“The Trends for Cervical Ripening…” by Chodankar

The article “An overview of the past, current and future trends for cervical ripening in induction of labour” by Chodankar, Sood, and Gupta sought to discuss the benefits and risks of pharmacological and mechanical methods of labor induction (Chodankar, Sood & Gupta, 2017). The authors used a methodology almost similar...

Language Continuum in Arabic Multiglossia

The article analyzes the Arabic language’s ‘multiglossia’ since different varieties of the Arabic language exist in the language community, which are used depending on circumstances. The author suggests applying Badawi’s five levels of Contemporary Egyptian Arabic when analyzing the linguistic situation in Egypt. These levels consider sociolinguistic aspects of using...

Erickson’s Theory of Psycho-Social Development

Erik Erikson was one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. Creating his famous developmental theory, he argued that throughout their lifespan, people go through eight stages, with each of them being associated with a specific crisis. The successful resolution of the crises allows a person to live...

Sickle Cell Disease: Symptoms

The peer’s thoughts concerning the significance of patient education are grounded. It is so because modern technology provides almost everyone with easy access to much medical information. If people are not educated on how they should treat these data, adverse consequences can emerge. For example, individuals can misinterpret their symptoms...

Bipolar Mental Disorder and Its Impact on an Individual

Mental or psychological disorders affect a person’s feelings, mood, and thinking, leading to distress. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental illness associated with shifts in mood and changes in activity and energy levels. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people has a mental disorder (as cited...

T. Williams’s Essay “The Clan of One-Breasted Women”

Terry Tempest Williams structures her essay so well that it has the flow and exhibits a considerable amount of creativity. She envelops the readers in a heart-wrenching narrative about her family, inducing emotions and developing a sympathetic heart (“The Clan of The One-Breasted Women – Rhetorical analysis,” 2020). Additionally, she...

The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website

The Evergreen Plantation is significant to American history because it provides an accurate reflection of and a strong connection to US history. The plantation complex gives the visitors a clear picture of what life was like in the past in America, especially during the antebellum era. The structures or buildings...

Socrates’ Understanding of God

Socrates is accused of impiety, or “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” At first glance, it appears as if Socrates is charged with atheism, but the philosopher is, in fact, ostracized for believing in “other new spiritual things (West & Plato,...

The Shift in Demand for Tesla Electric Vehicles

An article submitted to CNN describes the situation of competition between Tesla and Volkswagen. It is noted that Volkswagen significantly increased sales of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids in 2020. Therefore, thanks to Volkswagen, an increase in supply in the electric vehicle market was recorded. Specifically, Volkswagen sold 231,600 battery...

Gender Representation in American Pop Culture

The selected excerpt of the book called “The Pop Culture Freaks” focuses on the representation of gender in American pop culture that is a powerful tool capable of impacting social tendencies and relations or creating particular attitudes. The objectification of women (or female bodies, to be more precise, since their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Value and Non-Value-Added Costs

There are various costs that are associated with selling a particular product and its distribution. A value-added cost increases the benefits of a certain offering to customers (Kenton, 2019). At the same time, a non-value-added cost is a production expense that does not contribute to the increase in the amount...

Functional Strategies for Google Inc.

Every year the Fortune Magazine selects 100 best companies based on given competencies such as number of employees and company growth. Based on Fortune Magazine, top 5 companies to work for include Google, SAS, Edward Jones, Wegmans Food Markets, and Nugget Market (Goldman, 2020). I have chosen Google which has...

Financial Literacy of Marketing Staff Members

Introduction People usually tend to spend their money on the items they are interested in trying or the goods they are confident about. The marketing staff of the firm has arisen the interest in the customers’ minds, which has contributed to the positive results of the company as a whole....

Symbolism of Christmas Spirits in “A Christmas Carol”

In A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens renders the theme of fate, which is reflected in the three Spirits of Christmas. The Spirit’s demeanor and looks symbolize Scrooge’s life in the past, present, and future implying his fate if he does not rethink his behavior. The first Spirit, the Ghost of...

Plantation Slavery in Louisiana

The period of slavery in the United States is one of the darkest periods in the history of the country, associated with the humiliation and misfortune that befell black people. For learning about these events, it is best to turn to the words of direct witnesses to slavery. The purpose...

Crashes by Time of Day and Day of Week

Vehicle insurance is an irreplaceable phenomenon in the modern world since it helps people cope with car accidents’ financial consequences. The insurance industry is extended and includes multiple companies that compete to attract more customers. Under such circumstances, a single innovative idea can become a significant advantage that will provide...

Public Library of Science: Scientific Journal

PLOS One is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal that publishes scientific research and reviews in the natural and medical sciences. Currency: The latest update was on July 24, 2020. The articles correspond to the advances, new surveys in the field of medical science. Relevance: The journal publishes original...

How Emails Have Affected Government Agencies

Through e-mails, communication between government agencies has been made easy and faster. Large corporations can also communicate with one another so effectively. The government can now offer its services to the citizens more efficiently and effectively. This is done by having some of its transactions being done online. Likewise, large...

Gender Inequality Articles by Beaumont vs. Eigenberg

The article written by Elizabeth Beaumont reveals how gender-based biases impact an individual’s behavior, which in turn spreads inequality. The author explained that there is a gendered cycle of inequality endorsed by laws and policies which undermines multiple opportunities and discriminates against one sex. Gender-based disparities result in severe legal...

The Basic Structure of a Human Team and Its Mutual Influence

As before the creation of the first civilization and after its appearance, human beings always formed and united into groups and teams. In those days, it was a crucial principle of biological survival, and now it is a significant factor in the social and psychological life of the individual. Over...

Popular Research Paper Topics

TANF Policy Problems and the Importance of Social Workers

I select the recently approved social policy TANF Extension Act of 2019. The reason for this policy’s implementation was the end of low-income families’ support in 2018, due to the budget negotiations. The TANF Extension Act of 2019 is a public bill, which is the “one that affects the public...

Balanced National and Federal Budget

Taking the position of supporting a balanced national budget, the policy is essential to protect future generations from huge debts. A growing federal debt can burden future generations, causing low national savings and reduced incomes (Asatryan et al., 2018). There will be high-interest payments that could make taxes rise causing...

Vulnerable Population: Dependence on Field of Interest

The concept of population vulnerability depends on the field of interest. In health, vulnerable populations are those susceptible to different diseases. Essentially, people from low-income families, often malnourished and exposed, the elderly, and those with inherent pre-existing conditions are considerably defenseless to illnesses. These groups have suppressed immunity and may...

It Is Not the Responsibility of Celebrities to Be Role Models

Sometimes people dream of being like celebrities so much that they are ready to change their clothing style, hair color, or hobbies. But this does not mean that stars are responsible for becoming role models. Usually, famous people achieve fame through talent, hard work, and a bit of luck. However,...

Local Color Realism: Twain vs. Jewett

Local color realism is a writing style that is derived from the presentation of the characteristics and features inherent to a specific place and its inhabitants. Both Mark Twain and Sarah Orne Jewett created regionalist works. The role of the narrator is particularly relevant in such a context because they...

Adaptations to Pregnancy and Major Hormones

During pregnancy, the human body has to undergo certain physiological changes to create appropriate conditions for the fetus and to maintain a woman’s health. The placenta and an endocrine gland are responsible for the production of four significant pregnancy hormones that support the embryo (Perry et al., 2017). Human chorionic...

Unmanned System Technology: Methods of Control

Introduction Unmanned systems can take different forms and be implemented as aerial, ground, underwater, or space vehicles. They can be operated by a human remotely or be autonomous, relying on their navigation system. Main body The first type, human-controlled transports, can be teleoperated with the help of a joystick and...

War in Ernest Hemingway and Tim O’Brien’s Stories

Soldier’s Home and How to Tell a True War Story are short stories written about the wars. In the Soldier’s House, Hemingway narrates the time after the First World War, and O’Brien connects the events with the Vietnam War. In a comparison of O’Brien’s description of war with Hemingway, it...

Subjective and Objective Description of Experience

The perception of human life as a series of experiences as follows from the sociological model proposed by Alfred Schutz implies the division into “subjective” and “objective” modes of their interpretation. Thus, the former is presented by social action contrasted by the world as the environment in which this action...

Product Proposal: An Electric Car With One Seat

The topic chosen for this project is an electric car with one seat, which is cheaper than the standard electric or fuel-powered vehicles. The reason for selecting this topic is that electric vehicles’ popularity is increasing each year (Peegov & Pontes, 2018). However, for a state to have a sufficient...

Ethics for Scientific Researches When Human Subjects Were Involved

Introduction Between the 1950s and 1970s, the inmates of Holmesburg Prison were used as human subjects for scientific experiments. Although they were approved by the government, not all legal actions may be regarded as ethical. It goes without saying that these studies were unacceptable from the position of ethics. Main...

Gender and Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

The gender concept is clearly out of its traditional context in Macbeth’s storyline. For example, in Macbeth’s marriage, Lady Macbeth’s usurpation of the dominant role is often reflected in disruption because she controlled and dictated her husband’s actions on various occasions. Furthermore, through the couple of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth,...

Ethics in the Workplace and Company Reputation

Ethics is a branch of philosophy, the object of study of which is morality. The study of ethics lays the foundations for a person’s intelligence, nobility, decency, and good manners. Unethical behavior in the workplace is a violation of generally accepted moral and ethical standards (Wheeler, 2017). It negatively affects...

Changing the Face of Poverty

Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity Advert Non-profit agencies may represent poverty with depressing images that should draw attention to the issue. For instance, Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity used to enhance their advertisements with pictures that contrast a typical livelihood of a first-world country citizen (Bullock et al....

The Role of Leaders’ Values in Organizational Culture

In the contemporary corporate world, there exists a belief that leaders are motivated by their ambitions rather than beliefs. For this reason, international companies are starting to invest substantial funds in developing value-based leadership. Therefore, this response will discuss the role of leaders’ values in the organizational culture. Fundamental beliefs...

Concept of Self-Compassion in Gestalt and Existential Methods

Counseling can offer numerous strategies to deal with traumatic events in one’s life effectively. The concept of self-compassion can be utilized in different therapeutic approaches and provide people with tools to address their issues or transition from one stage in their life to another. This post will examine self-compassion in...

Hillside Veterinary Clinic Marketing Plan Overview

Introduction Hillside Veterinary Clinic (HVC) is a small business operating in Colorado, requiring rebranding of its positioning to acquire new customers. The facility was planning to expand, therefore needing to adjust and enhance its marketing strategy according to the client’s needs and preferences. The following paper critically analyses the marketing...

Cognitive Development: Piaget and Vygotsky

Being a teacher who is able to maintain his or her students’ efforts to gain and develop a particular skill is not quite an easy task. I should have an in-depth understanding of how to provide students with the continuous and necessary support, which will result in significant achievements of...

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory: Discussion

Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory approaches the concept of intelligence more broadly than any other interpretation of intelligence that has ever existed. Instead of emphasizing traditional types of intelligences, such as linguistic and logical-mathematical, the theory takes into account other dimensions of person’s cognitive abilities that do not fit in the...

Was Pancho Villa a Good or a Bad Guy?

Reflecting on the life Pancho Villa lived, it can be said that he – just like many other citizens of Mexico – was a product of a corrupt and autocratic governmental system. About 90% of the population lived in poverty under Díaz’s regime (“Pancho Villa: Robin Hood or Ruthless Terrorist?”...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Heroin Addicts. “Righteous Dopefiend” by Bourgois & Schonberg

Righteous Dopefiend by Philippe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg is an ethnography following several homeless heroin addicts in San Francisco’s Edgewater Boulevard (not the real name of the area) between 1994 and 2006. The book starts by describing its primary subjects and the area they inhabit, immediately establishing them as persons...

Equate: Industry Specifics

Equate is a Walmart-owned brand that is engaged in producing and selling medicines and beauty products. The goods of this label include pain relievers, anti-allergic drugs, skin and hair care cosmetics, vitamins, and other products in this category (“Quality care begins here,” 2020). The industry is competitive, and individual market...

Whiteness: Segregation and Gentrification

In any developed society, there is a problem of social inequality and an unbalanced distribution of spaces. Discovering the connection between social and spatial inequalities is considered a vital issue. Historically, the gentrification of poor urban areas may have been carried out by the white population through the oppression of...

The Importance of Understanding Culture in Marketing

Nestlé S.A. is a conglomerate corporation whose headquarters are located in Switzerland. Being the largest food company in the world, Nestlé oversees a number of subsidiaries. Tombstone and DiGiorno are two brands of frozen pizza that originally belonged to the American company Kraft Foods. However, after being bought by Nestlé...

“A Moveable Feast” by Hemingway Ernest: Review

The theme of art is one of the central topics that Hemingway uncovers in “A Moveable Feast,” which is closely connected to the author’s experience of poverty and his development as a writer. The way Hemingway portrays art in his works is praiseworthy because his direct writing style allows seeing...

Translating Research Outcomes into Clinical Practice

Introduction The process of translating research outcomes into practice is an essential prerequisite for the effective functioning of any clinical setting. Indeed, implementation of findings “and revised methods of treatment can potentially save lives and improve the quality of life of patients” (Kristensen et al., 2016, p. 1). However, this...

The Lancasterian Education System: History and Overview

In the early 19th century, there existed problems in the education sphere because not many parents could afford to send their children to school. It was evident that a new decision was necessary to make school education more accessible and preserve decent outcomes. Joseph Lancaster, an English developer, made a...

Team Decision Making Techniques

Decision-making is a process when a responsible person analyzes an issue and looks for possible variants of how to solve it. When a group of people is involved, a decision-making process becomes challenging. On the one hand, all the participants share the burden of responsibility, and they can unite their...

“Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” by Horace Miner

The life of the Nacirema is rich in many rituals that shape the community and underline the role of magic. Three dominant concerns, namely the human body, the appearance, and human health, are usually mentioned in ceremonial activities. For example, the mouth fascination ritual proves the importance of the mouth’s...

Golden Land on Le Duan Street: Controversial Case

The 2013 Land Law has recently become the topic of numerous heated debates due to a number of situations where investors managed to rent the land and use it at their discretion. The law has been beneficial in general, as it ensures the specification of the type of project that...

Demographic Trends in Organizational Strategies

USA is one of the most powerful economies in the world in terms of economic and financial growth. Over the past three decades, the rate of employment in the United States of America has been increasing. In the 1990s, the work force growth rate was 1.1 % lower than the...

Individualism in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut

One of the fears described in dystopian fiction is the loss of individuality. People become uniformed cogs in an oppressive society, so the government could completely control them. Therefore, individualism can contribute greatly to maintaining freedom and independent thinking. In Harrison Bergeron, the author shares his vision of the future...

The Theory of Generalized Other and the Role of Media in Self-Identity

The generalized other is a social science term, particularly in symbolic interaction. It is the general concept that a person can possess in popular perceptions regarding behavior and ideas in a society. It is the attitude of a wider community and people’s opinions, which reflect individuals’ traditional positions. This essay...

The Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are designed with integrated mechanical, visual, and sensor technology to enable them to drive independently on the roads. This robotic technology will have significant implications for future travel. Optimists foresee the production of reliable, reasonably priced, and safe autonomous cars in the next ten years. More companies have...

Photojournalism. Is the Proof in the Picture?

Technological advances in electronic imaging and the proliferation of digital photography have greatly reduced the validity of the belief “the proof is in the picture.” Photojournalists depend greatly on this belief of the integrity of a picture, but in the age of today’s technology, there is a lot of debate...

Hopewell Hospital: Ethics Case Study

The case describes an event at Hopewell Hospital concerning one of the general surgeons, Dr. Cutrite. E. L. Straight is the director of clinical services at the hospital; he has been working in this position for two years, and he enjoys his job. Although his contribution to the hospital has...

Leadership Theories and Their Role in Organizations

Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, and empower a group of individuals in an attempt to achieve a specific objective. Today, headship is essential for firms’ long-term and strategic existence because it aligns the employees with the company’s strategy (Mango, 2018). Multiple scholars have formulated several concepts to explain...

Symbolism in “The Carpenter’s Gift” by Rubel

In the book The Carpenter’s Gift, the author expresses the idea that kind actions do not go unnoticed and make the world better. Rubel (2011) uses symbolism in order to illustrate this suggestion. Symbolism is a literary device when a particular element of the narrative conveys a broader message. In...

Racial Inequality in Education: Remaining Problems

Introduction At present, racial inequality is an outlawed subject and considered inappropriate in modern society. However, it continues to be a matter of concern, causing discussions and debates. This fact indicates that the diversity of opinions remains present in this field, and there are more issues to be investigated. Among...

Problems in the US Healthcare System

There are different contemporary issues in the United States healthcare system that professionals have to face. As discussed by C-suite and director-level executives that are the members of HealthCare Executive Group (HCEG) organization, some of the problems are costs and transparency, consumer experience, data and analytics, and holistic individual health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Lifesizing Entrepreneurship“ by Robert A. Miller

The rhetoric of the Text (The Author) The article is written by Robert A. Miller, a Professor of Law and Management and a recipient of the Excellence in Teaching award. A footnote states that the author’s main research area is business ethics, entrepreneurship, and law. Miller has also written at...

Future of Education and Impact of Technologies

It goes without saying that education is immeasurably significant for any person in the contemporary world. The development of technologies is determined not only by certain people’s inherent intelligence but the process of their acquisition of various skills, knowledge, habits, values, and beliefs. Education enhances creativity, develops reasoning and logical...

Female Empowerment in Advertising

Jacob’s response indicates that a significant percentage of the male population lacks education on gender disparities. Rather than consciously trying to diminish women’s positions in society, they are trapped in the cultural narrative that has been forming throughout the centuries. While most men, especially among Millennials and Generation Z, believe...

Turning Points of the Holocaust

Introduction There are several terrifying events in the history of the world that will never be forgotten because of the horrors they have brought to an extended number of people. One such tragedy was the Holocaust – the most famous and systematic genocide that started with hatred and ended being...

Current Events in Management Information Systems

The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation in various sectors across the globe. In the news article “The Robot That’s Keeping Facilities Clean During Covid-19,” Gaskell (2020) explores how organizations in different sectors are leveraging robots to disinfect their facilities. This article focuses on one robot developed at the...

Myths Pertaining to Clinical Care

Myths can be defined as false beliefs or misconceptions that stem from personal experience or misinformation and diverge from the established evidence base. There are several myths pertaining to clinical care, part of which are associated with misconceptions about cultural diversity and cultural competence in health care. One such myth...

Analysis of Facebook and Pintor Oral Contract

Issue The author of this essay addresses the legal issue that arose between Facebook and Eduardo Pintor. Facebook made an oral contract with a world-famous mural painter. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and president of Facebook, then terminated this contract before its execution. It is important to note that after the...

The PBS Interview on Income Inequality: Main Ideas

Key Tenets of Income Inequality The PBS interview on income inequality emphasizes the role of social class in the widening gap between the rich and the poor. According to PBS, one of the main reasons behind the gap is inequality in distributing financial resources (Income Inequality 2007). In the past,...

Siri: Controversy Technology

Siri should not be considered as an accomplice, but simply a piece of evidence. The main reason is that it is a tool, which provides accurate and reasonable information to the requestor. It cannot have intentions and free will to conduct an undesirable and criminal activity, whereas humans can proceed...

Electronic Books: The Future of Education

Introduction Marc Prensky claims that electronic books are more useful and efficient than paper ones. The process of education would become more interesting and modern with the use of new technologies. He puts forward the idea that “colleges and universities should ban nonelectronic books” (Prensky 1). Improving the learning process...

Peritonitis: Description of the Disease and Treatment

Peritonitis is an acute peritoneum inflammation, which is a thin membrane covering the surface of the abdominal wall and the organs located in the abdominal cavity. A slit-like hole is formed between the peritoneum sheets, containing a small amount of fluid, which facilitates the sliding movements of the abdomen’s internal...

Foucault’s Disciplinary Society and Examples

Today’s society is developed using practices that follow predefined protocols. Professionals follow procedures required for implementing assigned roles and responsibilities. People enhance social interactions by maintaining varying norms as are necessary for a progressive relationship (Segre, 2014). Besides, leaders also ensure strict adherence to regulations that govern the economic and...

Understanding the Policy Context

Understanding the policy context requires an examination of the societal beliefs and assumptions about people, as well as a consideration of their issues and possible solutions. A social policy refers to public or governmental authorities’ decisions made in regard to allocating resources, duties, and rights (Laureate Education, 2013). Royal Garden...

Leadership Types and Necessary Skills

Leadership, both as a process or a skill, has numerous definitions that vary from one author to another, yet the essence stays the same. Northouse (2016) defines leadership as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal” (p. 6). My definition of leadership...

Researching: W Stands for Weakness

The XXI century is believed to be a century of equality and protection of human rights. Indeed, currently, every person has a right to vote regardless of gender and race. Besides, no one could forbid a black person or a Jew to enter a café, for example. Women have access...

Inti Illimani’s “El Aparecido” and Mapfumo’s “Nyarai” Songs

Songs “El Aparecido” and “Nyarai (Be Ashamed)” are examples of how the citizens of South America and Zimbabwe demonstrate their response to political and social changes. In “Nyarai,” traditional musical features are an 8-beat melodic cycle, the polyphonic interplay of bass and guitars, improvisation, and insistent articulation by percussionists (Schechter...

Marquez’s “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” Story

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most prominent writers of contemporary time, whose works masterfully combine elements of reality and fantasy, modern philosophical achievements and folk motives, and mythology. Moreover, the author presents all this to the reader in the form of a parable and succinct, precise writing manner....

Bias and Its Role in Argumentation

Although the problem of bias in a piece of writing sometimes consists of deliberate acts, such as propaganda, a person is frequently preconceived, not because they actually want it. Many misconceptions occur because people driven by commitment and interest in the position do not notice weakness of a reason obvious...

Two Models of Political Economy

Societies have long been searching for the most efficient relationship between the state and the market, which is reflected in different models of political economy. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the world evolves rapidly, and some features, even the core ones, of the concepts of political economy may...

Responsibility of Healthcare Leaders to Be Culturally Competent

Introduction Positive changes in the global demographic situation became the reason for particular concern about cultural issues in medicine. Many countries are becoming more multicultural, physicians are increasingly accepting patients from different sociocultural backgrounds, and consequently, health leaders are responsible for being culturally competent. Becoming multi-ethnic, the population expects an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legislative System in the United States

The overall US legislative structure presupposes the existence of various types of courts and institutions that tend to deal with different kinds of law cases and legal disputes. Hence, when considering the legal responsibilities of the courts within one state, the difference in terms of both financial aspects and the...

International Marketing: New Level of Business

Introduction Global trade increases sales and profits and puts the name of the brand on the worldwide market, which makes it extremely attractive for domestic businesses. However, there are a lot of different factors to consider and evaluate before going globally with the company. Main body International marketing is a...

The Birth of Slavery in America

It is no secret that America has not always been a tremendous economic power, with significant influence over the world. On the contrary, at the stage of active settlement, the continent of North America was represented by the British colonies, slowly eradicating all Indians and occupying foreign territories. Once all...

Market Leaders and Market Followers Strategies

Introduction A market is a system facilitating the exchange of goods, services, and information between its participants. This system is strongly influenced by market leaders, which can be a product, a brand, or a company with the highest percentage of total sales revenue. When there are market leaders, there are...

Karl Marx’s Fetishism of Commodities

Marx examines the peculiar economic properties of market products in capitalist societies using the concept of the fetishism of commodities. Marx describes how products acquire value that is seen as inherent to them after workers’ labor modify the product (Marx & Engels, 1848). The adjustments that the proletariat makes to...

“Oral History: Challenges of Dialogue”: Communication and Its Application

Introduction “Oral History: Challenges of Dialogue” is a book by Marta Kurkowska-Budzan and Krzysztof Zamorski. The authors reflect on the development of dialog and its epistemological and methodological applications. Moreover, they include different contexts, such as personal experiences and the use of dialogue for scientific purposes. This narrative paper is...

The Major Challenge of Sports Licensing

Sports licensing agreements help promote teams or individual athletes through merchandise. Such contracts give licensing companies the right to use a team’s name and logos. Sports licensing is beneficial for both parties, for business, it is a possibility to reach a particular market and for the sports organization, it is...

A Qualitative Study of Hand Hygiene Compliance

Sunkesula, V. C., Kundrapu, S., Knighton, S., Cadnum, J. L., & Donskey, C. J. (2017). A randomized trial to determine the impact of an educational patient hand-hygiene intervention on contamination of hospitalized patient’s hands with healthcare-associated pathogens. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 38(5), 595-597. Web. The authors conducted a quantitative...

Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo in Shakespeare’s Play

The play Macbeth depicts the similarities and differences between the characters Macbeth, Banquo, and Macduff as they play different roles in the tragedy. Both Macbeth and Banquo receive a prophecy about kingship, and this prediction directs the events in the play. On the other hand, Macduff is King Daniel’s trusted...

Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and Ethnicity

The two magazines that will be analyzed within the framework of the current paper are Cosmopolitan and Vogue. Cosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches are females aged from 20 to 40. These two magazines were...

Economics of Healthcare: The Cost Increases and a Logical Solution

It is hard to disagree that firms’ leaders have to make uneasy decisions to keep their business stable and beneficial. One of the most severe issues that may need to be solved is the cost increases experienced by a firm, and a logical solution to offset them is to raise...

“The Frontier” Chapter of “The Oregon Trail” by Parkman

Many detailed and carefully developed historical travel accounts can provide interesting insights and give a comprehensive picture of life in the described regions. Francis Parkman’s book, titled The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life, initially published in 1849, depicts his tour, conducted in 1946, to the states of...

Definitions of a Philosophe: Kant, Diderot, Dumarsais, and Jacob

The definitions of a philosophe, which are found among classic thinkers, differed depending on the beliefs they held and the interests they followed in their professional activities. As examples, the ideas of Kant, Diderot, Dumarsais, and Jacob will be examined from the perspective of what a philosophe is and what...

Beauty and the Beast’: Movie Review

The beautiful, but swaggering Prince Adam was punished for arrogance and exorbitant pride. The sorceress cast a spell on Adam and his entire castle. The handsome Prince turned into a terrible furry monster, and his faithful servants became household items: utensils, candlesticks, watches, and other trinkets. This sorceress left Adam...

Ethical Behavior as a Corporate Issue

The rules of corporate ethics define the norms of behavior of the company’s employees and the principles of interaction between the functional units of the corporate structure. Moreover, the ethical principles of relations with the external environment of the business, including the state, play an important role. The system of...

Adapting Brain Qualities to Learning

The human brain consists of neurons, which are cells that transmit information throughout the body. Plasticity is the ability of an object to take any shape or form. Therefore, brain plasticity presupposes the quality of the brain to force its neurons to modify the strength of their transmissions (Mateos-Aparicio, &...

My Digital Footprint on the Internet

Digital footprint includes all the content that I leave on the internet as I use it. For example, there may be my comments on social media, email records, the information I use on the apps installed on my computer or phone, and skype calls (Four Reasons). Other people have the...

Unique Trend in American Nation’s Workforce

In American’s contemporary society, various trends are shaping the aspect of the workforce. For instance, RAND research done by Lynn Karoly reveals various patterns influencing workers in this country. They occur because of such issues as technological change, democratic patterns, and economic globalization (Wolffgramm et al., 2018). These issues show...

Women’s Position in Modern Society

The position of women in modern society is a burning ethical issue, which has particularly exacerbated during the pandemic. Traditional gender roles are challenged by the pandemic of coronavirus. More and more critical functions are executed by women, yet the distribution of privileges and finances favors men disregarding the rising...

The Civil Rights Movement’s Success

The Civil Rights Movement was successful in achieving its objectives. The movement’s main goal was to promote equal rights for American residents regardless of racial or ethnic affiliation. The fundamental laws, including the Civil Rights Acts, Elementary and Secondary education Act, Voting Rights Act, and Housing Act, were passed to...

J.D. Vance Book “Hillbilly Elegy” Review

Family values have always been a central them in American culture and the value system of American society. However, with the changes in the economic and political background, shifts in the perception of family values, as well as the notion of family itself, have become more noticeable. In his book...

Assessment of an Adenovirus Type-5 Covid-19 Vaccine

The article embarks on a randomized and controlled assessment of participants’ safety and immunogenicity in an adenovirus type-5 covid-19 vaccine. The research aimed to establish the appropriate dosage for the trial injection for an effective study. The researchers carried out the randomized experimental procedure for the vaccine in Wuhan, China,...

Modern Data Management and Organization Strategies

In recent years, there has been tremendous growth in data volume across all organizations. Data has become the backbone of competitiveness, productivity, development, and innovation in many companies. Fleckenstein and Fellows (2018) note that a large amount of information places people in a particular context in which data management becomes...

The Research Approval Process and Ethics

Researchers involved in planning and conducting research related to cohort fertility are required to operate within the framework of legal and ethical standards. Participants in scientific research can take part in them exclusively voluntarily, taking full awareness of the stages, timing, results, and possible negative consequences of scientific work (Yegidis...

Mondrian’s “Composition With Yellow, Blue and Red”

For the purposes of this assignment, I have chosen Piet Mondrian’s “Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red.” The artist painted the picture between 1937 and 1942, and, according to Composition with yellow, blue and red (n.d.), it reflected the progression in his search for “the abstract quality of the line.”...

Industry vs. Inferiority Relationships

Erik Erikson identified industry versus inferiority is the fourth stage of psychological development. This stage starts at the age of six and finishes at the age of eleven posing a question, “How can I become good?” (Feist et al., 2018). What is more, school plays a vital role as the...

Mark Rober: Communication Skills Analysis

People with nearly ideal communication skills can often be described as leaders with many followers. In the digital era, such people regularly acquire a fair amount of followers on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These channels of communication require a high level of social skills that...

Digital Media and Intercultural Communication

The role of digital media in globalization’s growing speed could not be underestimated because it made people in all countries immensely interconnected. Therefore, new media indeed influences intercultural communication. The current paper provides answers to the questions concerning the possibility of interaction between different cultures, digital media’s impact on music,...

Van Gogh’s Art Appreciation: Starry Night

Art has always been one of the most complex subjects of human perception due to the multiplicity of concepts encoded in a single detail of an artwork. Some researchers believe that the idea embedded in the painting by the author should be considered by the recipient before the appreciation for...

Racial and Gender Issues in Modern Society

“Medical Gayz” When society seeks a biological basis for human desires and behaviors, it increases the danger of attributing a quality of determination to behavior patterns that otherwise may have been left for an individual’s choice. If a “gay gene” was discovered, it could have resulted in prenatal tests aimed...

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Should Football Be Banned for Being Too Violent and Dangerous?

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Cellular and Aerobic Respiration

Cellular respiration is necessary to transform glucose into energy. The ATP created via chemical processes then powers cellular reactions. Aerobic respiration only occurs when glucose burns to release energy in the presence of oxygen (Russell et al., 2016). Three essential stages ensure proper aerobic respiration: glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle, and electron...

Healthcare Economics in the US

In the US, healthcare is one of the most expensive areas, which limits the access of many people to the required services. 90% of annual spending is allocated to treat chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and so on. $199 billion is spent annually for heart disease and...

Older Adult Fall Prevention Analysis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website provides much information on such a condition as falls in older adults that can significantly affect the quality of older people’s life. According to the reported data for the US, one in four adults (65-year-old and older) can fall at least one...

How to Download a Game from Google Play Store

Introduction Google Play Store app is pre-installed on compatible Android devices. You can download applications, games, and other digital content. You can download free and paid games for your Android phone on Google Play. Your Smartphone has a Google Play Protection feature that warns you about potentially dangerous applications and...

What Is a Halogenated Hydrocarbon?

The haloalkanes include saturated aliphatic compounds, in the molecules of which there is a halogen atom instead of one or more hydrogen atoms. In the class of haloalkanes, isomerism of the structure of the carbon skeleton is observed, such as normal and branched chains. This is due to the different...

Analysis of the First Movement of the “Fifth Symphony”

In Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, a motto-resembling four-note rhythm starts the first movement. It creates a rhythm for tapping rather than a music melody, and its unsolved form gives the impression of an unanswered question. The sentiment conveyed by the C minor key within this motto in the first movement often...

“How to Fix America’s Police” by Stoughton

The problem for discussion is established in a rectilinear way. In the first paragraph, Stoughton et al. indicate that “brutal encounters between the police and the people they are supposed to serve” continue for a long time and “people of every race and class” (par. 1). This way, it becomes...

Researches of Medical Professionals’ Cultural Competence

Medical professionals’ cultural competence is essential for delivering quality care (Henderson et al., 2016). Nurses should be able to efficiently and respectfully communicate with patients and colleagues of different backgrounds. However, cultural differences between individuals can hinder communication leading to various complications in medical practice. Therefore, nursing students should be...

Targeted Killing: Counter-Terrorism

Targeted killing represents a part of consequentialist philosophy in counter-terrorism since defining it as a suitable method to fight against the enemy depends mainly on the results of the operation. For example, removing an aggressive and known extremist leader who threatens to kill many civilians could potentially result in saving...

The Diamond-water Paradox

The diamond-water paradox can be explained in terms of definitions of the term “value.” One should be able to distinguish two aspects of the concept, which are value-in-use and value-in-exchange (Eggert et al., 2018). The former definition focuses on the utility and use of the object, which makes water highly...

“Manual Dosage and Infusion Rate Calculations During Disasters” by Wilmes

Introduction The article “Manual dosage and infusion rate calculations during disasters: Review of a problem-solving approach,” written by Wilmes et al. (2018), highlights the importance of manual calculation skills in nurses. This need is defined by the possibility of an emergency when there is no access to usual equipment (Wilmes...

Ahmaud Arbery Killing: Event Analysis

Ahmad Aurbery was shot dead by two men outside Brunswick, Georgia, on February 23, 2020. Even though it seems to be a one-time event, it can be connected to other hate crime cases. Arbery was jogging in Satilla Shores, when two white men – Gregory McMichael, 64, and his 34-year-old...

Breathing Is Fundamental for Your Overall Health

Breathing constitutes one of the most fundamental activities of daily living. It supplies the body with oxygen and is a valuable source of relaxation techniques. Although holding breath is linked with notable health benefits, overdoing it can pose serious health complications. Additionally, people performing the art should master the right...

Black Women-Activists During the Civil War in the US

The main reasons for the outbreak of the American Civil War had affected everyone. Eternal instability and uncertainty but a belief in a better life – this is how this period was characterized. At that time, a great number of black women activists were involved in the fight against slavery...

“Silver Linings Playbook” by Matthew Quick

The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick tells the story about Pat Peoples, the young man with psychological issues. He plays the role of the narrator but an unreliable one. According to Sarah Pinborough, the unreliable narrator only has his truth to rely on. These people usually have mental issues,...

Toyota Production System: Review

As part of the attempt to maximize the utilization of resources, companies have invested in research of methodologies of minimizing resource consumption while sustaining the level of output. Toyota was among the first companies to devise such a strategy. This paper will discuss the Toyota Production System and how it...

Financial Statements: Strategic Management Concepts

Financial statements are defined as formal records describing business activities and financial performance (David, 2013). Financial analysis is a tedious but necessary task: the survivability of business depends on the decisions many of which are driven by the information found in financial statements. Formal records are useful for projected financial...