Health Promotion and Patient Empowerment

Health promotion implies measures that focus not just on the patients’ health but also consider the social and environmental factors that influence them. Actions in this direction help individuals receive control over their health and improve it (World Health Organization, n.d.). Health promotion is essential in achieving better patient outcomes as it helps to find the causes of diseases and direct efforts to prevention. Moreover, covering various factors that influence people’s health, health promotion can improve the quality of life, as it contributes to forming healthy habits and improves well-being. Consequently, there are fewer illnesses and injuries and better health outcomes.

Health promotion efforts also include several ethical values, making them holistic and comprehensive. Empowerment is one of these values integral to health promotion (Phillips, 2019). The concept of empowerment involves patients’ possibilities, knowledge, and aspirations to take part in caring for their health (Hickmann et al., 2022). Empowerment contributes to the commitment to following medical directions, patients’ more informed decisions, and makes them actively engage in the treatment (Hickmann et al., 2022). Therefore, with more influence in health decisions, individuals are more involved and contribute to achieving their health goals with medical professionals.

Given the benefits that health promotion and empowerment provide, I, as a nurse, can incorporate their strategies into practice. In particular, specialists can create a supportive environment, protect patient rights by promoting more effective policies, and strengthen community health actions (Phillips, 2019). I can also change the practice by educating patients about the need to engage for their empowerment and health promotion and motivating them to take action on care.

Thus, health promotion and patient empowerment are essential concepts for nursing practice. They contribute to the improved health outcomes through an emphasis on prevention and active involvement of patients in the care of their health. Nurses play a significant role in implementing health promotion and patient empowerment strategies, as they are in intensive contact with patients. These specialists can provide the necessary support, train, and motivate patients to engage in treatment and prevention.


Hickmann, E., Richter, P., & Schlieter, H. (2022). All together now – Patient engagement, patient empowerment, and associated terms in personal healthcare. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-11. Web.

Phillips, A. (2019). Effective approaches to health promotion in nursing practice. Nursing Standard, 34(4), 43–50. Web.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Health promotion. Web.

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