78 Afghanistan Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Afghanistan

✍️ Afghanistan Essay Topics for College

  1. Women in Afghanistan and Their Position in the Country: Annotated Bibliography
    The topic of the given study is women in Afghanistan, their position within the local communities, and the treatment of women in the country.
  2. American Invasion of Afghanistan
    The US succeeded in invading Afghanistan when the military in support of the British began bombing against the Taliban.
  3. Analyzing Operation Anaconda: Principles of Command in Combat
    In March and April 2002, multinational forces in Afghanistan conducted Operation Anaconda to locate and destroy al-Qaida fighters in the southern parts of the country.
  4. Afghanistan’s Transition: Annotated Bibliography
    This annotated bibliography provides a list of scholarly sources that examine various aspects of Afghanistan’s transition and the challenges it faces.
  5. Lessons Learned from Operation Anaconda
    The examination of the operation Anaconda in Afghanistan showed that its lessons could be used as guidance for commanders in similar initiatives.
  6. Operation Anaconda and the War in Afghanistan: Collaboration and Coordination
    Operation Anaconda is an important case study for military operations and the importance of coordinated efforts.
  7. The U.S. Army’s Retreat From Afghanistan
    Since the Afghani population has been stripped of the resources for fighting the aggression of the terrorists, the U.S. leaving Afghanistan appears to be unjustified.
  8. Country With High Mortality: Afghanistan
    This paper has reported on mortality in Afghanistan, a country located in southern Asia. The state of health in Afghanistan is adversely affected by lack of access to roads, war.
  9. The Invasion of US Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
    The decision to send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan was pushed by George W. Bush on the basis of statements about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.
  10. US and Afghanistan: Diplomatic Ties and New Policy
    With the implementation of Obama’s strategy, international cooperation in tackling international terrorism will be strengthened.
  11. Leading Change in Afghanistan
    Army leadership, World Bank, IMF and ADB have implemented and adapted various strategic visions. Plans, and policies to overcome the challenges to restore security and economic stability.
  12. Conflicts and Political Goals in Afghanistan, Gaza and Iraq
    The United States has now completed approximately nine years in Afghanistan since the commencement of military engagement there.
  13. Iraq and Afghanistan Wars: Already Served Soldiers
    After several years into the war, the army has made some attempts to help in managing the increasing number of soldiers who have psychological and physical problems.
  14. Steve McCurry’s Photography “Afghanistan Girl”
    The Photography “Afghanistan Girl” reveals Steve Mc Curry’s perception of the world through the special inimitable and unguarded moments, which he captured.
  15. Afghanistan’s Role as a Buffer State: Historical and Modern Conflicts
    The history of the emergence of Afghanistan and its physical location has become the prerequisites for the “troubles” that take place on the territory.
  16. Afghanistan’s Political Struggles: A Historical Overview
    Afghanistan is one of the countries in the world that have experienced a lot of instability due to numerous political struggles.
  17. Iraq and Afghanistan Wars for American Safety
    The US considered that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were able to ensure the country’s safety and minimalize the possibility of future attacks.
  18. Child Marriage Issue in Afghanistan
    This essay is a summary of the connection between a child rights group and its link with child marriage, and an analysis of other forms of child abuse.
  19. Moral Integrity and Global Responsibility in Leadership Decisions
    America had a role to play because it was responsible for the presence of landmines in Afghanistan. American leaders also have a responsibility to protect the population of the rest of the world.
  20. Key Strategies Shaping U.S. Policy in Afghanistan
    The afghan strategy is a United States’ strategy of sending American troops to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda in order to make a safer world.
  21. Arguments For and Against the U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Debate
    The paper presents reasons for and against the invasion of Afghanistan by the United States and its allies, as well as consequences of the war.

🎓 Most Interesting Afghanistan Research Titles

  1. The Cold War Between the United States and Russia and How Afghanistan Was Used as a Pawn
  2. Afghanistan and China Trade Relationship
  3. Comparing Between the Two US Interventions in Afghanistan and Pakistan
  4. Afghanistan After the Soviet-Afghan War
  5. Barriers That Have Affected the Educational System of Afghanistan
  6. Afghanistan: The Unnecessary War?
  7. Poverty, Vulnerability, and Provision of Healthcare in Afghanistan
  8. Corporate and Private Interests Behind the War in Afghanistan
  9. Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia Invasions by the Soviet Union and the Reaction of the United States
  10. Drug Abuse and Treatment Centers in Afghanistan
  11. American Public Opinion and Perceptions on the War in Afghanistan
  12. Similarities and Differences Between the 1979 Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the 2001 US/NATO Invasion of Afghanistan
  13. Current Situation and Sustainable Development of Rice Cultivation and Production in Afghanistan
  14. Military Suicide During the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
  15. Afghanistan’s Mujahideen Insurgency Between 1979 and 1989
  16. Humanitarian Aid and Corruption in Afghanistan
  17. Legalizing the Drug Trade in Afghanistan
  18. Afghanistan and Economic Dependency
  19. Changing the Rules? State-Building and Local Government in Afghanistan
  20. The Kite Runner: Highlighting the Plight of Afghanistan
  21. Afghanistan: Before and After the Invasion
  22. Homeschooling: Solution for Educating Girls in Afghanistan
  23. Afghanistan: Life Under the Taliban
  24. Pakistan and Afghanistan: Neighbors in War and Peace
  25. Afghanistan Versus Rwanda: The Process of Developing Two Post-Conflict Societies

đź’ˇ Simple Afghanistan Essay Ideas

  1. Suffering, Hope, and Entrapment: Resilience and Cultural Values in Afghanistan
  2. Afghanistan and Iraq: Military and Culture
  3. Gender Roles and Oppression in Afghanistan
  4. Child and Infant Mortality Rate in Afghanistan
  5. Scars Left From the War in Afghanistan
  6. Afghanistan’s Struggles Against Terrorism
  7. International Relations Between the United States and Afghanistan
  8. Conflict Termination and Nation-Building in Afghanistan
  9. Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan
  10. Arranged Marriages and Their Effects in Afghanistan
  11. Election Fairness and Government Legitimacy in Afghanistan
  12. Afghanistan Today: The Current Situation
  13. Birth and Fertility During War: Afghanistan From 2007 to 2010
  14. Land Issues and Poverty Reduction: Requirements for Lasting Peace in Sudan and Afghanistan
  15. Afghanistan and Issues Related to Women
  16. Terrorism and Religious Extremism in Pakistan and Afghanistan
  17. Courting and Wedding Rituals in America and Afghanistan
  18. Opium for the Masses? Conflict-Induced Narcotics Production in Afghanistan
  19. Afghanistan and Liberia: Why One Failed While One Thrives
  20. Bribery Challenges and Business Ethics in Afghanistan
  21. Afghanistan and the Negative Effects of Humanitarian Aid
  22. Exploring What Caused the War on Afghanistan
  23. Afghanistan, Global Terrorism, and American Foreign Policy
  24. Clausewitz and Modern Warfare in Afghanistan
  25. Afghanistan: The Economic Cost of War

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "78 Afghanistan Essay Topics." January 27, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/afghanistan-essay-topics/.

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