Classes and Objects in Java Programming

Classes and objects are one of the key attributes in object-oriented programming (OOP). The general relation between the two can be described as “is-a”: a class describes a template for objects, while an object is a specific instance of a class (Farrell, 2014). The primary concept of this relationship is...

Symbolism in Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death”

The Masque of the Red Death is a horror story by E. A. Poe that talks about Prince Prospero and his masquerade ball during the Red Death plague spreading. The disease symbolizes Tuberculosis, an illness common during the writer’s lifetime (Jones, 2017). In the film, it is possible to see...

The Group Theory and Actual Group Experience

Working in a group is vastly different from working individually. A personal goal becomes a shared goal, and a new layer of processes and mechanics appears. This is what happened when our study group was formed. We had to realize the importance of goal setting, the hardships a group faces,...

Benefits and Drawbacks of Hiring Inexperienced and Experienced Employees

It is safe to say that the staff is a crucial element of any organization. This statement is relevant for both local small businesses and transnational corporations. The hiring process of inexperienced and experienced employees determines the company’s future performance, and hiring both of these groups has its benefits and...

Motorcycle Safety and Its Psychological Aspect

Abstract The purpose of the following research paper is to define how various psychological factors influence motorcyclists’ behavior in terms of safety. Among the concepts discussed, the issues of helmet wearing and exceeding speed limits will be outlined. With the help of peer-reviewed studies on the matter, some motorcyclists’ behavioral...

An Analysis of Hamlet by Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Hamlet is one of the most important plays in the history of literature, and its main character’s behavior deserves thorough studying. Throughout the book, his state of mind changes and evolves, and it is key to understanding his actions and interactions with other characters. It is essential to analyze...

Book Review: “They Say I Say”

Chapter 8 in the book discusses forming a cohesive whole out of the disparate thoughts gathered by the author for their writing. Graff and Birkenstein (2014) recommend using transitions and pointing words as well as repeating key terms, phrases, and longer passages (in a different manner). The aim of all...

Elements of Poetic Form in “Go Down, Moses”

“Go Down, Moses” is a poem that became a folk song, calling for the freedom of slaves in the US back in the nineteenth century. It links the story from the Bible with the situation happening in South America before the Civil War. The work constitutes of several poetic form...

Intellectual Labor and Institutional Violence

In the United States, the Black population has always lived under the dominance and control of an oppressive system, which subjects them to constant hostility, discrimination, and microaggressions. Many artists have illustrated the widespread incidences of police brutality and the institutionalized divide between race, gender, and class depictions that arouse...

Oral-B Electric Toothbrushes’ Marketing Campaign

Marketing Campaign Concept The concept of a marketing campaign for Oral-B electric brushes is to expand the number of buyers by reaching people interested in innovative technologies that can improve their daily life. The product will be presented as innovative rather than health supportive. The target audience contains middle or...

Finding and Choosing a Partner for Marriage

In order to find and select me a partner, I would consider utilizing online dating forums only if there is no other valid option. The main reason is that I would like to find such an individual from a circle of my friends or acquaintances. I get to see and...

Impartiality in Making an Ethical Decision

Morality is a complex phenomenon, and philosophers have debated its nature for a long time. Many theories examine ethics and how people make ethical decisions. It is especially interesting to discuss how people make choices when they involve the interests of people they are connected to in a meaningful way....

The Effects of Energy Drinks

An energy drink is a beverage comprising stimulating components, normally caffeine. These constituents serve as stimulants that can influence the body’s electrolyte balance by increasing the amount of fluid that comes out as sweat (Wassef et al., 2017). Other symptoms which may arise from consuming large quantities of caffeine include...

A Report on the Cyber Attack at Czech Hospital

One of the major COVID-19 testing laboratories in the Czech Republic has recently faced an obscure cyberattack in March 2020. The representative of the Brno University Hospital, Pavel Zara, claimed that the situation is still in progress and there is no detailed information available on the incident. A cyberattack hit...

Marketing on the Organization “Marks & Spenser”

The classic clothing brand Marks & Spencer resisted for a long time to fully enter the modern digital world. Until recently, something from Marks & Spencer could only be bought in the store itself or on Amazon. A few years ago, the company finally created its website, which was the...

Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantages in the Industries

In many industries today, companies are shifting downstream, meaning that they make downstream activities the drivers of value creation. At that, upstream activities such as sourcing, production, and transportation are largely outsourced within the domestic countries or overseas, with the latter becoming ever more popular. The reason behind focusing on...

Reality in Drug Addiction Research: Ethnography

Ethnography as a research method is, indeed, the most suitable for the study on drug use and related issues. This method has already become a classic and has established itself as the most effective in studies of closed groups (Ferguson, 2017; Turner, 2019). Moreover, the research of such phenomena is...

Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering implies the scientific practice of adding DNA to living organisms to create new traits that do not exist naturally. In recent years, it has attracted particular attention as a substantive number of people believe that natural processes should not be interfered with. However, from a personal perspective, genetic...

China Is a Prisoner of Its Geography

China’s political decisions have always been largely informed by the limitations of its geography. During the formative period of the Han empire, the fertile heartland of China lent itself to agrarian purposes, which made it defenseless against external forces. Back in a day, the main danger was violent nomadic tribes...

Symbolism of the “Bechdel Family” by Alison Bechdel

Introduction Literary works require consideration through the lens of various techniques used by their authors, and in the case of “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic,” symbolism is essential. In the book, the author, Alison Bechdel, narrates about her childhood and relationship with her father with the use of a variety...

Schizophrenia Versus Schizoaffective Disorders

Over time, people have faced difficulties as they try to comprehend the symptoms of psychological disorders. Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder that impairs an individual’s thinking, understanding, and behavior, leading to delusions and hallucinations (Boerrigter et al.). If not treated earlier, it can lead to lifelong disability. Besides, the...

Structure-Process-Outcome and Quality Management System

The structure-process-outcome model (SPO) and the quality management system (QMS) is different when it comes to defining and measuring quality outcomes. The SPO model does not fully rely on patients’ medical records or direct clinical observations to measure outcomes. In this model, outcomes are defined as patients’ recovery and the...

Five Stages of Team Development

As a rule, a group goes through five stages of development before becoming a team, each of which implies its functions and goals. The dynamics of the group’s behavior and development changes as it moves from one stage to another, and it requires different actions for greater efficiency. The team...

Controversies About How to Interpret Music

The question of how to interpret the music of the past is a matter of perpetual controversy. Should performers play in a way that recreates the music as the composer would have heard it, or should they adjust to modern conventions? One point of view, represented by longtime New Yorker...

Changes in Marketing, Digital Marketing

Marketing has altered much in recent years, as technological progress allows for more comprehensive ways of delivering information and motivating people to purchase goods and services. Digital marketing provides numerous advantages, which include various ways of interacting with consumers, collecting feedback, targeting specific demographic groups, and integrating advertisements in content....

Poems Comparison and Analysis

The poems below describe children playing and then one of them getting hurt by the door. Although the first poem starts on a cheery note, it ends with a sad mood because the child needs tending and the games stop. The poems are connected based on the content because both...

Cognitive Development During the Middle Childhood Years

Introduction Cognitive development is the gradual development of a child’s intelligence. At various stages, cognitive impairment associated with perinatal lesions of the nervous system, diseases at an early age, psychosocial and other factors can occur. The classification of cognitive development periods is based on the ability to interact with the...

The Significance of the Battle of Saratoga

Introduction The Battle of Saratoga took place in 1777 and signified the victory of the Continental Army over the British. The battle was a turning point in the American Revolution as it improved the Americans’ morale, convinced the prospective foreign ally to provide support, and ended the British control of...

Brittany Maynard Case: The Suicide Dilemma

Brittany Maynard was a terminally ill patient who decided to end her own life by taking a lethal dose of prescribed medication. On November 1, 2014, Mrs. Maynard dissolved 100 capsules of a sedative in a glass of water and drank it around her friends and relatives (White, 2014). She...

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Key Issues

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Since lymphoid tissue is present in the spleen and digestive tract, it can also strike the digestive system. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is dangerous because it targets white blood cells. These cells are present in lymph nodes all over...

Sir Arnold Malcolm, the Composer

Sir Arnold Malcolm is a well-known 20th-century English musician, conductor, and composer. He was born in 1921, and at the age of twelve, he started to learn how to play the trumpet. Before beginning his career in 1941, he managed to enroll in the Royal College of Music, where he...

Are Tight Pants Healthy?

In this day and age, skinny jeans seem to be one of the most popular clothing items among young people. Nevertheless, since this fashion is relatively modern, there is not enough research on the impact that it has on the human body. Researchers and medical professionals, however, do not recommend...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Its Symptoms

Infant healthcare has always been one of the most extensive fields of scholarly research, as professionals are eager to define all the possible predispositions for all the possible health conditions as early as possible. However, one of the fascinating aspects of research concerns the investigation of genetic disease development, as...

Woman and Gender Equality in Canada

The problem of gender equality is one of the primary concerns of Canada. With the modernization of society, there is a need for additional measures to ensure the rights of women all over the country. The idea of improving their life has led to the appearance of numerous activists and...

The Relevance of the Polynomial

Contrary to popular belief, mathematics plays an essential role in human life. It should even be said that without knowledge of mathematical formulas, regularities, and concepts, we would not be able to progress and develop. People mistakenly consider that mathematics is limited to the textbook and the school board, but...

Gender Roles in Hung Liu’s Paintings

Hung Liu is one of the most famous painters of the 20th century who expresses Chinese and American cultures. She was born in Changchun, China, in 1948 and moved to the United States by the end of the 20th century (Nigris 192). Liu is known to often portray courtesans, entertaining...

”Money Supply” Article by Enam Ahmed Analysis

In this article, Enam Ahmed explains why central banks should use the Divisia approach to measure the effectiveness of the monetary policies. He argues that while the concept was developed almost a century ago, it remains a viable alternative to the tools used in modern economics. The idea to employ...

The Effects of Violent Video Games and Movies

Researchers do not yet have a definite answer on what effects violent games and movies let to. It should be mentioned that there is a continuing debate among researchers over the relationship between violent video games and movies and aggressive behavior (Onwukwe et al., 2017). If with adults, the situation...

Crime Rates: Hawaii

Crime measurements are critical indicators for accepting or declining potential legislations, and these statistics help to build the correct course of action in the form of strategy among law enforcement agencies. There are three main ways to measure the overall crime rate in a particular region. Firstly, the crime data...

The United States Constitution and Its Principles

The establishment of the United States is a remarkable event for world history. In 1774, thirteen English colonies began military operations in the struggle for independence and reached their goal on July 4, 1776 (Bodenhamer 12). This is the date of the formation of the new sovereign state of the...

“A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement” by Alicia Garza

The widespread social inequality and injustice towards African Americans have become the inspiration for various groups and organizations intending to protect their inherent rights. In A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, Alicia Garza (2014) provides valuable insights, determining the origins of this action group, its primary objectives, and pressing issues....

The Book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain

The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is a classic bildungsroman that can be relevant for people of all ages. The main theme of the topic is a moral and social maturation that the main character, Tom, goes through. Being away from society as a child who did not...

“Network” by Sidney Lumet

The Network is a famous American movie that was released in 1976 and gradually joined the ranks of the most culturally significant films ever produced in the United States. The plot is centered on Howard Beale – a prominent TV presenter who works for the Union Broadcasting System network. The...

Ideological Camps in the Mexican Revolution

Revolutions always bring violent fights and deaths, but sometimes they are the only choice for the struggling populations to fight for one’s rights and freedom. The Mexican Revolution was a significant overthrow of social order that consisted of armed struggles from 1910 to 1920. It had a long-lasting effect on...

“Night” by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel is one such book where the main character is forced to go through hardships in order to become a different person. It describes the difficult life of a Jewish boy who had to experience a horrifying experience of hunger, violence and losing someone he loves. Since...

Hypercholesterolemia: a High Level of Cholesterol

Hypercholesterolemia refers to a high level of cholesterol in the blood. This health condition occurs when the inner walls of blood vessels accumulate and store too much cholesterol, which is released to the bloodstream when it reaches excessive levels (Vettor & Serra, 2018). Coronary arteries, the blood vessels supplying blood...

Social Influences: The Power of Any Social Situation

It is hard to disagree that most people are influenced by other individuals or the whole society in various situations. The power of any social situation is rather significant, and there are three forms of influence processes that can affect the way people act in a social setting. The purpose...

Media Literacy Discussion Post

Media consumption grows increasingly with the development of the internet and the popularization of social media. Today, a regular adult spends almost half of the day consuming media, which includes watching TV, surfing the web, and texting through various mediums either at home or outside. Such a vast number of...

“An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al.

The influence of neighborhood and, more generally, residence on different aspects of adult outcomes seems to be a subject of poignant interest. The article “An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al. constitutes part of a sizeable body of literature dedicated to the subject....

The Photosynthesis Light Reaction

Cells need to produce considerable amounts of energy to sustain day-to-day operations and reproduce to grow and create new organisms. For example, the meiosis process involves the replication of chromosomes so that one cell can become four gametes (Ko, Chapter 13, 7). The photosynthesis light reaction is the first stage...

Buddhism in China and Japan

Buddhism is one of the major religions in the world, and it is now practiced in various countries including China and Japan. This religion spread in China during the first centuries B.C.E. and became widely practiced in the sixth century (Heine xii). It entered China through trade relations with people...

Drone Warfare: Benefits Versus Costs

It seems reasonable to state that waging war has always been an expensive undertaking. What is more, with the flow of time, weapons, armory, and other military equipment – as well as expenses on army maintenance – have become pricier. It is not surprising that recent technical progress provides the...

Criminal Culpability for Heat-Related Deaths Among High School Athletics

Although training is critical in preventing injuries during competitions, the strenuous practice often results in many athletes’ deaths. Recently, the number of athletes succumbing to training injuries has risen consistently due to numerous temperature-related illnesses, such as heat stroke. However, leading researchers contend that since these experiences are precipitated by...

“Gem of the Ocean”: Play Insight

Although slavery is abolished and the characters are legally free, they do not feel their freedom. The main characters are free to do what they want, but they do not let themselves do so because of their moral obligations or past experiences. The play also mentions the mill workers who...

Lockheed L-1011 TriStar 1. Aircraft Accident

Lockheed L-1011 TriStar 1, A Delta Airlines flight 191, always flew between Fort Lauderdale and Los Angeles with a scheduled stop at Dallas. In 1985, the flight was affected by bad weather while in the air along the Texas-Louisiana gulf coast. The plane crew opted to change their route but...

Plotting Demand and Supply: A Reflection

Understanding the correlation between demand and supply is one of the fundamental requirements for gaining competence in economics. The specified correlation represents the primary ratio that defines the emergence of new companies, the choice of business strategies, and the changes in communication approaches. Therefore, determining the demand and supply curve...

Independent Contractors and Amazon: A Legal Study

According to labor law, independent contractors are guaranteed multiple rights such as the right to contract, choose where to work, how to work, and manage their own business. As an independent contractor, Amier enjoyed working for Amazon and was appalled when the company banned his account without any apparent reason....

“The Wrysons” Story by John Cheever

The story “The Wrysons” written by John Cheever is a typical narrative about an American couple that preferred everything familiar to the unusual that they distrusted. The life of these people revolved around their comfort zone, and they were incredibly unwilling to welcome any change in their well-organized existence (Cheever...

The Idea of Carrying the Fire in Cormac McCarthy’s Novel

The plot of Cormac McCarthy’s novel focuses on two people, the father and his son having a challenging journey across the post-apocalyptic continent. Throughout the novel, there is an idea of carrying the fire. Even in the end, the boy asks a stranger, whether he has been carrying it as...

Ernest H. Griffin’s “The Oasis: Africa”

Throughout world history, wartime has always been considered as the darkest and most dooming time for the world community. However, modern textbooks are not capable of expressing the actual feeling of terror and trembling fear people lived through during those years. To bring modern generations closer to their ancestors’ history,...

A Plan for Searching for Articles

The literature review section of a DNP project is significant both to readers and the writer. It provides readers with fundamental knowledge that is required to understand the main body of the paper. For the writer, it is a starting point of any research – it provides the necessary information...

Drones: Interface Design Features

The number of unmanned systems in the world is regularly increasing. Today, this diversity includes “self-managed” planes, vehicles, drones, seagoing ships, and spacecraft. Each designed device solves unique problems, hence the variety of interfaces for control and monitoring (Howard, 2013). There is no need to create machine functionality that will...

Analysis of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is centered on the concept of virtue ethics, which can be approached from different perspectives depending on one’s philosophical precepts. Aristotle advances the view that ethics should be contextualized based on whether an action is informed by the pursuit of excellence. The judgment on whether one acted...

Impacts of Stroke on the Nervous and Sensory System

Stroke is a severe pathology of the brain, which is caused by the violation of the blood supply and is fraught with dangerous implications for both the nervous system and the sensory system. The manifestations of impairments in patients with stroke may vary depending on the severity of the brain...

“My Father Was a Writer” by Dubus

How would you sum up what Andre Dubus III is saying in this memoir? Try to express in the sentence or two the significance to him of the events he relates. Dubus focuses on two transformative experiences that affected his childhood. When his father leaves the Marines to become a...

The Link Between Poverty and Criminal Behavior

Deviance mainly refers to the contravening of norms and standards as set out in a particular society. Crime, on the other hand, involves the violation of laws set by the government aimed at controlling erratic behaviors. Crime thus represents a form of social deviance since it involves breaking the law...

Disciplinary Actions: Progressive and Positive

Managing a company is a challenging and demanding task that requires the employer and employees to perform their duties. However, in some instances, one of the sides underperforms and needs to be motivated. In most cases, it is a certain employee that does not satisfy the management’s needs, forcing the...

The Difference Between Northern and Southern States

In the 1840s, there were three major sectional differences in economy, politics, and states’ rights between northern and southern states of the United States. One should be aware of the fact that during the given period, there were far fewer people in the South than in the North. It is...

Nursing: Basic Care and Comfort

Nutrition and Oral Hydration: Resuming Postoperative Diet The first diet doctors usually prescribe after an operation is a clear liquid diet. It is fat-free and based on water and juices. A soft diet corresponds to the next stage in recovery and contains limited solid foods. Eventually, a patient can gradually...

The Issue of Ethics in Healthcare

Healthcare ethics is a set of basic principles and values that are applied when making decisions about medical procedures. These ideas include such bioethics notions as autonomy, justice, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. These important factors should be taken into consideration to make recommendations and decide on the best course of action....

Price Determination and Market Structure

Introduction One of the main goals of any business is profit maximization, and one of the principal means of reaching that goal is setting an optimal price for its goods or services. However, the considerations that go into determining this price depend in large part on the market structure. Different...

Strategy Generation and Creation

International strategy generation implies making a subjective decision based on objective facts. In other words, every company needs to decide what will benefit it as it taps into foreign markets, taking into account factors many of which are unchangeable and unmodifiable. In this sense, a strategy can be defined as...

Effective Leadership: Leadership Requirements Model

One of the Army’s primary tasks is to serve the American people by protecting the perpetual national interests and complying with military responsibilities. To meet these requirements, one needs to adhere to the leadership based on values and impeccable character, and professional expertise. The Army leadership requirements model (LRM) provides...

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the Hospital

In the current course, the most exciting topic for me is personal protective equipment (PPE) in the hospital. The area fascinates me in particular because PPE is of the highest importance for every healthcare facility, and it unites all hospitals regardless of their profiles. In the present paper, I provide...

Racial and Ethnic Inequality Perception

The notion of racial and ethnic inequality has always been closely associated with American society. However, over the last months, the subject of racism and discrimination has been discussed at an unprecedented rate, followed by demonstrations, protests, and loots. Hence, it is now of crucial importance to dwell upon the...

Southern Civil Rights and the Black Power Movements

Realizing a political change takes a lot of time, effort, and resilience. African Americans were on the receiving end of racial prejudice and injustice over 100 years following the Emancipation Act of 1863 (Healey, 2012). They were subjected to race-induced violence and would always be economically and politically oppressed, including...

The Relationship Between Air Temperature and Relative Humidity

The graph describes the connection between relative humidity and temperature as well as the variations in these two parameters at different times of the day. The overall relationships exhibited are that the relative humidity increases as temperature reduces and vice versa. The peak relative humidity is measured at 6 am,...

The Kite Runner’ by Khaled Hosseini: Relationships That Change

The Kite Runner is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini in 2003 about the fall of the Afghanistan monarchy because of the Soviet Union’s intervention. Amir, a Pashtun boy who moved to the United States, is the protagonist of the book. This story reveals such themes as family affairs, friendship,...

Executive Excellence Awards Overview

The Executive Excellence Awards is the annual leadership event that recognizes executives who have guided their companies to success with consistent and extraordinary leadership. In 2016, Seattle Business magazine honored 14 local business leaders with “Executive Excellence Awards” (Truzzi, 2016). I enjoyed all the brief stories describing those leaders’ efforts...

WHO’s Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

Ageism is a highly prevalent worldwide issue that affects both younger and older people. For that reason, The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a broad campaign aimed at combating this problem with the primary goal of providing equal opportunities to the population across the world. WHO defines ageism as discriminative...

The Bust of Queen Nefertiti

The statue of Queen Nefertiti is one of the most famous examples of ancient art, depicting the image of one of the most beautiful women of antiquity. It was created in Egypt, circa 1345 BC, by the sculptor Thutmose, who was the official court sculptor of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, and...

Gender Norms in Different Cultures

The relationships among biological sex, gender role, and sexuality are often perceived differently in societies around the globe. For example, western societies have a strong penchant for patriarchy, which has certain implications for the people who defy the status quo. As evidenced in the trailer for a movie about women...

Paternity Leave for Employed Fathers

Almost all major companies and organizations offer maternity leave – a particular paid period of time for new mothers. However, in some countries, fathers are also provided with such an opportunity. This is called paternity leave, but, unfortunately, it is available only in five American states. The purpose of this...

“The Moldau” by Bedrich Smetana

The Moldau is the symphonic poem of the Czech composer Bedrich Smetana. The poem illustrates the flow of the Moldau river from its spring in the Bohemian forest to Prague. The Moldau theme is played five times and could be characterized as proud and playful by the character. Such an...

“New Revenue Recognition Guidance and the Potential for Fraud and Abuse”: Article Analysis

The article “New Revenue Recognition Guidance and the Potential for Fraud and Abuse: Are Companies and Auditors Ready?” by Douglas R. Carmichael (2019) raises an essential topic of whether the guidance and a standard introduced by the Financial Accounting Standards Board meet the objectives stated by the organization. The author’s...

Wernicke’s Area and Language Development

Located within the cerebral hemisphere’s left temporal lobe, Wernicke’s area is a brain region critical for language development, particularly in speech comprehension. Language capabilities are progressively acquired and enhanced from childhood to adulthood and encompass receptive and expressive abilities. Wernicke’s area contains motor neurons that support the comprehension of both...

Description and History of the People the Hittites

Introduction The Hittites were urbane Anatolian people, a bronze age civilization that played a crucial role in establishing a hugely powerful empire in the deep mountains of Anatolia around 1600 BC, and that existed for over 800 years. The power and strength of this empire reached their height during the...

The Basis of Distributive Justice

Distributive justice is guided by objectiveness and aspires to make people live in equality, equity, and depending on their needs. However, such theory is quite ambiguous because it plays out differently in diverse situations, and it led to fierce discussions in philosophy, the social sciences, and others. Regardless of procedural...

Conflict 101: Questions. Analysis of the Conflict

A Current Situation A current situation in a team-related environment that I fear refers to the fact that it is challenging to avoid conflicts within the team. The scariest aspect is that these conflicts and issues adversely influence personal relationships with individuals. As a result, team-related conflicts can endanger or...

Planning for the End-of-Life Care

Planning for end-of-life care involves important and sensitive decisions, which mindful persons have to make, especially when approaching the life expectancy age. As a senior citizen aged 65 years, I would adopt an advanced plan of care in the preparation of the health complications coming with old age. Bartley et...

“Singin’ in the Rain” by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen

Singin’ in the Rain is a 1952 musical comedy directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen. This film is significant as it was shot in the epoch of transition from silent films to sound ones. As I watched Singin’ in the Rain, I noticed that MGM Studios used the shift...

Theme of Ambition in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

Ambition is the elementary factor in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The author has used Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to explore the concept of purpose in Macbeth. The two characters’ ambitions and downfall are the key storylines which the author illustrates. Besides, the desire of control by Lady Macbeth...

Literacy Narrative: “Make a Wish”

I vividly remember the day I realized life was too short and unexpected not to wish for more. It was April, and I sweet-talked my mom to take me to the amusement park on the weekend. I was eight years old, and I had never been to the amusement park...

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

For this assignment, I have watched a TED Talk video in which Wendy Troxel explains the impact of the lack of sleep on teenagers. The author argues that the role of sleep is significantly underrated, which leads to many issues with health, both physical and mental (Troxel, 2016). I agree...

Market Power and Demand Elasticity Showed by Wal-Mart

Compared to the company mentioned in the text, one of the best examples to oppose such demand elasticity might be Wal-Mart. The key reason for such comparison is the mogul retailer’s initial impact on smaller firms that get careworn under the influence of natural sales generated by Wal-Mart (Allgrunn &...

“Googling Your Date” Article by Martha Irvine

In the past, dating suggested sharing intimate time with one’s partner, but the rules have changed. Today, it is possible to search for information about a potential lover online before becoming acquainted in person. The result of this search may vary from positive, such as similar taste in music, to...

Concept Testing Through Prototyping

Concept testing is vital for making effective decisions that will improve a given organization’s performance and competitiveness. However, concept testing is often reduced down to marketing a finished product and getting “an initial reaction from customers before committing substantial funds to the product” (Cianfrone, 2019, p. 3). This marketing-oriented concept...

Battleship Potemkin Movie Review

Battleship Potemkin was revolutionary in many senses, but the most memorable and fascinating part is arguably the Odessa Steps. While it is a marvel from the technical point of view, the sequence also criticizes war and its cruelty, particularly towards the innocent. However, the message is enhanced through the montage,...

The Review of Literature: American Football

Bell, T. R., Applequist, J., & Dotson-Pierson, C. (2019). CTE, media, and the NFL: Framing a public health crisis as a football epidemic. Rowman & Littlefield. This book argues that there is a link between experiencing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and playing American football. The authors emphasize that media coverage...

Alcohol Negative Effects on Vital Parts of Human Body

Alcohol abuse is an urgent problem for many modern people, as it is the most affordable way of intoxication. Statistics informs that excessive use of the substance is the reason for “95,000 deaths and 2.8 million years of potential life lost each year in the United States” (Alcohol facts and...

“The Tyger and The Lamb” by Blake

The literary concept of poetry is one of the most challenging aspects in terms of encoding the writer’s intentions and ideas behind the lines, especially when analyzed decades after their first publications. A prime example of such a challenge would be the poems written by Robert Frost, an American poet...

Globalization and Economic Inequality

The debate on the issue of economic inequality mitigation has been one of the central aspects of global discussion for decades. The primary concern of such an argument has always been based upon establishing a direct link between the process of globalization and an increase in the gap between average...

How Hate Took Hold of Him: Parrish Reflection

In this article, Parrish (2015) tries to clarify the reasons and factors that caused his hatred towards African-Americans. According to the discussions of the author, it is the impulse that is given by social prejudices and beliefs. For example, it is mentioned that the author’s parents were also against African-Americans...

Gender Inequality in Modern Societies and Its Reasons

The first essay is devoted to gender inequality in modern societies and its reasons. The best part of the essay is the definitions provided and a short history of society’s development that show the reasons for inequality. The thesis statement is clear and includes contradictive opinions, which are discussed further...

Why Must We Protect Crocodiles?

The article “Why must we protect crocodiles?” explaining the value of the Philippine crocodile to rural communities” discusses various methods, approaches, and reasons to protect the endangered Philippine crocodile. Although it is strictly prohibited from hunting, its numbers continue to decline due to the use of poaching fishing methods. The...

The US and the Soviet Union: History

In the aftermath of World War II and during the Cold War, there were two spheres of influence in Europe. Western Europe supported the capitalist principles of the USA, whereas Eastern and Central European countries sympathized with the Soviet Union seeking to have communist governments in place. This entailed significant...

Otherness in “The Color of Water” and “Country Lovers”

The concept of otherness is one of the central issues in James McBride’s autobiographical book The Color of Water and Nadine Gordimer’s story Country Lovers. However, while there are many similarities in how otherness functions in these works, some aspects are fundamentally different. This short essay argues that two authors...

Codes to Specify the Type of Performed Medical Assistance

In the American healthcare system, organizations use a special set of codes to specify the type of performed medical assistance. Procedures on the skin, subcutaneous and accessory structures are grouped under their own code range. This subheading is divided into the following categories, each one is further separated into subcategories....

Sexual Deviance and Challenges: Kinsey Reports

The Issue of Sexual Deviance Kinsey Reports gathered their samples through the stratified sampling method. In the stratified sampling method, subjects are chosen according to their behavior relatedness, a massive sign of subject bias. According to Goode (2016), Kinsey’s study failed to address representativeness, skewing the research. In Kinsey’s sex...

Virginia Henderson’s Theory Impact on Nursing

Virginia Henderson was the one who proposed the supreme theories of nursing in the mid-twentieth century. Her accentuation on essential human requirements as the focal point of nursing practice has prompted further hypothesis advancement concerning the patient’s necessities and how nursing can help address those requirements. The theorist’s characterization of...

Blood Symbolism in “Macbeth” by Shakespeare

Authors often utilize symbols to signify the importance of events, objects, or relationships in their works. Indeed, the majority of the great poetic or literature works use some degree of symbolism to allow readers to visualize the writers’ messages. Correspondingly, in the play Macbeth, Shakespeare uses symbolism to portray the...

Gender Conflict in “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston

It is worth noting that the work of Zora Neale Hurston called “Sweat” brought up a gender conflict as the main subject for discussion. In particular, this short story reveals aggression and sexist oppression against black women by black men. In this story, the husband attempts to kill his wife...

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Its Application in Nursing Practice

Nursing theories provide conceptual frameworks for studying phenomena and developing knowledge in healthcare. Different models can be applied to different domains of nursing and used at all levels of abstraction, which allows formalizing the process of research in the field. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the theory...

Good v. Evil in the “To Kill a Mocking Bird” by Harper Lee

Starting with the title and ending with the plot, the whole book notes the connection of the narrative with harmless birds. The title “To Kill a Mockingbird” is associated with a specific situation that occurred in the plotline. Atticus buys special air rifles for his children for shooting sports. And...

Analysis of Smartphones Life Cycle

All products have a limited life cycle and go through various identifiable stages. It starts with the conception of the product, its development, its introduction to the market, then to a stage when the market rapidly grows and stands saturated just after attaining maturity (Stark, 2019). Subsequently, the market drops,...

A Homogenous American Society in the 20th Century

As a reaction to the Soviet Union’s increasing influence, parts of American society became extremely similar. Some people even argued that the nation was becoming homogenous. Americans watched the same TV shows, worked for the same companies, bought similar apartments and products, and had identical lives overall. However, the thorough...

Social Constructions in the “13th” Documentary

13th is a documentary by Avu DuVernay, which explored the perpetuation of hidden slavery in the US in its historical continuation, evolving into different forms of “socially-acceptable” practices that were used to keep black Americans as second-grade citizens (DuVernay 2016). I approached the film with a degree of bias towards...

Calcium Movement in Muscle Contraction

Calcium is an essential element within the process of muscle contraction due to its direct involvement in the interaction between muscle fiber proteins, such as actin, troponin, and myosin. Myofibrils have the ability to interact with ATP and contract only in the presence of certain concentrations of calcium ions in...

Ethical Use of Social Media: Users’ Anonymity and the Inviolability of Their Personal Data

Gathering information about social media users, their preferences, demographic characteristics, and other features for advertising or maintaining competition is a natural phenomenon in today’s marketing environment. The more successful a website integrates targeted promotional materials, the more profits owners can generate. Regarding the ethics of this practice, the key issues...

Use of Social Media in the Workplace

Recently, information leaks have become more frequent in our company due to the improper use of social networks. Unfortunately, this is often the fault of employees who spend too much time on the Internet and post too sincere texts. First, it leads to a decrease in productivity at work, and...

A Brief Review of T-Test

Generally, t-test include five assumptions that have to be taken into consideration at all times when the analysis is executed. As discussed by Kim and Park (2019), first, the scale of measurement applied to the collected information follows an ordinal or continuous scale. Second, the data is derived from a...

Zara’s Visual Merchandise Strategies

My favorite store is Zara, which specializes in low-cost and fashionable clothing. As it is a clothing store, it uses merchandise to visually captivate customers and those who pass by. It was especially apparent the last time I went there. Zara primarily targets sight, which is supported by other senses,...

Communication Role in 2020’s U.S. Presidential Campaign

The 2020’s presidential campaign in the United States was thrilling and intense as the Democrats focused on removing President Donald Trump from office. While there were other contestants, Joe Biden proved to be the primary challenger of the incumbent president. Throughout the campaign, communication played an indispensable role in shaping...

US Constitution Revision: Secession Procedure

The essence of my proposal is this: the Constitution should unequivocally state that the secession of any state of collection thereof can only be possible with the ratification by all the states comprising the Union. The Declaration that created this nation held dear the people’s right to assume the separate...

Symbol Resulted From the Modern Digital World

Symbol Meaning(s): This symbol is new to society since it has been created as a result of the emergence of new digital technology. It looks like an upside-down drop with a circle in it. Its appearance resembles a hot air balloon or a pin that travelers put on the world...

Envisioning Recovery in Practice Development

Introduction Healthcare is being continuously reformed, employing innovation, and developing person-oriented strategies. Envisioning recovery in healthcare offers a new type of improvement in the recovery process, which includes innovational strategies, and the use of communication advancements to assess overall well-being and patient-oriented recovery. Effective envisioning recovery needs reforms in healthcare...

Protectionism in East Asian Countries

Protectionist measures are policies enacted to safeguard domestic industries from competition with foreign firms. They are executed by introducing subsidies, trade tariffs, import quotas, and other trade barriers on imports from foreign business competitors. Remarkably, nearly all typical economists concur that free trade is essential for the thriving of the...

“My Stroke of Insight” TED Talk by Taylor

In the video, Jill gives an informative insight into the intricate workings of the human brain. She is a neuroanatomist who personally experienced the distinct characteristics of the brain’s two hemispheres after having a stroke. Since her incident occurred in the left cerebral half, Jill could not understand human language...

Incorrect Interpretation: Everyone Is Gay on Tiktok

The appropriate utilization of statistics, backed up by these methodical studies, is crucial for the entire modern society and the media sphere separately. Being a rather specific science, statistics can cause difficulties for people, which leads to incorrect interpretation of the analyzed data. This effect is particularly serious in the...

The Sustainable Development Goals in the Medicine

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the members of the United Nations in 2015 for the purpose of promoting health and well-being in the world. The goals determine the priorities and targets that are associated with the principle of universal care, and they also affect the practice of...

The Power of Conformity: Asch’s Experiments

The inherent need to be a part of the community is often seen in modern society as a negative phenomenon, yet, in essence, it is a neutral force that may incite one to take a specific action. The latter, in turn, may be positive or negative, yet the very concept...

Edmund Spenser’s Sonnet 75 Analysis

Edmund Spenser firstly published sonnet 75 in 1595, and it was devoted to his second wife, Elizabeth Boyle. The verse was a part of the book Amoretti and Epithalamion, which included love poems and a wedding song. In his work, Spenser presents a straightforward idea that love is immortal and...

Use of Adult Stem Cells in Medicine

The presentations equipped me with new knowledge about adult stem cells. First, I learned that these cells can replicate indefinitely. They are defined by the ability to break down unlimited times. Second, they can transform their identities or convert to cells of entirely different tissues. For example, adult bone marrow...

Discussion: Postpartum Complications

When a female patient complains of headache, blurred vision, and epigastric pain after delivery and Pitocin infusion, nursing priorities should include prevention of excessive bleeding and evaluation of possible complications after the episiotomy. Regarding the already made incision, such problems as increased blood loss, infection, pain, discomfort, and new hematoma...

Lincoln Electric: Business Expansion Concept

The concept of expansion has become the leitmotif for most companies’ business strategies in the modern economic setting. The rationale behind the focus on expansion is quite obvious since a larger organization with stronger links across the globe has greater chances of remaining sustainable and keeping its competitive advantage over...

Power of Religious Texts and Reasoning

Religious texts often become fundamental for individuals’ views and societies’ values, serving as the framework for the rules of the right conduct and behavior. In some cases, they tend to bear more significance for people than scientific research since their authority is rooted in hundreds and even thousands of years...

Culture Beliefs Influence on End-Of-Life Care Provision

Cultural beliefs are a set of norms, practices, behavior patterns related to actions, thoughts, and manners which society’s members share and are inclined to. Cultural beliefs significantly influence the decision-making of healthcare providers and patients with chronic disease and their medication (Ohr et al., 2017). Cultural principles pose a challenge...

Gender Identity in Athletics: “The Battle Over Title IX and Who Gets to Be a Woman in Sports”

Article Summary The article describes the situation surrounding the uncertain status of transgender and transsexual athletes in the U.S. and international sports. Focusing on the track athletes Andraya Yearwood, Terry Miller, and Chelsea Mitchell, it explains the contested legislation over the matter, as well as issues of fairness and exclusion....

Canada: The Group of Seven and Northern Development

The Group of Seven and Northern Development by Paul Walton tells the Great Transformation of Canada and related opposing viewpoints, driven by the agrarian myth and the myth of progress. It began with the acquisition of vast resource-rich areas located on the Precambrian shield (Walton, 1990). The Group of Seven...

OxyContin as a Legitimate Drug and a Drug of Abuse

OxyContin is the brand name used to sell the extended-release form of oxycodone. It describes a semi-synthetic prescription opioid used to manage severe pain (Cheng and Coplan 568). Like all opioids, OxyContin carries the risk of psychological and physical dependence (United States Department of Justice 39). In addition to pain...

Penicillin: Hypersensitivity Reactions

Despite the fact that penicillin is traditionally prescribed for the effective treatment of various bacterial infections, it may cause an additional highly negative consequence. Penicillin allergy may be defined as an abnormal reaction of the individual’s immune system to the medication on the basis of this antibiotic drug. In the...

HIPAA Compliance Case Study

Even though it may not seem that the situation described in the case study is a significant threat, it should be treated as a breach of patients’ confidentiality. On the one hand, physical therapist accidentally accessed health records without authorization. On the other hand, this information was shared with a...

Recent News About Plastic Pollution

The topic of the project for the wellness class is plastic pollution and associated health problem. For discussion, presented a captivating article written by Laura Parker (2020) in National Geographic. The article describes the recent findings of plastic pollution and current ways to respond to the problem. The article is...

Southern Regional Health System: Case Study

Introduction The mission of healthcare is to provide high-quality care for all, but the analysis of Southern Regional Health System (SRHS) has demonstrated the medical staff’s failure to deliver care equitably across different ethnic and racial populations. SRHS is located in Jackson, Mississippi, which is a very diverse area that...

Basketball. Loose Balls Book by Terry Pluto

Every kind of sport has its own history that explains how a specific game has come to its modern state. In his book, Loose Balls: The Short, Wild Life of the American Basketball Association, Terry Pluto considers basketball history by describing how the ABA was created and merged with the...

Sonny’s Blues: Midterm by James Baldwin

The given assessment will focus on James Baldwin’s “Sonny’ Blues,” and the essay question on what this work reveals about issues like reality, imagination, truth, morals, values, relationships, gender roles, and power structures. This particular piece of writing primarily focuses on family values, brotherly relationships, and addictions. The story demonstrates...

“Police Solve Just 2% of All Major Crimes” by S. Baughman

Shima Baughman, a Professor of Criminal Law, wrote an article titled “Police solve just 2% of all major crimes.” The author researched police reports issued within the last fifty years and found that it fails to solve serious crimes. The findings of Baughman prompted the author to conclude that the...