Problem of Vaping Is Colleges

It is hard to disagree that almost everyone from children to aged people is aware of the danger and harm that smoking cigarettes do to people. Those who cannot give up because they have become slaves of nicotine or this habit itself try to find any possible ways to stop...

Reforming Juvenile Justice: Challenges and Solutions

Involvement of Children and Adolescents in Justice System during the First Half of the 20th Century The juvenile justice system was developed to specifically address the legal and judicial matters associated with minors below 18 years. It was first established in Chicago, Illinois, in 1899 to oversee cases related to...

Researching the Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a disease that slowly and gradually damages the brain and it is distinguished by memory loss and ultimately conflict in interpretation, planning, speech, and awareness. Many scientists consider that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a certain chemical imbalance in the body. The chemical protein beta-amyloid...

“The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara: Story Analysis

Introduction The Lesson is a 1972 short story by Toni Cade Bambara, an African-American writer, documentary filmmaker, social activist. The plot of The Lesson revolves around Sylvia, a young Black girl from an underprivileged New York neighborhood. As part of the children’s group, she is taken on a field trip...

Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan Application

Introduction The analysis of the data from the dashboard of the nursing-sensitive quality indicators of the Adams 5 Inpatient Rehab Unit demonstrates that its patient falls rate exceeds the target one. The purpose of this paper is to explain the significance of this indicator and suggest the action plan which...

Stella Young’s Speech: “I Am Not Your Inspiration”

Do we not all expect motivation from a disabled person if at all he or she stepped on a platform? Stella Young answers this question in her speech, “I am not your inspiration, thank you very much.” She gives detailed information on the topic of handicap people as a source...

Researching Cryptocurrency and Mathematics

Brief History of Cryptography The development of civilization provided the need for encryption of data and its secret transmission. Thus, cryptography was used in early states such as ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia. At that time, the primary method of encrypting information was the substitution of symbols (Dooley, 2018). In more...

Analysis of the World War 1 and Cold War

Causes of World War I The First World War is among the most significant wars that have occurred in history. The battles took place in two tufts involving the allies and the central powers. The partners included the British and Russian empires and France, while the major powers included Germany...

Criminal Procedure: Arrest to Sentencing

Pre-arrest advice includes encouraging to be forthcoming with all relevant information with the attorney. Being truthful is important as it will enable the lawyer to prepare effectively and not be blindsided by the prosecution. Mr. Steele should not evade arrest because it will unnecessarily prolong the inquiry and trigger the...

Use of Third Parties for Logistical Purposes for SpaceX

Summary Third-Party Logistics (3PLS) is a service that enables one to perform prepared logistics from warehousing, all the way through delivery creating time for a company to concentrate on other sections of the business. 3PLS companies offer other additional services that deal with the logistics of the supply chain (Ecer,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Symbolism in “Araby” Short Story by James Joyce

Symbolism is a rather significant literary device that is widely used by a variety of authors and takes their works on a higher level. A short story “Araby,” written by a great Irish novelist James Joyce and in 1914 published in his Dubliners collection, is filled with different symbols. Some...

Sports Ministry Plan Using Cross-Cultural Leadership

While most people view sports only as a competitive luxury industry, it is actually a valuable tool for economic development and humanitarian action. It can catalyze human cooperation, peace-building processes, and individual resilience. South Africa, in particular, has a vastly diverse population that is capable of waiving historical divisions to...

“What I Talk About When I Talk About Running” by Murakami

When documenting one’s love for sports, the 2009 memoir by Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, is a great book to read. Murakami’s inclusion of personal details about himself adds to the book and the inclusion makes it the first go-to place when searching for...

Play “Fences” by August Wilson Analysis

Introduction “Fences” is an American play composed by playwriter August Wilson in the year 1985. The play examines the progressing African-American life experiences related to cultural practices and races among other themes. It is important to analyze the play fences and understand how different perceptions of the characters regarding their...

The Smallpox Epidemic during George Washington’s Besiegement of Boston

Introduction The spread of the smallpox epidemic was critical during George Washington’s besiegement of Boston and Canada’s campaigns in the years 1775 and 1776. The pervasiveness of the smallpox diseases had an adverse influence on war progress meant for independence. Smallpox was extremely contagious and not predictable when it would...

Vulnerable Population Assessment: First Nations

Introduction Vulnerable populations are those individuals faced with adverse conditions such as a lack of financial resources, being homeless, and being among ethnic and racial minorities. In this case, the clients are the Aboriginal populations of Canada and Australia. According to research, despite being among the First Nations, they comprise...

Yoruba and Lakota Marriage Rituals

Introduction A life cycle ritual happens to be an event that commemorates a transformation in an individual’s biological and sociological identity at distinct stages of life. It is more particularly associated with key biological life circumstances, including birth, youth, matrimony, and mortality. This essay elucidates the marriage customs and rituals...

Application of Some Economic Principles to Real Life Economic Situation

Introduction A household, a society, and an economy are all faced with certain decisions. Since human beings form a part of the groupings, they make key resolutions on behalf of the community. The conclusions that I make are important because of the scarcity of resources. Resolutions that I make must...

Climate as a Result of Natural Events

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental issues of the time. It is caused by a variety of factors, but one of the most important is solar output. The sun is the primary source of energy for the planet. It emits light and heat that powers all life...

Lego Company’s Situation and Strategic Analysis

Background The Lego Group is a Danish toy producer best known for its Lego brand of interlocking plastic brick toys. The corporation was established in 1932 and is headquartered in Bilund, Denmark. As of 2018, it employed more than 19,000 people (Zou, 2022). Lego sets are essentially toys that can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Oceania

Introduction With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been concerns that the South Pacific could become one of the most vulnerable regions for the spread of the coronavirus. Many of the island nations of Oceania have “fragile” health systems, which are reflected in the lack of equipment, infrastructure...

CNP Bank Card: Case Analysis

Problem Statement In the world of the market economy, credit cards are becoming more popular, and they are swiftly displacing traditional forms of payment. However, with the growing acceptance of the medium, the risk of default is increasing over time. In this regard, credit card issuers are constantly faced with...

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

Background The Foursquare Gospel is an evangelical Pentecostal denomination the name of which is closely related to the emblem, represented by four squares. The four squares symbolically show Jesus Christ the Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Coming King. It refers to the revelation of Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of the church,...

Should Parents with Children under 12 Have Dogs as Pets

Introduction Numerous households receive a furry companion into their homes each year in the millions. Both kids and adults can experience emotional benefits from owning a dog. One thing to think about when obtaining a pet is the age of the kids. In general, it may be safer to hold...

Credit Corp Inc.’s Information Technology Changes

Credit Corp Inc. is a multinational financial services provider, and it faces significant issues due to challenges in providing its services with outdated IT infrastructure. The old incorporated technologies have led to delays in service rendering to its existing customers. Target customers are expressing fears due to the company’s service...

Parental Divorce: Influence on Children

Introduction Divorce can be challenging for a family since the couples are discovering new ways to relate to each other and trying new parenting techniques. Children are tenacious, and the breakup changeover can be perceived as an improvement rather than a panic if they receive assistance. Since children involved in...

Healthcare System in America vs. England

The healthcare systems in the United States and the United Kingdom are close to being at opposite ends of the spectrum. The former has one of the largest private sector systems, while the latter provides coverage to all. In terms of financing and quality, the U.S. healthcare system is typically...

Learning Methods: Online Learning

Introduction At present, there has been a drastic and dramatic change in the overall procedure and system of education. This has been brought by several factors such as advancement in technology as well as improved infrastructure and communication means. Due to technology, online learning has been possible. Online learning takes...

Illegal Immigration’s Negative Impacts

Introduction Illegal immigration is one of the most controversial topics in the political circles as well as in the social circles. There has been a huge influx of illegal immigrants in the United States in the recent past. An illegal immigrant is a person who leaves his country of residence...

African-Americans in the Civil War

Abstract The Civil War marked the beginning of the African-Americans serving in the army. The Union side of the war was open to free black volunteers in the war, but the Confederate States treated the blacks as slaves. The irony of the war is that, while the African-Americans from both...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Biofeedback, Its Types, Purposes, Pros and Cons

Introduction Learning to control one’s body may help individuals to overcome certain conditions. To give patients more information about their body processes, medical professionals can use biofeedback. The research on biofeedback interventions produces different results due to the nature of this procedure. It is important to understand the relationship between...

Fire and Life Safety Education Program for K-12

Introduction: A General Concept of Fire Safety Although the concept of fire safety might seem self-explanatory to an adult, young students need to be taught essential rules on the subject so that they should not expose themselves to the related dangers. Furthermore, maintaining fire safety is a challenging task that...

Exhibition of World Art

China Name: Guo Xi Title: Early Spring (早春圖) Date: 1072 Materials used: hanging scroll, ink, light color, silk Current location: National Palace Museum, Taipei The painting is one of the most famous artworks of Guo Xi. It is an excellent example of the landscape tradition that is common for Chinese...

The Great Wall of the United States for Immigrants

Introduction When the 1996 presidential candidate Pat Buchanan proposed a barrier along the Southern border, he met criticism and condemnation from various individuals, mainly in politics, economists and human rights groups. However, after the immigration surge of 1999-2001 and the 9/11 attacks, the idea of erecting a physical wall in...

Organizational Reward Systems: Strategic Compensation

Organizational reward systems serve as the motivational basis of work processes. Benefits and rewards play a significant role in attraction, stimulation, and retention of human resources and the level of compensation can influence employees’ motivation in both a negative and positive way. An ineffective compensation strategy may provoke job dissatisfaction...

Hispanic Society’s and Bryant Park Websites

Introduction: The Hispanic Society and the Bryant Park Though analog databases have not yet worn out their welcome, information technologies’ influence has already become quite tangible. A range of data starting from the one in academic resources to the information about the schedule of the public park’s opening hours has...

The Art of the Ancient Mesopotamia and Aegean

Example 1 Title: Ivory plaque of a lioness devouring a boy Date: 9th-8th century BC Place of origin: the palace of Ashurnasirpal II, Nimrud, northern Iraq Detailed Description: The carving depicts the scene of a lioness attacking an African boy wearing jeweled bracelets and armlets (“Ivory plaque of a lioness,”...

The Airline Industry Costs and Its Main Groups

The airline industry is vital to the economy of every world country. The role of the airlines is to link the national economies and to facilitate the exchange of people, goods, and ideas. Nevertheless, the airline industry functioning is connected with the high costs. These costs can be divided into...

Supply Chain Management in Globalization Era

The globalization process includes an increase in the geographic scope of economic activities of international companies. In today’s marketplace, companies realize that it is important to participate in the international market. Even though supply chains have become more international, they have also become more interdependent. That is why global supply...

Pride and Social Struggle in Maupassant’s “The Necklace”

Introduction Guy de Maupassant is one of the most prominent writers who enriched French literature with a plethora of brilliant short stories. One of his most famous short stories is built around the main character’s distorted self-identity. This essay will provide a brief summary of The Necklace that will cover...

McDonald’s Operations: Self-Service Kiosk Case Study

This McDonald’s kiosk case study looks into the problems with operations management of self-service kiosks, namely, increased average waiting time, quality control, and operational complexity. Read on to learn the solutions to these issues and potential areas of improvement in McDonald’s operations. McDonald’s Operations: Area for Improvement The self-service kiosks...

The Effect of Blind Conformity on Society

People have always wanted to create a just society, which has been manifested in various artworks. Writers and poets contemplated atrocities and pleasures of people’s lives in social, political, and cultural domains. One of the most common views regarding the matter is associated with people’s conformity to established norms, which...

Messages and Listening in Effective Communication

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation An impressive number of elements of communication are often taken for granted during the workplace communication process. People tend to use various verbal and nonverbal tools to convey their message without thinking much about the implications of their word choice, mainly due to the set...

Nursing Doctoral Education: Project Management

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) proposes several Essentials of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education. Essential VIII will be the focus of the present reflection, which will aim to review and evaluate the current course from the perspective of project management, as well as fiscal considerations....

Artistic Expression: Caring Concept

Caring in Nursing When a child is sick, they turn to their mother To get medications and much-needed care. But when an adult is sick, they care for themselves, Get doctor’s prescriptions, cook, and work from home. Nurses are there when self-care is not enough, When people can no longer...

Compensation for Expatriates Working in Hong Kong

Introduction Companies operating in different countries have numerous opportunities to improve their competitive advantage as they penetrate new markets, reach more customers, and enhance their profitability. Such operations often involve the work of expatriates who can be defined as employees performing tasks in a state other than their home country...

The English-Only Movement Debate

Abstract English-only debate has started a political debate in the US over the issue of multiculturalism and national identity. 28 states have passed the English-only law however; the law has not been accepted by the House and the Senate even after numerous proposals to amend the constitution. This article discusses...

Presenting Visual Art Effectively to Adult Audiences

There are various ways in which a presenter can involve his or her audience, and capture their attention effectively throughout the presentation. The presenter should therefore choose the best methods to use in his or her presentations; to ensure the audience enjoys, learn, and remember what is being presented to...

Analysis of Pre-Conditions and Ways for Reducing the Stress

The life of common people is full of challenges and daily anxiety, but they can be coped with, while the phobias have more physiological basis and to manage them is much more difficult. Analyzing the fears I have in my everyday life, I consider the fear of height, the so-called...

Synthesis of Ideas From Essays by Tan and Rodriguez

It is commonplace that foreign students face numerous challenges whenever they take up a different language. In America, for example, all learning takes place in English, and foreign students are expected to adapt quickly. Consequently, theories exist concerning the suitability of this requirement, with scholars presenting their views for or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effects of Earthquakes: Differences in the Magnitude of Damage Caused by Earthquakes

An earthquake is a sudden tremor of the earth’s surface or below and occurs naturally due to various factors (Cari 4). Earthquakes start either underneath or on the exterior of the earth’s crust depending on the basis that led to the tremble or tremor. The magnitude of an earthquake measures...

Education Reform and Policy Information

Background The central idea of all five reports is that ambitious goals that the USA educational system sets for itself require correspondent ambitious efforts but for the moment, the situation is far from acceptable. In particular, the tests system is not well-adjusted to the standards, and often even to the...

Desktop Virtualization: Benefits and Challenges

Introduction Desktop virtualization has acquired a lot of attention since the late 1990s. Proponents of virtualization claim that it is the future of computing as it can significantly optimize almost all processes associated with the use of hardware and software. However, critics of desktop virtualization state that it will lead...

Milgram Experiment: The Question of Ethics

Introduction Any study involving human subjects should adhere to specific ethical guidelines. Although the primary goal of the research is to prove or disprove a hypothesis, the participants’ physical, psychological, and emotional well-being is also important. This essay will discuss the Milgram experiment and the conflicting views on its nature....

Medical Research Council in the United Kingdom

Introduction The dramatic outbreak of Covid19 has turned the spotlight on the role of public medical research. A common concern, among others, relates to whether the usual research protocols are adequate in the case of a public health emergency. However, most people do not have thorough knowledge about the delicate...

The Importance of Leadership to a Team

Professionals in many different fields, ranging from social scientists to schoolteachers, pay much attention to leadership. Without any doubt, it plays a significant role in the 21st century. According to Achor et al. (2018), only 5% of people rate their current jobs as highly meaningful. At the same time, 95%...

The Mexican-American War: History of Both States

The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) brought suffering to many families on both sides. However, while heavy casualties were something the countries had in common, the war outcomes varied greatly, with Mexico ceding to the US territories that now constitute large parts of New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Texas (Guardino 1). This...

Management of Information Systems in Digital Firm

Executive Summary The information management in any media integrated organization is of great significance as it ensures coordination of activities well in such organizations. In this regard, therefore, media integrated houses should ensure that; their information systems are well managed as this will determine their efficiency and effectiveness in terms...

The U.S. Key Documents: Comparative Analysis

Introduction For many modern states, including the USA, studies of the historical course of formation of federative relations are of unique scientific value. The U.S. path to independence was not straightforward: British colonies were able to win the right to self-government only during the American Revolution of 1775-1783. The result...

Researching a Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy comprises cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, which form the basis of curriculum development in learning institutions. As one of the domains of Bloom’s taxonomy, the cognitive domain has become the gold standard of curriculum development because it measures six aspects of cognitive variables that determine the ability of...

Migraine Headaches: Diagnosis and Treatment

Abstract This paper seeks to explore migraine headaches and provide current developments as far as their causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment are concerned. It introduces the new triggers that have come to be associated with the disease and hence the different treatment approaches. It concludes that migraine headaches...

Route of Exposure and Fate in Target Organ

Asbestos is one of the naturally occurring minerals, which has a fibrous structure. Hallenborg and Stewart (2003, p. 56) define asbestos as “Naturally occurring fibrous material that has been a popular building material since the 1950s.” The two definitions show that this is a fibrous mineral that is popularly used...

Amazon Company’s Strategy Implementation Overview

Amazon AFI Strategy Framework In strategic management of an organization, the CEO or the department head of the strategy is responsible for the AFI Strategy framework. AFI connects three interdependent activities as part of strategic management. It facilitates the implementation of a strategy to boost a company’s competitive advantage by...

Transgender Movement: Overview and Importance

Introduction Many parts of the world have experienced a rise in strong movements among transgender and homosexuals in fighting for their freedoms. However, there have been difficulties in how society can relate to these groups. The clear reason has been that there exists a poor notion about the groupings that...

Propaganda Machines on Social Media Platforms

Propaganda, a false message aimed at twisting recipients’ minds in a particular manner, is a dangerous weapon in the world today. In many cases, propaganda is advanced through powerful social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram (Cohen). The effect of such messages is excellent since it escalated hatred across...

Aspects of Christian Beliefs

Christianity is one of the oldest and largest religions existing in the world. It is an Abrahamic religion that is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. According to Christians, Jesus’ coming as a Messiah to save people was prophesied in the Holy Bible. There are four large...

Importance of Health Care Management

It is crucial to establish efficiency in a workplace to foster a positive environment that produces good performance. Good integration of organizational theories in a health care setting is crucial. It helps enhance the management of health workers to achieve objectives and goals and ensure safety for the patients. For...

Investment Portfolio: McDonald’s and Coca-Cola

For this work, it is assumed that shares were bought from two companies: McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, on February 23, 2022. The current count is taken from the available date of June 1, which is 98 days between dates. The total and annual percentage returns are shown in Table 2, which...

Frank Herbert’s “Dune” and Its Film Adaptations

Introduction Dune by Frank Herbert was one of the most expected film adaptations for decades. It is an epic science fiction franchise that consists of six novels and a short story written over twenty-two years starting in 1963. The fandom that Dune earned over the years is huge, even though...

The Role of Human Resources: Analysis

The External Environment The external environment is outside the enterprise and affects internal performance. Even if the changes are insignificant, managers still need to consider them because the organization depends on the outside world for media, technology, politics, and numerous other factors (Figure 1). Companies must adapt to the environment...

Fromm’s Humanistic Psychoanalysis and Attachment Theories

Eric Fromm was significantly impacted by Sigmund Freud and his ideas of conflict, defense, and the critical role unconscious play in people’s lives (Bacciagaluppi, 2014). At the same time, he had other visions of the role of culture in the evolution of individuals. He believed that society and its customs...

The 1918 Pandemic Representation

The 1918 pandemic caused by the flu influenza, also known as Spanish flu, led to the death of more than 50 million people worldwide and was believed to be one of the tremendous diseases in the history of humanity. Many reports, books, and articles were published to shed the light...

How US Government Treated Chinese Laborers in the 1860s-1900s

In the 1850s, Chinese laborers began migrating to the United States. Their primary purpose was to find employment in the country’s gold mines; however, they also found work in agriculture and factories, particularly in the garment industry. Chinese immigrants were essential in constructing railroads in the western region of the...

K-Pop Music Genre Popularity Analysis

K-Pop, or Korean pop, is a musical genre rapidly gaining popularity. This genre is characterized by singing talents and brilliantly choreographed dances that these artists demonstrate during performances. Nowadays, K-pop has turned into a whole culture and lifestyle for artists and their adored fans around the world. The context of...

Should Russian Athletes Be Allowed to Play in Tournaments?

Introduction One of the essential ethical questions is the question of rights, duties, and responsibilities. The situation that will be analyzed is the ban of Russian athletes from participating in sports events, for example, tennis tournaments such as Wimbledon. As the Russian Federation started a war with Ukraine in 2022,...

The “Oil” Play by Ella Hickson

Essay Summary In the essay under analysis, the author examines the play Oil by Ella Hickson through the lens of postcolonial ecocriticism and such concepts as environmental activism, place, and borrowed time. The writer introduces the playwright and briefly describes the play, its structure, and style, giving an example of...

Modes of Reporting Evaluation Results

Introduction Communication may be relatively infrequent in some final evaluations with distant audiences who will use the results to make decisions about continuing or expanding the program. Assessors may provide interim written reports to the primary audience and then set up an oral meeting to review the results before presenting...

“The Death of Ivan Ilyich” by Leo Tolstoy

The story The Death of Ivan Ilyich was first published in 1886. It, like The Confessions, reflects Tolstoy’s spiritual quest. It is one of the first works where death is shown so realistically, “with all the terrible clarity” (Tolstoy 45). In the story, it is not so much the death...

Decision-Making on Medical Procedures

Introduction Incorrect decision-making among medical partners negatively affects the health of patients. It has been researched that decision-making is considered a vital element of nursing practice (Arsenault Knudsen et al., 2021). The decision-making process in the shared method also helps medical workers and patients choose the treatment option most suitable...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Female Serial Killers and Their Key Features

Introduction The phenomenon of female serial killers is a rare process that is widely used to research different aspects of criminology and psychology from the gender perspective. There are different reasons for women to commit crimes, but they can be both similar and different from males’ reasons. Female serial killers...

Racism and Masculinity in the Film “A Soldier’s Story”

Discrimination and prejudice always result in pain and suffering. The magnitude of these can vary from the Nazi genocide of Jews, the American use of Blacks as slaves – which could involve e.g. using them as test subjects, for instance, to perform more than thirty gynecologic surgeries on a 17-year-old...

Karen Swift’s Action Research Design

Abstract Those investigators who choose to use the action research to find effective solutions in such social and educational spheres as teaching are oriented to investigating the problem while involving participants in the research and to developing the collaborative interaction of researchers and participants. Researchers focus on finding ways to...

Organizational Changes in Law Enforcement Agencies

Introduction Organizational change is inevitable and constant. Virtually all organizations are susceptible to changes in their organizational systems and hierarchies. Some of these organizational changes come as a result of positive factors, while others are brought about by negative factors. Police administrations are not left out of this. Eight reasons...

Rwanda Conflict and Its Resolving Options

Case Analysis On April 1994, after the assassination of Hutu’s President, Juvenal Habyarima, the state of Rwanda fell into political turmoil. The turmoil is said to be instigated by the Hutu community, who are 85% of the majority and thought to be the Minority group against the Tutsi’s, who are...

Nursing Research: Incorporating Evidence Based Practice

Research critiques provide nursing students and nurse professionals with a framework to synthesize evidence based practice (EBP) from research studies and provide feedback for improvement (Bosewell & Cannon, 2012). Furthermore, research critiques provide nurses with the opportunity to contribute to the body of nursing knowledge (Coughlan, Cronin, & Ryan, 2007),...

Team Strategies and Tools in Nursing Practice

TeamSTEPPS Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) is a system of evidence-based tools with the primary goal to improve patients’ outcomes through the development of teamwork skills among health care providers (Clancy & Tornberg, 2007). TeamSTEPPS can be used to improve the quality of medical...

Asthma Diagnostics, Care Plan and Patient Education

Subjective The patient states that she has been experiencing shortness of breath while at work. The patient cannot identify the onset of the symptoms but states that she has had them for a few months. The shortness of breath experienced by the patient is usually mild, which allows her to...

Napoleon’s Reign vs. US Government Perception

Introduction From a study by Markham, France is what it is today because of two things. The first thing is The French Revolution while the second is the rise to power by Napoleon (1). Historically, these two things played a vital role in shaping France. This paper compares and contrasts...

Seasonal Allergy Treatment Options for Adults

Introduction Seasonal allergies are a common problem affecting children, adults, and the elderly. They cause a variety of symptoms, including nasal discharge, teary eyes, skin rash, fatigue, and cough. Thus, for patients who are prone to developing allergic reactions, it is essential to draw a suitable prevention and control plan...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Trust and Inequality as Economic Influences

This involves studying the interplay between trust and inequality in a dynamic game. In this case, efficiency is increased by trust, which allows a higher experimental growth of an economy. The study is set to find out how the relationship between inequality and trust affects economic growth. In this study,...

Analytic Hierarchy Process for Decision-Making

What Is the AHP and Why Is It Useful? The Analytic Hierarchy Process (the AHP) is a theory of measurement, developed by Thomas L. Saaty in 1970s, that is used to provide structured techniques necessary for making complex decisions. The approach is based on ratio scales from discrete and continuous...

The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Introduction The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a state organization which enforces federal anti-discrimination laws (Twomey & Jennings, 2010, p. 836). Even though there is a difference in application of these laws to firms of different sizes, the Commission’s website does not include much specific details for small...

Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

In the late part of the 19th century, short stories written by female authors shared certain similarities with reference to the topics they addressed. Thus, it is possible to compare literary elements in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” when determining similarities...

Chlorhexidine Pre-Wash Intervention as a Practice Change

Surgical site infections are frequently found in post-operational patients. Shepard et al. (2013) state that healthcare-related infections are the primary cause of hospital-acquired complications and deaths in the USA. New ways of sterilization can have a positive effect on reducing post-operational infection rates. The purpose of this paper is to...

Barriers to Pain Management in Long-Term Care

Introduction The research article selected for this critique discusses barriers to pain management in long-term care. As prolonged and unresolved pain can have both physical and psychological outcomes for the patient, it is vital to address it. The article discusses the nursing perspective of pain management and how the nursing...

Interview With Family Nurse Practitioner: Ms. Garza’s Case

A family nurse practitioner (FNP) is an advanced practice nurse who is primarily focused on providing care for patients during their lifespan (Hoyt & Proehl, 2015). This includes working with patients and their families in a close manner. Usually, FNPs are responsible for treating chronic diseases, but sometimes they also...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy People 2020

Alzheimer’s disease is among the most widespread forms of cognitive impairments impacting older adults’ quality of life and success in everyday tasks. The needs of patients with this diagnosis require close attention since gradual mental changes increase the risks of accidents and unintentional injuries. Utilizing the interview with K. L.,...

Environment Protection Authority and Chemical Waste

Introduction Chemical wastes are those chemicals by-products in form of solids, liquids, or gases produced by factories that are harmful to animal and plant life. On the other hand, petrochemical wastes are those chemicals derived from some reaction involving natural gas or petroleum. However, unlike chemical wastes, petrochemical wastes sometimes...

United Healthcare Organization and Citizens’ Needs

The current healthcare environment is complex and interconnected. Organizations have to remain innovative to improve access, cost, and quality outcomes. Large hospital systems or networks are formed as a response to mounting pressure to provide optimal patient care and share risk. This paper examines United Healthcare’s readiness to address changing...

Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution

To Cuban exiles, Cuba – prior to the mid-1950’s iconic Cuban Revolution – was a paradise, one of the most successful and advanced countries in Latin American. To others, it was a hellhole, a bastion for U.S. mob activity, the brothel and playground of the Western hemisphere, an island inhabited...

Federal Reserve System in U.S.

Introduction Federal Reserve is the institution credited with setting U.S monetary policies. Numerous economists are found in this institution and they constantly analyze economic progress of the nation as well as other figures throughout the globe. Every decision of congress lies on the advice given by the congressional office. Economies...

The National Museum of the American Indian

My visit to The National Museum of the American Indian was a revelation as I learned a lot about the American Indians history through the various exhibitions that I visited such as A song for the Horse Nation, Hide and Lenape shows the cultural artifacts of the native Indians. In...

Increasing Number of Migrants in Australia

Name of the focus area This report aims to explore the legal implications of the increasing number of migrants in Australia. More specifically, the new people who come to Australia and are being settled in the state will be reviewed from a legal perspective. Outline and explain the issue In...

Functional Departments: Roles and Functions

Introduction Each organization is a complicated system made out of smaller, even more complex systems. Just like in a living organism, the company’s parts are interconnected and dependent on each other. Each of these departments has distinct roles and functions to facilitate the business processes, and none of them can...

Developing Research Skills and Approaches: Journaling

Day One Dialogue Me: I have tried to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research, but I am still confused regarding the use of either or both of them. During this semester, as we are focusing on qualitative methods of research, I am unable to identify the research approach categorically. Since...

Schwann Cells’ Origin and Functionality

Introduction Schwann cells refer to any of the cells within the peripheral nervous system which create a myelin sheath around the neuronal axons. These cells were named after the person who discovered them, Theodor Schwann, when he discovered them in the 1800s (Encyclopedia Brittanica). The cells are the same as...

Manifest Destiny: History, Ideals, Points of View, etc.

Manifest Destiny is a philosophy that embraces American history as a whole. This idea originated during the early colonization of New England by the Puritans, who considered America destined for New Canaan to conquer and themselves as God’s chosen ones who were to build the “City on a Hill” –...

The Description of the Religious Service

Getting familiar with other religions is an exciting experience which helps to understand other cultures and nations better. It is generally recognized that different religions are varying not only in traditions but also in the way a religious service is conducted. For this field trip report, I have visited Temple...

IW Customer Relationship Management Plan

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is crucial for running a business effectively and generating revenue. According to Kotler and Keller (2015), careful management of clients’ information and customer touchpoints can help increase loyalty. International Waters, Inc. (IW) has been in the hotel industry for two years; however, the company faces a...

Aspects of Crisis Lethality Overview

Introduction The world changes to improve its economic, political and social development. However; not all developments occur in equal measure, as man overlooks other aspects for the sake of achieving their goals. Currently, political and economic developments are everyone’s priorities. Moreover, our social life is dwindling, families disintegrating and states...

Ethics of Researching Mental Health Issues

Ethics is a discipline of philosophy that deals with decision-making processes and helps in determining what is right or what is wrong. When doing academic research, it is prudent that one looks into the researcher’s values, study population, and the social importance of the community. The ethics of research should...

California v. Orenthal James Simpson: Case Briefing

Name of Case: The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson Year the crime was committed: 1994 Place the crime was committed: Brentwood neighborhood, Los Angeles, CA Who was the perpetrator? Formal football player and actor O. J. Simpson Who was the victim? Ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman...

Civilization and Oppression in World Literature

The postcolonial theory looks at how colonization influenced the colonized nations in terms of culture, economics, religion, power, and politics. It encompasses such topics as identity, otherness, class, race, diaspora, and others. This paper aims to explore such topics of postcolonial theory as oppression and being civilized or uncivilized in...

Stock Market Crash of 1929

Introduction The stock market crash of 1929 is currently defined as the most significant economic collapse in US history. It created unbelievable chaos in the country’s financial markets and resulted in the Great Depression regarded as the longest period of contraction and unemployment in modern history. However, even though the...

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 as Historical Event

On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law an act that removed legal barriers some states had created to prevent Black Americans from voting in elections. These barriers existed despite the fact that the Blacks were granted this right by the 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution....

Women in Nursing During American Civil War

Introduction Nursing before the American Civil War was perceived as a men’s profession. The extent of gender inequality at the start of the civil war hindered women in partaking in nursing roles. Women stayed at home to take care of their families while a number became school teachers. However, some...

The Dunkin’ Franchise Expansion Patterns

A franchise is a company that uses the mother company’s name to operate in another region or part of the world. The mother company is known as the franchisor, and the franchise’s partner or individual is called the franchisee. One must pay a start-up fee and an annual licensing fee...

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Constructivists’ Views

The ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) marked an important point in human history when 58 nation-states intended to construct a document that would solidify commonly shared values and norms. Although its elaboration necessitated titanic efforts and a strong willingness to negotiate, compromise, and cooperate from all...

Literary Elements in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s literary work The Yellow Wallpaper is often considered an important early work of American feminist literature that illustrates general social and physiological attitudes toward women in the 19th century which are still relevant today, even in spite of their enormous age. There have been a number of...

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Mindfulness-Based Nutrition for Students

Problem Statement or Research Question The research question for the final assignment: “What is mindful eating, and how is it beneficial for students?” Databases ERIC, APA PsycINFO, Education Source. Annotation Bibliography Nathalie Lyzwinski, L., Caffery, L., Bambling, M., & Edirippulige, S. (2018). University students’ perspectives on mindfulness and mHealth: a qualitative...

Malpractice Action Brought by Yolanda Pinellas

Introduction Hospitals and medical professionals must meet a specific standard of care. Healthcare malpractice arises when a medical practitioner fails to offer a patient the proper care, which results in injury or death. In malpractice cases, a medical mistake is usually involved in the diagnosis or aftercare. Ms. Pinellas had...

Postmodernism as a Philosophical Aspect

Postmodernism is a philosophical aspect that is described as a truism. It is a concept characterized by relativism, subjectivism, and skepticism. Postmodernism plays a role in asserting and balancing life through a general suspicion of reason. The basis of postmodernism is the reaction against the intellectual assumptions and traits of...

Evidence-Based Care Plan for Cystic Fibrosis

Introduction Cystic fibrosis is a systemic disease characterized by extensive damage to the endocrine glands and the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and other systems. It significantly shortens life expectancy because the gene mutation results in an inability to control electrolyte transport (mainly chlorine) across epithelial cell membranes (Coverstone & Ferkol, 2021). Nevertheless,...

Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategies

Importance of Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is very important to the administrators at Pretoria University who use the marketing concept in providing quality meals at affordable prices for the students (Peter & Olson, 2010). The most puzzling aspect of consumer behavior is its dynamism. It causes wastage of resources (Shankar...

Iran’s Proposition to Own Nuclear Weapons

Who owns and possesses a nuclear weapon is an issue of great concern for most countries. Essentially, most countries in the West get concerned when nations express the desire to own nuclear weapons because such weapons are capable of causing massive destruction to both property and human life if not...

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Disease

Introduction Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a condition that can appear in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (both type 1 and type 2) and, in most severe cases, may turn out to be fatal if not addressed in due time. Although this type of a hyperglycaemic crisis is rather infrequent, its...

Miami Community Health and Vulnerable Population

Introduction The community explored in this assessment is Miami, Florida. It is a highly urban area with a well-developed infrastructure that focuses on providing vital health and education services to its citizens. The vulnerable population consists of drug and alcohol addicts, particularly youth and young adults. The purpose of the...

Physical or Psychological Conditions: Family Assessment

1. Family composition This nuclear family consists of two parents and their two children (Mukherjee, Chaudhuri, & De, 2016). The father is 46 years old, and the mother is 44. Their two girls are 15 and 17 years old. They all are European Americans. 2. Roles of each family member...

Hubris in Ancient Greek Tragedies

A tragedy is an act of human suffering. This act invokes feeling in viewers’ hearts which seem to enjoy the process of someone suffering. In view of culture, tragedy refers to a form of drama in a given tradition. The term drama in the context of tradition has been the...

Health Care Informatics: Regulations and Implementations

Introduction Despite tangible progress made throughout the last few decades, the healthcare system of the United States of America is still facing numerous challenges. Recently, there has been a vivid discussion as to how modern technology may aid in enhancing the system and making meaningful changes. So far, there have...

Jean Watson’s Nursing as Caring Theory

Meaning Jean Watson is a nursing living legend, who developed a theory and proved the importance of a transpersonal caring-healing moment in nursing (Clark, 2016). The main idea is to put the care of science as a core value in nursing. Caring should not be defined as a discipline that...

Bose Corporation Competing by Being Truly Different

Based on the business philosophies of Amar Bose, how do you think the Bose Corporation goes about analyzing its competition? The impetus for Bose Corporation came, not surprisingly, from a sub-par stereo that had been purchased by founder Amar Bose in 1956. The poor performance of the stereo and tough...

Business World Image in the Film “Michael Clayton”

A Critique of the Dilemmas Presented The movie “Michael Clayton” addresses a wide range of ethical issues faced by corporations and advocates. The movie highlights how situational factors, corporate cultures, and professional business environment can be viewed from different perspectives. It offers an optimistic account of the moral resources that...

Social Psychology: Understanding and Applying

Social psychology, the study of how people perceive each other and relate to each other, can be employed in a variety of ways to explain both the current trends in society and the possible future changes. In this paper, we consider the ways it can make prognoses, and then propose...

Learning Disabilities and Intervention Methods

Explain the development and definition of the category, learning disability In the United States, the category “learning disability” was developed in the field of education in the 1950s-1960s as a response of white middle-class parents to the failures of their children at school because of increased standards. It was important...

Obesity Prevention in Community: Strategic Plan

Obesity at different ages is a community health issue that bothers millions of people around the whole world. In the United States, obesity prevention is one of the main goals established by local hospitals, healthcare facilities, and social organizations. Nowadays, the American government spends approximately $145 billion each year to...

Person-Centered Nursing Framework

Introduction The Person-Centered Nursing (PCN) Framework was developed by McCance and McCormack (2017b). Currently, it is one of the theories that can be used in nursing practice. This paper will offer an overview of PCN and its approach to the nursing metaparadigm, justify PCN as a nursing theoretical framework, and...

Matthew Arnold. Arguing From Experience

The great poet and critic Mathew Arnold belongs to the Victorian period of English literature. He was very much influenced by the age he lived in. He was a staunch believer of religion. The religious disillusionment of his time pained him too much. His fear and anxiety in people’s loss...

Thai-Lay Company’s Business Plan Outline

The industry: Thai-Lay Company is planning to enter in the UK garment industry. The UK garment industry is providing large number of customers having different tastes and needs. Therefore, Thai-Lay Company can ensure business growth in the industry. Industry and company: Thai-Lay Company’s business objective is to market good quality...

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Technological Developments of the 20th Century

Much of what we know of life today would be completely unfamiliar to people who lived prior to the 20th century. Almost everything we encounter in daily life in the city is characterized by technology developed during the 1900s. A timeline created by Mary Bellis (2009) illustrates the degree of...

Human Development Psychology: Stages, Socio-emotional Development, and Emotional Attachment

Lifespan development is the growth of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that incurs throughout life. It is multidimensional and encompasses the psychoanalytic models of physical, cognitive and socio-emotional growth. The conceptional rationale for the transition from infancy to early childhood is determined by a series of crucial developmental stages...

Florence Kelley and Her Contribution to the Society

Florence Kelley was the daughter of William D. Kelley, the United States congressman. She was born on September 12, 1859, and is considered to be one of the most notable social reformers in the world. There is no wonder that Florence tried to change society throughout her life, because her...

Why Government Should Not Have Bailed Out Banks?

Following the financial crisis of the year 2008 and which is still affecting the global economy even today, various companies collapsed as a result of the economic recession that was witnessed all over the world. This led to the governments of some countries bailing out some of the affected companies...

“Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost

The poem dramatizes the conflict between nature and the worldly activities, Frost places emphasis on natural things and reinforces his point that natural things are much better and beautiful than the worldly things. The poem is extremely well written and it is written in monosyllables throughout. Lines like “My little...

Japanese Filmmaker, Hayao Miyazaki, and His Influence on Me

Introduction Hayao Miyazaki is one of the most famous filmmakers in Asian cinema. He is specialized in animated films. Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5th, 1941 in Tokyo, Japan. He started his career in 1965 when he worked as an artist in the film, “Gulliver’s Travels Beyond the Moon”....

Saudi Arabia: Marriage and Family Formation

Introduction Saudi Arabia is one of the countries in the continent of Asia. It is a country that is dominated by the Islamic religion which means that the people’s cultural values and beliefs are Islamic-based. In Saudi Arabia, a family is the most important institution as far as their culture...

Martin Luther King`s Revolution of Values

Martin Luther King, Jnr was a Baptist pastor in America. King was also a Nobel Peace champion and one of the key leaders in the American civil rights lobby group. This was a movement for championing the rights of America’s minority groups especially blacks. King was born in 1929 in...

Healthcare Policy and Nursing: Affordable Care Act

The health care sector as a core element in the life of a society of any country in the world and it needs constant improvement. The task of health care administration and government is to establish an appropriate strategy of medical sector development to meet the requirements of the time....

Solo Athlete Media Coverage: Michael Phelps

Media coverage is a critical aspect shaping the image of any prominent figure and determining the public attitude. With the development of new technologies and communication means, such content has become significantly more diverse. Depending on the form of media, ranging from the traditional ones to the personal communication channels,...