111 Teenagers Essay Topics

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on Teenagers

šŸ”Ž Easy Teenagers Research Paper Topics

  1. Adolescence Songs: ā€œA Teenager in Loveā€ by Dion DiMucci
    ā€œA Teenager in Loveā€ by Dion DiMucci was a famous song during my adolescent years. Some of the most crucial lyrics are ā€œEach time we have a quarrel / It almost breaks my heart.ā€
  2. Childrenā€™s Use of Technology and Social Media: Essay Example
    Research conducted in various nations indicates that children and teenagers spend most of their time on social media sites than they do on other websites and mobile sites.
  3. How Reality Television Influences Teenagers
    Given that young people are more exposed to television and the internet, the impact of reality television shows on their lives cannot be overstated.
  4. The Negative Influence of Social Media on Teenagersā€™ Mental Health
    This essay is purposed to explain the aspects in which excessive use of social media affects teenagersā€™ mental health.
  5. Eating Habits among the Teenagers
    The researcher may classify data into two types when developing a nursing intervention to encourage healthy eating habits among the teenagers.
  6. Social Media Impact on Teenagers in the UAE
    This paper studies impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. The research was based on a sample of 30 respondents through a mixture of direct interviews and questionnaires.
  7. Micro Policy Advocacy for a Pregnant Teenager
    When facing the issue of teenage pregnancies, authorities must aim their efforts at improving sex education and providing social services to support pregnant adolescents.
  8. The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
    Despite the negative impact on teenagers, social media can benefit if used for specific purposes; for instance, they use them to produce memes and develop creativity.
  9. Plastic Surgery Among Teenagers
    More and more teenagers are seeking plastic surgeries in the United States and professionals believe that it stems from a lack of self-esteem and pressure from the media.
  10. Public Health Campaign on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Teenagers
    This essay discusses unprotected sex among teenagers as a public health issue that promulgates the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
  11. Substance Abuse Among Teenagers
    This research paper will discuss how substance abuse affects teenagers and outline measures parents can take to limit the problem of substance abuse.
  12. School Nurse’s Communication with Pregnant Teenagers
    The paper aims to discuss the case of a 17-year-old student who has type I diabetes and whose pregnancy test is positive.
  13. Effects of Social Media Use on Teenagers
    This paper aims to explore the impact of social media platforms on teenagersā€™ physical, social, and cognitive development.
  14. TikTok Addiction Among Teenagers
    Teenagers who are addicted to TikTok are more likely to experience severe depression, anxiety, and limited working memory.
  15. The Problem of Playing Poker Among Teenagers in the United States
    Teenagers are becoming more and more involved in poker games. This is a problem because they are learning greed is good and are becoming addicted to a popular, mainstream game.
  16. Gestalt Therapy for Teenagers: Communication and Confidence
    It is possible to use Gestalt therapy for teenagers to focus on improving family communication, building confidence, and personal growth.
  17. Social Media Usage and Teenager’s Ecosystems
    Social media has complex impacts on the youth, which are majorly positive. However, it causes negative impacts in an educational, socio-political, and physiological manner.
  18. Use of Technology by Teenagers for Emotional Support
    Teenagers use technology for emotional support to connect and communicate with their friends and families; however, it hinders their experience of separation and finding of self.
  19. An Interview With a Teenager Analysis
    The person who was interviewed in this research is known by the name Ann. She is 14 years of age which means that she is in her adolescence.
  20. Lack of Parental Support Forces Teenagers ā€˜Run Awayā€™ From Home
    This paper describes how lack of attention and inability of parents to understand the problems faced by their teenage children results in ā€œrun awayā€ from home.
  21. Skate Park for Healthy Activities of Teenagers
    The promotion of healthy active life through the popularisation of sports will help discourage teenagers from developing bad habits.

šŸ‘ Good Teenagers Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Sexting in Teenagers: Legal Perspective in Canada
    The issue of sexting in teenagers should be addressed on several levels, including federal, local, and personal.
  2. Impact of Social Media on Teenagers: Communication, Self-Expression, and Risks
    Digitalized communication is the way of young people of looking for similar peers, expressing themselves, searching for their identity and answers for various questions.
  3. Teenagers Impacted by Increased Screen Time
    Smartphones and computers are an integral part of teenagers’ lives nowadays. Nevertheless, scientists have concluded that excessive fascination with it harms health.
  4. Overcoming Writer’s Block and Substance Abuse in Teenagers
    The paper provides tips for writers on how to overcome writer’s block and for parents on how to reduce substance abuse among teenagers.
  5. Major Depressive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder in a Teenager
    Diane is a 16-year-old girl diagnosed with major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder. Her symptoms are anger, emotional instability, and fear of abandonment.
  6. Mental Health Services for Teenagers With Mood Disorders
    The increase in mental problems in teenagers can be sourced from the insufficient number of studies on teenage mental struggles in the previous years.
  7. Teen Pregnancy: Effects on Teenagers
    Teen pregnancy can lead to a deterioration in the physical and psychological health of a teenager, as well as negative socio-economic consequences.
  8. Conversation between a Youth Worker and an Emo Teenager
    This paper aims to create a hypothetical conversation between a youth worker and an emo teenager about teenagerā€™s decision to become emo and future goals in life.
  9. Advocacy for Negligence and Child Abuse Amongst Black Teenagers
    Negligence and abuse amongst black teenagers require rehabilitation therapy and parental counseling to prevent further negative effects.
  10. Car Seatbelt Legislation for Teenagers in Maryland
    The epidemiology of injuries in society, both occupational and not, are conditioned by the way of life of the citizens.
  11. High-Risk Behaviors and Psychological Disorders Affecting Teenagers
    The most common high-risk behaviors among teenagers are smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, and computer addiction. This paper analyzes these high-risk behaviors.
  12. Marijuana Legalization and Its Use Among American Teenagers
    Opponents against the liberalization of marijuana counter that marijuana is not a munificent drug and that its use can attract various problems to an individual.
  13. Prevention of Obesity in Teenagers
    This paper aims to create an education plan for teenage patients and their parents to effectively inform them and help them avoid obesity.
  14. Substance Abuse Among Teenagers: Factors and Causes
    This study seeks to investigate the impact of gender, family structure, parental influence, and peer pressure on teenagersā€™ alcohol use.
  15. Teenagers’ Problems in American High Schools
    The problems experienced by teenagers in American schools can not be attributed to them rather they can be attributed to society and media.
  16. Drug Abuse Among Teenagers
    Before analyzing the causes of addiction among teenagers, we have to look at this issue from sociological point of view.
  17. Social Media and Video Games for Teenagers’ Self-Esteem
    Social media are more likely to harm the self-esteem of those adolescents. The influence of video games has a more supportive effect on self-esteem.
  18. Urban Poor Teenagers’ Psychology and Activities
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the psychological factors that influence teenagers in impoverished urban areas to engage in particular activities.
  19. Impact of School Restrictions on Teenagersā€™ Transition to Adulthood
    This paper analyzes Epsteinā€™s article ā€œLetā€™s abolish high schoolā€ devoted to the problem of infantilization of teenagers as a result of artificial prolongation of school studies.
  20. Marijuana’s Social and Health Effects on Teenagers: Literature Review
    Consumption of illegal drugs among teenagers or adolescents is a problem that has serious health and social concerns.
  21. Proving Teenagers with Birth Control Devices
    Contraception is important for teenagers because it helps to avoid mistakes such as unintended pregnancies that can negatively affect their progress in school and other endeavors.
  22. How to Travel With a Teenager?
    Most parents have a desire to go to any length to please their teenagers on holidays and therefore they get to spend a lot of money and time together.
  23. Alcohol-Producing Companies and Youth Consumption Rates
    Despite the efforts of healthcare specialists, over the past few years, the rates of alcohol consumption in youth have grown impressively.

šŸŽ“ Most Interesting Teenagers Research Titles

  1. Teenagers Should Not Receive Their Driver’s Licenses Until They Are at the Age of 21
  2. Birth Control and Teenagers
  3. Cigarette Smoking Among Teenagers
  4. Sex and Age Disparity Among Teenagers
  5. The Factors That Make Teenagers Use Drugs
  6. Sexually Explicit Lyrics and Their Influence on Teenagers
  7. The Factors That Drive Teenagers To Commit Suicides
  8. Society and the Media Influences on Teenagers
  9. Rock and Rap Does Not Have a Bad Influence on Teenagers
  10. Teenagers Need Safe Sex Education
  11. Philadelphia Teenagers and the Threat of Chlamydia
  12. Amish Teenagers and Their Distinct Subculture
  13. Phobias and the Impact on Teenagers
  14. The New Popular Form of Communication Among Teenagers
  15. Drug Abuse Among American Teenagers
  16. Teenagers and the Desire of Perfection
  17. Depression Affects Percent Teenagers
  18. Teenagers Should Work and Learn Responsibility
  19. The Physical and Psychological Effects of Obesity on Teenagers
  20. Sex Without Love Has Become the Norm for Too Many Teenagers in This Century
  21. Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Teenagers
  22. Factors That Influence Teenagers to Use Marijuana
  23. Substance Abuse and Teenagers
  24. Suicide Among Teenagers and the United States
  25. Teenagers and Cosmetic Surgery
  26. Stroop Effect with Modern Teenagers
  27. The Inclination Toward the Procrastination Habit in American Teenagers
  28. Music and Its Effects on Behaviors in Teenagers and Young Adults
  29. Teenagers and the Internal Conflict
  30. Cosmetic Surgery Among Teenagers

šŸ’” Simple Teenagers Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Dysfunctional Family and Its Impact on the Teenager’s Adjustment
  2. Teenagers Should Not Undergo Plastic Surgery
  3. Crime Factors Among Teenagers
  4. Eating Disorders Amongst Teenagers
  5. Exploring the Causes for the Rising Cases of Heavy Drinking in American Teenagers
  6. Cognitive Psycho-Social Physical Teenagers
  7. The Negative Impacts and Influence of Peer Pressure on Teenagers
  8. The Psychological and Emotional Effects of Abortion on Teenagers
  9. The Insecurity Among Modern Teenagers
  10. Teenagers Today Lack Moral Values and Self-discipline
  11. Christian Religious Belief and the Grieving Process in Teenagers
  12. Factors That Influence Teenagers on Alcohol and Effects
  13. The Factors That Push Teenagers Into Violent Behaviors
  14. Plastic Surgery for Teenagers
  15. Factors That Influence Teenager’s Sexual Behaviors
  16. Differences Between Vietnamese Teenagers and American Teenagers
  17. Obesity Among Children and Teenagers
  18. Teenagers Having Jobs While They Are Students
  19. American Teenagers and Plastic Surgery
  20. Romantic Relationships Between Teenagers
  21. Cyber Crime and Its Impact on Teenagers
  22. Relations Between Teenagers and Adults
  23. Dealing with the Problem of Drug Use Among Teenagers
  24. Benefits and Disadvantages for Internet Use for Teenagers
  25. Depression Among Teenagers Who Are Homeless
  26. Crime Protection Programs Children and Teenagers
  27. Social Media and Its Effects on Teenagers
  28. Management Strategies for Depressed Teenagers
  29. Teenagers Suffering Bipolar Disorder
  30. Dealing with Problems Between Parents and Teenagers

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