A Sedentary Lifestyle: Where, When, and Why It Started


A sedentary lifestyle is an inactive way of life that includes a lot of lying down and sitting, with almost no exercise. Nowadays it is a lifestyle of many people; sitting all day in a class, or an office, in a car or a bus, watching TV or playing videogames is something that most people do every day. These are sedentary activities involved at school, at work, in leisure that are becoming a serious public health issue.

Where, When, and Why Did It Start

Over the last century, the majority of people shifted from manual labor to office jobs. Due to globalization and technological advances, the number of jobs requiring physical activities has been rapidly decreasing. Growing cities and urban populations living in low-walkable neighborhoods spend a larger part of their day in a sitting or lying position in comparison to walking or exercising. Increased screen time also promotes a sedentary lifestyle, affecting people’s health.

What Are the Health Risks

A sedentary lifestyle can affect an individual’s health in various ways. One of the most common results of inactivity is obesity. Lack of exercise can also increase the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Spending most of the day in a sitting position contributes to chronic back pains and scoliosis. Additionally, this lifestyle impacts mental health and intensifies feelings of depression and anxiety.

How Does It Affect the Body

A sedentary lifestyle impacts not only people’s health but also their overall body, well-being, and mood. Due to the inactive lifestyle, muscles are not often applied, causing them to lose strength and endurance. With fewer movements, the body burns fewer calories, which affects metabolism, leading to more issues with the assimilation of fats and sugar. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can cause inflammation and hormonal imbalance due to its negative effect on the immune system.


Many people do not meet the requirement for a minimum physical activity a day due to their lifestyle. With technical advances, urbanization, the decline in the number of jobs with physical activity, and increased screen time, people are much less active nowadays. Studying, working, and resting in a sitting position from day to day negatively impact one’s body. A sedentary lifestyle is a serious public health issue and a reason for many illnesses and problems with mental health.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 26). A Sedentary Lifestyle: Where, When, and Why It Started. https://studycorgi.com/a-sedentary-lifestyle-where-when-and-why-it-started/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'A Sedentary Lifestyle: Where, When, and Why It Started'. 26 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "A Sedentary Lifestyle: Where, When, and Why It Started." February 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-sedentary-lifestyle-where-when-and-why-it-started/.


StudyCorgi. "A Sedentary Lifestyle: Where, When, and Why It Started." February 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-sedentary-lifestyle-where-when-and-why-it-started/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "A Sedentary Lifestyle: Where, When, and Why It Started." February 26, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/a-sedentary-lifestyle-where-when-and-why-it-started/.

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