103 Movies Comparison Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Movies Comparison

✍️ Movies Comparison Essay Topics for College

  1. Polanski’s and Kurzel’s Film Adaptations of Macbeth
    This paper explores two well-known film adaptations of Macbeth, Polanski’s Macbeth and the modern remake of Macbeth, directed by Justin Kurzel.
  2. South Africa Spotlight in Neill Blomkamp’s Movies
    Although Blomkamp’s movies were relatively successful with regard to their box offices, the critics’ attention was also drawn to the depiction of Africans and Bantu Immigrants.
  3. “The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” and “The Kite Runner” Films
    Both films reveal major historical conflicts: “The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” is dedicated to the genocide of Jews by Nazi Germany, “The Kite Runner” depicts the war in Afghanistan.
  4. “Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban”: Book and Movie Comparison
    Both the book “Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban” and its film adaptation share the same character set. The lead character is the hero Harry Potter, a famous wizard.
  5. “Odyssey” and “Troy”: Compare and Contrast
    The content in the Odyssey may look medieval accounting for what has been portrayed in Troy; however, the latter has formed a basis for evident vengeance in politics.
  6. Maurice by E.M. Forster Novel and Film Adaptation Comparative Analysis
    The analysis of one scene from the book “Maurice” by E.M. Forster and the same scene from the screen version of the novel by J.Ivory to show the quality of the screen version.
  7. “Lives of Others” by Dreimann and Orwell’s “1984”
    The themes explored in both works are the manipulation of public opinion, government oversight, disillusion with the existing political system.
  8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: Book and Film Compared
    One flew over the cuckoo’s nest is a novel that was written in 1965 and adapted into stage plays and even a movie in the 1971.
  9. “Seven Samurai” and “The Magnificent Seven” Movies
    “Seven Samurai” by Akira Kurosawa and “The Magnificent Seven” by John Sturges are considered with the number seven as an optimal quantity for feeling protected.
  10. “The Shawshank Redemption” and “Bladerunner”: Comparison
    The Shawshank Redemption is an adaptation based upon a story by Steven King. Bladerunner is a futuristic adaptation of Phillp K. Dick’s story “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”
  11. Cold War Comedy: Kubrick & Jewison’s Nuclear Satire
    Stanley Kubrick in his movie Dr. Strangelove and Norman Jewison in his movie The Russians Are Coming used comedy genre for expressing their criticism of the nuclear strategies.
  12. The Public Enemy and The Godfather Films Analysis
    This article compares two films (The Public Enemy by William A. Wellman and The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola) by analyzing the common themes and stylistic devices used.
  13. Romero vs. Voces Innocentes: Films Comparison
    The essay compares the Romero and Voces Innocentes films, discussing life events that happened to Oscar Romero from his childhood to the time he was organizing protests.
  14. “Scarface” by B. Palma and “Traffic” by S. Soderbergh Analysis
    Analysis of Scarface and “Traffic” lead to long-term reflections on the interaction of man and the law, society, and power, and also create a brilliant visual series.
  15. Comparative Analysis of “The Mummy” and “Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari”
    The films “The Mummy” produced by Karl Freund and “Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari” are some of the earliest horror movies that based their plot on mysterious murders and the use of paranormal powers.
  16. Money & Ethics in ‘Double Indemnity’ vs. ‘The Spanish Prisoner’ Films
    Two famous and fascinating films will be analysed – Double Indemnity by Billy Wilder and The Spanish Prisoner by David Mamet.
  17. Horror Films: Articles Analysis and Comparison
    This paper is aimed at comparison of two articles concerning horror films. The paper points out the main strengths and weaknesses of articles under analysis.
  18. “The Slumdog Millionaire” and “The Hurt Locker” Films
    The paper compares two films – “The Slumdog Millionaire” and “The Hurt Locker” from the perspective of geographical concepts (space, time, place, scale, etc.).

👍 Good Movies Comparison Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice” Films
    The creation, development, and effects of “Sense and Sensibility” and “Pride and Prejudice” on people are impressive. Both are strong examples of visualization of Austen’s work.
  2. “Girl, Interrupted” and “The Age of Adaline” Films
    The films that will be subjected to analysis of communication are 1999 Girl, Interrupted filmed by Mangold, and 2015 The Age of Adaline directed by Krieger.
  3. The “Birth of a Nation” and “Hallelujah” Films
    This paper explores the films “Birth of a Nation” by D. W. Griffith and “Hallelujah” by Dan Geller and Dayna Goldfine in terms of their cultural elements and imagery.
  4. “Workers Leaving…,” “Metropolis,” “Trouble in Paradise,” “Rear Window” Films
    Comparing the “Workers Leaving the Lumiere Factory,” “Metropolis,” “Trouble in Paradise,” and “Rear Window,” the paper investigates how filmmakers use the tools.
  5. “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”: Book and Movie Comparison
    “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” introduces more new characters and changes the tone; there is also a big difference between the film version and its source material.
  6. “Hotel Rwanda” and “Equilibrium” Films Similarities and Differences
    The films “Hotel Rwanda” and “Equilibrium” have one significant feature in common, showing that the world will never go into tatters till brave individuals live.
  7. Comparison of “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” and “Birdman”
    When comparing the themes of “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” and “Birdman”, viewers can note one difference the former provides a superhero story, while the latter is a parody.
  8. Comparison of the Books and the Movies
    This essay will aim to contrast both ways of representing the story and learn about the pros and cons of each by comparing their features.
  9. Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” Book and Movie Comparison
    “The Great Gatsby” can be called a faithful interpretation, however, it still has some personal analysis of the director.
  10. “Inextinguishable Fire” and “Cut Piece”
    The “Cut Piece” camerawork is more dynamic than in the “Inextinguishable Fire”. The camera is handheld, which accounts for the effect of the viewer’s presence in the movie.
  11. Review of “Hannibal” Movie and Comparison of Articles
    The first article criticizes the use of gore in horror media for its inability to impact the audience but the second article attempts to defend “Hannibal” against the criticism.
  12. “Good Hair” and “Americas: Mirrors of the Heart”: Documentaries Comparison
    This paper represents the summary and a critical analysis of two films related to the issue of racial self-identification – “Good Hair” and “Americas: Mirrors of the Heart.”
  13. Women Displayed in ‘She’ and ‘The Vagabond’ Films
    The films ‘She’ and ‘The vagabond’ by Robert Day and Agnes Vardas consecutively have a similar way in which they have displayed the women.
  14. Twelve Years a Slave, Isn’t It Romantic, Chef: Movies Comparison
    In my opinion, all three movies that I am going to discuss in this paper are more or less helpful for those people who want to learn about the U.S. culture.
  15. Movies Based on J. Austen’s Books Review
    The films aim to describe the history of England, where women possessed numerous issues of oppression and inequality.

🌶️ Hot Movies Comparison Ideas to Write about

  1. Racial Discrimination in Analyzed Movie and Book
    Movie industry and book creating are very common items, if to observe them in general terms. Films and books are aimed to entertain people.
  2. Petersen’s “Air Force One” and Reed’s “Down With Love”: Comparison
    In Films directors make heavy use of special visual effects and utilize the use of single straight through shots with only camera for most of the movie.
  3. Shakespeare’s & Zeffirelli’s “Taming” and “Romeo & Juliet”
    Two films directed by Franco Zeffirelli: “The Taming of the Shrew” (1967) and “Romeo and Juliet” (1968) are based on William Shakespeare’s same name works.
  4. Zombie Films: Social and Psychological Themes in Horror
    Zombie 2 and Diary of the Dead utilize different tools to achieve the visual impact and convince the audience to believe what they see.
  5. Iron Man and The Avengers: Films Comparison
    The Avengers, which was released in 2012, brought Iron Man together with other superhero characters to facilitate the collaboration of individuals.
  6. American Movies and Foreign Policy: Analysis of International Relationships
    Hotel Rwanda, The Terminal, and Argo are the movies where foreign policies and international relations of the U.S. are traced and explained to demonstrate the status of the country and its role in the global arena.
  7. Comparing Why Him? and Bridget Jones’s Baby: Romantic Comedy Insights
    “Why Him?” and “Bridget Jones’s Baby” are American comedies that make people smile and believe that human life can be easy in case people try to develop appropriate and trustful relations.
  8. Review and Analysis of Films “Tulpan” and “A Town Called Panic”
    This report reviews “Tulpan” and “A Town Called Panic” movies and examines what they are about, from an American perspective and a Muslim perspective.
  9. “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” Comparison
    “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and “About Time” are certainly worth watching because they portray convincing characters and unexpected twists of the plot.
  10. Aloha’ and ‘Man Up’: A Romantic Comedy Comparison
    Both Aloha and Man Up are romantic comedies and have something in common. First of all, in both movies, we can see the depiction of people who fall in love unexpectedly.
  11. Films Comparison: “Psycho” by Gus Van Sant and Hitchcock
    The film of Gus Van Sant`s Psycho in 1998 put out of temper practically everybody who has seen this movie. In Hitchcock`s Psycho the violence is also present, but not in the contemporary scope.
  12. Portrayal of African Americans in the Movies
    This paper discusses the changing portrayal of African Americans in 1930-1960s films with reference to Negro Soldier, Gone with the Wind, and Double Indemnity.
  13. Cultural Diversities in Double Happiness & Do the Right Thing
    A primary goal of this essay is to compare and contrast the points about different attitudes towards diversities, which were presented in two movies, Double Happiness and Do the Right Thing.

🎓 Most Interesting Movies Comparison Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Buddhism & Pop Culture: The Comparison Between “The Matrix,” “Fight Club,” and Buddhists’ Beliefs
  2. Remake Rivalry: The Eye (2002) vs. The Eye (2006)
  3. The End of the World in the Movies “2012” and “Knowing”
  4. Legendary Superheroes in Big Brawls: “Batman v. Superman” and “Captain America: Civil War”
  5. How Come “The Hunger Games” & “Divergent” Are the Same Movie
  6. Film Comparison: “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” and “Rosie the Riveter”
  7. The Obsession of Success in “Whiplash” and “Black Swan”
  8. Back-to-Back Comparison: “No Strings Attached” vs. “Friends With Benefits”
  9. Evaluating the First Three Film Adaptations of “Little Women”
  10. Life From an Ant’s Point of View: “Antz” and “A Bugs Life”
  11. Comparison Between the Movie “Twilight” and the TV Series “The Vampire Diaries”
  12. Scary Movie vs. Not Another Teen Movie: A Comparison
  13. Charlie Chaplin’s “The Kid” and Rowan Atkinson’s “Mr. Bean” Comparison
  14. The Heist Film Comparison: “The Killing” & “Reservoir Dogs”
  15. Maersk Alabama Hijacking in the Films “A Hijacking” and “Captain Phillips”
  16. The Battle of Magicians: “The Prestige” vs. “The Illusionist” Films
  17. Comparing “Shawshank Redemption” and “Murder in the First” Movies
  18. Latino Movies Comparison: “Born in East L.A.” and “El Norte”
  19. Being Filmed 24/7 in “The Truman Show” and “EDtv”
  20. Representations of Women in the Movies “The Color Purple” and “Monster”
  21. Movie Comparison: “Baby Boom” and “Three Men and a Baby”
  22. Polanski’s Film Comparison “Chinatown” and “Pianist”
  23. Comparison Between Novel and Movie Versions of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”
  24. Animal Farm 1954 and 1999 Films Comparison
  25. “The Badlands,” “The Graduate,” and “The Sound of Music” Movie Comparison

💡 Simple Movies Comparison Essay Ideas

  1. Comparing “Mirror Mirror” to “Snow White and the Huntsman”
  2. Hollywood’s Obsession With Mars: “Mission to Mars” and “Red Planet”
  3. Ready Player One Comparison: Book vs. Movie
  4. X-Men Movie Characters Compared to Their Comic Book Counterparts
  5. An Animated Film Comparison: “Coco” vs. “The Book of Life”
  6. Comparison of Heroine’s Journey in “Brave” and “Moana” Films
  7. Juvenile-Delinquent Mellow-Drama Genre: “The Blackboard Jungle” vs. “Rock ‘n’ Roll High School”
  8. A Premiere Comparison: “The Hunger Games” vs. “Twilight”
  9. Lord of the Rings vs. Harry Potter: The Ultimate Fantasy Franchise
  10. “World Trade Center” & “United 93” as Stories of 9/11 From Different Perspectives
  11. Differences and Similarities Between “Star Wars” & “Star Trek”
  12. Choosing the Best War Movie: “Saving Private Ryan” vs. “The Thin Red Line”
  13. What’s the Difference: Jumanji’s 1995 & 2017 Versions
  14. Similarities Between “Black Swan” and the Animated Film “Perfect Blue”
  15. “Battle: Los Angeles” Looks Better Than “Skyline” and Here’s Why
  16. Scary Journeys Deep Below Earth’s Surface: “The Cave” and “The Descent”
  17. Franchise Wars: “Rambo” vs. “Terminator” vs. “Die Hard”
  18. Spirited Away & Alice in Wonderland: A Comparison of Two Magical Films
  19. Comparison Between Film Adaptations of “The Glass Menagerie”
  20. The White House in Peril: “Olympus Has Fallen” and “White House Down”
  21. Violence & Morality in “American Psycho” and “A Clockwork Orange”
  22. How the Earth Was Nearly Destroyed in Both “Armageddon” and “Deep Impact”
  23. New Space Jam vs. Original: Comparing the Two Movies
  24. The Life of the Former Apple CEO Portrayal in “Jobs” (2013) and “Steve Jobs” (2015)
  25. Comparing Book to Film: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

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