170 World War 1 Essay Topics & Examples

If you’re looking for interesting World War I topics, you’re in the right place! StudyCorgi has plenty of WW1 topics to write about. Below is an extensive list of ideas for an essay, thesis, or research paper. Besides WWI research topics and questions, you’ll find free WW1 essay examples. Read them to get inspiration for your work.

🔥 7 Hottest WW1 Topics to Write About

🏆 Best WW1 Essay Topics

  1. How War Trauma Evolved During World War I
    This paper is an annotated bibliography that aims to find out how war trauma evolved from clinical and scientific perspectives during World War I.
  2. World War II Was a Continuation of World War I
    WWI was a conflict between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The former included Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary.
  3. Pan-Slavism in Fueling World War I
    The role of Pan-Slavism in fueling WWI has often been put in the center of discussions about this historic event.
  4. Pan-Slavism and Nationalism as Causes of World War I
    Both nationalism and imperialism were major forces that drove the alliances toward World War I. The Pan-Slavic movement was not created by Russia to achieve its political goals.
  5. The Role of Western Power in the Middle East After World War I
    This paper examines the role of Western influence in the Middle East after World War I and how their presence shaped the region.
  6. Causes of World War I Overview
    The increase of the armaments and military forces by the European countries in the years preceding 1914 was another predecessor of World War I.
  7. Nationalism as a Cause of World War I
    World War I was triggered by numerous causes, and nationalism is one of them. It is mainly perceived as a sense of pride experienced by a nation.
  8. World War I: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism
    This paper analyzes how nationalism, imperialism, and militarism irrevocably led to World War I, and how the alliance system contributed to the ultimate outbreak of war.
  9. The United States’ Decision to Enter World War I
    Any bad consequences of the decision to take part in the war are justified and compensated by some reasonable geopolitical evidence.
  10. The Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Political Causes of World War I
    The paper analysis World War I which was an international conflict that ensued between the central powers one hand against the allies.
  11. The Battle of the Somme: A Bloody Symbol of World War I
    The Battle of the Somme, a pivotal conflict in World War I, stands as a stark reminder of the brutality and senseless loss of life that characterized the war.
  12. Europe After World War I vs. World War II
    When reviewing the post-war periods of both wars, it is first necessary to analyze the results of the First World War.
  13. The Great Migration and World War I’s Impact on African Americans
    The Great Migration and World War I have been a time of significant change for African Americans, not just tricky times.
  14. How Woodrow Wilson Led the US to Involvement in World War I
    President Woodrow Wilson combined legalism, moralism, and idealism to argue for the United States’ entry into World War I.
  15. Impacts on Women’s Role After World War I
    The demographic, economic, social, and political impacts on women included voting rights, access to education, and better jobs, and changing of women’s positions in society.
  16. Events in the Balkans in Bringing About World War I
    The Balkan Wars began as a result of the unrest in Macedonia, which caused upheaval in Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria.
  17. The Major Alliances of World War I
    World War I became an arena of the bloody confrontation between two major “armed camps” of the era — the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.
  18. How WWI Changed Women’s Role in America
    The Great War initiated changes in the societal roles of American women. This was contributed by the contributions that they made during the war.
  19. Keiser’s Abdication During World War I
    After realizing that Germany would lose World War 1 on November 9, 1918, Keiser Wilhelm 11 was abdicated as the British Emperor and King of Prussia.
  20. How Germany Was Reborn After the Defeat in World War I
    There is an ongoing debate in historical scholarship about how quickly Germany managed to become great again after its defeat in World War I.
  21. World War I vs. World War II Differences
    The paper states that there is often a discourse among military historians that the First and Second World Wars are one event or two different ones.
  22. Events That Led to the Outbreak of World War I
    World War I may be regarded as a pivot point in modern history due to its impact on the world. Some events led to the outbreak of World War I.
  23. Trench Warfare During World War I
    Trench warfare during World War I was characterized by the broad use of occupied lines consisting of trenches guaranteeing better protection to troops.

đź’ˇ Simple Topics of WW1

  1. What Was the Most Significant Reason to the Outbreak of World War 1
  2. Factors That Made the United States Join the Alliances in World War 1
  3. How Did the Development of Technology Affect World War 1
  4. What Expectation Did British Soldiers and Civilians Have of Their Government Following WWI
  5. The American Home Front During World War 1
  6. Traditions and Encounters: World War 1
  7. Fertility Shocks and Equilibrium Marriage-Rate Dynamics: Lessons From World War 1 in France
  8. Analyzing Propaganda During World War 1
  9. Good Cynicism and Bitterness From World War 1
  10. What Was Trench Warfare and What Was Its Impact in World War 1
  11. How Did the Interdependency of the Alliance Systems Help Lead To the Outbreak of WW1
  12. The Long Term and Short Term Causes of WW1 and How Each Player Became Involved in the Great War
  13. How Womens Lives Were Affected by World War 1
  14. How Did Imperialism Cause World War 1
  15. How the European Alliance Helped Cause World War 1
  16. The Impact World War 1 Had on Russia
  17. How Did the Middle East Change as a Result of World War 1
  18. What Was Life Like in the Trenches During World War 1
  19. How Did the Outbreak of WWI Contribute to the Genocide of the Armenians
  20. Why Australians Joined World War 1

đź‘Ť Good World War 1 Research Topics & Essay Examples

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. World War I and Its Psychological Consequences
    Different psychological consequences that significantly influenced the nations in World War I included post-traumatic stress disorder, hunger, and grief.
  2. Participation of Different Nationalities in World War I
    World War I affected many states, and as the conflict progressed, more countries outside of Europe participated in it, which is why this conflict is a “world war.”
  3. Stance Against Communist Russia After World War I
    After World War I, US President Woodrow Wilson took significant steps toward establishing a strict regime of non-acceptance of Soviet ideology and political isolation.
  4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder During and After World War I
    The paper examines the causes and manifestations of PTSD during and after World War I, despite the absence of this term at that time, and how diagnosis and treatment are made.
  5. Essentials of Chemical Warfare During World War I
    Below, the primary aspects of the application of chemical weapons will be presented, making an emphasis on the strategic changes it caused.
  6. World War I Reflected in Literature and Art
    The romantic spirit during the early days of World War I eventually transformed into the personal tragedies of numerous people, which has been reflected in the works of poets.
  7. The Late Ottoman Empire and World War I: Annotated Bibliography
    The study explains how military knowledge was exchanged between the Ottoman Army, Turkish soldiers, and the Germans during World War I.
  8. Ottoman Empire’s Role in World War I
    This paper evaluates the late Ottoman Empire and World War I by analyzing how the Ottoman empire lived before the war, and how people were recruited.
  9. World War I: The Brief Analysis
    The history of the World War I actually is that of an arms race among the most powerful empires of the early 20th century.
  10. African-American Experience of World War I and the Harlem Renaissance
    This article aims to look at the African-American experience throughout World War I and the Harlem Renaissance.
  11. Globalization After World War I
    The emergence of the global economy corresponds to the aftermath of World War I, and the battle of governments and markets for control over the field brought unexpected results.
  12. World War I: Battle of Hill 70
    Four months after Vimy Ridge, the Battle of Hill 70 was the first major Canadian battle of the summer and Lieutenant-General Arthur Currie first war in his whole career.
  13. The Development of Modern America After WWI
    The development of the automobile industry, the popularity of culture, and the first attempts to maintain international peace boosted the U.S. in a significant way.
  14. World War I and the Treaty of Versailles
    At the end of World War I, in the aftermath of the Soviet Union revolution and other developments in Russia, the Treaty of Versailles was adopted in 1918.
  15. World War I and Its Impact on the Life of Europe
    The Great War affected every aspect of life in Europe. It led to a substantial geopolitical reshuffle, the dissolution of several empires, and the emergence of new nation-states.
  16. The First World War as a Catalyst of Geopolitical Change
    The First World War is the prologue to the most significant geopolitical change. As a result of it, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, and the German Empire collapsed.
  17. WWI and Territorial Changes in Europe
    This paper reviews how the Russian, Ottoman, German, and Austria-Hungary empires collapsed during and after WWI and which regions were created from the downfall.
  18. Results of World War I for Germany
    Having studied Germany’s after-war commitments, one should conclude that they could have been one of the principal causes of World War II.
  19. The Progressive Era and World War I
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss whether the decision to enter the war was a failure or success from the point of view of the Progressive Era values and ideas.
  20. Post-WWI America in “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the short story in terms of its plot, characters, setting, and conflict in relation to its overall message and symbolism.
  21. “Experiences of World War I Soldiers” Lecture by Isherwood
    This essay discusses the lecture “Experiences of World War I Soldiers” by Ian Isherwood, from his course “Aftermath: The Experience of War and ‘Modern’ Memory.”
  22. World War I as a Total War
    World War I was a conflict the nations had never seen before. Over thirty countries lost millions of lives between 1914 and 1918, fighting for their ideals and principles.
  23. Workers and Immigrants During the World War I and II
    The consequences of World War I, the restriction of immigration, and the fear of immigrants led to the isolation of the United States during the 1930s.
  24. Was World War One the Main Cause of the Russian Revolution?
    This paper will explore the contribution of the First World War to the subsequent revolution that took place in Russia, analyzing whether the war was the main contributing factor.
  25. American World War I Propaganda
    The U.S.A. produced the greatest number of propaganda materials in relation to any other single nation participating in the war.
  26. Nursing During World War I: The Importance of the Discipline
    In the USA, the World War I provided an avenue for nursing to discover the importance of professional training and discipline. This war posed a threat to the status of nursing.
  27. World War I (WWI) Effects On American Society
    WWI brought into America new cultural practices, it became a stimulant for trade, and it also brought into the country a unifying spirit which contributed to the economic success.
  28. World War 1 Influences Analysis
    No one state can be charged with causing the world war. It was as a result of economic and political rivalry among nations. There was also the issue of nationalism.
  29. The Chinese in Canada Before World War I
    Canada before World War One was characterised by the immigration of foreign communities, especially the Chinese, which resulted in suspicion and fear by locals.
  30. Impact of WWI on British Women’s Employment Opportunities
    Due to the need for Great Britain to unite all of its resources to survive the devastating effect of WWI, the social role and the opportunities for employment changed for women.

🎓 Most Interesting World War 1 Research Titles

  1. Conscription in Canada During World War I
    In Canada, Conscription during World War I was a total failure as it left the nation more divided than it was before.
  2. WWI Events: Wilson’s League of Nations & America’s Role
    This is an essay that generally talks about some of the events of World War I, there is a discussion about Wilson Woodrow and his fight for the League of Nations.
  3. History of Aviation in World War I and World War II
    Aviation history has various periods that crafted its unique story. It began before the seventeenth century and is known for several momentous events that led to its development, such as World War I and World War II.
  4. World War I and American Neutrality
    The U.S. Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles due to provisions established by Woodrow Wilson regarding collective security and the League of Nations.
  5. WWI Causes: Pan-Slavism, Nationalism, and U.S. Role
    The World War I became one of the most meaningful events that shaped the history of the humanity and preconditioned the development of the global intercourse in a particular way.
  6. German-Speaking States and the Causes of WWI
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of World War I. But the events that led to the Great War go further back into the nineteenth century.
  7. World War I: Prerequisites and Consequences
    World War I is an example of how political ideologies and movements can influence the course of history and people’s perception of current events.
  8. World War I: Causes and the United States’ Role
    This paper aims to investigate the underlying causes of World War I along with the exploration of the role of the United States in the war.
  9. The United States’ Role in the World War I
    The U.S. managed to maintain neutrality for an impressive amount of time, yet even the American government had to define its position toward WWI at some point.
  10. Austria-Hungary and Nationalism: Catalysts of World War I
    This paper analyzes the role of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism and especially the rise of Pan-Slavism in Eastern Europe in German-speaking states.
  11. Events and Causes of World War I
    World War 1 took place between 1914 and 1918. A number of authors and scholars have come up with possible causes of the First World War. It took place between rich countries.
  12. Causes and Consequences of World War I
    The WW I is considered one of the most devastating and horrible military conflicts in the history of humanity, which resulted in the creation of the new world order and the collapse of numerous states.
  13. World War One: Key Factors and U.S. Involvement
    The paper examines the fundamental reasons that have led to World War One and make an accent on the reasons that drew the United States of America into the world conflict.
  14. World War I: Chronology and Lasting Impacts
    This paper focuses on World War I that was identified as an important mark in the world’s history. It provides a detailed description of the war and explain its impacts.
  15. WWI’s Influence on Interwar Military Innovation
    WWI triggered the development of an array of interwar military innovations. Today specialization is common in contemporary military forces.
  16. Adolf Hitler’s Rise: Post-WWI Penalties and Occupation of Rhineland
    It should be noted that President Roosevelt, although concerned about Germany’s actions, only gave one speech in Chicago, but no action had followed.
  17. Causes of World War I: Nationalism, Alliances, Strive for Domination
    The Great War caused the death of at least 8.5 million soldiers and 7 million civilians. The Great War maimed and injured 20 million people.
  18. World War I, Its Causes and the US Interference
    In the case of WWI, nationalism led to the development of a competitive worldwide environment where each country felt the urge to overpower its closest rivals.
  19. Causes of World War I: Tensions, Alliances, and Ambitions
    The World War I was inevitable as it resulted from the existing differences, leaders` personal ambitions, and the unstable international situation.
  20. Aftermath of World War I: Evaluating Its Impact on the United States
    World War I is one of the darkest moments in modern times. It erupted in 1914 with the world’s powerful nations forming opposing alliances.
  21. The Role of the United States in World War I: Strategic and Historical Impact
    The Great War (also known as the First World War) was sparked by the sudden assassination of Austria-Este’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914.
  22. Understanding World War I Origins: Books and Scholarly Views
    The complexity of the origins of World War I is undeniable, but it is possible to observe that one of the crucial factors was the struggle for domination on the political map.
  23. Impact of World War I on Modern International Relations
    The World War I demonstrated the role of the alliance system, the use of poison gas, and the effect of the genocide on the nations’ development.
  24. The Former Soldiers of the World War I: Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
    The purpose of this essay is to investigate the reasoning of why the trenches of World War I an important site for the study of fascism and to decimate the modern delusion.
  25. World War I: USA’s Controversial Entry and Mobilization
    World War I left a lasting impact on America, influencing the next ten years of American foreign policy and domestic policy.

đź“Ś Easy World War 1 Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. Recruitment, Censorship and Propoganda in WW1 in Both Britain and Germany
  2. Discovering the American Past in World War 1
  3. Which Was the More Important Cause of World War 1
  4. The Most Influential Underlying Causes of World War 1
  5. Canadian History Since World War 1
  6. Comparison Between World War 1 And World War 2
  7. Military Leaders World War 1 as Well as After the War
  8. The Differences Between WWI and WWII
  9. The Bauhaus Movement During the World War 1
  10. What Expectation Did British Soldiers and Civilians Have of Their Government Following WWI?
  11. Causes Effects and Aftermath of World War 1 History
  12. How America Suffered From World War 1
  13. Aircraft During World War 1 and World War 2
  14. Liberal Democracy and Capitalism After World War 1
  15. Germany Between World War One to World War Two: Culture and Politics
  16. The Four Main Long-Term Causes of World War 1
  17. Industrial Revolution and the World War 1
  18. How Did the Location of Industry Respond to Falling Transport Costs in Britain Before World War 1
  19. The Fallout After World War 1 and the Great Depression
  20. The United States’ Entry Into World War 1

âť“ WW1 Research Questions

  1. How Did WW1 Lead to the Development of the Medical Field of Plastic Surgery?
  2. What Did the Intelligence Tradecraft Develop During World War 1?
  3. Did Britain Want Germany Weak After World War 1?
  4. Why Did Italy Enter Into World War 1?
  5. How Did Technological Developments During WW1 Affect the Soldiers Who Fought?
  6. Was WW1 the Result of Tensions Caused by German Nationalism?
  7. Should the United States Have Entered World War 1?
  8. Why Was World War 1 a Total War for Britain?
  9. What Was the Political Impact of World War 1?
  10. How Did Modern Weapons Change Combat in the First World War?
  11. Did WW1 Change the Status of Women?
  12. Was Germany Responsible for the Outbreak of World War 1?
  13. What Was the Underlying Cause of World War 1?
  14. How Did the World War 1 Change British Society?
  15. Why Did Australia Become Involved in World War 1?
  16. Should Any One Nation Be Seen as Responsible for the Outbreak of the First World War?
  17. How Did the First World War Affect Britain?
  18. What Was the Contribution of Britain to the Defeat of Germany in WW1?
  19. Did the First World War Liberate British Women?
  20. Why Did Central Power Lose the World War 1?
  21. How Did World War 1 Exacerbate Europe’s Economic Problems?
  22. Was the United States Genuinely Neutral During the First Years of World War 1?
  23. Did the First World War Represent an Irrevocable Crisis of Gender in the UK?
  24. How Did World War 1 Influence Modern-Day Art?
  25. Why Did Aircraft Make Significant Differences in World War 1?

đź’Ł WW1 Research Topics

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. The role of nationalism in fueling WWI.
  2. Conditions, strategies, and impact of trench warfare during WWI.
  3. The significance of new weapons and military technology in WWI.
  4. The role of propaganda in shaping public opinion during WWI.
  5. The effects of WW1 on the lives of civilians.
  6. Immediate and long-term consequences of the Treaty of Versailles.
  7. The significance of colonial troops in WWI.
  8. Artistic responses to WWI and its aftermath.
  9. The impact of WWI on the global balance of powers.
  10. The progress in medical practices and treatments during WWI.

⚔️ More World War 1 Topics

  1. Diplomatic failures and tensions that led to WWI.
  2. The experiences of soldiers in the trenches.
  3. Women’s non-combat roles during WW1.
  4. The role of espionage and intelligence in WW1.
  5. Religious institutions’ responses to WWI.
  6. The involvement of non-European countries in WW1.
  7. Aerial warfare strategies in WWI.
  8. The role of war correspondents in reporting on WW1.
  9. The impact of WW1 on subsequent conflicts and international relations.
  10. Ways in which WWI is remembered and commemorated in different countries.

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