128 Tuberculosis Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Tuberculosis

✍️ Tuberculosis Essay Topics for College

  1. Tuberculosis Infections and Healthcare in Brunei
    Tuberculosis infections are a major health concern in Brunei, just like is the case for other South Asian countries. This paper discusses the aspects of the problem.
  2. Aspects of the Tuberculosis Epidemiology
    The paper states that tuberculosis is a global health challenge that remains to be addressed through a systematic approach to treatment and diagnosis.
  3. Tuberculosis Epidemic in South Carolina
    Tuberculosis is a disease that occurs when Koch’s bacilli enter the human body. It is caused by microorganisms of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex group.
  4. Tuberculosis: Family Medicine and Disease Prevention
    This essay focuses on tuberculosis infection, prevention and control, surveillance, epidemiology, and significant events.
  5. Tuberculosis and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
    Tuberculosis is a common infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is now a significant problem in many countries around the world.
  6. Tuberculosis Under Epidemiological Analysis
    Tuberculosis is a highly contagious disease, and it has airborne transmission. Due to its rapid spread, it remains a global problem nowadays, and humanity cannot cope with it.
  7. Tuberculosis: Diagnostics and Treatment
    This disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is a pathogenic bacteria belonging to the order Actinomycetales, family Mycobacteriaceae, and genus Mycobacterium.
  8. Tuberculosis and Preventive Measures in India
    This paper aims to develop, propose, and describe several measures to prevent the TB epidemic in India during the COVID-19 crisis.
  9. Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains
    As with any other infectious disease, TB exhibits specific signs and symptoms that help distinguish it from other illnesses.
  10. Tuberculosis Transmission, Manifestations and Social Concerns
    The paper states that Tuberculosis is preventable and curable and individuals should seek immediate medical attention when they feel they are infected.
  11. The U.S. Government and the Global Fund: Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
    The United States participates in a range of international health programs, in particular, and contributes financially to the Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.
  12. Tuberculosis as an Infectious Disease
    The paper discusses tuberculosis. It is an infectious disease because it spreads through tiny droplets when released through coughs and sneezes.
  13. Tuberculosis: Diagnostics, Prevention, and Management
    Nurses play an essential role in the diagnostics and treatment of tuberculosis patients: doing the screening, reporting the cases, acting prompt with diagnosis establishment, etc.
  14. Tuberculosis Desease: Symptoms and Prevention
    This paper seeks to explore one of the re-emerging infectious diseases the world faces. Tuberculosis (TB) is a re-emerging infectious disease affecting the world’s population.
  15. Tuberculosis: Control of Non-Endemic Communicable Diseases
    Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is traditionally considered a disease of poverty. It influences mainly adults of the productive age.
  16. The Characteristics of Tuberculosis
    The paper describes Tuberculosis -causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the demographic (mortality, morbidity, incidence, and prevalence).
  17. Tuberculosis: Desciption and Role of Nursing
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss tuberculosis. A large part of the world’s population is reported to be infected with tuberculosis annually.
  18. Antimicrobial Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: A Review
    Antimicrobial resistance is a factor that steadily nullifies the efforts put into the attempts to triumph over tuberculosis.
  19. Epidemiology. Tuberculosis as Communicable Disease
    This paper aims to investigate TB’s core properties, as it still presents a substantial danger for human health with several issues not fully resolved by contemporary researchers.
  20. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Pathogenesis and Epidemiology
    This paper discusses M. tuberculosis with a special focus on its structure and physiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology of the disease, treatment, and prevention of the infection.

đź‘Ť Good Tuberculosis Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Tuberculosis as Global Health Risk
    The global annual TB cases are falling at a rate of 2 percent, which could be increased to 4 percent to address this problem in line with End TB Strategy milestones.
  2. Global Health Issues, Tuberculosis
    Tuberculosis is often latent and reveals itself when the immune system is weak. The TB incidence rates in Southeast Asia and Africa remain the highest in the world.
  3. Tuberculosis: Risks, Implications, and Prevention
    The research question is: What are the key risk factors, health implications, and appropriate prevention strategies for TB infections?
  4. Tuberculosis Education and Cooperation in Mumbai
    This paper discusses tuberculosis causes with specific regard to the current achievements and challenges observed in Mumbai, the west coast of India.
  5. The Infectiousness of a TB Patient: Key Factors and Control Measures
    The purpose of this paper is to explain the elements that influence the infectiousness of a tuberculosis patient.
  6. AIDS, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis in Miami Community
    AIDS, tuberculosis, and hepatitis have been marked as the most dangerous in the list of the most spread communicable illnesses that citizens of Miami suffer from.
  7. Tuberculosis, Mumps, Influenza in Miami: Creating an Action Plan
    The recent events of Hurricane Irma created an increasingly unhealthy environment for Miami. The three diseases that require containment are tuberculosis, mumps, and influenza.
  8. Impact of AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria on Miami’s Community
    The paper will discuss and analyze AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and how they influence the community in Miami, Florida.
  9. Prevention Strategies for Influenza, Tuberculosis, and AIDS in Miami: Public Health Insights
    Three population-based communicable illnesses have been chosen for analysis: influenza, tuberculosis, and AIDS.
  10. Healthy People 2020 and Miami’s Health Challenges: Tuberculosis & Hepatitis
    Although tuberculosis is not a new threat to patients’ well-being, it remains a tangible threat to U.S. communities, the one in Miami, FL not being an exception.
  11. Tuberculosis Epidemiology: Global Public Health Implications and Strategies
    Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most widespread infectious diseases all over the world. More than 95% of TB deaths happen in low- and middle-income countries.
  12. Tuberculosis: Detailed Description and Epidemiology Insights
    Tuberculosis (abbreviated as TB) is one of the common communicable diseases in different parts of the world. This disease affects the human lungs.
  13. Communicable Diseases in Miami: Impact and Healthy People 2020
    This discussion explains how HIV/AIDS, influenza A, and tuberculosis affect Miami city. The paper also describes how the community deals with these communicable illnesses.
  14. The Critical Role of Nurse-Patient Ratios in Managing Tuberculosis Among the Elderly
    The main purpose of the paper is to discuss the nurse-patient ratios as the aspect for the concern and highlight the reasons elder people are at the highest risk for tuberculosis.
  15. Preventing Contact with the XDR-TB Bacteria: Essential Tips
    Tuberculosis is one of the most contagious diseases. This paper gives a detailed analysis of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.
  16. Nurse-Patient Ratio and Tuberculosis
    A drop in the number of nurses and increase in the number of the patients presupposes the quality of the services declines correspondingly.

🎓 Most Interesting Tuberculosis Research Titles

  1. Macrophage Polarization: Convergence Point Targeted by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and HIV
  2. Tuberculosis and Compliance With Medical Protocols
  3. HPLC: Techniques Used for the Diagnostic of Ancient Tuberculosis Remains
  4. Anti-tuberculosis Drug-induced Liver Injury (ATLI) Effects
  5. Morphoproteomic-guided Host-directed Therapy for Tuberculosis
  6. Tuberculosis Market Share, Trends, H2 2016
  7. The Causes and Treatment of the Disease of Tuberculosis
  8. Advancing Immunotherapeutic Vaccine Strategies Against Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  9. The Zebrafish Breathes New Life Into the Study of Tuberculosis
  10. Tuberculosis: Most Lethal Bacterial Pathogen
  11. Diagnosis for Latent Tuberculosis Infection: New Alternatives
  12. Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis
  13. South Africa and Tuberculosis
  14. Monocyte Subsets: Phenotypes and Function in Tuberculosis Infection
  15. The Differences and Similarities of Pneumonia and Tuberculosis
  16. Challenging the Drug-Likeness Dogma for New Drug Discovery in Tuberculosis
  17. Tuberculosis: Infectious Disease and TB Patients
  18. Tuberculosis and New Tuberculosis Vaccines
  19. Fair Regulates Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Is Essential for Virulence of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
  20. Clinical Presentations and Outcomes Related to Tuberculosis in Children Younger Than 2 Years of Age in Catalonia
  21. Tuberculosis: Immune System and Ongoing Research
  22. Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of Tuberculosis Disease
  23. Epidemiology, Tuberculosis, and the Homeless Population
  24. Drug Resistance Rising Among Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
  25. Tuberculosis Among Native Americans
  26. Gut Dysbiosis Thwarts the Efficacy of Vaccine Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
  27. BCG Vaccination and Who’s Global Strategy for Tuberculosis Control 1948-1983
  28. Tuberculosis Vaccine May Help Stop Multiple Sclerosis Development
  29. Aid and the Control of Tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea: Is Australia’s Assistance Cost-effective
  30. Tuberculosis: Infectious Disease and Health Care Facilities

đź’ˇ Simple Tuberculosis Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Tuberculosis and Its Pathogenic Processes
  2. Examining Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Its Spread, and Effect
  3. Tuberculosis and Its Effects on the Body System
  4. Host Antimicrobial Peptides: The Promise of New Treatment Strategies Against Tuberculosis
  5. United States Constitution and TB Patients
  6. Tuberculosis and New Types of Testing
  7. HIV and Tuberculosis Infection in Sub- Saharan Africa
  8. Reassessing Twenty Years of Vaccine Development Against Tuberculosis
  9. Tuberculosis and Its Effects on the Lungs
  10. Wild Animal Tuberculosis: Stakeholder Value Systems and Management of Disease
  11. Relationship Between Traveling and Infections of Tuberculosis
  12. Foam Cells Control Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection
  13. Examining the Complex Relationship Between Tuberculosis and Other Infectious Diseases in Children
  14. Extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB) Treatment
  15. Host-directed Therapeutic Strategies for Tuberculosis
  16. Tuberculosis and Its Treatment
  17. Cost-Effectiveness and Addressing Tuberculosis
  18. Tuberculosis and Its Severity
  19. Harnessing the mTOR Pathway for Tuberculosis Treatment
  20. Tuberculosis, Important Determinants, and the Health System
  21. Historians Blamed Columbus for Spreading Tuberculosis to the World
  22. Tuberculosis and New Mexico
  23. Public Health Disease Management of Tuberculosis
  24. Factors Influencing the Perceived Priority of Tuberculosis in India
  25. Current and Novel Approaches to Vaccine Development Against Tuberculosis
  26. Tuberculosis and Its Effects on Society
  27. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Virulence
  28. Tuberculosis and Antibiotic Resistance
  29. Animal Models for Tuberculosis in Translational and Precision Medicine
  30. Granulomas and Inflammation: Host-directed Therapies for Tuberculosis

âť“ Research Questions on Tuberculosis

  1. What Are the Organs Not Affected in Tuberculosis?
  2. What Is Bone Tuberculosis and What Is the Cure of Bone Tuberculosis?
  3. Why Is the Tuberculosis Epidemic So Hard to Stop?
  4. How Long Can Tuberculosis Patients Survive Without Treatment?
  5. Why Does Tuberculosis Appear in the Upper Lung?
  6. What Should Be the Diet for Someone With Tuberculosis Meningitis?
  7. Why Is There an Evening Rise of Temperature in Cases of Tuberculosis?
  8. Is It Possible That Tuberculosis Medication Cause Skin Problem?
  9. Will Intestinal Tuberculosis Spread From One Person to Another?
  10. What Are the Factors Responsible for the Re-Emergence of Tuberculosis?
  11. Is Tuberculosis Considered to Be Hereditary?
  12. Can Tuberculosis Happen Twice, Even if It Was Properly Cured Earlier?
  13. What’s the Link Between Tuberculosis and COVID-19?
  14. Is There Anyone Who Is Suffering From Lymph Nodes Tuberculosis?
  15. Is There Any Permanent Way to Eradicate Tuberculosis by Any Vaccines?
  16. Is There Any Ayurvedic Medicine to Cure Tuberculosis Completely?
  17. Does a Tuberculosis Patient on Treatment for a Month Infect Others With Tuberculosis?
  18. What Are the Different Types of Tuberculosis?
  19. What Are Causes, Symptoms, Signs and Treatment for Tuberculosis?
  20. Did Doctors Burn the Hearts of Tuberculosis Vitctims in the Late 1800s?
  21. What Killed More People Last Century: War, Tuberculosis or Influenza?
  22. Is It Possible to Get Tuberculosis a Second Time?
  23. Without Access to Antibiotics, What’s the Best Treatment for Tuberculosis?
  24. Is It That Tuberculosis Follows Pneumonia or Pneumonia Follows Tuberculosis?
  25. Is the Tuberculosis Blood Test the Same as the Tuberculosis Skin Test?

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