Multitasking & Time Management Challenges in Personal Experience

What are your greatest challenges with time management?

Throughout the time of being a student, I have had many incidences where I needed to analyze my time management skills. Just like most people, I found out that I tend to spend time ineffectively sometimes which leads to delays that slow down the overall speed of my work. Based on my self-discovery, the major challenge with time management that I experience is connected to my multitasking. I developed this habit because it felt like I was managing to complete a larger amount of work while multitasking. Practically, I had an impression that I was more effective attempting several tasks at the same time. In reality, the result is always the opposite.

What effective strategies will you use to overcome these challenges?

In order to overcome my multitasking, I prefer to focus on just one activity up until I am fully done with it. As a person who is used to working in short sessions and then switching to other tasks, I face challenges when I need to focus on a single activity for a long time. For that, I like to use a resource known as the Tomato Timer. This is an online timer that one can adjust as per their personal capacity. I set this timer to go off every 20 minutes announcing a short five-minute break. During this break, I unwind by listening to a favorite song or watching one short video. After that, the timer goes off once again signifying that it is time to go back to work for another 20-minute session. This is my way of handling my bad habit.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, May 5). Multitasking & Time Management Challenges in Personal Experience.

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StudyCorgi. "Multitasking & Time Management Challenges in Personal Experience." May 5, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Multitasking & Time Management Challenges in Personal Experience." May 5, 2021.

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