African American Population in the United States

African-Americans, Black Americans or Afro-Americans are an American ethnic group ascending from the Black races that populate Africa. African Americans are the third largest ethnic group of the United States. The history of this population stems in the 16th century, when people from Western Africa were enslaved and then taken by force to America that was at that time under the Spanish government. The slaves were then transported to North American English colonies during the 17th century. Up until the Civil War conclusion, African American people were enslaved and deprived of all rights that White Americans had since the establishment of the US. In the following centuries, the slavery was abolished and African Americans received equal rights with the Native American population and in 2008 the first African American president, Barack Obama, took office.

Rationale of Choice

African American population has a long history of enduring and fighting oppression. It is unique in its culture that has many influences of the population’s African ancestors. Although Black people were oppressed for many decades, they still managed to keep their integrity and stand their own against the racism and conservative prejudices. The history of the African American people and their cultural legacy is truly inspiring and unique. On the other hand, not only did Black Americans successfully carry their culture through the years of slavery, they also managed to bring a great amount of influence to other cultures. Black American population made its way to music industry, movie production, sports, and other branches of contemporary culture. African American population is generally known for being protective of its free will and the people who are the part of Black American community. It also has many influential political activists that fought for the rights of Black Americans. All of the abovementioned facts are the reason behind choosing this population.

General Information

Demographic reports indicate that African Americans constitute 14,4% of the population of the United States with 46 million African Americans currently living in the country. However, the families of only African Americans compile 43 million of the population. Socioeconomics of the African American population demonstrate that Black American middle class has long since established in the United States. By the 1990s had become no longer connected to classes with lower income. However, the poverty among the African Americans is still very common. While only 11% of Americans live in poverty, 27% of the African American population of the US lives below poverty level (including children, women, and men). African American Population Report (2017) shows that, at the same time, 38% of Black children live in poverty, while the poverty rate of Black women (ranged from 18 to 64) and Black men is 26% and 21% respectively.

Studies of the University of California – Berkeley (2015) demonstrate that neighborhoods with higher percentage of African Americans along with Hispanic population are significantly more hazardous. The neighborhoods populated with Black Americans have poorer air condition, dangerous toxic wastes in the vicinity and the overall poor quality of recreation areas. Furthermore, the increased level of criminal activity that is still growing steadily presents additional environmental hazards. Therefore, poor living conditions and considerable poverty rates create a dangerous environment for the Black Americans who reside on the territory of the United States.


African American Population Report. (2017). Web.

Study shows racial disparities in environmental health hazards: Communities with larger Hispanic, African-American populations hit hardest. (2015). Web.

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