79 Muslim Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Muslim

đź‘Ť Good Muslim Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Geography: France and Its Muslims Article by Stephenie Giry
    In the article “France and Its Muslims,” the author Stephenie Giry is trying to highlight the issue of integration in Europe.
  2. A Christian-Muslim: Is It Possible?
    On strict literal ground neither of the faiths fit in exactly on the other. This can be achieved when analysis are made beyond the doctrines into mainstream practices.
  3. Terrorism, Its Prevention and Impact on Muslim Communities
    To address the issue of terrorism, one must recognize the diversity within Muslim communities to prevent stigmatization and racial profiling.
  4. Muslim Integration in Switzerland
    One of the problems Switzerland has to solve is the community’s polarization due to the opposition of the Christian and secular majority to the Muslim minority.
  5. “The Muslim World…” Book by Angel Rabasa
    The book “The Muslim World After 9/11” by Angel Rabasa explores the changes that occurred in the Muslim world’s political environment following the incident of September 11, 2001.
  6. Perspectives on Muslim Women’s Rights and Feminism
    The purpose of the chapter written by Nash is to identify the problems associated with feminism in the context of the Middle East.
  7. The 1967 War from the Jewish & Muslim Perspectives
    This paper will analyze the 1967 war from the Jewish and Muslim perspectives and discuss the historical context of this conflict.
  8. Prejudice and Discrimination Against Muslim Americans
    American perceptions of Muslims in society are influenced by the discourse that pits Islam and Western ideals against one another.
  9. Jews Under Muslim and Christian Rule
    Not having their state, the Jews were forced to emigrate and live in various countries under the rule of different nations and religions.
  10. Christians, Jews, and Muslims Have the Same God
    Most often is a topic of discussion whether Christians, Islamic and Judaism religions worship the same God. This topic has been a matter of debate throughout history.
  11. The Veil in the Modern Muslim Community
    This essay aims to consider the most relevant approaches to the interpretation of the meaning of the veil and covering the face and body of women professing the Muslim confession.
  12. The Five Pillars of Islam in the Muslim Culture
    The five pillars of Islam are highly crucial for every believing person as they present the core belief and ideas of the religion.
  13. Laila Lalami’s “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s Gray Zone”
    In “My Life as a Muslim in the West’s Gray Zone”, Laila Lalami expresses her thoughts regarding the status of Muslims in the world, specifically in the US.
  14. “My Life as a Muslim in a West’s Grey Zone” by Lalami
    In “My life as a Muslim in a West’s Grey Zone”, Laila Lalami discusses the treatment of Muslims not involved in terrorist organizations in the West.
  15. The Politicization of Muslim Identity
    It can be characterized the way radical Islam is seen as resistant to modernization by the distinguishing side of the “Culture Talk” of Mamdani
  16. Racialized Rhetoric: Domestic Violence and Muslim Community
    The work analyzes the rhetoric in the news article, which discusses forced marriage and compares it to the existing research regarding violence against women and racialization in the media.
  17. Five Percents of the Muslim Religion
    The basic faith of Muslim religion is same, i.e. to believe in one God Allah and His prophets as messengers. Different Muslim sects evolve from followers of different Imams.
  18. War on Terror Impact on Muslims & Their Responses
    The war on terror has been transformed into a war on Muslims. The Muslims living in the US have lived in constant fear and panic.
  19. Islam and Muslims’ Life in Xinjiang Province, China
    In order to restore peace in Xinjiang’s autonomy, the government must respect Muslims and provide them with equal economic and social opportunities.
  20. Muslim Holidays in the United States Schools
    Eid-Ul-Adha and Eid-Ul-Fitr are the two most important holidays of the Islamic religion and there is a large concentration of Muslim immigrants in New York.
  21. History of Islam: The World with Only 100 Muslims
    The history of Islam started from one single person that was Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) that came up bringing Islam as the last religion with a revealed book Quran.
  22. Impact of Mosque Attendance on Political Participation
    When examining the rate of political participation of genders within the American Muslim population, it can be seen that 67 percent of males participated as compared to only 32 percent of females.
  23. Muslim Faith and Healthcare Relationship
    This paper discusses the relationship between the Muslim faith and health care. Cultural backgrounds have a significant effect on a person’s attitudes toward health care.
  24. Islam in the US: History, Culture, and Post-9/11 Challenges
    The US has had longstanding stable relationships with Islam nations. However, the relations deteriorated after the 9/11 attacks.
  25. Sean Foley: Muslims’ Role in Atlantic History and Heritage
    Sean Foley in his work tries to bring out the impact of the Muslim in transforming and shaping social and political reform in the Atlantic beach.
  26. Muslim Culture Representation in “Islam in America”: A Cinematic Perspective
    This discussion gives a detailed reflection of the movie “Islam in America” to support arguments that Islam is a religious faith of peace.
  27. Insights from Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s “Infidel”: Muslim Women’s Rights and Challenges
    Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Infidel can be seen as a means to enhance Islamophobia. However, the novel can be used as a powerful tool for fighting for women’s rights.
  28. Construction of the Identities of the Muslim Women
    This paper attempts to examine how the identity of the Muslim women in the US is constructed in order to address the literature gap created by the studies that only focused on discrimination.
  29. Muslim vs. Western Women: Sociological Perspectives and Comparisons
    This discussion compares the lives of Muslim and western women in the social, political and economics scenes. Muslim women have a special place in society.
  30. Impact of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on Muslim Communities: A Comprehensive Study
    On September 11 2011, Islamic extremists crashed four airplanes into strategic locations in the USA. The present paper discusses the consequences of this historical event on Muslims.
  31. Opportunity to Explore Their Abilities in Learning for Muslims
    Muslims in several parts of the world continue to experience cold relations with other members of the society with each side having negating stereotypes of the other.
  32. Rebab: Two-String Fiddle in Muslim Nations
    This paper will identify world music terms and instruments in the countries like Africa, Indonesia, Latin America and other countries.

đź’ˇ Simple Muslim Essay Ideas

  1. Differences Between Muslim and Non-Muslim Communities
  2. British Rule and the Muslim Revolution
  3. Educating Tolerance and Promoting Muslim Inclusivity
  4. Communist Party and Its Muslim Minorities
  5. Homegrown Muslim Radicalization and Terrorism
  6. The Meaning and Significance of Hajj for a Muslim
  7. Divorce Under Hindu and Muslim Law
  8. Key Issues That Impact British Muslim Identity Today
  9. Khimar Wear for Muslim Women
  10. Christian and Muslim Views of Trade
  11. Political Parties and the Muslim Republics
  12. Christian and Muslim Views on the 14th Century Plague Known as Black Death
  13. Being Muslim and September 11
  14. Muslim Invasion for the Development of Western Europe
  15. Baha’i and Muslim Faith
  16. Muslim American Faces Much Discrimination
  17. Marriage Process and Celebrations in the Muslim Culture
  18. Employment and Discrimination Experiences of Muslim Women
  19. Euthanasia and Muslim Beliefs
  20. Male and Female Roles in Muslim Countries

đź“Ś Easy Muslim Essay Topics

  1. Europeans and Muslim Lands
  2. Hindu Muslim Violence and India
  3. Global Civilization and Muslim Contributions
  4. Christian and Muslim Religious Tolerance
  5. Muslim Diabetics and the Impact of Fasting During Ramadan
  6. France Bans the Muslim Burqa and Veil
  7. American and Muslim Slave Trade
  8. Contemporary Muslim Turkey and the Religion Theory of Karl Marx
  9. Burma Thailand Relations and Muslim Immigrants
  10. Anti Arab and Anti Muslim Stereotyping
  11. Ethnic Tensions Between the Uyghur Muslim and Han Migration
  12. Iqbal Quran and Muslim Unity
  13. Firm Internationalisation Within the Muslim World
  14. Health Culture Muslim Societies
  15. French Public Schools and Veil Wearing Muslim Women
  16. Investment Vehicles for Emerging Muslim Economy
  17. Muslim Americans and the Impact of September 11th
  18. American Freedoms for the Muslim World
  19. Kerala: First Indian Muslim Woman Imam to Lead Jummah Prayers
  20. Motivation for Education and Work Among Young Muslim Women

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "79 Muslim Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/muslim-essay-topics/.

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