Cancer Interference With Dna Replication

Cancer in human bodies is associated with the growth and multiplication of body cells without control. This continual growth usually takes invasion into another neighboring cell hence appearing as body tumors. The tumors are cancerous when they result in distortion of bodily functions. However, cancer can also be caused by...

Championing Quality and Patient Safety

The study by Mastal, Joshi, and Schulke (2007) reports that chief nursing officers (CNOs) need to be provided with an opportunity not only to play a key leadership role in closing the knowledge gaps and reshaping values about quality and patient safety in the boardroom, but also to apply leadership...

Prevention of Nuclear Disasters

Energy is essential in ensuring that modern civilization is sustained. Large quantities of energy are needed by modern technologies and in the process increase the energy demand. Traditional sources of energy such as fossils and hydroelectric energy are not in a position to satisfy the ever-increasing global energy demands. Nuclear...

Application of L-Alanine

L-alanine is “one of the 20 amino acids common in proteins” (Zhuan-Ping and Wen-Hui, 2012). It is manufactured in the muscles with lactic acid acting as its primary raw material. Consequently, it is converted to pyruvate, an important molecule in the production of sugar (glucose). L-alanine is categorized under the...

Implications of Plastic Use

Introduction Plastic is an extremely popular synthetic material that is used in many spheres of life. It has numerous benefits that compel manufacturers to produce it in large quantities. However, mass production creates waste that not only pollutes the environment but also jeopardizes human health. Ascertaining the reasons for the...

Becoming Effective Wiki Collaborators

Modern technology of content creation implies the communication of the team of creators, contributors, and editors of the information published on the websites, often in a remote mode. One of the essential content management systems used for such collaboration is a wiki (Hawaiian word for quick), a website that enables...

Theoretical Basis for Nursing

Nursing’s Metaparadigm Person, environment, health, and nursing practice, all these concepts of nursing’s metaparadigm are equally significant to my nursing practice and philosophy of nursing. A person is the receiver of nursing care and thus, is the primary focus of attention for my nursing practice and philosophy (McEwen & Wills,...

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne Analysis

Young Goodman Brown is among the best-known stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne, in large part because of its in-depth exploration of religion. It tells the story of a young man who leaves his wife, Faith, for a night and meets with the devil, is then convinced by him to attend a...

Discrimination and Harassment in Hiring a Veteran

Introduction Labor law consists of a system of regulations that protects the rights of employers, workers, and contractors in labor relation. The Wings Hospital scenario shows two cases in which workers’ rights have been violated, and these cases need to be addressed. Consequently, this paper will examine cases of discrimination...

Global Health Ethics and State Development

Nowadays, being ethical is highly important in the multicultural environment, as people tend to have different opinions regarding similar issues. At the same time, the countries are interested in cooperation, and international trade is gaining its popularity. The phenomenon of globalization has driven the need to develop a universal approach...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Linking Income, Wealth, and Inequality

Income inequality is one of the defining features of modern economies, including in the United States. According to Coady and Dizioli (2017), “rising income inequality over recent decades is a growing concern for policymakers worldwide” (p. 3). It is primarily determined by the uneven distribution of various material goods. In...

The Methods for Making Capital Budgeting Decisions – IRR and NPV

In managerial processes, capital budgeting has been observed to be an important managerial tool requirement (Steve & Burton 165). It is a procedure used by financial managers to compare, evaluate as well as select particular projects to be able to determine whether an investment is worth risking (Steve & Burton...

The Role and Impact of the U.S. Dollar on the World Financial Markets

Financial reports indicate that the U.S. dollar is weakening. Some times the dollar falls sharply against other major currencies like the euro and the Japanese yen. “Global growth is dependant on the united states and china” (Walayat, 2008).If this is so, it means that instability of the dollar will have...

Organizational Behavior: Term Definition

This paper discusses the ethical issues in an organization, the individual influences that impact ethical behaviors, and how organizations can influence ethical behavior in employees. Why are ethical issues a major concern in organizations? The approach, communication within the organization, relationship, responsibility, efficiency, job satisfaction, and working effectiveness are considered...

Customers’ Behavior Analysis: Prospect Theory and Irrational Consumer Behavior

The case study about prospect theory and irrational, biased consumer behavior suggests that consumers are not always rational in their decisions as for certain purchases and do not take reasonable considerations into account. Even having the same outcome, they do not receive the same pleasure or do not get upset...

The Issues of Gay Parents

Gay parenting is a situation whereby one or more of a child’s parents or guardians identify themselves as lesbian or gay. This may involve children from a previous marriage or even adopted children. Only a small percentage of same-sex parents have an adopted child, and the majority of such families...

Waxing Lyrical About the Corvette C5

Introduction The Corvette C5, as the name implies is the fifth generation of the two-door Corvette series manufactured by Chevrolet. According to, the Corvette C5 was launched in March of 1997 and sold 16,116 that same year. The great appeal of this model rests on undeniable power, price, performance,...

History of the Medici Family

The Qualities of the Ruler Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), was one of the outstanding Italian philosophers. Born in Florence in the second half of the fifteenth century, Machiavelli has combined a politician and a writer, and a practitioner and a theorist. Machiavelli collected all his experience in regards to the qualities...

Children Education. Federal Funding of Preschool

Introduction The direction taken in offering preschool education has attracted a lot of debate. With 40% of US 4-year olds receiving preschool education either through Head Start, pre-kindergarten or special school, there have been proposals to offer this service to 100% of kids in the US. The question remains should...

Analysis of Ferlinghetti’s A Vast Confusion

In a way, this poem is a verbal collage, a vast confusion of created mind images used to convey a mood, a message or just an observation. The poet uses images and sound, movement and symbols to tell us about what he believes. The poem reminds one of the short...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Should Children Be Taught Sex Education in School?

Parents generally have a strong opinion on whether sex should be taught in schools. Whether pro or con, these opinions are based on what the parent believes to be the responsible choice for not only their own child but for all children. Those that oppose sex education being part of...

Volcanoes Activity in Papua New Guinea

The earth is made up of three main layers namely the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust is a thick solid rock, the mantle also referred to as magma is a thick molten rock and the core has an eccentric slid surrounded by liquid. Temperatures inside the core...

Family-Operated Business in Hong Kong

Introduction It can be said that many of the large corporations of today have been started in a small way by individuals and their families. Due to hard work and vision, they have now grown to the status and size that one sees today. There are still many family owned...

Overview of Physical Therapist Profession

Physical therapists provide services and aid to patients including accident victims and diseased or injured individuals, to restore and enhance the functioning and the mobility of their body organs with the crucial aim of preventing disabilities of a permanent nature that have resulted from disease or injury (U.S. Department of...

Service Delivery System and Successful Franchise

Introduction The concept of franchising is definitely not a new one and can be traced back to the early days of governmental licensing and even the method used by the clergy for the expansion of churches. Modern concepts of franchising emerged in the United States in diverse business areas as...

Critical Review of an Article on Child’s Moral Development

A child grows through a set of developmental components and they all correlate to each other pretty well. Like if one wants to study child development he/ she does not need to go through and ascertain all the parameters of child growth to determine whether the child is growing normally...

Consumer and Investor Confidence Importance

Introduction The concept of confidence in the field of economics relates to the activities and perceptions of both consumers and investors. However, its impact on them differs, and it is necessary to consider consumer and investor confidence separately. Despite the existing differences, the common characteristic of these types of confidence...

Legal Memo “Commonwealth v. Jones”

Statement of Assignment You have asked me to prepare a legal memorandum addressing the question raised in the Commonwealth v. Jones – Is there any sufficient basis to support the assault by means of a dangerous weapons charge? Issue Issue I: Is dangerous weapons charge lawful under the G.L. c....

Substance Abuse Problem in the Miami City Community

Evaluating the Project Interpretation of results The vulnerable population of Miami City requires increased support from local support resources to deal with the problem of substance abuse. The project has pointed out the importance of developing a new solution or a community resource that would result in a broader adherence...

Charles Woodmason: Criticism of “New Lights”

Woodmanson Believed Many People in North Carolina Were New Lights From the reading, it is unmistakable that the sermon complains about the actuality of the believers of the New Light. Woodmanson mentions that these believers’ appearance resulted in enormities of various kinds, including plunderings, robberies and thefts, murders, villainies, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Minority Background Assisting Nurse Practitioners

There are many reasons why people are eager to make grants in education and enjoy the benefits they can get. It is also not easy to define one particular explanation of why a person wants to be a nurse. A number of qualities, knowledge, and abilities are necessary to become...

Performance in Safety Management Systems (SMS)

Study Design The study will employ a cross-sectional research design in examining regulations and technologies employed in the aviation industry to provide a high level of performance in safety management systems (SMS). This research design is appropriate because it is easy to implement, promotes data collection from a representative sample,...

Implementation of Healthcare Organizational Design

Introduction In order to maximize the organizational value by matching the organizational objectives to the overall corporate strategy, there is the need to structure the organizational design. This takes the form of a process of integrating the people, information and technology available to an organization and organizational design is considered...

Mexican Revolution in “The Underdog” by Mariano Azuela

The Underdog is a novel by Mariano Azuela that reflects on the experiences and historical background of the Mexican Revolution. It also focuses on the political and personal devastation of people who took part in the rebellions and struggles against the established order. The military conflict has been brightly illustrated...

Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Financial Management

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 imposed significant changes with regard to the aspects of corporate governance as a responding mechanism to address the increasing cases of corporate mismanagement, managerial issues and cases of misrepresentation by the executive board members (Brigham, & Ehrhardt, 2011). The legislation was passed with high hopes...

Euthanasia: Social Values and Nursing Practice

Introduction According to Buiting et al. (2009), voluntary or physician-assisted euthanasia is the act through which an individual’s life is ended upon their request. Licensed physicians perform it and before the administration of a lethal substance; the patients must consent to the act. Moreover, the patient must be terminally ill,...

Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research

Ethical issues in biomedical research still exist in many countries (both developed and developing). London (2002) claims that researchers in developed countries have not agreed on the way to define ‘minimal’ risks. Developing countries are often regarded as areas where ethical considerations are rather peculiar and sometimes non-existent due to...

Criminal Justice in Texas: Todd Willingham and Death Penalty

The case of Cameron Todd Willingham was one of the most controversial criminal justice cases handled in Texas. In 2004, the man was charged with the murder of his three young children by arson. In Death by Fire, the PBS crew provides an analysis of the case, with the focus...

Plantation Rules: Slave Labor Management as the Key for Production

Alexander Telfair was an American planter who lived before the Civil War, and the end of slavery. He owned Thorn Island cotton plantation in Savannah, Georgia, and left many papers now collected by the Georgia Historical Society, such as receipts, letters, deeds that show how the land was ruled. Thorn...

Communication Barriers and Process in Business

Introduction Communication is an essential element for an organization to achieve its set goals in the short or long run. It involves the process of sharing information among people to come into an understanding with one another. The communication process consists of seven elements that are sender, encoding, message, medium,...

Nursing Education Analysis

Nursing is known as one of the most stressful career fields, and so is nursing education. To keep the earners motivated but not to turn them away from this career field an educator needs to distinguish the main challenges they face and to avoid the students’ intimidation. Nursing education is...

Evidence-Based Practice Paper of Oral Care

Oral care is a significant component in a set of nursing care activities provided for critically ill ventilator patients, and it needs to be discussed in detail because the provision of effective oral care influences the comfort of patients and their mucosal status. In spite of a range of approaches...

Two Key Models of Legal Decisions

Description of consensus and conflict model Legal decisions are guided by two key models. These incorporate the consensus model that derives its foundation on societal views and the conflict model, which relies on experts to determine concepts and procedures (Newton & Van Deth, 2005). The origin of the two models...

Ethical Decision Making in Nursing

Nursing practice is associated with the need to make evidence-based ethical decisions that may have diverse effects on patients, nurses’ colleagues, and their healthcare facilities. One of the most recent situations related to ethical decision-making involved communication aspects. I administered the medications in accordance with the developed treatment plan for...

The Death of Mothers as Healthcare Challenge

Being one of the greatest miracles of the world, the issue of birth nowadays obtains some other meaning. Unfortunately, very often women die during the period of pregnancy because of a great number of different issues. The given video Birth in Nepal is also connected with this theme. It states...

Healthy People 2030 and the Health Education Code of Ethics

Achievement of Healthy People 2030 objectives is vital for the improvement of the health of the nation. For this reason, today, specialists should be prepared to be ready to function within the proposed framework and facilitate the achievement of the primary goals (Thomas, 2017). Health educators also play an important...

The Meaning of Consciousness

No universal definition of consciousness exists despite numerous attempts by philosophers, scholars, researchers, and even practitioners to formulate it. Defining this concept remains a daunting task because people hold conflicting perspectives on the term (Vithoulkas & Muresanu, 2014). Dehaene et al. (2017) agree by asserting that consciousness has multiple meanings...

Accrual and Cash Basis Accounting: Comparative Analysis

Financial reporting of an organization depends upon the accounting methods it uses. The most common approach, taken by many leading companies is accrual accounting. It is based on the premise that revenues should be recorded and recognized when the product has been delivered to the customer, and when the collectability...

The Irony in: “The Lamp at Noon” by Sinclair Ross

The irony is a literary device that creates a contrast between what readers anticipated and what actually happened in the book. Several authors use such a device to display the problems of relationships between people. For example, Sinclair Ross in his short story The Lamp at Noon employs irony to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Environmental Law and Its Crucial Points

The historical validity of serious consideration of environmental law’s place and role in the modern legal system is quite obvious. This is caused by a significant change in both the concept of environmental law and, at the same time, its place in the system of world law over the past...

The Amur Leopard: A Critically Endangered Species

The Amur Leopard (scientific name: Panthera pardus Orientalis, common names Far East leopard, Manchurian leopard or Korean leopard, the latter because some are supposed to inhabit North Korea.), subject of the video in this critique, bears the dubious distinction as the world’s most endangered of the great cats for being...

Parent’s Education and Child’s Dental Health

Understanding the importance of dental checkups early is one of the key responsibilities of every child’s mother. These checkups would guarantee the dental health of their children throughout their whole life (Vikram, Vanneman, & Desai, 2012). Mothers should realize that these checkups would help prevent numerous dental health issues (including...

Mastering the Interview

Establishing Rapport Several ways can be observed through the buyer-seller prism on how to create a better relationship with the employer during the interview. Primarily, it is vital to show genuine interest by asking questions, opinions, and by listening. Remember that both employer and potential employee are interested in meeting...

Organic NZ Balance Issues Analysis

Organic NZ is based in New Zealand. The company intends to enter the China and Middle Eastern markets with its milk powder product. This paper presents the company financial statement and a marketing plan to penetrate the markets in China and the Middle East. Financial statement Opening entries to set...

Benzodiazepines’ Effects on the Kidney Function

Introduction Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs are useful and sometimes effective in treating symptoms or eliminating the causal agents of different diseases. Accordingly, benzodiazepines and narcotics are designed to achieve different intrinsic effects including muscle relaxation, anxiolytic, sedative /hypnotic, amnesic, and anticonvulsant effects (Lacy et al., 2004, pp. 1-10). Therefore,...

2008 & 2014 Olympics Opening Ceremonies’ Controversy

The Olympics opening ceremonies are extraordinary events that must showcase the hosting country’s traditions, uniqueness, and hospitability. However, some ceremonies stand out not because of their beautiful shows, but due to controversial events. Beijing Olympics in 2008 and Sochi Olympics in 2014 had important issues during their opening ceremonies connected...

National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators

The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) The NDNQI was founded to provide a reference point that could focus on processes, structures, and outcome indicators to assess the care provided by nurses at the setting level. The database has been used successfully to correlate the number of nurses in...

A Practical Report on DNA Fingerprinting

Introduction DNA fingerprinting also known as DNA testing, profiling or testing is used to identify individuals based on their DNA profiles. Although sequences of DNA are commonly found in human beings, profiling of DNA uses variable repeat sequences otherwise known as (VNTR). DNA fingerprinting is applied in some areas which...

Dental Clinic Person-Centered Prevention

Introduction Person-centered care defines a technique focused on more critical elements to the patients and families, such as treatment, support, and care. This method is an approach based on professionalism and a kind of thinking which views social and health services users as partners; in monitoring, developing, and planning clinical...

Data Management in a Medium-Sized Business

Introduction This paper will use a medium-sized business offering highly specialized, high-quality business development education services as an example. Table 1 illustrates how the mixed data can be managed in the company. Keys here are customers’ full names, customers’ identification keys, and their respective sales orders. In the latter, the...

The Impact of Organizational Politics on Employees

Introduction Once in a while, employees working in an organization engage in workplace politics. In most cases, these occurrences arise when some employees tarnish their colleague’s reputations, hoping to receive favors from their seniors. Workplace politics refers to the act or process which encompasses human interactions with power and authority...

Situational Analysis of Apple Inc. Corporation

Description of the Company Apple Inc. is a telecommunications firm that manufacturers sleekly designed communication gadgets such as iPhones, iPads, PCs, iMacs, and other software offerings that work together with telecommunication devices. Apple Inc is headquartered in Cupertino, California with over 350 retail stores globally (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012)....

Mind Control: Ethics of the Experiment

Maintaining ethical integrity in scientific experiments is central to the credibility of the outcome and the well-being of the participants, which is why the research linked to the topics of mind control and free will has always been seen as a morally grey area in terms of its research potential....

Single-Parent Families: Source Analysis

Single-parent families have been a controversial topic for an extended period of time. The family variation became so prevalent that it gained the attention of a wide variety of people starting from scholars and ending with online journalists. Multiple sources can be found on the Internet that attempts to analyze...

Movie Reflection – “Contagion” by Steven Soderbergh

“Contagion” is an electrifying medical film that was produced in 2011. Throughout the plot of the movie, it is vivid that fomite is a dangerous agent that transmits and spreads a deadly virus. Besides, public health officials and medical experts make every attempt to control the rapid spread of the...

The Florida Mental Health Act

The article written by David Shestokas (2012) is aimed at examining the implications of the Florida Mental Health Act. It should be noted that this law enables the involuntary psychiatric examination and possible detention of a person. This action is legitimate in those cases when an individual can pose a...

An Unlawful and Unintentional Killing

Unlawful and unintentional killing of a person is “Manslaughter”. Reckless driving and automobiles accidents are examples. It can be “voluntary” and “involuntary”. It depends on the defendant’s intention at the time killing occurred. Though Frank’s intention to hit Tom’s car was intentional, in order to destroy his new car, he...

Free Association and Restrictive Professional Standards

One of the rights granted by the Constitution of the USA is the right to free association between individuals and groups (Batchis, 2012). Even though this right is stated to be technically absent in the Constitution, it is legally protected by the First Amendment. This was confirmed in several Supreme...

The US Response to the Terrorism Threats

“Where the tactics of the weak confound the tactics of the strong?” (Wilson and Kempfer, 2003). The statement “where the tactics of the weak confound the tactics of the strong” is used for the new non-technical tactics used by terrorists to make an attack. The devices used in the 9...

The Works of Photographer Steve McCurry: Consequences of the War

Introduction The launch of Steve McCurry’s career occurred when he disguised as a native person and entered Afghanistan through Pakistan right before the Soviet Invasion was to happen. He saved photographic documentation of the event, and these images were published worldwide showing the conflict. Steve McCurry kept covering armed battles,...

The Role of Chief Information Officers in Healthcare

The role of a chief information officer (CIO) is crucial for many organizations. In healthcare, a sphere that is constantly changing and stays vital for society at any time, CIOs must not only adapt to transitions but ensure that technology and information processes benefit the patient and health care providers....

Concept of Labour Mixture: Interpretations and Arguments

Locke argued that in the ‘natural state’ the human original condition, every person had an equal right to ownership and use of natural resources that were provided by the “spontaneous hand of nature” (Locke, 2005, sect. 25). The earth was commonly owned; however, resources are not useful for human survival...

Defining Workplace Harassment and Its Harmful Effects

What did you learn about workplace harassment that impacted you to know? Workplace harassment can take many forms but is always discriminatory and harmful. Abusive behavior results in adverse effects for companies, affecting productivity, morale, and turnover rates, and employees, impacting their physical and mental health (Bader et al., 2018)....

Anova Statistical Analysis: Analysis of Variance

Anova Definition Analysis of variance is a statistical tool performed to outline whether the means of two or more different techniques differ in terms of their approach (Singh, 2018) Today’s overwhelming number of techniques applicable to data analysis makes it extremely difficult to define the most beneficial approach while considering...

Belarusian Company AIMatters: Business Analysis

Introduction In the late summer of 2017, it became known that Google acquired the Belarusian company AIMatter that is engaged in developments in the field of computer vision. The most famous project of the company is the application of Fabby that allows changing the background for photos. The technology is...

Environmental Security and Environmental Degradation Consequences

There is an intricate link connecting environmental degradation, poverty, and political instability around the world in contemporary times. These factors combine to form an insidious relationship when realised from the general perspective of world events. Poverty and the environment intersect at various points. On the one hand, poverty and inequality...

Job Creation Principles: Satisfying Jobs and Job Crafting

Satisfying Jobs Organizations need to create and design jobs that are satisfying to every individual employee. This strategy is essential since the targeted workers will remain involved and focus on the outlined mission and vision statements. They will feel empowered and apply their competencies to maximize the level of business...

The Rise of Criminological Conflict Theory

Sykes identified three key factors and events associated with them to explain the emergence of conflict theory in science and its spread. These factors are associated with a change in the United States’ political context, which led to people’s doubts and criticism of authorities’ decisions and words. These factors distinguished...

“Bariatric Surgery v. Conventional Medical Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes” by Mingrone

This paper is a critical analysis of the article authored by Mingrone et al. (2012), titled, which is titled: “Bariatric surgery versus conventional medical therapy for type 2 diabetes.” Mingrone et al. (2012) wanted to compare traditional medical therapy and bariatric surgery in the cure of diabetes mellitus type 2....

“What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and “War Dances” by Sherman Alexie

Sherman Alexie’s short stories “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and “War Dances” portray two native American men, who lead different lives, yet whose narratives share common features and explore similar topics. In the first story, the reader witnesses a day of a homeless person in Seattle who spots family...

Evidence-Based Practice: The Dissemination of Information

Disseminating Evidence to the Key Stakeholders The most critical phase of implementing the evidence-based practice (EBP) entails the dissemination of information. According to Polit and Beck (2008), the purpose of the EBP is to incorporate scientific evidence into clinical practice. It is imperative to ensure the continuous flow of information...

Business and Medical Journal Content Review

Journals, just like other scholarly works are of different types. They are classified according to their areas of specialization with the main classifications being scholarly journals and practitioner journals. There are those journals that are ranked because of the kind of articles that they publish. This paper reviews contents of...

Social Aspects of Adulthood in Different Countries

Introduction Human societies have varied traditions for handling old and incapacitated individuals. For instance, the ancient communities, such as the Ik based in Uganda, typically left the disabled and the old to starve to death (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2019). Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2019) attribute these practices, i.e., the abandonment of...

The Phenomenon of Racism

Racism is a multilevel phenomenon that, unfortunately, is quite common in the modern world. Despite the development of technology and the amount of knowledge about the world, many people are still subjected to racial discrimination. This inhibits the processes leading to social harmony and mutual respect. In addition, racism causes...

Decision Tree Analysis and Genetic Algorithm Methods Application in Healthcare

In data mining, the decision tree analysis is used to determine the best choice from various viable options. Through this process, researchers and managers get an opportunity to evaluate the risks, benefits and inconsistencies associated with the decisions. The first step is structuring the problems or issues being faced by...

International Relations Professionals in Government

Introduction International relations is a field of study that focuses on understanding the relationships between different nations and cultures that impact politics, economics, and international governments. The comprehension of these processes allows scientists to evaluate the strategies, predetermine the outcomes, and uncover possible behavior patterns that can help guide organizational...

‘Some Issues in the Indexing of Images’: Cataloging Classic

In her journal ‘Some Issues in the Indexing of Images’, Sara Shatford explores the issues which are pertinent in indexing a pictorial representation or an image. The journal postulates that indexing should be based on image attributes and should give access to significant image groups instead of only specific images....

Criminological Theory: Crime Theories and Criminal Behavior

Crime Theories and Criminal Justice Policies The concept of crime was created and promoted by people to evaluate their behaviors and responsibilities, as well as to maintain control and order. To gain a better understanding of crimes, it was necessary to introduce theories and follow changes through different times in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Manual Therapy as a Commendable Healing Agent

Introduction What is Manual Therapy? Manual therapy, as defined by Hinz and Gabbiani (2010), entails hands-on physical remedies intent on facilitating relaxation, tissue repair, stability, pain contraction, and Range of Motion increment. Manipulative Therapists employ consummate techniques to redress patients’ disabilities, musculoskeletal pain, and soft tissue inflammations (Poonam, Jasuja, Sehgal...

Sexual Assault and Pedophilia. Typologies

Introduction To understand adolescent sex offenders completely depends upon the methods which are used to recognize and take care of adult sex offenders. The very uncommon way of classifying these sex offenders is based upon whom they victimize. The two most familiar groups are rapist and child molester (Eric W....

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Impact

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed by Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. This federal statute is aimed at reforming the existing health care and insurance systems of the United States within four years to improve the quality of the health care services and make them...

Prospective Payment System in Medicine

Prospective payment systems are seen as an alternative to retrospective payment systems. Retrospective payment systems suppose that insurance companies pay healthcare providers based on their actual charges (Harrington, 2020). The most common type of retrospective payment systems is fee-for-service plans, in which the hospital provided a detailed bill based on...

The Nursing Shortage: Analysis of the Problem

In every organization, whether service, goods, public or private, human resources are required for an effective operation. Broadly health care industry, human resources teams contain physicians, doctors, nurses, and administrative staff; shortage of either of the category affects the efficiency and quality of service offered (Bruce & Fottler, 2005). According...

The Social Care Services and Their Role in Social Policies

Social care is a profession. In this profession people work with the other people who have some needs, who are practicing marginalisation. These services are mainly offered to children, people who are physical disable, and older people. People who don’t have home, alcohol or drug addicted persons also use these...

The Central Tendency of Pain Measurement Principles

The central tendency of pain measurement principles was used in the study to outline the general tendency and aspects of pain management in public health care these are the data, associated with medical statistics, and the given data represents the amount of addiction, caused by the violation of pain management...

Defining Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination

Discrimination is usually defined as a negative attitude towards other people based on prejudices and stereotypes regarding their gender or ethnicity. Stereotypes represent convictions regarding a particular community that is fixed in society. The primary distinction between a stereotype and a prejudice is that the former is based on experience...

Environmental Protection: Non-Equilibrium-Plasma-Assisted MNO2 Filter Efficiency

Environmental problems acquire the top priority today because of the emergence of multiple issues associated with the given sphere. The continuously growing number of vehicles is one of the factors that contribute to the deterioration of the situation. The selected article revolves around the given issue and offers one of...

Walmart Effect: Discovery of the Company’s Economy

This essay will examine the discovery of the economy of Walmart, an American retail corporation. The Walmart Effect is a term that refers to the impact that large companies such as Walmart make on local businesses (Kenton, 2019). The effect usually leads to the reduction of wages for employees’ competitors...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Apple Customer Satisfaction: Anticipating Customer Needs

Anticipating customer needs is imperative for businesses willing to grow their market share. In highly competitive markets, the ability to meet customers’ evolving needs with each new product is among the main predictors of business success. The technology sector is an excellent example of a market where companies have to...

Exploring the Evolution of Fungi: Ancient Origins

Fungi have ancient origins: the most recent evidence suggests that they appeared as early as one billion years ago. However, the fossil record available now is scarce and inconclusive, which makes scientists rely on mapping the evolutionary relationships of fungi using biochemical characters. The commonality found in fungal groups is...

Holography Review: Description, History, and Applications

The main features of holography Holography is the science of making holograms A method of recording an interference pattern The method is based on wavefronts diffraction Holographic devices can record three-dimensional information The result is a hologram (Shimobaba, & Ito, 2019) The main features of holograms An image received through...

Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?

Photography has become a true art like cinema, theatre, sculpture, and others. However, it has its own particularities: for example, it is possible to immortalize no more than a second, and there is no way to make any changes in the shot. What is more, it is necessary to mention...

Biology: Application of the Holobiont in Humans

Introduction When it comes to the formation of a unique environmental unit, a holobiont can link an individual host to a variety of interactive microorganisms, and microbiota (Bachmann et al. 2017). According to Casadevall and Pirofski (2014), the holobiont relationship explores the connection between microbiome and microbiota. Microbiomes refer to...

Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms

Cryptographic Basis of Encryption Encryption is the process of converting data into a coded format for security and confidentiality purposes. This process is achieved by passing data through a predetermined set of mathematical formulae known as encryption algorithms. The most commonly used techniques of data encryption include symmetric and asymmetric...

Benchmarking as Risk Management

Benchmarking is a largely new concept in the healthcare industry. Benchmarking is also a tool of management that can be used to accomplish several goals. There is no standard definition for benchmarking but the concept underlines “the process of collecting and analyzing data to identify trends in performance, and when...

“Charlottesville: Race and Terror”: Fighting for Rights

The recent conflicts sparked due to the violent actions of the police against African American citizens have been tearing the American community asunder, leading to multiple protests and collisions between the representatives of different political groups. Most importantly, the problem of the Black community’s voice not being heard due to...

Obesity Treatment – More Than Food

The proponents of the study, Anders Lindelof, Claus Nielsen, and Birthe Pedersen wanted to explore how obese adolescents, and their parents view obesity. This qualitative study is a good example of phenomenological–hermeneutic approach. The researchers developed a qualitative study based on the phenomenological approach, because they examined real life situations....

Conflict Management Issues

Husemann, K., Ladstaetter, F., & Leudicke, M. (2015). Conflict culture and conflict management in consumption companies. Psychology and Marketing, 32(3), 265-284. The selected study focuses on the investigation of conflict culture that emerges in consumption companies. The researchers assume that conflict management is an integral element in the functioning of...

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Healthcare Research and Social Change Relationship

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Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” Review

In her short story “The Storm,” Kate Chopin was undoubtedly interested in presenting more to her audience than simple stories regarding simple country folk. Although there is little room in a short story for the full development of several individuals, significant insights regarding the multiple emotions of characters can often...

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Business Scope in Global Logistics

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Cultural Analysis of the Ancient Rome

The culture of ancient Rome had evolved during the entire history of the Roman Empire that spanned about 1200 years. The Roman Empire during its peak covered a vast area from Morocco to the Euphrates and from Scotland to North Africa (Staneart, Chuck, et al, 1992). Ancient Rome had a...

Three New Original Future Retails Forms or Retail Combinations

Introduction Retail forms or combinations are money spinners for owners and shareholders, but carry a high degree of security and monitoring risks. A certain portion of profits of such businesses is eroded by damages, pilferages, storage losses, and lowered inventory controls, resulting in decay and wastage of items, especially certain...

Role of Financial Manager in Company

A financial manager in an organization is the individual who, following the accepted principles and processes of accounting, is charged with the duty of managing the organizations’ financial programs, tasks, and systems in the general areas of accounting, staff payroll, the accounts payables of the organization. He also has the...

“Psycho”: A Psychological Thriller by Alfred Hitchcock

Psycho is a 1960 American psychological thriller directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock. The film is universally considered to be iconic for film culture and a staple of the thriller or horror genre, introducing many elements of filmmaking that are utilized to this day. With Psycho, Hitchcock broke both social...

Stock Market Boom in the Us in 1920s: Financial Bubble

In recent time, there has been a grave financial problem due to financial bubble. There are specific reasons for financial bubble. Eugene mentions, “the demand for credit to buy stock pulled funds into the market, forcing a major reallocation of credit in the money and capital markets.” (Eugene, p. 76)...

Misconceptions of Gender and Migration Issues

The article “Misconceptions of Gender: Sex, Masculinity, and the Measurement of Crime” by J.W., Cohen, and J. Harvey analysis the problem of misconceptions related to crime and disobedience. The authors claim that previous studies lack a theoretical bass paying attention to statistical numbers only. By submitting the process of procreation...

The Problem of Insomnia: Symptoms and Treatment

Nowadays insomnia which means one’s having difficulties with falling and staying asleep is a widespread problem. According to Buysse, Rush, and Reynolds (2017), intermittent sleep or too early awakenings are also considered to be the symptoms of the disease. However, it should be mentioned that these signs are regarded as...

Google Strengths and Weaknesses: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Corporates use SWOT analysis as a tool for making decisive and strategic decisions that are essential for the stability of the company in the long run. In fact, SWOT analysis is the most reliable tool managers utilize to come up with the best marketing decisions. SWOT is an abbreviation...

Elementary School Departmentalization: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction The profession of a teacher requires the constant exploring and development of knowledge. A teacher needs to be skilled in the implementation of the teaching methods, techniques, and ideas according to the conditions and situations. It is extremely interesting to investigate the educational approaches that could benefit both teachers...

History of Slavery: Slaves and Servants in Virginia

The history of slavery in Virginia traces back to the 1600s, as it was found as the colony of the English through the London Virginia Company. The latter created a headright system that would allow and encourage colonists arriving in Virginia to bring servants on indenture to conduct labor in...

Nursing Evolution Analysis: Challenges and Changes in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a multifaceted profession that requires commitment and constant personal development from anyone who makes the decision to follow this professional path. Education is the first step toward excellence in the nursing field. Modern educational systems draw on liberal education concepts that highlight the empowerment of individuals with broad...

Modified Values of American Society in U.S. History

Most Americans would argue that there is no definitive set of values they possess. They believe that everyone is unique, so making such generalizations might be wrong and offensive. In fact, it proves that non-conformity and individualism are some of the core American values. Looking back at the history of...

Description of Learning Disabilities and Learning Strategies

Learning may be defined as a permanent change in the individual’s behavior and knowledge due to experience. Any person learns to walk and speak; he or she subsequently receives knowledge in school and at work. Children may learn more quickly in comparison with adults. First, as a part of its...