74 Strategic Analysis Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Strategic Analysis

🎓 Interesting Strategic Analysis Essay Topics

  1. Retail Management: Home Depot, Strategic Analysis
    Home Depot, Inc., most commonly referred to as Home Depot, is a major retailer operating within the home improvement sector.
  2. Southwest Airlines’ Strategic Analysis
    Southwest Airlines is a low-cost American airline founded in 1967 and headquartered in Dallas. According to Dias, it is one of the largest airlines in the United States.
  3. The Uber Company’s History and Strategic Analysis
    This paper provides a strategic analysis of Uber, including its history, mission, objectives, competitive strategies, external environment, internal resources, and financial data.
  4. Tom.com: Strategic Analysis of an Asian Internet Company
    The increasing rates of interests on loan and inflation in some countries present greatest challenges to the management of the Tom Com Valuation of an Asian Internet Company.
  5. TOMS SWOT Analysis
    This report presents a SWOT analysis of TOMS Shoes to evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of its activities and future possibilities.
  6. Vodafone Group Plc Strategic Analysis
    The proposed report focuses on the investigation of Vodafone company, the sphere where it operates, peculiarities of its functioning, resources and strategies.
  7. Etisalat Strategy Analysis
    Focusing on Etisalat as one of the key global players in the telecommunications industry is relevant considering its continued growth in emerging markets.
  8. Lego Company’s Situation and Strategic Analysis
    The SWOT analysis of Lego elucidates the company’s internal and external factors, notably its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as summarized below.
  9. Strategic Analysis of Arnold Leisure Centre
    Arnold Leisure centre is a sport, Leisure recreation outlet lead by local authority. The core competence of its strategy dedicated to highest involvement of grassroots.
  10. Strategic Analysis of Facebook
    This paper has explored the significant aspects that constitute Facebook company’s operation. The company benefits from its market share in the social networking industry.
  11. IKEA Strategy Analysis for 2013-2018
    IKEA minimizes the risks to profitability due to a high threat of new entrants by developing products on a regular basis and through effective marketing strategies.
  12. Strategic Analysis of the Disney Corporation
    The Disney Corporation is one of the leaders in the entertainment industry. It generated a stable annual income, which comprised around $67B in 2021.
  13. VipShop Holdings Limited: Management and Strategic Analysis
    The VipShop regularly provides major discounts and special offers on branded products to its customers, which makes it a leader in the industry.
  14. McDonald’s Business Strategy Analysis: SWOT Analysis & More
    McDonald’s is characterised by the reputation of a leader in the industry, and this fact attracts and retains customers.
  15. Turkish Airline’s Strategic Analysis
    This paper focuses on the strategic analysis of Turkish Airline, comparing its operations to that of Easy Jet and also looks at how the firms have used Blue Ocean Strategies.
  16. Pfizer’s Strategic Analysis and Foreign Entry Strategies
    An organization’s strategic analysis is vital in marketing strategy planning and optimization. Strategic planning may help a company connect and realize its marketing goals.
  17. Delta Airlines’ Strategic Analysis
    The analysis of Delta Airlines company revealed that the company benefits from a wide variety of strengths, which help it to take the leading position in the industry.
  18. Spotless Cleaning Services Company’s Strategic Analysis
    Spotless Cleaning Services faces increased threats from the labor department on account of its labor policies that include the hiring of workers below the wage standards.
  19. Nurse Practitioner’s Strategic Analysis
    Advanced practice role in nursing is associated with many responsibilities that affect the quality of patient care.
  20. Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Analysis and Management
    Coca-Cola has sustainable competitive advantages: advanced logistics, representative offices in almost all countries, high demand for products, and relevant marketing solutions.
  21. HCA Healthcare Corporation’s Strategic Analysis
    HCA is a corporation that offers a broad scope of healthcare services in areas that encompass surgery, oncology, orthopedics, and cardiology to mention a few.

đź‘Ť Good Strategic Analysis Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Strategic Analysis for a New Travel Agency in a Growing Industry
    The travel agency aims to enter the market and provide competitive tours and travel services, leveraging industry trends and growth opportunities.
  2. Assessment of CIMERWA PPC Using Strategic Analysis Frameworks
    This paper assesses CIMERWA PPC using strategic analysis frameworks, namely SWOT analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and McKinsey 7-s Framework.
  3. J. C. Penny Co.’s Strategic Analysis
    J.C. Penney Company is a U.S.-based firm, which sells goods and services to customers through its department stores.
  4. The Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Analysis and Objective
    This paper aims to analyze the Coca-Cola company’s position using SWOT analysis and to propose a SMART objective.
  5. The Harvard University Strategic Analysis
    Steps should be taken to minimize people’s interaction level, such as remote working or dividing shifts to reduce the number of people that are on campus simultaneously.
  6. Arabtec Company: Strategic Analysis of Business Performance
    This paper discusses strategic analysis and its importance to organizations. A case study is done on Arabtec to apply the theory of strategic analysis.
  7. Strategic Analysis of Hansen Yuncken
    1968 saw the beginning of Hansen Yuncken, a construction company based in Australia and enjoys a prominent position in the competitive construction market.
  8. Caterpillar Inc. Strategic Analysis
    Caterpillar Inc. has been a driving force behind good and sustainable change on every continent, making progress possible along the way.
  9. Strategic Analysis of Revlon’s Current Financial Operations
    Financial crises have the potential to disorient business performance and increase the chances of bankruptcy. Organizational leaders should apply appropriate strategies.
  10. Strategic Analysis: A Case Study of Tesla Motors Inc.
    The PESTEL research recommends Tesla Motors enhance its marketing intensity to reach a wider audience, especially in other nations.
  11. Tesla and Ritz Carlton Firms’ Strategic Analysis
    This paper provides a comparison between strategic analysis results, MOP practices, and organizational structures implemented within the companies TESLA and Ritz Carlton.
  12. The Amazon Phenomenon: A Strategic Analysis
    Material review and product experience demonstrate that Amazon tends to be among prominent actors in the marketing framework.
  13. Vodafone Company’s Strategic Analysis
    In the article, the author analyzes the Vodafone company, its current position in the global communications market and gives recommendations for further development.
  14. Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s Strategic Analysis
    Nurses contribute towards ensuring accessible care. As a prospective APRN, my goal is to utilize my strengths and available opportunities to provide high-quality care.
  15. Strategic Analysis of Google
    Today Google is having the biggest market share and a constant innovation coupled with strict recruitment policies is the key to success.
  16. BackYard BBQ: Strategic Analysis of Survey Findings
    This study was conducted to validate the views of Back Yard management about the trend toward healthy eating, inherent superiority in respect of product quality.
  17. Kudler Fine Foods Stores’ Strategic Analysis
    Any organization should have its principal goal, clearly stated mission, values, and goals, which are planned to be achieved.
  18. Redfin Company’s Strategic Analysis
    Redfin faces problems and needs an in-depth analysis of its contemporary strategies to adjust them and ensure future success.
  19. Strategic Analysis of Pepsico
    The present paper provides Five Forces, Pest, and SWOT analysis in regards to Pepsico’s current situation and recommendations on improving it.
  20. IStockPhoto.com Company’s Strategic Analysis
    One of the core values of iStockPhoto.com is the establishment of effective communication between the business partners with its community.
  21. Strategic Analysis and Planning for Dynamic Shots Company’s Market Position
    The company Dynamic Shots has been able to constantly outdo the competition by the insistence on high-quality product development.
  22. Strategic Planning for Anthem Blue Cross’s Telehealth Division
    This paper examines Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and identifies its structure and environment (both internal and external) for future enhancements of operations.
  23. Apple Company’s Strategic Analysis
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze Apple Inc. based on their strategy, their vision and mission, their core competencies and competitive values.
  24. Strategic Analysis of the Royal Dutch Shell Group Merger and Its Impact on the Nigerian Market
    The paper analyzes the challenges facing the merger of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and Shell Transport and Trading, and recommends how they should be confronted.
  25. Emirates Airline – Strategic Analysis
    Emirates Airline is a new full-service network carrier in Dubai. Despite being a new company, the airline has become among the fastest growing companies in the Gulf region.
  26. Northwestel Inc.: Performance Review and Strategic Analysis
    Northwestel Inc. has a lot of potential to grow in the Northern Areas if they make customers happy and spend money on innovative technologies.

đź’ˇ Simple Strategic Analysis Essay Ideas

  1. Strategic Analysis: Actionable Steps for Change and Strategy Implementation
  2. Frameworks for Global Strategic Analysis
  3. Business and Strategic Analysis of Industry-Wide Factors
  4. Infrastructure Strategic Analysis and Solution Exercise: Smith’s Media Services
  5. Hyundai Strategic Analysis and Its Business in South Africa
  6. Procter & Gamble Company Environmental and Strategic Analysis
  7. Strategic Analysis of the Automobile Industry
  8. The Irish Engineering Industry: Strategic Analysis and Policy Recommendations
  9. Implementing Strategic Marketing Management for the IT Industry
  10. Strategic Synergies and Perspectives of Their Evaluation in the Process of Strategic Analysis
  11. Balanced Scorecard and Strategic Analysis of Southwest Airlines
  12. Evaluation and Strategic Analysis of Colgate Palmolive
  13. Labor Markets and Monetary Union: A Strategic Analysis
  14. The History, Marketing Position, and Strategic Analysis of Gap Incorporated
  15. Strategic Analysis of the Balanced Scorecard
  16. Philips Versus Matsushita: The Competitive Battle Continues – Strategic Analysis
  17. Strategic Analysis and Marketing Strategy for Samsung
  18. Inner-City Paint Corporation Strategic Analysis
  19. Maintaining Strategic Marketing Management for Manufacturing
  20. The Greek Economic Crisis and the Experience of Austerity: A Strategic Analysis

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