Looking for catchy immigration topics to research or discuss? Look no further! We present to you our list of sociological essay topics on immigration, research topics, and discussion ideas. We’ve also included links to numerous paper samples in addition to immigration titles.
🏆 Best Essay Topics on Immigration
🧳 Current Argumentative Essay Topics about Immigration
Involuntary Immigration and Its Implications
Involuntary immigration comes as a result of climate change, economic hardships, war and conflict, and instability in the political landscape. People who have undergone it may experience human rights violations, such as exploitation and discrimination. There are political implications, too, as policies against immigration and refugees become more commonplace.
Prejudice Towards Illegal Immigrants
Prejudice or bias towards immigrants is referred to as xenophobia. It is doubly evident when it comes to illegal immigrants, as people tend to look down upon those who migrated through unofficial means. These immigrants tend to have less job opportunities, be persecuted by the law, and isolated from the rest of the society.
Mexican Immigration to the USA
Mexicans are among the largest group of immigrants in the United States, consisting of over 10 million people. They also consist the largest number of illegal immigrants, approximately 45% of all illegal immigrants in America. Most Mexicans are located either in California or Texas, and do not have US citizenship
Immigrant Contributions to the American Development
Immigration has plenty of positive contributions to American development, such as creation of new jobs with immigrant owned businesses. Additionally, immigrants stimulate the economy by spending money and engaging with the market. Immigrants also bring along their culture and expertise, enriching the American sociocultural landscape.
Critiquing Canada’s Current Immigration Policies
The Canadian government, despite its best efforts, has been facing criticism for its immigration policies. Advocacy groups claim that it has failed to support immigrants, with the country resettling more refugees than any other place in the world. With the cost-of-living crisis going up, people are becoming more and more skeptical about immigration by the day.
✍️ Immigration Essay Topics for College
- Language & Immigration in “Mother Tongue” by Amy TanThis paper discusses arguments of the article “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, problems that come from language barriers – with the emphasis on the related immigrants’ hardships.
- Latin American Immigration to the United StatesThis essay focuses on family dynamics, naturalization and immigration policy, and integration. Family dynamics are affected dramatically by the immigration process.
- Immigration Effects on the United KingdomThe essay will argue that the growing number of immigrants in the UK has increased aggregate demand and real gross domestic product, labor force, and decreased wages.
- Positive Effects of Immigration Essay ExampleThe main point of the given writing is to argue that immigration is generally a positive occurrence, which can benefit the United States both economically and socially.
- Girl in Translation: An Immigration and Coming-of-Age StoryThe story of young Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrating to New York from Hong Kong told in Girl in Translation crystallizes hardships that immigrants undergo.
- New York and California Immigration Policies ComparisonImmigration policy is the regulations and statutes governing are allowed to enter a country, including determinations of citizenship and visa issuance.
- Impact of Immigration on the EconomyLooking back on the United States’ history on the issue of immigration, the first immigrants came into the country starting in 1820.
- Immigration: Advantages and Ways of ImprovingImmigration can be described as the movement of people from one region to another either in pursuit of basic needs, better living conditions. Factors that cause people to migrate.
- Immigration Reasons, Functions and ProblemsThis paper highlights the main points of the immigration process: reasons including economic, political, religious, functions, and problems that cause immigration.
- U.S. Mexico Border Dilemma: Immigration & Drug Trafficking IssuesU.S Mexico border dilemma has been present for several years. It is apparent that the space between the countries exists almost as a separate state.
- Reasons Why Immigration Enhances DiversityThe paper states that immigration enhances diversity since it makes people connected around the world, expands culture, and leads to improvement.
- The Criminalization of Immigration in the United StatesThe article provides annotated bibliography which shows how immigrants face double standards of being strictly treated based on the consequences of criminal acts.
- “Freedom Writers”: Immigration and IndigenizationImmigration and indigenization in education connect people, being vital in expanding the horizons and perception of the world with its cultural differences.
- “Harvest of Empire”: Immigration in the United StatesThis essay aims to provide a reflective analysis based on the immigration problem within the United States by discussing the broadcasted Latino aspects in the “Harvest of Empire”.
- Impact of Immigration on American Society: Utilitarian & Kantian ViewsThis analytical paper attempts to explicate defiled human dignity as contributed by immigration in the American society.
- Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. HarkatCanada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. Harkat is a landmark case in Canada. This case brief outlines the details of this landmark Supreme Court Ruling.
- Acculturation and Immigration Trends in the UK: Sociocultural Impacts and AdaptationImmigration has always been associated with several negative issues, starting from unemployment due to the influx of immigrant labor force to the possibility of cultural conflicts.
- The New Literature of Immigration by Rob NixonThe book, “Crossing into America: The New Literature of Immigration” describes the United States as a country of immigrants. Rob Nixon notes that immigrants face uncertainties in new countries.
- Immigration Policy and International SecurityImmigration reform must start with the implementation of an appropriate immigration policy that caters to international and national security as well.
- United States Immigration Law: Security and Immigration ControlThe Immigration Act of 1965, which ushered in a new period that was more comprehensive, is still the foundation of the US immigration system today.
- “The Debate Over Immigration…” Article by BumpIn “The debate over immigration often relies on murky assumptions about the law,” Philip Bump argues that the debate surrounding immigration is often misguided.
- Inventing the Immigration Problem by Benton-CohenKatherine Benton-Cohen brings attention to how the Dillingham Commission (DC) affected people coming to the US.
- Industry and Mass Immigration to Ellis IslandBy the end of the nineteenth century, immigrants across the globe sought to enter the United States in search of new opportunities.
- Immigration in the 1900s vs. Immigration NowThe paper states that immigration in the 1900s and now has both similarities and differences. The reasons for immigrating have all changed over time.
- Immigration in Canada: Economic EffectsThis paper concentrates on the economic effects of immigration in Canada, such as responding to the aging demographic, expanding the labor force, and providing entrepreneurs.
- The Industrial Revolution: Immigration PoliciesThe Industrial Revolution period, which was defined by massive technological advancement, changed the nature of work, mainly in the United States.
- Immigration From the Northern Triangle to the USMigrants from the Northern Triangle countries will continue to arrive at the U.S. border unless socioeconomic and safety challenges in their homelands are addressed effectively.
- Immigration and Citizenship in the USThe issue of immigration and citizenship in the U.S. has led to the emergence of myths about immigrants, such as immigrants taking over jobs meant for American citizens.
- The Need to Eliminate Immigration Detention SystemThe paper states that the cruelty of the current immigration detention system in the USA is a vivid example of a severe violation of human rights.
- Immigration in the United States and GermanyEven though immigrants have a lower average level of education than native-born Americans, the immigrant population has contributed to the increase of the labor force in the US.
- Immigration Policies in the United StatesImmigration in the United States is widely debated with potent controversies: observing and exploring immigration policies allows us to identify their efficiency.
- Immigration in Canada and the USThe US and Canada remain the most significant and attractive points of immigration for many, but the two countries handle immigration differently.
👍 Good Immigration Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Gender Role Differences and ImmigrationGender roles have played a considerable role in the ways that women were assimilated in the process of immigration.
- An Immigration Policy in Oklahoma and the USThe Oklahoma and US immigration policy should focus on ensuring that positive social and economic change is a major priority when setting laws to govern illegal immigration.
- Criminalization of Immigration in AmericaThe paper will discuss the views of immigrants upon entering the US and explain why the American government permits set laws and policies to criminalize immigration.
- Criminalization of Immigration in the United States of AmericaThe criminalization of immigration is a topic that results in various debates. The impacts of using the set laws and regulations are felt by the immigrants.
- Immigration Entrepreneurship and Economic DevelopmentDespite strong opposition from various nations, research indicates that immigration regulations should be less enforced due to the overall positive effect on the economy.
- Canada’s Immigration Policy and Economic DevelopmentCanada’s immigration policies include educational background, language skills, and previous work experience, making an immigrant a professional who can greatly benefit the country.
- The Issue of Immigration: Articles’ Topics, Methods, Evidence, and Key FindingsThe given analysis will focus on the assessment of articles devoted to the subject of immigration in order to understand the intricacies of the issue.
- Immigration Policy: Impact on NursingThe role of the nurses is to deliver the proper service for every individual by advocating what is best for their overall wellbeing regardless of immigration policy.
- Haitian Immigration in the United StatesThe U.S. has a large number of immigrants compared to any part of the world since many people move there to join their families while others look for better job opportunities.
- Criminalization of Immigration in the USThis study aims to research why the United States of America is criminalizing immigration. The criminalization of immigration is becoming an alarming issue.
- Multicultural America: A History of ImmigrationAfrican Americans and American Indians were two groups that were extensively marginalized for the whole period before the 20th century.
- Human Rights Related to ImmigrationThe essay discusses human rights related to immigration and analyzes if there are any ways to improve the situation of migrants.
- Impact of Legal Immigration on the Economy of United StatesThe success of the USA in multiple spheres of life largely comes from a well-known and longstanding tradition to encourage people to leave their countries for a better life.
- Racial Inequality, Immigration, and Healthcare in the USThis essay discusses racial inequality, immigration, and healthcare in America, focusing on the preferential treatment of different races in the U.S.
- Why Immigration Is a Controversial Topic in the USWhile illegal immigration remains a controversial topic, it is imperative for modern society to look beyond bias, cultural differences, and false news headlines.
- Immigration Patterns: Risk of DisappearingWhile there is a risk of forgetting the less dominant culture, it is more likely to morph into a new culture together with the other globalized traditions.
- Immigration of Chinese Students to United States High SchoolsThe report will discuss the history of Chinese high school students’ immigration to the United States and how they settled in the country.
- Immigration Challenges in Selections from The John Harrower DiaryThe challenges of living in another country have been described in various sources, among which are selections from John Harrows’ diary.
- Immigration in Crisis in Episode 10 of the NASW PodcastThe NASW podcast was centered on the immigration rules in the U.S. and their impacts on social workers. This paper analyzes episode 10 on immigration in crisis.
- Illegal Immigration and a Path to CitizenshipThe paper analyzes illegal immigration remains one of the biggest challenges that every administration in the United States has to address.
- The Texas Border Security: Impact of ImmigrationTexas border is illegally crossed daily, which leads to an increase of unregistered individuals on the territory of the US.
- History of Immigration in the United StatesThe paper argues immigrants mainly founded the United States, and the country has been the recipient of the new energy and resourcefulness that foreigners bring.
- American Immigration History: From British Colonies to the PresentThis paper examines the significant episodes in the history of American immigration from the establishment of the British colonies to the present.
- Immigration System Complexity at US-Mexico BorderThe immigration system at the U.S.-Mexico border has been known for its complexity and reliance on restriction and inflexibility.
- “In America”: Family and Immigration in MovieThe movie “In America” represents one of the few honest portrayals of immigration and the life of immigrants in the American sociocultural context.
- Haitian Immigration and Religion in FloridaA significant number of Haitian nationals have migrated to other countries during the last century following the country’s political and economic turmoil
- Arguments For and Against ImmigrationImmigration is a matter that has sparked a debate regarding its impact, especially on western countries like the United States of America.
- Psychosocial Impacts of Immigration on Nigerian ImmigrantsThis paper aims to analyze the article titled “Psychosocial impacts of immigration on Nigerian immigrants in the United States: A phenomenological study”.
- Researching of Irish Immigration to the United StatesImmigration is a valuable part of each country’s history because it influences the culture, economy, and society by forming new traditions, providing a workforce
- Illegal Immigration in the United StatesThis paper argues that the decision to detain individuals to check their immigration status arbitrarily is harmful despite its potential positive effects.
- Immigration and Red Scare DiscussionThe Red Scare was characterized by a significant number of immigrants to the United States who were adherents of socialist, communist, and anarchist ideas.
- Border Security and ImmigrationBorder security is of paramount importance for preventing terrorism, but the current approach of heavy investment in physical barriers might not be the most effective approach.
🚄 Catchy Immigration Titles: How to Choose the Best One?
An essay on immigration can potentially deal with a myriad of different issues – this is why choosing a topic can become troublesome for some students. Immigrations laws and standards are different for each country. This is why you need to carefully consider the place you want to focus on. When writing your paper, you can deal with topics such as:
- Border security and immigration enforcement in the United States.
- The economics of immigration in Australia: who benefits most?
- A comparison of immigration laws in the UK and China.
- Tracing the history of immigration reforms in Germany.
- The issues of refugees in France – ethical concerns.
- What is the problem with illegal immigration from Mexico to the US?
- The impact of deportation on an individual’s well-being.
- Discussing the “demographic burden” in today’s society.
🔥 Hot Immigration Thesis Ideas
- Industrialization, Immigration and Urbanization in the Late 19th CenturyThe rapid industrialization caused a wave of resettlements in the urban areas, which eventually led to the US economic growth.
- U.S. History: Reconstruction, American Imperialism, ImmigrationThis paper discusses defined episodes of the history of the United States: Reconstruction, the Yellow Peril Movement, American imperialism, immigration and immigration laws.
- Industrial Revolution and ImmigrationThe outcomes of the US Industrial Revolution had a recognizable influence on the consequent history of the country and of the world as a whole.
- Immigration: Information SourcesImmigration information is very useful in drafting important national policies used for decision making and strategic planning.
- Immigration in the United States: Benefits and ChallengesThis research proposal discusses immigration in the United States from the point of view of its positive and negative impact on the population, the country’s economy, and politics.
- Immigration: America Needs Its Newcomers by QuindlenMigrants are involved in the real economy and create cheap goods that help millions of American citizens enjoy high living standards while working in lucrative creative spheres.
- Immigration Detention Centers in AmericaThis paper will discuss the history of detention centers, their spread across America, alternatives, federal spending, privatization, and criticisms.
- Illegal Immigration and Its ConsequencesIllegal immigration is a serious issue that cannot be neglected as it creates an array of problems for both the ‘host’ country and illegal immigrants themselves.
- Aspects of Immigration: Cultural AdaptationCultural adaptation is possible when an immigrant embraces difficulties and works on cultivating new relationships and grasping job opportunities.
- Illegal Immigration Issues: Threat to the CountryThis essay will center on the aspects of the security argument that seeks to establish whether illegal immigrants create a threat to a country.
- Immigration Reform: Asylum Ban and Mexican ImmigrantsThe Trump administration has been very aggressive in the enactment of policies to curb illegal immigration, especially from Mexico.
- Mexican Immigration to the USAA large diaspora was formed, which significantly supplemented American culture, for example, in terms of food, bringing new traditions and habits.
- The Repercussions of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986The US immigration policy indicates that immigration is a crucial element in the evolution of American society, and the problem of illegal migration has always been present in the country.
- U.S. Immigration Policy Moral DilemmaThe problem of ethical behavior and fair solutions is reflected in the philosophical work of American professor Stephen Macedo.
- Immigration in the U.S. and Its Economic ImplicationsImmigration supplies not only the necessary human capital but also investment resources while saving some of the costs.
- Investigating International Education: Teachers’ ImmigrationResearch study identified the ever-growing character of the process of teachers’ immigration into Israel, and decided to observe the way the concept of place affects teachers’ work.
- “We Should All be Pro-Immigration” by Don CayoDon Cayo manages to provide several reasonable and justifiable facts about the importance of accepting more immigrants into Canada.
- How World War Two Affected Black Immigration?The black population benefited from World War Two in various ways but they also faced untold sufferings at the hands of people who considered them as none or less human beings.
- Waves of Immigration in the United StatesThe United States witnessed a second surge of immigrants after the World War ll. Nearly 260 thousand of foreigners crossed the border.
- Can the EU Reduce Immigration Into Europe?European countries have always been attractive to immigrants. The main principle of the EU is to eliminate any borders to make trade and cooperation much easier.
- Globalization and Immigration: Globalization PoliciesLeaders and citizens in such nations feel threatened by the influx of both legal and illegal immigrants into their nations.
- Immigration Policy in US. Problem and SolutionFor the immigration policy to be addressed effectively the number of Immigrants in the United States has to be considered as one important issue.
- Illegal Immigration and Its Impact on Healthcare in the USABear-Stearns investment firm analysts claim that the US illegal immigrant population “may be as high as 20 million people.
- The Immigration Policies of US, China and SwitzerlandThe reasons for choosing these countries are; the frequent adjustment in their immigration policies to suit the increasing needs of immigrant.
- Immigration: Today’s Situation in the United StatesThe main reason for immigration is better standards of life, and stable political system. It’s supposed that illegal immigration deprives many native citizens their jobs.
- Modern Jewish History: Ashkenaz, Ottoman Empire, Aliyah, Immigration, WarJews in Europe experienced brutality, starvation, civil war, followed by the oppressive communist leadership.
- Immigration’s Economic Input in the United KingdomImmigration is one of the most important debated topics in the United Kingdom today. Britain has always been a destination for migrants.
- Involuntary Immigration and Its ImplicationsThis paper explores the implications of involuntary immigration in relation to the potential for social breakdown and increased criminal justice issues.
- Immigration Laws and Social Welfare PoliciesIllegal immigration remains one of the biggest concerns for the current US government. This paper looks at the significance of social welfare policies on immigration laws.
- Changes in United States Immigration PoliciesThe emergence of an era of rapid transport and communication led to the enactment of policies that limited immigration.
- Issues in U.S. Immigration Enforcement and ICE’s RoleImmigration enforcement issues have continued to grow in severity and complexity over the past several years. The key task of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect the country.
- Central American Immigrants and USA’s Changing PoliciesAmericans are a nation of immigrants who came to this land, hoping for better. However, today the approach to this central facilitator of the state’s growth is reconsidered.
- US Immigration Laws: History, Changes, and Current IssuesThere are many laws aimed at regulating the immigrant movements in the Commonwealth that have increased rapidly due to various career opportunities and higher living standards.
🌎 US Immigration Presentation Topics
If you are considering making a presentation on US immigration, you probably know that there are lots of areas you can cover. It is not an easy subject to approach. Here, we want to give you some pointers to help you get started.
- Start by taking a look at the historical context of migration and immigration to the United States.
- Then, you can describe the economic and legal frameworks of immigration.
- Talk about the debates on immigration reforms, analyzing both pro and against positions.
- Mention the cultural impact of immigration and how it contributed to the diversity of the United States.
- You can conclude by looking at how global migration trends influence the US.
⭐ Simple & Easy Immigration Essay Titles
- Donald Trump: Toughening Immigration Regulations and Chasing Illegal ImmigrantsDonald Trump was elected the President of the United States on November 8, 2016. Trump has repeatedly changed his views on various elements of the political agenda.
- Immigration Trends and Economic Effects in North AmericaCanada and the USA experience the highest influx of immigrants. This essay analyzes the impacts of immigration on the economies of Canada and the United States.
- In-Depth Analysis of Democratic Perspectives and Policy Approaches on ImmigrationImmigration can occur in two forms – legal and illegal, and while the latter form is majorly opposed and fought against, the former is treated from several different perspectives.
- Historical Perspectives on Immigration, Race, and Labor in AmericaDomestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo to reviews the lives of domestic workers from the historical perspective.
- US Racial Inequality, De Jure Segregation and Civil Rights ActSociety can be described as a mosaic of races with different people living together as one society. This situation is diverse from the times when they were pure in terms of race.
- Hamilton’s Impact: Immigration Themes in the Musical’s SoundtrackImmigration is one of the most controversial topics in American culture, mostly due to a host of political issues associated with it.
- Immigration: Socioeconomic and Political Issue in the U.S.Immigration is a socioeconomic as well as a political issue that has trigger attention on media platforms in the United States.
- Challenges and Issues Surrounding Illegal Immigration in the USThere are negative socio-economic issues that have been attributed to the presence of immigrants in the US, such as increased government spending and unemployment rates.
- Key Issues Surrounding Illegal Immigration in the United States: A Comprehensive OverviewThe United States of America are mainly inhabited by immigrants. Several millions of people came here during the past centuries to build a better future.
- Political Controversies Surrounding Mexican Immigration: Historical and Current PerspectivesThe article focused on the relevant and controversial aspects of modern politics, which is Mexican immigration.
- Immigration Advice and Application Assistance Scheme: Navigating Complex Processes and RegulationsThis essay highlights operations of the Immigration Advice and Application Assistance Scheme (IAAAS) as an organisation that provides services to immigrants.
- The Impact of Globalization on Immigration ControlGlobalization is one of the key factors that influence immigration. The effects are extensive to the extent of complicating the efforts of controlling immigration.
- Analyzing Specific Illegal Immigration Issues: Legal, Economic, and Social ImplicationsThis paper highlights some of the specific illegal immigration issues that touch on the country’s social welfare system.
- Illegal Immigrants and Social Services: Ethical and Practical ConsiderationsDenying illegal immigrants social services is illogical and unethical. Offering social services to illegal immigrants, such as health care, reduces their chances of spreading infectious diseases.
- Effects of Illegal Immigration in the U.S.: Control Measures and Societal ImpactsIllegal immigration is one of the main topics that have dominated debates across the United States for several decades.
- US-Mexico Border Wall: Addressing Illegal Immigration and Drug TraffickingThe US government is in process of constructing a 700-mile wall along the Mexican border. The wall would deter illegal immigrants from crossing over into the US.
- Illegal Immigration in the USA: Challenges, Causes, and ImpactsBased on basic facts and evidences, illegal immigrants should be allowed access to the entire basic requisite for life sustenance.
- Immigration to the United States: The Historical Significance of Ellis IslandEllis Island is the place where the thousands of immigrants started the new life during 1880s-1930s, so they contributed to the economic and social progress of the country.
- Immigration Politics in the US: Debates, Policies, and Societal ImpactImmigration to the US is a highly complex but important demographic feature that has led to steady increase in US population and cultural dynamism since the discovery of New World.
- Illegal Immigration in Border States: Arizona’s Tough LawsThe new Arizona immigration laws require immigrants to carry their documentation at all times. If the police stop the immigrants, they should produce their documentation.
- Illegal Immigration in the US: 11.4 Million Undocumented ResidentsThe illegal immigrants make up about 5.1% of the total workforce in the United States. This clearly shows that the problem is serious and needs to be addressed in an effective manner.
- Illegal Immigration’s Negative ImpactsThis paper is an argumentative essay on the case against illegal immigration which has a negative impact on health care, welfare, education and crime.
- American Policy-Makers Tackle Illegal Immigration with Arizona LawImmigration law can reduce several negative effects associated with illegal immigration. It is critical to develop a set of policies that alleviate the problem.
- Impact of Immigration Policies on Economic and Demographic Changes in the USThe current essay is an endeavor to explore the debate of granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. Consequently, the pros and cons of the debate shall be examined.
- Impact of Public Policy on Human Trafficking Perception in the USHuman trafficking is a problem which seems to be concealed and even ignored in the United States’ society because of a lack of the appropriate discussion.
- Impacts of Illegal Immigration: Effects on Immigrants and Host CountriesIllegal immigration to the developed countries causes problems both to immigrants and host countries. The paper studies the issues that appear due to the immigration.
- US-Mexico Border Wall: Mitigating Illegal ImmigrationThis paper argues that a great wall of America between Mexico and the US is the most effective way for the government to deal with the problem of illegal immigrants from Mexico.
- DREAM Act: Path to Residency for Immigrant GraduatesThe DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a law that aims to offer permanent residency to immigrants who show good moral character and graduates of American institutions.
- Analyzing Obama’s New Immigration Law: Implications and ReactionsImmigration laws are the policies that governments across the world establish to regulate who enters a certain country and the period that such s person is supposed to stay in the host country.
- Immigration Policy: Impact on Homeland SecurityThis paper will explore immigration policy as entailed in homeland security. It will also examine its contents as well as the changes it has undergone since its conception.
- A Mixed Method Approach to Border Control: Analyzing Mexican Immigration to the U.S.It is a controversy that illegal immigrants invade foreign countries for better life but instead end up living a life of concealing their identity.
🎓 Most Interesting Immigration Research Titles
- Immigration and Natives’ Attitudes Towards the Welfare State: Evidence From the European Social Survey
- Immigration Lottery Design: Engineered and Coincidental Consequences of H-1B Reforms
- American Immigration Restriction Laws of the 1920s
- American Immigration and How It Affected American Society and Development
- Are There Valid Economic Grounds for Restricting Immigration
- Does Immigration Induce ‘Native Flight’ From Public Schools Into Private Schools
- Immigration and Wages: New Evidence From the African American Great Migration
- Does United States Immigration Policy Harm Domestic Workers
- Immigration and Demographics: Can High Immigrant Fertility Explain Voter Support for Immigration
- Chicago’s Migration and Immigration Since 1865
- America Must Stop Illegal Immigration
- Immigration and the Health of U.S. Black Adults: Does Country of Origin Matter
- Continuity and Change: Immigration Policies in Germany From the Sixties to the Present
- Does Border Enforcement Protect U.S. Workers From Illegal Immigration
- America Needs Immigration Reform
- Immigration and National Identity Issues in Europe
- Anti Immigration and Xenophobia During the United States
- American Citizenship Policy and the Effects of Mexican Immigration
- Comparing Jewish Immigration With Chinese Immigration to the United States
- Immigration and the Colonial Labor System an Analysis of the Length of Indenture
- Immigration and Its Effect on the College-Going Outcomes of Natives
- Illegal Immigration From Cub the United States of America
- Illegal Immigration: Freedom for Some Is Hard to Achieve
- Canada and High Skill Immigration in the U.S.: Way Station or Farm System
- Can Immigration Compensate for Europe’s Low Fertility
💡 Simple Immigration Topics to Research
- Illegal Immigration Among U.s and Mexico
- Attitudes Towards Immigrants, Immigration Policies and Labor Market Outcomes: Comparing Croatia With Hungary and Slovenia
- Immigration 1840s-1850s and 1910s-1920s
- African American Migration and Foreign Immigration
- Blurring Boundaries? Immigration and Exogamous Marriages in Hong Kong
- Illegal Immigration Instigate More Crimes
- Canadian Immigration: Why Does Quebec Ignore the Central Canadian Immigration Policies
- German Immigration and the Development of the Beer Industry
- Donald Trump and His Mass Immigration Deportation Plan
- Attitudes, Canadian Immigration, Racial Minorities
- Beliefs, Media Exposure and Policy Preferences on Immigration: Evidence From Europe
- German Immigration and the Republic of Texas
- Cognitive and Non-cognitive Abilities of Immigrants: New Perspectives on Migrant Quality From a Selective Immigration Country
- Immigration and Crime: Evidence From Canada
- Documenting the Unauthorized: Political Responses to Unauthorized Immigration
- Immigrants and the Spread of Tuberculosis in the United States: A Hidden Cost of Immigration
- China Between Economic Growth and Mass Immigration
- Immigration and International Trade: A Semiparametric Empirical Investigation
- Development and Immigration: Experiences of Non-us Born Black Women
- Australian Immigration, Increasing Multiculturalism, and Discrimination
- Immigrant Specificity and the Relationship Between Trade and Immigration: Theory and Evidence
- Immigration and the Real Wage: Time Series Evidence From the United States, 1820-1977
- Germany’s Immigration Policy and Labor Shortages
- German Immigration and Their Settlement in Town Pennsylvania
- Chinese Illegal Immigrants and the Immigration Laws of Canada
📌 Easy Immigration Essay Topics
- Argument for Increasing American Immigration
- Illegal Immigration and Ways to Stop It in the United States
- Immigration and the Economic Status of African-American Men
- Germany’s Challenges: Immigration Barriers in Minds, Economic Concerns, and Subjective Well Being
- Factors That Probably Influenced Congress to Pass the Immigration Act of 1924
- Immigration and Intra-Industry Trade: The Relevance of Language, Qualification and Economic Integration
- Children’s Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: The Role of Parents’ Ethnicity and Immigration Status
- Australia Federation Encourages Immigration Policy
- Immigration and Immigrants Are Destroying America
- Immigration Controls and Chinese Small Business in the UK
- Illegal Immigration Issues and America’s Agricultural Policies
- Australian Migration Law and Practice: Immigration and Border Protection
- Does Immigration Raise Blue and White Collar Wages of Natives
- Illegal Immigration: Financial Burdens and National Security
- Closing Heaven’s Door: Evidence From the 1920s U.S. immigration Quota Acts
- American Public Unsatisfied With Us Immigration Laws
- Immigration, Cultural Distance and Natives’ Attitudes Towards Immigrants: Evidence From Swiss Voting Results
- Immigrant Children’s School Performance and Immigration Costs: Evidence From Spain
- California: The Dividing Issue of Illegal Immigration
- Immigration and the Tech Industry: As a Labor Shortage Remedy, for Innovation, or Cost Savings
- Immigration and Heterogeneous Labor in Western Germany: A Labor Market Classification Based on Nonparametric Estimation
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement Promotes Security in America
- Family-Friendly and Human-Capital-Based Immigration Policy
- Current Immigration Policies and Possible Remedies
- Immigration and the Diffusion of Technology: The Huguenot Diaspora in Prussia
❓ Immigration Research Questions
- How Does Immigration Affect the US Population?
- How Does Immigration Helps a Country?
- How Far Would You Agree That Immigration Has Had a Beneficial Impact on Your Society?
- How Should America Handle Illegal Immigration?
- How Successful Were Immigration Schemes in the British, French, and Spanish Territories?
- How Was the Large Immigration of Overseas Students Affected New Zealand?
- Should America Encourage Immigration?
- Should the US Immigration Laws Be Changed?
- What Is Happening About Immigration in Key Countries?
- Are Attitudes Towards Immigration Changing in Europe?
- Why Does Quebec Ignore the Central Canadian Immigration Policies?
- Can Illegal Immigration Ever Be Solved?
- Can the Rising Pension Burden in Europe Be Mitigated by Immigration?
- How Does Turkeys Role as a Transit Country for Illegal Immigration Impact the EU’s Border Security?
- Does Broadband Facilitate Immigration Flows?
- Does Education Affect Attitudes Towards Immigration?
- Does Immigration Affect Demand for Redistribution?
- Does Immigration Affect Public Education Expenditures?
- Does Immigration Affect the Long-Term Educational Outcomes of Natives?
- How Does Diversity and Immigration Impact Innovation?
- How Was Immigration Throughout the 1960s?
- What Are the Four Types of Immigration?
- What Is the Difference Between Immigration and Emigration?
- Who Is Considered an Immigrant?
- What’s the Difference Between Immigration and Citizenship?
- Are Green Card Holders Immigrants?
- What Are 3 Types of Non-Immigrant Visas?
- Which Country Has the Most Immigrants in Europe?
- Which European Country Accepts Most Immigrants?
- What Countries Do Not Allow Immigrants?