98 Nike Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Nike

✍️ Nike Essay Topics for College

  1. Nike Social Media vs. Adidas Social Media: Marketing Analysis
    This case study is aimed to study the official accounts of Adidas and Nike, on four of the most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
  2. Nike Porter’s Five Forces and SWOT Analyses
    While its primary market is North America, where Nike is an absolute leader, it is also present on the Western European market, where the UK holds the largest share of 15%.
  3. Marketing Methodology of Nike
    The paper discusses Nike as the most demanded apparel merchant. The company’s unique marketing strategies allow it to sustain its leading position in the market.
  4. Nike Inc.’s Strategic Opportunities and Limitations
    This paper uses Nike as a successful company’s example to study the international expansion strategy, explore it through SWOT analysis, and identify improvement opportunities.
  5. Nike Company: Marketing Principles and Concepts
    Nike is an American multinational corporation, which was founded in 1964. The report will culminate by discussing the correlation between marketing department and other departments in Nike.
  6. Nike SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, & Value Chain Analysis
    The report analyses sources of Nike’s competitiveness in the UK market, conducts the Five Forces and the SWOT analyses, and describes Nike’s internal environment.
  7. Marketing Analysis: Nike Air Force One Shoes
    Market share of the Nike Air Force One Shoes is close to 34%. (Mokhiber 73). The company is engaged in sports wear manufacturing, however, the key product is the sport footwear.
  8. Nike Vs. Adidas Marketing Strategy – Differences & Similarities
    The purpose of this assignment is to review marketing strategies used by two different companies in the same industry. Sports apparel companies, Nike and Adidas have been chosen for this study.
  9. Nike’s ‘Choose Go’ Commercial Analysis
    The paper states that Nike’s “Choose Go” commercial uses ethos, pathos, and logos to convince the audience to purchase Nike products.
  10. Nike’s Organizational Culture: Approaches & HR Management
    This paper description of Nike Inc., its cultural analysis, the organization’s approach to staffing, and/or how it influences the performance of the organization.
  11. Nike Competitive Advantage & Major Competitors
    Description of the market structure within which the company operates, company’s pricing strategies, company products, and development of strategies in the changing global economy.
  12. Nike’s Example of Business Ethics
    Good and admirable business ethics should be observed in every business, some businesses have been fined for not following their intended business ethics.
  13. Nike’s Favorite Integrated Marketing Communication Tools
    This paper aims to analyze and evaluate what integrated marketing communication tools Nike uses to promote its products.
  14. Nike Global Strategy & Marketing Approaches
    Nike Inc. is a multinational corporation that deals with the design, development, production of different varieties of sports products. The company focuses on the sports industry.
  15. Nike Inc.’s International Marketing Strategies
    The paper has examined Nike’s key international marketing strategies, namely, the use of technology and customer segmentation.
  16. Nike Company’s Marketing Principles and Practice
    Nike heavily relies on the concept of marketing mix to realise good profits in the backdrop of the stiffening competition in the sports garments industry.
  17. The Cahill Versus Nike, Inc.: Sport in Society
    Cahill versus Nike, Inc. is a class action lawsuit. The parties in the lawsuit included Alyssa Anderson, Kelly Cahill, and Samantha Keller.
  18. Statistical Analysis of the Nike Company
    Nike is one of the best fashion firms in the world. This analysis has included the statistical analysis that was done via the excel analysis tool pack.
  19. Nike’s History of Fair Labor and Living Wages
    This paper explores Nike’s historical experience as one of the industry leaders in sportswear management of ethical principles. It has had acts of immoral behavior.
  20. Nike: Company Analysis
    Key sections of this document provide an evaluation of the Nike’s external environment, its market share, internal operational dynamics and critical factors that influence its performance.
  21. Nike Inc. and Adidas Group: Business Direction and HR Planning
    The industry’s code, according to the N.A.I.C.S., is 339920, which refers to sporting and athletic goods manufacturing (“N.A.I.C.S. Code Description”).
  22. Nike Inc. Financial Analysis
    The Nike brands are categorized into running, football, training, sportswear, and the Jordan brand. It has its products for different age groups, including children.
  23. Brand Management: Nike Case Study
    This document includes Nike’s assessment and response to consumer behavior affected by the global climate change trend.
  24. Nike Internal Analysis
    This report will analyse the internal structure, performance, and practices of Nike to identify threats and provide a list of recommendations.
  25. Nike Inc.’s External and Internal Forces and Trends
    This work explores the SWOTT structures of Nike and evaluates which SWOTT elements affect the organization’s ability to remain competitive while conducting business.
  26. Nike Inc.’s Analysis for Investment Decision
    In the case study, a fund management firm North Point Group desires to invest in Nike footwear manufacturer. This follows its history of investing in some 500 fortune companies.
  27. Nike Company Change Techniques and Decision Making
    The case study explores introduction of new products at Nike and discusses how Nike can use change techniques to improve effectiveness and competitive advantage.
  28. Nike and Its Effects on Individual Self-Identity
    Nike is a famous brand in the present world because millions of people throughout the globe wear its products.
  29. Nike Inc.’s Strategic Planning
    Through the solid strategic planning that Nike has been able to formulate over the years it has been able to maintain its competitiveness against its competitors.
  30. Nike Social Media Analysis
    This research work is aimed at evaluating user perception of Nike products through social networks, in particular, Instagram, Amazon, and YouTube.
  31. Nike+: Advice and Recommendations for Development
    Digital technologies never stand still, and Nike + platform, where samples of the latest scientific thought of experts are collected, is a vivid confirmation.

👍 Good Nike Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Nike Air Marketing Success: Research, Tools, and Competition
    Market research and diverse marketing tools are key to Nike Air’s success, which are supported by insights into competition strategies and performance metrics.
  2. Nike Company’s Strategic Management Tools
    The most crucial consideration that built Nike’s successful management was the development of strategic marketing through strategic management tools.
  3. The Nike Brand Advertisement Analysis
    The Nike brand advertisement pays special attention to the importance of sports for people. This advertisement is aimed at demonstrating that sports are available to everyone.
  4. Nike Inc.’s Successful Collaborations
    The paper states that Nike Inc. and its successful collaborations provided an appropriate description of the company and its marketing endeavors.
  5. Nike and Timm’s Vispac Model
    Nike actively interacts with the client and tries to meet their needs. It uses information, which corresponds to the three categories of the VISPAC model.
  6. Nike’s Cause Marketing. Justice Communication
    A cause-related marketing campaign is a campaign in which a company aligns itself with a good cause to improve its reputation.
  7. Nike: Multinational Corporations and Culture
    This paper examines the positive and negative sides of Nike’s influence on host countries’ cultures. The essay also analyzes the global stratification effects on the United States.
  8. Nike: Social Media Marketing Campaign
    Nike’s social media marketing campaign is a way for the company to contribute to the development of a more accepting society that embraces diversity.
  9. Case Study: Nike and the Environmental Effect
    Nike requires its suppliers to address the environmental effect and enhance their workflow about the challenges to meet the demand for quality requirements.
  10. Nike Inc.’s Marketing and Promotion Mix
    For Nike Inc. to advertise its products, the company uses the 4P’s marketing mix, including product, price, place, and promotion.
  11. Nike on Social Media: Brand Management
    Nike has continued to dominate social media through the implementation of an effective social media strategy that is tailored for specific target audiences.
  12. Nike Inc.’s Strategic Marketing Plan for New Products
    This paper presents Nike’s marketing strategy, referring to various literature to guide how the company can sell new products.
  13. Nike Inc.’s Products, Performance, and Opportunities
    The paper will analyze Nike’s products and services, financial performance, and the opportunities that foster its success.
  14. Marketing Recommendations: Nike Air Jordans
    Based on the consumer interviews, and knowledge of psychological factors influencing people’s buying decision-making, the paper developed key recommendations for Nike Air Jordans.
  15. Nike Advertising Campaign: Marketing Ways to Advertise
    Advertising is a crucial concept in the success of the company, its perception by the audience, and the social impact that it might have.
  16. Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonald’s: The Use of Information Systems
    Using the example of such well-known companies as Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonald’s, this work will prove the need to implement information systems.
  17. Nike Inc.’s Structure, Performance, and Ethics
    Nike Inc. is considered the world’s largest athletic apparel company and is most known for their apparel and footwear line.
  18. Nike’s Operations and Market Analysis
    Nike, Inc is one of the largest suppliers of athletic apparel and footwear not only in the American market but also globally.
  19. Nike Corporation: Case Study for 2022
    Nike corporation has become the absolute leader in sporting goods since the brand’s creation, however, the company has both positive and negative prospects for 2022.
  20. Nike as the Best and Largest Sportswear Brand in the World
    Nike is the world’s number one designer and marketer of sportswear and the distributor of athletic footwear, equipment, and accessories for different sports and other activities.
  21. Nike’s Marketing in the United States
    Nike’s marketing strategies are the key component of its successful management system. They tend to use professional athletes’ experience.
  22. Gender in Advertising “Dream Crazier” by Nike
    Advertising aims to catch potential customers’ attention, and promotional managers usually use different strategies to attract people of different ages, genders, and races.
  23. Nike Company’s Performance Management & Logistics
    The conceptualization of Nike as a company dates back to the year 1962 when its founders, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight.
  24. Nike: Advantages and Limitations for Professional Growth
    Nike is one of the most competitive and fast-growing workplaces on the market of sporting goods. However, every business has its limitations for the growth of the employees.
  25. Nike Inc.’s Sustainable Manufacturing Assessment
    Growing competition poses challenges for Nike in terms of supply chain management and sustainable development.
  26. Nike Inc.’s Marketing and Manufacturing Principles
    This paper is an outline of the research of Nike and its impact on the global economy, social and political conditions, and marketing trends.
  27. Nike Inc.’s Company Analysis and Missions
    Nike, Inc. can be called a successful company in the sphere of sportswear. Its values and the quality of products attract customers around the world.
  28. Nike’s Ad for Football Women’s World Cup 2019
    Nike released its empowering advertisement ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019 hosted in France. It claims that football is a game enjoyed by people of all races.
  29. Business Performance of Nike Inc.
    Nike Inc., as one of the leading companies manufacturing and selling sportswear. In this paper, the business performance of Nike Inc. will be provided.
  30. Nike Proxy Statement Analysis
    The purpose of this work is to analyze the proxy statement of Nike and provide details about what comprises the executive compensation plan of the company.
  31. Nike Inc.’s Analysis and Marketing Plan
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Nike company using various marketing tools available and propose valid target market recommendations.
  32. Kaepernick’s Nike Ad Protest: Impact and Publicity Analysis
    The paper aims to study the ripple effect of Colin Kaepernick’s protest against police violence and the subsequent adoption of his quote in Nike’s advertising campaign.
  33. Nike’s Innovation and United Airlines’ Challenges
    Nike is a key player in the manufacturing of the sports gear of all manners. The company’s name is borrowed from the Greek god of victory.
  34. Nike Inc.’s Marketing Concepts and Terminologies
    Nike Inc. was established in 1964 under the name Blue Ribbon Sports. Today, the company focuses on the design, manufacture, and distribution of sportswear and accessories.
  35. An In-Depth Commercial Analysis of Nike: Strategies Driving Brand Success
    In its recent commercial, Nike has been focusing on inspiring people to overcome challenges and push the envelope, therefore, discovering more about themselves and the world around them.
  36. Insights into Nike’s Brand Success and Phil Knight’s Impactful Leadership Strategies
    The specific ways of the Nike organization, as well as personal qualities that helped Phil Night establish a world-famous brand, will be discussed in this paper.

🎓 Most Interesting Nike Research Titles

  1. The Business Ethics Used at Nike Commerce
  2. What Responsibility Does Nike Have for Conditions of Work at Foreign Factor?
  3. Strategic Management Analysis Nike
  4. Why Has Nike Become Such a Leading Sports Transnational Corporation?
  5. The Benefits and Costs of a Market Orientation for Nike
  6. Nike Inc.’s Marketing Mix: Brilliant Marketing Strategy Analysis
  7. The Marketing Concept, Nike Approach
  8. Nike and Vietnam: The Impact of Globalization
  9. Capital Asset Pricing Model and Nike
  10. Catholic Social Teaching and the Nike Corporations
  11. Nike’s Sweatshops Working Conditions
  12. The Issues Facing the Labor Workforce in Nike
  13. Nike’s Advertising Strategy for the 2010 Fifa World Cup in South Africa
  14. The Social Conscience and the Labor Rights in the Nike Company
  15. Global Value and Supply Chain of Nike
  16. How Nike Affects the Planet, Animals, and Millions of People?
  17. Corporate and Environmental Responsibility of the Nike Foundation
  18. There Are Two Types of Interest Rate for Nike
  19. Ratio and Financial Statement Analysis of Nike
  20. Nike Company: Supply Chain Management
  21. The Company Information and Web Site Analysis of Nike Corporation
  22. Brand Values and Design Relationship at Nike
  23. Foreign Direct Investment Tactics of Nike, Inc.
  24. What Have Been the Key Success Factors for Nike?

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