Website Analysis


The website that I have chosen for the examination is It publishes content related to mobile phones, applications, operating systems, and electronic games daily. Such a choice is explained by the fact that I often read the materials about technological advances and new video games on this website. As for the latter, I mostly like the articles that discuss sports video games. For this reason, the article “3 reasons to pre-order FIFA 22 & 4 reasons to wait” will be used as a reference to the current analysis.

Visual and Textual Attributes

When the user opens the webpage with the article, the first thing he/she notices is numerous advertisement banners. They are presented in either rectangular or square shapes, usually have very bright colors, and are primarily static than dynamic. Since these banners can occupy almost up to 50% of the webpage and the other 30% are blank spaces, there is a struggle to perceive the main content. Also, the text consists of very short paragraphs, about 25-45 words each which further worsens the reading experience. However, on the other hand, the content is very informative and emotionally involving – the main factors that attract me. The author of the article under review combines technical, game-specific, and ordinary language, which suggests that it was primarily written for FIFA series fans.

Positioning and Monetization

In my opinion, the website attracts people like me–those interested in new technologies and involved in video games. In this regard, can provide good quality information that involves the readers. Due to this competitive advantage, the owners could partner with other businesses that pay the former for advertising their products and services. However, the overwhelming number of banners suggests that it is the only source of revenue for the website.

The Website’s Purpose

In my opinion, the primary purpose of is to provide balanced and truthful information to its users. For instance, even the name of the article under review suggests that the writer seeks to objectively discuss the advantages of both pre-order of the game (FIFA 22) and postponed order. Therefore, I can assess all the possibilities concerning game purchases adequately. As a result, I keep returning to this website as it does not seek to persuade me and use my biases as means for personal benefit.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 3). Website Analysis.

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1. StudyCorgi. " Website Analysis." October 3, 2022.


StudyCorgi. " Website Analysis." October 3, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. " Website Analysis." October 3, 2022.

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