Jabare’s Lounge Bar and Its Success Factors

Successful entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry are pretty famous and well-known; however, some achieved the same goals yet haven’t been recognized as others. In India, for instance, it has been challenging to sustain the tourism and hospitality industry during the pandemic. Major financial issues have become the reason for the industry to be held back and underdeveloped (Hole and Snehal, 2019). Global uncertainty, human resources, and security have also become essential downfalls of the Indian hospitality business. Corporate social responsibility policy in companies also proved to have issues and led to multiple companies going bankrupt (Rhou and Singal, 2020). However, one entrepreneur, Sushant G Jabare, has decided to open a Lounge Bar in Mumbai that proved successful, maneuvering the hospitality industry to success (Asian News International [ANI], 2021).

In order to identify the reasons that lead Sushant G Jabare and his Lounge Bar to succeed, it is necessary to acknowledge the specific elements of the business. The entrepreneur has re-imagined the hospitality domain and created a unique atmosphere within it. The destination quickly grew its popularity due to implementing a lightning system, ambient sound, and large area. Following the initial opening, three new outlets were opened in a month, which was as successful as the rest. However, the place has not only been serving as a relaxing resort. Many celebrities, such as Kushal Tandon and Rishabh Pant, became frequent visitors to the bar. Moreover, Amethyst Lounge Bar has also become a place to host performances, gatherings, and film screenings. The attention brought to the bar by the famous people has also become a factor for its success; however, it is not limited to it.

The entrepreneur himself, Sushant G Jabare is not an ordinary business manager; he proved to be more than just that. At twenty-five, he managed to build a career as a businessman, taking the necessary risks and working hard on his ambitions. The reasons for his success lie in careful market research, acknowledging specific market characteristics, and knowing the audience it is catered towards. Sushant G Jabare has earned many international awards and studied in well-acclaimed institutions. He names one of the factors of his success in understanding the need for budget accommodation for travelers, which he strives to create. As a result of his efforts, Amethyst Lounge Bar has served to be a unique place in its industry, providing customers willing to party at night with a high-quality place and time.


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1. StudyCorgi. "Jabare’s Lounge Bar and Its Success Factors." September 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/jabares-lounge-bar-and-its-success-factors/.


StudyCorgi. "Jabare’s Lounge Bar and Its Success Factors." September 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/jabares-lounge-bar-and-its-success-factors/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Jabare’s Lounge Bar and Its Success Factors." September 27, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/jabares-lounge-bar-and-its-success-factors/.

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