76 Healthcare Policy Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Healthcare Policy

✍️ Healthcare Policy Essay Topics for College

  1. Healthcare Organizations: Health Policy in Japan
    The healthcare industry is evolving quickly in all areas, creating a burden in healthcare service delivery. Addressing the issue gives more insight into who pays for healthcare.
  2. Advanced Practice Nurse: Healthcare Policy
    The paper states that advanced practice nurses could be a powerful asset to a medical organization and enhance the quality of provided healthcare.
  3. Health Care Policy: Eliminating Systemic Racism
    The paper states that the policy can be considered a stepping stone for meaningful change in eliminating systemic racism from the healthcare industry.
  4. Healthcare Policy Evaluation in the US vs. Mexico
    The implementation of healthcare programs aims to benefit the entire public. This paper seeks to evaluate the healthcare policy on central-line-associated bloodstream infection.
  5. Health Care Policy for Veterans With Mental Illness
    The paper discusses The National Research Action Plan as the current policy designed in 2013 to improve the health services for veterans, service members, and their families.
  6. The Significance of Healthcare Policy
    Healthcare policies significantly influence the quality of service rendered among patients since it is attributed to practitioners’ proficiency.
  7. Health Care Fraud and Abuse Policies
    Fraud and abuse are concerning issues in the healthcare industry that involve unlawful billing practices and prohibited commercial arrangements.
  8. Healthcare Policy Influences: COVID-19 Pandemic
    The research indicates that the impactful aspect of the economy of a nation became the most prominent during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  9. Advice for Affordable Healthcare Policymakers
    There is a need for reforms that will make healthcare more affordable, yet not many solutions that have long-term effects on the issue are being implemented.
  10. Healthcare Policy: Affordable Healthcare Act
    In 2010, President Barack Obama implemented the Affordable Care Act, which strived to provide access to medical services for most Americans.
  11. ABC Hospital: Health Care Policy
    This is the policy of the ABC Hospital’s radiology department to provide safe conditions for the patients and personnel connected to radiological procedures within the facility.
  12. PPACA: Healthcare Policy Analysis
    This paper explores and analyses the health care policy under the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
  13. Bush, Obama, and Trump: Healthcare Policy
    The following reflection will discuss how Bush, Obama, and Trump addressed the issues connected to AIDS and HIV.
  14. Healthcare System Financing Policy
    Systems for financing healthcare are critical towards attaining health coverage universally. Raising funds can finance healthcare while focusing on significant barriers reduction.
  15. Health Care: Public Policy Decisions
    As far as the value of human life is concerned, no dollar value can be placed on it. This can be attributed to an increase in the cost of health care.
  16. National Dialogue on Healthcare Policies
    The national dialogue on healthcare policy provides a forum for physician-industry collaboration and discussion of critical issues to provide a way forward on emerging issues.
  17. Healthcare Policy and Law Discussion Recap
    This paper is a revisit of the health care law to respond to certain raising issues regarding medical policies and legal regulations.
  18. Media in Healthcare Sector and Policy
    Speaking about the role of media in the relations between the healthcare sector and policy, one could say that it tends to revolve around various drawbacks peculiar to the given sector.
  19. Are Nurses Becoming Influential in Health Care Policymaking?
    Many people associate politics with the government and political aspirants. However, politics exists in the healthcare systems.
  20. The Healthcare Policy in the United States
    This essay looks at the current state of healthcare policies and the suitability of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
  21. Impact of Healthcare Policy Changes on Health Delivery
    Medical care systems are formed in order to meet medical. This paper will focus on the impact of the healthcare changes in the past and current health care delivery.
  22. Healthcare Policy: Quality vs. Restrained Costs
    Trying to balance the healthcare budget while at the same time providing high-quality health services is a huge and challenging task for the US government.
  23. America’s Healthcare Policy and Obamacare
    While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act does not consolidate America’s healthcare system, it plays a role in addressing inequalities and expanding public coverage.
  24. Summary of My Health Care Policy
    Healthcare is a vital constituent in society. My healthcare policy entails the infusion of quality and affordability through increasing the availability of care processes.

đź‘Ť Good Healthcare Policy Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Healthcare Dashboards: Potential Policies
    The function of dashboards has been expanding in the well-being area. They need to balance the visual viewpoints and the contained data to be essential for choice help.
  2. The Healthcare Policy: Bill H.R. 3340
    The bill will contribute to developing nurses’ ability to demonstrate cultural competence towards patients with different values, beliefs, and feelings.
  3. Competing Interests in a Health Care Policy
    The selected issue is in the area of health care policy, as competing interests play a major role in the formulation of a health care policy.
  4. Health Care Policy and Nurse Practitioner Practice
    Thus, this paper aims at explaining the meaning of health care policy and how it can impact the nurse practitioner practice.
  5. Health Care Policy and Procedure Development
    Despite the new technologies implementation hospitals face the issue of elaborating on the process of patient transition from one care setting to another manually.
  6. US Healthcare Policy: Obama’s Healthcare Reform
    President Barak Obama has a hard task ahead in making sure that the health situation of the country is addressed.
  7. Healthcare Policy and Nursing: Affordable Care Act
    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as a healthcare improvement initiative addresses multiple steps aimed at increased insurance and promotion of self-care
  8. Home-Based Healthcare Policy and Clinical Practice
    The analysis of home-based healthcare service can help to consider this approach in detail and identify potential gaps with the goal of eliminating and avoiding them.
  9. Healthcare Policy Issues: Health Equity
    One of the main healthcare policy issues that are currently in need of addressing is health equity (HE) (American Public Health Association).
  10. Advocacy in Nursing: The Process of Healthcare Policymaking
    Nurses spend most of their time with patients, and thus they understand strengths and limitations of the healthcare system from a broad perspective based on firsthand experience.
  11. Nurse Activist: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy
    Nursing professionals have become empowered to make decisions and question decisions of other healthcare professionals as well as policymakers.
  12. Healthcare Policy Effects on Individual: Affordable Care Act
    This paper considers the effects of healthcare policy on individuals and policymaking implications using the example of the Affordable Care Act.
  13. Health Care Policy: Florida House Bill 1277
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the data related to HB 1277 as a healthcare policy-priority issue for Florida and conclude regarding its importance for nursing.
  14. Healthcare Policy, Leadership and Performance
    The paper identifies the healthcare policy priority, approach for communicating with a policymaker, and discusses leadership and performance of healthcare systems.
  15. Health Technologies in Healthcare Policy
    The selected public policy for this discussion is the use of health technologies in healthcare. Medical technologies and informatics are currently impacting the quality of medical care.
  16. Patient Good Nutrition as a Healthcare Policy
    The paper identifies patient healthy nutrition as prioritized healthcare policy and defines an approach for communicating with a policymaker regarding this policy.
  17. Healthcare Policy and Pfizer’s Nigeria Scandal
    The case of Pfizer’s scandal in Nigeria raises numerous ethical questions. The company was engaged in a number of research malpractices.
  18. Healthcare Reform Policies in the United States
    Health care reform is an ongoing process whose aim is to transform or improve the quality of services available to different populations.
  19. High-Quality Healthcare Access: Policy Change
    The selected policy change revolves around reinforcing the role of nurses as leaders to support the delivery of high-quality medical services to patients.
  20. Health Care Policy in Mercy Miami Hospital
    This work is an interview with the employees at Mercy Miami Hospital, where underlines the importance of cultural differences as one of the main strengths of the organization.
  21. Long-Term Care Facilities and Healthcare Policy
    The services included in long-term care are very diverse and involve such forms of care as assisted living, ADC (adult day health care), homemaker services, and nursing home care.
  22. Health Care System: Cost Control Policy
    The main essence of the Michigan policy is that traditional payments for standard medical services are taken into account.
  23. Medicaid and Michigan Healthcare Policy
    Medicaid is a program for medical insurance for all ages Americans with a low income funded not only by the federal but also a state government.
  24. Nurses and New Health Care Policy
    Nursing roles have been already increased and developed considerably, and each new function is the possibility to improve health care for patients and speed up care delivery.
  25. American Healthcare Policies and Nursing Role
    As the present case demonstrates, it is not always evident for nurses how the process of policy-making develops and correlates with public health stakeholders’ consideration.

🎓 Most Interesting Healthcare Policy Research Titles

  1. Healthcare Advocacy and Its Impact on Healthcare Policy
  2. Congressional Committees and Healthcare Policy
  3. Healthcare Policy Affecting Access, Cost, and Quality
  4. What Is Health Policy and What Role Does It Play in Nursing?
  5. Defining Health and Identifying Influences on Healthcare Policy
  6. What Is the Current Healthcare Policy in the US?
  7. The Current Trends and Challenges Within the Healthcare Systems
  8. Healthcare Policy and Improve Patient Care
  9. What Is an Example of a Health Policy?
  10. Healthcare Policy and Complications in the United States
  11. Population-level Intervention and Information Collection in Dynamic Healthcare Policy
  12. Healthcare Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments
  13. Market Competition: Implications for Healthcare Policy in the United States
  14. The Importance of Healthcare Policy and Procedures
  15. Healthcare Policy: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
  16. What Is the Most Effective Healthcare System?
  17. Healthcare Policy Bill and Changes to the Medicare
  18. What Is the Purpose of a Health Policy?
  19. Factors Influencing Nurse’s Participation in the Health Policy-making Process
  20. Healthcare Policy and Economics in the Field of Nursing

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