Nutritional Analysis and Recommendations

The current report contains the analysis of the food intake for one week, from June 2 till June 9, and the recommendations on how to improve the diet and make it more nutritious and balanced. It should be noted that the average caloric intake during the indicated period equals 1798...

Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Various non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies contribute to the improvement of people’s lives in different areas, including health care. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a governmental agency that aims to improve public health through research and dissemination of information regarding potential and current health and security...

Working Full-Time in the Office vs. Freelancing

Employees have long been experimenting with different types of work in order to achieve a perfect work-life balance. One of the most desirable options for millions of specialists worldwide is freelancing. The reasoning behind most decisions to become a freelancer is centered around a person’s ability to manage time most...

Agents of Socialization Overview and Analysis

Socialization is a process of becoming a member of a social group that accompanies a person throughout their entire life. One acquires the necessary roles, values, and standards as a result. People and institutes that facilitate the process are the agents of socialization, although some, particularly from the former group,...

Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease: Correlation

Introduction Studies indicate that high blood pressure is a frequent occurrence among the patients with both acute and chronic kidney disease (Hilgers & Mann, 2014; Mann, 2014; Tedla et al., 2011). Such studies also indicate that hypertensions have been found to occur mostly among patients with glomerular or vascular disorders...

The Clinical Waste Management in Cameroon

Poor clinical waste management is a common problem in Africa and other developing parts of the world. Ineffective clinical waste treatment methods put many people at risk of contracting waterborne diseases and blood-borne pathogens (Chang & Wey, 2006). Uncontrolled and substandard burning of clinical waste also increases environmental pollution and...

Elements of a Contract: Commercial Law for Employees

There are five salient elements of a contract. The elements are a requisite for a contract to be enforced. Failure to prove any of the elements renders the contract voidable, thus it cannot be enforced. Acceptance is one of the elements that validate a contract. Secondly, consensus ad idem is...

Uncomfortable Discussions: Personal Preconceptions

There is a plethora of topic that are difficult to approach in a discussion, yet some of them are especially challenging to handle in a conversation. As a rule, these include the issues that are deemed as highly contentious due to the deep personal connection that people have with opinion...

Reflection on Juvenile Case

Summary Juvenile courts have been in existence for many years handling cases that involve children under the age of 18 who are convicted of committing various crimes. The courts remain vital in addressing errant children; thus, there is a need for making the judicial system better so that it continues...

European Imperialism and Global Economic Situation

European imperialism is a crucial moment in history, as it has markedly influenced the current global economic situation. Its meaning comprises the course of military forces for foreign policy expansion. The goal is to seek to conquer territories, form colonies, and establish political and economic control. A complex of reasons...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Crimes of Language: Wiretap/Undercover Transcripts

Introduction The case under consideration is the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. They included hijacking four planes and targeting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and these events were recorded and analyzed by experts (“9/11 interviews 2001 09(Sep) 01 of 08,” n.d.). Therefore, this paper aims to examine...

Permanent Pacemakers and Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

Introduction Chronic heart diseases affects the structure and functionality of the heart and must be managed properly to ensure that a patients regains a normal health. The use of medical devices has been crucial in the management of chronic heart conditions and improvement of the functionality of the organ. Most...

Law and Medicine: Relationship Analysis

Introduction Medicine like most other professionals is governed by laws that are meant to protect patients’ rights and prevent fraudulent practice. Healthcare practitioners are for example required to complete required training and obtain a practice license from a registered governing body. In the course of practice, nurses and physicians have...

Organization Theory Improving Healthcare Operations

Introduction In every organization, specific behavioral patterns exist within its premises that guide how activities occur. Organizational theories explain the relationships between the business and its environment and how it affects its operation mode (Ferdous, 2016). Organizations apply various approaches that facilitate functionality and effectiveness within their operations. The paper...

Recent Matters of SDGs Related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

According to United Nations, infrastructure investments, such as irrigation, transportation, electricity, and information and communication technology, are critical for accomplishing supportable extension and endowing populations in various nations. Growth in productivity and wages and gains in education and health consequences have long been acknowledged as necessitating infrastructure ventures. Infrastructure denotes...

The Movie “Good Will Hunting” by Hans Van Sent

A deep and impressive film directed by Hans Van Sent, Good Will Hunting, was made in 1997 in memory of a journalist Allen Ginsberg and a writer William Burroughs. The film is a sharp, psychological story with a philosophical subtext about a 20-year-old boy from Boston who works as a...

Inclusion and Diversity: What Do We Mean?

Diversity across cultures is a phenomenon that threatens the ideal approach to handling interactions among Americans. On the one hand, dynamism in cultural practices enhances an optimal interaction and exchange of information that improves appreciation of the global population and demographics. On the other hand, the evolution of human society...

Hospitality Management: Food and Beverage Management

A person is preparing for their last high school exam and looking forward to a career in hospitality management, which is currently one of the best in the field since it provides with prosperous opportunities. The one who gets a hospitality management degree is given the necessary skills for the...

“Civil Disobedience, and Other Essays” by Thoreau

Thoreau critiques the basis of representative democracy in Civil Disobedience in which he not only advocates for opposition to decadent and unjust actions but also censures them. His main concept was that there is a higher rule than civil law that requires individual obedience. His major question, impelled by his...

The Significance of Active Listening Skills

Introduction To begin with, I have always struggled with listening to other people since sometimes it seems highly challenging for me to concentrate on the flow of their speech. As a result, after rating my social behaviors based on Hoppe’s (2007, p. 10-11) test, it became clear to me that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Analysis of Issues of Cosmopolitan Magazines

Societies’ cultures are constantly evolving, and people of different generations tend to embrace new values and beliefs. Publications such as magazines and newspapers always reflect the current state of the culture. Moreover, practically all elements contained in a magazine are defined by the current times and created to be relevant...

Stroke: Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Stroke Analysis and Best Practices for Improved Health Stroke is a medical emergency disease that happens when part of a brain collapses after losing blood supply. The part of the body controlled by the affected section of the brain also stops functioning (Alqwaifly et al., 2020). Stroke is also known...

The Moral Issues of Lobster Boiling

Introduction In the article “Consider the Lobster,” D. F. Wallace discusses the ethical issues of boiling lobsters alive for culinary purposes. The author considers the various arguments of proponents as well as opponents of this procedure. As such, the fact whether lobsters are able to feel pain or not constitutes...

“Good Country People” by Flannery O’Connor: Literary Analysis

This essay analyzes Flannery O’Connor’s short story “Good Country People.” The story concerns Ms. Hopewell, her daughter Joy, and their outlook on life; it also discusses the story of their encounter with Manley Pointer, the Bible salesman. The central idea of the narrative is that a man’s overconfidence in his...

Analysis of Slavery and Resistance

It is important to note that slavery was the most abhorrent practice in both American and world history. It violated every connotation and notion of human decency, right, freedom, liberty, and justice. The main reason is the fact that slaves were able to exert a significant form of resistance through...

The Paradise Now Movie Analysis

Said and Khaled, two Palestinian garage mechanics and closest friends, are hired to cross into Israel and detonate themselves up in the film. They both had rough lives and blamed Israeli persecution for everything that went wrong. They become separated while accomplishing the task, which might compromise not just the...

The Galatians 4:1-7 Passage Analysis

For my exegetical paper, I chose a passage from Galatians 4:1-7, which focuses on explaining why Galatians do not necessarily need to follow the Law of Moses as God’s children. The passage presents a specific interest in dissection and understanding because Paul uses a complex allegory in the text. The...

Textual Analysis of “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien Review

The Things They Carried is a literary work authored by Tim O’Brien. The book is set at a time when the American soldiers were engrossed in war in the Vietnam. Therefore, the literature focuses on the life of American society within the army. A critical analysis of the literature shows...

Machine Learning for Public Administration

Introduction Research is an ongoing process, and scholars follow distinct patterns to solve their defined problems and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Notably, every analyst attempts to identify gaps in literature through previous documents’ review and maps out the methods and procedures to be used to develop a...

Risk in Psychological Research

Risk is a complex phenomenon with different, sometimes opposing bases, which leads to a whole range of possible definitions, disagreements, and contradictions. Finding a common methodological, interdisciplinary basis is complicated, above all, by the fact that in the study of risk, sometimes incompatible methods and models are used. Finding points...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Starbucks Firm’s Statistical Process Control Chart

Starbucks Corporation, located in Seattle, Washington, is the subject of the executive summary. Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational corporation that owns and operates coffeehouses and roastery reserves worldwide. It is the world’s biggest coffeehouse chain, employing more than 383000 people worldwide. When analyzing the process of checking in a...

Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice: Aschenbach’s Psychological Struggle

Introduction Realism is a literary movement distinguished by its unique depiction of human nature by depicting specific people in a specific time and place, also known as a slice of life. This is accomplished using vernacular to create a convincing yet true depiction of a culture. Similarly, psychological realism employs...

The Material and Ideological Gains of the American Revolution and Civil War

Introduction During a war or a conflict between countries, there is a set goal for why soldiers are sent to battlegrounds and commit to fighting until they get a victory. For instance, the objectives can be motivated by either ideological or material gains. Nations have fought before due to disputes...

Crime and Deviance: Conflict and Functionalist Theories

In sociology, there are various theories that consider crime and deviance. This essay examines these phenomena within the framework of conflict and functionalist theory. Conflict theory emphasizes that crime is the result of a conflict of interest between classes. Functionalist theory focuses on the constructive role of deviance in social...

A Nurse-Led Rapid Response Team at a Neuromedical Center

Introduction Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving strategy for care delivery that incorporates the most current scientific data with the patient’s preferences and principles and the clinician’s knowledge and skills. Best available research evidence, patient preferences, clinical knowledge, and awareness of clinical constraints are the four pillars of EBP. The...

Understanding Human Rights: Labor Rights in a Globalizing World and Gender Rights

Globalization and labor rights Labour rights are human rights that encompass the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of forced and slave labor; the abolition of child labor; and the eradication of any forms of discrimination at the workplace’’ (Mayer et al. 131). Globalization is “the growing interpenetration of states,...

The Rise of Police Brutality against African-American Males

Introduction The problem of police brutality against minorities is actively discussed in the modern American society because of the public’s attention to each case when police officers demonstrate the excessive use of force. In most cases, those situations in which victims of police brutality are African-American males attract more public’s...

Malaysia’s Inflation

The move by Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government to apply cuts on subsidies in 2013 to reduce Malaysia’s fiscal deficit and high debt burden is part of the reason for the faster increase in prices of essential commodities. So high was the inflation that the consumer price index surpassed the...

Developmental Psychology: Aggression Between Parents

The article that is presented by the New York University is dealing with the parents’ influence on the children’s ability to control emotions and recognize them. It is claimed that the aggression between parents is likely to have an adverse effect on the development of children. There is no difference...

Film Studies – Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music

Introduction This paper dwells upon the film which goes under the title Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music. The film features Bill Monroe and a number of famous musicians talking about bluegrass and the impact Bill Monroe had on the development of this genre of music as well as other...

Criminal Evidence and Legal Issue

The special balancing test used in evaluating the admissibility of prior uncharged felony convictions of a defendant who takes the stand The prior convictions of a defendant who takes the stand usually have only slight relevance to the current prosecution but can have an emotional impact upon the juries (Hails,...

Funding Proposals for a Vaccine Program

Promoting Conservative Values The conservatives are known for the careful consideration of their political actions and their consequences. One of the core goals of conservatism is to build a strong, sustainable society that would help to drive the country forward. The conservative ideology also stresses the importance of building unified...

Nurse Leadership and Advocacy

Introduction The Obama administration’s healthcare agenda calls for expanded health insurance coverage for all Americans. As a direct result of policies implemented after close to a decade in national leadership, the Obama administration expects to increase the scope of America’s health care delivery system to benefit additional tens of millions...

Nurse Practitioners’ and Administrators’ Competences

A state organization for registered nurses is expected to come up with a set of standards regulating all levels of nursing practice and serving as both practical and theoretical guidelines of professional activity for nurses. While certain core competences and aspects of performance of direct care and indirect care providers’...

Patient Education for Obesity Treatment

Introduction/Identification Important Findings Obsession with sweets Obsession with sugary treats Does not have health insurance Practices self-treatment Buys only cheap medicine The patient overuses different products that contain an enormous quantity of sugar in them. Also, the patient does not want to pay for her health insurance, as she considers...

Gender in Fiction and Sociological Literature

Introduction Gender is one of the concepts that have attracted the attention of scholars in the recent past. It is defined as the wide range of traits that create a distinction between femininity and masculinity. For instance, in their works, Messner (1999) and Kimmel (2009) think that the term ‘gender’...

Trader Joe’s Stores’ Teamwork and Motivation

Introduction “Trader Joe’s has become a multi-billion dollar national chain partly through its ability to find cheap real estate, skip name brands, and smartly manage its supply chain” (Sheeran, Harris & Epton, 2014, p. 511). The employees of Trader Joe’s are very friendly. They are ready to go to all...

Nursing Department’s Strengths and Threats

Brief Explanation of a Leadership Issue Arranging a proper level of unit collaboration Increasing overall job satisfaction of units Raising the morals of the nursing staff Building backgrounds for effective teamwork Creating a comfortable environment in a hospital Providing a stable operation of all units Note: For many people, job...

Childhood Vaccination Policy in Florida

The chosen policy issue is childhood vaccination. In Florida, parents can exempt their children from vaccinations due to religious reasons, which leads to a low rate of vaccinations. As a result, only 38 of Florida’s 67 counties have kindergarten vaccination rates above 95% (Florida Department of Health, 2017). Vaccination rate...

Analysis of Personal Nursing Philosophy and Its Application in Different Nursing Fields

Introduction Nurses must develop and utilize superior philosophies to transform the health outcomes of their patients. I have managed to design a powerful model that informs my practice. The philosophy is guided by unique values, assumptions, and the four metaparadigms of nursing. This paper gives a detailed analysis of my...

Congestive Heart Failure in Elderly

Congestive heart failure (CHF) in elderly is a complex health problem that arises due to structural or functional cardiac disorder. The condition affects ventricle’s capacity to pump blood. According to Lazzarini, Mentz, Fiuzat, Metra, and O’Connor (2013), CHF is prevalent amid the elderly due to age-related issues. The majority of...

Little Haiti Community’s Health Problems

The Problem Description Little Haiti in Miami has many health problems that are caused mostly by the lack of knowledge in people and the deficit of competent specialists in local hospitals. One of the most prominent health problems is hypertension. The most vulnerable groups that need support are elderly Hispanics...

Cultural Anthropology: The Yanomami Tribe

The online article Conflict and Human Rights in the Amazon: The Yanomami, by Stephanie Bier, is one of several case studies in a larger website documenting the intersection of environmental damage and human conflict1. Stephanie Bier, the author, was a 2006 American University graduate in International Service.2 The article takes...

The Issue of Transgender Discrimination

Challenges Despite numerous attempts to eliminate biased attitudes, transgender people still face different challenges that deteriorate the results of treatment. The first barrier is the discrimination that is still observed in multiple health facilities. Both patients and health workers might demonstrate inappropriate behaviors towards people who decided to alter their...

Labour Division in Planned and Market Economies

Introduction Whereas there are diverse variations of economies, planned and market economies are considered the dominant ones. It is important to emphasize that they are contrastingly different: corporations in counties with the planned economy are owned by the government, and in-market economy societies, businesses are only regulated by state bodies....

How Research Impacts Nursing Practice

The role of nurses continues to evolve to meet the arising patient needs and deliver quality and timely care. Consequently, nursing research is required for nurses to acquire best care practices, improve patient outcomes, and respond to changes in practice. Additionally, nurses should understand the basic principles of research because...

Nurse’s Role in Disaster Planning and Preparedness

Introduction Public health officials play an important role in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Specifically, nurses are involved in disaster planning and preparedness together with response and recovery. This section addresses the role of nurses in executing the different aspects of disaster management. Planning The planning phase starts with understanding...

Moral Status of a Fetus with Abnormalities

Technological advancements in the healthcare industry have made it possible today to detect abnormalities at the earlier stages of fetal development. The given technologies were primarily designed to assist families in staying informed and making the right decisions should one face the problem of a difficult choice related to a...

Suffering in The Book of Job and The Old Testament

Job’s story is difficult to understand since it raises many questions, answers to which a person can only find in his or her own faith in the Lord. However, many lines of this book can be instructive and useful for people in distress as it explains the causes, paths, and...

Apple Inc.’s Market Strategy and Brand Position

In the modern economy, brands play the role of global communicators between sellers, products, and buyers. Branding embodies a special technology to create consumer-based and trust-based symbolic associations and informal connections that expand relationship marketing capabilities. With the help of brands, manufacturers not only inform consumers about the key values...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Models of Organizational Change

The merger of two companies with different organizational cultures inevitably creates difficulties for the manager who has to adjust his or her leadership style to the needs of the corporation and regulate workplace relations among employees. In this case, we are speaking about the fusion of two departments that formerly...

Women and Inequality in Aboriginal Society

Aboriginal people are the first nation of Canadian population researched by many (Steckley, 1997) and today they suffer greatly from prepossession against them. But “it seems to us that the continuing existence of aboriginal nations is a political and legal reality as well as a historical fact” (Erasmus, 2002). Moreover,...

Harvey Industries: Key and Underlying Issues

Introduction A competent approach to workload planning and allocation of resources can have a significant role in the functioning of a particular company and its competitiveness in the market. The problems of Harvey Industries are caused mostly by the unreasonable allocation of resources and insufficiently rational measures used to determine...

Radio-Frequency Identification in Healthcare and Agriculture

In the 1970s, barcodes seemed like the height of sophisticated product tracking. However, both technological progress and market demands have developed significantly in recent years, presenting new identification and tracking opportunities. Specifically, radio-frequency identification (RFID) has gained traction due to its ability to transmit data over distance. According to the...

Annotated Bibliography About Dietary Supplements

For this assignment, I have decided to take a look at various articles about dietary supplements. I think the topic is interesting and demands more attention from the public and researchers. In this paper I will focus on analyzing three articles on the issue: “Demand for dietary supplements spikes as...

Rhetorical Analysis: Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism brings wealth, and not everyone can reach it, but in socialism, there is no wealth. Both capitalism and socialism were major influencing socio-economic theories, which reached their peak of manifestation in the 20th century. Capitalism is a system where the concept of ownership and free markets is at its...

Working in Partnership: Nurses and Patients

Introduction The partnership between nurses and patients is a major theme discussed in professional and academic literature worldwide. In New Zealand, the principles of partnership are taught in educational institutions and encouraged in the health care industry. The present paper aims at assessing how nurses in New Zealand use partnership...

Why the Electoral College is Necessary

Introduction The electoral college has been controversial It sometimes contradicts the popular vote The 2016 election is an example Trump won despite Clinton’s popular vote advantage However, this result is ultimately desirable The 2016 election has been divisive, with the Republican candidate, Donald J. Trump, winning the race with a...

The American Revolution: Triggers

Introduction The American Revolution is a colonial uprising that took place in 1765 – 1783 in the British colonies of North America. Being in a military alliance with France, the colonists won a landslide victory in the War of Independence, the main result of which was the proclamation of the...

North America During the Colonial Period

The Survival of French Canada and the Historical Revolution of North America The 1759 battle occurred in Quebec because of the British army’s desire to conquer the French territory. James Wolfe, the military’s foremost general, led his troops in attacking farmers in Canada and destroying their farmsteads to create tension....

Microsoft Word: Review and Analysis

There was a period when word-processing was done in a dos based environment rather than a windows environment. All commands had to be through the key board making it difficult to operate. All this has changed since the advent of Windows and other graphics based operating systems. The popular programs...

Sanyika Shakur: Sanyika Shakur’s Violent Crimes

This paper will look at one of Sanyika Shakur’s first violent crimes and attempt to explain them using the modeling theory and the social disorganization theory. The subject was born Kody Dejohn Scott on November 12, 1963, and received the street moniker “Monster” after stomping an elderly black man for...

Cholera: Overview of the Affected Population and Description of the Disease

Introduction In 2020, cholera is not as dangerous as it was a hundred or two hundred years ago. Much more people have access to clean water; sewage is rarely discharged into the same bodies of water from which people drink. Wastewater treatment plants and water supply are on a completely...

Arteriovenous Malformation in Children

Introduction Congenital vascular lesions are referred to as arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), which can be diagnosed at any age. The overall risk of complications (e.g. hemorrhage) from an untreated AVM is estimated to be between 2 and 4% (El-Ghanem et al., 2016). Although AVMs are rare in kids, they are estimated...

Suicide and the Moral Dilemma

Introduction Suicide is a major cause of death that has severe emotional and physical consequences on victims and their families. According to statistics, more than 1 million people kill themselves every year (James & Gilliland, 2012). In the last five decades, cases of suicide have increased by approximately 60%. It...

Labor Market Developments During the Covid-19 Pandemic

In the first quarter of the year, the U.S. economy experienced its worst contraction in a decade as restrictions were imposed in the country to slow the spread of coronavirus infection. The U.S. tried to cushion the economic blow with nearly $ 3 trillion (2.4 trillion) in new spending, including...

Intergovernmental Global Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations

Introduction Every country in the world is part of the wider global community. Each nation’s economic strength lies in the ability to work with others. Similarly, as part of the human race, individuals can only attain maximum potential when they identify with certain groups for a common purpose. Different nations...

“The Importance of Healthcare Policy and Procedures”: The Significance of Policy

Introduction “The Importance of Healthcare Policy and Procedures” is an article that purposes to explain the significance of policy in setting the general action plan used in guiding decision-making and desired outcomes in healthcare. The research argues that healthcare policy and procedures are vitally important in communicating the desired organizational...

The Analysis of Victim Categories

Completely Innocent On November, 5, Andrew Kelly, a police officer, was arrested after killing a woman in a car accident; the off-duty officer was completely drunk driving through Brooklyn Mill Basin. The victim of the accident was Vionique Valnord, 32; the woman tried to hail a taxi that afternoon leaving...

Artificial Intelligence and Singularity

Introduction Technological development will inevitably shift humanity’s future in a highly radical way. It is especially true in the case of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to lack any limitations for further development. The point where AI will surpass the human level of cognition will be a hallmark of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lady Gaga’s “Women in Hollywood” Acceptance Speech

After her debut as a leading role actress in Ryan Murphy’s A Star Is Born, Lady Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, won the “Woman in Hollywood” reward presented by Elle magazine. On occasion, Lady Gaga gave a deeply emotional acceptance speech, during which she admitted having...

Second World War’s Impact on United States Economy

Introduction The Great Depression, which started in 1929, was characterized by severe unemployment, deflation, a drastic decline in output, and falling stocks and businesses. The country’s industrial production reduced by 47%, the wholesale price index by 33%, and the real GDP by 26% (Jaworski 1048). Studies also show that the...

Fake News and Its Impact on Society

Pablo Boczkowski considers fake news an “intrinsic component of any information ecology” (882). Indeed, the proliferation of fake news has got to the extent of raising concern in society as it impacts practically every aspect of life. While most of the population in society has the education and knowledge to...

Organizational Structures in the Clinical Environment

The effectiveness of corporate enterprises depends on numerous factors, and one of the most important of them is the organizational structure. Essentially, the way responsibilities are distributed among employees in the company directly affects its operations and internal processes. There are several organizational structures which are extensively utilized by enterprises... as a Quality Delivery E-Commerce Company

Introduction Nowadays, the popularity of online stores is growing, increasing the need for using logistics firms. When ordering goods from e-commerce companies, consumers expect high-quality service and often do not forgive any errors or delays, demanding a refund and leaving complaints on the company’s website and various forums. Many persons...

True Low-Carbon Urban Development Principles

The public concerns about the possible environment-related crisis emerged many decades ago, but, as practice shows, society is still unprepared for crises of any type, and the COVID-19 pandemic proves this statement. Thus, the international community should initiate social changes that will help avoid or, at least, minimize the risks...

Tattoos as an Element of Modern Culture and the Remnant of the Past

The phenomenon of body modification can hardly be considered a recent cultural development, yet it seems to be among the most persistent. While other trends have emerged and vanished nearly without a trace, or transformed into something entirely new, the idea of modifying one’s body, particularly, being tattooed, has remained...

Negative Racial Stereotypes of African American

The death of African American George Floyd after being detained by the police provoked protests and riots not only across America but also beyond its borders. Actions against racism are taking place in Europe, Australia and even Taiwan. Accusations leveled at all four police officers involved in Floyd’s arrest did...

The Samsung Ad “The Next Big Thing” Analysis

Introduction Advertisements are developed in such a way that they can capture the audience’s attention. For adverts to create an appeal to the targeted individuals, Henry A. Murray developed fifteen emotions that commercial ads must at all times exploit. A long time ago, most consumers followed most ads without trying...

Beliefs One Must Gold to Be Considered Christian

Religion remains a significant part of the life of people around the world, despite atheism’s growth in popularity over the past decades. Christianity is a religion that is espoused by more than a billion people. As a result, there are numerous Christian denominations, the key beliefs of which often vary....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Poem “Mexican” Is Not a Noun by F. Alarcon

Introduction “Mexican” Is Not a Noun by Francisco Alarcon depicts the difficulties experienced by Mexicans in the United States. The writer relies on figurative language and sound effects to catch the readers’ attention and create a sense of urgency to understand the immigrants’ despair. Hence, the author aims to prove...

The Importance of Delegation in Nursing

Introduction Delegation of authority should be understood as the transfer of a certain part of the responsibilities by the leader to other team members to achieve the goals of the organization. This practice allows to facilitate the functional duties of the leader and increases the responsibility of employees, as well...

Diversity and Learning Environment

Introduction An individual frame of reference affects the responsibility to handle different students in school. This shape the ways of thinking toward another individual. Culturally different influences the principle of beliefs that one has towards another individual. Learners necessitate guidance during their studies. This needs an unbiased moderator to control...

Indian Culture, Tradition and Classical Music

A summary of the Indian culture and tradition Since it has been evolving for thousands of years and differs from area to region, India has a rich and distinct culture. Many religions were formed in India, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, and many more (Kumar, & Downey, 2019). In Hindu culture,...

Personality Influence on Academic Performance

Introduction Personality makes a difference in people as the qualities and characteristics of an individual determine some aspects. For instance, academic performance is directly or indirectly influenced by nature. Personality affects performance indirectly via motivations and attitudes, which develop perceptions of learning, investments in education, and the ways preferred in...

The Evolutionary Process and Natural Selection

Introduction Evolutionary processes in nature involve constant mutational changes in the genetic makeup and the fixation of those traits that provide a survival advantage. Since the first organism appeared on the planet, evolution has continued, leading to development and speciation — as a result, all organisms that exist today can...

The Developmental Milestones and Activities for Children

Introduction Understanding how children develop at different developmental milestones is crucial. It will help correctly assess children’s abilities at the appropriate stage of life and balanced growth. At each level of a child’s development, the key parameters are such indicators as visual and auditory reactions and emotional reactions. Moreover, monitoring...

Is Smoking Cigarettes Just for Fun or a Death Sentence?

Introduction Smoking cigarettes is one of the most popular bad habits in the world. Those who are addicted to it keep saying that there is nothing wrong about smoking, whereas their opponents name a number of reasons why smoking is a negative practice. Taking into consideration the results of a...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell Literature Analysis

The short story by Susan Glaspell is full of flat and round characters. There is a reason why the authors crated both flat and round characters. This is a typical formula used by writers. This is because there is not enough space to develop characters and for readers to empathize...

The Institute of Medicine’ Impact on Nursing

Introduction This essay reviews impacts of the IMO (Institute of Medicine) Report 2010 on nursing education, nursing practices, and nurse role as a leader. It provides critical, thoughtful insights on how students can improve or change their thoughts in order to meet the IOM Report recommendations. The Impact of IOM...

The US Health Care Financing: Fee-for-Service Model

In each country, the ways to attract economic resources for the preservation and promotion of public health are formed and developed historically. The quantity and quality of resources allocated by the society and the effectiveness of their use in the health sector are determined by a complex system of economic,...

Healthcare: Stroke Education Needs of African American Women

Article Review Research has indicated that black women have the biggest burden of stroke in relation to women from any other racial group in the US (Beal, 2014). Nevertheless, awareness of stroke among African American women is still significantly low. The paper criticizes an article by Beal (2014), which is...

Role of Ethics in Healthcare Leadership

Ethics and leadership are indivisible. For an individual to be an active leader, they must be ethical. Ralston and Schroeder (2015) define ethics as the values that dictate individual’s behaviors or way of doing things. Ethics influences the decisions that a leader makes, particularly when in a dilemma. An ethical...

“The Black Death and the World It Made” by Cantor

The Black Death is known as one of the most horrible and destructive pandemics that hit the medieval world. It surfaced in Europe in the fourteenth century at around 1347 to 1350. It originated from Asia, where there are many rodents, especially rats, which carried the plague bacillus. When the...

Teaching English Speaking Classes for Non-Natives

The English language is the most studied languages around the world. Most of the non-native speakers living outside Europe or America have a very good command of written English, but their spoken English is sometimes pathetic. On the other hand, non-native speakers living in Europe and America can speak English...

Standards and Health Care Applications

Health care informatics standards are established in order to collect, maintain, and transfer data between computer systems. Not only do the standards provide interoperability that supports effective communication and facilitates decision making, but they also improve the overall quality and continuity of patient care. Interoperability makes possible seamless care delivery...

Renewable Energy: Economic and Health Benefits

The United States of America is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon-based fuels that are extracted from the remains of ancient plants and animal matter. Examples of fossil fuels are: 1) crude oil; 2) coal; and 3) natural gas. It is high time to consider the adoption...

Not-For-Profit Marketing and Communication Strategies

Marketing has traditionally been a concept in commercial sector due to associated costs and strategic aim of selling a product, neither of which pertain to not-for-profit organizations. However, the application of marketing has been broadened in the nonprofit sector as a variety of mediums appeared that could be used to...

Starbucks Customer-Brand Identity and Its Evaluation

What item and /or brand defines you? Why does it define you? Among the many things and brands that I love, the one that defines me is coffee. In particular, I love Starbucks’ coffee. I fell in love with coffee back in the days when I used to take caffeinated...

US Constitution 1787 and Articles of Confederation

Introduction America in the 1780s was in a state of political volatility, with the country’s system of government undergoing reevaluation and amendment. The need for creating a structure that would answer to the requirements of a newly formed nation, one that had only recently won its independence, influenced the establishment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Race and Disparities Related to It

Introduction The sociological research field embodies numerous topics and relevant issues that need academic investigation. One of the main problems in contemporary American society is race and disparities related to it. Various spheres of life are proved to be impacted by ethnicity, including education, crime, healthcare, and employment. The research...

Cherubim Angels: Attributes and Meaning

Introduction It is common knowledge that angelic beings play a significant role in mythology and religion across the world. They are particularly renowned in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) as the creatures who serve God and execute His will. However, researchers note that there is a tradition of...

Law: Public Property and Publicly Owned Buildings

Introduction The partnership between public and private sectors is vital for maintaining sustainable budgets of government organizations. According to Bulnina, Askhatova, Kabasheva, and Rudaleva (2015), the relationship between the two sectors can help to create conditions for increasing competitiveness through more effective use of state property. However, there is a...

Theoretical and Practical Components of Business

Teleology, Utilitarianism, and Justice in the Frameworks of Business Ethics The study of theoretical and practical components of business activity involves not only the analysis of exact numbers and mathematical formulas but also the research of the people’s principles of thinking and decision making. After all, human beings and their...

Personnel Management Issues Facing Supervisors

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Having more than 13 years of successful leadership experience, I have encountered a fair share of personnel management issues and situations. My current span of control is 191 employees and a leadership team of five supervisors, which I must oversee in all aspects of personnel...

ICARE Model and Nursing

Introduction The emergency room setting is notoriously a high-stress environment where interprofessional teams must collaborate to ensure quick and efficient delivery of care to patients, particularly those who are in crisis. The emergency room consists of various teams such as physicians, front-end nurses, advanced trainees, paramedics, and medical students that...

Criminal Offences Without Reference to Mental State

Introduction The focal point of this paper would be to evaluate the difficulty of proving state of mind while defining criminal offences and the most accepted mode of action in this context. It is believed, that it would make more sense to define criminal offences without reference to mental state,...

Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Banned

Introduction Cell phones have become part and parcel of our lives, one cannot imagine a life without cell phones these days. Cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. It is not very safe to use cellphones continuously and research goes to prove the same. There is no...

Alex Rodriquez Ban From Playing Major League Baseball

Rodriguez was one of the best baseball players who many people believed he had the potential of taking the game far. Little did his fans know that he had been using steroids to improve his performance. This transpired only when he came out clearly and confessed that he had been...

Non-Verbal Communication: A Personal Case

Good communication is a very important thing that makes your friendships, both personal and professional or relationships successful. The most important thing in communications is clear speech. The more you are in your speech, the better people will respond to you and understand (Linder 12a). Non-verbal communication is an essential...

Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools

Introduction The problem of teenagers dropping out of school has not been an issue of the third world countries only. The problem is also experienced in American schools. There are numerous reasons behind this issue. Teenagers have to cope with eminent challenges of which at times they succumb to leading...

The Frontier: Creation of the New American State

Introduction The frontier, a boundary that marked the creation of the new American state was the borderline in time between the savagery and the time of civilization. This is a time when many of the foreign settlers were giving a chase for any profitable piece of resource that they came...

American Experience of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War is one of the most confusing and complicated wars in the history of humanity; this war is also very significant for the country of the United States as it has influenced its population more than any other war. This war is marked with a row of the...

Family NP’s Position Within a Professional Organization

Introduction The role and scope of practice of nurses depend not only on the type of practice but also on the professional organization. A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is a quite broad specialist and possesses a sizable set of skills. FNPs usually work in primary and specialty care in the...

“Snow-White and Rose-Red” and “Snow White and the Huntsman” Character Analysis

The German fairy tale Snow-White and Rose-Red (German: Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot), just as the more famous Little Snow White, is one of the stories collected by the Brothers Grimm, who brought their version of the fairy tale in accordance with the moral norms of the contemporary German society. According to...

Reflections on the Team Learning Process

The Importance of Leadership A project team can work well and achieve high results or work poorly. Of course, the personal competence of each participant plays a significant role in the discussion of team productivity. However, the importance of leadership remains a determining factor. Even when everyone inside a team...

Green Architecture: Principles, Advantages and Stages

Introduction The work of factories, the process of building, and any human activity in general lead to severe damages caused to the functioning of the planet Earth. Climate change, air and ground pollution can change the lives of future generations. Green architecture is a developing trend that can bring a...

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010

The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010 is described as the worst oil disaster to have ever happened in the history of the oil industry. Also known as the Macondo Blowout, the spill continued for approximately three months unabated. The root cause of the spill was a result of an...

The Moral Status of a Fetus with Abnormalities

When considering the ethical applications of abortions, one should consider the moral status of a fetus. Moral status refers to the degree of value and rights of each individual and the corresponding moral and ethical treatment (Stahl & Kilner, 2019). Several ideas of moral status exist that ascribe value based...

Role of the Family in the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle

Introduction Human health depends on many social factors and variables. If society is characterized by stability, a high level of citizens’ well-being, and social policy aimed at increasing life expectancy, this contributes to the health of both the individual and society. When creating a plan of care about health, each...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mortality Rate of Women Who Give Birth

Every day, doctors of various specialties make incredible efforts to save the lives of an extended number of people. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and some patients die because of some severe factors. Perhaps the most challenging experience for healthcare providers is losing women during childbirth because initially, everyone...

How CEOS Can Leverage Twitter

At the present time, Twitter is one of the strongest instruments that allow companies to communicate with their existing and potential consumers without having to invest additional resources in organization-customer relationships. This ultimately means that Twitter is the utmost filter of corporate communication that establishes the company’s image. When it...

Warren Buffet and Bernie Madoff Ethics Case Analysis

Investing has always involved taking risks with many unknowns in the equation. Markets change rapidly, stock prices can rise and fall quickly, and partners can break promises. Two business figures, Warren Buffet and Bernie Madoff, have raised fortunes and enjoyed impeccable reputations, yet one of them is still praised as...

“Grizzly Man” by Werner Herzog

Introduction Films have become an essential type of art, allowing their creators to channel deep and relevant thoughts. Various motion pictures analyze particular social and psychological processes, making valuable contributions to humanity and its culture. Grizzly Man, a 2005 documentary, provides insight into the mind of a person who gradually...

Effects of Organizational Culture on Communication

Introduction One of my family members once worked for a subsidiary of a famous Japanese manufacturer in the U.S., where the majority of the staff were from Japan. The company had a presence in different spheres ranging from automotive to industrial infrastructure, and I had a chance to witness their...

Oppressive Gender Norms and Roles

Introduction Social roles are often enforced through the cultural upbringing of children, religious beliefs, and legal laws. In the 19th century, a group of feminists decided to oppose the derogative gender expectations that were designed to domesticate and suppress women (Allen 207). Different avenues, including the media, Constitution, and street...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs in Healthcare

Reasons for Categorisation The quantitative design focuses on numerical data, while qualitative designs concentrate on narrative information (Polit & Beck, 2012). The two articles in question can be seen as examples of these two types of designs. The quantitative research dwells upon the use of computer-based self-management of diabetes among...

Report for the Chief of Police

Abstract Maintaining statistics is one of the primary tasks of police departments, and its importance is defined by the need to provide information on the current crime rate. Data relating to this indicator are submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and included in the Uniform Crime Report. As can...

Arguments Against Science in “Inherit the Wind” by Jerome Lawrence

It is reasonable to believe that science should be appropriately appreciated by most people in the current time of unprecedented progress in all spheres of life and the availability of various information. It forms the foundation for all the technological advancements making everyone’s living more comfortable and attractive. However, the...

Nursing Politics in US Health Care System

Introduction The proponent of this study will examine three articles. The first one is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ report to the U.S. Congress (Health Resources and Services Administration, 2003). The second one is a report generated by the combined efforts of the AARP Public Policy Institute...

A Rose for Emily Literary Analysis

A Rose for Emily integrates several different genres, particularly Southern Gothic and Realism. The literary element of Faulkner’s composed style is that he utilizes a great deal of different scholarly strategies, specifically, arrogance, defamiliarization, and revelation. He often uses bathos and allegory to translate the theme and meaning of the...

Mythology and Ancient Greco-Roman Beliefs Connected

There are lots of mythical creatures in Greek and Roman mythologies. From various literature preserved up to modern time, it is feasible to encounter different non-human or semi-human deities such as cyclops, sirens, and mermaids. Their functions within myths and stories are multiple: some of these creatures aim to say...

Delinquency Juvenile Gangs and Causes of Joining

The problem of juvenile delinquency has been growing in scale all over the world. Especially when it comes to groups and gangs, juvenile criminals are becoming more mobile, and their crimes are more severe and cruel. Adolescence is a turning point in the development of a child, the transition from...

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10.4.1

Labor Share Sustainable development is the core principle of the humanistic approach to the environment, social and financial inequities, cultural diversity, and other fundamental areas of prosperity. The United Nations (UN) organization proposes seventeen goals of sustainable development that aim to eliminate poverty, contribute to the ecology and political safety,...

The Rise of Black Activists for Black Women

Introduction Racial injustice dominates the US society, denying minority groups essential services, including quality healthcare services. One of the most affected groups is black women who continue to experience various social inequalities, including physical and sexual assault and poor healthcare. White supremacy has suppressed the voice of black women in...

How the Fear Module Works in Mammals

Fear is the basic emotion of humans and animals that allows them to respond to threats. Öhman and Mineka (2003) provide evidence that the fear of snakes is predominantly uncontrollable and originated in early mammals. These findings also explain the origin of the fear module, as well as the formation...

The Foundations of Army Leadership

The purpose of this essay is to inform readers on the foundations of army leadership. The purpose of leadership in different fields is highly controversial, yet it is evident that leadership is an essential aspect in many organizations, social and political groups, and other forms of communities. An army is...

Cultural Differences: Japan and Germany

Introduction One of the most critical elements distinguishing the perceptions of people around the world is culture, and its comparison between Japan and Germany can shed light on the way views are formed. It is to be performed with regard to the activity of citizens, linked to traditions and their...

Anxiety: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction There is no formal definition for anxiety disorders in the DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Anxiety is a normal stress response and a fundamental part of everyday life. The development of anxiety disorders is thought to be due to environmental and genetic factors. Anxiety disorders affect...

Gucci: A Portfolio of Digital Marketing Instruments

Deployed Digital Marketing Instruments The RACE goals, which stand for reach, act, convert, and engage, are actively employed by the Gucci brand to attract more young clients. Indeed, to reach more millennial and generation Z consumers, the company carefully plans the design of the apparel and cautiously chooses ambassadors to...