118 Air Transport Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Air Transport

✍️ Air Transport Essay Topics for College

  1. Asiana Airlines Flight 214 and Air France 447 Crashes
    This report analyzed and assessed two aviation incidents case studies (The crash of Asiana Airlines flight 214 and the Air France 447 disaster) using human factors
  2. Germanwings Flight 9525 Crash. Strategic Management
    Security in the aviation industry has remained a sensitive issue that stakeholders are often keen to enforce. Major milestones have been made to eliminate threat to the airplanes.
  3. Aircraft vs. Helicopter Flight Control Systems
    Pilots utilize flight control systems while flying aircrafts, in order to control direction, attitude among other forces affecting flights.
  4. Technological Changes and Air Transport
    Air transport has evolved for over two thousand years. Technological advancements have played a major role in shaping the current air transport industry.
  5. Fleet Planning in Airline Industry
    Aircraft is selected during fleet planning to achieve the optimal fleet composition, which is quite important for successful business as an airline.
  6. The Low-Cost Airlines and Their Role in International Tourism
    The LCCs are a major contributing factor in the tourism sector of the UK but the large-scale operation’s impact on the environment, causing its degradation through harmful emissions.
  7. Modernization of Air Transport in Tanzania
    This study was aimed at investigating the concept of air transport equipment modernization for Tanzania People’s Defense Forces challenges and the road map.
  8. Pilot Error in Air Carrier Accidents
    Human factors play a significant role in the effectiveness of machines, and so are cases with airplanes. The same elements are responsible for the failures associated with devices.
  9. Ireland’s Civil Aviation Safety’s Strategic Position
    This paper aims to analyze the current strategic position of Ireland concerning civil aviation safety and its choice of methods to continue the evolution of the sphere.
  10. Why Low Cost Airlines Performed Very Well?
    Low-cost carriers are recently formed carriers, with innovative strategies, while legacy carriers were recognized decades ago.
  11. Case of Boeing 737-MAX: Safety Issues and Management
    Safety is the primary concern for those travelling by air. Interestingly enough, statistically, the chances of perishing due to an airplane crash are meager.
  12. The International Air Transport Association’s Analysis
    This paper gives a detailed background of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and its air cargo activities.
  13. Supersonic Aircraft and Its Aerodynamics
    The term supersonic refers to the movement of an object with speed higher than that of sound. Aircraft models designed to travel at such speed are called supersonic aircraft.
  14. Commercial Transport Building: Airbus vs. Boeing
    There is a need to build a very large commercial transport but the cost would be daunting even for the top two aircraft manufacturers Airbus and Boeing.
  15. The Next Generational Air Transport System Concepts
    The report aims to expand readers’ understanding of the five concepts of NGATS: communication, navigation, surveillance, information management, and automation.
  16. New Technologies in Future Aircrafts: The Cockpit Design
    In future aircraft, the author aims to design the cockpit by adding the latest technology functionalities to ensure maximum safety and comfortability.
  17. Sustainability of Air Transport Systems
    This paper establishes the kind of sustainable operations that the two aviation giants have employed through an in-depth review of the literature for either airport.
  18. Safe Travel for United Airlines
    The pandemic, which began in 2020, affected countries and people in a variety of ways and became an important factor that businesses had to account for.
  19. Ethiopian Airlines B737-8 Crash Analysis
    According to a journalistic report, the Boeing B737-8 (MAX) operated by Ethiopian airlines crashed because the plane had issues with its MCA gadget.
  20. Aircraft Inspections Overview
    Scheduled and unscheduled support and airplane assessments are fundamental for all airplanes to protect them from plane crashes.
  21. The Effect of Vaccinated Travel Lanes in Singapore
    The recent introduction of Vaccinated Travel Lanes (or VTL) in Singapore allows passengers with recognized vaccination certificates to use airlines on special terms.
  22. Aviation Safety: Technologies and Approaches
    This paper highlights current trends and issues related to aviation security and the many innovations and approaches taken to solve fundamental problems.
  23. “The Unmitigated Insider Threat to Aviation” by Loffi
    “The Unmitigated Insider Threat to Aviation” emphasizes the crucial role of controlling and mitigating the new risks in the aircraft sphere.
  24. Airport Transportation Security After 9/11 Attacks
    The threat of cargo tampering, terrorist or other illegal use, or criminal attack on the supply chain makes transportation safety a significant concern.
  25. Changes in Air Cargo and Passenger Transportation Industries
    The air cargo industry decreased in its volume because of economic crises and reduced demand for high-tech fashion products.
  26. Safety Management System for Non-Part 121 Operator
    The paper aims to evaluate the preparation and implementation of a safety management system (SMS) among the general aviation companies with 135, 141, and 145 certificates.
  27. History of Air Carriers Overview
    A history of air carriers, as given by Coyle et al. attributes the use of airplanes for mail transport as the starting point of the airline industry.
  28. Flight Planning Software and Aircraft Incidents
    Flight planning software refers to programs that are used to manage and execute flight and other processes undertaken when the plane is airborne.
  29. A Safety Case Report: Coast Guard Helicopter
    The report has focused on the operations, functions, environment, and performance of CGH. It has explained the risk that is linked to each of these factors.
  30. Racial Profiling in the Airports
    The American airlines flight 11 and the united airlines flight 175 has been hijacked and crashed into the twin towers of the World trade centre in New York.
  31. Large Aircraft Security Program: Full Body Scanners
    Among the programs that have been developed by the Transportation Security Administration to combat terrorism include the Large Aircraft Security Program.

🎓 Most Interesting Air Transport Research Titles

  1. Improvement in Aviation Safety Management Systems
    This study aims at identifying and systematizing data on the potential impact of any existing legal and technological approaches to improving safety management systems in aviation.
  2. Probability in the Real World: Air Traffic Control
    The renowned safety of air transport is dependent on three factors: safety, built into modern passenger aircraft, the rigorous training and monitoring accorded pilots.
  3. Airport Security and the Reduction of Skills in Security Staff
    The development of security measures in airports has been largely a response to various terrorists’ efforts targeting planes and passengers in the past 70 years.
  4. Lockheed L-1011 TriStar 1. Aircraft Accident
    Lockheed L-1011 TriStar 1, A Delta Airlines flight 191, always flew between Fort Lauderdale and Los Angeles with a scheduled stop at Dallas.
  5. Boeing 747 vs. Airbus A380: A Comparison
    The Boeing 747 and Airbus A380 are among the greatest inventions in the airplane industry. It is difficult to determine the best aircraft between the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747.
  6. The Government’s Impact on the Aviation Security Design Efficiency
    The government’s input into aviation security design, technologies, and procedure results in more efficient safety irrespective of some potential drawbacks.
  7. Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
    ACAS stands for an airborne collision avoidance system, that warns pilots of aircrafts in the vicinity that may pose a threat of collision.
  8. Newer Larger Aircraft Effects on Airport Management
    Larger planes could generate more revenue than the medium and light ones, but the operational, maintenance and servicing costs outweigh the benefits.
  9. Challenges and Best Practices in Air Cargo Transport
    This paper presents the findings of a literature review on the applications of logistics management in the aviation industry.
  10. Aviation Organizations and Air Transport Regulations
    Professional aviation organizations play important roles in promoting the efficiency and reliability of air transport service providers.
  11. Aviation Security Within Current Global Threats
    Description of new techniques and strategies using by the aircraft and aviation regulatory bodies capable of addressing aviation security issues.
  12. The Problem of the Air Rage
    Air rage is bad conduct of plane passenger that may result in physical torture, emotional harassment or any conduct that affect the comfort of plane staffs and /or the other passengers.
  13. Environmental Impact of International Tourism
    The airlines administration needs to strike the finest balance between allowing the controlled growth of low-cost airlines, and the urgent need to monitor environmental concerns.
  14. New Aviation Routes Across the Middle East for the Next Decade
    This report explores possible investments into new aviation routes across the Middle East fro the next decade. The goals for the project are highlighted, along with the purpose of study.
  15. Safety and Secure Risk Management
    Safety is an important concept in the aviation industry because it underscores the need to protect passengers and crew against accidents.
  16. Safety and Security Risk Management
    The fact that birds have caused catastrophic accidents in the aviation sector means that drones, which are largely made of metals, may pose even a greater threat to this industry.
  17. Enhancing Airport Security: The Next Global Airport Program
    Safety procedures and measures are best on approved standards, national laws and regulations, and best practices in the aviation industry.
  18. Airline Service Quality Perceptions and Cypriot Customers’ Expectations
    In this study, it has being analyzed and evaluated that the conventional marketing concentrate on the need to be competitive in the fierce environment of the airline industry.
  19. Aviation Sector: The Approaching Shortage
    Pilots who have recently graduated from flying schools have to go through additional training to be able to control commercial planes.
  20. Irish Aviation Safety: Strategic Position and Strategic Choices
    The commercial aviation industry plays a central role in facilitating the transportation of people and goods in various parts of the globe.
  21. Noise Control Strategies Around Airports
    In spite of airplanes endeavoring to become quieter, Birmingham Airport Limited recognizes that noise commotion remains a problem for many residents.
  22. The Surface and Air Transportation Regulation
    The regulation and deregulation of the surface and air transportation has had significant economic impacts on the industry.
  23. Total Quality Management in Aviation Security
    Airport security is one of the key components of aviation security, as it can prevent a variety of threats, such as terror attacks, hijackings, illegal transportation of weapons.
  24. Boeing vs. Airbus: Choosing the Best Aircraft for Your Fleet
    This paper discusses the unique differences between a Boeing and an Airbus and proposes the best aircraft for supporting a powerful fleet strategy.
  25. Air Transport Safety: Key Issues and Solutions
    The major goal of this report is to analyze the main causes of occurrences in flights coupled with how they happen, their effects, and the most appropriate remedies that can be used.
  26. Lean Philosophy in Airports: Personal Customer Experience
    The principle of lean philosophy prescribes that companies should create flow while eliminating waste by progressively achieving tasks set to enhance the customer experience.
  27. The Variety of Services in the Civil Aviation Industry
    During our research on the top ten airlines in the civil aviation industry, we get to know that “most national airlines depend for their livelihood on international traffic.”
  28. Securing Air Cargo: Vulnerabilities and Safety Measures
    There are a few Areas of Vulnerability in Air Cargo Transfer. These areas include passengers, cargos, security officers, and the transport chain.
  29. Air Transport and Its Benefits for Globalization
    With excellent transportation systems, the world is exposed to better trading in terms of exports and imports of goods and services.
  30. The Future of Pilots Training
    The future of pilots training will be greatly influenced by innovation and divergent thinking, which will result in the creation of novel airplanes.

đź“Ś Easy Air Transport Essay Topics

  1. Air Transport Liberalization and Its Impacts on Airline Competition and Air Passenger Traffic
  2. The Effect of Aviation Disasters on the Air Transport Industry
  3. Next Generation Civil Air Transport Design Considerations: Improving Vehicle and System-Level Efficiency
  4. Subsidies and Competition as Factors in Air Transport Policy
  5. Flight MH 17 and State Responsibility for Ensuring Safety and Security of Air Transport
  6. Current State of the Law in Aircraft Noise Pollution Control
  7. Historical and Future Trends in Aircraft Performance, Cost, and Emissions
  8. Applications of Operations Research in the Air Transport Industry
  9. Possibilities & Challenges for the Sustainable Development of Air Transport
  10. Comprehensive Analysis of Transport Aircraft Flight Performance
  11. The Development of Passenger Air Transport in an Environment of Dynamic Changes
  12. Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft as the Future of Air Transport
  13. Aviation Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations for Future Aircraft and Air Transport
  14. Preventing Airsickness Problems in Air Transport
  15. Competition Regimes and Air Transport Costs: The Effects of Open Skies Agreements
  16. A Review of the Fuel Consumption Optimization in Air Transport
  17. Baggage Fees, Operational Performance, and Customer Satisfaction in the US Air Transport Industry
  18. Conceptual Design of Hybrid-Electric Transport Aircraft
  19. Human Factors Causations in Commercial Air Transport Accidents and Incidents
  20. Engineering Problems in the Operation of Air Transports
  21. Advanced Air Traffic Management in Reducing the Impact of Aircraft Noise and Enabling Aviation Growth
  22. The Evolution and Competitiveness of Air Cargo Transportation
  23. Air Cargo Carriers Role in Humanitarian Aid and Peacekeeping Operations
  24. Military Air Transport at the Beginning of the Second World War
  25. Safety & Security: 9/11 Impact on the EU Framework for Air Carriers and Aircraft Operators

đź’ˇ Simple Air Transport Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Linearity in the Long-Run Relationship Between Economic Growth and Passenger Air Transport
  2. Technological Advancements Shaping the Future of Air Transportation
  3. Looking Back at How Boeing Integrated the 787’s Avionics Systems
  4. Emergency and Contingency: Designing an Aviation Emergency Response Plan
  5. Recent Safety Issues Involving Bird Strikes and Aircraft
  6. Evaluating Airline Crisis Management Performance: Flights GE222 and GE235 Crash Accidents
  7. Aircraft Maintenance: Tool Control & Accountability
  8. Virgin Atlantic Airways Flight Delay & Cancelation Compensations
  9. Aircraft Accident Investigation: The Decision-Making in Initial Action Scenario
  10. The Continuing Dilemma of Aircraft Noise: Legal Approach
  11. How Air Transport Connects the World: Its Evolution Between 1990 and 2012
  12. Air Transport as an Object of Social & Geographical Research
  13. New AI System Offers Potential Air Traffic Management Solutions
  14. CO2 Emission Reporting of Air Transport in the Context of Sustainable Development
  15. Airbus vs. Boeing: International Competition in the Aircraft Market
  16. Environmental and Financial Sustainability of Air Transport: Are They Incompatible?
  17. The History of the Fatal Commercial Air Transport Crashes
  18. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Air Transport: Overview and Implications
  19. Government Intervention in Air Transport in the European Union
  20. A Comparative Overview of Accident Forecasting Approaches for Aviation Safety
  21. Different Types of Aircraft Inspections and How to Prepare
  22. How Aloha Airlines Flight 243 Exposed Fundamental Flaws in Aviation Safety
  23. A Review of Human Error in Aviation Maintenance and Inspection
  24. Preparing the Aviation Industry Transition on COVID-19 From Pandemic to Endemic Phase
  25. Deterring Airport Terrorist Attacks and Compensating the Victims

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