African American Cultural Group and Heritage

A brief history of the cultural Group

  • Including immigrants from Africa and slaves
  • First arrived in 1619 as slaves.
  • Work for free for white colonists.
  • Abolishment of slavery during the American Revolution
  • Acquisition of equal rights during the 18th century (Smith, 2014).

A brief history of the socio-cultural group

  • Cultures and customs brought from the homeland.
  • Significance of religion for cultural heritage
  • Literature arising from folktales and stories
  • Music based on ritual songs
  • Much attention to social rights and equality (Bailer, 2015).

Values of the cultural Group

  • Freedom from stereotypes and discrimination
  • Much attention to national identity and recognition
  • Significance of family traditions and heredity
  • Focus on religious beliefs and traditions
  • Careful preservation of racial, cultural heritage (Smith, 2014).

Values of the socio-cultural group

  • Preservation of important historical perspectives
  • Promoting the value of freedom and equality
  • Reflection of the way to equal rights
  • Strong religious component in communities
  • African national roots in artistic pieces

The worldview of the culture

  • Concentration on African-centered worldview
  • Comprises values, attitudes, beliefs, and relations
  • Strong racial and dignity concerns
  • Preservation of racial identity in the new society
  • Significance of spiritual beliefs and practices (“The African American Worldview,” 2017).

Language and communication patterns of the cultural Group

  • Emotionally bright and animated communication
  • Facing the interlocutor directly while talking
  • Direct eye contact and active gestures
  • Frequent and lasting physical contact
  • Diverse vocal patterns with a variation of pitch and volume (“Communication patterns and assumptions of different cultural groups in the United States,” 2016).

Language and communication patterns of the socio-cultural group (specific)

  • Language heritage deriving from folktales
  • Frequent use of colloquial language
  • Application of oral communication patterns in writing
  • Literature heritage about the history of race
  • Emotional and powerful language patterns (Bailer, 2015).

Art and other expressive forms of the cultural Group

  • Impact of slavery experience and African roots
  • Strong ethical African component in the art
  • Literature was influenced by slave stories and folktales.
  • Music development from blues to hip-hop
  • The ethnical component in movies and television (Bailer, 2015).

Art and other expressive forms of the socio-cultural group

  • Specific features of early African-American architecture
  • Active participation in performing arts
  • Development of musicals and black dance
  • The Cultural revolution is known as Harlem Renaissance.
  • Visual arts from the colonial period (Smith, 2014).

Norms and rules

  • Socio-economical, ethnical, and cultural diversity
  • Influenced by religious norms and spiritual beliefs
  • Strong community and family influence
  • Respect for older members of the community
  • More attention to a personal relationship (Komen, 2015).

Lifestyle characteristics

  • Typical fatalistic acceptance of life events
  • Frequent involvement in criminal cases
  • Leisure styles were influenced by slavery.
  • Active participation in feminist movement and emancipation
  • Frequent cases of low income and poverty

Relationship patterns

  • Traditional marriage and relations patterns
  • The strong impact of historic African roots
  • Redistribution of roles due to unemployment
  • Impact of African American men shortage
  • Examples of gender or racial discrimination (Dixon, 2017).

Common rituals

  • Rituals based on the traditions of ancestors
  • Kwanzaa is the ritual festival of harvest.
  • Importance of common family rituals
  • Family reunion as a common ritual
  • Traditional religious and spiritual rituals

Degree of assimilation from mainstream society

  • The forced character of African assimilation
  • A moderate degree of African American assimilation
  • Preservation of African values, beliefs, and behaviors
  • Need for assimilation to gain acceptance
  • The controversy between identity preservation and assimilation

Degree of marginalization from mainstream society

  • Marginalization due to the historical oppression
  • No trust in racial equality
  • Need for the elimination of social and economic marginalization
  • The strong impact of family traditions
  • A long history of racial discrimination (Riphagen, n.d.).

Health behaviors and practices

  • Lack of trust in the system of health care
  • Fear of screenings and other examinations
  • Conflict of medical and non-medical daily issues
  • Preference for non-traditional treatment approaches
  • Low-income and bad access to healthcare facilities (Komen, 2015).

Differential approaches needed by health care professionals for each group

  • Provision of efficient patient education interventions
  • Inform on the importance of prevention strategies
  • Encouragement of examination and vaccination compliance
  • Improvement of healthcare facilities network
  • Enhancement of trust for healthcare professionals.


The African American Worldview. (2017). Brittaney Delsarte Chatman. Web.

Bailer, D. (2015). African-American Culture. Minneapolis, MN: Abdo Publishing.

Communication patterns and assumptions of different cultural groups in the United States. (2016). Web.

Dixon, P. (2017). African American relationships, marriages, and families: An introduction (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Komen, S.G. (2015). Applying culturally-responsible communication in Black and African-American communities. Web.

Riphagen, L. (n.d.). Marginalization of African-Americans in US society. Web.

Smith, J.C. (2014). The handy African American history answer book. Canton, MI: Visible Ink Press.

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