Analysis of Eddie Bernice Johnson Life

Eddie Bernice Johnson is a representative member of Texas’s 30th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. It is important to note that she is also a member of the Democratic Party. It is stated that she is the first registered nurse who was elected into Congress of the US in 1992 (“Rep. Eddie Johnson,” n.d.). Her service in the House of Representatives began on January 5, 1993, and at the moment is still serving until January 3, 2023 (“Rep. Eddie Johnson,” n.d.). As a nurse and legislator, she prominently advocates for health care delivery improvements. For example, her latest cosponsored bills revolving around abortion coverage and care for all people in an affordable manner. The bill is H.R.2234 of 117th Congress of 2021-2022, which was sponsored by Representative Barbara Lee, and it was cosponsored by Eddie Bernice Johnson (“H.R.4704 – Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act,” 2020).

Another bill cosponsored by the nurse is “Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act” or H.R.4785 of 116th Congress of 2019-2020 (“H.R.4704 – Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act,” 2020). The bill became a law, where the National Science Foundation is directed to award and provide support for any form of research in regards to suicide treatment and prevention (“H.R.4704 – Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act,” 2020). In other words, the bill was enacted to help people at risk of suicide. The reasons for suicide can be understood as those motives and circumstances that directly influenced the choice of a suicidal model of behavior. The cause of suicide is always an unresolved problem, a conflict, including an intrapersonal conflict, a certain discrepancy between internal attitudes and realities of life. In turn, the factors of suicide mean certain existing life situations and conditions under which the risk of a person committing suicide significantly increases.


H.R.4704 – Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act. (2020). Web.

Rep. Eddie Johnson. (n.d.). Web.

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