight Gang by David Walliams

Introduction David Walliams employs imagination and humor to highlight the relationship between adults and children at a hospital. The story has irresistible characters and highlights many relatable issues that cannot be forgotten. The author further uses different themes to perfectly present his message. Additionally, his work acts as a clarion...

Personal Approach to Professional Dispositions

The educator profession requires a lot of qualities and competencies to establish and maintain successful interactions with students and colleagues. I have always felt that this field is my heart’s calling, and I will do everything to become a proficient teacher who will inspire students to reach their goals. The...

The Clash of Ignorance: Francis Fukuyama and Bernard Barber View

The development of society has been a topic of discussion for many researchers for a long time. On this topic, such researchers as Francis Fukuyama and Bernard Barber. Of particular importance for the development of this idea was the work of Samuel Huntington, which was called “Clash of civilization.” In...

The Billabong Brand’s Marketing Mix Strategies

Introduction The marketing mix is the theoretical basis on which all promotion methods are built. The two most basic tasks of the marketing mix are to increase the perceived value of the product in order to provide the company with a long-term perspective and profit (Keller & Brexendorf, 2017). The...

Assessment of Rapid Response Teams by Dukes et al.

Purpose The purpose of the research is well articulated and aims to analyze the differences between rapid response teams (RRTs) in top-performing and non-top-performing hospitals (Dukes et al., 2019). Research Question The research question is clearly and concisely stated: How do rapid response teams differ between top-performing and non–top-performing hospitals...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Affordable Care Act Enactment Purpose

Introduction President Obama accented to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010. It signifies a major shift in the healthcare system in many aspects since the 1960s. It was legislated to improve the value and accessibility of health insurance. The ACA is aimed at expanding coverage, ensure accountability from insurers,...

“Long Walk Home” a Book by David Laskin

Key Argument Summary The onset of the 20th century was marked by incursion of immigrants into America. The majority of the immigrants, thought by most Americans to be naïve, came from non-English speaking countries (Laskin 6). The migration was caused by persistent conflicts at home and religious persecutions in mother...

Military Policy that Should Be Changed

Promotion Criteria The military is a secret organization that does not disclose its activities to the public, mainly because of the strict rules and regulations. However, some of how things are conducted ought to be changed because they are unfair to the officers and the country’s development. One of the...

The Bereavement Concept and Stages of Loss and Grief

Introduction Bereavement is commonly described as the state of living with loss. Those that have been bereft are forced to accept the non-negotiable reality of death, which is bound to have a series of mental, emotional, and even physical impacts on their lives. At one point or another, everyone must...

The United Nations’ Strengths and Weaknesses

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations? Read this essay to find out! Find here examples of United Nations’ strengths and weaknesses for a SWOT analysis or a case study. United Nations Strengths and Weaknesses: Introduction Operating since 1945, the United Nations is viewed by many states...

Nursing Professional Values and Characteristics

Introduction My interest and nursing and a decision to become a professional in this sphere were initially tightly connected with the desire to help others and to ensure that some health problems do not prevent them from living normal lives. Being a nurse, I consider myself to be a person...

Public Policy’ Management Issues

Assignment 1 The federalist papers comprise 85 essays intended to ratify the constitution. These papers highlighted some of the roles and proposed structures of the government. Additionally, they evaluated some of the expected implications of political constitutions to the governance of the republic. The essays were meant to provide a...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s Policy and Work

Health Systems, Policy, and Resource Management The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (from now on referred to as APRN) is a graduate medical professional with a higher education who has specialized skills and knowledge that can be useful during the process of practice. The US federal policy adopted in 2010 aims...

Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes

Introducing the Topic There are numerous health concerns affecting the quality of life, and type 2 diabetes is one of them. Regardless of the critical role of genetic specificities in determining predisposition to type 2 diabetes, the influence of lifestyle is as well significant (Asif, 2014). Therefore, it is essential...

Leadership: Graduate Nursing Role

Introduction Leadership is an important aspect of nursing practice that enables nursing professionals to complete various tasks. Nursing leaders do not simply provide high-quality care to patients as nurses train and educate patients and their caregivers, collaborate with other healthcare professionals and contribute to the development of new practices and...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Introduction Both qualitative and quantitative research designs are regularly used by professional nurses and scholars who conduct different studies. The context and findings of every project require analyzing it to decide on the most appropriate research method that must be used in a particular case. The following paper is intended...

Indian Creek Foundation: Leadership Theory and Process

Leadership Theory and Process Social work often brings the responsibility of leadership in order to resolve issues and find competent solutions. In the Capstone Project, a non-profit organization was examined. The Indian Creek Foundation supports people with mental disabilities. The main issue is that the organization is operating on a...

Kinesthetic Learning Preference and Other Styles

Introduction Understanding one’s preferred learning style is essential for every student because this knowledge gives individuals the idea of the model they should follow during their courses. Not only this technique lets a person evaluate his or her results regarding the best methodology of studying, but it also makes one...

The Flaws of Neoliberalism

Neoliberal ideas have emerged to be the leading political, economic, and social paradigm in modern American society. Many scholars examine the effects of this system on the different manifestations of life (Foer, 2017; Fukuyama, 2016; Gray, 2011). The theoretical framework of neoliberalism does not coincide with the practices it utilizes...

Technology for Patient Safety: Change Proposal

Introduction Patient safety is the core concept of healthcare, and the rising use of technology can be explained by healthcare establishments’ need to provide patients with a more comfortable and safe environment (Carayon et al., 2014). Such innovations as the Electronic Health Record (EHR) already make some hospitals’ information systems...

Information Systems in Healthcare: Overview

Being able to manage the available information is a crucial requirement for a healthcare expert in the modern era of information technology and innovative technological solutions. For this purpose, the active use of information systems is required since the identified concepts allow managing the available data and arranging it respectively....

Beowulf, The National Epic of the Anglo-Saxons

Introducion An epic is a long, narrative poem written in a noble, dignified style and telling of exploits perfumed by great heroes. It differs from other narrative poems in that it has greater dignity and sweep and presents more lifelike characters, Beowulf, the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons, relates how...

Everyday Objects in Walker’s, Allison’s, Baldwin’s Works

The three works Everyday Use by Alice Walker (Walker, 1994), This is our life by Dorothy Allison and Sonny’s Blues by Baldwin (Baldwin, 1993) bring to light certain ethereal and sublime interpretations of everyday objects. To put it simply, everyday use objects acquire a new meaning and connotations and we...

Hong Kong Ocean Park’s Resource-Based Management

Introduction Hong Kong Ocean Park is the biggest park of attractions and entertainment in southeastern Asia. Being marine-themed, the park‘s average attendance is approximately 4 million per year. Several factors promoted to the process of the park’s redevelopment, such as the close competition by Hong Kong’s Disney Land and Asia’s...

Civil and Criminal Procedures

Criminal proceedings are court proceedings instituted by the prosecution against an accused person after his arrest and before any appeals. Criminal proceedings are instituted or commenced to deal with criminal matters only. It is worth mentioning at this point that there is a revertible presumption of law that an accused...