Evidence-Based Practice and Its Implementation Barriers

Introduction Nurses are always expected to use evidence-based practices in their work as patients see them as the basis for quality healthcare delivery and reliability. Evidence-based practices might be excellent strategies for the treatment of complex diseases. However, many nurses face a problem of lack of knowledge and inability to...

Discussion: Presenting Yourself Online

In the highly digitized world of today, it is almost impossible to find someone without a social media account. Or, even more often, a few of them – Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter… The choices are vast and the opportunities for self-expression are endless. The perceived online anonymity might tempt some...

Louis Armstrong’s Career and Innovations in Music

Several factors influenced Luis Armstrong’s music career, but the key among them was his family background. Armstrong had a difficult childhood after his father abandoned the family and his mother turned into a prostitute. This forced him to drop out of school and live with his grandmother, where he began...

Misconceptions of Feminism Case

Mistaken perception of feminist ideas is a serious issue for our society. The anti-feminist community has grown to a degree where some believe that by fighting for women’s rights, feminists oppress men and try to banish them from society. I have seen a number of opinions on social media and...

Medication Errors Due to Terminology Miscommunication

Medication errors occasionally occur in the healthcare practice and cause safety issues for patients. Miscommunication leading to medical errors might occur in interactions between the practitioners or between a healthcare worker and a patient. In particular, medication errors most commonly occur in practitioner-patient communication due to mixed-up terminology or non-clarity...

The Interview “I’m a Runner: Haruki Murakami”

I listened to Haruki Murakami’s interview “I’m a Runner: Haruki Murakami.” The writer explains how exercise has changed his social and physical lifestyle (Lee, 2005). In the second interview, Murakami talks about his writing process, general life, and characters that appear in his writing. Murakami reveals that he loves cats...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Media Control” by Chomsky

Introduction Noam Chomsky’s classical book on censorship intends to awaken a revolution in devised propaganda. The author terms propaganda as a deception strategy on the “bewildered herd” (Chomsky 3). This term refers to the low-class and illiterate citizens whose only responsibility is to elect the leader. Chomsky reveals how the...

Images of the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty Signing

Two images depict the same occasion, which is the Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty signing. The first image demonstrates the USA government and the tribe leaders meeting at the special place. This place is considered as a traditional place for Native Americans. In the second image, there are colorful traditional clothes...

Socrates as an Example of a True Philosopher

The purpose of a true philosopher is to rise above bodily, simple pleasures because they are empty and insignificant. He is not interested in everyday life, wealth, nobility of origin, and various amusements. Socrates is an example of a true philosopher because he never sought to please other people and...

Challenges of Intimacy and Sexual Relations

Both TED Talks by Peggy Orenstein and Philip Zimbardo, although exploring different gender perspectives and general topics, emphasize the barriers that young men and women encounter when attempting to formulate their own understandings of intimacy and sexual relations. By using data from their research involving actual participants, the two speakers...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Changes to Data Collection Methods Since the Implementation of Electronic Health Records

Medical research is constantly developing due to modern technological advancements. Electronic health records (EHR), which include patients’ medical history, are used to store and share data to provide sufficient healthcare (Dash et al., 2019, para. 8). The application of EHR to daily hospital routines resulted in changes to their data...

Dystopian Books: Why Is the Future So Dystopian?

I believe that dystopian books are highly interesting and engaging for the readers, as they suggest scenarios that are often dreaded by numerous individuals. During my life, I frequently chose to read publications from the dystopian genre, which always involves me due to a unique author hypothesis about the events...

European Colonization’s Influence on Africa

The present world stratification is the outcome of European nations’ colonization and conquering of indigenous peoples, most of whom lived in Africa. Direct colonialism has mostly ended, but the ideology that accompanied it has persisted in people’s cultural identities, as well as their political, social, and economic behaviors. Colonization began...

Jonathan Vogel’s Response to the Skeptics

The standard way of thinking about skepticism has it that the choice between our ordinary beliefs and skeptical hypotheses cannot be justified. Jonathan Vogel states that it makes sense to prefer a theory that offers a better of some data rather than one that offers a worse explanation. He proves...

Hate Groups in the USA: Motivation and Prevalence

Hate groups are made up of people who share radical and authoritarian views. I was able to visit websites and find information about groups such as Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Anti-LGBT groups, and different Neo-Nazi organizations. I had a mixed reaction to the web pages of such communities....

Applying Sociological Theories to Real-Life Cases

The model of the modern world and current global trends assume the imperfection of the social structure. It can be due to many factors, from economic and ethical to legal causes. With the help of sociological theories given in the training material, it is possible to identify the root of...

United Airlines Fined for Keeping Passengers Stuck on Planes for Hours

Numerous people waiting for their departure is the reason for imposing the fine on United Airlines. As a matter of fact, this penalty is considered the largest for flight delays in the USA (Duncan, par. 1). To be more exact, the organization delayed twenty domestic and five international flights “in...

A Good Conclusion in King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech

Concluding thoughts are essential, as they are the final impression a reader receives from a speech or a piece of written communication. Garner (2017) emphasizes that the primary purpose of concluding thoughts is to prompt readers to take action. He further states that the last words should not be perfunctory...

Family Nursing Theories and Concepts

Family nursing utilizes many concepts and is ingrained in numerous Nursing Theories. One of the most important concepts is the perspective of recognizing the strengths of the family, which are believed to be in the ability to cope with stress, time spent together, positive communication, spiritual well-being, appreciation and affection,...

Science and Technology for Big Business in the 1880-90s

Technologies have always been the driving power of any progress. At the end of the 19th century, technological development contributed to significant changes in the industrial and production areas. Innovations broadened the economic opportunities and allowed entrepreneurs to apply more effective financial planning. Moreover, the labor tradition was also changing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Relational Leadership

Leadership is an essential concept for all teams because it allows them to organize and distribute tasks and ensure their successful completion. The article by Horila and Siitonen (2020) states that most research on leadership was conducted without considering time because experimental settings allow for evaluating groups for a short...

Olfactory Sense as the Most Rapid Warning System

The human evasion reaction to unsavory scents related to risk has for some time been viewed as a conscious cognitive process. However, the research from Karolinska Institutet shows that it is an unconscious and fast reaction. The brain processes involved in the translation of an unpleasant odor into avoidance behavior...

“Make Your Influence Positive” Media Clip Analysis

The media clip reviewed in this paper is titled “Make Your Influence Positive.” It was created as part of the Child-Friendly campaign conducted by the Australian NGO in 2008 (Kiniri). The clip was also featured by various media outlets around the world, including New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and the...

Greece’s Trading Interaction Analysis

Economic Data Major trading partners The country interacts with multiple countries in terms of trading relationships. Greece’s major trading partners are Germany, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iraq, and Russia (WTO, 2021). Major imports Greece imports in Germany, Iraq, Italy, Russia, and China; major imports are fuel, mineral waxes, oil, technical...

The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee Book by David Treuer

Even these days, there are arguments about how the human species originated and who started the history of humankind. David Treuer, in his “The Heart of Wounded Knee,” argues about the history of the New World and who were the first people to settle in the New World. Treuer managed...

Personalized Substances Abuse Assessment

Melissa Trevizo is a 37-year-old white woman who was charged more than a year ago with possession of a prohibited substance. Based on this assessment, it can be concluded that Melissa is not a substance-addicted person. Even though about seven years ago, M. was addicted to marijuana and methamphetamine, she...

Labor Law: Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Workers’ compensation fraud is a crime that is punishable by law. It happens when an individual willfully makes a false statement to receive worker’s compensation benefits. Based on this, if I suspect that a patient was committing worker’s compensation fraud, I would report the matter to the hospital administrator. After...

Feminist Literary Theories in the Age of #MeToo

Feminist theory is a significant branch in which assumptions are shifted from the male to the feminine perspective and experience. The feminist perspective sheds light on social issues and problems overlooked or by the dominant male perspective in social theory. The problems that women have to encounter daily are inequality,...

“How to Tell a True War Story” by O’Brien

O’Brien employs an important literary technique, using stories within a large story to give the reader the complete picture of what is happening. These stories can come from different characters and refer to various events. Thanks to this, readers can learn about all the parts of the story, understanding what...

Von Wong on Environmental Pollution Awareness

The subject of the study discussed in the following review considers the works of Mr. Wong and their significance in raising environmental awareness. The thesis of the study is that there is an intrinsic need for environmental awareness to ensure the protection of the Earth, and art is a way...

How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management

Engineers that work for Google have been uneasy about the managers since the foundation of the company. Despite this, the managers help the organization keep in one general direction and work as a team. However, the amount of managers is still small, which gives engineers freedom and responsibility. Google hires...

The Right to Be Forgotten: Google Information

Considering the fact that most of the Google users tend to trust information they find on the platform as authentic, Google needs to be responsible for information links. Since some information have the ability to influence individuals’ interaction and business activities, proper control will help in reducing wrong information from...

Human Psychology and Physiology Relationship

From a sociological perspective, the central qualities of human beings are deeply rooted in social backgrounds and the environment. These qualities can be identified as mind, self, and symbol, which are influenced by genetic and social factors. Human beings are highly social creatures, which means that social structures and interactions...

Inflation and Consumer Price Indexes

One of the most unfortunate situations in a country’s economy is inflation. A more extreme form of it is hyperinflation, which can be defined as the rapid increase in inflation and dramatic drop in the value of a currency (Mastan Travel, 2013). The prominent historical example of this phenomenon was...

Outlaw Emotions in Modern Society

Modern people pay much more attention to tracking and managing emotions than before. Unfortunately, emotions are not always accepted by people with understanding, and some are considered inferior to others. Alison Jaggar (1989) argues that some feelings can be called outlaws in modern society. These emotions are contrary to the...

The Allied Health Segment: Dietetics and Physical Therapy Career

Allied health is a department of health care that deals with the delivery of services that involves the identification, evaluation, and prevention of diseases and disorders, dietetics, rehabilitation, and health systems management. Two careers that are of interest within the allied health segment are dietetics and physical therapy. Dieticians are...

The Science Behind Climate Change

The greenhouse effect is the retention of solar heat in a natural way that makes the earth habitable. Gries, Redlin, & Ugarte (2019) state that “even before the industrialization and the rising importance of fossil fuels, the Earth’s surface was modified by human activity through deforestation, agricultural activity, and urbanization”...

Dunbar’s “Never Caught” Book Analysis

Never caught is a narrative of the story of Ona Judge and is based on the author’s meticulous historical research. To describe the events in the life of the heroine, Dunbar (2017) used primary sources that represent fragments of historical events. In particular, newspaper articles, including later interviews with Judge...

Theories of Crime in Forensic Psychology

The phenomenon of forensic psychology has always been an ambivalent notion in terms of its interpretation. According to the researchers, the primary idea behind this branch of criminology was to investigate the insane behavior of offenders, which concerns some severe cases of mental disorders and psychopathy (McLaughlin & Muncie, 2019)....

Oil Spills and How They Are Related to Climate Change

Since the discovery of oil and the emergence of the petroleum industry, the human impact on nature and the environment has grown exponentially. It was the moment when humanity became an active partaker in climate change. As of now, the overall influence can be described as primarily negative. It is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Sense of Belonging to a Student Community

A sense of belonging to something bigger often inspires and motivates people. This is generally not surprising because, as Cherry (2020) wrote, individuals tend to worry if they do not feel a sense of belonging to social groups. Such groups can be family, classmates, colleagues, or even an entire nation....

Stereotypes in “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Cofer

From my perspective, Cofer’s essay is thought-provoking when it comes to stereotypes about Latin American and Hispanic women. Specifically, the essayist mentions a widespread stereotype that immigrants from Puerto Rico are easy to spot because these girls have no sense of moderation when it comes to jewelry (Cofer 149). The...

What Counts as a Family? Media-Based Response

It is known that relationships within the family are the most significant ones for any individual. In the video entitled “Dedicated to My Family” (2007), the young girl Nicole explains what the concept of “perfect family” means to her, revealing the details of her personal background throughout the story. I...

Sexual Health Nurses: Functions and Responsibilities

Sexual diversity is a term used to describe the diversity of sex characteristics, sexual orientation and gender identity. However, there is no need to indicate each of such statuses, roles or features, which shape this plurality (The United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2016). Diversity of cultures can...

Racial Identity of Ancient Egyptians

The question about the racial identity of ancient Egyptians remains debatable among scholars. Historians indicate that the country of Egypt was the origin of human civilization. Although the country is in Africa, white scholars argument about ancient inhabitants of Egypt were not Africans focuses on dismissing the idea that European...

Women’s Mental Health after Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion: Summary

The belief that women experience negative emotional well-being result of early termination has been the reason for enactment trying to order different approaches to limit admittance to early termination. Biggs et al. (2017) hypothesize that the restrictions on abortion and the denial of abortion lead to adverse mental outcomes for...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Brought Us Too Close Together

The COVID 19 pandemic has created a new reality for the world. From redefining the office workspace, a new set of ethics, and new ways of connecting with loved ones, the pandemic has created a new norm that will be around for the next decades. The resources presented in the...

Nature-Nurture Debate of Gender Identity

What determines the gender of an individual, nature or nurture, was of interest to people long before the advent of gender studies. The myth of Iphis is a prime example of it. According to Moore (2021), the myth is about “a girl, raised as a boy, who loves another girl...

Effective Writing and Criminal Justice

Introduction It is no secret that effective writing is essential for all professional activity areas, and criminal justice is no exception. Criminal justice professionals apply the full range of their skills, namely “cognitive, physical, social and cultural,” when they write effectively (Effective writing instruction, 2019). Effective writing develops logical and...

Infant Mortality: Influence and Prevention Measures

Case description Barbara is 40 years old and expecting her 4th child. Her doctors have advised her that, due to her age, she is at high risk for possible fetal death. Barbara conducts research on the internet. She finds statistics for fetal deaths from 2002-2011 based on age and race....

Discussion of Violence of African People in Literature

In this chapter, the author writes about the violence against African people as it is shown in the films “Amistad” and “Beloved” and examines them from the perspective of trauma. Even though these pieces are not the only ones narrating about the enslavement of these people, their distinguishing characteristic is...

Major Factors That Undermined U.S. Reconstruction Efforts Following the Civil War

In general, Reconstruction aimed to restore the Union, enact progressive legislation, transform Southern society, and provide civil rights to former slaves. However, regardless of positive intentions and all efforts, U.S. Reconstruction was undermined in Confederate states and may be regarded as a failure. First of all, Southern states did not...

A Coder’s Job in the Healthcare Industry

The job of the coder is currently one of the most demanded in the job market. Its immense popularity is explained by the computerization of most jobs that did not involve modern technologies before. However, being a coder is quite difficult, as the job presumes a wide range of knowledge...

Are We Truly Free or Only to a Certain Degree?

The concept of freedom has been a cause of discussion ever since the rise of humanity. In general, I think that yes, we are free since we are always responsible for the decisions that we make or do not make. In a sense, we choose our destiny, but we do...

Otto Von Bismarck’s Germany Unification

Otto von Bismarck and Benso de Cavour are two prominent political figures who have successfully pursued a policy of uniting their countries (Germany and Italy). Although politicians followed similar goals, their methods differed, the common goal was to conquer neighboring states: the territory could be beaten or acquired voluntarily. While...

Aspects of Nursing Communication

At the moment, in my employment setting, the principles of active interaction among colleagues are being promoted as one of the key aspects of optimizing the workflow. Nursing communication is viewed by the management as a necessary element of productive activity, and the focus is on collaborative and team practices....

Comparison of Daoism and Confucianism

Wuwei is one of the central concepts in Daoist teachings and describes the proper way of living. Literally translated to “effortless action” or “action without strain,” it refers to doing things without needless over-complication and exertion (Molloy, 2020, p. 209). As such, it is directly related to being in harmony...

International Monetary Fund’s Conditionalities and Neoliberal Measures in Argentina

Introduction It is known that any country’s economy can be influenced by both external and internal factors, which can be beneficial, or on the opposite, deteriorative ones, in a particular situation. At the end of 2001, Argentina was in an economic crisis because of the partial deposit freeze, public debt,...

COVID-19 Influence on the Brain and Learning

The effects of COVID-19 on the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems are widely documented. However, recent research shows that the virus also affects the brain. According to studies conducted in the United Kingdom and Germany, 20-70% of COVID-19 patients experience neuropsychiatric symptoms (Boldrini et al., 2021). Some of the symptoms recorded...

Health Care Outcomes for Latinos in Delaware

In Delaware, majority of the people are Latino, one out of three kids is Latino and one out of 31 adults is also Latino. However, most of the population this community is marginalized (Salud America, 2019). Latino face disparities in physical health, parental care and mental health where depression is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing: Maintaining the Patient’s Privacy

Today social media embraces all spheres of people’s life; however, there are professions within which social media should be used with caution not to do irreparable harm. Nursing is one of such professions since disclosure of any medical information may seriously damage both sides: the patient and the nurse. According...

Impact of Workplace Conflict on Patient Care

Like any other field, interpersonal disagreements are inevitable in healthcare institutions. The conflicts might be caused by several factors, ranging from personal discontent, role incompatibilities, lack of information and communication, and workplace anxiety. These disruptive behaviors are more likely to entail stress and frustration, and weak team collaboration among healthcare...

Masks and Social Distancing in Fighting COVID-19

Public opinion constitutes an essential attribute in determining the popularity of a particular issue. In essence, public members in many countries have played a substantial role in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. This is a disease caused by a coronavirus, which was first identified in Wuhan, China (Zhang et al.,...

Grand Central Terminal: Grand Path Through History

The invention of railroads was one of the most important breakthroughs in the history of travel. Suddenly, an average resident had an opportunity to travel long distances for a comparatively small fee, and cities could connect to one another easier and faster. While many consider trains to be an antique,...

Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get It Wrong

Technology is a force that civilization forward and enables societies to improve their quality of life, making communication, transportation, and other spheres easier. Marketing is a powerful tool that is used extensively by businesses to promote products and new technological solutions. The article “Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get It...

The Movement of Molecules Through Cells: Role of Diffusion

A cell is the smallest unit of an organism. Molecules within a cell move through the cell membrane by the use of diffusion. Diffusion refers to the process molecules move from a high concentration gradient to a place of the low concentration gradient across a semipermeable membrane(Burini & Chouhad, 2019)....

Tesco Market Strategy: Outside-In and Inside-Out

Depending on the point of focus, the market strategies set and practiced within the large-scale food retailer firms might be categorized as outside-in and inside-out. Each of the categories maintains a set of its own benefits as well as disadvantages, which come from the management team prioritizing certain tools over...

Western, Experimental, Scientific and Religious Mythical or Magical

Since beginning of history worldwide, there have been two key fundamental views; scientific and religious. Religion is thought to be the deep-rooted worldview during the times before knowledge about Science and practical became rampant. It is assumed that magic and myth works are stronger than new technology (Jensen, 2019). In...

Bible Belt as a Region with High Religiosity

When examining the map with the levels of religiosity, one can notice that geographers distinguish a separate region with high religiosity. This region is called the Bible belt and while it can be measured in many different ways, it tends to include most of the American South. In the last...

Communication Barrier With Non-English-Speaking Patients

In our time, society is diverse and multicultural, so new challenges in health care are emerging. That is, nurses are faced with the problem of providing quality care to sufferers of all religions, races, and cultures. Although this is a difficult task, considering that even English-speaking patients find it problematic...

Importance of Finding the Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is the most crucial and essential question for every human being because it addresses the deep inner self. It arises from a human’s fundamental desire, which he wants to fulfill. Everyone tries to satisfy this desire in different ways, but there is only one for all...

Production Possibility Frontier

Production Possibility Frontier graphs are widely used both in macroeconomics and microeconomics. For the first case, the graph might show the level of efficiency in the production of several goods for a nation, for the second—is for a company (Krylovskiy). In the paper, a graph that reflects the hypothetical PPF...

Convergent Evolution and Analogous Structures

Convergent evolution is a situation whereby different unrelated species independently develop similar traits. In some biological cases, other organisms develop identical characteristics to solve a common problem presented by their habitat (Sackton & Clark, 2019). When two or more organisms portray similar traits not inherited from a shared ancestor, they...

“The Princess on the Pea” by Hans Christian Andersen

“The Princess on the Pea” is one of the shortest and most well-known classic fairy-tales, and its plot may seem quite simple to some. I believe that there are two ways to answer the question why it was so important for the royal family to find a “real princess”. First,...

Teamwork Performance and Effective Collaboration

Diverse and large teams of professions and specialists are significant when handling a significant and critical initiative such as acquiring the IT of big companies and states. These teams are convened to provide an urgent solution or come up with a solution. My review of both ‘Case study material and...

Introductory Paragraph in the Essay “Eternal Love”

The introductory paragraph in the essay “Eternal Love” dedicated to Theodore Roethke’s poem “I Knew a Woman” is a particularly effective section of the work. The purpose of an introduction is to provide readers with necessary background information on the discussed topic and introduce them to the essay’s thesis statement...

Misinformation Online in Healthcare: Preventive Measures

Sometimes people opt for determining their diagnosis based on the symptoms, using the information they seek online in spite of arranging doctor’s appointments for proper health analysis. Unfortunately, society might be easily disinformed, considering that the quality of media data on web pages is not always assured. As a result,...

Religion and Politics: Pope Francis and Climate Change

Nowadays, many media sources contain discussions about the connection between religion and politics in modern society. A variety of political themes is analyzed through the prism of current religious aspects, and global warming is one of them. In most cases, the authors of newspaper articles pay attention to the differences...

The Ways of Approaching the Management of Anemia

A human’s body depends on oxygen to function and red blood cells enable this by carrying the oxygen molecules to the different organs and tissues. Anemia is a condition caused by a lack of healthy red blood cells. This condition can be very dangerous, however, there are different solutions to...

Labor Relations in the Airline Industry

The core components of labor relations in the airline industry are, in the first place, the participants of these relations, such as workers and management. Workers in the airline industry are occupied in such professions as flight attendants, pilots, and machinists (Bodie, 2019). Another core component of labor relations is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cultivating Sociological Imagination

Trying to identify to what degree the characteristics that could be perceived as biological are the result of cultural circumstances and to what degree they are changeable is one of the primary sociologists’ interests. Awareness of social realities, mapping them, and finding one’s place is an exercise that stems from...

“Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing” by Rainer

The problems of ethical regulation of modern nursing practice are relevant today. The ethical dilemmas that a nurse may face are varied, and understanding the core concepts behind them will help the nurse find solutions to these issues (Butts & Rich, 2019). Rainer et al. (2018), in their integrative review...

The Role of Stem-cell Tissue in Neurodevelopment

Stem-cell Developments The attention towards the usage of stem cells in scientific studies is a subject of many controversies in the past decade. However, while some opponents of these experiments point out ethical issues related to the origin of this tissue, it is also essential to understand what these studies...

Upper Airway Obstruction and Gunshot Wound in the Emergency Room

Upper Airway Obstruction The inhaled air enters the person through the nose and mouth and moves to the lungs. The pathway is complex and consists of many airway tubes. Airway obstruction is a hindrance in any part of the air passage. It may partially or fully block the air from...

Economic Growth of East Asian States: The Impact of Foreign Workers

In recent years, there have been increased levels of international labor migration in various nations. Eastern Asian countries, such as Thailand, have seen a considerable surge in migrant workers, raising interest in individual nations’ impact. Walmsley et al. (2013) mention that immigrants comprise people with varied skill levels. He further...

Sex Ed and Power in Relationships

The initiative of specialists regarding the need to address social issues by incorporating them in sex education is the latest trend. However, it has already proven to be efficient in terms of lowering rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases through the empowerment of students (Singh, 2015). Therefore, the outcome...

International Labor Forces: Personal Review

Culture and mentality play an essential role in determining the worldview, values, and habits of an individual, and the sphere of labor is not an exception. Attitude to work and relationships inside the company, working habits and norms are also shaped by national peculiarities. Culture defines the treatment of employees,...

The Goal-Setting Theory for Addressing a Turnover

Health personnel turnover determines the deteriorated working conditions for employees and the decline in the quality of services. The industry is unique in that the team faces stress and increased responsibility daily. Therefore, creating a motivational strategy should occur by identifying group needs and values ​​and efforts to satisfy them....

Confidence Can Make You Miss Important Information

In the news article “Confidence Can Make You Miss Important Information,” Brookshire argues that confidence can make an individual fail to consider factual information, especially if that evidence contradicts their personal beliefs. The author attributes this habit to the human brain’s vulnerability to confirmation bias. According to it, people tend...

Carlos Bulosan’s Story and Delano Manong’s Documentary Analysis

Quotation from Carlos Bulosan’s Short Story “The Romance of Magno Rubio” “Claro looked tentatively at the money. He picked up the crispy bills on the table. He grabbed the jug of wine and went to his room.” (Bulosan, 1979, p. 34). The above quote from the story depicts the hard...

Food and Wine Pairing Menu

Food and wine pairing is an imprecise process and a personal choice, depending on individual tastes and preferences. However, there is a variety of guidelines and recommendations based on characteristics such as a state of stability and synergy (Wine and food pairing, 2017). Considering the number of sugars, acids, or...

Postpartum Teaching Plan Assignment

The discharge with a newborn leads women and their families to significant changes in their daily lives, and it is crucial to teach them the basics to maintain well-being. Firstly, the mother must be educated about possible body reactions, such as bowel and urine difficulties, swelling, and mood switches. Secondly,...

The Covid-19 Pandemic Analysis

Coronavirus, or Covid-19, is a contagious virus that began in December 2019. It causes an infection on the upper throat, sinuses, and nose. Coronavirus’s highly infectious nature has made it increasingly difficult to prevent it from continuing spread (Driggin et al., 2020). The illness is transmitted through contact with infected...

Ontario After ‘Disturbing’ Spike in COVID-19 Infections

People start to return to normal after the spread of coronavirus, but the reality shows that the new stay-at-home measures may affect millions of lives again. Davidson revealed the government’s plans to establish the COVID-19 lockdown again. This review includes outcomes of the safety measures and the problems that will...

Supporting the Population’s Health: The Role of Nurses

The health of the population is one of the most important factors in successful national safety, security, and social development. Additionally, it is an important resource for ensuring the stability of the state, and can be considered as a point of evaluation of the state policy in the social care...

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are the two primary accounting frameworks with core peculiarities. GAAP, which is accepted in the United States, presents accountants with a rules-based framework that allows them to operate under a strict code of conduct, which leaves little room for...

Narcotics Use and Opioid Crisis in the United States

The world’s rapid progress not always represents positive changes but is also responsible for creating dangerous substances like novel psychoactive substances (NPS). NPS is a new type of psychotropic narcotics, matters of abuse, that pose a significant public health threat due to wide availability (Khaled et al., 2016). The primary...

Observing Harmony in Our Life During Covid-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, there have been many reasons to reflect upon the essence of the never-ending sequence of challenges that form the sequence of our lives. I had time to search for answers to many related questions. What is the sense of Covid-19 for humanity? What can this challenge bring...

Critical Thinking and Transgender Ethics

Sexual orientation and preference is a debated and complex topic involving biological aspects, including hormones, which can alter and change people’s behavior and feelings. Equally, sexual orientation elicits various ethical issues, including discrimination and alienation. Thus, transgender people cannot be generalized to limited ascriptions that male-to-female transsexual persons prefer males...

How Public Policy in the US Can Be Improved

Public policy in the United States can be improved through public participation and good will from the political class. Policing in the United States has been identified as one area that may require policy improvement. The recent murder of George Floyd by law enforcement agencies and massive protests that followed...

Demand for Nurses in Us Healthcare Facilities

The current demand for nurses in US healthcare facilities is so considerable that it cannot be addressed within a short period of time. Therefore, even if the authorities in the United States and other developed countries focus on resolving issues associated with the nurse shortage, positive outcomes will be observed...

How a Kidney Nephron Works

A nephron is the kidney’s basic functional and structural unit, undertaking the regulation of water and soluble substances in the body. It filters blood, reabsorbs critical components, and excretes the rest, ultimately ensuring that urine leaves the body in the correct concentration. A nephron constitutes a renal tubule and corpuscle,...

Cloud Formation and Precipitation in a Mid-Latitude Cyclone

The nature of the planet Earth is impressive — it consists of the cycles of chemical compounds in different aggregate states at distinct levels. Water is the essential substance without which life would not be possible, and the formation of clouds with the subsequent fallout plays a not insignificant role...

The Future of Health Care: Observing New Trends

World changes with each generation due to economic factors, population fluctuations, and the rapid development of information and communications technology (ICT). That affects the healthcare market with visible trends entailing the change. Vogenberg and Santilli (2018) allocate eight themes that attribute key trends in the healthcare delivery system: A decline...

Fruits vs. Vegetables Distinction

The arbitrary distinction between fruits and vegetables can be seen when examining some products that are erroneously included in one or another category by consumers. Thus, for example, tomatoes technically belong to the former type while they are not referred to as such (Miller, 2018). From the scientific perspective, they...

Mary Rowlandson and Religion

The colonial era in North America is known for violent opposition between the native population and new settlers. The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is a book about a European woman who was kidnapped by the Indians and kept in confinement for eleven weeks and...

FlipHarp Company’s Conflict Resolution

Conflicts within organizations are inevitable due to interdependent parties pursuing dissimilar goals and objectives using scarce resources. Even though skirmishes cannot be avoided, the approaches to resolve conflicts determine how well individuals and companies accomplish the desired goals (Shetach, 2012). The conflict I witnessed at FlipHarp Company involved team members...

The British in Virginia Colony

Colonization can be seen as one of the inseparable aspects of discovering new lands in the history of humankind. The process of colonization is complex and has a significant impact on all parties, whether negative or positive. To understand the historical development of certain areas, it is necessary to analyze...

Volleyball Technical and Tactical Skills

Coaches are responsible for effectively explaining and drilling team members on the fundamental skills that create a game. Technical and tactical skills are basics that offer players the appropriate equipment to accomplish the physical necessities of the game. Based on the volleyball practice video that I watched, the coach created...

Opposing American Football Ban Due to Health Reasons

One of the opposing views regarding American football from the perspective of players’ health is the dubious nature of the claim that the described risks are universal. According to Shaffer, the evidence in this respect is contradictory because the researchers cannot agree on the dangers for everyone or only individuals...

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Why Obeying the Speed Limit Is Essential

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Java as a Programming Language: Creating an App

Before a computer program can be executed, it must be created and compiled. Any text editor or IDE is used to edit the Java source code. The extension of the file should be.java, while the file name should reflect the term used in the public class line. The next step...

How the Nutrients of a Hamburger Meal Are Processed Through the Body

The first step to obtaining nutrients from a hamburger meal is taking it by mouth and then breaking it with saliva and teeth. Subsequently, in order for nutrients, including protein, carbohydrate, and lipid, to be utilized for energy, the hamburger meal must undergo mechanical and chemical digestion (“Digestive System Processes,”...

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Employing the Idea of Grit in My Everyday Life

A dilemma of talented people not succeeding in their lives seems disturbing to anyone. However, according to Angela Duckworth, everyone can reach their goals with the help of grit. To be more exact, grit is “a special blend of passion and perseverance” that is even more fundamental to success than...

Discussion of Mobile Payments Aspects

The first of the three mobile payments are the proximity payment systems that use a point-of-sale tool that involves the participating merchants. Examples of such merchants include Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. The second is the branded proximity payment system which involves making payments at only one select...

“The Matrix” Movie Discussion

During the training fight between Neo and Morpheus in the dojo as well as the fight between Neo and Agent Smith at the subway station, the film rarely, if ever, uses the hand-held camera. This approach results in stable wide shots, which make it easier for the viewer to understand...

The Yield of a New Bond Issue

In general, a bond prospectus refers to the additional data associated with the bond issue. This information primarily concerns interest payments, call provisions, credit quality, and time to maturity – which constitute essential knowledge for investors (Jark, 2021). At the same time, a bond prospectus might also include general information...

Why Evidence-Based Practice Is Essential for the Practice of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Background Evidence-based practice means to heighten the effectiveness of the nurse practicing. By gathering and analyzing evidence, an RN is enabled to define a customized care plan. Horntvedt emphasizes the idea in question, stating that EBP redesigns medical care to minimize possible risks. If RNs are allowed to access and...

Performance-Driven Team and Its Characteristics

Summary Teamwork encompasses the combined assimilation of persons with different skills who work collectively towards achieving a mutual objective. These individuals have to be in alignment to be effective and productive. The group has to put their effort together to realize their goal successfully. Consequently, a performance-driven team has a...

Connect of Social Responsibility to Organizational Performance

Looking at the question above closer, one will note the absence of the obvious need to quantify the outcomes to provide the answer to it. Indeed, in its nature, the research question appears to be rooted in examining the phenomenon at hand rather than establishing a quantitative relation between it...

Southern and African American Literature’s Characteristics

Both Southern and African American Literature have distinct characteristics that make them recognizable. On the one hand, there are the traditional and family-oriented Southern themes, with emphasis on concrete imagery, grotesque humor, and the Southern gothic. Some examples of this can be seen in Eudora Welty’s Petrified Man as the...

The Barbie Doll Controversy in a Latinx Community

Introduction Barbie is an American plastic doll that was introduced to the market in 1959. At first, the toy represented a figure of a young adult American woman. However, since that time, Barbie has changed hairstyles, clothes, and accessories. Finally, the overall appearance of a doll has changed dramatically for...

U.S. Pharmacies’ Role in the Opioid Crisis

In 2019, more than 50,000 individuals in the U.S. died of an opioid-related overdose. However, the high prevalence of individuals misusing and addicted to painkillers, synthetic opioids, and similar substances suggests that it is a national crisis that affects social and economic welfare and human development. Unfortunately, there is increasing...

Christ and the Adulteress by Rocco Marconi and The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael

Both Raphael’s and Rocco Marconi’s paintings are similar in terms of the subject matter since they both illustrate biblical scenes involving groups of people displayed at the center of the pieces. However, the pieces are different in the mood of the stories depicted. Raphael portrays a joyous occasion of Mary...

The Great Recession: Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand in the USA

The Great Recession is fairly described as a horrendous financial collapse that left millions of families with fewer money or even deeply in debt, it also caused multiple companies to go bankrupt. Remarkably, nearly 8 million Americans lost their jobs, 4 million homes were foreclosed, 2.5 million businesses were closed...

Gender Education: Sociological Review

The research conducted by Martin proves that gender is the socially conditioned notion which practically exists only within society. I totally agree with the general idea of the article and have no difficulties understanding its context. From my point of view, gender peculiarities are imposed on people during their childhood....