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129 Photography Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Photography

👍 Good Photography Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Love in Paintings and Photographs
    Although the paintings and photographs use different styles and mediums, they deliver a similar message: love makes every possible moment precious in people’s lives.
  2. Photographic Essay: The Key Advantages
    A photographic essay is a powerful tool to deliver information in a succinct and comprehensive manner without any loss of depth of the context or narrative.
  3. Antikythera Mechanism: Photography and Radiography
    This paper studies the Antikythera mechanism. It uses recent evidence obtained from photography and radiography assessment of the device.
  4. Aspects of the Mobile Photography
    The paper states that mobile photography has exceeded the realm of photography. The accessibility of a smartphone’s camera allows people to take pictures quickly.
  5. Photography Impacts on Cultural Identity of Native Americans in America
    The photos of Native Americans often turn out to be disadvantageous to the appearance of the indigenous Americans, especially in this era of photography.
  6. Photography and Paintings: Depicting the Truth
    Photography captures the beautiful moments of our lives that can be cherished by us and our children for years to come.
  7. Homai Vyarawalla’s Photography Career
    Homai Vyarawalla had a unique talent for penetrating the fabric of time with her camera. One looks at the photos, and the long-gone days magically return to life.
  8. Henri Cartier-Bresson’s and Martine Franck’s Photography of Each Other
    Photography as an art has generated many masters who have revolutionized this sphere and contributed their passion and talent to its development.
  9. The Influence of Henri Cartier-Bresson on Street Photography
    Cartier-Bresson aimed for capturing a decisive moment as it was in real life, with no staging and no interference on the photographers part whatsoever.
  10. Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?
    It is important to define whether sphere of photography is only for professionals or, on the contrary, for the users of Instagram, travelers, and amateurs.
  11. Steve McCurry’s Photography “Afghanistan Girl”
    The Photography “Afghanistan Girl” reveals Steve Mc Curry’s perception of the world through the special inimitable and unguarded moments, which he captured.
  12. Art Appreciation: Alfred Stieglitz’s Photography
    Alfred Stieglitz tried to explain the relationship between photography and art by a movement known as Pictorialism.
  13. “Close” the Photography by Martin Stranka
    The present works of well-known photographers inspire other people to create pieces of art to show their perception of the original idea.
  14. Cultural Expressions: Photography, Religion, Films
    The selected cultural expressions reflect my values, which prioritize wellness and mental health, avoidance of excessive consumption, and focus on the joy of experience.
  15. The Works of Photographer Steve McCurry: Consequences of the War
    In his works Steve McCurry aims at portraying the imprudent moment, experiences imprinted on people’s faces, and a soul escaping.
  16. Annie Lebovitz – Famous Photographer
    Annie Leibovitz is one of the best portrait photographers in today’s era. She focuses her works on a variety of subjects but mostly among celebrity portraits.
  17. Carrie Mae Weems and David Plowden’s Photographic Works
    The photographic works of Carrie Mae Weems and David Plowden have made contributions to the art form of photography and have shaped people’s understanding of American culture.
  18. Black and White Photography’s Historical Roots
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the history of black and white photography, beginning with the earliest forms of photography and moving up to the digital age.
  19. Elements of Photography and Cinematography
    The current paper states that photography and cinematography can be viewed as an example of the new forms of art linked to technology.
  20. The Photographic Industry: Historical Background
    The photographic industry has grown and changed at a breakneck pace. There is an interaction with high-resolution paintings, 3D animations, and videos.
  21. Photography as a Contemporary Art Form
    In this era, photography, in addition to establishing itself as an art form, and developing its own aesthetic value, has turned into a full-fledged material for other art forms.
  22. The Brook Ship Photograph Analysis
    In 1781, the English Brook was launched for the first time. The first diagram of the ship did not appear until a few years later and was written by William Elford.
  23. Writing and Photography Overview
    The two different fields, photography and writing, adopt similar elements vital for their interpretation by the audience.

🌶️ Hot Photography Ideas to Write about

  1. Henri Cartier-Bresson’s and Martine Franck’s Photography
    The expertise, originality, and professionalism of the author of the book serve as the basis for the reference’s credibility.
  2. Violence in Joseph Rodriguez’s Photographs
    Joseph Rodriguez’s photography is considered a meditation on the different types of violence in poor communities in East Los Angeles.
  3. The Photography Atelier 21 Exhibition
    The photographs presented at Atelier 21 are truly outstanding, and the mixed styles and types add to the uniqueness of the exhibition.
  4. The Photographs “Untitled Film Stills” by Sherman and “Early Colors Interiors” by Simmons
    The photos “Untitled Film Stills” by Sherman and “Early Colors Interiors” by Simmons belong to the wave of feminist art of the 70-80s, representing the deconstructionist approach.
  5. “The Starving Boy in Uganda” Photograph by Mike Wells
    The current essay attempts to analyze the context of the picture, details of the image, and the message that the photograph “the Starving boy in Uganda” conveys.
  6. Painting as a Translation of Photography in Two Ivans and Oksana
    The painting uses line, pattern, texture, depth, shortening, cropping, and light to relate more to photography than painting, thus making the picture a photograph translation.
  7. Who Should Be Given Credit for Inventing Photography?
    As a valuable method of visual communication and expression, photography has a broad spectrum of aesthetic capabilities.
  8. Attitude to Photography. Art and Design
    It is paramount noting that art and design are all about the artist’s perspective and what they intend to impart to the audience’s mind.
  9. Art Reflection Paper: Drawing vs. Photograph
    Ohara et al. emphasize that photography may help understand the natural world. Josephson et al. underline that in art, nature is often presented as something pristine.
  10. The Role of Photography and Views on War
    Photography changed the attitude to war by demonstrating its horrors, and it triggered public debates about the value of human life and the need to stop military conflicts.
  11. The Birth of Photography: Early Artists and Their Works
    The popularization of photography coincided with a revolution in art as such. An illustrative example can be found in the works of Alexander Rodchenko.
  12. Analysis of Lee Friedlander’s Photographs
    Friedlander is famous primarily for his street photography – raw, real, brazen. Lee Friedlander’s photos are like music, and that music is jazz.
  13. San Francisco Photograph by George R. Lawrence
    The discussed photograph is a daguerreotype of San Francisco taken right after the 1906 earthquake and fire. George R. Lawrence used kites to get photos of San Francisco.
  14. Procurement Management: Selecting Your Wedding Photographer
    This paper will provide a briefing of the factors that should be taken care of in the process of soliciting, selecting, negotiating with, and launching the wedding photographer.
  15. Photography’s Effects on Modern Art
    Photography has been hailed by the masses as one of the best means of bringing the rest of the world to the public, affording them views of far-away places and peoples.
  16. Paul Politis’ Black and White Photography
    This paper shall be discussing the works and the inspirations of renowned photographer Paul Politis who specializes in black and white photography.
  17. Photography as Kind of Art
    Photography is an art and a science. Reflectively, the process is more than just capturing images. Proportionality, and introduction of effects determine the quality of an outcome.
  18. Art: “Attitudes Towards Photography” by Gisele Freund
    The massive social and cultural changes of the previous century challenged many of the established traditions, including the perception of art.
  19. Africa’s Visual Representation in Photography
    The article, written by Landau, discusses photography as a source that provides the visual representation of Africa and explains its connection with the colonial administration.
  20. “Humans of New York” Photographs by Brandon Stanton
    In his work “Humans of New York”, Brandon Stanton presented the public with the collection of photographs depicting New Yorkers telling their elaborate stories.
  21. Hines and Riis’ Photographs Analysis
    The photographs by Riis and Hine present the poor working conditions, including child labor cases during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.
  22. Photography Exhibition “Charles Harbutt, Departures and Arrivals”
    The exhibition “Charles Harbutt, Departures and Arrivals” reexamines photographic work and encourages the audience to appreciate photography and relate it to modern printing.
  23. Public Relations and Photography
    Public relations are usually related to broadcasting, publicizing, photography, and promoting. The experts require time and talent to advance relations with mass media.
  24. Photography as a Cultural History
    The photographer considered, that the main aim of a photographer is to demonstrate how our eyes percept world.

🎓 Most Interesting Photography Research Titles

  1. Digital and Film Photography at a Glance in the 21st Century
  2. Are Photography and Printmaking Art?
  3. Crime Scene Photography: Importance and Strategies
  4. Alfred Stieglitz Revolutionizing the Art of Photography
  5. Communication, Photography and Social Media Class
  6. Fashion Photography and the Effects of New Image Technology
  7. Photography Boundaries and Uses
  8. Diane Arbus and the Revolutionary Arena of Artistic Photography
  9. Photography: Society’s Views Through the Ages
  10. Capturing Great Landscape Photography
  11. How Has Photography Changed Our View of the World?
  12. Barbara Rowe and the Art of Photography
  13. The Recent and Current Trends and Influences in Portrait Photography
  14. Photography Through the Modernist Movements
  15. Comparing Traditional Photography and Digital Imaging
  16. Photography Laws Surrounding Images of Children
  17. Color Photography and Its History
  18. ‘War Photography’ Carol Ann Duffy
  19. Darkroom vs. Digital Photography
  20. Aerial Photography: Capturing Spectacular Images up in the Air
  21. Photography and Its Omnipresent Nature in the World
  22. Calotype Negative and Early Photography
  23. Artistic and Creative Uses of Photography
  24. Civil War Life Captured in the Photography of Mathew Brady
  25. Brand New Images? Implications of Instagram Photography for Place Branding

💡 Simple Photography Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. 20th Century Photography: Documentary Art
  2. Photography Books and the Photographers Who Created Them
  3. How Photography Helped Change People’s Opinions of the Civil War?
  4. Photography During Colonial Afric an Indispensable Tool
  5. Capturing the Personal Aspect of Portrait Photography
  6. Photography Limits Our Understanding of the World
  7. Black and White Photography in Australia
  8. Did Photography Destroy Painting Practice?
  9. World View and the Changes Brought About by Photography
  10. Photography and Graphic Design at Rinko Kawauchi
  11. Cultural Understanding and the Reflections of Photography
  12. Alfred Stieglitz and His Influence on Photography
  13. The Relationship Between Painting and Photography in the Work of David Hockney
  14. Beginners Digital Photography Equipment Tips
  15. How Photography Has Changed Our Lives?
  16. Ansel Adams: Discovering His Life and Photography
  17. Trevor Paglen’s Photography Work as a Bridge to Discovery About the Hidden World
  18. Wildlife Photography Catching the Animals by Surprise
  19. Photography Doesn’t Always Show the Reality of a Painter’s View
  20. Cecil Beaton’s Surprising Photography Experiences
  21. The Reasons for Preference of Photography Over Paintings in Occasions
  22. Photography: Impact Upon Western Civilization Over the Past Fifty Years
  23. Will Camera Phones Destroy Photography?
  24. Camera Technology and How It Changed Photography
  25. Understanding Water Through Photography: Edward Burtynsky

❓ Photography Essay Questions

  1. Are Photography and Printmaking Really Art?
  2. Does Photography Have Significant Political Impact?
  3. Has Television Taken Over Photography?
  4. How Did Photography Shape Public Reactions to the American Civil War?
  5. How Did Photography Influenced the History and the Politics?
  6. How Does Sebastiao Salgardo’s Activist Photography Reflect Against Media Journalism?
  7. How Joseph Nicephore Contributed to the Early Development of Photography?
  8. How Photography Affects the Social and Political Arena?
  9. What Factors Determine the Popularity of Photography in KSA?
  10. What Are the Historical and Cultural Differences in Photography in the East and West?
  11. What Are the Seven Elements of Photography?
  12. How Moholy-Nagy Made Photography Manifestly Modern?
  13. How Photography and Photojournalism Has Been Transformed?
  14. Why Photography Matters as Art as Never Before?
  15. What Are the Paradoxes of Digital Photography?
  16. What Is the Evaluation of Image Appeal in Consumer Photography?
  17. What Are the Pitfalls of Nonstandardized Photography?
  18. What Is a Computational Approach for Obstruction-Free Photography?
  19. What Is the Performative Force of Photography?
  20. What Is the Use of Photography as a Qualitative Research Tool?
  21. Who Are Three Most Famous Inventors and What Are Their Contributions to Photography?
  22. What Are the Parallels Between Photography and New Media?
  23. What Is Paparazzi Photography and Why It’s So Exciting?
  24. What Is Mathew Brady’s Photography Role in Creating the American Empire?
  25. How Did Louis Daguerre Make First Practical Process of Photography?

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "129 Photography Essay Topics." February 11, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/photography-essay-topics/.

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