Ethical Issues in Research: Confidentiality and Survey Bias

Ethical Issues

Apart from the positive intentions of the research, different ethical considerations have to be described. One of the issues is the leakage of confidential information about participants (Creswell & Poth, 2017). This problem has to be discovered of high importance since it may question the reliability of the study and the desire of participants to take part in it. Alternatively, another limitation may pertain to the fact that representatives of different nationalities and socio-economic groups tend to participate in the research study. In this instance, it could be said that one has to pay critical attention to the tone of the questionnaires and surveys, as any stereotyped statements may offend the feelings and values of particular cultural groups (Creswell & Poth, 2017). In the context of this research study, a combination of these factors is vital to consider, as underestimating it may lead to cultural conflicts and violate the rights of the participants.

Thus, to avoid the outcomes mentioned above, it is essential to propose a sufficient plan to protect human rights. One of the acts that can help avoid conflicts related to the leakage of confidential information is ensuring participants that no personal information will be available publically (Creswell & Poth, 2017). Presenting this statement at the beginning of the survey will inform that participation in this research is anonymous. At the same time, a scholar has to consider this matter of paramount importance and guarantee the safety and confidentiality of gathered data.

Apart from the problem related to the lack of confidentiality, paying vehement attention to the content of surveys and their tone is highly important. At the initial stage, a researcher has to ensure that the questionnaires use neutral and unbiased language (Creswell & Poth, 2017). This step can help avoid adverse outcomes and development of intercultural conflicts, and, as a consequence, the critical points of the plan mentioned above have to be considered of substantial significance.

Limitations of Proposed Study

One of the limitations of the research study is the fact that numerical data is collected from a specific healthcare facility. It remains apparent that this matter restricts the scope of the study, and it may signify that the findings cannot be applied in different countries or regions due to the specifics of culture and society. At the same time, to ensure validity and reliability of collected information, it is necessary to increase the number of participants, but this modification will be costly to implement (Choy, 2014; Durand & Chantler, 2014). This disadvantage has to be considered and taken into account in future research studies, as, otherwise, it may create complications when applying these concepts in practice.

At the same time, another limitation may pertain to using a particular methodology to collect and interpret numerical data. In the first place, relying on the quantitative method implies that the results will be generalized (Choy, 2014). The sample only covers a small group of representatives of the chosen population cohort and assumes that individuals with similar characteristics will have analogous opinions concerning obesity. Thus, in this case, the insufficient design of surveys and questions may also create confusion, as people may understand and interpret them differently. This aspect will create difficulties when analyzing the research outcomes and finding relevant data to prove or disprove the hypothesis. Furthermore, another limitation when selecting a quantitative paradigm is the fact that it does not provide specific details about individual beliefs, attitudes, and preferences and lacks a profound description of the results (Choy, 2014). Overall, it could be said that this research study will only help understand a correlation between the selected variables while omitting important qualitative details.

Implications for Practice

Despite the limitations and ethical considerations mentioned above, it remains apparent that different governmental institutions and healthcare industry authorities can use the results acquired during this research study. In the first place, this research unveils important insights about obesity among children and infants. Finding a correlation between different variables such as educational background, the category of lifestyle, and children’s level of obesity can assist in designing relevant strategies that can help reduce morbidity related to childhood morbidity. This matter may revolutionize the medical sphere and trigger the development of alternative medical interventions if a suggested correlation is found.

At the same time, different authorities and medical institutions can use the outcomes of this research study to develop and implement various educational programs to increase the awareness of parents about obesity levels among children and infants. Alternatively, these programs will not only expand their knowledge about the problem but also will underline a connection between their lifestyle and the health of their children. This action will attempt to increase awareness and reduce obesity levels simultaneously. Furthermore, based on the matters indicated above, such as ethics, limitations, and potential implications, it could be said that the findings of this research study can be actively used as a basis for future research. There are many gaps that have to be filled, and discovering these issues in more detail will have a positive impact on evidence-based practice in healthcare and will attempt to minimize the levels of obesity among children.


Choy, L. (2014). The strengths and weaknesses of research methodology: Comparison and complimentary between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 19(4), 99-104.

Creswell, J., & Poth, C. (2017). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. New York, NY: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Durand, M., & Chantler, T. (2014). Principles of social research. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Ethical Issues in Research: Confidentiality and Survey Bias." May 14, 2021.

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