Fire Companies Theoretical Effectiveness Analysis


To begin with, fire companies play a pivotal role in creating a safe environment with a low probability of disasters due to natural or anthropological causes. However, heat is not constant, and it may be started in any part of a city or town. To increase the effectiveness of fire prevention, it is critical to analyze effective and ineffective firefighting methods, correct usage of blaze lines, and implications of offensive and defensive host spot blocking strategies.

Impact on a Structure Fire

When it comes to correct fire prevention, many rescue teams are settled to determine the type of heat (whether it is intensive or not) and the fire-sustaining components. More specifically, the hot spot type can be identified by directing the hose lines to the blaze. In case it hisses, the heat is extremely intensive, and more power should be engaged in the process. However, when it starts dripping off the surface, the situation becomes resolvable by providing fewer team efforts in the risk category. Turning to the fire-sustainable components, they are typically three, forming a special “fire triangle.”

Firstly, oxygen helps the hot spot spread naturally anywhere, so ventilation should be excluded during the fire spread limiting process. Secondly, the fuel is a dangerous source of hot spot sustain because it can be hardly seen in the flame, especially when it is spilled off the vehicle. Eventually, the heat forms the last component of heat continuing. However, the weather is the most indicative aspect of the fire triangle because it can be easily determined by looking at the thermometer. At the same time, it is impossible to influence the weather conditions during the process of fire blocking. In addition, some chemicals might also be a possible source of blaze spread. As a result, when taking the four components out of fire concentration, the limitation of its reach will be a relatively easy task for the fire rescue team.

On the other hand, heat can be limited by using other critical technologies. For instance, the strategy of using the hose line might significantly help in resolving the issue. More specifically, the number of hoses can be widened or lessened depending on the level of fire intensity. In addition, support hoses might be directly used to prevent the blaze at the culminating moment by merging the line with the main house, which develops a twofold stronger water supply stream. To regulate water intensity, fire hydrants are colored dependently on their level of water supply measured by the gallon per water (GPM). During extreme situations, the most powerful fire hydrants should be used not only for the single but also for multiple hoses to create a significant water stream to limit the fire spread. Finally, some cutting-edge technologies, such as wireless sensors, might be used to determine the most and the least intense sources of the hot spot (Chou et al., 2019). These innovations might help during the attack strategy because if no people are inside, the method depends mainly on the fire intensity. On the contrary, a rescue team might worsen the situation by neglecting the rules of correct heat limitation, panic management, and the fire-triangle component determining. For example, if the fire company arrives fast enough but does not correctly determine the source of fire and the method of its neutralizing, the whole operation might be worsened by an unlimited amount of negative outcomes.

Offensive and Defensive Attacks

Fire limitation attacks types are the methods of the hose line positioning dependently on the chosen situation. Determining the correct type of attack on the fire spreading process plays a pivotal role in resolving the issue. To be more specific, there are two main types of attack-offensive and defensive. The first is more effective as the hoses are put directly in the windows, but the possibility of its implication depends on the presence of human beings (Smith, 2020). The defensive method is used when some people are inside the house, and all water lines work outside.


Chou, J. S., Cheng, M. Y., Hsieh, Y. M., Yang, I. T., & Hsu, H. T. (2019). Optimal path planning in real-time for dynamic building fire rescue operations using wireless sensors and visual guidance. Automation in Construction, 99, 1–17. Web.

Smith, J. P. (2020). Fire studies: Structural firefighting—The offensive attack. Firehouse. Web.

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