Health Education and Health Promotion Revisited

McCauley’s nursing tradition has been referred to as Careful Nursing, a method of nursing created in Ireland in the early 19th century and adopted by Irish nurses in the Crimean War. Even though records of careful nursing have been preserved, little emphasis has been given to it in the literature on nursing. I consider health education to be a crucial idea inside this system that was essential in the 19th century and is still so now.

In McCauley’s era, it was challenging to provide the general public with enough health education and fundamental health information. Moreover, there was a critical necessity to establish this notion, given the prevalence of wars and other fatal conflicts. This notion was then applicable through the creation of volunteer training schools, fundamental health education seminars, and other in-person gatherings. Most likely, this would enhance nursing practice at that time.

Health education is essential in today’s nursing practice. Nurse practitioners are currently engaged in different health education practices by enhancing the physical, mental, emotional, and social health of the patients (Nutbeam, 2019). This can be done by increasing their knowledge and changing their attitudes toward taking care of their well-being. Moreover, various health education should cooperate with nurse practitioners in creating initiatives to assist individuals and communities in leading healthier lives.


Nutbeam, D. (2019). Health education and health promotion revisited. Health Education Journal, 78(6), 705-709.

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