UAE Economic Development and Economic Sources

The United Arab Emirates can be listed among the states with the most successful economies. The effective development finds reflection in UAE citizens’ relatively high quality of life and happiness levels. It is possible to explain the state’s successful economic development as the combination of effective economic diversification strategies, including...

Wind Turbines Technology

Wind energy is the latest non-solar energy source, which is widely used. In many parts of the United States, the wind’s patterns and speeds vary because of the differences in terrain, vegetation, presence and size of water bodies (Aissaoui and Tahour 31). Wind power has many purposes in daily living,...

Biostatistics and Public Health Study Evidence

Biostatistics is the application of statistical knowledge to aid the interpretation of biological and public health related data. For research to provide scientific evidence, data should be correctly collected, analyzed and the findings interpreted. At this point, the role of biostatisticians becomes crucial because they engage in interdisciplinary collaborations through...

System Identification and Parameter Estimation for a First-Order System: DC Motor

Abstract This report covers the exploration of system identification and parameter estimation for a first-order system. The choice of a system is justified by the use of the first-order differential equations. They are necessary to determining time constant ???? and steady-state gain ????. Throughout the experiment, static, frequency response, and...

Sex Offenders in Community: Notification Program

Former sexual offenders can be a direct threat to communities, especially if people do not know about their status. Thus, citizens should be notified when a former sexual offender moves into their neighborhood. Statistics demonstrate that annually many women and children become victims of sexual abuse. Letting citizens know that...

“On the Run” of Alice Goffman and Its Public Reception

Alice Goffman’s work proves to be genuinely outstanding not just because of the scrupulous ethnological research, which she has done, but also because of the rising controversy. The work’s reception was mixed mainly because of the ethical considerations of the unclear boundary between objectiveness and bias in an ethnological study....

The Health Education Needs of Incarcerated Women

Article Summary The second article evaluated the health education needs of incarcerated women. The main research problem was the absence of adequate programs to offer health education for women behind bars despite their growing numbers. Consequently, the purpose of the research was to assess the existing need for healthcare education...

“The Heart of a Dog”: Person and Society Conflict

With the help of sarcastic irony, Bulgakov in his book The Heart of a Dog creates a world full of large and small conflicts that arise whenever a person is not in his place. The most profound conflict in the story arises between Professor Preobrazhensky and a new Soviet society....

Thought Process of the Jury During Deliberation

Introduction The jury typically comprises citizens without a background in law. Consequently, people may apply emotions and countertransference in making their verdict. The memory and the level of intelligence also influence how the case will be decided. For instance, when listening to the defendants and the plaintiff, the information that...

Conditions in Federal Healthcare Platform in the USA

Today, many Americans with pre-existing medical conditions can easily access adequate and affordable health coverage across all states, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. It prohibits employers and insurance companies from denying health coverage to any American with a pre-existing health condition(s). It also directs insurance firms to provide all...

Popular Research Paper Topics

George Orwell’s Book “Road to Wigan Pier”

Introduction George Orwell’s book, Road to Wigan Pier, depicts the struggles of the British underclass, unemployed, and poverty-stricken nationals in the post-World War 1 period. The authors’ target audience was the wealthy and affluent people seeking to understand the lifestyle of the poor beyond formal reports. The author uses a...

Caring-Healing and Culturally Congruent Care

Effective healthcare entails much more than just the provider’s knowledge and mastery of nursing practice. Enzman and Gaughan (2017) assert that a medical intervention must be such as to alleviate pain and slow the progression of a medical condition, although the primary mission of healthcare is much broader than just...

“The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe

In The Fall of the House of Usher, the storyteller visits a mansion, which belongs to his sick friend, Roderick Usher. The house is creepy and the narrator feels depressed upon arrival (Poe, 2003). Usher is hypersensitivity to tactile sensations, sound, light, and taste, he needed the writer’s company during...

Behavioral and Molecular Alterations in Mice… by Skupio et al.

The research hypothesis (question) The research hypothesis of the article is to investigate the molecular and behavioral effects of the administration of chronic DEX (dexamethasone) on C57BL/6J mice. The main study variable(s) The primary variables include chronic DEX administration (level), body weight, depressive-like behavior (despair and anhedonia), anxiety-like behavior, and...

Counter Terrorism Methods and Their Effectiveness

Terrorist groups can operate for a long time only with the support of the population or some part of it. This allows them to recruit new fighters, get the necessary resources, successfully hide, and conduct reconnaissance. However, such assistance may be lost by them. This happens, for instance, if the...

Program Value Contribution Article by Cade

The article covers the topic of the determination of program value contribution. Michael F. Cade (2017) discusses the theme of data interpretation related to non-for-profit programs and presents recommendations for transforming financial data into “actionable information” (p. 1). The article’s central message is that the clear interpretation of data on...

Status With Authority in the Field of Nursing

When equating status with authority in the field of nursing, it is possible to cause some confusion in understanding nurses’ or leaders’ roles depending on the aspect of power. In the field of nursing, there is a hierarchy of roles that are associated with individuals’ professional status and assigned authority....

Identities within Relationships

The concept of identities has been extensively discussed in modern society, as psychologists define more and more ways for people to express themselves. Presently, the following identities can be recognized: gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, abilities, origin. All these distinctive features influence the way people communicate and interact with...

Art Careers and Small Businesses Through Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs and artists to kick-start their careers by providing an alternative pathway to raise funds. Usually, entrepreneurs go through the traditional venture capital model by finding potential investors. However, finding the sponsors can be challenging if the project appears too high-risk or abstract. Similarly, the commercialization of art...

Concepts of Current Chinese Internet Culture

Internet culture has spread across China and became one of the most important aspects of people’s daily lives. The one issue that has become a topic for serious conversation is the country’s firewall, which does not allow many Western sites to be accessed (Tereza, 2008). The difference between China and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Changing Health Behavior in Current Pandemic Situation

In light of the current pandemic, specific measures have been implemented in social life. Most of them, such as wearing masks in public places, limiting groups, washing hands frequently, and social distancing, cause inconvenience for people, which results in resistance to them. As the attention to their implementation is of...

Chipotle: Company Overview, Vision, and Mission Statements

Chipotle’s mission statement is “To provide food with integrity. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market” (“Chipotle’s mission,” 2016) It is a strong mission statement, as it has many qualities nailed down perfectly. It is concise, inspiring, socially responsible, and broad in scope to be applied to...

“Gender Wage Gap”: The Pay Disparity Issue

Introduction In the article Gender Wage Gap, the pay disparity issue is discussed, whereby in the past women were allowed to work in service and clerical occupations only, hence they could not support themselves financially. Arguably, Blau and Kahn state that one reason why there are instances of the gender...

Main Character in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”

The perception of who plays the protagonist’s role in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice may differ from one reader to the other. In essence, a protagonist is a character who draws attention or acts as the center of focus. The hero can also be known as the main character or the...

Scheduling Procedures Discussion

Scheduling is an important process that helps to meet consumers’ demands. In the service industry, it is complicated because service demand metrics, including the type of service, timing, and quantity, are challenging to forecast owing to their variability (Dolgui et al., 2019). However, supervisors use several scheduling procedures such as...

Lady Crawley and Mr. Pamuk in “Downton Abbey”

The Relationship between Lady Crawley and Mr. Pamuk in “Downton Abbey” The relationship between Lady Crawley and Mr. Pamuk is purely amorous, since the two are attracted to each other sexually and not on the basis of mutual friendship. One bit of evidence in this regard is the fact that...

Rationality of Risk as a CPU Architecture for a Mobile Device

Processor architectures for computers, mobile devices, and servers vary in performance and functionality. A reduced instruction set computer (RISC) and complex instruction set computer (CISC) differ in frequency and instructions in clock rates. The application of choice for the CPU architecture is a mobile device, as it is experiencing the...

Sodium: The Imbalance in the Body

Sodium supports the electrolyte balance of the body and plays an important role in the work of muscles, nerves, and the cardiovascular system. Hyponatremia occurs when a person has low or extremely low levels of sodium in his or her blood (Buffington & Abreo, 2016). Some of its common signs...

“Sharing Our Stories of Survival” by Native Women

Since the first discovery of the American continent, native people have suffered various instances of violence. Indigenous women, however, is the group that is more likely to experience abuse even nowadays since there the current system is not capable of protecting them. The book Sharing Our Stories of Survival is...

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing

Definition of Ethical Nursing Practice An Ethical Nursing Practice is a decision-making challenge between two potential normative choices, neither of which is undoubtedly desirable to a nurse. Typically, nurses encounter the problem in almost every aspect of their personal, social, and professional life. Consequently, due to their complexity, it is...

Effect of Language on the Way People Think

People of different cultures do not see the world around them in the same way. Those differences are often manifested in the languages they speak. Some linguists believe that language shapes the way we think, while others argue that language does not control the human ability to think and understand...

An Overview of the Idea of Latin America

Latin America is a collective name of a group of countries and dependent territories located in the Western Hemisphere, and the use of Spanish and Portuguese languages dominates there. The term “Latin America” for the first time was used in 1856. There are various interpretations of the appearance of the...

The Philippines as a Hierarchical Market Economy

Capitalism has been instrumental in ensuring adequate and reliable access to basic needs. Developed capitalist nations such as the United States (U.S.), United Kingdom (U.K.), European Union (E.U.), and Hong Kong benefit from economic growth (Thier, 2018). The capitalist strength of these economic regions is measured by providing public services...

Dysphemism in Political Discourse Examples

In his inauguration speech, Donald Trump vowed to fight “radical Islamic terrorism” (Hizbullah and Al Makmun). This type of labeling offends the Muslim population. President Trump assigned a certain religion to terrorists. Terrorism should be considered separate from religion. President Trump often discussed his “America First” ideology with foreign representatives...

Human Factors in Project Management

The term “human factors” encompasses the various influences on the project that its participants can have. In some cases, they will be positive, such as creativity or motivation, which can drive performance beyond expectations. However, in other situations, they will have an adverse effect, such as when team members engage...

Biology and Social Influence

There has been a hot debate on factors that influence a person’s personality. According to Salles (2017), some experts believe that genetics plays an indispensable role in facilitating inherent-acquired behaviors, while others claim the environment contributes significantly to shaping an individual’s personality. The debate raises the question of the rationality...

Loe’s “Working at Bazooms”: Qualitative Sociological Analysis

Summarizing The article presents an investigation into the power of dynamics of the Bazoom Girls restaurant chain. In the beginning, the author gives the background of the research and implies how it was conducted. Then the article goes in-depth regarding the job powers, the gender roles, and the sexualization aspect...

Public Schools in “Bad Boys” Article by Ferguson

The topic of this week’s course is education and the educational system. One of the articles for this week deals directly and theoretically with this topic. This article is “Bad boys: Public schools in the making of black masculinity” by Ferguson. Ferguson discusses the education system in the 1990s that...

Simon BolĂ­var and Toussaint L. Overture

Simon BolĂ­var and Toussaint L. Overture are two renowned fighters for the independence of Latin American countries from the reign of the empires of that period. Another similarity between the two is their focus on republican ideas and concepts. For instance, BolĂ­var propagated the ideas of the parliament similar to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Story of Chanie Wenjack: Medium and Message

Chanie Wenjack is an Indigenous boy, who died one week after his escapade from a residential school due to exposure and hanger. This occasion is prominent, as it has become the symbol of resistance to the challenging circumstance and the power of colonization in Canada. Gord Downie has contributed to...

SWOT Analysis of Ĺ koda Company

The key weakness identified by Ĺ koda was that the company is unable to fit into a fragmented and highly competitive market with its current brand perception in the general public. Market shares for Ĺ koda are small, largely due to the fact that their reputation did not grow a sufficient amount...

Data Analytics for Business Students

The major theme of the following article is the issue of introduction to data analytics as one of the essential tools in terms of business and accounting education due to the aspect’s relevance in the context of the 21st century. When addressing the article, in brief, it should be outlined...

Siren et al.’s Study on Red Wines: Rhetorical Analysis

The article by Siren et al. studies the compounds in red wines that were made from Pinot Noir grapes. Since the contents of this research are connected with chemistry, it would be difficult to say if there are any political, philosophical, or cultural leanings of the authors. The reason for...

The Uses and Modifications of Ancient Mythologies

Mythology refers to a branch of knowledge that deals with myths, especially the sacred tales and fables told by different religions, cultures, and traditions. Mythos tell various stories regarding the crucial elements of human life: the origin of humans, the meaning of life, good and evil, death, and life after...

Generation Z and Face Time

The 21st century is a time when several circumstances are rapidly changing. For this reason, the world has seen the first generation that has grown up under the influence of gadgets and social networks. That is generation Z, which consists of teenagers and people in their twenties. One of their...

Cultural Relativism: James Rachel’s Claims

The concept of cultural relativism is a well-known phenomenon described by scholars, and the six claims of James Rachel is a model allowing us to examine it. However, since not all of the statements are equally justified, the strongest of them is: “There is no “universal truth” in ethics; that...

Statistically and Clinically Significant Evidence

Researchers conduct testing that establishes statistical significance, whereas clinically significant evidence should be proven by experts in the field. They determine whether a statistical significance is essential for clinical practice. Therefore, the researcher should carefully interpret whether the results are clinically significant. Statistical significance is one of the main aspects...

Ethical Concerns and Managed Care

With the growth and development of managed care, several new ethical dilemmas and complexities are introduced. The relationship between the patient, payer, and provider is a complicated and severe process that may also change over time and face new challenges. There are three areas of managed care, including financial incentives,...

The Godfather’ by Francis Ford: Movie Review

Introduction The Godfather is a world-famous masterpiece directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1972. According to multiple expert reviews and public opinion, the movie is nearly peerless film-making (Chiang). The film has a marvelous screenplay, flawless cast, excellent camera-work, and mindful composition. The present paper offers an analysis of the...

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by M. Twain

Despite the controversy, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has literary value to share with high school students. It is because the work uses strong messages to criticize the system of slavery during the times of racism (Chadwick, 2000). For instance, Twain (n.d.) constantly highlights that Huck Finn and Jim are...

“White Collar: The American Middle Classes” by C. Wright Mills

The topic for this week is dedicated to economics, workers’ alienation, and conformity. The first article I wish to summarize is “White Collar: The American Middle Classes,” written by Mills (1951). This article concerns the research that Mills (1951) conducted about the role of the middle class in American society...

Adolescent Pregnancy in the USA

Teen pregnancy in the US is a major problem that impacts society in many ways. Adolescent pregnancy leads to serious health problems and underachievement in school for the teens and an increase in public expenditure for the government (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019). The key factors contributing...

Shareholder Derivative Lawsuits

Shareholder derivatives are stakeholders’ measures to file a lawsuit on behalf of a business against a third party. Although it is the responsibility of a company to take an issue in court, a stockholder can raise complaints if they feel the leadership of the organization is not serving their interest...

Three Paradigms of Sociological Thinking

Human relationships as a concept have always been one of the most resonant and controversial subjects for discussion. To classify some of the underlying sociological and behavioral patterns, scholars tried to define major theories that could potentially describe how people could interact as socially adjusted beings (Casler & Du Gay,...

Normal and Abnormal Urine: Composition and Characteristics

Urine, one of the main waste products of the human body, can be an indicator of health and abnormal changes to the body. The first important subtopic is the composition of the discussed by-product of metabolism. Normal urine contains about 96% water, and the remaining 4% is presented by different...

Measuring Inflation: Article Analysis

Problems of Measuring Cost of Living Fluctuating in a seemingly unpredictable way, inflation rates are shaped by a range of factors, one of which is the change in the cost of living. However, measuring the specified characteristic is also quite difficult due to the multiple variables that have to be...

Swan’s Case as an Example of an Eating Disorder

The presented case can be considered as an example of an eating disorder. Being focused on success in ballet and becoming a recognized dancer, Swan demonstrates anxiety because of the possible weight gain. The high level of stress because of expectations and the need for the perfect shape to remain...

Popular Research Paper Topics

North Korea’s and China’s Media Regulations

While most countries such as the U.S., Philippines and Australia give their media a certain degree of leeway in presenting the news, countries such as North Korea and China represent an entirely different media regulatory scenario. Instead of regulations related to upholding the accuracy of stories presented, the maintenance of...

The Importance of Diets and Dietary Supplements

Losing weight and increasing energy are among the leading reasons people resort to diets and dietary supplements, such as the DASH, Atkins, Paleo, and Mediterranean diets. One motivating factor for these individuals is how these nutritional supplements are marketed concerning the way they meet customer needs. The success of these...

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

The term inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, refers to a type of disorder when the digestive tract is chronically inflamed. There are two types of IBD, including Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a condition when the large intestine and rectum are inflamed. It should be noted...

Supplements Safe and Necessary for Use by Pregnant Women

Introduction All expectant mothers need nutrition guidance as part of their prenatal care. Not only does the nutritional status of a mother affect her well-being, but also maternal outcomes and her fetus’s health. A licensed dietitian or a nutritionist can do the dietary guidelines and other essential interventions (Kubala and...

LASIK Procedure: Benefits and Potential Risks

Nowadays, people with bad vision can finally eliminate the glasses or contact lenses and clearly see this world in bright colors. This can be achieved with the help of LASIK eye surgery. It is a procedure during which a laser reshapes the eye’s cornea and corrects some vision conditions, such...

The Ethics of Simple Life: Crisis as Opportunity

The documentary by Happen Films (2016) tells a story about a group of people who experimented in their way of life and decided to live a year in a rural community trying to use only natural or recycled materials and products. The film demonstrates how people can respond to global...

Sugar: Does It Really Cause Hyperactivity?

Few substances are as prevalent in human lives as sugar is. It pervades foods in so many subtle ways that most people do not even notice this ingredient in meals. Yet, sugar has also served as a source of numerous misconceptions, one of which states that there is a direct...

Crime Statistics Comparison Between Two Universities

Introduction Campus Safety and security must be among the primary matters which colleges and universities should prioritize. Schools need to invest in security to proactively prevent the occurrence of any crimes or incidents, as well as give the residents a sense of protection. The following discussion will include a comparison...

Obesity Negative Influence on Public Health

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the number of people suffering from obesity has been steadily increasing in recent decades. Many health organizations around the globe expressed their concerns regarding this issue, appealing for some measures to be taken in order to curb this trend. The growing...

Influence of Gender on Life and Sexism

Sexism is a negative phenomenon meaning that individuals face various opportunities and attitudes based on their genders. MacKinnon and Fiala (2018) argue that sexism is one of many forms of discrimination that leads to inequality in society. According to The King Center (n.d.), Marin Luther King also considered sexism a...

Management of Production Costs

The development of the world economy poses new challenges for various manufacturing businesses. In order to avoid financial crises, present-day companies need to elaborate a management plan to adjust their activities to shifting conditions (“7 essential features,” 2018). However, such a complex process implies the change in production costs as...

The Issue of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supply in Hospitals

State the Healthcare Issue/Topic & Problem The COVID-19 pandemic made researchers and healthcare practitioners pay attention to the problem of guaranteeing adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supply in hospitals. The lack of PPE in facilities directly affects the quality of care for patients and the safety of healthcare providers. Explain...

The Idea of Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”

The poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” by Robert Frost is only nine lines long, but the author discusses complex topics through it. In early spring, the golden buds appear on the trees, but soon their color fades. Then flowers bloom, but they also soon turn into fallen leaves, reminiscent of...

“Maus: A Survivor’s Tale” by Art Spiegelman: Characters Analysis

Art Spiegelman made his book sound very human, and his characters are real and complicated. Vladek causes controversial feelings during the course of the story. First words about Anja’s personality in his narrative include that she was from a rich family (Spiegelman, 1987). One may assume that if not for...

Marxian Alienation in Modern Capitalist Countries

The ideas of Karl Marx have a notable influence on everyday reality, both through past events and modern communist and socialist movements. However, the historical materialism of Marx is a product of nineteenth-century society; hence, the question of practical relevance is worth asking. This paper aims at answering a more...

Mental Disorders: General Information

Mental Disorders Mental disorders are conditions that impact the behavior, moods and thinking of the patients. The disorders consequently affect daily routine practices in which individuals are engaged. Mental health for a long time has been ignored, with the focus set on physical conditions (Cherry, 2020). However, recently psychiatric illnesses...

Crime, Childhood Trauma, and Health

It goes without saying that both positive and negative events in the past may have an immeasurably substantial impact on the person’s life in the future. That is why the connection between health issues, crime, such as domestic violence or abuse, and childhood trauma is assumptive and widespread. In general,...

Addressing Risk Factors for Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is one of the most degenerative diseases affecting the lungs. In order to understand how cancer develops, it is necessary to explore the structure of the lungs. No single causative factor is observed as patients include different categories of people. However, it is possible to lower the probability...

Internationalization: Strategic Management Concepts

As compared to a firm that only operates domestically (in one country), an international company expands to multiple markets and, therefore, faces unique costs and difficulties (David, 2013). Internationalization is a high-risk high-reward strategy for which multiple global and international considerations need to be made. Financially, an international company will...

Reporting Behavior Among Victims of Crime

The reporting behavior among victims of crime remains relatively low despite the availability of critical infrastructure. According to Boateng (2016), satisfaction level in police operations is among the prominent predictors of crime reporting by the victims. For instance, where the degree of trust in law enforcement is low, the offended...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Juan Boscan’s Letter to the Duchess of Soma

Juan Boscan is a significant Catalan lyric poet who was at the court of Charles V and was considered the best student of Siculo and Varini. The latter were teachers of Latin culture in the family of the Dukes of Alba. Subsequently, Juan Boscan himself became a mentor to the...

Skin Cancer Types, Cells of Origin

Skin cancers are frequently observed and diagnosed because of high risk factors for individuals, and they are usually divided into two main types: melanoma and non-melanoma cancer. In this classification, non-melanoma skin cancers cover basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (Lai et al., 2018). These major types of skin...

Artistic Works: Genres and Examples

The division of artistic works into genres is a widespread classification applicable to any piece, and it covers all the possible forms of portraying reality. Its use facilitates the assessment of cultural products and the transmittance of the intended message through the means inherent in it. Hence, the analysis of...

The Trade War Between the USA and China

One of the most important geopolitical issues in world politics is the trade war between the USA and China. Its development affects almost every other country due to the sizes and influences of the two biggest economies in the world. Thus, the project will be dedicated to analyzing this phenomenon,...

Police Brutality Against African Americans

The issue being examined refers to the problem of police brutality on African Americans. The question concerning this issue could be formulated as follows: what are the causes of police brutality on African Americans? The mentioned problem is a burning one and is vividly expressed in modern society. Besides, the...

Human Rights as an Essential Part of the Societal Structure

Today, it is impossible to imagine a society without fundamental human rights. However, such a statement has only become true not so long ago. The history of humankind faced numerous incidents of violence, cruelty, and abuse that would seem intolerable today but were usually a few centuries ago. Society nowadays...

Cloud Computing: Benefits and Limitations

Cloud computing provides on-demand computing resources such as applications, hardware, and software over the Internet. The key benefits associated with cloud computing services include better protection against disaster, workload balance, reduction in investments costs, improved accessibility, usability, performance, and mobility, as well as sales automation. These benefits have led to...

“Like a Box of Chocolates” by Steven Scott

Steven Scott’s “Like a Box of Chocolates” explores Forrest Gump, the movie – one of the best-known and most influential American cultural products of recent decades. In a serious, bordering on downright academic tine, Scott presents his reading of the famous story of a simple-witted man who inexplicably becomes incredibly...

Abortion Should Be Encouraged in the United States

The legalization of abortion is one of the most disputable issues today in the United States. Most pro-abortionists argue that it is wrong to deny someone an opportunity to exercise their freedom to relish life and take responsibility for their actions. Despite a hot debate on the topic, terminating the...

How the Biosphere Is Supported by the Other Three “Spheres”

Introduction Earth’s surface represents the point of four spheres’ meeting, where they overlap and interact. The atmosphere is the outer gas shell of the Earth, the lower border of which lies through the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is a water shell of the Earth, which includes all waters on...

Sport Hunting: Is It Cruel to Keep Killing Animals for Sport?

Hunting, along with gathering, is one of the oldest methods of subsistence known to humankind and, as such, has accompanied humanity through most of its history. Yet as human civilization progressed, the role and place of the hunt in society gradually began to change. As the new ways of finding...

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and Well-Being

Anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is associated with mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological factors. These are most noticeably manifested in places where people live compactly, especially in megacities, where weather conditions also differ greatly from similar parameters outside the city. Millions of tons of pollutants are constantly present in the...

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment

The federal government’s decision to change the law of minimum tobacco purchase age and sell related products to a person under twenty-one years is excellent. Previously, the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act prevented individuals who are under the age of eighteen years from purchasing tobacco products. According to Winickoff...

Anderson’s “Code of the Street” Video

Elijah Anderson’s video “Code of The Street” highlights the common issues that define city life, particularly in low-income neighborhoods. Anderson (2017) uses the phrase “city codes” about vices, such as high crime rates, unemployment, and teenage pregnancies that define low-income neighborhoods, also called inner cities. Anyone who has lived in...

Personal Statement: Becoming a Firefighter

Watching my acquaintances, friends, and family members, I noticed that finding a business that you want to do is challenging, and unloved work overshadows your whole life. For this reason, I believe that I am incredibly lucky – although I am only 19, I know what I want to do....

Difference Between 3 Abrahamic Religion

Introduction The term “Abrahamic Religions” refers to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, which derive their spiritual source from common ancestry. According to Lovat and Crotty (2015), the cultural, geographical, ethnic, and historical backgrounds of these belief systems emanates from the Near East. The three are monotheistic and rely on some discrete...

The Effects of Drugs on a Man’s Reproductive System

Recent decades are characterized by a decrease in male fertility. There are therapeutic interventions able to help, but they are usually associated with high costs and failure rates. Drug and alcohol abuse negatively affects male reproductive health in several ways. It also might be a significant contribution to serious health...

Best Strategies to Increase College Sports Associated Sales

Sports events play a crucial role in students’ experience in college. Effective marketing planning increases the popularity of sports activities and develops the level of professionalism of players. Unfortunately, there is a downward trend in the attendance of college sports games such as football in the past few years (Abeza...

Directing “Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex”

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a classic tragedy that can be received by the public in any setting because its concerns are timeless. The central themes can revolve around dichotomy, including the image of light as the idea of knowledge and darkness as ignorance. In the original play, all characters’ worship...

Rock Structure in New England Attracting Tourists

Rock Structure New England is located on the North East side of the US, and it is composed of six states. Over the years, the area has witnessed increased population and drastic growth. However, its environment is unique and outstanding as a result of several geographical formations that occurred several...

The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

People who lack first-hand experience of different phenomenons and cultures tend to rely on stereotypes fostered in media and popular culture. As a result, their worldview is very limited and flawed. This is one of the main ideas in The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. The...

The Aria “Ev’Ry Valley” by Handel

The aria “Ev’ry Valley” by Handel is an oratorio with both biblical and historical context, and it can be considered a classic of the modern-day. It fits in the theme of the Messiah because the piece glorifies the fact that no mountain or valley can be a barrier in his...

Twelve Years a Slave, Isn’t It Romantic, Chef: Movies Comparison

Twelve Years a Slave (2013) In my opinion, all three movies that I am going to discuss in this paper are more or less helpful for those people who want to learn about the U.S. culture. The first film is Twelve Years a Slave, a powerful saga that does not...

David Luban on Just War: Republics of Geshem and Midbar

War has always been a controversial issue when discussed from an ethical perspective. Individuals who believe in the ideas of pacifism deny violence in any form. However, there are other theorists who defend the concept of a just war. This theory can be applied to the case study by David...

Consumption of Carbs and Healthy Diets

Introduction Healthy diets are considered the backbone of well-being among individuals, although there are various ideologies regarding what entails nutritious food. Goldstein (1998) asserts that carbohydrates have the problem of being soluble in adipose and make people fat as opposed to the common notion that meat makes people fat. Likewise,...

The Relationship Between Spirituality and Organ Donation

Article Summary The article examines the relationship between spirituality and organ donation. The main problem in this article is to answer the question of whether spirituality has any effect on the decision to donate organs. The purpose of the study was the evaluation the differences in spirituality and attitudes between...

Coca-Cola Company: Production and Industry Analysis

Coca-Cola Company is one of the most influential beverages and soft drinks corporations with global influence and the largest market share. The major input comes from the drinks, whereas the expenses mostly consist of advertising and shipping or handling (“United States Securities and Exchange Commission,” 2015). The production costs are...

The Forces Transforming Production

In Forbes’s article The Forces That Are Transforming How Products Are Made, Beth Ambruch presents several factors transforming product manufacturing in the contemporary setting. These include “digitalization, personalization, “smart” products, connectivity, servitization, globalization and regulation” (Ambruch, 2013, para. 5). The author suggests that the producer’s ability to adapt to these...

Language and Child’s Cognitive Development

Language development significantly contributes to a child’s overall development as it helps one think, speak, write, express thoughts, and understand. Primarily, language creates the foundation for all kinds of communication. A delay in language development may result in frustration and miscommunication (Otto 46). Therefore, parents should pay special attention to...

Healthcare Organization: Faith-Based Integrated System

This is a faith-based integrated health system which was established in 1980 as a not-for-profit corporation. The organization is affiliated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church and is a part of a global network of 160 Adventist clinics and outpatient facilities. This integrated system consists of 19 hospitals, 14 home...

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The Evidence-Based Approach in Medical Practice

In “Tools for Implementing an Evidence-Based Approach in Public Health Practice,” Jacobs et al. (2012) provide the results of their research of open-access tools aimed at meeting the evidence-based public health (EBPH) needs. The paper contains a brief analysis of resources and programs developed for practitioners and recommendations on their...

Computer Applications for Managers: Using PivotTables

Pivot Table is a tool that allows a user to present data in a form that is convenient for analysis. The view of the pivot table can be quickly changed with just one click, placing data in rows or columns, choosing grouping levels, filtering, and dragging columns from one place...

Cowboy Traditions in Louisiana

The cowboy culture is one of the most recognizable parts of U.S history, for Americans and foreigners alike. Even though the image of a cowboy is firmly cemented in people’s minds and pop culture, real-life cowboys had a lot more diversity in them than one could think. Looking at the...

Government Control of Technology

In the current digital era, the advancement of technology strongly depends on governmental decisions. Laws and bills adopted by the authorities can enhance innovation, but, as practice shows, they often only prevent scientists and engineers from realizing their ideas. The problem lies in poor understanding of technological and scientific impacts...

Barack Obama’s Presidential Library

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My Father’s Country by Wibke Bruhns: Historical Review

Introduction The book My Father’s Country by Wibke Bruhns is a historical novel about difficult times. The author’s story is filled with details and facts that reflect her attitude and the feelings of her family members facing many problems due to the politics of their country. Wibke Bruhns, in her...

Nuclear Energy Used for Different Purposes

Nuclear energy has been a very dubious concept since its very discovery and its introduction into the mass consumption environment. On the one hand, the huge power that it offers will be enough to supply numerous citizens with electricity (Dong et al, p. 53). On the other hand, nuclear energy...

Lawful Permanent Residents in Honolulu

Millions of people come to the United States in their search for better prospects, and some American cities are more attractive to immigrants than others. Honolulu, HI, is one of the places showing a decrease in the number of new residents by over 9% (Baugh, 2017). Nevertheless, thousands of lawful...

Motor Neurons Damage Effects

Motor neurons are responsible for many functions of one’s body, primarily movement. If they are somehow damaged, it can affect one’s life significantly. First of all, depending on the group of motor neurons, a patient may experience either hyperreflexia or hyporeflexia (Magnussen & Glass, 2017). The former signifies that upper...

Texas-Related Current Events

Article Summary The authors touch on the highly social topic of police defunding and systemic racism, which appeared in public discourse due to the tragic events in Minneapolis. Clare Proctor and Juan Pablo Garnham (2020) are as unbiased as possible and give several points of view that include city authorities,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Benefits of Medical Marijuana Over Other Prescription Medications

The article by Bradford and Bradford is dedicated to ascertaining the extent of legal marijuana use in the United States in relation to other drugs after the subsequent law went into effect. The authors state that after the legalization, the number of prescriptions of spasticity- and glaucoma-related drugs decreased substantially...

Immigrants Assimilation Issues

The U.S. immigrant assimilation ideology means that migrants within the U.S. borders will learn the English language and simultaneously adjust and embrace the American culture and living. Therefore, assimilation for immigrants cannot be segmented because it infringes migrants’ freedoms to practice their cultures and contributes less to eradicating racism. Still,...

Customization as a Way of Working Amazon Company

Globalization is the process of implementing the same marketing strategies across all of the company’s operations in the international market. Despite the fact that the customers’ cultures, preferences, and environments are different, globalization makes everything almost the same. However, customization is the opposite process as it builds separate marketing strategies...

Actions to Improve the Quality of Health Care

Business and Economic Assignment Part 1 Examples that would qualify for the medical loss ratio include physician and outpatient, inpatient, and outside referrals. Insurance, claim process, and payment functions can be considered administrative costs. Medical loss ratio (MLR) is “the amount insurer pays out for the covered health care expenses...

Methods That Texas Companies Can Deal With Labor Shortages

Introduction Donald Trump’s decree tightens the existing visa ban, including certain work visas for non-immigrants, to protect the U.S. labor market in the wake of the economic downturn associated with the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. president bans foreign workers’ entry on H-1B visas, L-1 visas for workers, and seasonal workers...

Urinary Tract Infection Treatment

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common condition that occurs more often in women than in men. Symptoms include painful urination, lower abdominal pain, nausea, and fever however, they can differ depending on the type of infection.UTI is treated with antibiotics that fight bacteria and reduce inflammation in the bladder....

YouTube and Fair Use: When Viewing Is Allowed

By law, people have to respect each other’s intellectual property and use it fairly. However, with the creation of digital media, copyright issues have become more difficult to understand. At present, YouTube is a video platform that hosts a huge number of videos (Aufderheide and Jaszi, p. 139). According to...

Child Nutrition and School Health Programs

Healthy eating has already become a significant trend in modern human life. Much attention is paid to children’s dietary habits, so schools and professional organizations are eager to participate in research and discussions. Either kids or adults need a number of healthy nutrients, but the difference is that adults know...

Health Literacy and the Role of Healthcare Providers in Its Promotion

Introduction Health literacy is a well-recognized asset across the globe as an effective evidence-based strategy for improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Low levels of health literacy can adversely affect a person’s state of health, personal development, and quality of life in general. The purpose of this essay is...

Influences of Identity Development

Mike’s struggles come from identity development, as his background does not make the formation of the id an easy process. His parents’ values, norms, and lifestyle are in sharp contrast with those of the family’s ancestors. Thus, Mike was most likely influenced by various relatives in his childhood years and...

Ethical and Justice Considerations of Triage of Critical Care Resources

The current public health crisis associated with the global pandemic of COVID-19 imposes significant ethical considerations related to justice and equality for the patients. The rising scale of the pandemic causes problems with resource allocation when providing health care to the continuously increasing number of patients impacted by the coronavirus....

Marriages and Reduction of the Number of Divorces

Marriage is a centuries-old institution, but like many other traditions, it varies from culture to culture and changes over time. Among the trends recently noted in the U.S., some inspire hope, and others cause concern. Among the positive trends are the declining divorce rate (Wang, 2020). However, some researchers are...

Protein Roles: Transport, Protective

Transport Role Proteins transport biologically important compounds in the body. In some cases, the transported compound is sorbed by a protein molecule. This protects against destruction and ensures transport with the bloodstream (for example, albumin transport of some hormones, vitamins, medicinal compounds). This type of transport is called passive. In...

Apologies from Socrates: Analysis

In Apology 28b-30c, Socrates admits that he is not ashamed of pursuing a life that has not put him at risk of early death. The philosopher’s convictions hinge on the rational premise that it is worse to “live as a bad man” and not consider justice when taking action (28b)....

Hotel Liability and Booking Cancellation Case

The case described investigates the violation of legal relations based on the drafting of the contract from several parties at once. After reading the scenario, we can identify two main problems that led to the legal conflict. First, a pre-booked room for Mr. Rogers in the hotel was not available...

Laptop Market Segmentation

The first customer category that is likely to be interested in a laptop is travelers. Their primary interest would be portability, which all such products provide to some degree by default (Idemudia, 2018). As Muller (2020) adds, they are also interested in battery life and screen brightness, as they expect...

“Miss Evers’ Boys” by Feldshuh

Introduction “Miss Evers’s Boys” is a film that is based on a true story known as a Tuskegee Syphilis study. This study was conducted between 1932 and 1972 to explore the natural course of syphilis among African-American males in the US. Miss Evers, the nurse, was instructed to tell men...

Research of the Marketing Mix

Today, the highly competitive market dictates businesses to distinguish themselves to grab customers’ attention and influence their positioning. Differentiation requires brands to invest into developing their marketing mixes. A marketing mix is defined as a totality of factors that a brand can control to influence consumers’ perception and desire to...

Racism in the 21st Century Problem Analysis

The existence of racism in modern education and healthcare systems undermines efforts to eliminate it in other areas. According to Basset and Graves, Black people in the United States are still sicker and still die younger than their White counterparts do (457). The issue should be examined thoroughly and addressed...

The Slime Business

Introduction From rainbow color to sparkle-filled, the demand for slime has increased in the last couple of years, which is the primary reason for choosing this business. Despite the appealing advantages of starting the slime business, there are some obstacles to overcome, requiring dedication and commitment like any other enterprise....

Henri Bendel’s Closure Overview

Henri Bendel was one of the most successful retailers and set the norms for the luxury retail world, but the trade standards have changed since its first store appeared in New York. According to Les Wexner, Bendel has been closed to improve profitability for the L Brands as a whole...

Influence of Google in Modern Societies

Technology innovation has transformed the modern lifestyles of individuals in many communities. I agree with Nicholas Carr that Google is making us stupid by assuming cognitive functions that facilitate effective decision-making. Activities done with hardship in the past are now easy to execute with technology invention in devices and application...

Summary of the Research Article About Abortion

Article In a world where there is a diversity of viewpoints on every phenomenon, the issue of abortion is of great importance. Much of the research literature is on the ethical side of abortion, but Hionidou’s work fully reflects the overall cultural and historical picture of models of abortion views...

Spiritual Paths in Medieval Works of Boethius and Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine and Boethius, the medieval authors, are famous for the great works City of God and Consolation of Philosophy, where they reflected on philosophy, religion, and fundamental issues of being. This paper aims to analyze the two literary works, their spiritual nature, the writers’ worldview, the direction proposed, and...

History of Eugenics and Birth Control in the U.S.

Eugenics is the act of mating people with desirable traits to improve the human species and was first introduced by Francis Galton. Charles Darwin’s theory of the origin of species is what caught the attention of Galton who became interested in the work. In 1859, Galton embarked on research that...

Fire Fighting Plans of the Navy and Civilian Aerodromes

Firefighting and rescue actions in the Navy seem to be more effective than those in civilian airdromes. Although the military and civilian safety manuals are based on similar principles, they differ due to their peculiarities in structure and experience. Moreover, their fire drilling exercises vary in the quantity of the...

The novel “A Man of the People”

Introduction The novel A Man of the People was first published in 1966 by Chinua Achebe, who depicted a wide range of problems concerning the corrupted nature of politics, power, and greed. Despite its date of publication, the novel presents a high relevance even these days due to the acute...

The Research That Johanna Brenner: Review

The first article that I want to summarize concerns the research that Johanna Brenner conducted about intersections and class relations. The research method that she seems to have employed was a secondary data analysis and archival material. In the beginning, the author presents her theory regarding the connection between feminism...

“Uncertain Certainty” by Alan Christopher Mathews

In his poem, the author makes extensive use of abstract and metaphorical visual imagery instead of describing the struggles of social isolation and dealing with uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic in a more direct manner. Nevertheless, this work closely echoes with my experiences of studying from home, limiting my social...