Lithium and Polytetrafluoroethylene


It is safe to say that people have found a use for all the chemical elements of the periodic table. Synthetic elements are also used in various fields of industry and science. The modern world requires future specialists to know the basics and nuances of multiple materials. That is why it is necessary to study their properties, development, and applications. Lithium (Li) and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) were chosen for this work. The purpose of this paper is to explore them and describe basic information about them.

Properties of Li

It can be said that Li is currently a trend in many areas of human activity. According to Early (2020), “the demand for lithium with a lower environmental footprint appears to be gaining ground” (para. 9). It is primarily due to its properties. The melting point of Li is 180.50 °C, while its boiling point is 1342 °C (Lithium, 2021). It is solid at the state of 20 °C (Lithium, 2021). Density of Li is 0.534 gram / cubic centimeter (Lithium, 2021). Its relative atomic mass is 6.94 (Lithium, 2021). It has to be noted that Li belongs to the alkali metals group.

Development and Application of Li

Unlike the vast majority of other alkali metals, Li was discovered from a mineral. It was done by Jozé Bonifácio de Andralda e Silva in the late 18th century (Lithium, 2021). A couple of decades later, namely, in 1817, Johan August Arfwedson analyzed the new metal properties and gave it a name (Lithium, 2021). Lithium is most likely found in small amounts in igneous rocks and mineral waters. Researchers note that “the metal is produced by the electrolysis of molten lithium chloride and potassium chloride” (Lithium, 2021, para. 8). Li is mainly used in ionic and Lithium-sulfur batteries (Yang et al., 2018). It is also worth mentioning lithium metal solid-state batteries (Masias, 2019). These rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries are used in mobile gadgets such as laptops, smartphones, and cameras.

Properties of PTFE

PTFE, also known as Teflon, is a promising material with awe-inspiring properties. The melting point of PTFE is 327 ° C (The properties and advantages of PTFE, 2016). Its temperature range of usability is from -200 ° C to +260 ° C (The properties and advantages of PTFE, 2016). It is a material with high chemical, electrical, and water resistance as well as significant flexibility (The properties and advantages of PTFE, 2016). The density of PTFE is 2200 gram / cubic centimeter C (The properties and advantages of PTFE, 2016). Other notable properties are the low coefficient of friction and low resistance to radiation.

Development and Application of PTFE

The uniqueness of PTFE properties possibly may be explained by the history of its development. PTFE was unintentionally discovered by Roy J. Plunkett in 1938 (The history of Teflon fluoropolymers, 2021). Frozen and compressed Tetrafluoroethylene “had polymerized spontaneously into a white, waxy solid to form polytetrafluoroethylene” (The history of Teflon fluoropolymers, 2021, para. 1). PTFE is a high-quality and very versatile material. Andreatta et al. (2020) note that PTFE is “used for a wide range of applications, such as food heating and processing” (p. 1). PTFE has also found its place in manufacturing, engineering, machinery, and textile.


This work explores Li and PTFE, which are unique and unusual representatives of elements and materials. Their nature, development, and application have been described. Both Li and PTFE were found to be promising materials. During the study of the sources for this paper, it was found that Li and PTFE are associated with such important and relevant trends for today’s production as optimization, recycling, and low emission. Their research could significantly advance technological progress and improve the lives of many societies and environments.


Andreatta, F., Lanzutti, A., Aneggi, E., Gagliardi, A., Rondinella, A., Simonato, M., & Fedrizzi, L. (2020). Degradation of PTFE non-stick coatings for application in the food service industry. Engineering Failure Analysis, 115, 1. Web.

Early, C. (2020). The new ‘gold rush’ for green lithium. BBC. Web.

Lithium. (2021). Royal Society of Chemistry. Web.

Masias, A., Felten, N., Garcia-Mendez, R., Wolfenstine, J., & Sakamoto, J. (2019). Elastic, plastic, and creep mechanical properties of lithium metal. Journal of Materials Science, 54(3), 2585-2600. Web.

The history of Teflon fluoropolymers. (2021). Teflon. Web.

The properties and advantages of PTFE. (2016). AFT Fluorotec. Web.

Yang, X., Li, X., Adair, K., Zhang, H., & Sun, X. (2018). Structural design of lithium–sulfur batteries: From fundamental research to practical application. Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 1(3), 239-293. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 20). Lithium and Polytetrafluoroethylene.

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