Followership and Servant Leadership

Introduction As a relatively new concept, servant leadership poses numerous challenges for modern leaders seeking the best management approach. This style is often critiqued for being too similar to followership. While it has some identical core characteristics, understanding what is different is essential in shaping one’s approach to an organization....

Limited Liability Company: Advantages and Disadvantages

The limited liability company is a comparatively new type of business entity that remains popular because of some benefits that arise from the existing regulations and legislation. There are several advantages that explain its topicality and its consideration as a beneficial option. First, it suggests special pass-through tax treatment that...

“Gone With the Wind” by David O. Selznick Review

Gone With the Wind is still considered the highest-grossing film in the history of American cinema. By 1943, it had over $ 32 million in fees (with a budget of just over $ 4 million, including advertising costs). In subsequent releases, it increased this amount to $ 76.7 million. The...

The Effect of Social Media during Adolescence

Adolescence is marked by many physical and mental development changes, which have several challenges. During this time, teenagers start to use modern technology and join social media networks (SMNs), which have some adverse effects on them. From the video by CBS Sunday Morning (2018), social media isolates the teen users...

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome: A Relapse Prevention Plan

Managing severe addiction is a long and suffering process, which requires strength and patience on both physical and emotional levels. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) carries specific symptoms that manifest themselves after a sudden refusal from addicting substances like drugs or alcohol (Melemis, n.d.). The syndrome’s duration is individual and usually...

Being Black in America: Hughes, Baldwin, Evers, Lomax

Langston Hughes Langston Hughes was born in 1901 and became a famous American columnist, social activist, playwright, novelist, and poet. Hughes is mostly known for insightfully portraying the U.S. black life from the twenties to the sixties (“Langston Hughes”). Notably, he decided not to differentiate between the general experience of...

Collecting Consumer Data as a Way of Improving Businesses

For developing and keeping businesses afloat, one cannot ignore market intelligence. It concerns information about the market where the company in question operates, including its customers, trends, and competitors. A comprehensive analysis of these elements defines internal goals and has a significant impact on the business’ prosperity and success. Yet,...

America vs. Europe: Liberty vs. Dignity

According to James Q. Whitman, the vast difference between the concepts of privacy in America and Europe is that in the former, it takes the form of the right to be free from state intrusion, while in the latter, this is manifested in the protection of the right to respect...

The Phenomenon of Allegory

The phenomenon of allegory can be defined as that one of a hidden meaning within a certain concept. In the movie under analysis, the idea of an allegory is hidden beneath a series of oats since the main character appears to be quite transparent in their general intention, as well...

Africa: The Region in Crisis

Introduction The Sahel region includes many African countries and traverses the continent from west to east from Dakar to Djibouti. The region has faced the challenge of the proliferation of terrorist threats and organized crime. Various types of illicit trafficking, inter-ethnic tensions, and the severe impact of climate warming on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interaction Strategies in Adult Education

Distinct Tradition On page 121 in the interaction strategies and learning objectives, discussion groups in adult education are seen as the primary learning components. Past experiences among the learners shape their thinking and knowledge acquisition (Seaman & Fellenz, 1989). In addition to that, the main objective of learning activities in...

The Concept of Fine-Grain Analysis

With the rapid development of Internet technologies and the increased number of possibilities entitled to users, the question of analyzing commercial websites is rather acute. It is necessary to evaluate e-commerce web pages since their usability and other features influence the potential consumers’ choices to a great extent. As Andreolini...

Genocide in the Twentieth Century: Rwandan Case

Introduction The genocide in Rwanda officially called the genocide against Tutsi, is the massacre of Rwandan Tutsis by local Hutus in 1994, carried out by order of the Hutu government. Pre-colonial Rwanda was not a caste society; there were no rigid social categories. However, over time, the concept of “Tutsi”...

Impressionism and Symbolism in Music

In Claude Debussy’s “Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun” the opening melody is played by the flute. Throughout the whole piece, the parts of the woodwind section – especially flute, oboe, and clarinet – are very prominent and lead the melody. String section also plays a major role, coming...

British Treatment of American Colonies After the French and Indian War

Britain’s treatment of its colonies in the aftermath of the French and Indian War was hardly fair. Although Britain conquered significant parts of the French territory, eliminating French influence from North America, the economic consequences of this victory led to increased pressure on the Thirteen Colonies, ultimately provoking the War...

Multiple Sclerosis: Risk Factors and Pathophysiology

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disabling neurological condition that considerably diminishes life quality and expectation. This inflammatory disease concerns the central neural system, and its signs largely depend on the extent to which the brain and spinal cord have been affected. Thus, MS’s clinical manifestations tend to vary significantly –...

Nurse’s Role in the Research Facilities

Introduction The nurse is an essential medical worker in a facility. The responsibility of this specialist is broad but requires precision and well-developed skills. Both a healer and a friend, nurse provides a client with necessary relief, all the crucial assessments, and preparative actions. This essay aims to define the...

Performance Management: Employee Performance Documentation

One of the new realities of American companies is linked with the change of their evaluation system. For example, healthcare organizations are accredited not only on the basis of the quality of services that have been provided, but also based on the parameters, which are linked with patient satisfaction. Thus,...

Batman: The Story of Comics Superhero of the DC Universe

Batman is a comics superhero of the DC Universe, who is also called dark knight or vigilante. Cinema comics are at the forefront of the spheres of mass culture, and we can say that the superheroes represented in them fulfill a certain cultural task – satisfy the need of a...

Starbucks’ Expansion: Strategies for Successful Entry

Expansion to a new market presupposes consideration of vital elements that are required for success. First of all, for Starbucks, it can be recommended to communicate the brand successfully. The entry to a new area demands this element as a part of the preparation for the functioning of a company...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflective E-Portfolio Definition: Reflective Leadership in Educational Organizations

The teaching experience and the post-primary education system in Ireland is both positively growing but also facing several concrete challenges. There is an overall satisfaction with the efforts, social respect, and salary dedicated to teachers and future educators. The educational system can be described as currently undergoing some updates and...

Case on Preserving Genetic Mutations in IVF

In this case, a couple of a man and women want to be referred to an infertility specialist to have a procedure of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Both of them have short statures, and their home is accommodated to their height. The issue is that the couple wants to preserve...

Nature of Stalin’s Regime in Soviet Russia

Introduction Nadezhda Mandelshtam was the wife of one of the most famous Russian poets whom the world lost because of Stalin’s regime. Osip Mandelshtam was one of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Stalinism who died in GULAG. There is much literature on Stalin’s repressions and totalitarianism, but a...

An Approach to Studying Patient Safety by Stichler

An accurate theoretical and practical approach to studying patient safety is necessary to save hundreds of people’s lives. This approach Stichler (2016) uses in her article by examining patient safety and methods to its improvement. The main idea and thesis of Sticher’s article: “Patient safety: A priority for healthcare and...

Race: Genetic or Social Construction

Race People of the modern world discuss the concept of race and racism daily. Some may face it directly, while others experience interracial communication through social media. It happens because today humans live in a diverse society: individuals may look or feel differently, but they share the same work and...

Communication Technologies: Symbolic Communication

Introduction Language is the mirror of the world. At its most basic form, language is a communication system meant to convey thoughts, ideas, feelings, and emotions between human beings (DeLamater, Myers, & Collett, 2015). However, the epistemological view of the subject expanded the meaning of language beyond these notions, granting...

Bach’s “Little” Fugue

Bach’s Fugue in G minor, commonly referred to as “Little” Fugue, is an organ piece and one of the composer’s best known fugues. Right from the beginning, the listener can distinguish four voices that enter the melody and continue to play throughout the work. The voices used in the piece...

Push-Pull Strategies in Promoting Products and Services

To promote their products or services, companies may choose between push and pull strategies. A push strategy concentrates promotional activities on distribution channels and encourages customers to buy products or services using incentives, such as discounts (Vieira et al., 2018). In a push strategy, the company first produces products and...

Why Do We Need Brands?

Each brand has specific attributes, functional or emotional associations assigned to it by customers. Brand identity is a kind of long-term promise to consumers. Out of two similar products on a shelf, a person is more likely to choose the one that is well-known and correctly positioned (Hameide, 2011). It...

The Criminal Justice Service Violations and Ethical Issues

Ethical Failures and Shortcomings The section provides an overview of major violations and ethical issues that occur among criminal justice professionals. Kania and Davis (2015) define seven categories of such misconduct that frequently happen among criminal justice officers. These ethical failures include personal gain pursuit, bias and favoritism, deceitfulness, personal...

Poem Analysis: Go Down, Moses

Addressing a crucial part of the biblical narrative, Go Down, Moses bears a crucial cultural meaning apart from its doubtless artistic merit. However, since the song has been popular for multiple decades, its novelty may have gradually faded, which, in turn, has led to people taking a range of unique...

String Quartet Op. 33 No. 3 Analysis

The first theme, consisting of birds’ sounds, chirping, and trills, occurs three times throughout the quartet. Each time it is slightly modified, the essence remains the same and traced through the entire work (Jabet, 2017). For the first time, this theme constitutes the whole first movement. The second time, it...

American Public Company Yelp

Yelp is an American public company with headquarters in San Francisco, California, specializing in connecting customers with businesses in multiple spheres. It was launched in 2004 by two co-founders, Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons. The relatively short history of the organization’s existence has been marked by rapid growth and an...

Loops in Java Programming: FOR, WHILE, and DO…WHILE

Java offers three basic types of loops: FOR, WHILE, and DO…WHILE. Their fundamental function is executing a block of code repeatedly, based on a Boolean condition (Farrell, 2014). However, they differ in how they evaluate their conditional expression (Farrell, 2014). A WHILE loop evaluates its conditional expression before executing, therefore,...

Conducting Successful Leadership Strategy: Generational Leadership

Leadership is the ability to lead people through a process of influencing them to achieve specific goals. There is no leadership without followers, as there are no followers without a leader. Followers are simply some aggregate of people without a leader. All members of the group must interact with each...

The Cancellation of Colin Kaepernick

In his article, Ta-Nehisi Coates (2019) writes about the “cancel culture” that existed for a long time but became popular in the last few years. As an example, he takes the cancellation of Colin Kaepernick, an American football player, and civil rights activist. The main idea of the article is...

New Product Development Process and Its Stages

The new product development (NPD) process is critical to the emergence of new companies and the growth of existing organizations. To rationalize this process and derive the highest possible benefit from it, businesses structure it into several discrete stages, such as idea generation, market analysis, product development, commercialization, and market...

Family Conflict in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

A Raisin in the Sun is a story about an African American family trying to overcome poverty and find a place in the middle class written by Lorraine Hansberry. The main plot which the reader can identify in the first half of the work is the conflict between the sixty-year-old...

Social Change and Social Norms

Introduction Social change refers to the transformations which occur in society, institutions, cultures, and social functions. In most cases, social change is not instant as it occurs gradually over time. Several factors trigger a social change in society; some elements include conflict, culture, demographic change, war, and technological advancement. An...

Reflective Journal. Nursing Ethics

Reflective practices are crucial as they enable the healthcare personnel to identify their strengths and weaknesses. According to Butts and Rich (2019), healthcare practitioners need to evaluate their daily performance to deliver the best care services to patients. Watching the videos on live birth, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancy complications, postpartum assessment,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership” by Newman

Organizations currently operate in a highly competitive environment, making creativity a critical tool to enable employees to generate innovative ideas, engage in critical thinking, and develop new business opportunities. In the article “The effects of employees’ creative self-efficacy on innovative behavior: The role of entrepreneurial leadership,” Newman et al. (2018)...

High and Low Involvement Purchases

A consumer’s or buyer’s decision process can be categorized into high and low involvement purchases, where the difference is manifested in a number of factors. High involvement purchases mainly occur when a person buys something complex or at a high price. In rare cases, it is also attributed to acquisitions...

Midsummer’s Night Dream by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s “Midsummer’s Night Dream” is a story about the complex relationships between people. Moreover, in this story, the author shows the sophisticated love and challenges one has to face to finally be with their loved ones. The couples Shapespear depicts are Hermia and Lysander and Demetrius and Helena. When portraying...

An Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation

With the development of technologies, businesses begin to trust various computer programs with essential and vital processes. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a special type of software used by companies in managing everyday business activities, including supply chain operations, risk compliance and management, accounting, project management, and procurement (“What is...

Main Character in the American Movie “High Fidelity”

The main character in the American movie “High Fidelity,” based on the book of the same name by British writer Nick Hornby, is Rob. In short, the works tell of how the owner of a vinyl store cannot accept the termination of a loving relationship. Both versions were published at...

Developing Sensitivity to Your Perspective on Research

Foremost, the implementation of research is intended to have a developmental impact through quality improvement across the board, that is, within the economic, social, political as well as technological dimensions of any particular profession or industry. Energy resource has the pivotal role of powering other sectors. However, the global concern...

Logos, Ethos and Pathos in McGonigal’s Argument

McGonigal’s presentation about stress management is well-developed. She states the thesis that people power over stress, and the main factor is the mindset about stress. She appeals to the audience’s emotions by sharing her working experience and confessing that she was wrong about her statements. Then, McGonigal shares the research...

Delia and Jig as the Feminist Women Characters

“Sweat” and “Hills Like White Elephants” are stories about women who are entirely different from each other. Although they have complicated relationships with their husbands, both girls find the strength to survive. This paper aims to describe why Delia and Jig are dynamic characters and name the circumstances that create...

“Corporate Payouts in Dual Classes” by Lei, Li, and Yu

The article “Corporate Payouts in Dual Classes” by Lei, Li, and Yu analyze the effect of payout decisions, including dividend payments and share repurchases, on dual-class firms. These firms imply two classes of shares, where insiders are given access to superior shares with control and voting rights, while the general...

Honolulu Rail Project: Positive and Negative Aspects

Introduction For Project 2, I have selected topic 7: “Rail remains a contentious issue in Hawaii, largely for budget reasons. What are the issues? What are some of the possible resolutions?” To my mind, this topic raises questions that are both interesting and important to investigate since the matter under...

Research Methods for Social Work

While conducting social experiments, it is essential to gather accurate data. However, there are several factors that may interfere with this process and threaten the credibility of the information. First of all, the term of internal validity should be defined; researchers note that it is a component, according to which...

“I, Too” by Langston Hughes

Introduction By “I, too sing America” the author means that he also sings the anthem of America as he is a full-fledged citizen of the country, has the right to be a patriot, and can be proud of his homeland. Hughes “sings” and tries to convey the main idea of...

American Revolution and Republic

When America became independent from the British Empire, it formed a nation that was supposed to be a remedy for all the evils that the founders saw in their former imperial masters. The founders’ ideas found their reflection in the First Principles and the resulting Articles of Confederation and Constitution....

Individuals With Emotional Disabilities

Emotional disabilities vary and influence the quality of human life. This condition is characterized by differences in emotional responses to events, people, or actions. To this point, my experience with individuals who experience emotional disabilities and disturbance is not rich. Still, several significant observations and conclusions can be made. The...

Failure of the Confederate Article

The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States put together by the 13 original states and approved by Congress in 1777 and ratified by the states in 1781. They created a loose confederation of sovereign states with most of the power allocated to state governments. In...

Diabetes: Danger Factors Analysis

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases that older people are most affected by it. However, this does not mean that youth are not at risk. Danger factors include many points, such as family history and lifestyle (“Diabetes basics,” n.d.). It is necessary to understand how diabetes shows itself...

“Workplace Spirituality, Employee Wellbeing and Intention to Stay” by Aboobaker et al.

Introduction Aboobaker et al. (2019) aimed to test how workplace spirituality affected teachers’ intentions to stay. The researchers designed a self-reported questionnaire and distributed it among 523 university teachers in India. The data received was analyzed using regression analysis and mediation to understand the relationship between the variables. The results...

Autobiography as a Literary Genre: Review

Autobiography is an exciting and unusual literary genre popular worldwide. Writing an autobiography is an excellent opportunity to declare oneself, tell stories, and teach future generations something new. This allows people to transfer their useful experience to other people, which contributes to society’s development. However, in addition to having an...

Benchmarking and Effective Teams in Healthcare Organizations

Benchmarking is crucial for promoting a culture of safety in healthcare, as it helps to compare current practices with the best ones. There are several types of benchmarking, including internal, competitive, functional, and generic benchmarking. Internal benchmarking helps to compare practices in different branches of one organization and identify safety...

Amazon as a Possible Cause of Disinflation

The phenomenon of inflation is typically perceived as harmful for understandable reasons. Implying a sharp and consistent rise in prices due to production costs, affects the state economy significantly. Disinflation, in turn, suggests a temporary and gradual slowdown in the price levels, implying that the harmful effects of inflation are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Obesity Problem Description and Analysis

Obesity and consequent health deterioration have become a serious problem for the whole population; therefore, this topic can be considered relevant and important. Methods of treatment usually include physical exercise and the modification of the lifestyle. However, less has been said about the effects of a low-calorie diet. In the...

Drug Addiction: Elimination of Incarcerations

A TED talk, focusing on addiction, by Johann Hari, introduces the concept in a way that people do not often expect to see. The man offers his own educated perspective on the matter and poses addiction not as a problem of physical inability or a moral failing of character, but...

Creative Thinking Impact on Organization’s Effectiveness

In the modern world, as opposed to the previously relevant belief that only strict instructions are to be followed in a formal setting, such as a workplace, creativity is a crucial trait for an employee. The demand for an inventive approach has been growing recently, as it is closely connected...

Usage of Naturally Produced Antimicrobials

Modern consumers require the food to be safer and stored for longer simultaneously. People also became aware of artificial or synthetic preservatives used to improve the quality of products and try to avoid them. These factors let the producers and distributors explore how to apply natural antimicrobials in extending their...

“Liveware”: The Quote by David Eagleman: Review

“The brain is fundamentally unlike the hardware in our digital computers. Instead, it’s “liveware”. It reconfigures its circuitry. Although the adult brain isn’t quite as flexible as a child’s, it still retains an astonishing ability to adapt and change” (Eagleman, 2015, ch. 6). The quote by the book’s author David...

Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s Model of Social Class

Most sociologists agree with Weber’s social class ideas defining it as a group of people with similar power, wealth, and prestige. Joseph Kahl and Dennis Gilbert’s model of social class stratifies the U.S. population into six different groups. The underclass is the lowest one that consists of low-income households characterized...

Humility by a Leader Exemplify Servant Leadership

In the modern era, the concept of leadership is increasingly becoming more difficult, complex, and multi-dimensional. In light of this, the question of the most efficient type of leadership arises, considering the outcomes of each strategy. Among other styles, servant leadership, being previously “widely dismissed,” starts to be appreciated as...

Sex Education Among Young People

Dispensing contraceptives Dispensing contraceptives to students in high schools has long been a controversial topic for many parents, teachers, and concerned citizens. These people argue that giving out free condoms would only encourage teenagers to have more sex. While this might be true to a certain degree, a recent survey...

Self-Assessment in Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is crucial for people’s health, and self-assessment is an essential part of hygiene. It is worth mentioning in the curriculum because hygienists must have these skills for self-improvement and personal growth in the profession. The value of that practice will help to monitor both their health and their...

Summary of the Article “Overview of the Immune Response”

The immune system plays a critical role, as it protects the host from a multitude of pathogenic microbes. It is incredibly complex and involves numerous elements that eliminate a variety of microorganisms and substances threatening to harm the host. In “Overview of the immune response,” Chaplin analyzes different aspects of...

The Phenomenon of Interpersonal Communication

The phenomenon of interpersonal communication is a process of exchanging information, knowledge, experience, emotions, and beliefs between people. In other words, interpersonal communication happens when two people talk or use non-verbal means to exchange data. According to Lane (2016), interpersonal communication is influenced by the perception of the world, self-concept,...

“One Today” by Richard Blanco

Introduction Reading the poem One Today, I think that the most important phrases start with the word “one.” One sun, one ground, one sky. These lines mean that all people in the USA live in one state, and they are all united by this fact. The author also refers to...

Contrast Analysis “I, Too” and “I Have a Dream Analysis”

Introduction “I have a dream” speech belongs to Martin Luther King, Jr., who tried to send a message about civil rights. In his speech, the orator used a wide range of rhetorical and stylistic devices that made the message quite expressive. Main body Martin King uses such a stylistic means...

Sociological Studies of the Impact of Society on Individual Experiences

Sociological studies of the impact of society on individual experiences require a consistent theory with particular explanatory potential. These theories are generally based on many empirical observations and are intended to explain them. Sanford (2017) distinguishes between personality theories, which examine how social variables affect different parts of the individual,...

Microsoft Corporation Strategic Management

Introduction Microsoft Corporation remains one of the most competitive and profitable companies in the global computer and software industries. Microsoft’s first core competence is the presence of high-quality products that meet the needs of more customers, including Windows, Skype, Office, Visual Studio, and software applications (Lohr 2018). The key competitors...

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan The functional organizational structure is rigid by definition. It has some drawbacks that affect not only Airlines, but the airlines that use this structure. First, strong centralized control over operations reduces the flexibility of individual departments, including local managers and...

Virtual Machines Overview and Analysis

Virtual machines are often called virtual computers because that is what they are. A virtual machine emulates a computer and can run an operating system and a collection of applications, just like any physical computer would. However, while it provides the exact same functionality, it is not based directly on...

The U.S. Healthcare System Crisis

The cost of living a healthy life is a sensitive matter to talk about, but we can’t keep turning a blind eye to it. The crisis of the current US healthcare system takes its root in the organizational factors, which formed throughout the 20th century. Unlike consumer-driven health insurance in...

An Iron Triangle Phenomenon, Voices of the U.S. Society

The American governance system is a unique product of United States history. However, it does not mean that it works perfectly and satisfies all parties’ interests. An Iron Triangle phenomenon can be understood so argued to be both non-democratic and providing opportunities to the unheard voices of the U.S. society....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Digging” Poem by Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney was born in 1939 and became one of the most brilliant Irish poets, translators, and playwrights. His first significant volume, Death of a Naturalist, was published in 1966 and included Heaney’s probably most read poem, “Digging,” in which the poet is thinking about his grandfather’s and father’s occupation...

Nnedi Okorafor’s “Akata Witch”: Magical Education

Sunny’s magical journey is closely related to the Harry Potter books’ plot and its character regarding the heroes and the action. However, the author excellently opens up about African ideas of magic, creating an engaging plot story, and educating on a rich cultural heritage; the following essay will discuss the...

Three Events That Shaped America

American history is rich in momentous events that led the country to its present state. The most significant was the Revolutionary War that took place from 1775 to 1783, claiming America’s independence from the British. This paper aims to outline the four battles of the Revolutionary War and analyze their...

The History of Mexican and Asian Americans’ Discrimination

In the 18th and 19th centuries, U.S. immigrants were experiencing discrimination in many areas. Mexican and Asian people were not allowed to become U.S. citizens and always faced stigmatic treatment. The children could not attend schools for whites, and just as African Americans were sent to the “schools for colored.”...

Hospital Pharmacist Interventions: Healthcare Value Boost

The aging of the global population, the increase of chronic and contagious diseases, and technological improvements in recent years have led to an escalation of health care costs. Kovner and Jonas (2018) outline that medical providers and caregivers can create effective interventions to help sick people and lower medical costs...

“Romeo and Juliet” by Baz Luhrmann: Forbidden Love

Introduction The works of William Shakespeare have lived through centuries in order to be awarded the title of unprecedented classics. However, with the major change in the overall perception of society and its behavioral patterns, many creators felt the urge to interpret this classic to mitigate the gap between the...

Strategic Planning and Factors of Influence

Various external and internal influencing factors may affect strategic plans. In the video, Dr. Randall Mauldin discusses several critical points falling into each category (Fulmer, 2013). Among internal aspects, he mentions stakeholders, company strategic plan (including increasing market share and revenue), and staff. External factors include government policy, such as...

Grand Narrative of Scripture: Cross-Cultural Competencies

The discussion of the concepts and texts of the gospel may seem complex to those who pay little attention to cultural differences. One of the ways to gain cross-cultural competencies is being acquainted with the Grand Narrative of Scripture. It is critical to be aware of the stories concerned with...

Trade War Between the US and China

There is a continuous conflict between China and the US, which is expressed in setting tariffs on one another’s products. In 2018, President Trump imposed tariffs on goods exported from China, stimulating Americans to buy local products, and this policy change became a significant trade barrier (Liu & Woo, 2018)....

Cruel Optimism: Karl Marx’s Ideas and the American Dream

Optimism plays an essential role in the overall approaches to interpreting the world around people. The piece explores the concept of cruel optimism in regard to Karl Marx’s ideas and the American Dream. Delusional belief and thinking are the root causes of these underlying issues, which can harm both the...

Key Industries in China and the Middle-Income Trap Risk

China is a country in East Asia whose key industries include manufacturing, agriculture, and mining. With a 68.8% contribution to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), manufacturing is, by far, the biggest of the productions (Sawe, 2017). In the past decade, the country has surpassed the global leaders in this...

The Charleston Super Sofa Tragedy of 2007

The tragedy that occurred on June 18, 2007, in Charleston, South Carolina, claimed the lives of nine brave firefighters of the local fire brigade and changed the life of the city in many ways (“Charleston 9” 00:03:42-00:03:50). That day, the brigade came to a call at the Charleston Super Sofa,...

The Virgin Islands Department of Labor: Telework Perspectives

COVID-19 pandemic is making organizations worldwide change their structures and approaches. Millions of employees had to switch to remote work for the first time; the fact entails numerous advantages and challenges. This essay focuses on how computers and other technology resources may promote telework in the Virgin Islands Department of...

Behavioral Cues in Healthcare Behaviors

Behavioral cues can potentially impact changes in healthcare behaviors because they provide an indicator for providers as to what interventions should be implemented to improve behaviors. For instance, nurses may provide frequent and small incentives occurring close to the completion of healthy activities for encouraging healthy behaviors while also incorporating...

The Brain Is More Than a Bag of Chemicals

The brain is one of the most complex body organs, and addressing the issues that relate to it can be sophisticated as well. The TED Talk video gives an elaborate description of the common misunderstanding of the brain like a bag of chemicals and that related ailments can be resolved...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept Overview

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model that emphasizes businesses’ obligation to be socially responsible and to give back to the community (David, 2013). The concept especially applies to large corporations: as they grow and expand, they accumulate a great deal of power that depending on its use, can...

Business Ethics: Term Definition

Ethics plays a crucial role in terms of the well-run working process of the company. It determines the morality of actions; its concern is focused on avoiding the abuse of personal position in the company for personal gain and preventing social harm from the introduction of such institutions. The basis...

Social Stigma: The Case of the Working-Class

People from the lower social classes frequently encounter devaluation patterns and respond in stigma management ways, similarly to other stigmatized groups. Thus, the study conducted by Robert Granfield in 1991 intended to examine the socialization of the working-class university students getting higher education in elite Ivy League law schools. First,...

Theory of Interaction Through COVID-19

The selected theory of interaction aims to investigate the relationships formed between individuals, groups, and subunits of society. It focuses on the process of interaction and communication that affects the formation of personality and the behavior of each individual participating in it. All social phenomena, such as conflicts, cooperation, or...

Impact of Social Networks on Communication

Social networks have become integral parts of everyday life, thus facilitating the exchange of information, including personal and professional. Communication through digital methods is efficient and convenient because of the capacity to connect instantly to another party. However, despite its convenience and the widened opportunities for information exchange, social networks...

Operations Management Definition

Operations management is an essential process that uses raw materials to turn them into goods and services. Cachon, Girotra, & Netessine (2020) mention that this phenomenon is connected with the supply chain because the two reflect the internal and external operational systems, respectively. That is why it is not a...

“The Slave Ship” by Turner: Romantic Landscape of Death

Joseph Turner, a prominent Romanticist, expressed strong opinions on the anti-slavery agenda, and The Slave Ship is a part of his activist statements. The background portrays a lost ship caught in the storm (Turner). Foreground displays sea creatures and chained black slaves pushed into the water. I find it fascinating...

Application of Pender’s Health Promotion Model

The health promotion model was introduced by N. J. Pender, who defined ‘health’ as an everchanging state. Moreover, her definition does not imply merely the absence of disease (Murdaugh, Pender, & Parson, 2018). The author’s health promotion ideas were aimed at improving patient’s well-being. The model suggested that the cognitive,...

Understanding Perpetual and the Periodic Inventory Systems

The business sector is shifting towards prioritizing the embrace of inventory management systems for corporate tenacities. Optimizing a communal through inventory system is conceivable, as the approach empowers business entities to hold onto a specific operational level that eliminates the out-of-stock circumstances (Cholowicz & Orlowski, 2016). The inventories also support...

Sustainability: How Companies Can Contribute to Saving the Earth

The concept of sustainability is not recent, having appeared about environmental problems in the 20th century. It refers to maintaining the ecological balance in the world to save the planet and the future generations’ prosperity. Corporations have been taking advantage of the Earth’s resources for too long so that only...

“Work Stress Among Newly Graduated Nurses” by Blomberg

“Work stress among newly graduated nurses in relation to workplace and clinical group supervision” by Blomberg et al. (2016) is an experimental cross-sectional comparative study aimed to investigate occupational stress among newly graduated nurses. The dependent variable measured in the research is the perceived amount of stress experienced by nurses....

The American Revolution: Causes

Introduction The American Revolution is one of the most critical events in the history of the United States. It resulted in the thirteen Great Britain’s colonies regaining sovereignty and claiming their independence. However, before speaking about the consequences of the American Revolution, it is crucial to learn what led to...

Parents, Children, and Guns

Raising children is hard work, requiring parents to be able to protect children, instill the right values, and make them law-abiding citizens. Parents who have not succeeded in this and whose children commit a crime may be criminally responsible according to some states’ laws. Parents’ criminal liability includes the use...

Information Technology Applications in Healthcare

When seeking for the methods of improving the coordination ealthcare, one should look specifically for the presence of options for improving communication. As innovative communication and information-management-related technologies emerged, the opportunities for improving healthcare increased significantly. Currently, health IT applications as the most advanced tool that can potentially be used...

Jenifer Wofford “Flor 1975” Poster

Jenifer Wofford, a contemporary artist from San Francisco, has created a series of works dedicated to Flor Villanueva, an imaginary immigrant from the Philippines. The drawings were initially outlined in ink and later colored and positioned in a photo editor. They show a Filipino nurse who moved to the US...

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The active computerization of health care services has made some nurses believe that certain ethical issues are associated with their practice and nursing informatics. The necessity to use electronic health records and other databases in medical settings that include private data regarding patients creates certain challenges (Huston, 2019). Furthermore, nurses’...

Exposure to Low Levels of Alcohol During Pregnancy

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Digital Footprint: Benefits and Drawbacks

The digital footprint is the traces that Internet users leave online. It refers to search history, browsing history, messages sent via social media, and others. On the one hand, this phenomenon implies benefits relating to saving login details, which contributes to convenience. On the other hand, a digital footprint has...

The Skeletal and Immune System

The skeletal and immune system have homeostatic interrelationship, which is evident, for example, in case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In RA, defects of the immune system were revealed in the form of a clear decrease in the expression of molecular CD3 + receptors in peripheral blood without significant changes in...

Comparative Analysis of Socrates and Jesus of Nazareth

Socrates and Jesus of Nazareth are very similar characters that can be both perceived as prophets from different perspectives. Socrates and Jesus were significant and powerful figures due to the divine strength they obtained (Wright 374). Socrates was told by an oracle that he was the wisest of men and,...

Formulas for the Function with Three Features

In this task, it was necessary to define formulas for the function for which three features were given. The first of them was concerned about the decreasing of the chart at a given point. The second and third conditions were about the points of local minimum and maximum of the...

Ethical Issues: Decision-Making Process in Medical Setting

Consequence-oriented decision-making and duty-oriented decision-making are two main types of choices that one would have regarding ethical issues. According to (Bedzow, 2020), consequence-oriented decision-making indicates an action is either right or wrong depending on its consequences. Thus, using this approach, one can decide whether to take action when they know...

HPV Vaccine: Evaluation of Risks and Positive Outcomes

In every medical manipulation, it is crucial to evaluate the expected positive outcome and possible risks that can happen. It is also true when it comes to vaccination in general and HPV vaccination in particular. HPV vaccination provokes many discussions on its safety and comparability of risks of vaccination and...

The Technology of Self-Driving Cars

Nowadays, autonomous vehicles no longer seem unusual, and their introduction for widespread use is not that far off. Nevertheless, cars operating at higher levels of autonomy require certain infrastructure, and their successful operation depends on a variety of factors, including climate and road traffic. A number of technologies that autonomous...

Gender Equality: Men as Daycare Professionals

The issues of diversity and equal career access are among the critical ones for today’s society. The significant development in this regard has contributed to the increased overall economic efficiency by allowing the best-skills professionals to occupy the relevant jobs. However, gender equality campaigns have traditionally been focused on making...

Nursing Informatics: Rural vs. Urban Setting

The attempts at integrating nursing science with the data management tools that have become available due to the digitalization of the industry and the recent technological breakthrough have led to the creation of nursing informatics. A nursing informaticist plays an important role in ensuring that patient data is arranged properly...

Registries as the Tools in Improving Disease Treatment: An Overview

Purpose and Focus To produce effective medications and treatment strategies, as well as identify previously unknown patterns in disease or disorder development, one needs a patient registry. The National Institutes of Health (2020) play a vital role in this process. Providing vital information about patients that suffer from a particular...

Mortality Rates Between Nations

Thank you for the clarification regarding Accountable Care Organizations. As for mortality rates among nations, it seems that a range of factors affects their accuracy. For example, in the recent study by Tencza, Stokes, and Preston (2014), it is noted that obesity, residence, substance abuse, and smoking are the key...

Paula vs. Geoffrey: A Case Study

The false accusation by the security guard relates to the tort of defamation of character. False imprisonment arising from Paula being detained unwillingly will be classified as an intentional tort while the action by Geoffrey will fall under the tort of negligence. In the event of false imprisonment, there are...

Cognitive Stages of Infant Development

Introduction Child development is one of the most important topics for any parent and for researchers who focus on studying the human psyche. Cognitive development is the evolution of all the mental processes by which the individual receives information about the world around him (Cavanaugh & Kail, 2015). These processes...