IPhone X by Apple Inc.: Articles Review

The iPhone X is one of the smartphones innovated and designed by Apple Inc. and it was released in 2017. The device delivered new features that lacked in its predecessors, such as the Face ID and OLED screen. It uses Apple A11 bionic system and delivers a slate form factor to the user. The selected articles reviewing this product include “Review: Is the iPhone X Worth the $1,000 Cost?” and “Review: The iPhone X — Newer, Better and Fancier” by Tim Bradshaw. This evaluation essay gives a detailed summary of the two articles and tries to pinpoint any bias.

In the first article, the reader observes that the iPhone X replaces the home button with Face ID. However, the author argues that the best aspect about this product is that “it fits a plus-sized screen into a casing only a little bigger than a standard-sized iPhone” (Bradshaw, “Review: Is the iPhone”). Despite such a feature, it is evident that such a device does not have any other revolutionary attribute. The company has managed to replace the earlier “fingerprint authentication with facial recognition” (Bradshaw, “Review: Is the iPhone”). These new features explain how the buyer and owner would try to navigate the smartphone. Despite these new additions, the author believes that such a product is not worth the original price of 1,000 US dollars (Bradshaw, “Review: Is the iPhone”). The loss or replacement of the home button can be a new shock for different users. The new model allows the user to stop using more force due to the Face ID feature. This new innovation is worth supporting since it takes security to the next level. The OLED screen, according to the author, is brilliant and makes it easier for the customer to do a lot with this new device.

The second article begins by identifying the iPhone is a superior brand that has remained admirable for several years. Bradshaw indicates that “more than 200m people buy a new iPhone” (Bradshaw, “Review: The iPhone X”). Those who select this smartphone usually focus on the tech-savviness, elegance, and luxury associated with it. The author indicates that the phone is expensive at a price of around 1,000 US dollars (Bradshaw, “Review: The iPhone X”). The customer will acknowledge that the device is newer, fancier, and even better. Apple Inc. manages to meet the demands of customers who might be looking for a smartphone that is easy to use while delivering superior innovations. The fact that one’s eyes need to be open for the smartphone to unlock is a plus for this device. The innovators have gone further to minimize “accidental touches and interaction problems that the curved display can bring” (Bradshaw, “Review: The iPhone X”). The reviewer believes that Apple needs to find “a way to hide the camera behind the screen” (Bradshaw, “Review: The iPhone X”). The Face ID is also magical and much easier in comparison with the traditional Touch ID.

From these two reviews, it is evident that there is consistency in the manner in which the author analyzes the iPhone X. First, the articles appear to acknowledge that the offered price of 1,000 US dollars is high for this new device. A person who intends to purchase should be ready to make an evidence-based decision. Second, the two reviews accept the fact that the selected product is superior and presents exciting features to the user, such as the Face ID and the size. Third, the articles show that Apple Inc. has managed to take the idea of innovation to the next level by focusing on the expectations and needs of the targeted customers. Any person looking for elegance and luxury needs to consider this new product (“iPhone X Available for Pre-Order on Friday, October 27”). When it comes to differences, it is agreeable that there are no discrepancies in the opinions and analyses presented in the article. This fact could be the case since they were written by the same author. The insights can guide more people to think deeper and decide whether to purchase the iPhone X or not. Additionally, there is no observable bias in the analyzed articles.

The selected articles are worth reading because they offer timely and honest information that different buyers need to consider. I found the articles useful since they guide the reader to get a clear picture of the iPhone X, its superior features, and the additions from its predecessors. The author of the articles has gone further to provide unique comparisons with other devices in the market that the customer should take into consideration. The reviews offer detailed analyses of the unique gaps and drawbacks of this new device and why the buyer should consider them (Bradshaw, “Review: The iPhone X”). The arguments and opinions in the two articles are agreeable because they appear accurate, informative, and capable of influencing the customer’s decision-making process positively. Readers can consider the importance of consulting additional articles in order to learn more about this specific product.

Works Cited

Bradshaw, Tim. “Review: Is the iPhone X Worth the $1,000 Cost?Financial Times, 2017.

—. “Review: The iPhone X — Newer, Better and Fancier.” Financial Times, 2017.

IPhone X Available for Pre-Order on Friday, October 27.” Apple, 2017.

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StudyCorgi. "IPhone X by Apple Inc.: Articles Review." February 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/iphone-x-by-apple-inc-articles-review/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "IPhone X by Apple Inc.: Articles Review." February 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/iphone-x-by-apple-inc-articles-review/.

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